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bayoubashsims · 2 years ago
The Reedswoman
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Sarkawi or known as Nek Eurih (Reed Grandmother) was the last elder of the Kulawu sect that worshipped the spirits of the woods. Villagers would often see her in the outskirts, carrying bundles of reed with her wooden staff from the wilderness.
She would still often appear many years after she died, hobbling around with her large, twisted feet, appearing down a dirt path by the reed patches of the swamp, or from the depths of the oldest trees of leuweung geledegan (the oldest areas of the forest protected by the village elders).
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She had passed on her knowledge of the dark arts to someone else knowing that her sect was to face imminent persecution under the Dutch government in the early 20th century. She lived out the rest of her years in the woods, gathering reeds and communing with the spirits until she became one herself
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Seeing her is a bad omen. She's always walking towards you, never the other way around. She represents fate, as was destined for you. Whatever path you choose, she will still go your way, and you have no choice but to face her.
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"Eeh, budak bageur..."
'Hello, good child' she would say, nodding and grinning as she sees you down the path. It would be so easy to mistake her for any other old lady.
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"Wilujeng patepang deui..."
'Good to see you again' she would say, as you pass her by. You've never met her before, and you'll probably never see her again.
And then you remember.
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pradnyanaiswara · 2 years ago
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wondering doggy
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kmandala · 14 days ago
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cinews-id · 1 month ago
Viral di Medsos Pejabat ASN di Lingkup Pemkab Kuningan Sawer-sawer Uang
KUNINGAN, Cinews.id – Viral di media sosial video seorang pejabat ASN di Lingkup Pemkab Kuningan, sawer-sawer uang dalam sebuah acara pesta dengan masih mengenakan pakaian dinas dan ditenggarai masih di jam kerja. Menurut informasi yang diterima Cinews.id, ASN itu merupakan pejabat Dinkes Kuningan, yang hadir dalam acara tasyakuran Bupati Terpilih. Terlihat dalam video yang beredar, ASN itu…
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niadinet · 3 months ago
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crnyy · 3 months ago
Jual obat herbal untuk paru-paru termanjur di Kuningan 082338796966
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Sering mengalami gangguan pernapasan atau masalah pada paru-paru? Propolis Mubaarok hadir sebagai solusi herbal alami untuk menjaga kesehatan paru-paru Anda!Propolis Mubaarok terbuat dari propolis pilihan yang kaya akan antioksidan dan antibakteri, membantu membersihkan paru-paru, memperkuat sistem pernapasan, dan melindungi dari infeksi.
Herbal ini aman dikonsumsi, bebas bahan kimia, dan efektif untuk mendukung kesehatan paru-paru jangka panjang.Bayangkan bernapas lebih lega dan paru-paru yang terlindungi dari polusi dan infeksi. Propolis Mubaarok telah dipercaya oleh banyak orang untuk mengatasi masalah paru-paru dan menjaga sistem pernapasan tetap sehat.
Dengan manfaat alami dari propolis, Anda bisa merasakan perlindungan yang kuat setiap hari.Jaga kesehatan paru-paru Anda dengan cara alami! Pesan Propolis Mubaarok sekarang dan rasakan manfaatnya untuk sistem pernapasan yang lebih kuat. Dapatkan harga spesial untuk pembelian pertama Anda!
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pearlofgodess · 6 months ago
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pusatstikerhologram · 8 months ago
Jual Stiker Hologram Berkualitas, Siap Kirim Ke Kabupaten Kuningan
Jual Stiker Hologram Berkualitas, Siap Kirim ke Kabupaten Kuningan Bagi Anda pelaku usaha di Kabupaten Kuningan, kini tersedia solusi keamanan dan estetika produk dengan Stiker Hologram berkualitas dari kami. Kami siap melayani pesanan dan mengirimkan langsung ke kecamatan dan kelurahan di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan, termasuk: Kecamatan Cilimus Kecamatan Ciawigebang Kecamatan…
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lantaivinylspcflooring · 8 months ago
Jasa Poles Lantai Profesioanal , Telp 0882 1559 3055 Kuningan
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Jasa Poles Lantai Profesioanal , Telp 0882 1559 3055 Kuningan
Zona Tukang adalah solusi terbaik untuk Anda yang membutuhkan jasa poles lantai profesional. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industri ini, kami dapat memberikan layanan terbaik untuk membersihkan, menghaluskan, dan menggilapkan lantai Anda dengan hasil yang memuaskan.
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yaudahgituaja · 10 months ago
Mengenal Lebih Dekat Kopi Tebing Bersama Forum Penikmat Kopi
Ya Udah Gitu Aja – Makna mendalam dari filosofi kopi juga dapat ditemukan dalam kesederhanaannya. Kopi memberikan pengalaman yang mendalam melalui rasa yang autentik, tanpa tambahan yang berlebihan. Ini menjadi pengingat bahwa kehidupan yang sederhana seringkali mengandung keindahan yang sebenarnya. Selain itu, ritual menyeduh kopi sendiri menjadi sebuah seni yang dihargai. Dalam proses ini,…
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bayoubashsims · 2 years ago
The Woodcutter
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Sarwani was something of a bogeyman to the children of Paterosari for many generations. It was said that he was a man driven mad from delving deeply into the dark arts, said to be taught by his wicked grandmother.
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On the full moon, he would howl at the sky and yell "Ratu urang, Ratu Wilhelmina!" A monarchist praise to the bygone era of the Dutch colonialism that showed how he was from another era.
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But indeed, he was quite real. He was the last living member of the Kulawu sect that worshipped the spirits of the woods, and up until the 1960s when he was last seen, he was known as a rambling vagrant who would trade firewood with cigarettes from the villagers. Give him money and he would spit at you.
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Many have heard of him, some have actually heard him, but few people today remembered seeing him when he was alive. The elders would recall the old man with his cart of branches, sitting on a stump in front of a small fire with his axe resting beside him, smoking a cigarette. You would walk past him as he looked deep into the dancing fire.
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These days, you could sometimes still see him if you've wandered too far. Seeing him is a good omen, though unfortunately, he does not appear very often.
He often appears to those who are lost or those whose lives are important enough to be reminded:
"Eling..." He would say. Be aware.
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sfdghbsdfhgjjk · 1 year ago
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kmandala · 14 days ago
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fromdawntotwilight · 1 year ago
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4 September 2023
Perjalanan kereta Jakarta-Cirebon-Kuningan.
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niadinet · 5 months ago
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kbanews · 1 year ago
Relawan ANIES Kuningan Adakan Dapur Umum Gratis untuk Kenalkan AMIN
JAKARTA | KBA – Untuk mengakrabkan Paslonpres Koalisi Perubahan Anies Baswedan- Muhimin Iskandar (AMIN), Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Simpul Relawan Aliansi Nasional Sejahtera Indonesia (ANIES) Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat membuka Dapur Umum Gratis. Kegiatan ini dilakukan setiap hari Sabtu dan ini merupakan yang keempat kalinya. Ketua DPD ANIES Kuningan Haji Ayip menyatakan hal itu kepada KBA…
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