#kung lao has never been arrogant you guys only know him by 1 fucking game
arttrampbelle · 1 year
Cw: vent ahead.
About kung lao and the fucking fans here who grossly misinterpreted his character.
The next time someone calls kung lao an arrogant asshole. Imma tell them look in the mirror.
Idgaf if you say it "lovingly" no. That is wrong. Thats not how he is.
And dont you fucking pea brains dare call him that way evvvvvverrrr!
He never was that way nrs and its fucking dev team just fucking hates asian men i swear.
And you guys are stupid to not see that.
He never was that way. Play the older games and tell me if he is. You can see how they butchered him.
Being proud of where you come from and to represent an order of light is not the fucking same as being "arrogant"
Trying to honor your dead ancestor who was brutally murdered in kombat in the most dishonorable way,and then your family tries to mold you into how they see you instead of how they are. Plus are homophobic to your nephew/younger family member. IS NOT FUCKING ARROGANT!!!!!!!!!!!
Having skills and backing them up,taunting in the game is not "arrogance" because everyone does it. They just are jerks to lao. For no reason. When they are doing THE SAME FUCKING THING. OH BUT BECAUSE THEY SAID IT DIFFERENTLY,IT'S SOMEHOW OK?!!!! what kinda horseshit is that?! That's fucking gaslighting if i saw it.
He knows he can die,he knows he did die,and he still put himself on the line thru Mortal kombat every time despite everything against him.
Liu kang also always saw him as equal,they grew up together,trained with the same masters,know the same techniques,and are BOTH SHAOLIN WARRIOR MONKS!
(Dont come at me with that "but they shouldn't be doing that. Thats against Buddhist beliefs" well so is killing. Thats the biggest "sin" . Yet mk,they do a loooot of killing. So yeah. The order of the white lotus and the temples made BOTH liu and lao an exception for the temple to be protected both thru the sacred act of mortal kombat and any potential threats. Aka they the temples guardians,high masters,and "ace in the hole" so to speak. So miss me with the crap here.)
Nrs butchered kung lao to uplift liu kang and others.
Gamewise. Lao was the easiest to master,people got good,and fanboys are fucking salty still.
Lore and storywise. They hate seeing him win,succeeding,etc for some fucking reason.
Kung lao has been done dirty in the narrative,by fans,and by game devs.
Again,i haven't played this game for yeeeears and mained this character for yeaaaaars in many games for you to come on here,talking shit about my dude.
The next time i see you call him an arrogant asshole. Imma ask you to kindly fuck off.
You can miss me with that shit.
Sincerely a fucking fan whos been a fan for many years tired of new fans talking shit about things they don't even know anything about other than aesthetics,hype and ships.
Fr cuz im sick of that. I know some of you are new. But plz for the love of god,fucking do your research first before you spout bullshit about a character that means just a bit more to me than you thinking their "hot"
Play the older games. Then fucking come back to me about kung lao.
Im pissed.
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