revealtruth · 7 years
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❛ That’s a lot of leather. ❜  he commented, posture relaxed and confidant despite the threat in front of him. it was slightly deceiving, the way joker held himself. the confidence and arrogance was all genuine, but he was ready to jump back and defend himself or slide into combat at a moment’s notice.   ❛ Are you some kind of night club performer? ❜   it didn’t stop him from making fun of the man a little first, though.
◢┊ @kukanorrow〈 starter. 〉
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praestigii-a · 7 years
If i recall in the one cutscene in DDD, we see Braig in the computer room with even and Ienzo on the floor fading, before Braig loses his heart and falls to the ground ( but he goes on to become rank II even though he seems to of been the last one who went down? Its harder to determine for Ael and Dil since it seems to of happened to them off screen ) So maybe Ienzo did take a little while longer then the others to awaken as a nobody? How their ranked tbh is a little odd ( part 1 )
but then there's the odd bit where even tho even and ienzo seemed to of lost their hearts at the same time - their ranked as following " Vexen , Lexeus, Zexion " While Xaldin is before Vexen ( and xig is obviously second ) Unless Xemnas ranked them out of order ( so Xig ended up second, since Xig knows whats up and stuff ) or for whatever reasons?? To control what sort of rank / power they'd have??? This has me rather curious now how the ranking system actually works hmm
Fun fact: I was thinking about that very cutscene when I originally posted that and yet somehow completely overlooked the fact that we see Even and Ienzo on the floor and Xehanort then stabs Braig. Thanks for pointing that out to me lmao, idk what my brain was doing.
I think I probably ignored Braig because like you said, Xig knows what’s up. He’s in cahoots with Master Xehanort so it makes sense for him to be number two.
I’ve always thought the ranking of the original six was made up because technically they joined/created the Organization (as they knew it) together. But it could be any reason, rank or power or maybe just one more thing for Xemnas to use to manipulate them, who knows? Or maybe it is the stabbing order aside from Braig—though idk how that would work regarding Aeleus and Dilan since it’d mean Dilan is actually the one who was stabbed first and??? There’s probably no real logic or reason behind this, I’m just overthinking it aren’t I.
Personally I rather like the idea of Ienzo taking a little while longer to make it, I might make it an official headcanon tbh.
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invertxgo · 7 years
✨ [ try and give fashion advice to a twin ]
Send a ‘✨’ for my muse to dress yours for a fabulous event!
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xdualhoundx · 7 years
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thekeybladehero-a · 7 years
“Oh great. It’s you again!” He’d just about had enough of these Organization guys! How the heck did they always pop up where he was, anyway? He wasn’t dreaming and he didn’t have any sigil on his chest for them to track him this time around. They must be here for something different ... Nothing good, probably.  “Whatever it is you’re here to do -- think again before I make you royally eat dirt! Again.”
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flameflurry-blog · 7 years
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          ‘ you know, i always wondered how you ended up here, Xigbar. a lot of us have bad stories about how we got here, but you... none of us have heard yours. ‘ / @kukanorrow ♥’d.
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kyberled · 7 years
replied to your
all these posts abt the new trailer are makin’ me...
[ Joins in the chanting ]
oh my god have i started a cult
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arpeggxo · 7 years
( I hope you don't mind me saying - but YCC - as in yorkshire cosplay con? I'm just a bit curious since, that was the con I had gone to this weekend on both days - but sorry if this is a bit? Really out of the blue ' v ' ;;; )
Yes! That’s the one! I’d actually been asking around on here to see if anyone else was going to it too beforehand. OTL Did you cosplay as anyone? Maybe I saw you around? 
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asiifisms · 7 years
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@kukanorrow asked for an aesthetic for our boys :’)
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hitspark · 7 years
For the meta thing...what about friendship bracelets or something along the lines similar to them? Like, trinkets Sora could share between friends or if friendship is shown through mental or physical form. ( this is odd but? I guess friendship and how he views it basically? ;; )
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WELL – okay so, this is a little strange but I noticed that (unless I’m forgetting something major in how tiRED I AM) Sora very rarely – if at all – instigates the usage of good luck charms/friendship motifs: it’s always either Kairi, or something is given significance after he’s discovered it. This way, he does of course end up using them, but something tells me that’s not his “style” – or at least it wasn’t during the course of KH2. I genuinely think carrying around reminders of friends he’s desperately trying to return to would do more harm than good, since he feels homesickness on such a visceral level, and literally wants nothing more than to BE THERE already. On lighter levels, like the Restoration Committee Membership Card (’cause i headcanon he’d get that back after using it as a key for Hollow Bastion’s world) would be fine—-they’re all completely surrounding friends he’s met on these travels and therefore the only way to see them again is to CONTINUE on his way and loop round to them again. I love Sora getting little treats and charms from his other-world friends – it’s a really cute way to remember everyone! With Kairi’s good luck charm, however, he usually refers back to it in times of hardship, and I think there’s a genuine sadness in remembering the reason he has it on him.     –When he’s at home and everything’s cool, I believe he enjoys making something /with/ someone more than sitting alone to do it, and he’d much sooner pull up a story or a memory between them rather than a physical object. He does truly cherish all that he’s given—-don’t get me wrong, and his room is absolutely littered with them, but he himself is not artistically driven, and it won’t always occur to him to make a gift when he’d much rather make something happen.
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xdualhoundx · 7 years
@kukanorrow | Cont. from; xxx
“Yeah, I’m sure. We haven’t done it in forever, Xig. I’d love to watch the sky with ya again, if you’d be down for it.” The Remnant is already perched on his bike, a fond smile worn on his visage as his gaze settles upon the Freeshooter, who seems so---uncertain. “I promise I won’t drive too fast this time.
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So---wanna do it?” One arm has pulled back, and he’s scooched back a few inches, leaving a sizeable space for his awkward lover in front of him.
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memesoon · 7 years
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“It appears that Pepe has rendered you speechless.”
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kyberled · 7 years
replied to your
Heat haze days au’s are good aus
Bry every single time you message me you give me another reason to love you
I think I need to call the cops no one person should be that amazing
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arpeggxo · 7 years
@kukanorrow continued from x
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The challenge to his abilities is all Demyx needs for him to turn the harsh glare on the Freeshooter. A small glimpse of his true integrity, icy, cruel and disdainful. Oh, the Nocturne knew the limits of his powers sure enough. One too many irksome dusks in his quarters had proven as much. Encased within water, even beings lacking hearts needed the air to breath, and what were they but larger, more intelligent dusks? 
Then, almost as quickly as it showed, the look was gone with a sigh as the blonde slumped back in his chair, hand waving the other off in tired dismissal. “There no reasoning with her. She’s points knives at me if I so much as talk to her.” An inability to talk to the Nymph, well that certainly did not trouble Demyx. Is meagre existence had been far easier prior to Larxene’s introduction to their ranks. No, he simply would have preferred to be done with her for good.
Electric and water simply were not destined to get along. It wasn’t in their nature. 
“You’re probably right. She’d come back just to spite me.” And Demyx certainly did not want Larxene’s ghost to haunt his non-existence. 
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antaci-blog · 7 years
( I think everyone ends up in this boat at some point. )
can you like  -- tell him to stop being so weirdly likeable
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