#kujo sadao
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makiswirl · 9 months ago
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even more jojo doods from the past few days :]
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chronicyappper · 5 months ago
saw a hc that Jotaro's dad is serious and stoic so Jotaro went after him but I think it's funnier if Sadao is a soft sweetheart just like Holly and Jotaro went after Lisa Lisa
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gothearts · 2 years ago
God, I love your idea of the JoJo's love interests being warriors too! Please do also Sadao Kujo and Jotaro's wife! Oh, also Holly! She needs more love (and also someone that explores how her stand actually works)
Thank you so much! I'm going to need a bit to think on Sadao, so that will come later. As for Holly...
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Here you go! I live for the idea of Holly being a total mama bear. She's the biggest sweetheart in the world until you mess with her baby. Dio had better watch out.
As for how her stand works, I don't have it ironed out yet. But I really like the concept of her being the healer of the group because of her gentle nature. I'm unsure of how it works. Maybe the blossoms distribute some sort of pollin, dunno! I just think that her and Josuke having similar abilities in that department would be cute..
And Bonus:
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I'll have more on Jotaro's wife later. I have been plans for her! Thank you for the suggestions!!
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jojos-in-a-basket · 3 months ago
Jotaro is musically inclined. He has perfect pitch and has a knack for remembering songs. When he was little, his dad loved playing songs he wrote to little Jotaro, who was both his biggest fan and greatest critic.
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mxs-space · 7 months ago
Can someone please explain to me where does in the glinting hell come from the idea that Jotaro’s father was ABSENT???
Man leaves the country for 50 days and he suddenly turns into Ging Freecss????
Did I miss something during my watch of part 3?
Sadao was in tour during SDC but an artist doesn’t tour every year. And even, nothing says that he never brings Holly and Jotaro. Those two never even said something about him being absent (except if I did miss a dialog).
His lack of importance/impact is probably because Araki didn’t want him to have an impact/importance, and reinforce the fact that Holly doesn’t want to worry the one she loves.
Maybe his absence in sdc triggered you? Maybe you wanted an excuse to explain Jotaro’s bad parenting decisions (because HE was an absent father)?
Or did I really MISSED SOMETHING??????
Please I’m open to discussion I’m really trying to understand
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deusluxuria · 4 months ago
one of my most fucked up headcanons is basically: jotaro's dad is a really really horrible person (no i will not go into detail atm lol). anyway, holly doesn't know, and jotaro intends to keep it that way to protect her happiness. jotaro has told abdul and kakyoin about it. kakyoin threatens to torment and kill his dad, and he's dead serious, but jotaro begs him not to do anything because he has a plan.
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hotfudgecherryrosy · 9 months ago
Nobody talks about how funny jotaros dad is when u think about it
1. He marries an old money girl
2. gets mansion a in japan presumably through her/her dad
3. Has a kid
4. Fucks off to play jazz forever instead of chilling in his mansion with his hot wife
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rohansoutsidemydoor · 2 years ago
You cannot change my mind that Sadao and Holly make the
"I''m a TRANSparent" joke to jotaro
you cannot stope me
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inhumanetrash · 2 years ago
Holly cause she deserves her stand 🙏
In my au where my ocs bully sadao she does lmao
I mean its set after sdc BUT shes able to change the destructive energy into a good one after dio dies or smth
She just needed to see her pathetic jazz husband be bullied
Also my design for Sadao
He’s constantly on a verge of panic
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cosmic--dandelion · 1 year ago
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The boys having a night out. That's Jotaro's dad jamming out near the window.
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makiswirl · 9 months ago
what is UP my guys new multichapter parts 3-6 jotaro kujo character study lore fic just dropped
“...Jotaro,” his mother asks eventually, strained, after a few minutes of silence. “Is… there something happening at school that I don’t know about?”
Jotaro's thumb grazes over his knuckles, still bruised from last week. He's not entirely sure what to tell her. He doesn’t want to be a burden. Even if he told her, he thinks, she wouldn’t be able to do much at all.
He assumes that what’s actually been happening will die down after today regardless.
“No,” he finally decides. “Nothing’s wrong, Mom. I’m alright.”
-- Jotaro’s life had already been messy before Egypt, to an extent. It certainly only makes sense that it’d get worse afterwards. It just wasn't really in a way that he would've considered normal prior to it.
Not that it’s anyone’s fault, he thinks, but his own.
Word Count: (Ch. 1) - 4,498
Rating: Teen (warnings in first author’s note: ‘suicidal thoughts/tendencies, racism, harassment, violence, implied mention of SA/pedophilia (on minor character). will tag/warn appropriately as chapters are updated’)
Fandom(s): ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure  
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hylianane · 1 month ago
I have an opinion about Holly Kujo and I’m a little scared cause I dont know the Jojo fandom enough to come in with what I think is a hot take.
I’ve noticed that, in fanworks, a lot of people portray Holly as tougher than she is in the show. And it makes sense, cause the idea of her being so weak-willed that she couldn’t handle a stand when even baby Shizuka could manifest one is kinda bs and a testament to Araki not being very confident with writing women at the time (thank GOD he got better though, so, so much better).
But. What always gets me is when her relationship with Jotaro is written to be a little more standard, still loving but with the child having a healthy fear of their mom’s anger- unlike what we see in Stardust, with him constantly being a brat, calling her “bitch” and her shrugging it off with an “Okay!”. And also him getting himself thrown into jail while she still can’t bring herself to get mad, just upset. And that’s a very fun play on them too, but I just worry that people who default to this dynamic for Jojo and Holly might not see how the canon characterization of their relationship is interesting in its own right.
Because even tho Holly being a doormat is a creative choice born from Araki pussying out of giving her a stand, it doesn’t change the fact that once he made that choice he gave it great importance. I think the fact that Holly’s idea of supporting her son is just accepting everything he does without any anger, is central to their relationship. It’s how, despite having a mother who loves him unconditionally, Jotaro is still a very troubled teen and emotionally withdrawn. Though it’s easy to blame it on Sadao’s implied absence, or troubles in school, we don’t have a lot of textual evidence for that.
But kids who are raised without at least some semblance of discipline and structure typically stop seeing their parents as authorities, and most importantly, protectors. A more textually-backed explanation for why Jotaro is always acting tough and independent is because he doesn’t have any adults in his life who he would trust to help him. He loves his mom, he traveled the world to save her life, but while doing that he saw himself as her protector, not the other way around, not the way it typically should be.
Think about, for example, how the adult he mouths off to the least in his life is probably Avdol. And I think part of that is because Avdol walked into that police station, took one look at Jotaro, and instantly clocked everything I just said. Because while Holly and Joseph tried to to get him out with simple words (and for Holly, tears), Avdol was there to force him out. And at first Jotaro says, “If he tries to force me out, I’ll just stay here even longer”, but Avdol doesn’t give him a choice. And he doesn’t win by overpowering him (if he had, I dont think he’d have gotten the same positive result, I am not pro setting troubled teens on fucking fire) but he outsmarts Jotaro and doesn’t quit the fight until his goal is achieved. He stays in control of his emotions when talking to him, and proves himself to be someone strong and assertive. So later, on the trip to Cairo, Jotaro is more willing to rely on him than he is to rely on his own grandpa. (+, it’s a similar thing with Kakyoin, who he trusts almost more than anyone else, because he saw Kakyoin’s will and power first-hand when they met, and left with the lesson that Kak is someone he can rely on to protect of both himself and Jotaro. Someone with strong convictions, but most importantly, willing and capable of clashing with Jotaro if necessary.)
All this to fucking say. In a world in which Jotaro was raised to fear his parent’s reprimands (and I don’t mean fear to an unhealthy amount, an abusive amount), he would act very differently than he does in the show, and his relationships to other characters would probably look very different. Holly’s personality and parenting might seem like it was an afterthought to Araki, but I think he truly did take great care in making it consistent with her son’s character. She is a very loving mom, who is very loved in return, but what I think a lot of people perceive as a flaw in her writing is actually just a flaw in her character, with narrative weight and interesting consequences. And I’m not sure how many people are really aware of that.
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agsbf · 5 months ago
Death No More
Stardust Crusaders X Isekai! Leitora
Capítulo 7: Aceitas uma Fofoquinha?
Capítulo anterior - Masterlist
Holly ainda estava preocupada com a garota em frente a ela, era óbvio que a jovem possuía alguns sentimentos negativos não disposta em compartilhar, entretanto não era como se a loira fosse diferente; há alguns dias começou a se sentir mais cansada, sua cabeça latejava com mais frequência, nem mesmo sua pele continuava igual, uma vez que aparentava estar muito mais pálida, ao ponto de até mesmo o filho alheio perceber. No início a dona de casa pensava se tratar de uma simples gripe, mas com a chegada do pai, revelação da existência de Stands e a volta de Dio, a filha de Joseph sentia haver coisas escondidas nessa doença abrupta.
-E você, Holly? Por que veio para o Japão?
Você sabia que não era a única lidando com emoções ruins no momento, a loira dedicou uma quantia considerável do tempo para te acalmar, não havia muitas alternativas para aliviar a situação dela, mas assim como fez com Jotaro, conversar sobre algum assunto capaz de distrair a mente parecia ser uma boa alternativa; embora quisesse não tinha como reverter o estado debilitado da mulher com o Crazy Diamond, pois estava relacionado com a volta de Dio, não a um simples vírus ou bactéria igual às outras enfermidades. Dialogar também vinha com a vantagem de criar um vínculo com a mulher, uma vez que possuir a companhia do Jotaro parecia a mesma coisa de ter a companhia de uma pedra, na realidade, a rocha poderia ser mais emotiva.
Com a pergunta feita, Holly não conseguiu impedir de relembrar quando conheceu Sadao Kujo, um dos dias mais felizes de sua vida: o primeiro encontro deles havia sido um piquenique em um jardim extremamente colorido, ela se lembrava de cada detalhe, a memória mais vívida sendo o terno verde neon com bolinhas vermelhas que o rapaz vestia; mais tarde ele contou haver pedido conselhos para Joseph sobre qual roupa comprar com o objetivo de impressioná-la. Sem dúvidas, o estadunidense quis prejudicar o japonês com a escolha. Fora isso, o homem trouxe todos os doces favoritos de sua confeitaria preferida, desajeitado nas formas de demonstrar afeto, corava sempre que a loira elogiava algo nele, uma reação adorável. Anos depois, quando foi pedida em casamento, o rapaz fez questão de propor no mesmo lugar desse primeiro encontro, suas palavras ficaram gravadas na memória da loira:
“Minha querida Holly, desde que te conheci minha vida mudou para melhor, você consegue trazer o melhor de mim mesmo nas piores situações. Cada segundo ao seu lado me sinto como o homem mais sortudo do mundo apenas por ter o privilégio de me desfrutar de sua presença. Sua risada é a melodia que embala meu coração, e seu sorriso é a luz que ilumina minha vida, junto a ti me sinto completo e humano. Quero construir uma vida ao seu lado, repleta de alegria, risadas e sonhos. Aceita se casar comigo?”
A recordação trouxe um sorriso ao rosto da mulher, alguns diriam que a magia do casamento acabou há anos por causa do pouco tempo que o homem passava em casa devido as suas turnês, porém a loira sabia não ser o caso, apesar da distância ambos estariam dispostos a darem a vida pelo outro. A enorme quantidade de cartas recebidas por semana sendo um sinal do quanto o homem pensava nela.
-Vim aqui por causa do meu marido. -Holly parou de passar o pano no móvel, indo em direção a uma estante com uma expressão alegre, pegando um livro grosso que você não reconhecia.
A garota ergueu uma das sobrancelhas, antes de perguntar:
-O que é isso?
-Um álbum de fotografias. -A loira sentou no sofá, batendo as mãos no assento ao lado de forma convidativa. -Venha aqui, vou te mostrar tudo.
Sem pestanejar você parou de varrer e aceitou a oferta, estava curiosa para saber as coisas canônicas em Jojo não contadas.
Analisando o objeto, não pôde deixar de franzir a testa, o item parecia ser muito mais antigo, pois embora a capa conservada, com aparência de nova, a maioria das folhas estavam amareladas, como se tivessem séculos de vida, as únicas exceções sendo as últimas, adicionadas a pouco tempo.
Holly notou sua expressão confusa com a aparência do livro, logo percebeu o quão superficial foi a explicação, uma vez que o aspecto do objeto não condizia com a idade que deveria ter, então adicionou:
-Esse álbum não é apenas meu, está com minha família há séculos, tem os meus pais, os pais deles, os pais dos pais deles e assim por diante. As primeiras fotos são do meu trisavô para você ter ideia. - A mulher sorriu, esse livro tinha lembranças de sua vida inteira, assim como as de seus ancestrais, não era a coisa mais cara da casa, no entanto um bem valioso para a loira.
Sua boca abriu em descrença, esperava obter cobre e minerou ouro, ao invés de alguns fatos referentes apenas a Joseph, Jotaro e Holly, conseguiria histórias de todos os membros. Alguma informação sobre um falecido há anos mudaria algo durante uma batalha? Não, mas uma fofoquinha leve sempre era bem vinda.
A dona de casa abriu na primeira página, você se aconchegou no sofá, sabendo que demoraria umas boas horas até olharem todo o livro, o que não esperava era a bomba de cara:
A folha havia sido trocada, um acontecimento normal dado o quão velho era o artefato, porém a fotografia estava rasgada em um lugar bem específico: se tratava de uma foto em família com George Joestar l, Jonathan e Danny, a parte prejudicada mostrava a existência de um cabelo loiro. Ao encarar Holly, viu a forma como os lábios da mulher ficaram em linha reta, qualquer indício de dúvida foi extinta de sua mente, o motivo da foto ter sido alterada foi a presença de Dio.
-Havia mais alguém na foto, mas ele não era uma boa pessoa. -A mulher explicou sem graça, optando por passar rapidamente todas as fotos referentes a Phantom Blood para não falar do vampiro, um tabu completamente aceitável dado a situação.
-Essa aqui é minha vó quando jovem, junto ao meu pai mais novo e o amigo dele. -Holly mostrou uma foto de Lisa Lisa, Joseph e Caesar, todos estavam com um sorriso no rosto, embora a expressão da usuária de hamon fosse mais discreta; o fato de ter uma quantia preocupante de suor nas camisetas dos homens indicava haver sido tirada após uma sessão de treino, durante a segunda parte do anime.
Ao olhar os três na imagem, você engoliu em seco, sabendo exatamente como as coisas terminaram: Zeppeli morrendo em batalha, mas não antes de conseguir a cura para o amigo, um sacrifício nobre, levando em consideração a briga feia horas antes. De certa forma, esse ato servia como motivação para você na jornada, a história dos Joestars sempre terminava em tragédia, foi assim com Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, toda a linhagem; o ciclo de sofrimento da família era digno de te fazer cerrar os punhos, todas as suas memórias da última vida estavam intactas em seu cérebro, embora ninguém tenha morrido, você perdeu a todos. Quem acredita que o pior do luto é o enterro está equivocado, o pós sempre será o pior, aceitar que nunca mais vai ver a pessoa e as únicas lembranças serão os momentos vividos, isso sim é o mais difícil, não desejaria nem para seu maior inimigo e exatamente por uma questão de humanidade faria tudo ao seu alcance para Jotaro não passar pela mesma situação que seus ancestrais.
-Sua vó é muito bonita. -A loira estava animada para ouvir um comentário seu, então não pôde deixar de bater palminhas de alegria ao ouvir sua resposta, embora breve, ela estava feliz por ver que a garota prestou atenção na foto. A dona de casa tinha receio com a possibilidade da jovem apenas ter aceitado ver o álbum por educação.
Holly folheou mais algumas páginas, os olhos dela brilharam e os lábios ergueram em um sorriso ao chegar em uma foto do filho bebê.
-Olhe! É o Jotaro quando nasceu! -A saudade gritava forte na mãe, quando criança a relação com o Kujo parecia ser mais fácil, abraços e “eu te amo” constantes, o menino demonstrava todas as suas emoções sem dificuldade alguma, na adolescência foram quando as coisas começaram a desandar, embora nunca duvidasse do amor do rapaz, gostaria que a personalidade dele nunca tivesse mudado, desejava o jovem de humor contagioso que seu filho um dia foi.
Você não pôde deixar de sorrir junto com a loira, embora não compartilhasse do sentimento de nostalgia, a forma como o rosto dela se iluminava lembrando da cena fazia ser impossível não se emocionar. Porém, apesar do entusiasmo da dona de casa, pela primeira vez a voz da mulher falhou:
-Sabe, Jotaro nem sempre foi assim tão…
-Ranzinza? -Você completou, dando tapinhas no ombro da mulher para tentar tranquilizá-la, lágrimas escorreram pelos olhos dela, Holly estava reprimindo suas emoções durante anos, ao ponto de uma simples foto ser seu ponto de ruptura.
-Isso. Quando ele era mais novo agia de forma tão amável. Não sei por qual motivo as coisas deram tão errado. Me pergunto se fui uma mãe ruim...
Quando ouviu essas palavras negativas saírem dos lábios da mulher, a abraçou, não suportava a ideia de ver alguém tão gentil dedicar palavras tão duras a si mesma por causa de ações de terceiros.
-A culpa não foi sua, Holly. Tenho certeza que é apenas uma fase do Jotaro, aquele menino percorreria o mundo por você. -Garantiu, sabendo ser uma das poucas coisas que realmente poderia assegurar para a mulher, o amor do protagonista pela mãe foi confirmado ao viajar para o Egito com o intuito de salvá-la.
A loira enxugou as lágrimas antes de se soltar do abraço, a dona de casa havia despejado muitas emoções em alguém que a conhece há apenas 5 minutos e tem os próprios problemas. Ela considerou uma atitude egoísta, pois como a principal adulta que você conhecia, a Kujo deveria ser seu porto seguro, não o contrário! A mais velha sentia a necessidade de pedir perdão:
-Desculpe, você só queria um momento descontraído vendo fotos e eu estraguei tudo.
-Nada de se colocar para baixo! Lembra o que falou para mim quando desabafei? “Não se desculpe por isso.” Você é a mãe do meu amigo, então somos amigas e em uma amizade é compartilhado as coisas que causam angústia com a outra, inclusive digo mais, você é muito mais legal que o Jojo, o mal-humorado está perdendo ótimos momentos com uma mãe incrível por causa do comportamento indiferente. Ele vai ver, é apenas questão de tempo.
-Sobre o que as duas estão falando? -O protagonista interrompeu.
-Aff, o assunto chegou. -Revirou os olhos, fazendo Holly abrir a boca estupefata com sua honestidade, ao mesmo tempo implorando em pensamento para não revelar nada do que a mulher havia te contado ao Kujo, não havia a mínima chance de fazer isso, então a tranquilizou com um sorriso.
-O assunto? -O homem ergueu as sobrancelhas, ao ver o álbum somou dois mais dois. -Pare de mostrar essas fotos, são apenas imagens idiotas de quando eu era criança, te falei para jogar fora há anos. -Reclamou, ele odiava como sua mãe sempre conseguia fazê-lo passar vergonha, mostrar recordações da infância do protagonista revelaria o fato de nem sempre ter sido um rapaz durão.
A expressão de Holly mudou, ela não queria ter envergonhado o filho, mas antes da dona de casa pedir desculpas, você interrompeu:
-Jojo, se manca! Eu estava curiosa sobre a vida da sua mãe e quis ver o álbum, nem tudo gira em torno do teu umbigo, princeso. -Tecnicamente, nessa temporada sim, porém não havia a necessidade de citar isso. -Ah, e sua mãe é bacana pacas. -Levantou do sofá, chegando perto do rapaz de cabelos pretos. -Ser mais legal com ela não faria seu pau cair.
O homem soltou um bufo irritado.
-Não pedi sua opinião, vadia.
-Tirou essa da revista de “patadas para dar na escola”? Porque parece.
-Algum dia você vai perder os dentes por causa dos seus comentários imbecis.
-Vivemos em uma sociedade tecnológica, eu compro implante dentário. -Tranquilizou, fazendo com que outro suspiro sem paciência saísse dos lábios do rapaz. -De qualquer forma, por que veio aqui? Espero que não tenha sido apenas para atrapalhar minha fofoca com sua mãe.
O Kujo se recompôs, odiava ter que pedir sua ajuda sabendo do quanto isso gerava carta branca para seu comportamento imaturo, mas seria uma grande criancice não usar seu stand para regenerar Noriaki, logo, mesmo contrariado, perguntou:
-Pode curar o Kakyoin?
Pensamentos aleatórios durante a escrita:
*Holly pega um álbum de fotografia*
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ailingwriter · 1 year ago
So I distinctly remember writing a post suggesting an AU for this, but I can't find it so... Frick it, new post. AU where Sadao Kujo joins the Stardust Crusaders. Also, BBVD can let him overclock his body's functions for a time (I was a lot more coherent in the post I made originally suggesting this au I'll post it if i find it.
Crack JJBA headcanon: Sadao Kujo is a stand user and would have gladly fought for his wife if he'd known what was going on.
Bonus: His stand is named Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, and its power lets Sadao amplify his own bioelectricity.
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stardust-3saders · 6 months ago
LiaTaro (mostly Jotaro focused) Headcanons!
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I've been wanting to post some more bits of writing, more when it comes to the behavior of the poly and some personal headcanons I have.
Big thanks to my friend @magthemage for the help with these! I don't oftenly see people do it, but talking with someone who doesn't have a character (in this case Jotaro) as F/o helps a lot to brainstorm while staying away from it becoming oof XD
Anyway! Here they are! I don't think there's anything to tag as warning, just a bit of Jotaro's PTSD but nothing else, so dw!
Under the cut because they're kinda lengthy!
Tag list: @spookysinner45 @iceicewifey
Lemme know if you want to be added by answering this form! 💜
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Let's put straight a fact that, sadly, a lot of people seem to forget: Intimacy is hard. Especially with characters that were written during the 80s boom of the hypermasculinity trope.
There are three distinct characteristics associated with the hypermasculine personality: the view of violence as manly, the perception of danger as exciting and sensational, and callous behavior toward women and a regard toward emotional displays as feminine.
Something quite fitting for Kujo Jotaro. And when it came to him joining Lia and Noriaki's relationship, this was a recurring issue.
Not having a healthy model that showed him the kind of affection it was normal to share with a partner since Sadao was rarely around, his personality and factors such as his PTSD after Egypt; things had a rough start.
Yet, something that we know defines Jotaro, is how he doesn't like the idea of giving up, even when it comes to something he isn't used to.
So in order to get to a healthy and understanding point in their relationship, Lia had to spend a lot of time, effort, and probably have an ulcer removed, to try to get Jotaro to a point where he's a bit more able to express his feelings without him feeling like he has failed himself.
It's not like Jotaro doesn't feel, but rather that he can't express things normally, or it would go against his core values.
⭐One of the first things that Lia managed to establish was a different way to communicate. Because saying "I love you" just made Jotaro feel weak and vulnerable, Lia proposed an alternative: for him to squeeze her hand twice. Same meaning, but without forcing him into an uncomfortable position.
It was like Jotaro had seen the moon for the first time in years.
What started with him trying that just before sleep, and with Lia answering in kind, turned to him grabbing Lia's hand and squeezing over the smallest things. As a compliment to a thank you, as a random gesture, or just her being close.
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It had been a long evening. With Noriaki being not only the last to arrive home, but also having returned absolutely exhausted; the usual chores shared by the trio were left in charge of Lia and Jotaro.
Unlike their usual routine, this time there was a heavy–although not uncomfortable– silence between the pair.
Still, as efficient as always, anything left to clean and put away in the kitchen was soon finished.
Lazily, the couple walked towards their respective bedrooms (Kujo having one of his own to avoid stepping over his boundaries and keeping the steady process of him feeling more comfortable). However, as Lia finished bidding him goodnight with a yawn, she felt herself being stopped by a bigger hand grabbing onto hers.
“Jojo?” She looked up at him, her head tilted in confusion as she noticed how he tried to avoid her gaze.
Yet, before she could call out to him again, she felt his hand gently squeezing hers twice.
Being the first time he had used this way of showing affection, she couldn't stop her mouth from opening slightly in surprise.
Barely catching sight of blush on his face due to the lack of light, her face softened.
She squeezed his hand in return with a soft smile directed to the man, finally letting go and allowing each other to retreat to their rooms for the night.
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⭐While Jotaro was incapable of outwardly expressing his affection with words, Lia noticed that he normally roamed towards silent actions, kind of expecting her to understand them.
Examples of this were when she normally complained that her children were being absolute brats and making the class more difficult to handle, Jotaro would just reply "わかった" (got it) and stop communication, only for Lia to arrive home with Jotaro having actually gone out of his way to purchase food from a local mom-and-pop shop on the way home.
While he normally doesn't expect to be thanked for it, every time Lia does, he simply turns around, pulls his cap down and mutter an "...うん", busying himself with anything else available nearby just so Lia doesn't catch him making a silly smile.
⭐We know that due to his PTSD, Jotaro has a hard time sleeping almost every night. He normally tosses and turns, and sometimes hits things in his sleep, another reason he normally waits for Lia and Noriaki to be asleep for him to move to his room.
But sometimes Lia finds him sitting in the middle of the night on the balcony, cigarette in hand, trying to calm his nerves.
And being aware of his silent nature, and how easily it is for him to instantly return to his shell; she simply sits next to him, waiting for him to show any sign of him wanting a physical interaction like touching her hand or thanking her for being there.
That's when she knows she can try to physically reassure him, with little things like caressing his back, leaning against him or even let him rest his head on her thighs, something he absolutely adores doing, but is ashamed to do when Nori is awake and around... or when anyone else can see him.
And if her touch doesn't feel enough, she'll even goof around a bit, just like the few times they actually talked in the past while alone. Not as annoying as she used to be, but still enough as to get his mind distracted from whatever is troubling him those nights.
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January was never an easy month.
Despite bad memories being left in the past, the seasonal drop in mood always brought back a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
A taste of bile and blood.
Being well accustomed to the weight at her sides during the night, it wasn't strange for Lia to be woken up as soon as her mind noticed the empty spot on the bed.
It was a routine event at this point. The memories of that night affected Jotaro more than often to anyone. Because, while Noriaki had also been in a pretty bad situation that almost cost his life, the difference was that the redhead actually knew how to reach out for help. And after many years of therapy, he was able to ground himself better.
For Jotaro, on the other hand, it was as if any progress he had made through the years suddenly disappeared. He hid himself away from others, resorting to smoking, although it was a habit he had been trying to quit.
And having gone through the same situation quite a couple of times before, Lia knew exactly where to find him.
Quickly going to grab some water from the kitchen, she went to the balcony, finding Kujo seated on the floor of the balcony, lazily dangling a cigarette between his fingers as his leg anxiously bounced up and down.
Frowning as her gaze landed on him, she knocked softly on the door frame, letting him know about her arrival without startling him.
With the dim light that the moon provided him, she barely caught a glimpse of him looking at her by the corner of his eye. This, accompanied by the motion of his leg stopping, was enough to let her know that he was aware of her presence at his side.
In slow movements, she sat down at his side, leaving enough space between their bodies to avoid touching him before he felt comfortable and calm enough. She placed the glass in the space between them, a small smile forming on her lips as she saw him take it, slowly taking a sip from it before placing it back down.
The pair spent a few minutes in silence, bashing in the soft sounds of the night. Yet, Lia couldn’t help but to scrunch her nose as the smoke from his cigarette reached her and tickled her throat, threatening to make her cough.
Noticing this, the raven frowned, letting out a tired sigh as he put out the lit cigarette.
“You didn’t have to do that, y’know?” Lia frowned at him, removing a hand that she unconsciously had moved to cover her nose and mouth.
“You don’t like it”
She let out a sigh, hugging her legs against her chest and resting her head on her knees before directing her gaze towards him.
“It’s true that I don’t like it… and that I wish you used a healthier alternative to calm down. But I can’t force you to stop doing it.”
Jotaro raised a brow at her, incredulous of what she had said after she spent so many times reprimanding him for the smell of tobacco and the smoke.
“You still bitch about it” He said, his tone having a hint of playfulness rather than annoyance.
“It's not bitching, it's giving you advice!” she frowned as she heard him scoff lightly. “I mean it!”
She turned in place, her body fully facing him as she sat cross legged at his side.
“It's as if one day I arrived and told you and Nori that I'm gonna drop everything to become, I don't know… an idol. You cannot forbid me from doing it, but you can give me advice about how bad of an idea that is.”
He looked at Lia for a few seconds, his brow still raised as he processed her words, before letting out a sigh as he crossed his arms, looking back to the city.
“Yeah, because you suck at singing”
Lia could only frown at his words, a small pout forming on her lips as she glared at him.
“I'm going to take that as you understanding my point rather than trying to attack me”
She turned back to her original sitting position, lightly and playfully bumping into him as she leaned against his arm.
Still, a small smile formed on her lips as she heard the faintest chuckle coming from him, noticing how he seemed more relaxed than when she arrived.
She looked up at him for a moment, making Jotaro look down at her as he felt Lia's gaze on him, a questioning look on his face.
“We’re not going anywhere, and you're not going to end up alone. Please keep that in mind.”
Just as Lia finished speaking, she noticed a glimpse of something in his eyes. A mix of surprise and something else…
Yet, before she could even mention it, her sight went black, and soon enough she noticed his cap somehow on her head, blocking her view.
“When did you even-?”
“Shut up”
Ah, that tone. For someone random, it would sound like the same monotonous tone he always had, but she could easily distinguish the light embarrassment it hid under.
She couldn't help but to chuckle, shaking her head in amusement as she leaned further into him, deciding to give him some peace of mind and keep quiet, at least for that night.
She would make sure of teasing him enough once the next day arrived, though.
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