archivumesoterica · 4 months
After all these years
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When I think your name only a memory
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I hear it once more
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And I run
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Heedless of the danger
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That I might see your face
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Hear your laughter
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And bring you home
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frantastically · 4 years
give yourself a disease by thinking about jotaro kuhjo
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yelatinbro · 4 years
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Madero #centro #Downtown #cdmx #Sky #street #méxico #building #himmel #cer #zerua #eraikin #bâtiment #rue #tänav #sráid https://www.instagram.com/p/CHj-kuhjO-t/?igshid=6eue7blpzzo0
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archivumesoterica · 1 year
Prompt 12: Dowdy
The armor fell off their body, piece after piece hitting the worn wooden boards with a dull but resounding thud. The small, seemingly abandoned hut that had served as their sanctuary for over a year was bare, furnished with naught but a course woven cot that didn't even bear a matress, a couple of buckets, and a small dresser so cracked and warped one might consider it a miracle it still stood in once piece. It looked down at the body it occupied, pale and scarred skin barely hidden by bandages, a shreded undershirt, and roughly patched trousers. True, it did not matter to it what it wore beyond that which protected this form, but it wondered what its master would think, if she could pull herself from the pit of mourning and fear she'd hid herself in for all this time.
Its gaze drifted back to the wrecked dresser, to the one intact drawer left, closed. One day, when its master awoke, it would present her with the gift hidden inside. A reminder she was here, and alive. But for now, the rags would do.
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archivumesoterica · 1 year
A small grey blur flashed in the corner of his eye, stopping him in his tracks as his friends ran ahead. His head swiveled about, eyes scanning the crowd. There, a black ear flicking in between the columns of adults swarming the street. Another miqo'te kid!
He slips through the stream of people, eyes straining to keep any sign of the other miqo in focus, an anchor. With each person he squeezed by, he was getting closer, seeing more. A loose, messy braid reaching just below the sholders. A dusty, rough shirt almost long enough to be called a dress hanging over loose slacks in a similar state, legs rolled up and bunched out of the way of their worn sandals. Their head turns, golden eyes meet his own.
Millennia passed as they stared blankly at each other. Somewhere, the first stitch was made, mending the silence. "Hey! I'm Ard!"
"I'm Kuhjo," came the girl's warm reply as a smile broke over her face. She shot out a hand, quickly grabbing one of his and giving it a shake.
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archivumesoterica · 1 year
🎷🎺🥁 Spell Your URL 🎻🎹🎙
Tagged by @reconditerune & @bananarose ! (sorry I'm slow)
Rules are simple! Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
I have far too many muses in xiv, so I did a little sampler!
(I also misunderstood the assignment at first so about half of these are slightly more lyrically relevant than titularly, oops)
A- The Answer Lies Within - Garoad (Weeping Doe)
R- Razorblade Kiss - HIM (Kahyy)
C- Can You Feel My Heart - Varien (J'ard'a)
H- Hunger - Aurora (Cota)
I- It Will Be A Good Day - Yes (Gaenabi)
V- Void Walker - GHOST DATA (Weeping Doe)
U- Unknown Actor - Raito, Sakura Ishadoh (Amarantos)
M- Magic Shop - BTS (Fukume)
E- Evergreen - MWAM (H'lian)
S- The Silent Revelation- Leprous (Xenophon)
O- Old Flames - Coheed and Cambria (Yukimura)
T- Terraformer - Thank You Scientist (Kuhjo)
E- Endless and Artificial - City Girl (Fukume)
R- Remembrance - Ujico* (J'ard'a)
I- I Still Believe (Great Design) - The Protomen (Roch)
C- Coasting - Darren Korb (Parcemel)
A- Awkward Silence - Stray Kids (Amarantos)
Tagging @luck-and-larceny, @sunbeasts, @idol-ffxiv, @ooeygooeyghoul, and anyone else who wants to do it! (Sorry if I tagged you and you already did it, my brain is small and bad)
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archivumesoterica · 2 years
Since FFXIVWrite is over now and I have a bit of spare time, I thought I'd put together a little post about the characters that where the subjects of my writes this time around, so here we go! First off, I'll start with my WoL:
J'ard'a Ornbalt
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Ard was raised largely by his father, with some help from his grandfather. That said a lot of the time he was largely unsupervised, which he spent wandering Ul'dah and became fast friends with some other children who spent their time stealing from the purses and stalls of those who seemed to be living comfortably. This exposure to the markets also drew him to find his dream: making jewelry. He spent a lot of time at home experimenting with cheap materials and the odd small gem his father found while mining. He eventually turned to adventuring to earn some spare coin to afford better materials, and unfortunately started just in time to be confronted with the Calamity. Fighting outside the city's gate's scarred him, and he renounced adventuring with no intention of returning to it ever. However in the intervening years between the Calamity and the start of the story he failed to gain a foothold as a jeweler, and barely managed to maintain enough gil to live let alone keep his shop going. This is where he hit a breaking point and had to return to adventuring which would lead him to the events of the msq.
I use to have an RP variant of him, but some of the issues he had as a character made him a bit too difficult for me to use in public, so I actually fairly recently dumpstered that version of him and used a few seeds of that to make a new character: Fukume
edit: Ok I've tweaked him a bit and he now has an rp friendly non-wol realization if anybody wants to interact with him as a non-wol.
Fukume Tamaya
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A member of a family of artificers that once served a Hingan lordship both as the crafters they where and also as agents of espionage. After being removed from the service after a changing of the family head, they moved to Eorzea where they opened their shop. She's not very expressive, and tends to keep her mind toward the family craft.
Cota Uurtsaina
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My punch lizart. She was brought to Ul'dah with her father when they moved down from the Hellsguard village their ancestors made their new home after being banished from the Kagon tibe. She's actually quite smart, despite acting a bit silly most of the time. Her greatest weakness is sweets, most especially cakes. She tends to work a few odd jobs, usually as muscle.
Yukimura Takeuchi
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A vassal to a Doman clan. After the first Doman uprising he began wondering the land thinking the clan fully destroyed, but some time ago he discovered the heir to the clan had been secreted away and brought him back. Currently he is helping guide the young heir and restore the clan's land and holdings. He is boisterous and something of a battle junkie, but is unerringly kind.
Parcemel Duboix
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Son of a vicious pirate. He was raised harshly by his father, and never knew his mother. He escaped as a boy, setting his father's ship ablaze and risking death rowing to Limsa. There, he made a living using the one skillset he had been taught: violence. After some time he moved to Ul'dah to start over, and met his future wife. He's largely settled down now, typically only taking the occasional well paying contract.
Gaenabi & Munini
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A brother and sister.
Gae was found in the Twelvewood as a child by the woman who would become his adoptive mother. He was found succumbing to disease, and when he awoke he was mute and had no memory of his life before. After growing up, he took after his adoptive father and became a Wailer.
Munini was always the curious sort, and as a child would regularly take apart whatever she could get her hands on and put it back together into something new. Eventually she invented an aethertech tablet for Gae that would project whatever he wrote on it into the air to help him communicate to most people.
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An artificial living person created at some indiscernible time. She's doing her best to live a real life while trying to figure out her origins with what few clues she has.
Kuhjo Guinocont
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Kuhjo grew up on an orphanage in Ul'dah and was made to serve the thaumaturge's guild to help support the orphanage. She fled the city after killing an adopter that was secretly paying the orphanage owner to 'adopt' children into forced labor. This led her to work as an engineer aboard an airship owned by a logistics company. After a failed mutiny, she developed an alternate persona that sought vengence against the planner. She has since regained herself, and now works as a mortician.
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archivumesoterica · 2 years
Prompt 29: Fuse
It laid there, dazed, admists the burning remains of an airship. Hazy memories drifted across its mind, though they where not theirs. It saw the bridge, whole and airborne, scared with torn and burnt boards, and splashed with blood. Crewmembers fighting eachother, magic flying through the air, and the body of someone important laid in front of them.
Behind all this it could feel its host: angry, confused, and most primarily defeated. The being couldn't help but smile at these emotions radiating from their withdrawn, slumbering host. "Too vengeful to rest, yet too mournful to exact it yourself, are you? Fine then, I shall be your instrument, your solace."
As it gained its feet, it felt the numerous wounds across its new body, some open and some internal. With an annoyed grunt, the the blazing aether within its body, searing things back into place. It would not be pretty, it thought to itself, but their host had relinquished all right to complain.
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archivumesoterica · 8 months
Also while i'm here pls perceive Kuhjo and her new alter room
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archivumesoterica · 9 months
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archivumesoterica · 10 months
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archivumesoterica · 1 year
Prompt 27: Sole
She was the only one left.
That though settled heavily in her stomach. Squinting eyes stared into the sky, willing it to he untrue. Just behind that cloud she would see the airship break through, whole and covered in the same painted over patch panels as always. It was temperamental, but it could never fall from the heavens. They used to joke that it could take a barage of cannon fire and still lazily drift on unbothered, only upset at the indignity of being fired upon.
Yet she could turn her head and see the pulverized and scorched remains of the headstone of the mind behind the mutiny. He couldn't even give her the satisfaction of dying at her hand. He'd pissed off some moneterist, gotten stabbed not long after his failed coup.
No, she was alone and angry and... envious. Envious of being left behind, left to carry on.
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archivumesoterica · 1 year
Prompt 25: Call it a Day
Grease and gunk clung to her hands and caked her clothes, dark smears that made her skin itch and added an uncomfortable pressure to the way her clothes shifted when she moved. She wasn't disused to dirt and grime, but the residues that seemed to creep out from every seam and crevice of the ship's inner workings were beyond that. No, the way it stuck and clung reminded her more of old blood. It made her think of that night again, that alleyway. The body of the beast in man's flesh she left laying there to rot. Better than they deserved, less than she wished to give.
Her stomach churned, he mouth turned sour. No, that was enough for now. She had to stop thinking about it. Needed air. She found M'recha, let her know she was done with her section, and headed back above deck. They had time, the engine could wait. The breeze was weak here, it barely slipped in through the hanger door, but it was better than the still air below decks. She collapsed against a railing, taking in slow, deep breaths. Maybe she should find that ridiculous dhamel, tease him till he shuts her up, makes the thinking and memories stop. Yeah, that would be nice...
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archivumesoterica · 1 year
Also a baby Kuhjo while I'm at it
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archivumesoterica · 2 years
Prompt 22: Veracity
His soft, slow breathing as he laid asleep next to her; the lingering smells of sweat and machine oil that danced and intermingled after a long day's work; the somewhat uncomfortable heat that came from sharing their small cot: these where the things that always came to her mind. The miqo'te forced her eyes to stay shut to cling to this dream of a world that was different.
She saw them hold a small ceremony on the ship, the crew their only audience. It was all they needed, after all they had cut ties with their pasts before they'd even met eachother and the crew was their family now. They would stay there for some few years as the business grew, expanding into a full fleet. There would be bittersweet parties as the crew moved on to lead and support these new ships. At some point they would leave their own ship in capable hands as they moved working on the ground and making a true home together. Somewhere on the edge of Thanalan would be nice: still somewhat dry and shrubby but with enough water to have little groves here and there. The house wouldn't have been too big, just a little cottage that afforded them a proper sleeping place and a little study where he could store his maps and she her tomes. Maybe at some point they would adopt. Neither would be fully confident as a parent, but if she could help provide a better childhood than she and her mates had for at least one person than she would be happy, and they would grow into their roles better than they likely imagined.
With great regret, however, the dream began to slip away. No matter how tightly shut she kept her eyes, reality slowly pulled her back. Soon, there was not a shred of thr dream that remained, and she opened her eyes to the cold truth: she was, and ever had been, the sole occupant of her cot. The sounds of carts driving across stone and people milling about reminded her she was back in the same vile city she had been raised in. The ship was but ash and scrap scattered by winds and time. Her lover was long gone, one of many victims of another's greed. She stayed there for some time, staring at the place he should have been. The truth, as they say, is cruel.
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