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kristoffs-lullaby · 6 months ago
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krsn5… if u even care..
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kingstrawberry · 6 months ago
thinking of krsn5 + kenma at kageyama’s house
it’s the krsn5 and kenma comes to the door but hinata answers since kags was in the bathroom, so kenma is sitting cross legged on the living room table gaming with tsuki and yama
and then kags comes back to the living room and he’s like “hey kenma” and leans over and gives him a peck on the cheek
(they’re not dating, they’re aware that tsuki has a crush on kags and hinata has a crush on kenma and they’re trying to get both of them to confess)
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rocksea22 · 1 month ago
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Finished reading Haikyuu so I doodled my favourite panel to celebrate
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kwadlayns · 2 months ago
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Small crows' hang out 🐦‍⬛🧡
Bonus: their hand poses match their 3rd Year Karasuno jerseys (Yachi is automatic #4, of course)
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rinjjuei · 4 months ago
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yachified kagehina!!! (the rest of krsn5 are the ones blowing the bubbles btw)
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tricodekus · 5 months ago
no matter what hinakagetsukiyama ships you stan, in all universes yachi is a victim in their crazy ass love life like her girl friends tell her they're so jealous bc she has a lot of guy friends and they're not as 'dramatic' as girls and yachi just has war flashbacks of each boy in krsn5 gossiping and emoting to her almost every day about their 'unrequited crushes' on each other 😭😭
she has all their likes dislikes and updates on their love live ingrained in her atp and every time she tries to nudge them to make a move but they're all too proud and emotionally Constipated so she has to put up w all their drama for the next 2 Years 💀 she uses two notebooks at the gym: One for manager duties and the other for her friends' love life (its like the Burn book in mean girls but instead its the Yearn book LMAO)
THE YEARN BOOK AHAHAHA. Oh I love Yachi I know I don't draw her but she is so adorable and sweet. Who do you think complains/yearns the most???? At least out loud??? It's gotta be Yamaguchi. He and Yachi are like two peas in a pod. They're so lucky Yachi has so much patience.... She doesn't know how much more "Did you talk to him??" "No..." She can handle 😂😂😂
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youwerethedefeated · 2 months ago
Suddenly overcome with the urge to write a krsn5 graduation road trip fic
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kingstrawberry · 6 months ago
thinking about half french!tsuki and yama who grew up hearing so much french that he has basic proficiency in it
tkym gossip and swear in french and they think they’re so clever until tsuki catches kags grumbling french curses under his breath when he misses a serve
yachi studying with tsuki and yama so often that she picks up their habit of quietly mumbling her flow of consciousness and some words here and there are in french instead of japanese cuz she hears them so often and tsuki is shook that she’s actually using the words correctly
when tsuki tutors hinata he plays his own music to help hinata focus and he’s stunned when he sees hinata balancing chemical equations while singing along to some french rap
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kingstrawberry · 1 year ago
best birthday gift
(cw: food)
starts as a silly bday story with the krsn5 + natsu, ends with a bunch of #tsukikage fluff, a perfect bday for tsuki rly
tsukishima is /not/ a morning person. it’s public knowledge that he’d rather jump off a cliff than wake up before ten on a free day. his plan for his birthday is to sleep through it, he’d like nothing better.
unfortunately for him, tsukishima has friends who are morning people, and they want to celebrate with him for the whole day, which apparently starts at eight. his phone hasn’t stopped chiming with messages for the last ten minutes. he starts to roll over, ignoring the phone, but then it rings.
he reflexively slams his hand onto his nightstand and grabs it. before he can think to stop himself, tsuki picks up the call.
“what?!” he hisses at his best friend.
“happy birthday tsukki!!” yamaguchi shouts.
“yamaguchi tadashi, it’s the middle of the night, tell me why i shouldn’t murder you right now.”
yamaguchi, bastard that he is, just laughs. “somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“i shouldn’t even be awake right now!”
“but then how will you see your birthday gift?” yamaguchi asks, voice perfectly innocent even though tsukishima knows he’s grinning like a demon right now.
tsuki’s about to throw his phone out the window but a soft “happy birthday lemon-san,” makes him nearly drop it on the bed instead.
he hears hinata’s voice through the line even though hinata clearly isn’t talking to him. “ssshhhhh!!! you’re sposed to be a surprise for the birthday boy!!”
“i have a gift!” the little voice shouts back.
“tell hinata not to call me a birthday boy,” tsukishima deadpans to yamaguchi.
“you got it, birthday man,” yamaguchi deadpans back before hanging up.
“wow!” yamaguchi says as tsuki emerges from his house. “that’s the fastest you’ve ever got down here!”
“not true, he was faster last year when we told him hinata set your hair on fire,” kags argues.
hinata puts his hands up in surrender. “in my defense, birthday candles are more dangerous than i thought.��
tsuki’s about to say no one was actually on fire and that they’re all idiots, but he’s distracted by a tiny orange blur running towards him.
“lemon-san!” natsu cheers as she jumps up for a hug.
he scoops her up easily, just like he’s done a thousand times before, and turns to look at hinata. “you’re actually the worst for using your sister like this,” he says as he follows his friends down the path away from his house.
hinata scoffs, appalled. “/she/ wanted to see you!” he brings one hand down over his heart. “i tried my best not to bring her, i swear, but she was too excited.” he scowls at natsu but its clear he’s not actually upset. “nearly set the kitchen on fire yesterday.”
natsu, perched with her head on tsuki’s shoulder, looks down at her older brother and giggles.
“kitchen fire?” tsuki asks.
hinata nods. “she wanted to make your gift.” he hands natsu a small box covered in hand drawn swirls and glitter.
“thank you, natsu,” tsuki says as she gives it to him.
he opens the little box and finds a bunch of cookies, frosted to look like volleyballs. it’s not professionally done, but it’s not messy either. “you did this?”
natsu shakes her head. “blueberry-san helped!”
tsuki turns to kags. “you did?”
“do you think hinata could prevent a kitchen fire?”
yama snorts and tsuki laughs while the idiot duo start arguing.
before the argument gets too bad, natsu taps tsuki’s wrist, a nonverbal signal that she wants to be let down, and he sets her on the ground.
she immediately runs between the idiots while tsuki falls into step with yama.
“here,” yama says, holding a bag out to tsuki. “happy birthday, birthday man.”
tsuki takes the bag and elbows him simultaneously.
“don’t be a baby,” tsuki responds as he removes the gift paper from yama’s bag. “jurassic park?”
yama smiles. “there’s more.”
tsuki rummages through the bag some more. there really is too much filler paper in there. the side of his hand hits another piece of plastic and he pulls The Lost World out.
“your old tapes must be nearly dead,” yama mutters.
“my copy of Three offed itself last year,” tsuki admits.
yama gapes at him for a second, but he quickly regains his composure. “you’re gonna love the rest of the gift, then.”
tsuki’s eyebrows shoot up as he looks at yama. “that’s too much money.”
yama smiles softly. “it wasn’t all me.” before tsuki can ask, yama tilts his head forward.
yama nods. “he chipped in but he has his own gift for you too. both of them,” he waves his hand vaguely at the two oranges directly in front of him, “wanted to make you something.”
tsuki lets the DVDs fall back into the bag and gingerly sets natsu’s cookies on top before hugging yamaguchi, who reciprocates immediately.
“happy birthday,” yama says quietly.
“thanks,” tsuki replies, matching yama’s volume.
they let go quickly though, startled by natsu shouting at kageyama. “you have to!” she grabs his hand. “they go together!”
kageyama easily lets natsu drag him back to tsuki, bumping shoulders with yamaguchi as he passes them to walk with hinata instead.
tsuki picks natsu up automatically. “what goes together?”
“our gifts!” natsu says brightly.
tsuki looks at kags expectantly.
it’s kind of difficult for kags to get his gift out of his jacket since natsu is still holding his hand, but he manages after a few seconds of fumbling. he quickly hands tsuki an unlabeled bottle full of pink liquid.
“pepto?” tsuki asks.
kags’ brow creases. “strawberry milk.”
tsuki turns the bottle in his hands. there are no markings on it anywhere, and it looks more like a soda bottle than a milk bottle. “suspicious.”
“it’s half empty.”
kags’ ears turn as pink as his homemade drink. “i may have given some away,” he mumbles.
“you /gave away/ my birthday gift?”
“the real gift is at my house!” kags blurts defensively. “and i couldn’t just-”
“i wanted to try,” natsu says.
“oh.” tsukishima relaxes. “that’s fine then.” he gives the bottle to her. “you can have as much as you want, orange-kun.”
she lets go of kageyama’s hand to open the bottle, but tsuki grabs his hand before it can fall back to his side.
kags doesn’t even seem to notice as he automatically interlaces their fingers. “you see why i couldn’t say no,” kags says as both of them watch natsu happily drink tsuki’s gift.
tsuki nods. “you’re forgiven.”
kags scowls. “i never apologized.”
tsuki grins at him. “and i still forgave you.”
kags opens his mouth to respond but tsuki asks a question before they can start arguing.
“what’s this about the real gift?”
kageyama smiles at him. “you’ll see.”
tsuki is about to ask what the hell that means when a bell chimes ahead of them.
“hurry up!” yamaguchi shouts as he slips through the cafe door.
tsuki can see yachi through the window. she smiles and waves at him. he waves back.
“happy birthday, tsukishima!” she says cheerfully as he, kags and natsu join the other three at the table.
“why is natsu pink?” hinata asks.
“what?” tsuki asks as he moves natsu enough that he can see her face.
she grins at him, showing off her bright pink milk mustache.
“oh, its the king’s gift.”
“what?” hinata and yachi say in unison.
“you got him milk?” yama asks.
“i /made/ milk.”
“i didn’t know you were a cow,” hinata says flatly.
kags nods very seriously, as if he’s about to deliver some life changing news. “cow-geyama.”
tsuki covers his mouth. it was a dumb joke and he will /not/ laugh at it, no matter how much yachi giggles or how wide yamaguchi’s eyes get.
in his effort not to look at his amused friends, tsuki ends up catching kags’ eye.
kags smiles at him knowingly.
tsuki huffs. he can always question kags about the real gift after breakfast.
it turns out kags is very good at avoiding questions, and that’s how tsukishima ends up at kageyama’s house at seven pm on his birthday. he kind of wants to sleep but his curiosity outweighs his fatigue.
kags hands him a box that he practically tears open. a large photo frame with a dinosaur on the corner stares up at him.
“thank you?” tsuki says. this would be a better gift for yamaguchi than him. hinata and yachi got him a camera last christmas and he hasn’t stopped taking pictures since. tsuki would ask if kags somehow got his gifts switched around, but there’s a dinosaur on the frame.
“be honest, this was yamaguchi’s idea, wasn’t it?”
“hinata’s then.”
“no! god, you’re such an asshole.”
tsuki pouts. “thats not a nice thing to say to the birthday boy.”
“oh /now/ you’re the birthday boy.”
tsuki looks at kags like he’s stupid. “it’s been my birthday the whole day.”
kags snatches the open box from tsuki’s hands. “i’m taking my gift back.”
“hey!” tsuki reaches for the box but kags holds it behind him, out of reach, and tsuki ends up with his arms around kags’ waist. “give it!”
tsuki steps back with a frown, but not enough that they’re actually as far apart as they were a few minutes ago. his hands rest on kageyama’s hips as he thinks.
“what’re you-” kags gets cut off by a peck on the lips.
tsuki uses kags’ surprise against him and gets his gift back by reaching around him before he can react.
“oh my god,” kags groans, pressing his head into tsuki’s shoulder. “worst boyfriend ever.”
“and /i/ love /you./”
kags cracks a smile. “you’ll love me more after you get your real gift.”
tsuki’s brow furrows. “this isn’t it?”
kags shakes his head. “this is just for the team picture you keep on the fridge.”
tsuki feels a warmth in his chest that kags thought of a small detail like that. he leans down and steals another peck before asking what his real gift is.
kags takes tsuki to his living room and sits him on the couch. nothing looks out of place, and there’s nothing that particularly looks like a gift, unless kags is planning on giving tsukishima a decorative paper fan. there’s at least five on the wall behind the TV.
kags turns the TV on and switches the channel to a documentary about koalas.
“this is my gift?”
“its what you watch while i get your gift ready.”
tsukishima’s confusion reaches an all time high, but he’s long since given up on understanding kags’ thought process. “okay.”
it’s not long before enticing scents are coming from the kitchen. tsuki tries his best to focus on the documentary; it’s pretty good and he’s actually learning a decent amount about- his stomach growls. \’okay, thats enough.’\ he’s had a very fun but very exhausting day, and the last twenty minutes of all these mouthwatering scents wafting over has nearly killed him.
tsuki heads into the kitchen, where kags is pouring a bright pink drink that tsuki recognizes as his birthday gift.
kags doesn’t look away from the mugs as he speaks. “i set everything up already. go eat.”
tsuki is too hungry to argue or offer kags help with the slightly messy kitchen. he walks into the dining room without a word.
at the dinner table, there’s enough food to feed at least five people, plus a strawberry shortcake. tsuki piles food onto his plate and he’s halfway through a bowl of rice and beef when kags comes in with the milk.
“enjoying your real gift?”
tsuki nods. his mouth is too full for him to speak.
dinner goes by quickly and mostly silently. aside from utensils clinking and a few requests to pass food across the table, they’re not making noise. kags was just as hungry as tsuki (he always is), so the only constant sound is both of them chewing.
tsuki practically inhales two slices of strawberry shortcake as kags has his third helping of chicken curry and rice.
they both finish their meal with strawberry milk, which is surprisingly good despite its unsettling color.
“how did you,” tsuki’s mouth is slow, and talking takes too much effort. he’s about two minutes away from a food coma. “the color.”
kags blinks at tsuki for a few seconds. clearly all the food has taken its toll on him too. “food coloring.”
kags heads to the living room and tsuki follows.
tsuki is halfway through putting on his shoes when kags asks what he’s doing. “i’m putting my shoes on.”
kags clicks his tongue. “i know, why?”
“to go home?”
“just stay over.”
“didn’t you bring us here to say goodnight?” tsuki asks, but he slips his shoe off anyway.
“no.” kags’ voice softens. “i thought we could watch a movie.”
“im going to pass out as soon as i sit on the couch.”
kags takes this in stride easily. he takes tsuki’s hand in his. “okay, then let’s go to bed.”
alarm bells go off in tsuki’s head. he’s never shared a bed with kags before and he’s not sure what to expect, but any worry he has is soothed as soon as he sinks into the blankets.
“at least change first.”
“don’t have spare clothes.”
kags throws a t-shirt and pair of blue sweats at him. “use these.”
tsuki’s too sleepy to argue about how these clothes are gonna leave his ankles and his waist exposed. he just does as he’s told and burrows into the blankets like he never plans to come out.
but even in his sleep addled state, he feels the lights turn off and hears the bedroom door open. “if you sleep on the couch in your own house i /will/ sleep on the floor.”
kags huffs out a quiet laugh.
“i’m serious.”
“i know you are.”
it wouldn’t even be the first time tsuki’s done that.
“i’m just gonna clean up first. i’ll be right back.”
tsuki squints at kags, using the glow from the windows and the hallway to see his face. “okay,” he says slowly. “but if you’re not back in an hour im gonna get up and bring you here.”
kags smiles, or at least tsuki thinks he does. it’s kind of hard to tell with the bad lighting and no glasses on. “alright, just sleep for now though.” kags closes the door behind him.
“okay,” tsuki says to the empty room as he sets an alarm on his phone for an hour from now.
the alarm chimes just as the bed sinks next to tsuki.
tsuki turns it off and blinks at his boyfriend. “you’re done?”
kags nods, and tsuki sees that he’s also changed into pajamas, very familiar looking pajamas. he grabs his phone and shines the flashlight on kageyama.
“you have a Silver Moon shirt?”
kags shakes his head and his cheeks turn pink. “you do.”
tsuki’s too sleepy to connect the dots. “what?” his Silver Moon shirt went missing just over a month ago.
“i told yama this was a dumb idea,” kags mutters.
kags sighs heavily. “yamaguchi said you would think it was cute if i wore your clothes.”
“how’d you even get it?” kags hasn’t even been to tsuki’s house in the last three months at least. whenever they want to spend time together they always go to kageyama’s house.
“yamaguchi,” kags says simply.
“ah.” ok so mystery solved. that is tsuki’s Silver Moon shirt. it’s not missing, kags is wearing it. tsuki’s brain finally kicks into gear. his boyfriend is wearing his clothes. he feels his face heat up and one of his hands shoots out of the blankets to grab kags’ arm and pull him into the bed.
kags quickly settles in as the small spoon with tsuki’s arm around his waist and his face tucked into the crook of kags’ neck.
it’s nice, cozy, with the added bonus that kags can’t look at tsuki. tsuki doesn’t think he could take it if kags looked at him right now. “keep the shirt,” tsuki mumbles.
“keep it.”
he feels kags still next to him. “really?”
tsuki yawns. “you look cute.” from this position, tsuki can smell the fresh laundry scent coming off of the shirt. this definitely isn’t the first time kags has worn it since it went missing. “take all my shirts if you want,” he sleepily adds as his eyes close.
“shut up,” kags replies, but there’s no heat to his words, especially as he pushes back to lean further into tsuki. it’s a feeling tsuki could get used to.
“that’s not,” tsuki yawns, “not a nice thing to say to the birthday boy.”
instead of a verbal response, tsuki gets a lot of squirming and rolling around. before he can open his eyes, he feels a peck on his lips. his eyes fly open and he sees a blushing kageyama just a few inches away from him. he leans forward for a better kiss.
kags sighs into him and he feels a hand slide up to rest at the base of his neck. they eventually pull apart for air but they’re still tangled together. kags smiles warmly at him, rough edges rounded out with sleep. “happy birthday, kei.”
tsuki pulls him closer, this time pressing his face into kageyama’s collarbone. “goodnight, tobio.”
tsuki falls asleep with a hand running through his hair. his last thought is that kags taking his shirt might be the best gift he’s ever gotten.
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kingstrawberry · 2 years ago
photos and feelings
tsuki, looking at photos of the team, focusing on kageyama: hes so Dumb, i-
yamaguchi, tired: u would die for him, we know 
yachi is trying to hold back a laugh. 
tsuki: thats not what i was gonna say! 
yama: am i wrong tho? 
tsuki, pouting: ........no
meanwhile somewhere else hinata is shoving a photo of tsuki in kageyamas face like “How does this make u feel??” 
kags: hes irritating 
hinata, raising an eyebrow: ok how abt this?? *shows pic of hinata and tsuki clustered tgt* 
kags, frowning: thats more irritating
hinata: and this?? *shows pic of tsuki hugging yamaguchi* 
kags, brow furrowing, frown deepening, pushing hinatas phone away: ur giving me a headache
kags walks away and hinata texts yamaguchi that this is hopeless T.T
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kingstrawberry · 2 years ago
tsukishima with healing powers and magic user yachi caring for the rest of the krsn5, who act even dumber than usual cuz they know if something happens tsuki and yachi can just fix it
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rinjjuei · 5 months ago
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yachi-fied krsn5!!
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kingstrawberry · 1 year ago
kageyama actually goes fully insane, bouncing off the walls when he’s really tired. he insists he’s not sleepy but the rest of the krsn5 knows he’ll crash soon.
hinata always takes a bunch of photos and videos whenever it happens. yamaguchi tries to talk him into sitting down for a minute cuz he knows if kageyama just pauses for a second he’ll be a bit more normal. it doesnt work.
yachi is the one who actually gets him to pause but when he gets sleepy he Demands tsuki’s presence so he can use him as a pillow.
before they got together, everyone except for tkkg themselves could see their feelings for eo based on this, kags using tsuki as a pillow /and/ tsuki not complaining abt it (the first and only time he did complain, kags ended up falling asleep on yamaguchi instead and tsuki was Insanely Jealous but somehow still oblivious to his crush.)
now that they are together, if anyone sees kgym going a little loopy and smiling a bit too big, they find hinata, who somehow always knows where tsuki is, to get tsuki to sit with him til he falls asleep.
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kingstrawberry · 2 years ago
chapstick and cheek kisses
inspo from @irenecallista07 
Kageyama has his hand routine but he always licks his lips and it annoys the shit out of Tsukishima (read: makes him blush) so he shares his chapstick to get Kageyama to Stop That. a small part of him is sad when Kageyama buys his own. 
and Kageyama is frustrated that Tsukishima won't take care of his hands. He manages to get Tsukishima to agree to moisturize if he wears chapstick but it kills him that Tsukishima refuses to even try filing them. - Kageyama feels weird when Tsukishima eventually buys his own hand cream. there’s a small pit in his stomach that won’t go away.
The oblivious king talks to Hinata about it, and his only advice is to talk to Tsukishima.
one painfully awkward and confusing conversation later, it becomes apparent that they both feel the same way. Kageyama is still confused about what that feeling actually is and Tsukishima would rather ignore it entirely.
After way too long and some intervention from the rest of the krsn5, Kageyama learns Tsukishima will take any amount of nail filing for a peck on the cheek.
complaints about Too High tosses and Too Low jumps disappear once Kageyama realizes exactly how reward motivated Tsukishima is.
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kingstrawberry · 2 years ago
curls and cuddles
Tsukishima grows his hair out a little during their 2nd year and dyes the ends at the start of the summer between 2nd and 3rd year and Kageyama has a gay crisis.
He's so sure he’ll be over it when Tsukishima cuts the ends off before 3rd year starts, but he still feels the same way. He has this weird empty feeling after meeting up with Yamaguchi to strategize.
Tsukishima always hangs back to walk home with Yamaguchi, and Kageyama always watches them leave.
With Tsukishima in his hair experimentation era, there is a krsn5 sleepover night where Yachi convinces Tsukishima to let her straighten his hair.
At this point, Kageyama is pretty sure what his feelings for Tsukishima are, which only makes it worse.
Tsukishima is sitting on the edge of Yachi’s bathtub while she stands in front of him with the smallest hair straightener Kageyama's ever seen.
Yamaguchi and Hinata are… somewhere, unbothered, disinterested. If Kageyama could hear anything other than the click and hum of the straightener and Tsukishima’s quiet questions he might realize they're watching a loud action movie in the living room.
Somehow Tsukishima's surprisingly gentle “This won't burn me right?” rings clear in Kageyama's ears over the excessive explosions and yelling from the other room.
Yachi says something that Kageyama can't really hear, but Tsukishima looks relieved so he guesses it was good. She says something else and he smiles at her, a genuine smile that spreads across his face, a rare sight that’s already burying itself in Kageyama's memory by the time it turns into a laugh.
She asks something, he nods and suddenly he’s taking his glasses off. He stretches back and Kageyama stares at a bead of sweat that goes from his ear down his jawline.
The hum in Kageyama's ears gets louder.
Yachi turns to put his glasses on the counter, which is when she spots Kageyama. She gasps exaggeratedly and says no one can see Tsukishima until his hair is done.
Tsukishima sits up, looks around Yachi and sees Kageyama sitting at the table. He sticks his tongue out at him. Tsukishima’s whole mouth is stupidly pink from the strawberry candy Yachi bribed him with.
Kageyama wants to punch him.
Kageyama wants to kiss him.
Yachi closes the bathroom door.
The lock clicks, freeing Kageyama from whatever spell Tsukishima seems to have him under, Kageyama sighs, slumping into the table and closing his eyes. His stomach churns.
He isn’t sure how long he’s been sitting there when the door opens again. He only catches a glance at Tsukishima before it closes behind Yachi. Tsukishima has bangs, somehow. They’re clunky and uneven and Kageyama should think they’re ugly. But they aren’t. (He shouldn't feel this way about Tsukishima. But he does.)
“Did you bring the cream?” Yachi asks Yamaguchi as she walks into the living room with a fine tooth comb in her hand.
Yamaguchi nods. He gets up to grab it from his bag as Hinata asks “Styling cream?”
“For Tsukishima-kun’s hair,” Yachi answers.
Hinata frowns, tilting his head. “You planned this in advance?”
Yamaguchi nods, standing up with the jar in his hand. “Here.”
“Thanks!” Yachi says as she takes it from him.
She’s about to leave when Hinata grabs her wrist. “Explain.”
“Explain what?”
“What you’re doing,” Hinata says with a pointed look at Kageyama, who’s back to being slumped on the table now that the door is closed again.
Yamaguchi and Yachi lock eyes. Yachi’s lips turn into a thin line and Yamaguchi glances at Hinata with a frown.
Seemingly understanding something Hinata can’t see, Yachi uses the handle of the thin comb to jab Hinata’s hand, freeing herself and running off.
“What the hell!” Hinata would chase her but the door is locked again in the blink of an eye. “What are you two doing?!?!” He’s yelling but he sinks back into the couch, rubbing the sore part of his hand with a pout.
Yamaguchi shrugs. “I think you know.”
They both look between Kageyama and the locked door.
“Maybe,” Hinata grumbles as he refocuses on his hand.
Kageyama is still sulking over all this when Yachi pops out of the bathroom again. She stands in the doorframe and somehow Kageyama can’t see Tsukishima at all. “Time for the grand reveal!” she shouts, cheerily clapping her hands together. “go to the living room!”
So Kageyama does. His ears are still buzzing even though the straightener is definitely off. He can hear two pairs of footsteps behind him, but he has a feeling if he tries to turn around Yachi will knock his knees out from under him.
“Close your eyes!” she shouts as Kageyama enters the living room. Yamaguchi and Hinata both listen, and in his nerves Kageyama does too. He stumbles into the couch, falling into Hinata, who shoves him away.
“No fighting with your eyes closed!” Tsukishima scolds, though its pretty clear he’s trying not to laugh.
“Open them!” Yachi says a few moments later, once Kageyama is finally settled. Tsukishima’s hair is parted over his eye and brushed back. It would be formal aside from the ends, which still curve forward, not fully straightened but held in place with cream.
“Wow! You look great, Tsukki!” Yamaguchi says as Yachi sits next to him.
“Shut up Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima replies, though his cheeks turn pink.
Before Yamaguchi can apologize, Hinata blurts “You look so different!”
“I feel like I need a haircut,” Tsukishima says drily, but the smallest smile makes its way onto his face. Kageyama can see it clearly.
Hinata snaps his fingers. “That’s it! It’s longer!”
Yachi snorts.
“That happens when you straighten it,” Yamaguchi says.
“You should straighten Yamaguchi’s hair!” Hinata shouts.
“It’s already straight,” Yachi says with a slight tilt of her head.
“How about yours?” Yamaguchi says, running a hand over Hinata's head, flattening his hair down and laughing when it springs back up immediately.
“We totally could! but,” Yachi turns to Yamaguchi with puppy eyes. “Hinata's hair is too long for me to style well.”
“D’you want me to help?”
“Hey! Why can’t I style it?” Hinata protests.
Yamaguchi elbows him.
Hinatas eyes widen. “Hine,” he grumbles. “Please help me, Yamaguchi.”
“sure!” Yamaguchi says brightly. The three of them disappear.
By the time Kageyama realizes what just happened, Tsukishima is sitting next to him, /Too close./
Kageyama just stares.
Tsukishima huffs. “No comment from the king?” he jokes as he turns the TV back on. “Figures.”
“You look-“
Tsukishima looks at him out of the corner of his eye and Kageyama freezes, tongue feeling like lead in his mouth. “You-“
“Take your time,” Tsukishima says, muting the TV. His voice is flat but he’s smirking. He doesn't look malicious though, just amused. Kageyama blames the sudden glow Tsukishima seems to have on the new hair.
Kageyama closes his eyes again. “You look really nice.”
No response. /Huh?/ There’s no TV noise either.
Kageyama opens one eye, slamming it shut when he sees Tsukishima looking at him with parted lips.
“Huh?” Kageyama’s eyes open without him thinking.
Tsukishima shrugs, turning back to the TV. “I thought with all the staring you did before you’d have more to say.”
Kageyama does some more staring, now at a small lock of hair that curls above Tsukishima’s ear. He wants to reach out and pinch it between his fingers. “The bangs looked stupid.”
Tsukishima turns so fast Kageyama is surprised his glasses stay on. “what?”
“The bangs you had before it was styled. They looked stupid. It's much better now.”
Tsukishima shoves him, but they're both smiling. “You’re the worst.”
“I just complimented you!”
And that gets Tsukishima to laugh. Eyes closed, big gummy smile, ugly laugh. It’s beautiful. It makes Kageyama laugh too.
“I guess you did,” Tsukishima replies once he finally calms down. “Thanks, king.”
There’s a shout of “close your eyes!” before Kageyama can reply.
So they do. And when they open them Hinata looks really different too. He looks good, but it doesn’t make Kageyama’s stomach flip.
“Who are you and what did you do to Hinata?” Tsukishima jokes.
Hinata manages a horrified face. “How did you know i’ve been replaced?”
Yachi makes a spooky ghost noise and Tsukishima laughs again. It's quieter this time, but Kageyama can’t help the grin on his face.
Yamaguchi and Hinata lock eyes.
‘You know now?’ Yamaguchi mouths at him.
Hinata nods.
The next morning Kageyama wakes up to some clanging in the kitchen. “We’re fine!” Yamaguchi shouts.
If Kageyama was more than half awake, he’d go help his friends. As is, his mind has decided to focus all of his attention on the blond asleep next to him.
/It’s curly again,/ he thinks.
Apparently that’s the only thought Kageyama is capable of because the next thing he knows, Tsukishima has grabbed his wrist. It might be his fault for reaching out and running his fingers through Tsukishima’s hair, but how the hell is Tsukishima doing this without waking up?
Kageyama sits up to try to slip his arm out of Tsukishima’s grip, but he’s holding on tight.
Tsukishima pushes Kageyama’s hand away.
Kageyama’s heart rate drops the slightest bit, only to double when he realizes Tsukishima isnt letting go.
The sleeping Tsukishima pulls Kageyama’s hand next to his head and nuzzles his cheek into it. He finally lets go, but there's no way Kageyama can free himself now (read: it would be very easy but he doesn’t want to). He lays back down carefully, doing his best to keep his arm still.
Kageyama does well. Tsukishima doesn’t wake up, but he’s much more of a nuisance asleep than he is when he��s awake. The sleeping Tsukishima seems to have a Kageyama-related sixth sense, because when Kageyama settles back into the blankets Tsukishima gets closer, a lot closer. he rolls in so his head rests on Kageyama’s upper arm, and he pulls Kageyama’s blanket onto himself, forcing Kageyama to come closer or freeze.
Kageyama finds that he doesn’t mind.
Tsukishima frowns in his sleep, putting a hand on Kageyama's shoulder like he’s looking for something.
Kageyama puts his free hand on Tsukishima’s cheek.
Tsukishima’s face relaxes.
Kageyama’s heart finally settles. He knows he can never have Tsukishima but he figures having this moment is more than okay. His eyelids feel heavy. He falls asleep with his fingertips brushing against blond curls.
CONTEXT: Kageyama is under the impression that tkym are together. (They aren’t.)
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