emeselat4 · 6 years
Title: True To Your Groove, Disney’s Kronk’s New Groove Artist: Disney Record Company 
I think we’ve all been in the position where we feel compelled to change ourselves in order to fit in. In Kronk’s case, he was hired by the maniacal Yzma to be her personal assistant (this all occurred in the first movie, The Emperor's New Groove). Kronk is what’s known as a gentle giant, he has all the brawn but none of the brains. His passion is to cook, and teach the next generation how to speak “squirrel”. Yzma took advantage of his innocence, and forced him to kill the Emperor Kuzco, so she could take over the throne. Lost story short, he realized how bad of an influence she is on him, and help Kuzco defeat her once and for all. After that, Kronk started working as a cook at a restaurant, and helped others around the community. This song, “True to your Groove” is the synopsis of his change of heart. Kronk understood that he shouldn’t have to change himself for the approval of others, and this lesson had stunk with me since my childhood. Unlike Kronk, I’m headstrong, I’m not so easily influenced by others. But there have been times where I’ve been tempted to change myself for other people's benefits. Especially in grade 10, when I was apart of Junior Student’s Council. The majority of my peers were “popular”, they were cooler than I was. I  felt compelled to fit it. So I started dressing like them, and talking like them. I was afraid that if they didn’t like me, then I wouldn’t be able to properly contribute to the council. The line, “He lost his groove, he lost his way, when he fell in with a woman. Who wanted to take over the world” is exactly what happened to me when I started to change myself for others. I essentially lost “my groove”, the thing that makes me unique. This led me to feel sad, and confused. It was as if I didn’t know who I was anymore. Towards the end of this jammin’ song, the lyrics, “There is nothing to prove, don't have to approve, the way that you move. Don't have to be smart or be rich or be smooth. Don't have to make art that could hang in the Louvre. If you just go with your heart, then you'll be true to your groove” essentially means that you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to how others want you to be. There isn’t an accurate measurement of how important or unique you can be. Being yourself is the best present you could ever give any one. If they don’t like you for you, then they are not worth having in your life, (just like when Kronk left Yzma). Kronk has taught me that it doesn’t matter how others perceive you, all that matters is if you are true to yourself. Because of this, I stopped trying to change myself, and accepted the fact that I AM DIFFERENT, and that’s....okay. Nowadays, I follow my heart, with Miraculous, Disney, singing, drawing, and dressing up in a certain style. I don’t care what others think of me, as long as I stay true to my groove, I feel happy. I feel...unique.
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