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eggonthemoon · 1 year ago
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Nooo lil Christian boy don’t summon a soccubus!
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unma · 9 months ago
Rating: Mature Ships: Kromer/Emil Sinclair Content Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Child Death Word Count: 2,506
Summary: It was a special purge indeed. He had promised, after all, that he would personally feed Kromer this time. She was looking forward to it, he knew, and so was he. So why did this scene affect him so much? Why did the very sight make his grip on his halberd tighten so painfully? There was no reason to be so shaken up by this, right?
Sinclair has a bad time and Kromer cheers him up. Though it's a lot less wholesome than that sentence implies.
A talk about cannibalism and Tokyo Ghoul really made me go "Hey, I should write another KromSin fic." and here I am a couple days later. Waiting for my beta readers to read over this somehow took much longer than writing this fic. Really funny to think about how quickly I wrote this. Ugh, I love this ship. Maybe I'll talk more about my thoughts behind this fic later. Here's my previous KromSin fic, which takes place earlier in the same continuity.
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unma · 2 months ago
As a Kromsin writer who really should write more Kromsin op has a point I've never really thought about. I need to eat breakfast so it'll be a bit but I'm gonna look something up and elaborate more on this concept because it's really interesting and it's a shame no one has explored it.
Crazy how in Limbus Company there is a canonical AU where all the characters are in a militant sex cult and only like two or three fanfics that focus on the sex part.
Like come on people this is your big excuse to put characters in the absolute kinkiest most toxic relationships imaginable and y'all are genuinely more interested in the "what if the Horny Inquisition felt bad about it?" side of things?
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limbus-limousine · 1 year ago
thoughts on Sinclair/kromer, Demian/kromer? (could be poly or just the two of them rlly) yay or nah? just curious
Honestly I can see all of them? None of them would be exclusively romantic imo though, the way I see Sinclair, any pairing that he's involved in has a very specific, weird freak thing going on that can't be that narrowed down... I could see Kromsin working best with Nclair as an extremely dependent love/hate thing. The kind of situation where you find yourself with someone who hurts you a lot sometimes but other times they are the only one there for you? So you can't hate them because then you'd be nothing. Also the love-agression "my only learnt love language is violence" thinggggg I eat that up
On Kromian... Yeah. I dig that rivalry, put some.innuendos in there. I think Kromer would see him as a specimen because he seems to hold a very deep understanding of the humanity she so much loves, while at the same time being unsettlingly non-human in his behaviors. How could he know so much? Put him in a petri dish (he'll fight back.probably). This grub that I hate.this snake that I hate. AND also add to that my personal speculation about Demian being a closely related entity to Little Prince abno, since Kromer enjoys abnormalities as well.
Anyways if we take these base characters none of their possible pairings would be healthy (which I like. They are so fun to explore). Not even Demisin, no, I can see an extreme dependency being born from Demian disappearing when he's very much needed... White woman jumpscare exposure therapy would give me severe trust issues. Anyways I think the charm of these three together is that they are all freaks in their own way, none of them is really "normal guy gets their life ruined" Sinclair is just in the closet about it. Trust me
In conclusion yeah. I'm happy to see any of them (with a very specific interpretation though.but I think that's obvious from the way I talk about them lol)
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unma · 6 months ago
Plugging my second KromSin fic again because I came across it and got annoyed that it wasn't read much.
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unma · 3 months ago
Sigh. 🏳️‍🌈🫵
I cannot be faulted for this! A moot put goodly kromer art on my dash and I'm supposed to just not react? Crazy women are my one consistent weakness.
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unma · 7 months ago
Folks I am on my bullshit again I am ON THE VERGE of writing an Ahabmael fic and I am clawing at myself desperately not to drop the wip I've been working on for a month for yet another midnight limbus fic.
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unma · 10 months ago
I have several Frans fics waiting to be revised and posted... but I guess it's fucking 5am and I just finished writing a draft for another KromSin fic for some reason. So, uh, look forward to that I guess.
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