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syvellsworld · 9 months ago
Chris: Gared loves attention
Gared: I love attention
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led-by-beauty-again · 3 months ago
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Celina Krogmann
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babywchronicles · 6 months ago
Review: The Junior Witch’s Handbook
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Here's a review of The Junior Witch’s Handbook: A Kid’s Guide to White Magic, Spells, and Rituals, By Nikki Van De Car and Illustrated by Uta Krogmann.
I thought to myself as I was browsing through my local library’s catalogue: “Why not start basic?” And to me, when I saw this book on witchcraft for children, that seemed about as basic as you could get. “Speak to me like a child,” I told this book. “Talk to me like I know nothing.”
The books isn’t long, about 100 pages, but it is Junior Fiction, so one shouldn’t expect anything grandiose. Though, there are some books for adults on witchcraft that don’t top that, so who am I to judge? More important than length is that this book packs a lot of information in it for the page count.
There are a range of ideas, spells, and rituals in this book—as one would expect—but it’s all kept simple. The language is age-appropriate, which means it is very concise and easy to understand. The book doesn’t complicate things the way some “adult” witch books do. That is a very good thing for kids, but I think I also got a lot out of it. There was the information I wanted to know, written in a way that was easy to understand, and was accessible to me as someone who is, though I started looking into it years ago, still very new. A “Baby Witch” as it were. Read on under the cut.
The book is separated into sections: An introduction, a list of things needed for witchcraft—so far, so standard—and then breaks the spells and rituals following into those of “Friends”, “Fulfillment”, and “Family”. A glossary sits at the end, which I love for all informational books, honestly, and feel as though I am rarely granted.
The “Things You’ll Need” section goes over tools and supplies: Altar, Crystals, Herbs, Essential Oils, all that good stuff. It also has a table of different things you can substitute in for other things. Like, this is the best thing ever. I’m sure some out there will insist that you have to have THE right ingredients every single time, but I have no money, so this sort of thing is a life saver. I don’t necessarily need permission to mix and match, but having a handy little table there for me to reference is amazing. Takes the pressure off.
Breaking the book down into the three main components—friends, fulfillment, and family—is so good. To kids, those things are very central to their lives (And non-kids too, let’s be real here).
In the friends section alone, the book goes through sending out energy to invite new friends, how to connect with friends through witchcraft, strengthening friendships, but also—and this is so cool to me—has a while subsection called “Healing” that goes through meditations for anger, compassion, and letting go of hurt feelings. There is acknowledgment here that friends and life sometimes go wrong, people fight, feelings get hurt… And the book stresses this, and then gives methods of handling it positively. How cool is that!?
In the “Fulfilment” section, there is a good amount of self care talked about, and how to accomplish that through witchcraft. There is talk of luck, creativity, courage—but there is also a ritual for loving yourself when things go wrong; how to center yourself so you can try again. It also talks about making your own oracle deck, which sounds like the best idea for me, honestly. I just can’t get one to work for me. Thank you, witchcraft for children book. You the grace I needed right now.
The book further goes into things like cleansing, having a guardian for your home, celebrations (wheel of the year type stuff) in the “Family” section. All good stuff.
And you want to know WHAT ELSE is good about this book? The rituals, spells, and the like are often 1 or 2 pages of information. This is the sort of non-complicated, simple, PLEASE-talk-to-me-like-I’m-11 stuff I need in my life. It’s undaunting. It’s useful. It’s accessible. I want o hold this book to the moon and scream in relief and thanks.
This books teaches about magic, while also acknowledging key importances around making friends, being with your family, and loving yourself. And, as I have said before, it talks to you like you are new, like you don’t know the detailed concepts, big words, or complex ideas… And for someone who is so easily put off by complexity when I know nothing, this is so good for me.
Take note, Adult Witchcraft Books: Stop being so serious and complicated. A little care and gentleness for your friends, your family, yourself, and your readers is good for the soul. Well done.
Two thumbs up from me. How do rating systems go? I might buy this book.
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writerobscura · 2 years ago
Over on Mastodon, user Kiara HyenaGirl is curating a list of transfolks seeking funding to flee their transphobic states.
Here is a current list so far, for those of you unable to connect to Mastodon:
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addicted2wasps · 2 years ago
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, there’s another wasp that out-weirds the others. This Eurytomid is definitely a contender for one of the weirdest looking wasps I’ve ever seen! There’s a wasp in every shape, colour, size, you name it! 
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horseweb-de · 3 months ago
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thelenazavaroniarchive · 5 months ago
24th August 2024.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟒. In America, Cash Box had the single Ma!… at number 81 in the charts.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟒. German TV listings magazine HORZU had two articles with photographs about Lena.
From week to week
Child star Lena. Trimmed for career page 86.
Above the colour photograph;
Below: Lena Zavaroni, England's most successful new child star is ten years old. She has an unusual sum and is chased halfway around the world by her manager - May to Japan, May to Las Vegas. Albert Kogmann investigates whether a child can sell the mammoth torture in show business.
The numerous freckles give the face of the ten-year-old a fuzzy appearance. Without the dabs on her nose and cheeks, the little Scotswoman Lena Zavaroni would look even more mature, her hits are not children's songs anyway. When the petite Scotswoman Ma he's making eyes at me schmetteri or sings the caterina valente title Personality, even old show hands are amazed. How do you get such a murderous voice into such a little girl? In the USA, Lena has already performed alongside superstars Liza Minelli and Frank Sinatra, and soon she will also make the German TV speakers tremble
For the next long-playing record of the vocal miracle, the successful composer Burt Bacharach (Magic Moments, Whats new pussycat) wrote some titles. The famous Count Basie Band makes the music for Little Lena. Experts predict that the ten-year-old will have a career. Your manager Phil Solomon......
Tuesday 27th August 20:15 o'clock.
... Days church London. If the camera? befichref Krogmann, the small safari vall is there. She talks like a book but it is all rehearsed Also the answer to the question of what they want to become A successful singer, he clarified the self-taught young lady promptly. But until then, the way is for Lena, who sacrifice a carefree childhood to the career aspirations of a manager, mun far she separated it from her parents, mub aul spak and play with schoolmates and friends renounce. And don't snack once..........
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓. Lena appeared at the Southport theatre.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓. The Sunday Post reported that in November Lena would appear at The Usher Hall, Edinburgh. It would be earlier than normal concerts.
𝐓𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟔. The Thanet Times had an advert for Lena and Pam Ayres concert at the Winter Gardens, Margate on Sunday 29th.
𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟕. In America, The Robesonion ran a short piece about Lena.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎. Lena appeared at the Drake Theatre, Plymouth, some songs were; Even now, I can’t live without you, Jump down jimmy, and La Zavaroni.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎. An autograph signed by Lena in Plymouth.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓. The weekend newspapers mentioned on their television pages that Lena would be on Monday's Breakfast Time, to be broadcast from Blackpool where she was appearing at The Opera House with Cannon & Ball.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗. Bonnie Langford mentioned her friendship with Lena in a Sunday Post article.
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bunkerblogwebradio · 2 years ago
Hitler foi financiado pela Costa Leste?
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Desde o início da década de (19)30, boatos disseminaram a ideia de que Hitler e seu partido teriam sido financiados com centenas de milhões de Marcos provenientes de círculos judaicos dos EUA. Em 1933 apareceu sobre isso o livro de Sidney P. Walburg [1], onde o líder do partido recebera em 3 parcelas a quantia de 128 milhões de Reichsmark. O livro foi então retirado imediatamente de circulação – aparentemente pela própria editora, todavia permaneceram alguns exemplares. O alegado original inglês desapareceu.
Em 1983, a respeitada editora Droemer quis trazer este livro ao mercado como uma sensação. Porém, a editora evitou a publicação porque: »A autenticidade do documento não pôde ser provada”.[2]
O Centro de Pesquisa de Hamburgo para a História do Nacional-Socialismo (Hamburger Forschungsstelle für die Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus) atestou que se tratava desde 1954 de uma comprovada falsificação.
Em 1948 apareceu o livro Spanischer Sommer, de Severin Reinhard [3], com conteúdo semelhante, posteriormente apresentaremos um outro artigo de Heinz Scholl sobre este tema, onde menciona-se 178 milhões de Reichsmark.[4] Jornais estrangeiros [5] também escreveram sobre pagamentos provenientes de fontes judaicas a Hitler, até mesmo somas muito inferiores.
Em seu livro Hexen-Einmal-Eins einer Lüge [6], Emil Aretz dedicou um capítulo aos “Doadores estrangeiros de Hitler”. O conteúdo traz várias citações do livro de Sidney Warburg e descreve os procedimentos contra isso. O autor considera justificadas as acusações contra Hitler.
Antony C. Sutton, nascido em Londres, publicou em 1976 o livro Wall street and the Rise of Hitler.[7] Ele chegou à conclusão de que antes de 1933 apenas poucos recursos das empresas e bancos norte-americanos fluíram para o NSDAP; após 1933 um pouco mais através das filiais alemãs, embora estas empresas americanas teriam se aproveitado bastante até o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele dedicou o Capítulo 10 de seu livro [8] ao “Mito de Sidney Warburg”. Segundo suas pesquisas, nunca existiu um Sidney Warburg. Tratava-se de um pseudônimo, o livro era uma falsificação. Ele apresentou também um testemunho juramentado de James Paul Warburg, o chefe da família de banqueiros norte-americanos, de 15 de julho de 1949, distanciando-se do livro de Sidney Warburg.
Em 1983, o livro de Sidney Warburg reapareceu em uma nova edição reivindicando credibilidade.[9] Em uma introdução detalhada, o editor descreveu os antecedentes históricos e, no apêndice, foi apresentada a história da publicação até então. Tentativas foram feitas para dissipar dúvidas sobre a autenticidade da publicação.
Desde o início, importantes testemunhas contemporâneas como o ex-presidente do Reichsbank, Hjalmar SCHACHT, se manifestaram contra os rumores de que o NSDAP havia sido financiado por milhões de Reichsmark de bancos americanos antes de 1933. Após o final da guerra, o antigo chanceler do Reich (1932) e vice-chanceler (1933 – 1934) sob Hitler, Franz von Papen (1879 – 1969)[10], mencionou detalhadamente sobre o livro de Sidney Warburg:
1- “falou sobre ‘boatos sujos’ e assegurou principalmente que, ao contrário do alegado no livro, nenhum centavo fluiu para Hitler ou seu movimento “proveniente nem da sua ou de outra fonte financeira”.[11] Colaboradores próximos a Hitler, como o renomado banqueiro e prefeito de Hamburg (1933 – 1945), Carl Vincent Krogmann, esclareceu que tal ajuda financeira originária dos EUA – e respectiva dependência política- não aconteceu. Da mesma forma asseguram testemunhas da época, que esse boato foge de toda realidade. O apoio de Hitler por parte das empresas alemãs antes de 1933 foi investigada pelo historiador de Wurzburg, Rainer F. Schmidt, que chegou também ao resultado de que tal ajuda foi insignificante e que antes de 1933 o partido se financiou de pequenas contribuições de seus membros e da venda de diferentes artigos.[12]
Rolf Kosiek
Do depoimento juramentado de James Paul WARBURG, em 15/07/1949 [13]
2- “Não existiu uma pessoa chamada Sidney Warburg, em Nova York, em 1933 e também em lugar algum neste ou em diferentes épocas, segundo é de meu conhecimento”;
3- “Eu nunca forneci um manuscrito, diário, notas, telegramas ou qualquer outro documento a qualquer pessoa para tradução e publicação na Holanda e, sobretudo, nunca forneci tais documentos a um suposto J. G. Sholjp na Antuérpia.”
7- “Eu nunca tive uma discussão com Hitler, com líderes nazistas ou qualquer outra pessoa por causa de apoio financeiro ao partido nazista.”
8- “Em fevereiro de 1933 (veja as páginas 191 e 192 do livro Spanischer Sommer), quando eu supostamente teria levado até Hitler a última parcela do dinheiro norte-americano e teria sido recebido também por Göring e Goebbels, eu posso provar que não me encontrava na Alemanha. Eu nunca coloquei um pé na Alemanha depois que os nazistas chegaram ao poder, em janeiro de 1933. Em janeiro e fevereiro, eu estava em Nova York e Washington, onde trabalhei em meu banco e estava ocupado com a eleição do presidente e da próxima crise bancária. Depois que o sr. Roosevelt ocupou a presidência a 3 de março de 1933, eu trabalhei incessantemente com ele, ajudando-o a preparar a ordem do dia para a Conferência da economia mundial, para qual havia sido enviado no início de junho. Sobre isso há inúmeros artigos publicados.”
[1] Primeiramente na Holanda como De Geldbronnen van hetNationaal-Socialisme. Drie Gesprekken met Hitler door Sidney Warburg vertaald door J.G. Schoup, Van Holkema & Warendor. Amsterdam 1933, tradução alemã na biblioteca de Berna, Suíça. Segundo a introdução, Schoup “recebeu para traduzir a conversa, para traduzir o manuscrito em inglês de Warburg. Como não existia um Sidney na família, deveria tratar-se de James P. Warburg.”
[2] H. H. (Heinrich HÄRTLE), »Judengeld für Hitler?« no Deutsche Monatshefte, Junho 1983, Pág. 37.
[3] Severin Reinhard, Spanischer Sommer, Ähren, Zürich 1948; Prometheus, Buenos Aires [2] 1952.
[4] Heinz SCHOLL, Von der Wallstreet gekauft, VHZ, Euskirchen. Aqui é apresentado novamente o capítulo do livro de Reinhard em [3] (pág. 53-141), assim como extratos do chamado Relatório Konstantin (pág. 35-52)
[5] Por exemplo o Jornal Baseler National-Zeitung, de 28/01/1937, com 10 milhões de dólares.
[6] Emil Aretz, Hexen-Einmal-Eins einer Lüge, Hohe Warte, Pähl [4] 1972, Pág. 217-246.
[7] Antony C . SUTTON, Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler, ’76 Press, Seal Beach (Califórnia) 1976; deutsch: Wall Street und der Aufstieg Hitlers, traduzido por Helmut Herttrich, 1997.
[8] Ebenda, Pág. 131—i 46 da tradução alemã.
[9] Ekkehard Franke-Gricksch (Ed.), So wurde Hitler finanziert. Das verschollene Dokument von Sidney Warburg über die internationalen Geldgeber des Dritten Reiches, Diagnosen, Leonberg 1983.
[10] Franz VON PAPEN, Der Wahrheit eine Gasse, Paul List, München 1952, Pág. 257 ff.
[11] Ebenda, Pág. 259.
[12] Veja artigo 75, “NS-Financiamento através da grande indústria alemã?”
[13] Antony C. SUTTON, Wall Street und der Aufstieg Hitlers, traduzido por Helmut Herttrich, 1997, Pág. 141-144.
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irresistible--seduction · 3 years ago
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Celina Krogmann
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celebpantyhosefeet · 3 years ago
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Celina Krogmann
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rocketbeansoutofcontext · 4 years ago
"Ich bin großer TK-Pizza-Fan. Ich würde behaupten, Ristorante war mehr für mich da als meine Mutti."
- Michael Krogmann
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syvellsworld · 9 months ago
Chris: The first production that Gared and I did together - he was still a student - we were incredibly drunk, I was still drinking back then -
Gared: Me too
Chris: It was a cover - shit, we always said it wasn't us... ok, it was us. Antichris Harms and -
Gared: Schweinemann (pig man)
Chris: Schweinemann, you can find it on YouTube, we did a cover of Cheri Cheri Lady. That was awesome.
Gared: Yeah. I think...
Chris: Alcohol level of 8 and 2 cherries...
The song in question:
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led-by-beauty-again · 3 months ago
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Celina Krogmann
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midas-shimizu · 5 years ago
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Michael Reinke + Michael Krogmann = MICHA BRO'S ✊
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boehnchenblog · 6 years ago
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ein bisschen Krogi & Tiere für euch zum Wochenstart ♡ credit: 1 & 2
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notwikipedia · 3 years ago
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Davia Dannenberg
Born June 19, 1976 in East Berlin, East Germany
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