#krita was literally lagging so bad
minttsaltt · 5 months
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yummy rendered art.,,., delicious
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softdragon · 6 years
For the artist meme! 6, 8, 19, 24 😋
6: what levels of artistic education have you had?
just my general art class in secondary school. so... five years technically. ((i could say six but 4th year is a mess and ‘art class’ is just arts an crafts so we are not counting that lmao)) 
unfortunately art in secondary school wasn’t exactly the best artistic education, as in, we literally just learned and did what we had to for our shitty leaving cert (big important irish exams) and we didn’t do art for the sake of art and we didn’t learn a whole lot of stuff bc it was irrelevant to our leaving cert project,,,, but,,, i did enjoy it. my teacher was like a second mammy. ms anthony if ur reading this i miss u xx
8: what is your favourite piece that you have done?
oof.......... let me think. i have this watercolour painting of a siren under a beam of light in the water, and it doesn’t show off my ability or anything amazing, but i do love it bc it’s the longest time i’ve ever spent on a painting without giving up. it’s more abstract and less line-y to my usual stuff, and it’s quite big, so i’m proud of it. i guess that’s currently my favourite piece. i don’t have a photo rn but i’ll add one later
19: what medium/programme do you use most in your art?
*stands on table, pulls out giant megaphone* WATERCOLOURRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(also: biro pens, fineliners, light pencils, charcoal, sometimes acrylic.... but mostly pens/watercolour) (and the programme i use on my laptop is krita. it’s good, it’s v similar to photoshop but its free lol, i don’t have money for fancy drawing programmes. sometimes my laptop makes krita lag for me when i make the piece im drawing too large, like over 3000px, but i can live w it)
24: do you have a shameful art past?
don’t we all
when i was like 16 i had a phase where i wanted to draw like the artist burdge sooooo bad, so i’d spend ages staring at her drawings and trying to copy her exact movements and poses and expressions and i’d use them for my own drawings.... i literlly just tried to copy her style. it wasn’t like i was just taking inspiration, or taking notes, i literally wanted my art to look EXACTLY like hers lmaoooo.... luckily that phase did not last and i moved on to find my own distinctive style
would still give my soul to draw like burdge tho, ngl
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{Well, I started working on a picture for the Hanekoma normal verse AU I'm doing with Dusty and Morton, but I gave up on it pretty quickly.}
{I don't know what's wrong, but Krita was lagging like nobody's business. I had to sit like 30 seconds just to wait for it to update the fact I was attempting to draw a line. Only for it to not even register the first few seconds of me drawing that line.}
{I dunno, y'all. I'm gonna go back and clean my computer out later. See if there are extra files clogging it up or something. Never had this problem with it before.}
{Until then, I'm thinking I'll color some lineart I drew a while back on my phone. Don't like having to draw with my finger, but it's not too bad, ig. Aside from the Strawberry Aku pic, I've done literally every other piece of digital art that way so it's not like it can't be done.}
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