#kristanna x gaston
kristanna-days · 2 years
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Frozen Smut Week 2023
Emerald Master List
Sleigh Ride @bad-at-names-and-faces
Kristoff has plans for the weekend with Anna at his cabin. Anna might have other ideas. (M) Tblr | AO3
All’s Fair @syzygy_mellifluous (@thecassadilla)
As Anna and Kristoff learn to navigate the ins and outs of their relationship, what starts out as an innocent enough game quickly becomes a full-fledged battle between lust and jealousy.
But as the proverb says, all's fair in love and war. (E) Tblr | AO3
To New Beginnings @flowerinherhair (@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots)
Freshly divorced Anna goes out to celebrate her newfound single status and meets a hot bartender. (E) Tblr | AO3
Mint Jelly and Onion Jam @annas-hair-donut (@loonysama)
Kristoff wasn't exactly prepared for his date with Ryder, much less a relationship. But he finds himself opening up to the idea as he opens Ryder up in a different way. (E) Tblr | AO3
A bed in the meadows @annaofthenorthernlights
Freshly married, and full in love, the young king and queen sneak away to get some lovely time to themselves… (M) Tblr | AO3
Kristoff/Anna/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
Cocked and Loaded @thefamilybruno
While Anna and Kristoff are on vacation in France, Anna wanders away from her campsite and bumps into an extremely handsome but incredibly arrogant hunter in the woods. After the hunter helps Anna find her way back to her campsite, both Kristoff and Anna find themselves strangely excited at the thought of seeing him again. Their subsequent visit to the man's tavern will have you wondering who, exactly, is the hunter and who is the prey? (E) Tblr | AO3
Room For You, Chapter 66: Friday @leaves_of_laurelin (@leaves-of-laurelin)
Freshman Anna wants to make friends, truly experience college, and not think too hard about if she’s picked the right major. Sophomore Hans wants to play lacrosse, have a different guy or girl in his bed every night, and otherwise be left alone. And senior Kristoff just wants to get through this last semester without distractions so he can graduate and finally start his life.
But sometimes what we think we want and what we actually need are two different things. (E) Tblr | AO3 Ch 1 | AO3 Ch 66
Elsa (Solo)
Alone But Not Lonely @smuglemon (@smuglemonfics)
Elsa has newfound freedom in the North. Unbound by strict schedules or stifling social conventions, she takes some time for herself, exploring both the woods and her own body. (E) Tblr | AO3
So many good fics!!! Thanks to everyone who participated!
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @firawren
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 123 (year 2021-2024)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,036,044
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Frozen, Beauty & The Beast (Disney 1991), a little Encanto, House of the Dragon
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Instincts – or the beast inside (E-rated, my first batb1991)
Bury me in your fur (E-rated, batb1991)
Blame it on the books (E-rated, batb1991)
The beach case (T rated, Frozen, collaborated work with @hiptoff)
Love can see the good (T-rated, my first Frozen fanfic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I do! That´s a must 😊
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don´t have angsty endings, but might happen within a fic – f.e. Fall to rise (Gaston redemption au)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All my fics have happy endings 😊. One that means a lot to me is Never too late (Frozen, kristanna elderly residence au, where old Kristoff/Anna fall in love)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thanks heavens no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep, I do! Well, not on my very first writings. The naughtiness grew along the ride 😊
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes, I do – and the craziest is surely All you need is love... actually (Frozen, Brave, Hercules, Moana) and Smut in space (crazily E-rated, Frozen x batb1991) - which is losely based on the legendary christmas movie "Love actually)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I pray not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I translated my own fic Boat ship into German (Boot-ship ahoi) a kristanna vacation au (rated T)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I did the collaborated fic-writing together with @hiptoff as mentioned at 4. (does that count?)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Anna/Kristoff, Belle/Adam (Belle/Beast)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?  "Of sweet delight in physicality" (title might change…), a hotd canon divergent au, pairing: Alicent Hightower/Laerys Strong, where Alicent and Laerys meet as kids and become friends, Alicent caring deeply for the crippled boy until they grow older and fall in love, but need to hide it due to Alicent´s fate of arranged marriage with king Viserys.
16. What are your writing strengths? Fluff, definitely fluff & dialogues (I must give credit to @hiptoff again who was my very idol for dialogues in the beginning of my writing years). And I think my descriptions of atmosphere and sceneries are draw the reader right into the middle of things (that´s what I have been told 😊)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Angst (that´s longer than just one chapter… lol), hurt, diving into very deep feelings and just scratching at the top to get the fic going…
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I am currently working on a novel in German, but that´s mostly for Nanowrimo…
19. First fandom you wrote for? Frozen
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
That´s a hard one, because I think I love all my fanfics equally the same (seriously), but I think I am very proud on my first fanfic baby “Love can see the good” (kristanna, canon divergent au, post Frozen 2 where I wanted to tell the story of Anna/Kristoff from breaking the damn and going back to Arendelle up to Anna´s coronation and finally a kristanna wedding). And currently I am posting the sequel Love can see beyond. So, this series is my longest and hardest worked on fanfic for Anna/Kristoff and I care deeply for them.
Tagging all for fun @luthien-under-bough @hiptoff @justfrozenthings @sweetpeapod @99goosebumps @shield-agent78 @reconciledviolence729 @endlesstwanted
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annas-hair-donut · 9 months
My Favorite 2023 Fanfics
Instead of posting a master list of the fics I published in 2023, I'm just going to give you some of my favorites.
Knock on Wood (Kristanna, T)
“So, like, I’m not really a superstitious guy or anything, you know? But I saw this girl, right, and I’m about to ask her to dance.” He strummed a few times before stopping the strings with his hand and knocking three times on his guitar. “I don’t know, I figure every little bit helps. Couldn't hurt anyway.” A few people clapped and whistled as he strummed the opening to a song Anna hadn’t heard before. Then he smiled. “Maybe y’all can 'Knock on Wood' for me, too.”
I wrote this one for the FHWM Friday the 13th event. It was really fun because I got to set it in a time and place that is near and dear to my heart and I haven't seen many similar AUs. It's also a song fic, and I just had so much fun with it.
Pretty Please (Kristanna, E)
“Show me how bad you want it, Kristoff. Show me how bad you want me to spank you.” “You think I only want to sink my tongue into your $!@# so you’ll spank me?” His smile made her heart flutter as much as his words, but she tested him anyway. “Pretty men say pretty please.’” “You think I’m pretty?” he asked, each word punctuated by a sloppy, wet kiss on her thigh, "when I wear my lace panties?" When she didn't answer, he looked at her with lifted brows and puppy dog eyes. She cupped his cheeks and said, “You're not pretty, Kristoff; you're very pretty."
I wrote this one for the BDSM Exchange. It's not for everyone, but it's probably my favorite fic I've ever written (of all time).
Waffle Waltz (Kristanna, T)
Anna travels to Tromsø, Norway to attend her sister Elsa's wedding, and ends up renting a room with Bulda and her grumpy and resentful son Kristoff, who is the king of waffles. 1. Waffle, Noun: (1) A soft indented cake cooked in waffle iron; (2) Empty or pretentious words 2. Waffle, Verb: (1) Equivocate, vacillate; (2) To blather
This was for the Candy Hearts Exchange. It involved a ton of research and drew on my own knowledge of/experience with folk music and dance, and I consider it to be one of the best (quality-wise) fics I've ever written. I also really love the fun relationship between Anna & Hans.
Hey, Little Girl (Kristanna, E)
Loner Kristoff gets hired by cheerleader Anna’s parents to teach her how to drive because they’ve lost all patience with her. She isn’t what he expects, though, and when he realizes the feelings he’s been harboring for years are reciprocated, he lets down his guard. Then one thing leads to another... and quite possibly the hugest mistake of their lives.
This started as a driver's ed lesson and ended with a prom for Kristanna School Days. In between, I wrote Kristoff probably the most conflicted and tormented I've ever written him (other than Sophisticated Grace). And it was all set to songs by the Ramones! It really has it all, fluff, angst, high school drama, teen pregnancy, first times. Also some of the OCs were really cool.
The Chaise (Gaston x Adam, E)
Adam debates buying a small chaise longue at his local antique shop until he finds out it comes with an extra large delivery man.
I wrote this for my a friend, and TBH I'm still completely tickled by it. Adam seduced Gaston through flattery and it was just so much fun to write!
The Moment I Bit My Lip (Kristanna, E)
Anna shivered as she packed her suitcase. It was winter, the furnace was broken, and they’d run out of firewood. And Kristoff had run out of time. Based on "Love Me Harder" by Ariana Grande ft. The Weeknd
This was a reader request. It was a huge challenge because I tend to write more female-dominant stuff and the song lyrics screamed Kristanna, but at the same time didn't really fit with the kinds of things I usually write. So I had to get a little creative and I absolutely love that. Anyway, I came up with one of the coolest AUs I've written and I absolutely adore this piece.
Boom, Clap! (Kristanna, E)
A sharp pain sears across Kristoff’s face from the force of Anna’s hand slapping him to the present. Stars twinkle just inside his field of vision as he rubs his cheek, and his heart beats faster in excitement. He hasn’t felt this good in years. Until an irate voice says, “What the fuck?” Anna stands in front of him, angrier than ever, and he smiles a little more. “You think that’s funny?” she asks. The correct answer is no, of course, but the right answer is that he’s elated. He looks down to hide the smile he couldn’t make go away. That’s when he sees his brace and remembers his injured leg. The only pain he feels, though, is on his cheek. “I had it handled,” she says and shows him the red rhinestone-encrusted mace attached to her keychain, which her thumb sits on top of. He grins, and says, more bravely than he would have had he not been floating on Cloud 9, “Or you could just slap me again.” Her red lips slowly curve into a cat-like smile. She folds her arms and coolly leans against the wall. Her eyes glitter with mischief, and she purrs, “Well, now you’ve got my attention.”
I wrote this for Smut Week, but it's so much bigger than that. It was a monumental task writing about Kristoff, a war-injured vet, and Anna, the woman that uses pain to take away his pain, but so rewarding as their relationship turned into something so much bigger than h/c for them. It's two people bringing out the absolute best in each other, Kristoff healing in a way he never thought he could, and discovering that he was worthy of giving and accepting love. It's one of the most meaningful things I've written.
Rain Check (Kristanna, E)
Newly divorced Anna goes for a walk to work off some pent-up energy, but gets derailed by rain, a good Samaritan’s garage, and some really great D.
Another Smut Week fic, a follow-up to a cute little one-shot I wrote for myself last year (Future's So Bright, T) and wanted more of. I really love the way Anna and KB love each other. And Anna really goes for what she wants, but ultimately chooses herself and what she needs. I like this AU so much that I did a follow-up fic (Here Comes the Sun, E) and I'm also planning a 30+ multi-chap fic tentatively titled "And If I Change My Mind" to be published hopefully in the next few months.
Valentine Bear (Rydoff, T)
Kristoff gets some unexpected help setting up the Peeps Valentine's Day display at Weselton's Grocery Store when Anna, the assistant manager--and Kristoff's best friend--assigns Ryder to assist. Will Anna's Cupid's arrow strike Kristoff's heart? Or will it knock him down, along with his display?
I had this idea of Kristoff playing with Peeps and using his fake voice to talk for them. Who else talks for Peeps? Ryder of course! It's such a fun concept and I loved writing for them so much that I wrote a short multi-chap sequel (Mint Jelly and Onion Jam). Oh, and I got to explore Anna & Kristoff as adorable best friends and Anna/Hans (Alive and Burning Brighter), also a first!
Behind Adjoined Doors (Kristanna, E)
After seeing her recently engaged ex at her cousin's wedding, Anna sneaks through the adjoining door of her hotel room to have meaningless sex with Kristoff - because it’s not possible to fall for someone you can’t stand, right?
I wrote this one for Smut Week and it still tickles me. Cocky Kristoff is just so... he's a bro. Sort of. At least it seems like he is. And Anna has to open her eyes (and her legs) to see the diamond in the rough hiding right next door.
What's up for 2023? I'm working on a Kristanna Valentine's Day fic (short multi-chap), finishing up All Tied Up and Head Over Feet. Chugging along with The Refugees, and my new upcoming long fic "And If I Change My Mind," set in the Bandana AU.
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sophie-the-duchess · 7 years
what it's like writing fanfiction for your otp:
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kristanna-days · 2 years
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Frozen Smut Week 2023
Amethyst Master List
Make Me Forget @Leaves_of_Laurelin (@leaves-of-laurelin)
Anna needs a distraction, Kristoff is ready to give her anything she needs. (M) Tblr | AO3
Rain Check @annas-hair-donut (@loonysama)
Newly divorced Anna goes for a walk to work off some pent-up energy, but gets derailed by rain, a good Samaritan’s garage, and some really great D. (E) Tblr | AO3
Retrouvaille @syzygy_mellifluous (@thecassadilla)
She left Arendelle a princess, and came home a queen.
She left Arendelle with a boyfriend, and came home with a fiancé.
With the crown heavy on her head, and the ring heavy on her finger, Anna wants nothing more than to reconnect with the man she loves. (M) Tblr | AO3
Sash Me to Your Heart @annaofthenorthernlights
Anna was super proud of her husband and Prince Consort… and helped him getting out of the nerve-racking royal outfit… although she kept his purple sash for good use… he certainly deserved a good treat… (E) Tblr | AO3
The Queen's Throne @flowerinherhair (@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots)
Anna has just been crowned Queen and Kristoff is her obedient servant (E) Tblr | AO3
Trollfully United @bad-at-names-and-faces
Arendelle is saved, and Elsa is going to be stepping down from the throne to protect the Enchanted Forest. Now, they've returned to Arendelle, and the trolls and townspeople are all happy to see everyone return, but the trolls in particular notice Anna's new ring… (M) Tblr | AO3
Cocked and Loaded, Ch 2: Harvest @thefamilybruno
While Anna and Kristoff are on vacation in France, Anna wanders away from her campsite and bumps into an extremely handsome but incredibly arrogant hunter in the woods. After the hunter helps Anna find her way back to her campsite, both Kristoff and Anna find themselves strangely excited at the thought of seeing him again. Their subsequent visit to the man's tavern will have you wondering who, exactly, is the hunter and who is the prey? (E) Tblr | AO3 Ch 1 | AO3 Ch 2
Thanks to everyone that participated in Frozen Smut Week: Amethyst! I can't wait to see what's in store for Frozen Smut Week: Sapphire!
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kristanna-days · 10 months
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Frozen x Beauty & the Beast Yuletide Exchange (2023)
A Well Deserved Gift (Adam/Belle, E) @biblioscribler/@99goosebumps for @annaofthenorthernlights
Adam has been working so hard to get things done before the end of the term so he'd have an easier time back next semester. Belle has missed having fun with him, but with the first snow about to fall she decides to take matters into her own mittens after he's finished his paperwork.
All I Want for Christmas is You (Rydoff, T) @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots for @annas-hair-donut
Kristoff Bjorgman has just accepted a new job in Alaska as reindeer veterinarian at Nattura reindeer farm. He was expecting to befriend some reindeer, however he was not expecting to become so close to his new boss.
Bundle Up, Scooch In (Kristanna, M)@annas-hair-donut for @smuglemonfics
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Christmas With You Gets Better Every Year (Kristanna) @chibiotaku4life/@xxlovelynovaxx for @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots
Anna and Kristoff meet for a coffee date and surprise gift exchange at their favorite coffee shop. Warm memories are shared as the smell of roasted coffee wafts through the air.
Dried Rose Bookmark (Adam/Belle, E) @thefamilybruno for @biblioscribler/@99goosebumps
For months, Belle has worked as a costume designer at the Little Rose Theater Company in Philadelphia. She loves everything about the theater. Everything except the actor who has become a thorn in her side - Adam Boz.
When Belle inadvertently overhears a heated argument between Adam and his parents, she finds out that Adam will be spending Christmas alone. Unable to ignore the new spark of empathy she feels toward him, Belle thinks that she should try to become Adam's friend.
But when she snoops through Adam's belongings and finds a dried rose pressed in between the pages of a well-loved book, Adam lashes out, causing Belle to run from the theater into the cold winter night.
Will Adam be able to apologize? Or will Belle continue to think of him as a beast for all time?
Once Upon a Yuletide Holiday (Adam/Belle, M) @annaofthenorthernlights for @winter__moon/@true--north
"Anywhere?" Belle looks up at Adam, who nods solemnly, emphasising his promise. They stand in the library as Adam offers Belle a trip for the Christmas season. "Anywhere, my dear. You choose the destination."
The Beauty Who Braved the Blizzard and Healed the Heart (The Prologue) (Belle/Elsa, G) @paigebstorey for @chibiotaku4life/@xxlovelynovaxx
When Adam goes missing in the woods after a sledding accident, Belle ventures out of Arendelle Village to find him. She comes across a palace made of ice, in which she discovers Adam is a prisoner to an enchantress of eternal winter. A bargain is made, and Belle takes her friend’s place, with unexpected consequences…
The River Sings (Elsa & Iduna, Elsamaren, T) @winter__moon/@true--north for @paigebstorey
Princess Elsa is seeking her lost Mother. Voices in her head are leading her North. On the way to Ahtohallan she meets a Northuldra warrior…
We Need a Little Christmas (Kristanna, E) @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots for @annas-hair-donut
Recently divorced and single dad Kristoff is not really feeling in the Christmas spirit, that is, until he meets the bubbly and charming Anna who captures both his and his daughter's hearts and helps to bring them a bit of Christmas spirit
You Are My Shelter from the Storm (Adam/Belle/Gaston) @smuglemon/@smuglemonfics for @thefamilybruno
Belle and Gaston have already arrived at a small cottage in the countryside where their partner, Prince Adam, has promised to meet them when his work in another kingdom is done. However, rather than get to experience the fresh air and nature he loves so much, Gaston finds himself stuck indoors when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Alone together, he and Belle find a way to pass the time…
View the entire collection @ AO3.
Happy Holidays to the Frozen and Beauty & the Beast fandoms!
Stay tuned for Frozen Smut Week - March 17-24.
DM me or @thefamilybruno if you want to join the Frozen Hearts Worth Melting Discord server. It's a super chill server for Frozen and Beauty and the Beast fanfic writers. We have a Valentine's Day prompt event coming up soon!
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sophie-the-duchess · 7 years
who's your favorite disney otp?
right now my favorite is kristanna (obviously), but my all-time favorite is rapunzel fitzherbert, followed closely by belle x gaston (don't @ me)
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