#kristanna smut week
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kristanna-days · 1 year ago
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Frozen Smut Week March 17 - 21, 2024
Save the date and start drafting your Frozen smut! Each fic must contain at least one Frozen character (crossovers are allowed!), and be posted on Tumblr, tagging @kristanna-days. An AO3 collection will also be set up - details to follow.
I've given some suggested prompts for each theme, but feel free to interpret the themes however you want! There's no limit to how they can be used.
Feed my ask box or DM me if you have any questions!
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[March 17: Lustrous Metals (Gold, Silver, Titanium, Platinum) March 18: Crystaline Metals (Silicon, Tin, Lead, Carbon) March 19: Metal Alloys (Steel, Pewter, Mercury) March 20: Patina & Rust (Copper, Brass, Bronze) March 21: Electricity & Magnetism (Iron, Nickel, Cobalt)]
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firawren · 1 year ago
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Anna/Kristoff | rated E | 3,276 words
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Porn with Feelings, Vaginal Sex, Couch Sex, Dirty Talk, Anna has a filthy mouth, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Charades
What if Elsa hadn't heard the voice and gotten weird during charades in Frozen 2?
Kristoff tries to propose to Anna right after the game of charades, but he's not able to get the words to come out right. So he resorts to a bit of impromptu charades to ask the big question. Anna says yes, of course—and then is so excited that she uses charades herself to make a suggestion of what they should do together next. The clues are: two words, first word sounds like “pets,” second word sounds like “duck.”
Written for Frozen Smut Week 2024, @kristanna-days
Read on AO3 or start with the excerpt below:
He and Anna were no strangers to each other’s bodies. They’d been a couple for three years now, and though Kristoff would have waited until they were married to do anything sexual, Anna didn’t have that kind of patience. He’d been terrified, at first, that he was going to get caught fooling around with the princess and get banished or something, but everyone in the castle seemed to turn a blind eye to the hints of their physical relationship. Even Elsa, apart from one extremely mortifying conversation about the importance of preventing pregnancy before one was married, was willfully blind to the whole thing.
So Kristoff didn’t feel bad about squeezing Anna’s butt and grinding back against her as they continued to make out in a castle sitting room. All the servants knew to knock by now.
But then Anna suddenly broke away from him and pushed herself out of his arms. He assumed she wanted to take this to his bedroom, but instead she held up two fingers and gave him a coy smile. “Two?” he said. “Two what?”
She raised her eyebrows at him and jerked her two fingers in the air for emphasis. “Oh, are you doing charades now?” he asked. She nodded. “That’s cute, but I liked kissing you bet—” He cut himself off when she gave him a stern look and stuck her other hand on her hip, still holding up two fingers. 
He sighed with an exasperated but fond smile. “Okay, fine. Two words,” he said. She held up one finger. “First word.” Cupped her ear. “Sounds like.” She bent down and made a petting motion, like she was stroking a dog or cat. “Petting?” She held her hands close together. “Pet!” She linked her little fingers together, the sign for plural. “Pets!” Her face lit up and she tapped her nose while pointing at him.
“Okay, sounds like ‘pets.’ Bets? Debts? Let’s?” She nodded happily and tapped her nose again. “First word is ‘let’s.’”
Anna held up two fingers. “Second word,” Kristoff said. She cupped her ear. “Sounds like.” She put her hand up to her mouth and nose, pointing her fingers outward, and opened and closed her fingers against her thumb. “Um, beak,” Kristoff guessed. She started waddling around the room. “No, bird! Duck!” She nodded vigorously and cupped her ear again.
“Sounds like ‘duck.’ Buck? Stuck?” She planted her hand on her hip again and tilted her head at him, an exasperated look on her face. “Okay, okay, two words, so the phrase is ‘let’s…fuck’?”
“Yes!” Anna exclaimed with a triumphant smile.
Kristoff laughed at how ridiculous it was to mime that instead of just saying it, and yet how cute and fun and Anna it was, too. He stepped toward her and grabbed her butt again to pull her back against him. “Yes, let’s stop playing charades, and let’s fuck.”
Read "Two words, sounds like 'pets duck'" on AO3
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thecassadilla · 1 year ago
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 2,569
Summary: Anna may be innocent and inexperienced, but she's also all too eager to please. Kristoff would be too, if the fear of being turned into an ice cube wasn't constantly looming over his head.
Author's Note: Hi everyone!! This is my submission to @kristanna-days for Day 2 of Frozen Smut Week - Crystalline Metals, using the prompt "self love." I really hope you enjoy it!!! <33333
Kristoff flopped onto the way-bigger-than-could-ever-possibly-be-necessary bed with a relieved sigh, completely worn down to the bone. His official title on paper may have been “Royal Ice Master and Deliverer,” but it ought to have been “Princess Handler,” as he spent most of his days chasing Anna around the castle, the surrounding courtyards, and the mountains until they were both ready to collapse from exhaustion.
It was still weird to think that this was his life now.
Read Viridity on AO3
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annas-hair-donut · 1 year ago
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Good Cop, Bad Cop
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff Characters: Anna, Kristoff, Elsa) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Porn With Plot, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Romance, Smut, Eventual Smut, Femdom, Woman on Top, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Light BDSM, Light Bondage, Handcuffs, Rekindling romance, reconnecting, teenage Elsa, Detective Kristoff Bjorgman Summary: Housewife Anna isn’t able to discipline her teenage daughter, Elsa, while her cop husband Kristoff’s temper gets the best of him. Maybe all they need is a little role reversal. And some handcuffs.
*My entry for Frozen Smut Week 2024 - Day 1, Lustrous Metals* @kristanna-days
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annaofthenorthernlights · 1 year ago
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shameless, freaky, smutty
for Crystaline Metals – hardness
Pairings: Kristoff/Anna, Gaston/Belle & Adam/Belle
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justfrozenthings · 2 years ago
Steam That Lingers
Pairing: Anna/Kristoff
Rating: E
Summary: After the engagement party, Oaken has thrown them, Anna and Kristoff are more than ready to settle down for the night. However, when the subject of taking a bath is brought up, Anna has a few more ideas of how to make the night last a little longer with her fiancè.
Notes: So glad to be participating in Frozen Smut Week! Thank you to @kristanna-days for hosting it!
Read Here on Ao3!
Anna just finished wiping off the last of her makeup with a wet rag, before her fiancé came up to wrap his broad arms around her lithe waist, his chest pressing behind the small of her back. They had just finished celebrating their engagement party Oaken had thrown in celebration of their next step as a couple. He rested his chin on her freckled shoulder and on instinct she brought her hand up to run her fingers through his shaggy blonde hair, which had now been unbound from the stiffened gel.
Both of them looked at their reflection in her vanity mirror. Smiles on their faces. Redness in their cheeks. Their bodies radiating with happiness.
“Did you enjoy the party?” Kristoff muffled as he placed a kiss on the base of her neck.
Anna snuggled deeper into him, humming. “Mmm, yes but now I’m ready for a bath. All that partying made me sweaty and I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer not going to bed smelling like one of your sweaters after you come home from an ice harvesting trip.”
“Hey!” He exclaimed feigning hurt. “I thought you said you liked my pungent reindeer scent.”
Without a word, she turned in his arms and patted his cheek smiling coyly, before stepping away to unbutton her dress. Gently, she slipped out of it, laying it on the huge king-sized bed that they had both shared (privately of course). The two had yet to be married, only being recently engaged on top of that, so sharing a bed was still considered improper. However, in the dark of the night when the castle staff was asleep and all that could be heard was one’s own breath; Kristoff would quietly slip into Anna’s room chamber; which sometimes led them to partake in some very  intimate  and sexual activities despite the impurity of an unwed couple engaging in such engagements. Not to mention they still ran the risk of being caught, whether the castle staff was asleep or not. Anna had noticed they were, after all,  pretty loud while giving each other the pleasure they both desired and craved.
Now, with only her corset a undergarments concealing her naked form, she slowly made her way back over to Kristoff, the plush carpet of the room swallowing the sound of her footsteps.
His eyes which had been lingering on her this whole time, were wide and filled with lust.
“Come. Join me,” she whispered, gently taking his hand in hers. She had a slight pull as she headed to the bathroom staring at him the whole time and being careful not to trip despite her clumsy manner. Instinctively, his legs began to move with her.
When they reached their place of destination, Anna plugged up the bathtub and turned one of its golden knobs fidgeting with it while sticking her hand under the rushing water until it reached the temperature she so desired. She made her way towards cabinet doors, her hand now leaving Kristoff’s, opening it to retrieve a glass bottle of lavender-scented bath soap imported all the way from France. It was one of her favorites, and she only used it on special nights like this. When the stars shine their brightest in the dark sky and when his eyes were glazed over with so much lust and love that she knew they were going to make love.
As she made her way back over to him, she stopped to grab a pair of white fluffy towels; not forgetting to grab the floor mat off the drying rack so as to not slip on the marble flooring when they were done. She quickly stopped to give him a peck on the nose before continuing to prepare their bath.  
Kristoff had not said a word since they had walked in, but Anna knew it wasn’t due to uncomfortably. They have taken a bath together on multiple occasions. Hell, they even bathed in the spring near Kristoff’s old cabin once on a visiting trip up there. So it definitely wasn’t because he didn’t  want to; in fact most of the time it was Kristoff who would ask her to take a bath with him. He was just generally a quiet man especially more so in situations like this and even though they had been together for three years she could still leave him blushing so much he looked like a tomato and grinning like an idiot with just a simple kiss. However, to say that his silence was completely do to bashfulness wasn’t entirely true either because in his eyes she also saw him planning on how he was going to give her the utmost pleasure. To take her and love her in the best possible way and show her something he would always know; that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
By the time she made it back to the tub, it was already filled with enough water for the couple. She turned the knob; stirring her hand in the water and poured in some lavender soap, mixing it into the warm water until the bubbles covered the surface. They were so big that they looked like clouds floating just barely above the ocean’s rippling waters.
Anna came back once again, this time grabbing the shampoo and placing it near the bath. Kristoff thought she would head back his way. To kiss him as they let one another remove their clothes as they had usually done.
But, she didn’t.
No. Instead, she stood still; only turning around to face him all while staying in the same spot. Her hands reached behind her, undoing the laces of her corset with little struggle before slipping it off her slender form, the rest of her undergarments soon to follow.
Kristoff still stood speechless, hungry eyes devouring the naked sight that was his future bride-to-be as she began to take out the pins that held up her intricate bun; delicately placing them on the ornate stool next to her along with her crown.
Her hair cascaded over her breasts like little waterfalls and the strain in Kristoff’s trousers was becoming too much to bare.
He would never tire of seeing her like this. When she wore nothing; her body completely bare for only him to see. It was like a blank canvas said for the little freckles dotting her creamy skin and he couldn't wait to leave marks on her to show the world that she was his, that she chose him. An ice harvester who never thought he deserved loved, never imagined he could love, especially that of a princess.
“Join me.” She whispered, breaking the silence before slipping into the tub in a somewhat clumsy manner.
It didn’t take long for him to obey.
He slipped out of his royal garbs, making sure to gently hang them over a towel rack before crossing his way over to his fiancée.
Not a word was spoken between them as Anna gently grabbed his hand and stepped into the tub with him following behind her. They situated themselves to where Anna’s back was pressed up against his toned stomach.
Cupping water in his palms, Kristoff poured water over his lover’s head; watching as its fiery color turned a darker shade of red. He then moved to grab the shampoo, squirting some into his hand causing it to send notes of honeysuckle and jasmine into the air. He lathered it into her hair doing little circular motions that made bubbles form.
 His fingers, though, rough, and calloused from manual labor, felt like heaven and all Anna could do was hum in contentment. “Mmm, that feels nice.” Her eyes were closed and there was a small smile on her face.
“Well, I consider it an honor then, to please my queen so well.”
“Yes. And I have some ideas of my own on how I can return the favor.” She turned around just to wink seductively at him before going back to face the other way.
Kristoff blushed profusely.
 The little minx. Didn’t she know how easily she could make him hot and bothered?
Once her hair was all soaped up, Kristoff returned to dipping his cupped palms into the warm sudsy water and pouring it over her hair; repeating this motion until her hair was free of any shampoo.
“Now,” Anna said as she reached over to grab the bar of soap from the small golden-plated holder it was sitting on. “It’s time to wash my body. Would you mind helping me, Kristoff?” She turned around to face him once again, giving him a sultry look, her perfectly pink lips open just a tad as if she was inviting him in for a kiss. And oh how he wanted to kiss them. To forget about the bath and bring her back to her bed where he could truly show her just how much she had affected him with her love.
He could only nod in response as he swallowed the lump of nervousness in his throat and felt his excitement against her outer thigh.
She closed the distance between them to give him a quick peck on the lips, fulfilling his desires. “Good,” she giggled flirtatiously before handing him the bar of soap. She turned back around and pulled her red hair over her shoulder. “Be sure to get my back okay?” She turned her head to give him her signature sweet smile.
Kristoff cleared his throat. “Alright. Do you have a rag?”
“Oh right!” Anna exclaimed as she lifted herself from the water and leaned half her body over the side of the tub.
Kristoff had to make sure to restrain himself as he watched the water deliciously drip down her milky white legs.
Once she situated herself back in the tub she handed him the rag. “Here ya’ go.” She returned to putting her hair back over her shoulders, signaling that she was ready.
Dipping the rag in the water and ringing out the excess, he began lathering a good amount of soap on the piece of cloth. He started with her back, making circular motions as he moved from the top to the base. It felt like pure bliss and Anna could’ve sworn she had never felt so good; that is until he made it to her front. He went across the span of her stomach, using the same circular motion as he did on her back. However, it wasn’t until he made it to her breasts when she started to keen.
“Mmm…Kristoff.” She moaned out his name from his delicate touch.
Feeling brave, Kristoff egged her on. “You like that huh?”
Anna could only bite her lip as she nodded in response.
When he traveled down further to her most private area she clenched tightly to the side of the tub, throwing her head back, eyes shut tight, and bottom lip still between her teeth as her body shook from shallow fast paced breaths. She began bucking against his hand as he pressed more firmly and stroked faster.
“Kristoff please.”
 Kristoff couldn’t help but grin at her reaction, proud that he was responsible for it. “Ah ah ah,” he tsked. “Not yet princess. I washed you, so it’s only fair that you return the favor.” He grimaced at her as she begrudgingly took the bar of soap and rag from his hand, mumbling something about how he was being “annoying” followed by a “you’re lucky I love you.”  
Kristoff’s eyes fluttered closed as Anna scrubbed the expanse of his skin starting from the back and moving to the front just as he had with her. For the most part, he could keep it together, that is to say, until she made it to his cock. She wrapped the rag around him with nimble fingers and started stroking up and down his shaft.
He sucked in through his teeth creating a hissing sound. “God that feels so good Anna.” He leaned his head back against the cold surface of the tub and relaxed as his fiancée lovingly stroked him, but when Anna started leaving little kisses across his chest, darting out her little tongue to taste his dewy skin, he was back up again, pulling her towards him and spinning her around. He grabbed his cock and rubbed himself against her entrance.
“Wait!” Anna exclaimed.  “What about your hair?”
“Fuck it. I can’t wait any longer, I      need    you.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, he entered her then causing a slight moan to escape her lips. He wasted no time in pulling out until just the tip of him was in her before slamming back into her again at a steady pace.
It was slow at first but increased in intensity with Anna’s insistent demands.
“Faster Kristoff!”
He gripped her hips and drove home; bouncing her up and down his hard cock.
“Mmm…yes! Yes! YES!”
Water sloshed over the sides of the tub from Kristoff’s deep rapid thrusts.
“Fuck,” Kristoff groaned biting into her shoulder and moving one of his hands from her hip to the front of her folds so he could rub at her clit.
“H-holy shit,” Anna moaned, bowing her neck so she could rest her head against his shoulder. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop!”
“Well, I guess I better do as the queen says?”
“Damn right. And this queen wants you to fuck her so hard she’ll see stars.” Anna brought her arm up around his neck, threading her fingers through the shaggy wet locks of his hair, and brought his lips down to meet hers.
“Well in that case,” he wrapped an arm around her back and pressed her stomach against his chest. “You’re gonna need to come closer sweetheart,” he purred in her ear as he ramped up his thrusts.
Anna screamed his name as he brought his lips to suckle her neck. “Kristoff!”
He could feel her getting close as her walls clenched around him and he was about there himself.
“Kristoff, I’m about to…” she panted.
“Yeah me too.”
“I….mmmm….I haven’t taken anything. I- OH GODS!”
“It’s okay baby. I got you.”
Carefully, Kristoff pressed her even closer to his chest - if that was even possible - using one of his hands to press up against the small of her back while the other reached out to touch the wall in support of standing up. Anna wrapped her legs around him and clung tight to his neck, pressing her button nose to the crook of it and breathing in his now fresh, clean, lavender scent. Once he fully stood up, his burly arms wrapped themselves under her bum to balance her weight. With caution, he swung his legs over the tub one at a time; his feet making contact with the fuzziness of the floor mat that was placed in order to prevent from them slipping.
The movement caused their position to shift slightly; making Anna moan at the new angle. She began leaving hot open-mounted kisses down his neck; her little tongue darting out to taste the water droplets that ran from his hair down his chest, stomach, and legs until they finally hit the soft-padded towel.
He moved towards the wall closest to the door, careful not to slip on the water that had trailed down their bodies onto the cold marbling of the floor that had now become a safety hazard.
“Marry me,” he groaned into the base of her neck as the new sensation in their change of position hit him. He could feel her walls tightening around him and knew that she was close.
Memories of her mother’s scarf, which was delicately placed onto the love seat next to the fireplace when they returned from the celebration, flashed through her mind. She and Kristoff wrapped together as they stared lovingly into each other’s eyes at the party. She and Kristoff wrapped up with each other (again) as they sat in front of the hearth in the library reeling from the adventure that was the Enchanted Forest and Anna’s new ascendence of the throne following. The numerous times when Anna had nightmares of a certain prince and Kristoff - hearing her screams down the hallway where his room was located - came running in, providing her comfort as he wrapped her mother’s scarf around her and let her nestle into his side breathing in his woodsy scent lulling, her into a deep sleep. The loud snores of the young princess may have caused others to stuff their ears with cotton, but to Kristoff, it was beautiful and a sign that she was still here with him safe and sound.
Anna cupped his jaw with her tiny hands and smiled gently down at him. The sensation of him hitting a delicious spot was almost too much to handle. The power of his thrusts caused her body to move up and down the tile of the bathroom wall, the contact her skin made with the cool surface sent a delicious wave of pleasure down her spine. “There’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with,” she gasped across his lips before sealing them with hers in a fierce kiss. At that moment, her walls came collapsing in around her and she threw her head back as her orgasm took over her body.
“Shit,” Kristoff groaned, almost forgetting to pull out of her, his release spilling all over the floor. Ever so gently, he placed her back on the floor; both of them panting as they descended from their high.
 She wobbled a bit and he caught her. “Wow,” she giggled as she went on her tp toes to wrap her arms around his neck to give him another kiss. “I didn't think it was possible, but you continue to make me fall for you Kristoff Bjorgman.”
He laughed something strong and deep rising from his belly at her little tease and kissed her nose before pressing his forehead against hers. “I wouldn’t have if any other way” he sighed as he bent down to wrap his arms under her legs, carrying her bridal style back to her bed chamber, but not before wrapping her up in a towel and putting one around his hips.
“Wait!” She exclaimed, trying her best to maneuver in his strong broad arms so she could see over his shoulder. “What about the tub? Shouldn’t we drain it? And the mess we made on the floor? ….I don’t think Gerda will be too pleased to discover that we had sex out of wed-”
Kristoff silenced her anxious rambling with a kiss. “I’ll get up and take care of everything early in the morning. But for now,” he growled into her neck leaving tiny kisses there that caused a giggle to come out of her. “I’d rather curl up in bed with you.”
The exhaustion the two felt from the party and the extraneous…”activities” that followed after, left them sated in their bed, they didn’t even bother with the covers; the power of sleep was just too strong. Besides, the heat from their bodies and the coziness of the scarf was enough to keep them warm throughout the night.
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smuglemonfics · 2 years ago
(Hopefully) The Last Time
Pairing: Kristoff/Anna (A Kristoff solo ficlet)
Word Count: 469
Summary: Kristoff is spending the night alone in his mountainside cabin during an ice harvesting week. Without meaning to, he has a dream about Anna and can't help what happens as a result.
Author's Note: Written for Frozen Smut Week 2023 (organized by @kristanna-days) Day Six - Diamonds with the chosen prompt "clarity". ❤️
“Anna,” he moaned her name but couldn’t hear the sound of it. He buried his face against her neck as he thrust his hips, distantly wondering when they’d decided to do this… when had Anna gotten here…
Click here to read the full story on AO3!
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bad-at-names-and-faces · 2 years ago
Sleigh Ride
For the “Emerald” day of Frozen Smut Week, originally written for the September smut drabble night on the r/fanfiction discord server to the prompt “outdoors” ...  enjoy 100 words of some good old fashioned Kristanna sleigh action...
The sleigh slowed down as they got further into the woods. Sven knew the way to the cabin, so Kristoff tied the reins aside to focus on Anna.  
The air was crisp outdoors, but they had plenty of blankets to keep them warm. And each other. 
“So, what do you wanna do now?” Anna scooted closer.
Kristoff leaned in and kissed her, and soon Anna was in his lap.  Kristoff had no memory of how her hands had gotten into his pants.  He’d planned a whole evening in the cabin, but he was happy to scrap those for the bed.
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leaves-of-laurelin · 2 years ago
Make Me Forget
a kristanna modern royal au
Link to AO3
Anna needs a distraction, Kristoff is ready to give her anything she needs.
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“Come On Out”
Rating: E
Pairing: Kristoff/Anna
Summary: Anna is over nine months preganant and is desparate for the baby to come out #Modern Au
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scholarhect · 1 year ago
in retrospect it is SO funny that i was reading smut fic of kristoff and anna from frozen on here when i was 12. like that’s comical. you could’ve made that up as a hypothetical but it’s real
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kristanna-days · 2 months ago
any chance there will be a smut week or other week this year, i love ur frozen fic
Thank you so much!
Sadly, the answer is no. 🙁 At least not any I'm running. It just takes up too much time I could use for writing, and there wasn't a lot of participation/engagement at last year's events. But if we get enough interested creators, we'll do another Frozen & BATB Yuletide Exchange. It's always exciting to write gifts for friends and to get a lovely gift in return.
But idk maybe someone else is planning to organize an event. If anyone wants to take up the mantle, I'd be happy to share resources and give advice.
Sorry to disappoint about smut week, though! I'm actually so excited about a couple of short smutty fics ill be putting out later this month before going back into hibernation to work on my book, and I'm sure some of the other writers will be writing some smutty stuff, too, even if it's not for an event 😉). I hope you'll check them out. Thank you for the ask!
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firawren · 2 years ago
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Yeah, just like that
Explicit | Frozen (Disney) | Anna/Kristoff
Additional Tags: Post-Frozen (2013), Canon Compliant, Fluff and Smut, Some Humor, Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Woman on Top, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Enthusiastic Consent, Miscommunication, quickly resolved don't worry, no beta we die like agnarr and iduna
Anna has always been an eager learner, fearless to try new things, even if she makes a mess of them. While visiting Kristoff’s cabin, he teaches her how to bake bread, and they get a little messy together.
Which is how they both end up only half dressed.
Which then results in him teaching her another new thing, and both of them getting messy all over again.
Read on AO3
Written for Day Pearl of Frozen Smut Week 2023, @kristanna-days
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thecassadilla · 1 year ago
Some Broken Hearts Never Mend
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 4,309
Summary: Kristoff awakens with a hazy memory of the previous night and his best friend in his bed. As he begins to put the pieces together, one thing becomes clear - a night out drinking and two broken hearts does not a good decision make.
Author's Note: Hi everyone!! This is my submission to @kristanna-days for Day 1 of Frozen Smut Week - Lustrous Metals, using the prompt "gold." I really hope you enjoy it!!! <33333
The sunlight streaming in through the window is bright and harsh as Kristoff slowly blinks his eyes open, his mouth drier than the Sahara desert and a throbbing pain deep in his skull. He knows it has to be mid-morning at the earliest, and while he can’t remember the last time he slept in past seven, his hazy memory of the previous night serves as an explanation for his late start to the day.
Read Some Broken Hearts Never Mend on AO3
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annas-hair-donut · 11 months ago
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff Characters: Anna, Kristoff, Elsa Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Porn With Plot, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Romance, Smut, Eventual Smut, Femdom, Woman on Top, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Light BDSM, Light Bondage, Handcuffs, Rekindling romance, reconnecting, teenage Elsa, Detective Kristoff Bjorgman Summary:
Housewife Anna isn’t able to discipline her teenage daughter, Elsa, while her cop husband Kristoff’s temper gets the best of him. Maybe all they need is a little role reversal. And some handcuffs.
Entire Fic now posted!
*My entry for Frozen Smut Week 2024 - Day 1, Lustrous Metals* @kristanna-days
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annaofthenorthernlights · 1 year ago
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shameless, freaky, smutty
for Patina & Rust - blindfold
Pairings: Adam/Belle, Gaston(/Belle)&Anna, Kristoff/Anna
(I seriously don't know if the pairing tags are correct here... 🫢) I hope you enjoy 🤗
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