taekooking · 9 years
Oh my gosh jungkook looks just like you xD
ohhhh nO OMFG, my friend told me the same tbh buT I DONT THINK SO??? AND HE’S TOO CUTE SO YEAH, IMPOSSIBLE (since I’m not cute) !!!!!!!!
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taeskai · 9 years
ooh i have a question! who are your favorite people to graphic/ what are your favorite things to graphic? :)
heh the light of my life sunshine perfect angle (not even gonna correct that nope naahhh) eagle 2 i s2g Lee Taemin you know youre taekai trash when typig n lee taemin instead of kim taemin sound wrong lmao  i would say like 90% of m graphics include taemin so theres that i also like making cutesy aesthetic posts even though theyre sosososo different from my normal graphics stylle 
compliment: FIRST OF I LOVE YOUR GRAPHICS!!! and you icon heh and your url and well tbh your entire blog is so great I love that your theme is minimalist and easy to navigate honestly just overall a great blog lots of pastel goodness happening
Send me facts about yourself or questions about me and I’ll tell you my favorite things about your blog !!
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peachilu · 9 years
Your blog.... Is GOALS
aaahhh no yours is ; ^ ; 
but thank you so much friend *hugs* ヽ(;▽;)ノ ♡ !!
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61kb · 9 years
Tumblr media
for krismegoodnight ♡
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junghwe · 9 years
wowoww~ your graphics are soooo good
omg?? i rarely both post (or really even make) anything are you kidding. :// seriously i have -590232106 creativity lmao. but thank you so much dear!! seriously this is one of the nicest things to say to me bc i’m really ??? about them;; you’re a gem. ♡
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poutyjoonie · 9 years
tagged by: hunmonia & kimjpgin ty. I’m going to answer both your questions in one go :)
tagging: su-lay  oshsoo xiupct krismegoodnight 
rule #1 always post the rules. rule #2 answer the questions the person who asked, then write 10 new ones. rule #3 tag 10 people then link them in the post. rule #4 tell the person that tagged you that you’ve answered the questions 
hunmonia’s questions: 
1. Favourite music genre 2. Coffee or Tea? Which kind of ___ is your favourite? 3. What you love most about your bias? 4. Favourite non-kpop song 5. Something that makes your legs weak ;) 6. Do you watch any kdramas? Any good recommendation? 7. Your weirdest habit (that you’re willing to share ofc) 8. Which kpop group do you think you fit the best in? 9. Favourite kpop/non-kpop album 10. Anything interesting you wanna tell your followers? About yourself or about anything you know~!
1. Outside of kpop, my fav genre is grunge (wow what a contrast I know)
2. Tea! Green tea is my fav :)
3. What I love most about Sehun: that he can be either very reserved or the      biggest dork ever <3 
 What I love most about Jongdae: how kind he is but at the same time doesn’t take shit from anyone 
4. I have to admit I don’t really listen to non-kpop songs anymore, but if I had to choose, I guess it’s this is gospel from pad :) 
5. Jongdae’s high notes ngl
6. I don’t. So no :/ I really would love to start watching some tho 
7. I talk to myself. Like actual conversations. it’s a problem
8. Aaah, what an interesting question! Maybe a group that focuses more on singing than dancing? bc i suck at dancing haha 
9. Kpop-album: Odd | Non-kpop album: No idea haha 
10. Uhm, I’m not a very interesting person, so I can’t really think of anything! 
thank youu ~
kimjpgin’s questions:
Tell me a fact about yourself, a positive one~
What do you do when you’re sad?
Do you prefer watching movies or reading the books?
If dragons exist in today’s time, do you want to tame one?
Recommend any fic // book!!
Favourite song in the exodus album! And your favourite line in it
1. I can play any song by ear on the guitar, which is kind of cool? Maybe? 
2. Aaah, I watch Showtime :) But that kind of makes me sad too so haha
3. Reading the books!
4. No! I would want them to be free
5. Fic: High Stakes | Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Sehun/Baekhyun,Sehun/Chanyeol, Sehun/Baekhyun/Kai | Length: 15,600 | Shitting of kinks, basically 15k words of porn. Link: 
Book: I am currently reading a clash of kings by George R. R. Martin so that is what I recommend :)
6. Playboy |  Fave line: Every day, I’m dealing with a new type of loneliness (trust me to pick the most depressing line)  thank youuu ~
my questions for the people I tagged: 
1. Knock, knock! I am at your doorstep! How would you spend the next 24 hours with me? 
2. Tell me about your day! Was it a good one?
3. If you could choose between Jongdae serenading you or Jongin dancing for you, who would you pick? And why? 
4. What is a place you find yourself going to when you need a break from the world (your happy place)?
5. What are your favorite colors to wear? 
6. Do you read manga/watch anime? In general, if there was a fictional world you could live in, which would you choose?
7. We all have our biases (bless them). Why do you think your bias appeals the most to you? Are you similar? Or completely different?
8. How do you relax after a long day? Music? A book? Drawing? What makes you relax the most? 
9. #MyBiasMustBeProtected! We all see people getting defensive over their biases. What is one aspect about your bias you wished people would recognize more? 
10. What is one thing you are looking forward to? 
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kim-kai · 9 years
aww ahh THANK YOU SO MUCH SWEETIE //sends love//  ; A ; ♡♡♡
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jxngin · 9 years
sjdaf DENICE I HOPE U DONT MIND THAT IM POSTING THIS BUT I RLLY WANT TO KEEP THIS ON MY BLOG im soso sorry that this is late though i still need to finish up my blog rates bc im horrible ;; bUT YOURE TOO MUCH OK MY GRAPHICS ARE NOT QUALITY AND IT’S NOT EVERYTIME BC THERE ARE SO MANY AMAZING GFX MAKERS HERE TOO but thank you sosoos soso ososo so much though im really touched and happy that you think so anD JASKDF I WISH I SAW MORE OF UR GRAPHICS :’-(( PLEASE MAKE MORE I WILL REBLOG THE HECK OUT OF IT trust me i have some of ur blue & pink edits in my queue and then i will reblog all ur gray edits when im on that phase (which will be right after my blue phase!!) ily denice ok pls be my friend forever :’-)
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baekhyunify-blog · 9 years
hi cutie~~ i may have been stalking your blog and its so pretty
hello there!! wow thank you so much, i can’t believe someone was stalking my blog haha ;; you’re the cutie here, this message literally made my day. thanks for taking your time to message me
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screwufan · 9 years
EMILYYY~!! I know we haven't spoken in awhile but I just wanted to say happy birthday!!!
thank you and yeah it has! it’s good hearing from you denice^^
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yewngi · 9 years
your edits are A++++
oh my god thank u very much this is rlly
wow u are a very good person i hope u find money in ur couch crevice or on the sidewalk i hope you get to see 100 dogs tomorrow hydrate lots and rest lots you are a good person
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bangtheleader · 9 years
Elie! Just wanted to thank you for liking my post about the scholarship! Really means a lot
You’re welcome~  I'm glad I could help  ♥❤
(If more people want to help out c:)
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wubulge · 9 years
ONLY FOR YOU DENICE DEAR, i swear though all of the wufan editors just poofed into thin air! it’s so hard to find new kris graphics :/ makes me sad…
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rare4evr · 9 years
all your new designs are soo gorgeous
:-000 thank u!! 
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poutyjoonie · 9 years
goodness your blog and edits are so pretty
this is the beginng of a beautiful friendship, I can already see it. I’m Lisa, nice to meet you! 
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mommy-2014 · 10 years
Denice! :D
d- dissolve me // alt-j
e- everything we saw that day and how you made me feel // flatsound
n- no buses // alex turner
i- i'm a mess // ed sheeran
c- clean // taylor swift
e- easy as all that // miniature tigers
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