#krestel asks
watercolourferns · 5 months
Mind if I ask about 'Axolotls'?
Of course!
It's a page of Axolotl adoptables I never finished. I sold one, but I never really finished the others...
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I regret the person I sold the finished one to. u_u I wanna finish the others. ^w^ I might sketch out more.
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p2ep · 7 months
I'm smoking on iwatodai tartarus grown dark evil pack. They watered this with the blood of 36 gatekeepers. Saltier than the west pacific ocean and twice as dry. Nuclear levels of sour. One puff of this green will have you beholding the fall of mankind. Skunk so strong you'll be inventing new tarot cards. The Kirijo Group has a seventy million dollar bounty on my head but I'm so high they wouldn't find me with a fuckin satellite
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hishima · 2 years
what game r those screenshots you posted? it looks so cute :o
it's called sky children of the light! it's a free online multiplayer game that's on mobile and switch :) it's made by the same developers as journey and it has a similar kind of thing going on gameplay and story-wise. it's a really unique mmo experience and tbh i can't recommend it enough. the graphics are amazing, especially since it's free and it has a really active player base! plus it's still getting updates and events from tgc with new stuff being added all the time
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literalnobody · 3 years
love krestel and devlin sm!!!!! i think they won my heart most bc of the excellent and slight grittiness of the setting and how well you draw historical outfits!
oh thank you so much!! This ask put a huge smile on my face ^_^ Their life is quite gritty, their cases are often gruesome and depression... That's why it matters that they work together. They are a light in each other's lives ^_^
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khaleesirin · 5 years
Your favorite jonerys parallel?
(Sorry for sleeping on this ask for too long!)
This actually may sound unconventional but here’s what I love the most about these two. Here is Jon Snow who grew up a bastard not knowing that he is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and may be the last legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. On the other side of the world is Daenerys Targaryen who grew up being taught that she is the last scion of House Targaryen whose main goal in life is to bring their house back to its former glory. You would think the parallel is only between someone who grew up thinking he isn’t entitled to anything and the other being taught that she should be entitled for something. But no, that’s not what’s interesting about the whole thing!
Jon, while a bastard, grew up in a relatively safe environment; he was given proper education, he was given food, given clothing, given good bed, just like a lord’s son. Even with his status, he still lived a relatively privileged life. It’s something he recognized while being part of the Night’s Watch. Dany, while growing up around folks who never stopped reminding her that she is a princess, a queen, lived in an unsafe environment. She was constantly begging, her storyline is about running, not having enough food, no shelter, no place to call home.
Remember in ACOK when Jon, Sam, Dolorous Edd etc, went out to investigate the abandoned wildling village called Whitetree? And this is the same time Dany  and the rest of Drogo’s khalasar ended up finding Vaes Tolorro, the ruined city in the red waste?
Jon had this reaction while surveying the houses in the village:
There were no furnishings, no sign that people had lived here but for some ashes beneath the smoke hole in the roof. “What a dismal place to live,”he said.
And here we have Dolorous Edd disagreeing with him:
“I was born in a house much like this,” declared Dolorous Edd. “Those were my enchanted years. Later I fell on hard times.” A nest of dry straw bedding filled one corner of the room. Edd looked at it with longing. “I’d give all the gold in Casterly Rock to sleep in a bed again.”
And the immediate reaction of Jon:
“You call that a bed?”
Vaes Tolorro is similarly a dismal place,
 …but the white walls, so beautiful from afar, were cracked and crumbling when seen up close. Inside was a maze of narrow crooked alleys. The buildings pressed close, their facades blank, chalky, windowless. Everything was white, as if the people who lived here had known nothing of color. 
And in this city, in its ruin, they found fruit, water and shelter, which Dany was so thoroughly thankful of, despite her people getting “spooked” because of human bones, talking about ghosts and all.
Fruit and water and shade,“ Dany said, her cheeks sticky with peach juice. “The gods were good to bring us to this place.”
Let me tell you, Jon II ACOK and Daenerys I ACOK are filled with parallels (and foils) that we can discuss, but what stood out to me the most is how opposite their reaction are to essentially  the same place. Whitetree is Vaes Tolorro. Both looked like ruins and will only look like ruins if you’ve only been to a better place, and if you always have that reassurance that you have a better place to go back to. Jon’s reaction is from someone who, in personal level, can’t empathize with Dolorous because he was never in a position that he was. He was never a beggar, he was never poor, and he always has Winterfell to go back to. 
So despite the fact that Whitetree is a relatively good communal place with house, a well, and sheephold, and may suggest that there is a reason why the wildlings made it their home, that didn’t register to Jon. For him, there’s nothing good to see in this ruins. 
And then you have Dany who, because they are on the edge of dying, whose main driving force is to survive, found oasis in this desolate place. It’s not because it has fruits and water, but because they went our their way to find something good about the place. 
I believe these chapters if read as a single chapter, served as a signal from GRRM to reevaluate our heroes not only in terms of the  trope they seem to follow but how actual experiences deny that trope. Between the two of them, Jon is the one who received the lesson on humility, on thinking about the perspective of others. He had been the one to show negative judgment about “the less honorable” people he met in the Night’s Watch. His first reaction was dismay over the fact that they were not like his Uncle Ben. It’s a sort of criticism regarding how we should be defining honor. His journey also doesn’t follow the "hidden prince” trope that straightforwardly. Yes, he is treated unfairly by Catelyn, but he didn’t live an ordinary life bereft of home that the prince-after-all will eventually get at the end of their journey as a reward.  Again, as GRRM highlighted from AGOT to ACOK, Jon actually lived in a relatively privileged life while carrying those presumptions people placed in higher social class usually share. (Saying, for example, that Jaime is how King should be like). 
It was Dany who was  given half of the journey of the “hidden prince” trope. She was chased away from her “home” at birth (so in this case, she was the one bereft of true place to call home), she was sold as a sex slave, and suffered from truly horrible things, just like the journey of the hidden prince in Elizabeth Moon’s In Oath of Gold. She has assassins chasing after her, much like Krestel in The Lark and the Wren, the hidden prince of Birnam. And I believe, because of this, she will be the one to get rewarded for that HOME hidden princes get at the end of their journey. 
As an aside, we often talk about how Daenerys Targaryen is GRRM’s response to Tolkien’s Aragorn story. So who is GRRM responding to with Jon Snow? I think it’s quite obviously Pratchett’s Carrot Ironfoundersson, the hidden prince in Discworld who guess what, refuses to take the crown. Both joined the Night’s Watch, both were dismayed by how dishonorable the people they are supposed to be working with. Carrot’s high sense of honestly and honor, his refusal to be cynical were supposedly his strength. Both are considered stupid (”you know nothing, Jon Snow) because of their honesty and their “law abiding” nature. But here is this missing piece in Carrot’s character arc that GRRM tries to fill in much like in Aragorn’s rulership: Jon Snow’s honor may be blinding and may be a flaw not because he refuses to bend the law, but that in this blindness they forget to see the world in the perspective of the “dishonorable,” the “criminals,” the “wilds.” The thing with Carrot’s storyline is that he was backed by the narrative that washes off a sense of reality to make him fit in. If I were to be honest, in his sense of honesty and honor, Carrot also tends to show lack of empathy in terms of locating why people break rules, which is something GRRM wants Jon to know as early as possible in his own journey. 
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oumacritical · 6 years
as ouma i just feel like i should be allowed to take ownership of everybody's livers. is that too much to ask
“Yes, it’s illegal to take people’s livers.” -Newt“Yes, it is illegal to take people’s livers.” -Krestel The jury has spoken. The consensus is that no you shouldn’t because it’s definitely not legal.
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p2ep · 4 months
i think most of my problems come from the fact that i just kind of assume that when people see me they think, "what the fuck is that thing" I have a very hard time reminding myself that people will see me as a person and might think im interesting, cool, or even intimidating....
It's just so hard to let people in when my brain assumes that everyone thinks im weird. like. stupid brain this isn't middle school anymore grow uppppppp. And it is an important distinction between me and my brain because consciously i know that chatting and opening up are literally the only ways to make friends
if only there was a way to know how much is too much because ive had the opposite problem of getting /too/ excited to talk about my interests that it becomes off-putting or whatever
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p2ep · 1 year
if you were a bird what beak do you think you would have. what would you eat. personally I feel like I would be a nectar consumer for sure
I think I'd have a wedge-shaped beak fit for husking seeds, like a finch
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p2ep · 11 months
have you drawn any furries lately :0
not reall, sadly! in an odd turn of events i've been mostly doing human art. i have been slowly turning every umineko character into anthros but i haven't finished the latest one yet. here's a couple of the ones i did finish
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i did draw this cool beast last week though. and ive been thinking really hard about designing a furry guy to be the rider.... coyote maybe?????
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oh shit i forgot i was also making avali designs
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oughh and ive been really wanting to draw my cona again. i dont think i've ever even drawn them in this art style 😭
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p2ep · 2 years
reading a book? no thanks. i will instead "play" my 10,000,000 word visual novels,
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p2ep · 1 year
me when i can't reply to posts:
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p2ep · 1 year
ughgggghhhhh im sick of working in this department it literally sucks here
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p2ep · 1 year
i can't reply to posts or send asks 😭😭😭 if you reply to my post and want a response add me on discord username "krestel"
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p2ep · 2 years
MAN lately ive been getting nightmares about my friends randomly deciding they hate me and being me to me. and its always like. me reading texts on my phone where they tell me awful things and its so upsetting because of the plausibility you know? like a dream about getting attacked by creatures or something you can wake up from it and go Ok. but a "realistic" dream like this is so scary because for a solid minute after i wake up i think it was real and it fucks with me so bad. im still recovering from the one i had last night :(
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p2ep · 3 years
megaten themed dni meme. give me a couple minutes
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p2ep · 3 years
Nothing saps my will to live like trying desperately to sign into my company email
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