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evilhorse · 11 months ago
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Idiots! Now do you see what you’ve done?!
(Action Comics Annual 2023 #1)
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mymunefanartaccount · 1 year ago
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This one is for my fellow Krakk fans.
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craaac · 5 months ago
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Outcast - Robert Kirkman / Paul Azaceta
(Image Comics)
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muneheadquarter · 11 months ago
Hello my fellow Mune lovers, I return from the dead to satiate my curiosity (and to try the poll feature)
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jitterbugbear · 1 year ago
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thathomestar · 2 years ago
do you still have max payne krakk handy? is that bit dead?
i was wondering if anyone remembered krakk, but yeah here you go!
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misho-29 · 9 months ago
so yesterday i was washing the organic veggies my mom bought. this organic veggie is like really organic like it dirt and sometimes (most if the time) there are little snails in it.
so i was blessed by the snail gods once again and there was a little snail!! i like these little snails theyre so cute. the veggie was in the fridge for like 4 days by the time i washed it so i thought it died :( so i cut out the part of the plastic that it was on and left it aside while i washed the veggies
and when i finish bam! its gone. i thought i accidentily squised it but it was alive (yahooo) crawling all around the counter so i took it down to this part of my aparment which has a few plants
the sun was shining, the birds were chirping the breeze blew gently as i scouted for the perfect home for my little friend. so i set it on this nice juicy leaf and turn around then KRAKK i lift my foot to see, A SQUISHED A FUCKING SNAIL
anyway worst day of my life
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outpost51 · 1 year ago
Let's go lucky number 4 for the wrapped ask!
2023 new game +
4. pirate song || mehro
[spotify] || [youtube]
hey how do you feel about came back wrong mutual pining post-hospital stay boning bc that’s what this one is attached to kachow
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
They were on Digeris. Nihlus had long since forgotten the details of the mission – they all ran together, mixed, blurred, turned into bloody mud after a while. What he did remember was the storm they had to track their target through: strong winds that whipped grit against his visor and beautiful, show stopping lightning that raced across the sky from cloud to cloud, never down. More than once, Saren stopped to choke down another ration bar and get their bearings, and every time, Nihlus found himself watching the sky.
Every time but one.
Their target had friends, and those friends had them pinned down with what seemed like an endless supply of ammunition. It was only a matter of time before one of them figured out a single grenade could take both Spectres faster than an entire clip fired from a shitty gun.
“Nihlus.” Saren’s expression was unreadable even out of armor, and with his visor down there was no point trying. “I’m growing tired of my food playing with me.”
They were going to die there and the weird little freak wasn’t even bothered.
“Would you like to see a magic trick?”
Fuck it. “Yeah, teach, sure,” Nihlus huffed. “You want me to pick a card?”
Saren didn’t answer. Instead, he vaulted over cover in his bright white armor, sending Nihlus’s blood pressure into the atmosphere before promptly stealing the breath from his lungs. There was a loud krakk as the lightning that never left the clouds lunged into Saren’s hand like a tamed shatha, wrapped around him in a wild dance, and in a blink, both Saren and the lightning were gone. In another, they reappeared, blasting their opponents outward with the force of it.
The lot of them were dead before they hit the ground.
{read the rest here on AO3}
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evilhorse · 4 months ago
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Sorry, lady. Ah got too many scary mamas already.
(Uncanny X-Men Volume 6 #4)
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craaac · 7 months ago
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Le Monde de Sophie en BD, tome 1 - Nicoby / Vincent Zabus
(Albin Michel)
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margaretsjuende · 2 years ago
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19.09.2022 - Grått og regn
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svendbergdotcom · 3 years ago
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" Pffbbbtt! Well shit. I really did make a bad first impression, huh..." He tilted his head into Jace's sights, smiling at him as he studied him. " Sorry for scarin' ya. You the shy type? Aw. I won't bite. Unless you like that sort of thing, heh. " He gently released Jace with a wink and a nod. Then he turned smoothly on his heel, his tattered coat billowing around him as he dropped on one knee and courteously inclined his head like a knight swearing fealty. " I'll try my damndest t'make it up to the both of you, if you'll accept, " he said graciously. then stood up again and dusted himself off nonchalantly. He tilted his hat as he stepped back into the hallway. " Jus' gotta say I count m'self as one lucky bastard to be making the acquaintance of y'both, " he remarked. He gestured to Opal with one hand and Jace with the other.
" I mean here's a pretty little pastel spitfire that'd have any man down on his knees beggin' her to kick his ass. And over here's a tender wild rose twining on up to heaven with the most gorgeous eyes I could ever hope to see on a living being. " Posturing like a courting peacock, he folded his arms behind his head and leaned back casually against the wooden railing behind him. " I mean by all means tell me if I'm laying too thick on th' charm but I'll tell it like I see it. And I do like what I see. "
He gave them a slow lazy grin. ...hrrreaaaakkk...KRAKK!!! Unfortunately whatever bit of further flirtacious posing and prose he had planned for Opal and Jace couldn't hold up against dry rot and termites. His smile dropped suddenly as did he, toppling backwards as the railing gave way under his weight and plunged him back down to the main floor with a resounding CRASH!
A cloud of dust, debris and feathers rose up in front of their eyes and slowly settled again.
He rubbed his chest, wincing, but her reaction did make an uncertain and relieved grin cross over his face, showcasing deep dimples across his scrubby jaws.
" You pack...quite a wallop, little lady, " he finally remarked and kicked the crosspiece off to the side with a jingle of spurs. He rubbed the back of his neck. " Heh. Glad that wasn't m'skull. But...uh yeah, ain't never hit a woman and I ain't gonna start now. Look here...I thought y'were a ghost! Shit. I wouldn't've even stayed here if I hadn't been dead on my feet. "
He skirted carefully around her to the doorframe, turning his head to get a better look at her. He attempted a bit more charm in his next smile. " So anyways...who're you again? "
Without warning his hand shot out and closed around Jace's wrist, the one that held the camera. He glanced quickly over his shoulder. " An' who's this hidin' behind the door? Not somebody else with a bat I hope? " He hadn’t got a very good glimpse of Jace besides a scramble of limbs but at this point he wasn't taking any chances on more surprise ambushes until he figured out if he was dealing with friends or foes.
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leftovies · 7 years ago
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small business idea. let’s stimulate the economy.
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muneheadquarter · 7 years ago
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References for Krakk and Xolal 3D models found on the website of the talented CG modeler and sculptor Angela Smaldone —-> http://www.angypop.com/?portfolio=mune
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elvensemi · 8 years ago
Happy birthday!!!!! :D
Thanks so much! (Also I like your icon lmao) 
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