#krakenskull nexo knights
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merloksdigitaltoes · 2 years ago
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Some art for my s4 rewrite. In all honesty, I will probably remake this at some point. But i'm proud of what I have currently! :)
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Cause Monstrox killed everyone i know n love ok???
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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If I post a GIF of Aspheera, is anybody going to throw a show at me?
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Translation: Hello everyone, you all know me, after my defeat with Jerkules. I gotten ill after I got out of the River of Souls, boy it took 2 hours for me to get out, and I found out about the Multiverses and there’s a lot of heroes and villains. So I thought, why not unite some baddies to conquer our worlds and the Multiverses, and have REVENGE? So…. I need you all to decide which 6 villains should be invited? First I need a second in command, and while I am hatching for my new conquering plan, you all go decide one of these candidates and the one with the most votes shall be my second in command.
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robynrogerscarter · 1 year ago
Nexo Knights Hogwarts Houses 3
*goofy showman voice* But wait! There's more-
Looking his character over,the first thought that came to mind was Gryffindor. He's pretty quiet,letting his weapons talk for him,but still just as much as a harbringer of chaos as his brother Flama. The difference is,between him and his brother,he seems to be the confident one.
He honestly strikes me as a Gryffindor. Unfortunately,I can't go off of anything more than instinct,due to the fact that his position of guard is one that can easily be more assigned rather than offered to society.
Sparkks- Hufflepuff
Again,this is more of instinct rather than deep thought,as Sparkks isn't shown to be more than a rather dim,hulking,and easily distracted Magma person. The most I can vaguely go over of his friendship to Burnzie,and the fact that he becomes more gentle around things like butterflies. And as you can imagine-that doesn't give us much.
I honestly thought this would be a little harder to figure out,but! After I noticed that he has a tendancy to grow plants,Hufflepuff came to mind. Not because the Head of House was a Herbology teacher,but from my experience with plants,I know they require patience,dedication,and a dash of loyalty to take care of.
Again,like Monstrux,this is not necessarily due to the fact that Slytherin is stereotyped as a House of Evil. Rather,it's because he never gives up on his goal,and does whatever it takes to get to the goal-only giving up when he saw there was no profit.
Ruina Stoneheart-Hufflepuff
I don't know why,but she is a personal favorite. Maybe it's because she was used? Idk.
Anyways-I think from the little that we know of her before Monstux used her,she can be labeled as Hufflepuff,because of her loyalty to her sons.
Warriors,like him,require courage and daring to go into war. There's also the fact he's a bit of a hot head. Not much else to go off of,but that is the gist.
There wasn't anything to go over deeply,so I just chose by vibe.
This brother was the easiest by far,though the repetition somewhat bothers me. He had more to work with,showcasing arrogance and the usual courage of a warrior.
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snimbusjavy · 8 years ago
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Some new designs I made, alongside a couple updated ones!
In order, General Garg and Lord Krakenskull, and updated DynaMite, Toxikita and Rex Tyrone.
And also, you saw the very first look at Our Universe yet? Be sure to do it! It’s by far my most ambitious project, and many people are involved already. Please give me and the other members of the team your thoughts about it!
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im-here-for-clay · 5 years ago
Nexo Knights season 4 nonsense
Ok, finally getting around to writing this. I said when I rewatched season 4 that I wanted to write a longer post about what I liked about it, so just like I did when I first watched season 3 (which was over three years ago and oh my god it was over three years ago), I’m putting all my nonsensical thoughts about this season in one post! So, without further ado...
The season opener is SO FUN. There were moments where I actually laughed out loud, it’s... a really funny way to start what is probably the darkest season. Honestly, despite that, the whole season is super fun (and a lot more fun than season 3, which seemed kinda boring this time, but that might just be because of how many times I’ve rewatched it. which is a lot)
The season is so... full of silly character moments. I feel like season 3 kinda lacked that, and in that aspect I think season 4 has a vibe(?) similar to season 2, which I like a lot
The best silly character moments? Honestly the villains. I think this season is the funniest in terms of villain interactions, together with maybe the first episodes of season 1. When the villains show up and their silly villain theme sounds? I love that
I’m not sure what my favorite episodes are, but I think it could be episodes three and four. You know, Clay episodes!
Speaking of episode three, I love how the knights who end up in Nothing Hill with Clay are Macy and Lance. I just like how even though Aaron is the leader now, he is left out of the most important part of the episode... And also Lance being the one who gets Clay to remember who he is just makes me emotional
AND speaking of Aaron being the leader... I know I said back in 2017 that I was mad that Aaron was chosen to lead the Nexo Knights over Macy, and honestly, I’m still not happy with it! But I do like how him being the leader was handled, and I want to make a post just about that because I have a lot of thoughts on the matter
I’m honestly thankful that the show manages to keep its funny and silly nature even when it gets more centered around the lore (and even when it gets a little darker), especially in episodes like Krakenskull because oh my god. I remember that episode stressing me out when I first watched it and even now it managed to make me stressed. The second half of the season has so many moments where it’s just... help
Heart of Stone is so good and so painful. It’s like pure pain it hurts I’m in genuine pain
The part in Between a Rock and a Hard Place where Merlok is telling the story about Wanda and he starts crying as he speaks to Clay... It just breaks my heart whenever I watch it it will never stop hurting
And finally, the season (now series) finale. I LOVE it. It’s sooo good and I love Clay coming back and using magic and the song that plays when he’s driving the Fortrex just makes me emotional, and all the cool epic stuff like the rocketship just. The 12 year-old in me screams when I watch those episodes. I feel like all the season finales do their job so well, I just love this show so much I swear
One thing I especially love about the season finale is how, after Monstrox is defeated the sky is clear again for the first time since the start of season 3 (yes we are just going to ignore that the sky is clear while they are in nothing hill). I feel like that alone changes the mood of the episode completely to a much lighter, everything-is-okay-now one
And I think that’s everything! the tl;dr here would be that this season, like the whole show, makes me feel a lot of things and is also very fun
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whatsnewcartoons · 8 years ago
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NEW episodes of LEGO Nexo Knights every weekday for 2 weeks starting Monday, August 21 at 7.00AM on Cartoon Network:
Monday, August 21, 7.00AM - “Weekend at Halbert’s” (Season premiere)
Tuesday, August 22, 7.00AM - “The Gray Knight
Wednesday, August 23, 7.00AM - “The Good, the Bad and the Tightwad”
Thursday, August 24, 7.00AM - “In His Majesty’s Secret Service”
Friday, August 25, 7.00AM - “The Stranger in the Halps”
Monday, August 28, 7.00AM - “Krakenskull”
Tuesday, August 29, 7.00AM - “Heart of Stone”
Wednesday, August 30, 7.00AM - “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”
Thursday, August 31, 7.00AM - “March of the Collosus”
Friday, September 1, 7.00AM - “The Fall” (Season finale)
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brickbang · 8 years ago
70355 Escalarrocas de Aaron
70355 Escalarrocas de Aaron
¡La Krakenbestia no tiene ninguna oportunidad contra el Escalarrocas de Aaron “3 en 1”! ¡Reúne todo tu coraje y prepárate para un enfrentamiento bestial al estilo LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™! Conduce el Escalarrocas “3 en 1” con ballesta desmontable y miniplaneador, y persigue a Lord Krakenskull, que monta a lomos de la Krakenbestia, equipada con miembros articulados y un arma en la cola. Incluye tres…
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merloksdigitaltoes · 2 years ago
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here's a work in progress on a piece that totally has no relation to my rewrite teehee
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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Let's, uh
Let's leave
Let's leave now.
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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It's you lot again. Please don't tell me Tightwad is there.
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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Oh, buddy.
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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Good news, folks! I have an idea on how to take down capitalism! /j
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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Why did you pause? Did you forget what this power is called?
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icy-watch · 2 months ago
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Not the Emerald City!
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