kqduane · 5 years
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Until Christian men stop being taken-in by women’s appearances and foolishly judging them based on their own personal standards of behavior, they are going to continue to get buried alive!
Hello! Today’s young women are NOT who you think they are! They may be well-dressed, highly educated, well-spoken and cosmopolitan but they are NOT your kind of woman. They are, in many cases, a modern-day version of “The Portrait of Dorian Gray”, beautiful and charming on the outside and rotten-to-the-core on the inside. And it would serve Christian men well, to stop them in their tracks because they are out to get you! See my “Current EVEntS” posts for dozens of examples.
Most women under 60 are living lives defined by duplicity. They portray themselves in public as respectable, responsible, loving and sensitive, when in reality they have been trained by radical feminism to instead be banshees of irrational thinking, subliminally motivated by their combined rage against Christian men and the values these men represent.
These women, who hold millions of influential positions within all of our great institutions, including business, media, military, judiciary, academia, organized religion, politics, banking, and medicine are more of a threat to America’s continued success than any potential foreign enemy because their mission is misunderstood by the men who interact with them on a daily basis. In many cases, the women themselves are unaware of the damage they are inflicting on their country (and their personal lives) through their irrational attachment to radical feminist ideology.
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Thanks to forty-five years of subliminal indoctrination by lesbian-led, radical second-wave feminist academia, these twisted feminists actually view Christian men as the “enemy.” And as a result, they are deliberately destroying the major American institutions that Christian ideals built, for the simple reason that their non-Christian feminist leaders consider everything that these men touched to be “oppressive” and “domineering” towards women. These twisted women are convinced that Christian men have traditionally placed unacceptable “limits” on women’s ability to “be all that they can be.” The outcome of these misguided feminist theories have left millions of feminist women unable to determine why they are left defining their lives through misery.
These ridiculous women have been convinced by lesbian-led, radical, feminist academia to hate Christian men, not only for what they stand for, but also for what they will not stand for, including homosexuality. These women tend to be rabid pro-abortionists as well because radical feminism has irrationally trained these gullible women to believe that the sacrament of marriage and the miracle of motherhood are albatrosses, deliberately placed around women’s neck, by Christian men.
Radical feminists view marriage, as a “burden” and a “hindrance”, “chaining” women to husbands and children, while they “toil away their lives in domestic servitude.” Feminists have convinced these weak-minded women that Christian men have in the past, denied women the highest form of female fulfillment – a CAREER!
They irrationally believe that these men stand in the way of women’s only avenue to  “emancipation” from domestic toil. And, more astoundingly, they have been convinced by radical feminism that children have become expendable, justifiably aborted to advance their “careers goals”, or to buy a new boat or to take a trip to Europe. With these twisted female priorities, is it any wonder that our country is a mess?
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Kathleen Sebelius – Former Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Democrat
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Oprah Winfrey, 60, – Talk Show Hostess, Actress, Producer and Philanthropist
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Ruth Bader-Ginsburg
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Politician Hillary Clinton, 68
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Nancy Pelosi, 73 – Democrat Minority Leader U. S. House of Representatives. She Represents San Francisco, California
The fact is that all of America’s great institutions, into which these twisted women have for decades been insinuating themselves, were initially established, centuries ago, by highly religious, moral and ethical Christian men. Their Christian faith, their work ethic and their high standards of moral and ethical behavior were the foundations for their success and were the reason their institutions flourished.
These great men trusted each other do what God would expect them to do, under all circumstances. They all played by the same God-given rules and this created one of the most productive, peaceful, pleasant and prosperous countries in the history of the world.  “A man was only as good as his word” and Andrew Carnegie and J. P. Morgan proved this splendidly when, in 1901, Carnegie sold his company, Carnegie Steel (valued at the time at $480 million dollars), to financier J. P. Morgan, on a handshake – no written contract, just Christian faith in each other.
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) – American Industrialist and Philanthropist
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J. P. Morgan (1837-1913) – American Financier, Philanthropist and Art Collector
The institutions these great men established outlived their founders, and continued to thrive well after their deaths, for good reason – the men they had mentored to replace them were also honest Christian men. They were men who lived their faith, both privately and publicly.
These men understood well, that they were accountable to a much higher authority than themselves, and as a result, they operated their institutions and their lives with the fear-of-God ingrained in their very souls. These men brought that same, deeply held, sense of personal hard work, accountability, integrity, good character, trustworthiness and honesty wherever they went. And it was certainly not just reserved for their church pew on Sunday, it went everywhere with them, but most especially to work.
No one can run any  institution successfully, including marriage, without trust and trust is only attainable when an individual internalize the teachings of his Christian faith. Despite the secularists assertions, goodness, honesty and trustworthiness is not produced out of thin air, they must be taught, and they must be grounded in faith in order to stick. Christianity is what separated these great men from the rabble and, although it is harder to determine today, Christianity continues to separate great men from the bowels of radical feminism and the deceit it employs, i.e. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton.
These great Christian men were not willing to sacrifice their own salvation for political points, cash or anything else. They recognized the inequality of character traits that were distributed among men by God and they unenviably sought to acknowledge, encourage, mentor and follow the men who were the most gifted in their chosen fields. And, this acknowledged understanding among these Christian men allowed for great feats of personal accomplishment. They trusted and supported each other’s undertakings.
This understanding among Christian men is what’s missing today. The Christian principles they revered and the trust they generated among themselves, which trickled down to everyone in their separate spheres of influence, has been annihilated as more and more radical feminist women have replaced these principles with priorities based on lying, cheating, stealing, abortion, same-sex marriage, explicit sexuality, divorce, free love, illegitimacy, and adultery. These twisted priorities taint ALL feminist’s judgement and annihilate their good judgement and common sense, politicizing everything in their destructive paths.
Today’s radical feminist leaders believe in an ideology that is diametrically opposed to the principles by which Christian men once defined their lives and their depleted priorities are affecting EVERYONE in their lives. Where these men cooperated on the basis of Godly trust and high standards of behavior, today’s feminists operate on the premise of irrational distrust and hate, deliberately and irrationally criticizing, dismantling and destroying the deep-seated Christian principles that set American men, and their ventures, apart from the rest of the world and onto a path of unprecedented success.
These smiling “career” women are, in many ways, diabolical in their efforts to undermine Christian morality and ethics. And as such, they remain unprincipled, irrational, untrustworthy and a very real threat to Christian ideals and to Christian America as well. They have indeed, replaced their Christian faith with the destructive hate-filled ideology of radical feminism with damning results.
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Beware! And be prepared to FIGHT BACK because she is NOT who you think she is.
Short Essay – Men, You Can No Longer Assume That A Woman Is “Good”, Just Because She’s A Woman! Until Christian men stop being taken-in by women's appearances and foolishly judging them based on their own personal standards of behavior, they are going to continue to get buried alive!
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kqduane · 6 years
U. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, 64 – Massachusetts Democrat
Ms. Warren is another influencial radical, second-wave feminist who thrives on irrational lies and is incapable of connecting-the-dots in order to determine the falsehoods that underpin her bizarre assumptions. And the reason? She has adopted the Marxist infused ideology of radical, second-wave feminism, as her bible.
Radical, second-wave feminism is notoriously successful at diffusing the truth, especially for women who are susceptible to their socialist way of thinking. And in 1970, Ms. Warren was that perfect young, female patsy – white, middle-class and one of the oldest female baby boomers, having been born in 1949.
Ms. Warren followed radical feminism’s handbook almost from Day 1. She married her high school sweetheart Jim Warren in 1968, just as feminism was coming of age. But soon after having her two de rigueur children, Warren began to veer away from home.
Soon after graduating from Rutgers University Law School, she began teaching law at Rutgers in 1977, divorced her inconvenient engineer husband in 1978, married another lawyer, Bruce Mann (but kept her surname) and never looked back.
Concerning her first marriage (to the now deceased Jim Warren) she would say that he was “not a bad guy.” But, it was the 1970s and she was the mom, which, thanks to radical, second-wave feminism, was no longer enough.
Later, Warren would again write about her first husband, “He had married a nineteen-year-old girl, and she hadn’t grown into the woman we had both expected. I was very, very sorry, but I couldn’t change what I had become (a radical, second-wave feminist). I was supposed to be the Betty Crocker award winner, but I set things on fire.” Typical snarky feminist remark.
Concerning her second marriage —- as soon as her Aunt Bee agreed to come and care for her two little children (so that Warren could keep teaching law), she filed for divorce. Not surprisingly, Warren was already involved with Bruce Mann. They had met earlier at a reception for a conference on law and economics in Florida.
Elizabeth Warren and Bruce Mann’s wedding day
The very timid Mann, who had never been married, was immediately smittened by the outgoing Warren and would soon begin to fly to Warren’s home on the weekends. Elizabeth Warren and Bruce Mann would be married within six months of her ­divorce. And, Aunt Bee? She would stay for the next 15 years.
So, in less than 10 years, Warren was transformed, by radical feminism, from a stay-at-home mom to a full-blown radical, second-wave feminist. She was the product of the feminist-imbued 1970s, jettisoning the traditional values of her Christian faith along the way and adopting radical feminism’s ideology in its place, becoming a liberated, self-centered, free-love, divorced, “career” woman instead.
According the radical feminism, Warren “had it all” – a “career” at a university that was looking for female law professors, a wimpy man (wife) waiting in the wings, and a babysitter for her inconvenient children. So now, it was truly, all-about-her.
In 1995, after having taught law at universities in Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the final transition to official radical, second-wave feminist would come when she began to vote Democrat. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that this was a coincidence, as she was made the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard University at the exact same time. So now, she was now a full-fledged, radical, feminist “believer.”
Scott Brown
By 2011, Warren was no longer content to spread feminist ideology, just to the young. She decided to expand her sphere of influence and enter politics. She chose to run, as a Democrat, for one of the two U.S. Senate seats in Massachusetts. This race would be against Republican Senator Scott Brown, who won a special election in 2010 to complete the remainder of the term of deceased Ted Kennedy.
Unfortunately, the highly touted Scott Brown, who was the first Republican elected to the U. S. Senate from Massachusetts since 1972, blew his credibility when he crossed party lines on many major issues. He voted for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the START Treaty and a $13 billion payroll-tax exemption for employers willing to hire unemployed workers.
Brown also voted against Republican Paul Ryan’s plan to overhaul Medicare. And then voted to support taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood and the two month extension of unemployment benefits.  All of which a majority of Republicans, especially the leadership, opposed. As a result, Brown’s strong support from the Tea Party, in his 2010 bid for Kennedy’s seat, all but disappeared and Warren won the 2012 election by a margin of 53% to 47%.
Former Republican Senator from Massachusetts – Scott Brown
Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce Mann
Warren’s campaign would begin to expose her devious nature and her inability to stick with the truth.
1.  It began with her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi’s, efforts to manipulate the race. Her company, Demos.org sued the state of Massachusetts to enforce the National Voter Registration Act. The state settled and mailed voter registration forms to welfare recipients. Sen. Brown claimed this was done to boost Democrat voter numbers and to increase the turnout for Warren.
Amelia Warren Tyagi
Amelia Warren Tyagi and Associates
Pauline Reed Herring and her daughter Elizabeth
2.  Then it was revealed that she had lied on employment forms and law teaching directories when she claimed to have Native American (Cherokee and Delaware) ancestry on her mother’s (Pauline Reed Herring) side of the family. It would soon be shown that her claims were based only on family lore and that there was no documentation, or evidence, to prove her assertions. In fact, no one who attended her mother’s funeral in 1995, or her three older brothers, or her two children have come forward to corroborate Ms. Warren’s, “I’m a minority. Give me special treatment”, story.
3.  Warren also took liberties with the truth when she claimed to be the “first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey.” Oh please. How pathetic that she resorts to fabrications on this low level. She reminds me of Texas gubernatorial candidate Sen. Wendy Davis’s pathetic pattern of inconsequential lies.
4.  Once elected, Warren’s one-sided, radical, second-wave feminist views on capitalism, and the Christian businessmen whose monumental efforts sustain it, would continue to color her politics when she was quoted as saying – “You Didn’t Built It.”
“I hear all this, you know, ‘Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.’ No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody. You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless — keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”
Obviously, every American is provided with those same “advantages” and yet very few men are capable of creating a thriving, successful business. And their success has nothing to do with the roads and everything to do with the talent, tenacity, trustworthiness, character, ambition, honesty and the drive each man brings to his business every day! Only a radical, second-wave feminist, who has been trained to abhor strong men in general, and strong, successful, Christian men in particular, could come to such an outlandish, irrational, and socialist conclusion.
Bill Gates – Microsoft
Donald Trump
Steve Jobs – Apple
5.  Now lets talk about Warren’s minimum wage IQ. I can’t even decipher her twisted views on this topic. But basically she thinks that the minimum wage should be around $22.00 per hour, based on “economic developments” since the 1960s. And since it’s only $7.25, she claims the missing $14.75 was “stolen” by those baaaadd male employers. If you want to torture yourself with her reasoning, click here Realclearpolitics.com
Larry Summers
6.  Now let’s move on to why the Catholic Church will never allow women to become priests. Simply put, women can’t keep a confidence. And Ms. Warren’s stunning, and naive revelation, about her conversation with Larry Summers, shows that she doesn’t even know enough to keep a confidence (given to her as a newbie) by very big “insider”. The very same Larry Summers, who at the time was the director of the National Economic Council and a top economic adviser to President Obama. She wrote the following in her book:
“After dinner, “Larry leaned back in his chair and offered me some advice. I had a choice. I could be an insider or I could be an outsider. Outsiders can say whatever they want. But people on the inside don’t listen to them. Insiders, however, get lots of access and a chance to push their ideas. People — powerful people — listen to what they have to say. But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule: They don’t criticize other insiders.”
Granted, I’m not the least bit impressed with Mr. Summers legacy, but, as a Progressive, Ms. Warren should be. So, why did she do it?
Well, being a feminist first, this deliberate betrayal has to have its roots in radical feminism once again. Hummm? But, of course! This Larry Summers is the very same Larry Summers who was ousted as President of Harvard (while Ms. Warren was employed there) because he had the unmitigated gall to speak the truth about the statistical disparity between men and women and their mathematical abilities. This is what he said while speaking at the National Bureau of Economic Research conference in 2005:
“It does appear that on many, many different human attributes—height, weight, propensity for criminality, overall IQ, mathematical ability, scientific ability—there is relatively clear evidence that whatever the difference in means—which can be debated—there is a difference in the standard deviation, and variability of a male and a female population.”
Remember, radical feminists are feminists first and foremost and they reserve their greatest ire for those who refuse to maintain the smoke screen of lies surrounding their ideology, especially when it comes to the radical feminist high jinx, concerning the “equality of the sexes.” Mr. Summers overlooked this little detail and now we know why Warren threw him under the bus.
7.  Now for her claim that interest rates on government issued student loans are “morally wrong.” Despite Ms. Warren’s claim that she is a consumer finance expert, she fails to connect the dots on the simple fact that if the kids, who take out the loans, don’t pay something for the privilege, the taxpayers will have to pick up the slack! AGAIN! Considering the fact that, even with the kids interest payments included, the government’s student loan “program” is already one billion dollars in debt, Warren’s comment is upside-down, off-the-charts, socialist, STUPID!
8. In her misguided efforts to get the minimum wage raised again, Warren tweeted that it “no longer keeps a mom and her baby out of poverty.” What? It never kept single mothers (aka. radical feminists) out of poverty because it was never intended to support a mother and her children. Moms and their children are not a viable economic unit under any circumstances. That’s why God invented fathers! The minimum wage was originally intended for entry-level jobs for unskilled teenagers, period. And for Warren to claim otherwise is just plain dishonest (something at which she excels).
Sen. Elizabeth Warren
It is rumored that Warren is considering a run for the Presidency in 2016. She better reconsider because there’s just too many of her own quotes to use against her. Shall we continue?
The following is a list of more preposterous quotes from Warren which were put together by thedailybanter.com in 2013.
1. “People feel like the system is rigged against them, and here is the painful part, they’re right. The system is rigged.” (It is rigged against average people – by politicians like radical feminist, and socialist, Elizabeth Warren. kqd)
2. “If there had been a Financial Product Safety Commission in place 10 years ago, the current financial crisis would have been averted.” (OMG. What a simpleton. The financial crisis was deliberately caused by financial ditz’ s Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank (Heads of Federal Banking Committee) who relaxed the banking regs which caused a feeding frenzy in the industry.kqd)
Sen. Chuck Schumer, 64 NY
Sen. Chris Dodd – Conn, (D)
Rep. Barney Frank – Mass. (D)
3. “You built a factory out there, good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads that the rest of us paid for. You hired workers that the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (Duh, again. kqd)
4. “Look around. Oil companies guzzle down the billions in profits. Billionaires pay a lower tax rate than their secretaries, and Wall Street CEOs, the same ones the direct our economy and destroyed millions of jobs still strut around Congress, no shame, demanding favors, and acting like we should thank them. Does anyone here have a problem with that?” (WHAT? Radical feminist ideology again. Capitalists don’t destroy jobs, they create them!!! Plus, they are the primary supply line for the taxes on which the government functions! What an arrogant dope! kqd)
75,000 employees
255,000 employees
4,700 gas stations
5. “I do not understand how it is that financial institutions could think that they could take taxpayer money and then turn around and act like it’s business as usual. I don’t understand how they can’t see that the world has changed in a fundamental way, that it is not business as usual when you take taxpayer dollars.” (Well, maybe this would be true, if it weren’t for the fact that the incompetent, meddling GOVERNMENT REGULATORS initiated the meltdown that the banking industry endured. kqd)
Sen. Chuck Schumer, 64 NY
Sen. Chris Dodd – Conn, (D)
Rep. Barney Frank – Mass. (D)
Mitt Romney – Former Massachusetts Governor, Christian and co-founder of Bain Capitol Investment Firm
6. “Mitt Romney is the guy who said corporations are people. No, Governor Romney, corporations are not people.” (OK. I’m not even going to respond to this totally absurd comment. kqd)
7. “You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything in your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.” (A repeat. For radical, second-wave feminists, the “battle” never ends – radical feminist vs. Christian men, over and over again. kqd)
8. “In a democracy, hostage tactics are the last resort for those who can’t win their fights through elections, can’t win their fights in Congress, can’t win their fights for the presidency, and can’t win their fights in the courts. For this right-wing minority, hostage taking is all they have left, a last gasp for those who cannot cope with the realities of our democracy.” (Hostage tactics? Cannot cope with the realities of our democracy? Come on. I don’t think so. Warren and her ilk are the ones who are trashing democracy. It’s very difficult to win when the system is rigged against the productive Christian businessmen, by influential lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminists, like political hack Ms. Warren, and her socialist cohorts, who are in cahoots with atheists like the vindictive, litigious Atty. Mikey Weinstein. It’s time for Christian men to FIGHT BACK. kqd)
9. “If you’re caught with an ounce of cocaine, the chances are good you’re going to jail….Evidently, if you launder nearly a billion dollars for drug cartels and violate our international sanctions, your company pays a fine and you go home and sleep in your own bed at night.” (Only if he’s, i.e. a friend of Democrat Eric Holder/Bill Clinton. kqd)
Eric Holder
Bill Clinton
Marc Rich
10. “Nobody’s safe. Health insurance? That didn’t protect 1 million Americans who were financially ruined by illness or medical bills last year.” (OMG! Alert! Alert! Nobody’s safe! – The truth is that nobody’s safe because radical, second-wave feminist Elizabeth Warren is roaming the halls of Congress and, the truth is, she knows EXACTLY what she’s up to! Beware. If the Christian men don’t stop her soon, she’ll throw us all under the bus! kqd) Current EVEntS – Radical, Second-Wave Feminist Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mass (D) – Just Doesn’t Get It, or Does She? U. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, 64 - Massachusetts Democrat Ms. Warren is another influencial radical, second-wave feminist who thrives on irrational lies and is incapable of connecting-the-dots in order to determine the falsehoods that underpin her bizarre assumptions.
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kqduane · 7 years
Short Essay - "Whose Idea Was It To Tear Up Babies?"
Short Essay – “Whose Idea Was It To Tear Up Babies?”
Blessed Mother Mary and Infant Jesus
Although I am still on hiatus I was very touched by the following article, which was written by a young man whose wife became pregnant for the first time. The author’s name is Jonathan van Maren.
Although the article was written months ago, it bears repeating.
Not only do I want my followers to have the opportunity to read this exquisitely written, and…
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kqduane · 7 years
 Here is an article that exposes the truth about the ridiculousness of following a feminist lifestyle. Nobody wins and everybody loses. Especially the innocent little children of working mothers, who have no voice.
Ironically this young reporter unearthed the truth about the difficulties inherent in young mother’s attempts to adopt a feminist lifestyle but she failed to find the only permanent solution to this crisis because, despite her feckless advice, these women’s lives are never going to improve by “writing in a journal”, “taking a walk” or “connecting with friends.” Those are just pointless band aids, recklessly applied to a major surgical wound. Tentative at best and pointless at worst.
Only a complete rejection of radical second-wave feminism’s push to prioritize “career” over family, will absolutely solve this ludicrous, frustrating, and exhausting problem. For mothers of minor children, there is no possible way on earth, to find a “balance” between family life and “career.” This irrational search is an unattainable delusion and unfortunately, neither their “careers” nor their children fare well. They both take the brunt of this irrational fraud called feminism, as neither is given the attention they need to thrive.
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So, the only answer is to stop brainwashing young women with radical, second-wave feminism’s ideology and get them back to the roots of their Christian faith instead! Motherhood is for women dedicated to their faith, not feminism’s fraudulent fantasies.
Women must stop believing in the “superwoman” PC BS invented by feminism and get their priorities straight. Their children should be the most important people in their lives, NOT their bosses! I mean, seriously, “Do you love your children or not?”
You either want to be married and have kids OR you want to have a full-time “career”, sans children. Don’t drive yourself crazy, because despite what lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminists tell you, YOU CANNOT HAVE BOTH, SUCCESSFULLY!
In case you are interested in some of the experiences suffered by young feminists fruitlessly trying to balance family and career, Jennifer O’Neill’s article follows.
State of Working Moms Today
Jennifer O’NeillWriterOctober 22, 2014
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Photo by Offset
Every working mother remembers the moment — the first time she slips off the tightrope she’s been sprinting on between the two pillars of her life, career and kids. My fall to rock bottom was at 2am on a Tuesday. After toiling in the office well past midnight, I’d trudged home to prepare the lunch and snacks my children would need to bring to daycare first thing in the morning. Standing in the dim light of the kitchen while the rest of my family slept, I wearily steamed fresh apples and pureed them for the baby, boiled pasta and frozen veggies for the toddler, and reached into the fridge for milk to pour into their bottles. But the quart was empty. The kids would wake up crying for milk in a few short hours and we didn’t have a drop. I wanted to scream in frustration and smash the carton against the wall. What I actually did was shuffle into the living room, crumple into an exhausted heap on the floor next to a pile of toys no one had cleaned up, call for takeout of two bottles of milk, and weep.
According to new research, a great many women can relate.Care.com has given Yahoo Parenting an exclusive first look at its “Working Moms Tipping Point” survey, which reveals that one in four cry by themselves at least once a week due to household-related stress. “We wanted to understand what the point was where somebody raised their hand and said, ‘I can’t take it! I need help,’” Care.com cofounder Donna Levin tells Yahoo Parenting about the poll of nearly 1,000 employed women with at least one child under 18 living at home. “But just how far people push things surprised us.”
Working an average of 37 hours per week, respondents owned up to spending more than double that amount of time (80 hours per week!) slaving away at home on chores, childcare, and cleaning. No wonder a staggering 80 percent admit trying to keep up with it all is severely stressing them out.
STORY: The ‘Working Mom Penalty’ Hurts Us All
The worst part? Some of this pain is actually self-inflicted. Even though 11 percent of the women confess they’re afraid that their hectic schedules are preventing them from making lasting connections with their children, 29 percent refuse to hire any outside help because they feel guilty about not being able to do it all themselves.
What’s happening to their family life as a result isn’t pretty. Fourty-four percent of these women’s families sit down together for dinner less than five nights a week. And when they do, a third say meals last less than 20 minutes. Couple time isn’t any better. The women reported spending just six hours alone with their partners each week.
“We want to share the data so people can realize that they’re not alone,” Levin says. “The survey found that 62 percent of women think everyone else has an easier time getting everything done and somehow they’re the only ones having trouble. This grass-is-greener mentality has to stop.”
STORY: My Biggest Parenting Regret
Instead of comparing yourself to friends, health psychologist Dr. Alice Domar recommends commiserating. “People experience stress relief just talking about their problems,” Domar, the executive director of theDomar Center for Mind/Body Health in Waltham, Mass., and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, tells Yahoo Parenting. “There’s an Asian expression that ‘a burden shared is halved.’ If something is bothering you, tell a friend.”
It’s really not something you can ignore, anyway, considering the enormous toll stress takes on your body: Insomnia, headaches, neck and back pain, gastrointestinal issues, joint aches, and heart palpitations are just a few of the physical symptoms of stress that can eventually develop into hypertension, hastened aging, coronary artery disease, and suppressed immune function down the line.
Working moms may not be able to change the stressors in their lives, but they can change their body’s response to the stress by using relaxation techniques. Domar, whose book “Healing Mind, Healthy Woman” addresses just that, prescribes a few easy fixes that can make a big difference. “It’s hard to do,” she admits. “But you have to take care of yourself.”
Connect with friends. “It’s especially tough these days for working moms, because they’re so busy they don’t have the time for relationships with women that they used to have,” Domar acknowledges. “But lack of social support is actually more likely to kill you than things like cigarette smoke or increased blood pressure.” And it doesn’t have to be a two-hour heart-to-heart, she adds. “Little bits of conversation and connection throughout the day is fine too.”
Start writing in a journal. When you’re upset, writing about thoughts and feelings allows your body to interpret stress in a different way, says Domar. “Research has found that when we talk about things, they’re frozen in time,” she explains. “When we write about them, on the other hand, it helps us get over them.” So if you’re upset and only have five minutes to yourself to deal, write about it. “If you vent to someone,” she notes, “you’ll just get more agitated as you repeat the story.”
Lace up and walk. The women surveyed said three hours is all they have to themselves each day, but Domar says that’s still plenty of time to reduce stress with a short stroll. “Walk to the farther bathroom,” she advises. “Take a lap around the office. Do two-for-one specials and walk with a friend. You’ll get a bit of exercise and time to talk. Every little thing you do helps.”
Short Essay – Why Are Working Mothers, with Minor Children, Burning the Candle at Both Ends? Here is an article that exposes the truth about the ridiculousness of following a feminist lifestyle.
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kqduane · 5 years
Current EVEntS - Jessica Prince Flings Slushie in Face of Female in Favor of Christian Families
Current EVEntS – Jessica Prince Flings Slushie in Face of Female in Favor of Christian Families
Jessica Prince, left and Christine Weick, right
So much of what’s wrong with women today began when they were just teenagers. This is a very vulnerable time for young women because they make some of the most important decisions of their lives during those, few, critical years.
Decisions that will, forever, define their adult lives. Will they have pre-marital sex? Will they do illicit drugs?…
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kqduane · 6 years
I’ve wanted to write about Barronelle Stutzman’s faith, and her grace under pressure, for weeks. I kept praying that her predicament would resolve itself. I hoped that the “powers-that-be”, in the State of Washington, would finally come to their senses and realize that Barronelle lives in America – the land of the free, especially the land of the religiously free!
But, that was not to be. Instead, they’ve proved themselves to be no better than the pagans of ancient Rome, heartlessly tossing Christians to the lions in the Colosseum to appease their twisted priorities. And, to make matters much worse, unlike the Romans, most of these modern-day persecutors of Christians, are Christians themselves!
Judge Alex Ekstrom, 44 – Was Just Appointed to Superior Court in Sept. 2014.
On February 19, 2015, while Barronelle was peacefully sleeping in Richland, Washington, she would suddenly awaken to find that her flower shop had been moved to pagan Rome, or perhaps Nazi Germany, or maybe Communist Red China or worse, Islamist Iran, where intolerance for people of faith ran rampant.
It was on that day that Benton County Superior Court Judge Alexander Ekstrom, 44, ruled against Barronelle’s right to religious freedom, (which we all thought was unquestionably guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution) and, in favor of anti-Christian homosexual proclivities. 
Oddly, just five months earlier, the judge who had presided over Barronelle’s nearly 2-year-old case, Judge Salvador Mendoza, 43, was replaced by Judge Ekstrom, at what seemed like the eleventh hour.
Looking back, could Mendoza have been a Christian and could he have been was leaning in favor of Barronelle and was therefore “promoted” out-of-the-way? We will probably never know, as Judge Ekstrom would rule on Barronelle’s case, in Mendoza’s stead.
Ekstrom not only ruled that Barronelle’s business was in violation of Washington’s anti-discrimination laws but incredibly, so was she. He deliberately ruled, to not only place her business on the chopping block, but also her personal assets, including her home and her savings! The viciousness of the ruling was unprecedented. It was truly a persecution!
Ekstrom ruled that Barronelle must stop bringing her faith to work and pay a fine or lose EVERYTHING to the two gay men, who brought their suit against Bartonella, simply because she was a practicing Christian.
Barronelle stood her ground and flat refused, saying that she loved Jesus more than her belongings.
Mrs. Stutzman was born in Springfield, Missouri. She is a 70-year-old mother of 8, grandmother to 23 and great-grandmother to 3.
In 1948, Barronelle moved with her family to the Tri-Cities of Richland, Kennewick and Pasco as a three-year-old. Her father came to the state of Washington because jobs were plentiful. The United States government’s Manhattan Project, which was making plutonium for nuclear weapons, was in full swing and they needed workers in the region.
Stutzman’s Christian faith has sustained her throughout her entire life. Although her father was an atheist, her mother was a devote Christian. And, for as long as she can remember, she went to Church with her mother every Sunday.
Arlene’s Flower Shop
When Barronelle’s mother bought her flower shop in the early 1980s, it was named Arlene’s Flowers. And, soon after her mother purchased the shop, Barronelle began working there. She started as a delivery person and soon began making flower arrangements. She didn’t enjoy the work, until one day she realized that the shop was not just about flowers, it was about people.
Real people, who needed flowers for the best of times, and the worst of times, in their lives. People who had their own troubles and their own joys. People who were once strangers but would soon become friends. People who loved, lived and lost with grace and courage. Just good, everyday Christian people, trying to do the best they could with the opportunities, abilities and talents God gave them.
With this new understanding, Barronelle’s work at the shop suddenly became important to her and she began to minister to the community’s needs on multiple levels. She realized that her strong faith in God allowed her to not only rejoice at people’s celebrations including births, anniversaries, graduations, job promotions, engagements and holidays but that it could console those suffering with illness, loss or death as well.
So, when her mother became ill, Mrs. Stutzman happily bought the store that had provided her mother, herself and her customers, with so much more than simply flowers.
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Robert Ingersoll
More than thirty years later, while still serving the community of Richland, her life would be changed forever, when on March 1, 2013, long-time customer, Robert Ingersoll, ironically, a manager at Goodwill Industries, entered her shop with a request.
Ingersoll walked into Arlene’s Flowers, just as he had done on many occasions over the previous nine years. But on that particular day, rather asking for Barronelle’s shop to design a flower arrangement for him, Robert asked if Barronelle would do all of the flowers for his September marriage, to his male partner, Curt Freed.
When the message was relayed to Barronelle, she discussed the request with her husband, and graciously declined Ingersoll’s request, because it was against her faith to participate in, or condone, homosexual activities as it would place her everlasting soul at risk of eternal damnation.
My initial reaction to this story was that Ingersoll was blatantly inconsiderate, shamefully intolerant and exceedingly disrespectful to have made this type of request of a woman that he knew was a devout Christian. Did he set her up, hoping to hit the lottery in court? With Washington’s one year old law, making discrimination against homosexuals a crime, my guess is, absolutely YES!
So, when Robert returned to Barronelle’s shop for an answer to his request, she told him that, as a Southern Baptist, she could not participate in his same-sex marriage, “because of my relationship with Jesus.”
The Holy Bible
As any real Christian knows, the Bible is very clear on this point.
1 Timothy 5:22 Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.
Matthew 18:8 And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter eternal life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.
James 4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
Matthew 12:36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.
Ezekiel 3:18 When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
As a practicing Christian, Barronelle understood that she was accountable for other’s sinfulness and was therefore required to live her life as an example for others, in hopes that they would follow her lead.
  As a result, if she took part in Ingersoll’s homosexual “wedding”, rather than leading by example, she would be placing her “stamp of approval” on something that was strictly forbidden by God.
The Holy Bible
And, in doing so, Barronelle would not only become a hypocrite, but more importantly, she would one day be accountable to God for her sinful actions as well. She decided that it was just not worth the risk, because the Bible is very clear on this point too.
Romans 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
1 Corinthians 6:9  
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality.
So, when Robert Ingersoll turned to leave Barronelle’s flower shop that day, nothing seemed amiss. In fact she said, “He was very gracious. He said, ‘I understand,’ and we talked about his mom a little bit, and about how he got engaged. And then we hugged each other, and he left.”
  There was no indication that Robert was offended by Barronelle’s decision, nor did he appear upset when she suggested two other florists what would be able to supply his flowers.
  No, nothing seemed amiss, until soon after his departure, her store’s five phones began to ring off the hook. Bartonella said, “The calls were … not very nice. Very hateful, very threatening, things you could not repeat. Things I had to look up, because I had no idea what they meant.” She began to spend most of her time answering the phones herself, so that her 12 employees would not be subjected to the vitriol.
  Just when the phone calls began to taper-off, the hate mail began to arrive. Hundreds of letters, and thousands of e-mails, poured into her shop. The pile of hate mail finally reached three-feet high.
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Curt Freed
The source of this vicious hatred would prove to be Ingersoll’s boyfriend, Curt Freed. When Robert returned to their home that day, Freed became incensed, with Barronelle.
And, with non-Christian vengeance, he took to Facebook to disparaged, denigrate and defame Mrs. Stutzman for her faith. His virulent intolerance for her Christian faith, was so ferocious, that Freed’s rant went viral, initiating the phone calls and hate mail.
Suddenly, a small town florist, in the middle of nowhere (145 miles southwest of Spokane) was ground-zero for vicious, vile and vitriol-soaked, anti-Christian hatred and intolerance.
  On April 18, 2013, the ever-vigilant ACLU (the most notoriously, anti-Christian non-profit organization in the country, which is funded by the more notorious, billionaire currency trader, and non-Christian, George Soros) took up Ingersoll and Freed’s separate cases against Barronelle and sued in Ingersoll and Freed’s personal capacity.
Bob Ferguson – Attorney General for the State of Washington
Just ten days prior to the filing of the ACLU’s suit, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, 50,  (who has a non-Christian ancestry) after hearing about Freed’s tirade on Facebook, decided to join the melee, and as a representative of the state, filed an anti-discrimination consumer protection lawsuit against Barronelle.
So, rather than address the 203 murders, 2,100 rapes, 5,700 robberies, 12,200 aggravated assaults that occurred in 2013, Ferguson chose instead, to personally go after an elderly grandmother florist because she had the nerve to live her life according to her Christian faith.
  And worse yet, rather than be ashamed of his behavior, this Catholic-educated man (who must get re-elected for the second time in 2016) wallowed in the political maelstrom his actions created.
  The Alliance Defending Freedom offered to defend Mrs. Stutzman pro-bono because they had never seen a AG behave in this unorthodox manner.
  As it would be shown, no one had requested, complained or directed Attorney General Ferguson to get involved with Barronelle’s situation – not the Legislature, not the Washington Human Rights Commission (which is the legal channel through which these types of  discrimination cases are directed to the Attorney General), not the ACLU and not even the two gay defendants.
  Ferguson just chose to stick his nose, where it didn’t belong, and file an additional suit against Mrs. Stutzman, and despite his supposedly Christian faith, just because he could.
In response, Mrs. Stutzman’s lawyers, including Kristen Waggoner, who is the senior counsel from the Alliance Defending Freedom; Attorney Alicia M. Berry of Liebler, Connor, Berry & St. Hilaire and attorney JD Bristol, who is one of nearly 2,300 attorneys allied with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), filed a countersuit.
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Kristen Waggoner
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JD Bristol
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Alicia M. Berry
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Dale Schowengerdt
Dale Schowengerdt, Senior Legal Counsel for ADF explained the motion,
“In America, the government is supposed to protect freedom, not use intolerance for certain viewpoints to intimidate citizens into acting contrary to their faith. The attorney general has acted inappropriately by trying to intimidate Barronelle through his lawsuit rather than leaving the process where the law says such matters need to take place. Plenty of other florists are willing to provide flowers for same-sex ceremonies, yet both lawsuits against Barronelle insist on going after not only her business, but going after her personally as well. That’s extraordinary, and we’re asking the court to put a stop to it.”
  Schowengerdt continued, “The Attorney General’s action here, on behalf of the State of Washington, is based on an unprecedented interpretation of the Washington Law Against Discrimination…and the Consumer Protection Act…
  ADF’s motion says, “The State’s action goes against the statutes’ specific terms and more than thirty years of prior agency practice by successive Attorneys General. This Court should reject the Attorney General’s illegitimate claim of authority to bring this action…. Accordingly, this Court should dismiss the Complaint filed by the State of Washington for lack of primary jurisdiction, failure to exhaust administrative remedies as required by law, and lack of standing.”
Dale Schowengerdt, is later quoted as saying, “This is the first time in the history of the Washington Attorney General’s Office that they have done something like this,” He went on to say that, “This is definitely a political issue for the attorney general. It’s unusual for him to go around the state talking so much about specific cases, but he has talked a lot about this, and when they filed the suit, he was the media point person for it.”
It was indeed, very unfortunate for Mrs. Stutzman, and very fortunate for Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, that Judge Salvador Mendoza, Jr, who had presided over Stutzman’s case for over a year, would suddenly be promoted to a federal judgeship. Was this a coincidence, or was it a plot? 
On June 29, 2013, Mendoza combined Ingersoll’s and Freed’s separate cases into one. And then, just six months later, on January 16, 2014, Mendoza – after being on the Benton County Superior Court for just 8 months, as compared to his predecessor Judge Craig Matheson, who served 26 years on the bench – was suddenly nominated by Pres. Obama to become a federal judge on the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Washington State. 
Judge Craig Matheson
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Judge Salvador Mendoza
Judge Alexander Ekstrom
And just as interestingly, Mendoza had replaced Matheson just a couple of weeks after both law suits were filed against Barronelle Stutzman in April of 2013.
Six months later, Mendoza’s speedy appointment to the federal court would be confirmed by the U. S. Senate on June 17, 2014. On August 1, 2014, after serving just 14 months on Benton County’s Superior Court, Mendoza would become the first latino judge on the Eastern District’s federal court. 
  Mendoza was gone and Ekstrom replaced him on September 19, 2014, just 5 months before he would make the ruling on Stutzman’s case. Three different judges have presided over Barronelle’s life during the course of her case.
  More interestingly, Judge Alex Ekstrom refused to recuse himself from the case, despite the fact that he personally knew Freed and, was a member of the Board of the Columbia Basin Community College. Curt Freed was employed at the college, for an annual salary of $110.000, as Vice President for Administration/Instruction. Ekstrom also noted that his wife had bought flowers from Barronelle on many occasions as well. Despite these obvious conflicts of interest, Ekstrom refused to step aside.
  In December 2014, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a motion. They asked the Benton County Court to dismiss Ferguson’s and the ACLU’s claims against Barronelle in her personal capacity.  While Ferguson and the ACLU asked the court to find her liable without a trial or jury determination. The case was argued in court that same month.
  Under the new discrimination law, both Ferguson and the ACLU can pursue penalties against Barronelle for up to $2,000 per violation, as well as legal fees, against both her business and her personal assets. And the message the attorney general and the ACLU was sending to the citizenry of Washington was crystal clear: surrender your religious liberty and your free speech rights, or face personal and professional ruin.
Benton County Courthouse
On February 19, 2015, Judge Ekstrom ruled that Mrs. Stutzman’s refusal to provide flowers because of sexual orientation violated Washington’s anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws. She was fined $1,000, plus $1 in court costs and fees. Barronelle believes the judgement will prevent her from practicing her Southern Baptist faith. 
Basically, Ekstrom ruled that she must provide full support for wedding ceremonies that are contrary to her faith. And incredibly, it basically states that Barronelle is free to believe what she wants, but not to practice her religious beliefs.
Ferguson, on the other hand, agreed to settle Barronelle’s case for $2,001 if she agreed not to do any weddings and to not appeal the ruling. In other words, Barronelle must defy her conscience and participate in same-sex weddings or the full coercive power of the state, as well as civil liability, will be brought against her.
  Barronelle’s letter of response, to the threats made by Attorney General Ferguson, are as follows:
ARLENE’S FLOWERS 1177 Lee Blvd. Richland, WA 99352
February 20, 2015 
Attorney General Bob Ferguson 1125 Washington St. SE P.O. Box 40100 Olympia, WA 98504 
Re: State of Washington v. Arlene’s Flowers and Barronelle Stutzman 
Dear Mr. Ferguson,
Thank you for reaching out and making an offer to settle your case against me.
As you may imagine, it has been mentally and emotionally exhausting to be at the center of this controversy for nearly two years.  I never imagined that using my God-given talents and abilities, and doing what I love to do for over three decades, would become illegal. Our state would be a better place if we respected each other’s differences, and our leaders protected the freedom to have those differences. Since 2012, same-sex couples all over the state have been free to act on their beliefs about marriage, but because I follow the Bible’s teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, I am no longer free to act on my beliefs.
Your offer reveals that you don’t really understand me or what this conflict is all about. It’s about freedom, not money. I certainly don’t relish the idea of losing my business, my home, and everything else that your lawsuit threatens to take from my family, but my freedom to honor God in doing what I do best is more important. Washington’s constitution guarantees us “freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment.” I cannot sell that precious freedom. You are asking me to walk in the way of a well-known betrayer, one who sold something of infinite worth for 30 pieces of silver.  That is something I will not do.
I pray that you reconsider your position. I kindly served Rob for nearly a decade and would gladly continue to do so. I truly want the best for my friend. I’ve also employed and served many members of the LGBT community, and I will continue to do so regardless of what happens with this case. You chose to attack my faith and pursue this not simply as a matter of law, but to threaten my very means of working, eating, and having a home. If you are serious about clarifying the law, then I urge you to drop your claims against my home, business, and other assets and pursue the legal claims through the appeal process. Thanks again for writing and I hope you will consider my offer. 
Barronelle Stutzman
Barronelle obviously declined to pay the fine and plans to appeal the decision. She is a woman with the courage of her convictions. Her attorney said it could leave her liable for legal fees and court costs that reach over $1 million and not even that frightens her. She is truly Christian warrior.
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Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI called what has happened to Barronelle, and what is happening to other Christians, the tyranny of tolerance. He went on to say that the “sexual rights” of some are more important than the religious rights of others. How eerily correct he was in that statement.
Barronelle agrees when she said, “Little by little, they are stripping us of any thought we might have, or any difference of opinion. This is our religious freedom at stake.” She went on to say, “I’m a grain of sand in a little spot, and why God chose what He did … that is up to God. It’s a battle, but it’s a good battle to be in, and I’m glad I’m on this side of it. It’s an opportunity for me to be obedient, to show Christ’s love, to stand up for what I believe.” Barronelle added, “And it’s not a burden—it’s a joy. I don’t mean that to sound ‘Pollyanna.’ It’s just that Christ has given me this peace. I’m sure there will be a lot more hate coming, but they’re not hating me, they’re hating Him. And He can take care of Himself. ” 
  Mrs. Stutzman wrote in a statement, soon after the unprecedented summary judgement against her by Ekstrom, “I just want the freedom to live and work faithfully and according to what God says about marriage without fear of punishment. America would be a better place if citizens respected each others’ differences and the government still protected the freedom to have those differences. Instead, the government is coming after me and everything I have just because I won’t live my life the way the state says I should.”
Barronelle’s ADF lawyer, Kristen Waggoner said, “The message of these rulings is unmistakable: The government will bring about your personal and professional ruin if you don’t help celebrate same-sex marriage.
Mrs. Stutzman said she is holding up under the stress of the case and bears no ill will toward the couple. She recently said that, “The support has far outweighed the bad and if (Rob) comes in, I would give him a hug and catch up on his life.”
Barronelle Stutzman is an extraordinarily admirable woman, a Christian woman who has inspired a nation of Christians to stand up for their faith, despite overwhelming odds.
I pray that the powers-that-be come to realize that, unless the vengeful, vicious Ingersoll/Freed’s of the world are stopped, wonderful Christians, like Barronelle Stutzman, will cease to exist. Christians are the backbone of America’s greatness and the reason why America is the only country on earth where people stand in line to enter.
It’s all about religious freedom, and without that, America will shrivel on the vine of history and men like Ingersoll, Freed, Ferguson and Ekstrom will be to blame.
Let’s pray that Barronelle’s Christian persecutors read the following quote from the Bible and are touched by the Holy Spirit to change their treacherous ways and come back to God.
Romans 14:19 
“So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building.”
  Let your voice be heard in defense of this courageous Christian. Attorney General Ferguson’s phone number is 360-753-6200.
Admirable Women – Florist Barronelle Stutzman’s Business, Home and Personal Assets at Risk Because She’s A Devote Christian I've wanted to write about Barronelle Stutzman's faith, and her grace under pressure, for weeks. I kept praying that her predicament would resolve itself.
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kqduane · 8 years
10+ Resolutions for a Life Well-lived
10+ Resolutions for a Life Well-lived
The Deep Wells of Good Christian Living
Strive to become – Well-fed Well-behaved Well-groomed Well-spoken Well-disposed Well-intentioned Well-mannered Well-loved Well-read Well-informed Well-dressed Well-educated Well-traveled Well-versed Well-positioned Well-connected and in time, you will become… Well-bred and Well-heeled while having acquired a sense of.. Wellbeing before a…
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kqduane · 9 years
Of course, the resounding response would be – sex! But, is the answer that simple? The complexities of each relationship are routinely on display in the privacy of the bedroom and sex is only one small part of the equation.  
Once the day is done, and they’ve closed their bedroom door on their daily responsibilities, couples enter their own inner sanctum. A private, night-filled, world shared by two unique people. Two lovers who know each other’s habits better than anyone else does. Two individuals who have chosen to intertwine their lives, so as to become one. Two individuals who love each other deeply.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
In this private retreat are two lucky people who can escape the harsh realities of daily living, and be regenerated, within their secluded sanctuary. Two blessed people who happily take refuge together a solitary place of their own. Two people who gladly share the same abode, bathroom and bed. Two people who understand, and accept graciously, each other’s nuances despite a small bedroom. Two people who console, encourage and advise each other in the night. Two people who are content simply to be alone and in each other’s company in the privacy of their bedroom. Two Christian people who pray and dream together. Two people who lie in each other’s arms as they suffer, laugh, cry or rejoice together. Two people who silently hold each other in the darkness until sleep overtakes them. 
So yes, sex is part of the reason husbands and wives sleep together but so are the hugs, the comfort, the security, the peace, the privacy, the warmth, the closeness, the companionship, and the wonderful ability to quietly whisper, into the darkness at day’s end, “I love you”, knowing they will be there for you today, tomorrow and forever.
Short Essay – Why Do Husbands and Wives Sleep Together? Of course, the resounding response would be - sex! But, is the answer that simple? The complexities of each relationship are routinely on display in the privacy of the bedroom and sex is only one small part of the equation.  
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kqduane · 9 years
10 Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns to Women
10 Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns to Women
If you lack a sense of humor, do NOT read the following. 
Being Prepared for the Worst!
Ten Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns to Women
10.    You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
  9.    You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you’re on the road.
  8.    If you admire a friend’s gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out                              a few times.
  7.  …
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kqduane · 10 years
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
A Toddler’s Rules of Possession
1.  If I like it, it’s mine.
2.  If it’s in my hand, it’s mine.
3.  If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine.
4.  It I can take it from you, it’s mine.
5.  If it’s mine, it must NEVER appear to be yours in any way.
6.  If I’m doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7.  If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
8.  If I saw it first, it’s mine.
9.  If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.
10. If it’s broken, it’s yours.
10 “Mines” of Toddlerhood – Enjoy! A Toddler's Rules of Possession 1.  If I like it, it's mine. 2.  If it's in my hand, it's mine.
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kqduane · 10 years
Quote: Don Kardong on Sports are Silly
Quote: Don Kardong on Sports are Silly
Don Kardong, 67 – Noted Marathon Runner and Author. 1976 Summer Games Men’s Marathon Olympiad Representing U.S.A.
“Eventually, competition and adventure wane, and I entered my ibuprofen phase. Tweaky hamstrings and achy knees restrict mileage, but I continue running for health, sanity and the ritual of a Sunday rail run with like-minded buddies. We discuss the nagging injuries that bedevil us,…
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kqduane · 10 years
The Sacrament of Marriage - Camille Paglia
The Sacrament of Marriage – Camille Paglia
Camille Paglia, 67 – Academic, Social Critic and Reformed (but conflicted) Feminist.
“Now that virtually every career is an option for ambitious girls, it can no longer be considered regressive or reactionary to reintroduce discussion of marriage and motherhood to primary education. We certainly do not want to return to the simplistic duality of home economics classes for girls and wood shop for…
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kqduane · 10 years
The Miracle of Motherhood - Anita Baker
The Miracle of Motherhood – Anita Baker
Anita Baker, 56 – American Singer and Songwriter. Mother of two boys.
“Completeness? Happiness? These words don’t come close to describing my emotions. There truly is nothing I can say to capture what motherhood means to me, particularly given my medical history.”
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kqduane · 10 years
Good Guys - Pastors Have Unmitigated Gall to Mention Jesus During Their Minn. State Senate Invocation
Good Guys – Pastors Have Unmitigated Gall to Mention Jesus During Their Minn. State Senate Invocation
Sen. Terri Bonoff, 57 – State Senate Democrat from Minnesota
Although these situations occurred in 2011, they are worthy of a revisit, as these two pastors refused to follow the State Senate “request” for “non-denominational” invocations and actually mentioned “Jesus” in their prayer for the State Senators of Minnesota.
It is another example of the war being waged by radical feminists against…
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kqduane · 10 years
U. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, 64 – Massachusetts Democrat
Ms. Warren is another influence radical, second-wave feminist who thrives on irrational lies and is incapable of connecting-the-dots in order to determine the falsehoods that underpin her bizarre assumptions. And the reason? She has adopted the Marxist infused ideology of radical, second-wave feminism, as her bible.
Radical, second-wave feminism is notoriously successful at diffusing the truth, especially for women who are susceptible to their socialist way of thinking. And in 1970, Ms. Warren was that perfect young, female patsy – white, middle-class and one of the oldest female baby boomers, having been born in 1949.
Ms. Warren followed radical feminism’s handbook almost from Day 1. She married her high school sweetheart Jim Warren in 1968, just as feminism was coming of age. But soon after having her two de rigueur children, Warren began to veer away from home.
Soon after graduating from Rutgers University Law School, she began teaching law at Rutgers in 1977, divorced her inconvenient engineer husband in 1978, married another lawyer, Bruce Mann (but kept her surname) and never looked back.
Concerning her first marriage (to the now deceased Jim Warren) she would say that he was “not a bad guy.” But, it was the 1970s and she was the mom, which, thanks to radical, second-wave feminism, was no longer enough.
Later, Warren would again write about her first husband, “He had married a nineteen-year-old girl, and she hadn’t grown into the woman we had both expected. I was very, very sorry, but I couldn’t change what I had become (a radical, second-wave feminist). I was supposed to be the Betty Crocker award winner, but I set things on fire.” Typical snarky feminist remark.
Concerning her second marriage —- as soon as her Aunt Bee agreed to come and care for her two little children (so that Warren could keep teaching law), she filed for divorce. Not surprisingly, Warren was already involved with Bruce Mann. They had met earlier at a reception for a conference on law and economics in Florida.
Elizabeth Warren and Bruce Mann’s wedding day
The very timid Mann, who had never been married, was immediately smittened by the outgoing Warren and would soon begin to fly to Warren’s home on the weekends. Elizabeth Warren and Bruce Mann would be married within six months of her ­divorce. And, Aunt Bee? She would stay for the next 15 years.
So, in less than 10 years, Warren was transformed, by radical feminism, from a stay-at-home mom to a full-blown radical, second-wave feminist. She was the product of the feminist-imbued 1970s, jettisoning the traditional values of her Christian faith along the way and adopting radical feminism’s ideology in its place, becoming a liberated, self-centered, free-love, divorced, “career” woman instead.
According the radical feminism, Warren “had it all” – a “career” at a university that was looking for female law professors, a wimpy man (wife) waiting in the wings, and a babysitter for her inconvenient children. So now, it was truly, all-about-her.
In 1995, after having taught law at universities in Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the final transition to official radical, second-wave feminist would come when she began to vote Democrat. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that this was a coincidence, as she was made the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard University at the exact same time. So now, she was now a full-fledged, feminist “believer.”
Scott Brown
By 2011, Warren was no longer content to spread feminist ideology, just to the young. She decided to expand her sphere of influence and enter politics. She chose to run, as a Democrat, for one of the two U.S. Senate seats in Massachusetts. This race would be against Republican Senator Scott Brown, who was elected to complete the term of the deceased Ted Kennedy.
Unfortunately, the highly touted Scott Brown, who was the first Republican elected to the U. S. Senate from Massachusetts since 1972, blew his credibility when he crossed party lines on many major issues. He voted for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the START Treaty and a $13 billion payroll-tax exemption for employers willing to hire unemployed workers.
Brown also voted against Republican Paul Ryan’s plan to overhaul Medicare. And then voted to support taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood and the two month extension of unemployment benefits.  All of which a majority of Republicans, especially the leadership, opposed. As a result, his strong support from the Tea Party, in his 2010 bid for Kennedy’s seat, all but disappeared and Warren won the 2012 election by a margin of 53% to 47%.
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Former Republican Senator from Massachusetts – Scott Brown
Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce Mann
Warren’s campaign would begin to expose her devious nature and her inability to stick with the truth.
1.  It began with her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi’s, efforts to manipulate the race. Her company, Demos.org sued the state of Massachusetts to enforce the National Voter Registration Act. The state settled and mailed voter registration forms to welfare recipients. Sen. Brown claimed this was done to boost Democrat voter numbers and to increase the turnout for Warren.
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Amelia Warren Tyagi
Amelia Warren Tyagi and Associates
Pauline Reed Herring and her daughter Elizabeth
2.  Then it was revealed that she had lied on employment forms and law teaching directories when she claimed to have Native American (Cherokee and Delaware) ancestry on her mother’s (Pauline Reed Herring) side of the family. It would soon be shown that her claims were based only on family lore and that there was no documentation, or evidence, to prove her assertions. In fact, no one who attended her mother’s funeral in 1995, or her three older brothers, or her two children have come forward to corroborate Ms. Warren’s, “I’m a minority. Give me special treatment”, story.
3.  Warren also took liberties with the truth when she claimed to be the “first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey.” Oh please. How pathetic that she resorts to fabrications on this level. She reminds me of Texas gubernatorial candidate Sen. Wendy Davis’s pathetic pattern of inconsequential lies.
4.  Once elected, Warren’s one-sided, radical, second-wave feminist views on capitalism, and the Christian businessmen whose monumental efforts sustain it, would continue to color her politics when she was quoted as saying – “You Didn’t Built It.”
“I hear all this, you know, ‘Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.’ No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody. You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless — keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”
Obviously, every American is provided with those same “advantages” and yet very few men are capable of creating a thriving, successful business. And their success has nothing to do with the roads and everything to do with the talent, tenacity, trustworthiness, character, ambition, honesty and the drive each man brings to his business every day! Only a radical, second-wave feminist, who has been trained to abhor strong men in general, and strong successful Christian men in particular, could come to such an outlandish, irrational, and socialist conclusion.
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Bill Gates – Microsoft
Donald Trump – The Trump Organization
Steve Jobs – Apple
5.  Now lets talk about Warren’s minimum wage IQ. I can’t even decipher her twisted views on this topic. But basically she thinks that the minimum wage should be around $22.00 per hour, based on “economic developments” since the 1960s. And since it’s only $7.25, she claims the missing $14.75 was “stolen” by those baaaadd male employers. If you want to torture yourself with her reasoning, click here Realclearpolitics.com
Larry Summers
6.  Now let’s move on to why the Catholic Church will never allow women to become priests. Simply put, women can’t keep a confidence. And Ms. Warren’s stunning, and naive revelation, about her conversation with Larry Summers, shows that she doesn’t even know enough to keep a confidence (given to her as a newbie) by very big “insider”. The very same Larry Summers, who at the time was the director of the National Economic Council and a top economic adviser to President Obama. She wrote the following in her book:
“After dinner, “Larry leaned back in his chair and offered me some advice. I had a choice. I could be an insider or I could be an outsider. Outsiders can say whatever they want. But people on the inside don’t listen to them. Insiders, however, get lots of access and a chance to push their ideas. People — powerful people — listen to what they have to say. But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule: They don’t criticize other insiders.”
Granted, I’m not the least bit impressed with Mr. Summers legacy, but, as a Progressive, Ms. Warren should be. So, why did she do it?
Well, being a feminist first, this deliberate betrayal has to have its roots in radical feminism once again. Hummm? But, of course! This Larry Summers is the very same Larry Summers who was ousted as President of Harvard (while Ms. Warren was employed there) because he had the unmitigated gall to speak the truth about the statistical disparity between men and women and their mathematical abilities. This is what he said while speaking at the National Bureau of Economic Research conference in 2005:
“It does appear that on many, many different human attributes—height, weight, propensity for criminality, overall IQ, mathematical ability, scientific ability—there is relatively clear evidence that whatever the difference in means—which can be debated—there is a difference in the standard deviation, and variability of a male and a female population.”
Remember, radical feminists are feminists first and foremost and they reserve their greatest ire for those who refuse to maintain the smoke screen of lies surrounding their ideology, especially when it comes to the radical feminist high jinx, concerning the “equality of the sexes.” Mr. Summers overlooked this little detail and now we know why Warren threw him under the bus.
7.  Now for her claim that interest rates on government issued student loans are “morally wrong.” Despite Ms. Warren’s claim that she is consumer financial expert, she fails to connect the dots on the simple fact that if the kids, who take out the loans, don’t pay something for the privilege, the taxpayers will have to pick up the slack! AGAIN! Considering the fact that, even with the kids interest payments included, the government’s student loan “program” is already one billion dollars in debt, Warren’s comment is upside-down, off-the-charts, socialist, STUPID!
8. In her misguided efforts to get the minimum wage raised again, Warren tweeted that it “no longer keeps a mom and her baby out of poverty.” What? It never kept single mothers (aka. radical feminists) out of poverty because it was never intended to support a mother and her children. Moms and their children are not a viable economic unit under any circumstances. That’s why God invented fathers! The minimum wage was originally intended for entry-level jobs for unskilled teenagers, period. And for Warren to claim otherwise is just plain dishonest (something at which she excels).
Sen. Elizabeth Warren
It is rumored that Warren is considering a run for the Presidency in 2016. She better reconsider because there’s just too many of her own quotes to use against her. Shall we continue?
The following is a list of more preposterous quotes from Warren which were put together by thedailybanter.com in 2013.
1. “People feel like the system is rigged against them, and here is the painful part, they’re right. The system is rigged.” (It is rigged against average people – by politicians like radical feminist, and socialist, Elizabeth Warren. kqd)
2. “If there had been a Financial Product Safety Commission in place 10 years ago, the current financial crisis would have been averted.” (OMG. What a simpleton. The financial crisis was deliberately caused by financial ditz’ s Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank (Heads of Federal Banking Committee) who relaxed the banking regs which caused a feeding frenzy in the industry.kqd)
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Sen. Chuck Schumer – NY (D)
Sen. Chris Dodd – Conn, (D)
Rep. Barney Frank – Mass. (D)
3. “You built a factory out there, good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads that the rest of us paid for. You hired workers that the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (Duh, again. kqd)
4. “Look around. Oil companies guzzle down the billions in profits. Billionaires pay a lower tax rate than their secretaries, and Wall Street CEOs, the same ones the direct our economy and destroyed millions of jobs still strut around Congress, no shame, demanding favors, and acting like we should thank them. Does anyone here have a problem with that?” (WHAT? Radical feminist ideology again. Capitalists don’t destroy jobs, they create them!!! Plus, they are the primary supply line for the taxes on which the government functions! What an arrogant dope! kqd)
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75,000 employees
255,000 employees
4,700 gas stations
  5. “I do not understand how it is that financial institutions could think that they could take taxpayer money and then turn around and act like it’s business as usual. I don’t understand how they can’t see that the world has changed in a fundamental way, that it is not business as usual when you take taxpayer dollars.” (Well, maybe this would be true, if it weren’t for the fact that the incompetent, meddling GOVERNMENT REGULATORS initiated the meltdown that the banking industry endured. kqd)
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Sen. Chuck Schumer – NY (D)
Sen. Chris Dodd – Conn, (D)
Rep. Barney Frank – Mass. (D)
Mitt Romney – Former Massachusetts Governor, Christian and co-founder of Bain Capitol Investment Firm
6. “Mitt Romney is the guy who said corporations are people. No, Governor Romney, corporations are not people.” (OK. I’m not even going to respond to this totally absurd comment. kqd)
7. “You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything in your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.” (A repeat. For radical, second-wave feminists, the “battle” never ends – radical feminist vs. Christian men, over and over again. kqd)
8. “In a democracy, hostage tactics are the last resort for those who can’t win their fights through elections, can’t win their fights in Congress, can’t win their fights for the presidency, and can’t win their fights in the courts. For this right-wing minority, hostage taking is all they have left, a last gasp for those who cannot cope with the realities of our democracy.” (Hostage tactics? Cannot cope with the realities of our democracy? Come on. I don’t think so. Warren and her ilk are the ones who are trashing democracy. It’s very difficult to win when the system is rigged against the productive Christian businessmen, by influential lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminists, like political hack Ms. Warren, and her socialist cohorts, who are in cahoots with atheists like the vindictive, litigious Atty. Mikey Weinstein. It’s time for Christian men to FIGHT BACK. kqd)
9. “If you’re caught with an ounce of cocaine, the chances are good you’re going to jail….Evidently, if you launder nearly a billion dollars for drug cartels and violate our international sanctions, your company pays a fine and you go home and sleep in your own bed at night.” (Only if he’s, i.e. a friend of Democrat Eric Holder/Bill Clinton. kqd)
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Eric Holder
Bill Clinton
Marc Rich
10. “Nobody’s safe. Health insurance? That didn’t protect 1 million Americans who were financially ruined by illness or medical bills last year.” (OMG! Alert! Alert! Nobody’s safe! – The truth is that nobody’s safe because radical, second-wave feminist Elizabeth Warren is roaming the halls of Congress and, the truth is, she knows EXACTLY what she’s up to! Beware. If the Christian men don’t stop her soon, she’ll throw us all under the bus! kqd)
Current EVEntS – Radical, Second-Wave Feminist Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mass (D) – Just Doesn’t Get It, or Does She? Ms. Warren is another influence radical, second-wave feminist who thrives on irrational lies and is incapable of connecting-the-dots in order to determine the falsehoods that underpin her bizarre assumptions.
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kqduane · 10 years
Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell, 58, Named Canon Precentor of the National Cathedral in September 2013.
Here is yet another influential, radical, second-wave feminist who is out to redefine Christianity according to her own “liberated” views. But, alarmingly, she has been allowed to do her dirty work from within a Christian church. And worse yet, from within one of America’s most celebrated, and revered, Christian cathedrals!
The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul or, the Washington National Cathedral, is located in DC. It is a cathedral of the Episcopal Church, which is also a worldwide member of the Anglican Church in England.
This edifice, consecrated to God, has been the source of guidance, inspiration and comfort for Protestant Presidents, world leaders and parishioners, dating back to George Washington. And as such, its history has been closely aligned with the history of Christian America.
As early as 1791, a national cathedral was envisioned by the architect of Washington, DC, Major Pierre L’Enfant, at the behest of George Washington (Episcopal). In his efforts, L’Enfant would visualize “a great church for national purposes.” But, it would take over a century for Washington’s dream to come to fruition.
It was not until 1896, after Congress granted the incorporation papers to the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation of the District of Columbia, that the property for the cathedral was finally purchased.
President Theodore Roosevelt
Eleven years later, on September 29, 1907, with the fundraising and design work in place, construction would begin. President Theodore Roosevelt (Dutch Reform) and the Bishop of London (Anglican), would both take part in a celebratory event, laying the corner-stone for the structure.
The National Cathedral’s illustrious history would begin when Bethlehem Chapel was opened in 1912. And, it would become the focus of national attention as World War I (1914-1918) began and would continue to bring solace to millions of Americans throughout this war and World War II (1939-1945), when 94% of America’s citizenry were Christian.
Services were attended by, and at times, initiated by, Presidents Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921 (Presbyterian), Warren G. Harding, 1921-1923 (Baptist) and Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929 (Congregationalist). The National Cathedral’s importance on the world stage would continue with the State Funeral of President Eisenhower (Presbyterian) in 1969.
The Washington National Cathedral
In 1976, Queen Elizabeth II (Anglican) and President Ford (Episcopalian) would dedicate the nave, and the west rose window, in the partially erected edifice.
In 1990, after 83 years of construction, the cathedral was finally completed. It would continue to inspire a devotion to God, and country, and become the site for the State Funerals of both President Ronald Reagan (Presbyterian) in 2004 and President Gerald Ford (Episcopalian)  in 2007.
Despite the illustrious ecclesiastical inspiration engendered by this magnificent Episcopal Church, and its 600 year old doctrines, the Episcopal Church itself began to experience a serious schism from within, when radical, second-wave feminism reared its ugly head in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Unfortunately, this long revered, and traditional denomination of the Protestant faith, would become the first to succumb to the demands of radical feminists. Feminists, who had no interest in living by God’s laws, or His Holy Bible, and every interest in rewriting the Bible according to non-Christian, feminist guru, Gloria Steinem, who irrationally viewed organized religion as “oppressive” and “domineering” to women and also “sexist.”
Ordination of Philadelphia Eleven female priests in 1974
On July 29, 1974, despite the objections of the Episcopal Church’s hierarchy, three rogue, rebellious, and retired bishops (Daniel Corrigan, Robert DeWitt and Edward Welles II) boldly “ordain” 11 female deacons (including Welles’ daughter Katrina Swanson), as priests. This event took place at the Church of the Advocate, in Philadelphia.
Episcopal Bishop Edward Welles II – Philadelphia Eleven Ordination of female priests
Two years later, under the pressure caused by the unprecedented “ordination” in Philadelphia and from radical feminists in general, the hierarchy of the Episcopal Church caved, and voted to affirm the ordination of women to the priesthood, at their General Convention. Wimps!
Let me make this clear. In keeping with radical feminism’s assault on every traditional, male-oriented Christian institution in America, during the 1960s and 1970s, these 11 females were feminists first and Christians second. And not surprisingly, more than half of these brainwashed, misguided and misled females were gullible, baby-boomers, under the age of 31. 
These were women functioning under the influence of non-Christian, radical, second-wave feminism, not God. Radical feminists, who cared nothing about the teachings of Christ and everything about pushing women into places where they didn’t belong.
This underlying political agenda was recently acknowledged, while marking the 40th anniversary of their ordination, by three of the ring leaders of this group,:
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Alison Cheek – 1974
Deacon Emily Hewitt – 1973
Betty Bone Schiess 1975
Alison Cheek, 87 “I felt that if I didn’t go to that ordination I would lose my integrity and I wanted to do something for women. And the clergy was the logical place for me to start.”
Emily Hewitt, 70 “If I had a call, the call was to a fight. Someone upstairs had decided that we need to get some people here willing to fight about this stuff and I eventually developed a voice on this subject.”
Betty Bone Schiess, 91 “My goal was not to be a priest, it was to change the church.”
And so they did. Not for the better, but for the worse, as Christian church attendance began to drop off, soon after these radical feminists, were “ordained” as “priests.” And, while these “influential” radical females bullied their way through the Bible, rewriting it to reflect their non-Christian, radical, feminist ideology.
Organized religion was not the only institution to suffered the ill effects of radical, second-wave feminist’s influence. Academia, business, military, politics, judiciary, family and traditional marriage would all fall victim to their dysfunctional ideology. These radical “priests”, in particular, were not inspired by God in their efforts to change the church, they were inspired by feminism’s irrational hatred of Christian men, and all they stood for, and would not stand for. 
Today, 40 years later, the signs of this destruction is everywhere. Sadly, the renowned Episcopal Church is now divided into two distinct branches. One follows Christ’s directives and the other,  feminist branch, caters to (according to the list on the sign at the Episcopal Christian Liberation Community Church) “Male, Female, Children, Seniors, Gay, Straight, Infants, Dreamers, Liberal, Nuns, Zen, Transgender, Searching, White, Black, Christian, Non-Christian, Questioners, Partners, Singles, Conservatives, Youth, In Recovery and Agnostic.” And, whatever.  As C. K. Chesterton so astutely wrote, “A man who won’t believe in God, will believe in anything.”
The Holy Bible
Despite these eleven radical feminist “priest’s” rants to the contrary, there is nothing in the Bible that confirms that women are to be ordained as priests. Nor is there any reference made on this matter, by Christ Himself.
And this is despite the fact that Christ had many prominent female followers. He instead chose 12 male Apostles, and not one female. He too understood that His Father had created women as “helpmates”, not as leaders of men. This divine understanding of the Bible, and Christ’s teachings, was held as undeniable truths, by brilliant theologians, academics, and ministers, for thousands of years.
The plain truth is, there is NO proof that women were ever intended to lead Christ’s church as priests. That is, until the pot-smokin’ 1970s, when radical, second-wave feminists decided otherwise. (Just writing that sentence makes me laugh!)
Rev. Matthew Henry (1662-1714) – Welsh Non-Conformist Minister
One of the brilliant men, who spent his life studying the Bible, was the revered Welsh Minister, Matthew Henry. He would explain in his Commentary on the Whole Bible why women could not be leaders in the church, when he wrote:
“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side, to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”
There is no justification for women as priests, except through the irrational, delusions spewed by loud-mouthed, pushy, radical feminists, bent on re-writing Christ’s teachings to suit their twisted political agenda.
Now, to another radical feminist, point of contention – divorce. Once again, despite radical feminist’s rants to the contrary, Christ, and the Holy Bible, are very clear on the condemnation of divorce too.
Jesus and the Pharisees
Jesus went so far as to explain, that despite divorce being permitted in the time of Moses, He now forbade it.
To this end, Jesus said to the Jewish Pharisees (teachers), who were questioning Him at the time:
“It was because your  hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law.” Mark 10:5.
Jesus went on to say:
“What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Mark 10:9
Matthew Henry would again summarize Jesus’ entire conversation with the Pharisees, about divorce (Mark 10:1-12), as follows: 
“Wherever Jesus was, the people flocked after him in crowds, and he taught them. Preaching was Christ’s constant practice. He here shows that the reason why Moses’ law allowed divorce, was such that they ought not to use the permission; it was only for the hardness of their hearts. God himself joined man and wife together; he has fitted them to be comforts and helps for each other. The bond which God has tied, is not to be lightly untied. Let those who are for putting away their wives consider what would become of themselves, if God should deal with them in like manner.”
The Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell
And so, once again, we come full circle, and return to Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell, who is both a female priest and divorced. Both of which we know to be in violation of Christ’s teachings. And, as such, Ms. Gilland Campbell is hardly the person to “inspire” others, as a “priest” or anything else, to embrace the Christian faith.
Although Ms. Gilland Campbell is a United Methodist female “priest”, she is a direct descendant of all of the PC BS promulgated by the eleven “Episcopal” radical, second-wave feminist females, who bullied their way into the priesthood, on July 29, 1974. Especially as Gilland Campbell was “ordained”, soon after, in 1979.
Muslims in National Cathedral
Well, last week this influential, radical, second-wave feminist would prove to the world that she was indeed a political ideologue, and not a Christian minister.
On Friday November 14th, between 11:30 and 3:30, she invited 100 Muslims to say their traditional Friday prayers, or Jumu’ah, in the north precept of the National Cathedral.
And, they were not praying to God the Father, but ALLAH!
The north precept is an area of the Cathedral with arches and limited iconography (those pesky crucifixes again) that provide what church leaders (Ms. Gilland Campbell) called “an ideal space – almost mosque-like – with the appropriate orientation for Muslim prayers.”  OH GOODY.
And, to make matters worse, while the Muslims unrolled their prayer rugs on the floor of the cathedral, under the iconic stained glass windows of Christian saints and martyrs, Ms. Gilland Campbell, had all of the crucifixes covered; closed the cathedral to Christian worshippers for four hours; placed armed guards at the doors to keep uninvited Christian guests OUT and removed the pews, so as not to OFFEND the Muslims with anything, or anybody, who might remind the Muslims that they were not in a mosque, but in a Christian cathedral!! Who was defiling the cathedral? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN?
The announcement of the event would state, “Leaders (Rev. Canon Gilland Campbell) believe offering Muslim prayers at the Christian cathedral shows more than hospitality. It demonstrates an appreciation of one another’s prayer traditions and is a powerful symbolic gesture toward a deeper relationship between the two Abrahamic traditions.” WHAT IS SHE SMOKIN’?
Ebrahim Rasool
During the preparations for the prayer service Ms. Gilland Campbell, along with South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, Masjid Muhammad of The Nation’s Mosque, stood in the cathedral.
Later, Ms. Gilland Campbell mused about their experience, “What struck me was how he could look at our building and see his mosque. That was a powerful moment. To realize we could be standing in the same spot in the same building and see our own prayer traditions.” OHHMM… WHO’S GOT A JOINT?
While welcoming the Muslims to the cathedral, Ms. Gilland Campbell said, “Salaam, shalom, peace. You are all so very welcome here. Continuing she said, “Let us stretch our hearts and let us seek to deepen mercy for we worship the same God.” WHAT?!!! WHO’S GOT THE HEROIN??
Ms. Gilland Campbell would later state, “Deep relationships come out of prayer. Different connections come out of being in prayer — beyond the political or academic.” KUMBAYA… WHO’S GOT THE CRACK COCAINE?
LOL!!!! Anyway, too bad nobody told the Muslims. As they knelt on their prayer rugs in our National Cathedral, with chanting voices, up to full volume, they would be translated as saying, “There is only one god, he begets not and I bear witness that Muhammad is His only servant and Apostle.”  Soon after, the Imam would lead the gathering by declaring, “god has no son, that Jesus Christ cannot be his son, and that there is no god like Allah.”  OK. WHO GOT THE  SHAFT??
I don’t care what kind of “priest” she thinks she is. I don’t care how long her “career” has been. I don’t care if she’s the nicest person on earth. The Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell has lousy judgement, no common sense and is a threat to Christianity itself. And you can be guaranteed that there will be no reciprocal visit by Ms. Gilland Campbell’s parishioners, to pray at the local mosque, because muslims believe that a Christian’s presence would defile their mosque.
Ms. Gilland Campbell is nothing more than a hypocrite. She is not a believer in Christ’s teachings because she doesn’t even know what they are. She can’t even decipher good from evil. She does not lead, she follows, sniffing the air for directives, not from God, but from radical, politically correct, feminism, which believes anyone is better than a Christian man, even a muslim. Simply put, she is a leftover hippie from the 1970s! Peace, Love and Cupcakes.
God help us, because with women “priests” like her, “defending the Christian faith”, we’re DOOMED!.
Christine Weick – My Hero
P.S. –  The “anonymous” woman I wrote about two days ago, who disrupted this Muslim prayer service, has been identified. Her name is Christine Weick, 50, and I have written about her gallant efforts to defend the Christian faith, and its traditions, before. The National Cathedral would be much better served by this courageous Christian woman, verses the pandering, Ms. Gilland Campbell. YUCK!
  Current EVEntS – Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell COVERS CRUCIFIXES To Enable 1st Muslim Prayer Session in National Cathedral Here is yet another influential, radical, second-wave feminist who is out to redefine Christianity according to her own "liberated" views.
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