#kova martinez
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ghostcasket · 2 years ago
T for the OC Alphabet ask game?
Ok i’m gonna cheat a little bit with this one >:)
Tersekova “Kova” Martínez - they/them - 22 at time of introduction (i think. don’t quote me on that)
Ho Boy. Where to even start with Kova Martínez.
They’re another Valiersverse character, because VV has got me by the throat and has Had me by the throat for over a literal year, and they only exist because I thought @aritany’s Rehaan should have a cool partner, and then Alex was like ok bet and now their wedding is fully planned.
So Kova is majoring in mechanical engineering at UofV, because they’re a freakishly smart little goblin who likes to build things that may or may not explode. Valiers is a sort-of magical place, and Kova has some of that magic within themself, which allows them to make things that should not technically be possible to make, like little semi-sentient animatronic beasties brought to life by a combination of gears and wind-up springs and a sprinkle of magic; or a pair of Daedalus-like wings that are also sort of a jet pack. It’s very cool, they’re very cool, their workshop is absolute and utter chaos. They have built weapons that would put them on so many government watchlists so fast if said governments knew about them.
They’ve got 4 siblings, 2 younger brothers and 2 older sisters, whom they’re all on excellent terms with. Their family is hugely important to them—it was just the 5 of them and their dad for a while, Struggle Bussing after their mother went to prison for fraud and identity theft and left them with some major debts, because she sucks so much asshole and we hate her. She’s the one to blame for Tersekova, by the way.
Anyway, the idea was for them to have a sweet little coffee shop romance with Rehaan, but then because Alex and I are both absolute goblins who can’t be chill for a single second ever, we were like “what if instead of cute and fluffy this was just so fucking horrible for both of them” and, well, that’s some excellent points, can’t really argue with that, so now both of them are Suffering, Majorly. (But it’s ok because they get their happy ending. They buy a farm. Rehaan starts a veggie garden. It’s very wholesome.)
I’m gonna cut myself off here, because I could talk about this clown literally for ever, but thank you so much for the ask and the excuse to ramble!!
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kaoskakisariwangi · 3 years ago
Chelsea meraih kemenangan dengan skor yang meyakinkan saat berjumpa Aston Villa di pekan ke-4 Premier League 2021/2022. Pada duel di Stamford Bridge, Sabtu (11/9/2021) malam WIB, Chelsea menang 3-0.
Dua dari tiga gol Chelsea dicetak oleh Romelu Lukaku. Masing-masing tercipta pada menit ke-15 dan 90+3. Sedangkan, satu gol lainnya dicetak Mateo Kovacic pada menit ke-49.
Hasil ini membuat Chelsea meraih 10 poin dan belum pernah kalah pada musim ini di Premier League. Sementara, Aston Villa menunjukkan performa belum konsisten. Villa mendapat empat poin dari empat laga dan menelan dua kekalahan.
Lantas, pelajaran apa yang bisa dipetik dari duel Chelsea vs Aston Villa? Simak di bawah ini ya Bolaneters.
1 dari 5
Big Rom
Romelu Lukaku mencium logo Chelsea usai mencetak gol ke gawang Aston Villa di pekan ke-4 Premier League musim 2021/2022 © AP Photo
Mungkin, inilah yang sekarang ada di benak fans Chelsea: Akhirnya kami punya penyerang tajam!
Lukaku menunjukkan kelasnya pada duel lawan Aston Villa. Lukaku hanya melepas dua shots on target untuk mencetak dua gol. Lukaku nampak sangat efektif di lini depan. Lukaku memberi pertunjukan yang spesial bagi fans Chelsea.
2 dari 5
Big Mendy
Edouard Mendy usai memainkan laga pekan ke-4 Premier League 2021/2022 Chelsea vs Aston Villa di Stamford Bridge, Sabtu (11/9/2021) malam WIB © Chelsea
Jika bukan Edouard Mendy yang berada di bawah mistar gawang, mungkin Chelsea akan kebobolan. Sebab, ada enam peluang bagus yang mampu diselamatkan kiper asal Senegal itu. Yap, enam kali!
Sepanjang 2021, Mendy melakukan 13 kali nirbobol termasuk pada duel melawan Aston Villa. Mendy benar-benar menjadi pemain kunci bagi Chelsea dengan aksi gemilangnya di bawah mistar.
3 dari 5
Big Kova
Mateo Kovacic usai mencetak gol pada laga melawan Aston Villa di pekan ke-4 Premier League 2021/2022, Sabtu (11/9/2021) malam WIB. © AP Photo
Lukaku dan Mendy tampil sangat bagus. Tapi, fans Chelsea tidak boleh lupa pada sosok Kovacic. Dia memainkan peran yang sangat dominan di lini tengah, termasuk dengan satu gol dan assist yang dibuatnya.
Gelandang asal Kroasia itu menjadi pemain yang paling sering melakukan sentuhan bola [89], umpan akurat [61], dan mengembalikan penguasaan bola [9]. Kovacic juga melakukan dua tekel, dua sapuan, dan satu umpan kunci.
4 dari 5
600 Gol
Romelu Lukaku usai mencetak gol pada laga melawan Aston Villa di pekan ke-4 Premier League 2021/2022, Sabtu (11/9/2021) malam WIB. © AP Photo
Chelsea sangat solid di lini belakang. Tapi, Chelsea juga cukup tajam di lini depan.
Saat ini, Chelsea menjadi klub kedua yang mampu mencetak 600 gol atau lebih di Premier League. Gol Lukaku ke gawang Villa adalah gol ke-600 The Blues di Premier League, gol pada era Liga Inggris tidak masuk hitungan.
Hanya satu tim yang mencetak gol lebih banyak dari Chelsea. Tim itu adalah Manchester United, 690.
5 dari 5
Villa Rapuh
Emiliano Martinez © avfc.co.uk
Pertahanan Aston Villa nampak rapuh pada duel lawan Chelsea. Tiga gol bersarang di gawang Jed Steer dari empat shots on target yang dilepas pemain Chelsea. Villa harusnya bisa melakukan lebih baik dari statistik itu.
Absennya Emi Martinez mungkin jadi salah satu penyebab rapuhnya lini belakang Villa. Selama ini, eks kiper Arsenal itu jadi andalan di lini belakang. Selain itu, performa duo bek tengah Enzri Konsa dan Tyrone Mings juga tak cukup bagus.
Salah satu gol Chelsea terjadi karena backpass Mings yang salah.
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hetesiya · 5 years ago
Tarihin Derinliklerine Kara Bir El : Mano Negra - Furkan Çelik
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Dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen işçiler, Birinci Enternasyonel’de mücadele yöntemlerini, toplumsal devrimi ve devrime giden yolları tartışmak için bir araya gelmişlerdi. Bakunin, “Özgürlüğe giden yolda, özgürlükten vazgeçilemez.” dediğinde Enternasyonel içerisinde anti-otoriter bir kanat oluşmaya başlamıştı. Bakunin’in bu fikri kırılma yaratmış ve sonrasında 1872 Lahey kongresi ile birlikte anti-otoriter kanat Enternasyonel’den ayrılarak Anarşist Enternasyonel’i kurmuştu. Bu yeni Anarşist Enternasyonel’in kurulmasıyla birlikte farklı coğrafyalarda anarşist hareketler belirginleşmeye başlayacak, temaslar ve etkileşimler hızla artacaktı.
Bakunin’in fikirlerini benimseyen işçiler kendi coğrafyalarına döndüğünde anarşist bir hareket filizlenmeye başlamıştı. 1881 yılında, İspanya Bölgesel İşçi Federasyonu (FTRE) anarşist kolektivizmi benimseyerek İspanya’da mücadeleyi büyütmeyi strateji olarak belirlemiş, kurulduktan bir sene sonra 60 bin üyeye ulaşarak toplumsallaşmıştı.
Eller Karaya Boyanıyor
FTRE ile işçi mücadelesinde anarşist hareket büyürken bir yandan da Endülüs bölgesindeki köylülerde daha radikal bir hareketlenme başlıyordu. Cadiz bölgesinde daha çok hissedilen bu radikalleşme, köylülerin kendilerini sömürenlere karşı koyuşlarından başka bir şey değildi. Kendilerine karşı şiddet uygulayan generallere, toprak ağalarına, patronlara karşı silahlı eylemler düzenliyorlar, zenginlerin mallarına el koyuyorlardı. Tüm bu eylemleri sahipleniş biçimleri de oldukça ilginçti. Ellerini kara boyaya bulayıp kapılara el izlerini bırakıyorlardı. Bu imza şeklinin Kara El (Mano Negra) adında bir örgüt yaratması kaçınılmazdı…
Açlık Çoğunluktadır
“Ve bilinmez sanılır geleceği
Bir demiryolu makasçısının
Oysa kesinlikle yazılmıştır
Her sevgi kitabında
Aslolan açlıktır…
Açlık çoğunluktadır.”
Turgut Uyar
Mano Negra (Kara El), İspanyalı köylülerin oluşturduğu bir örgütlenmeydi. Kurak geçen yazlar hiç mahsül alınmamasıyla sonuçlanıyor, bu da köylüler için açlık demek oluyordu. Halbuki topraklardan ticaret yapan zenginlerin, üretimi yapan köylüleri sömürenlerin ve burjuvaların ambarları hınca hınç doluydu.
Mano Negra, bir şey yapmalıydı çünkü açlık çoğunluktaydı. Önce birkaç kova siyah boya aldılar ve daldırdılar ellerinin tekini kovalara. Sonra dayandılar, ağzına kadar dolu ambarlara. İlk eylemleri buydu. Zenginlerin ambarlarını soydular ve kendilerinin ürettiklerini, kendilerine dağıttılar. Çünkü, 1880’li yıllarda Endülüslü bir köylünün fazla seçeneği yoktur. Açlık kapıya dayandığında burjuvaların kapısında köle olup yalvarırsın. Yalvarmazsan da açlıktan ölürsün. Ama durun, başka bir seçenek daha vardı. Mano Negra kapkara olmuş elleriyle geliyordu! Zenginlerden çalacaklardı…
Devlet Hep Zengini Korur
Mano Negra’nın ilk eyleminin üstünden yıllar geçti. Kendi adaletlerini sağlamaya devam ettiler. Eylemler arttıkça, kapılardaki kara el izleri de artıyordu. El izleri arttıkça kaçınılmaz olan, oldu. Devletin ordusu burjuvaları korumak için harekete geçti.
Takvim 1892’yi gösterdiğinde Cadiz Eyaleti’nin Jerez şehrinde büyük bir isyan patlak verdi. Yıllardır süre gelen ezilmişliğin, aşağılanmışlığın ve açlığın sonunda isyan kaçınılmazdı. İşçiler, köylüler… Herkes oradaydı. Şehirdeki devlet dairelerinin çoğu yıkılmış durumdaydı. Mano Negra, o gün kocaman bir kara eldi. Herkes Mano Negra’nın kapkara ve sıkılı tek bir yumruğu olmuştu…
General Martinez Campos komutasındaki ordu, Jerez’e gelerek isyanı bastırmak için saldırıya geçmişti. Oldukça kısa sürede, sayısı bilinmeyen bir çok insanı katletmiş, 3 bine yakın kişi tutuklanmıştı. Jerez İsyanı’nı, Mano Negra’nın daha önce yaptığı eylemleri organize ettiği iddiası ve Mano Negra üyesi olduğu gerekçesiyle 4 anarşist Jerez Meydanı’nda idam edilerek katledilmişti.
El İzleri Unutulmayanlar
Jerez İsyanı’nın üzerinden bir yıl geçtikten sonra, Barcelona’da askeri bir tören sırasında General Martinez Campos görünür. Anarşistlerden Paulino Pallás da törendedir. Bir yıl önce katledilen yoldaşları için oradadır Paulino. Katledilen yoldaşlarının el izleri hala bazı kapılarda duruyorken, unutmak Paulino için mümkün olmamıştır. Ve işte şimdi hesap sormak için generalin yanında, elinde bir bombayla durmaktadır. Eylemi gerçekleştirir Paulino fakat general yaralı olarak kurtulmayı başarır. Paulino Pallás ise yakalanır. Pallás yakalandığı sırada Jerez’de idam edilen anarşistleri unutmadığını anarşizm sloganlarıyla haykırır. 2 hafta sonra da Pallás yaptığı eylemden dolayı idam edilir. Fakat el izi hala birçok duvarda onu hatırlatır.
Başka Kara El’ler
Cadiz Bölgesi’nde ellerini kara boyayla boyayanlar farklı yıllarda, farklı coğrafyalara ulaşmıştır. Manu Chao, yıllar sonra bir müzik grubu kurmuş ve adını Mano Negra koymuştur. Cadiz’deki Mano Negra’dan bağımsız olarak Güney Amerika’da aynı isimle bir çok örgüt kurulmuştur.
Hatta Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın çıkış bahanesi olarak gösterilen Avusturya Arşidükü Franz Ferdinand’ın Saraybosna’da uğradığı suikasti gerçekleştiren Gavrilo Princip’in de dahil olduğu örgütün adı Kara El’dir. Bu örgütün ideolojik olarak anarşizmle alakası olmasa da Princip, Kropotkin’in yazılarını okuduğundan bahseder, halk hareketinin önemli olduğunu vurgular. Dönem itibari ile bazı halk hareketleri anarşistlerin kral-imparator-generallere yaptıkları eylemlerden ilham alırlar. Kara El örneğinde olduğu gibi anarşistlerin toplumsal hareketlere etkisi sadece yöntemsel anlamda kullandığı tekniklerle değil iktidarlara karşı olan kararlı mücadeleleri ve büyüttükleri pratikler sebebiyle olmuştur.
Bu yazı Meydan Gazetesi’nin 51. sayısında yayınlanmıştır.
*Jerez hapishanesi’nde bulunan Mano Negra’lı tutsakları resmeden gravür.
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posi-pan · 8 years ago
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There's a saddening lack of books with pansexual/panromantic rep included in queer book recs, so I'm keeping a list.
You can find more information about the rep in these books, as well as pan rep in other media, here. This list includes both canon and implied/hinted pansexual, panromantic, and bi/pan (characters who identify as both or have been confirmed as both) characters.
27 Hours by Tristina Wright (Sci-Fi, YA) - Nyx Llorca, canon
Ace of Hearts by Feral Sephrian (Romance) - Felix, canon
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter by Alexis Hall (Fantasy, Mystery) - Ms. Haas, canon
The Alchemists of Loom by Elise Kova (Fantasy, Steampunk, YA) - Ari, canon
Alexey Dyed in Red by A.M. Valenza (Fantasy) - Vasiliy, canon
All or None by Aurora Lee Thornton (Fantasy) - Royiora, canon
All or Nothing by Riina Y.T. (Romance) - Carter, canon
All the Things We Do in the Dark by Saundra Mitchell (YA) - Ava, canon
The Almosts Trilogy by L.C. Mawson (Fantasy) - Kara, canon
American Hippo by Sarah Gailey (Fantasy, Historical Fiction) - Houndstooth, canon
American Sweethearts by Adriana Herrera (Adult, Romance) - Priscilla, canon
The Andersson Dexter series by M. Darusha Wehm (Mystery, Sci-Fi) - Dex, canon
Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert (Contemporary, Romance) - River, canon
Ardulum series by J.S. Fields (Sci-Fi) - Neek, canon
As La Vista Turns by Kris Ripper (Romance) - Mildred, canon
Assassins: Nemesis by Erica Cameron (YA) - Blake, canon
The Aurora Circus by Viano Oniomoh (Fantasy, NA) - Pyro, canon
Barbary Station by R.E. Stearns (Sci-fi) - Iridian, implied/hinted
The Barrow series by Mark Smylie (Fantasy) - Stjepan Black-Heart, implied/hinted
The Bartimaeus series by Jonathan Stroud (Fantasy, YA) - Bartimaeus, canon
Base Status: Online by Emmy Engberts (Sci-Fi, YA) - Willow, canon
Beautiful Red by M. Darusha Wehm (Sci-Fi) - Jack, canon
Be Still My Heart by Charlie Cochet (Adult, Romance) - Red, implied/hinted
Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp (YA) - Kyra, canon
Betrothed: A Faery Tale by Therese Woodson (Fantasy) - Faeries, canon
Between Ghosts by Garrett Leigh (Romance, Military) - Nat, implied/hinted
Beyond the Curtain by T.L. Travis (Erotica, Romance) - Diamond, canon
Beyond Meridian by C.C. Bridges (Romance, Sci-Fi) - Raine, canon
Black Iris by Elliot Wake (NA) - Laney, implied/hinted
Black Queer Hoe by Britteney Black Rose Kapri (Poetry)
Blacklight by Rory I (Sci-Fi, Speculative) - Gareth Heights, canon
The Black Tree by Michón Neal (Cuil Fiction) - Ariel Shoud, canon
Bloodbound series by Kaelan Rhywiol - Rhys, canon
The Blood Between Us by Zac Brewer (Mystery, YA) - Adrien Dane, implied/hinted
Blood Borne by Archer Kay Leah (Fantasy) - Ress, canon
Blood in the Water by Tash McAdam (Fantasy, YA) - Hallie, canon
Blood of Titans: Reforged series by V.S. Holmes (Fantasy) - Keplan, canon
Bookish Friends To Lovers series by G.L. Tomas (NA) - Ruby Jiang-Cruz, canon
Books, Bulls, and Bacchanals by Angel Martinez (Fantasy, Romance) - Dionysus, canon
Borderline by Mishell Baker (Fantasy) - Millie, canon
Bound series by Megan Mulry (Erotica, Historical Romance) - Characters, canon
Breakfire's Glass by A.M. Valenza (Fantasy, Romance) - Nikolai, canon
The Breath of the Sun by Isaac Fellman (Fantasy, Sci-Fi) - Lamat, canon
The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde (Contemporary, YA) - Alfie, canon
Cadence and the Pearl by K.L. Noone (Fantasy) - Side Character, canon
California Girls series by Sara Taylor Woods (Erotica, Romance) - Mallory Duvall, canon
Calling Calling Calling Me by Natasha Washington (NA, Romance) - Josh, canon
Calloway Sisters series by Krista Ritchie and Becca Ritchie (NA) - Connor Cobalt, implied/hinted
Camp Rewind by Meghan O'Brien (Romance) - Rosa Salazar and Jamal, canon and implied/hinted
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite (Historical Fiction, Romance) - Agatha, canon
Case of the Gold Retriever by Erik Schubach (Contemporary, Romance) - Finnegan, canon
Castaway Heart Trilogy by L.C. Mawson (Fantasy) - Dyna and Lyna, canon
Catalogue of Disaster by Amy-Alex Campbell (Adult, Romance) - Jake, canon
Chameleon Moon series by RoAnna Sylver (Sci-Fi, YA) - Shiloh, canon
Change of Momentum by Liana Brooks (Romance, Science Fiction) - Hollis Salir, canon
The Changing of Allison Dutch by Michón Neal (Cuil Fiction) - Jeffery Beale and Marie Delan, canon
Cherrington Academy by Rebecca J. Caffrey (Contemporary, YA) - Isaac, canon
Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdes (Adult, Sci-Fi) - Eva, canon
Chronicles of Wehlmir series by D.L. Sims (Fantasy) - Grant and Anslo, canon
City of Spires series by Claudie Arseneault (Fantasy) - Larryn and Vellien, canon
Cleaning House by Jeanne G’Fellers (Fantasy) - Brinn, canon
Closer Than Blood by Jayne Lockwood (Romance) - Richard, canon
Concerto in Chroma Major by Naomi Tajedler (YA) - Leonardo Neri, canon
Counterpoint by Anna Zabo (Erotica, Romance) - Adrian, canon
Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer (Sci-Fi) - Alyssa, canon
Dalí by E.M. Hamill (Sci-Fi) - Dalí, canon
A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth (Fantasy, YA) - Arlo, canon
A Darker Shade of Magic series by V.E. Schwab (Fantasy) - Lila, implied/hinted
Darkling by Brooklyn Ray (Fantasy, Romance) - Liam, canon
Dark Soul Vol. 1 by Aleksandr Voinov (Erotica, Romance) - Silvio, canon
Daughter of the Sun by Effie Calvin (Fantasy, Romance) - Orsina and Aelia, canon
Deference by Lila Mina (Fantasy, Romance) - Honda, canon
Different Names For The Same Thing by Francis Gideon (Contemporary, Romance) - Theo, canon
Dithered Hearts by Chace Verity (Fantasy) - Myrick, canon
Don't Feed the Trolls by Erica Kudisch (Romance) - Daphnis, canon
Double Exposure by Chelsea M. Cameron (Romance) - Anna Corcoran, canon
Dream by Garret Leigh (Contemporary, Romance) - Angelo, canon
Eight Kinky Nights by Xan West (Contemporary) - Jordan, canon
Empire of Light by Alex Harrow (Sci-Fi) - Aris and Raeyn, canon
Erik the Pink by Matthew J. Metzger (Contemporary, Romance) - Erik, canon
Everafter: From the Pages of Fables (Fantasy) - Connor Wolf, canon
Every Day by David Levithan (Fantasy, YA) - A, implied/hinted
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by Nathan Burgoine (Fantasy, YA) - Nat, canon
Extra Dirty by K. Evan Coles and Brigham Vaughn (Romance) - Jesse, canon
Face It by Georgette Kaplan (Romance) - Elizabeth, canon
The Fallen Star by D'Angel (Erotica, Fantasy) - Main Character, canon
Fallible Justice by Laura Lassko (Fantasy, Mystery) - Yannia, implied/hinted
The Fell of Dark by Caleb Roehrig (Fantasy, YA) - Jude, canon
Feral Dust Bunnies by Angel Martinez (Fantasy, Romance) - Alex, canon
Fierce & Fabulous by Elizabeth Varlet (Romance) - Fitch, canon
Final Draft by Riley Redgate (YA) - Laila, canon
Finding Aurora by Rebecca Langham (Fantasy, Romance) - Talia, canon
Finding His Home by Thianna Durston (Romance) - David, canon
The Fire in My Blood by Chapel Orahamm (Sci-Fi) - Nigrae, canon
First and First by Santino Hassell (Contemporary, Erotica) - Aiden and Oli, canon
Feather by Feather and Other Stories by Lynn E. O'Connacht (Fantasy, Sci-Fi) - Jules, canon
Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler (Fantasy, Paranormal) - Shori Matthews/Ina species, canon
Forbidden by Renée Dahlia (Contemporary, Romance) - Queenie, canon
Forbidden by Samantha Kroese (Fantasy) - Side Character, canon
Forgotten Monster by J. Emery (Fantasy) - Sef, canon
Fortitude Smashed by Taylor Brooke (Contemporary) - Aiden, canon
From Scratch by Katrina Jackson (Contemporary, Romance) - Santos, canon
From the Dark We Came by J. Emery (Fantasy) - Belar, canon
Full Moon in Leo by Brooklyn Ray (Romance) - Cole, canon
The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough (Historical Fiction, YA) - Love, implied/hinted
Gemini Dreams by Philip Zander (Adult, Mystery) - Kyden, canon
A Gentleman in the Street by Alisha Rai (Erotica, Romance) - Akira, canon
Ghost by J.M. Dabney (Romance) - Gideon, canon
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi (Fantasy, YA) - Enrique and Hypnos, canon
The Girl at Midnight series by Melissa Grey (Fantasy, YA) - Jasper, canon
The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig (Fantasy, YA) - Kash, canon
Good Angel duology by A.M. Blaushild (Urban Fantasy) - Iofiel, canon
The Grasp of Time by Raven J. Demers (Fantasy, NA) - Eila, canon
Grimmer Intentions by Jodi Hutchins (Fantasy, Romance) - Jackie, canon
Hard to Find by Chace Verity - Gabriel, canon
Hard Wired by Megan Erickson and Santino Hassell (Romance) - Lyrix, canon
Harmonious Hearts 2015 edited by Anne Regan (Anthology) - Will, canon
Havesskadi by Ava Kelly (Fantasy) - Orsie and Arkeva, canon
Hearts: Pansexual Poetry Collection by Lisa Reynolds (Poetry)
Her Elysium by Emmy Engberts (Contemporary, YA) - Fleur, canon
High Heat by Annabeth Albert (Contemporary, Romance) - Garrick, canon
The Hollow Sun series by DL Wainright (Fantasy) - Eva and Ren, canon
Homesick at Space Camp by Francis Gideon (Romance, Sci-Fi) - Eastyn, canon
Honestly Ben by Bill Konigsberg (YA) - Hannah, implied/hinted
Hot Licks by A.M. Arthur (Erotica, Romance) - Van, canon
How Not to Summon Your True Love by Sasha L. Miller (Fantasy, Romance) - Cy, canon
How to Bang a Billionaire by Alexis Hall (Erotica, Romance) - Aren, canon
Hullmetal Girls by Emily Skrutskie (Sci-Fi-, YA) - Woojin, canon
Human Enough by E.S. Yu (Fantasy) - Noah, canon
Hurricane Reese by R.L. Merrill (Romance) - Reese, canon
I am the Storm by Tash McAdam (Fantasy, YA) - Leaf, canon
Ilavani by Kaelan Rhywiol (Erotica, Fantasy) - Li and Mael, canon
Illusions & Dreams by Z. Allora (Contemporary, Romance) - Jake, canon
The Image of Deception by Charlotte Anne Hamilton - Megan, canon
The Incarcerado Trilogy by John Hornor Jacobs (Fantasy, YA) - Shreve, implied/hinted
In Case You Missed It by S.M. James (Romance, YA) - Darien, canon
Inheritance series by Amelia Faulkner (Urban Fantasy) - Quentin d'Arcy, canon
The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by V.E. Schwab (Adult, Fantasy) - Addie and Henry, canon
Island of Exiles by Erica Cameron (Fantasy, YA) - Etaro, canon
It Could Happen by Mia Kerrick (Contemporary, Romance) - Brody, implied/hinted
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore (Fantasy, YA) - Ravi, implied/hinted
Jess, Chunk, and the Road Trip to Infinity by Kristin Elizabeth Clark (YA) - Chuck, canon
Jilted by Lilah Suzanne (Contemporary, Romance) - Link, canon
Junkyard Heart by Garrett Leigh (Romance) - Kim, canon
Lead Me Astray by Sondi Warner (Fantasy) -  Zyr Ravani, canon
Learning Curves by Ceillie Simkiss (Contemporary) - Cora, canon
Legacy Strain by Taylor Brooke (Fantasy, Sci-Fi) - Brookyln Harper and Nicoli Decker, canon
Legal Briefs by Karen Stivali (Exposed: A Romance Anthology) (Romance) - Michael, canon
Leo and His Lion by Andi James and Lila Wilde (Erotica, Romance) - Dylan, canon
The Liar's Guide to the Night Sky by Brianna Shrum (YA, Contemporary, Romance) - Jonah, canon
The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith (Fantasy) - Claire, canon
The Life and Times of Angel Evans by Meredith Debonnaire (Fantasy, Short Story) - Angel Evans, canon
Life Minus Me by Sara Codair (Fantasy) - Bailey, canon
Litha’s Constant Whim by Amy Lane (Fantasy, Romance) - Whim, canon
Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert (YA) - Rafaela, canon
Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee (Fantasy) - Loki, canon
London, Actually by Clare Lydon (Romance) - Tracey, canon
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers (Sci-Fi) - Sissix, implied/hinted
Looking For Group by Rory Harrison (YA) - Arden, implied/hinted
Lost and Found by J. Holland (Fantasy, Romace) - Nerissa, canon
Loveless by Alice Oseman (Contemporary, YA) - Rooney, canon
Lucky by Garrett Leigh (Contemporary, Romance) - Lucky, canon
Lumber Jacked by Annabeth Albert (Erotica, Romance) - Johnny, implied/hinted
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan (Fantasy) - Magnus Chase, canon
Making Love by Aiden Wayne (Fantasy, Romance) - Leeta, implied/hinted
Mama, Me, and the Holiday Tree by Jeanne G’Fellers (Fantasy) - Cent, canon
The Mark of Noba series by G.L. Tomas (Fantasy) - Tetra and Sterling, canon
The Melody of Me and You by M. Hollis (NA) - Chris Morrison, canon
The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen (Fantasy, YA) - Tavin, canon
The Midnight Twelve by Hairann (Historical Fiction, Romance) - Ezra, canon
Miles Away From You by A.B. Rutledge (YA) - Miles, canon
Millenium series by Stieg Larsson (Mystery) - Lisbeth, implied/hinted
Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia and Anna-Marie McLemore (Fantasy, YA) - Chicky, canon
Moon Illusion by Michelle Osgood (Paranormal) - Nathan, canon
The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare (Fantasy, YA) - Lily Chen, canon
Mothmen by Kaelan Rhywiol (Adult Fiction, Erotica) - Jai, canon
Mr. March Names the Stars by Rivka Aarons-Hughes (Contemporary, Romance) - Nash, canon
My Fake Canadian Wife by M. Hollis (Romance) - Abby, canon
My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton (Contemporary, New Adult) - Paige, canon
My Heart Is Ready by Chace Verity (Fantasy) - Lester, canon
My Mate by Castiel Gutierrez (Fantasy, Romance) - Billie, canon
My Name is Ayla by Phetra H. Novak (Contemporary, Romance) - Peter, canon
My Truth series by Ann Grech (Romance) - Ricky, canon
Natural Exposure by Koriana Brackson (Adult, Erotica) - Kenzie and Ripley, canon
Never-Contented Things by Sarah Porter (Fantasy, YA) - Josh, canon
No Cure Required by Stefanie Simpson (Erotica, Romance) - Matt, canon
No More Heroes by Michelle Kan (Fantasy, YA) - Rehua, canon
Not the Marrying Kind by Jae (Romance) - Sasha, canon
Nothing Happened by Molly Booth (YA) - Hana, canon
Now a Major Motion Picture by Cori McCarthy (YA) - Shoshanna, canon
Of Kindred and Stardust by Archer Kay Leah (Sci-fi) - Dath, Kytzia, and Mack, canon
An Offering of Plums by J. Emery (Fantasy, Romance) - Tristan, canon
On the Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher (Romance) - Isla, canon
Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy (Fantasy, YA) - Ari, canon
The One Thing I Know by Keelan Ellis (Romance) - Richard, canon
The Other Dress by Emmy Engbert (Romance, YA) - Izzy, canon
Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley (YA) - Christa, canon
Out by Tatum West and Beau Lake (Romance) - Vince, canon
Out On Good Behavior by Dahlia Adler (NA) - Frankie Bellisario, canon
Outside The Lines by Caitlin Ricci (Contemporary) - Andy, canon
A Pale Light in the Black by K.B. Wagers (Sci-Fi) - Jenks, canon
The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan (Fiction, YA) - Anais, implied/hinted
Paradise Lodge by Riina Y.T. (Romance) - Azariah, canon
A Party for Lola by Caitlin Ricci (Contemporary) - Lola, Micah, Tiffany, Charlie, and Sasha, canon
The Permanent Collection by Megan Derr (Erotica, Fantasy) - Laurence, canon
Power Surge by Sara Codair (Fantasy) - José, canon
Practice Makes Perfect by Kris Ripper (Erotica) - Paul, canon
Pretend Girlfriend by Lily Craig (Contemporary, Romance) - Lane, canon
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard (Mystery, YA) - Emily, implied/hinted
Pride & Joy by Saruuh Kelsey (Fantasy, NA) - Joy Mackenzie, canon
A Prince on Paper by Alyssa Cole (Adult, Romance) - Johan, canon
Prophecy by Layla Heart (Fantasy) - Litha and Rune, canon
The Pros of Cons by Alison Cherry, Lindsay Ribar, and Michelle Schusterman (Contemporary, YA) - Soleil, canon
Prosperity by Alexis Hall (Fantasy, Steampunk) - Piccadilly, implied/hinted
Psychic Underground series by Sarah Elkins (Sci-Fi) - Henry and Neila, canon
The Purist by M. Crane Hana (Sci-Fi) - The Northwarden, canon
Pyre at the Eyreholme Trust by Lin Darrow (Fantasy, Romance) - Duke, canon
The Queen of Dauphine Street by Thea de Salle (Adult Fiction, Erotica, Romance) - Maddy, canon
The Queen of Ieflaria by Effie Calvin (Fantasy) - Adale and Esofi, canon
A Quiet Night In by Jaylee James (Fantasy) - Dacian/Daycie, canon
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman (Contemporary, YA) - Raine, canon
Reverb by Anna Zabo (Romance) - Mish, canon
Rites & Desires by Amanda Cherry (Fantasy) - Ruby Killingsworth, canon
Rogues of the Republic series by Patrick Weekes (Fantasy) - Ululenia, implied/hinted
The Royal Cleaner series by L.C. Lawson (Fantasy) - Caroline, canon
Rule Breaker (Won't Back Down anthology) by Archer Kay Leah (Fantasy, Romance) - Gren, canon
Run in the Blood by A.E. Ross (Fantasy) - Aela, canon
Sadie by Courtney Summers (Mystery, YA) - Sadie, implied/hinted
Scorpio Hates Virgo by Anyta Sunday (Romance) - Cal, canon
Secured and Free by Z. Allora (Erotica, Romance) - Xander, canon
Seraphim by Leslie Swartz (Fantasy) - Gabriel and Lilith, canon
Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate (YA) - Lucas McCallum, canon
Shadow Tales by L.J. Hamlin (Fantasy, Romance) - Joel, canon
Shape Shifters Chronicles by Lauren Jankowski (Urban Fantasy) - Dane, canon
Shifting Tides by Caitlin Ricci (YA) - Blaine, canon
Ship It by Britta Lundin (Contemporary, YA) - Tess, canon
Six Goodbyes We Never Said by Candace Ganger (Contemporary, YA) - Naomi, canon
Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo (Fantasy, YA) - Jesper Fahey, canon and Nina, implied/hinted
Small Victories by Helene Dupres (Resist & Triumph Anthology) (2018) - Emma, canon
Smoke & Mirrors by Charlie Cochet (Fantasy, Romance) - Tony, canon
Socks for an Otter by Posy Roberts (Contemporary, Romance) - Louis, canon
Soft on Soft by Mina Waheed (Contemporary, Romance) - June Bana, canon
Solitaire by Alice Oseman (YA) - Michael Holden, canon
A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin (Fantasy) - Oberyn Martell, implied/hinted
The Song of the Faerie Prince by Tay Laroi (Fantasy, YA) - Gia, canon
Sorceress by K.L. Noone (Fantasy) - Lorre, canon
Soulbound by Archer Kay Leah (Fantasy) - Emeraliss and Hastal and Laytia and Navara, canon
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (Sci-Fi, YA) - Ellie, implied/hinted
Space Opera by Catheryne M. Valente (Sci-Fi) - Decibel Jones, canon
The Spider’s Web by Sophia Beaumont (Urban Fantasy)  - Micha, canon
Squared Away by Annabeth Albert (Romance) - Mark, implied/hinted
Start Here antholgy edited by Brigitte Bautista and Ronald S. Lim (Romance) - Gorgeous, canon
A Stranger Sort of Fairy Tale by Cherry Pickett (Fantasy) - Tarquin, canon
Superheroes Anonymous series by Lexie Dunne (Fantasy) - Portia, canon
Sweet Revenge series by Elliot Junkyard (Dieselpunk) - Ezekial, canon
Syncopation by Anna Zabo (Romance) - Zavier, canon
Taming the Wylde by Lucie Archer (Adult, Romance) - Jake, canon
Texture Like Sun by Ils Greyhart (Fantasy, Romance) - Character, canon
That Doesn’t Belong Here by Dan Ackerman (Fantasy, Romance) - Levi, canon
Their Troublesome Crush by Xan West (Contemporary, Romance) - Ernest, canon
There Will Be Phlogiston by Alexis Hall (Fantasy, Steampunk) - Anstruther Jones, canon
Third Rail by Santino Hassell (Romance) - Chris, implied/hinted
Three Part Harmony by Holley Trent (Romance) - Raleigh, canon
The Tiger’s Watch by Julia Ember (Fantasy, YA) - Tashi, canon
Tight Quarters by Annabeth Albert (Romance) - Bacon, canon
Timekeeper by Tara Sim (Fantasy, Steampunk, YA) - Colton, canon
To Terminator, With Love by Wes Kennedy (Romance, Sci-fi) - Andre, canon
Tongue & Groove by Shae Connor (Romance) - Saul Wilder, canon
Touch of a Yellow Sun by V.L. Locey (Romance) - Shey, canon
Tow Trucks & New Year's Kisses by Lila Leigh Hunter (Romance) - Scott, canon
Translucid by Zen DiPietro (Sci-Fi) - Emé, canon
Triad Blood by Nathan Burgoine (Fantasy) - Matthew, canon
Trick or Treat by Sydney Blackburn (Romance) - Drew, canon
Trident Chronicles by C.M. Spivey (Fantasy) - Theodor, canon
Twenty-One Arrow Salute by Kasia Bacon (Fantasy, Romance) - Verhan, canon
Tybalt Perdition by John Cordial (Fantasy) - Reynardine, canon
The Unconquered City by K.A. Doore (Fantasy) - Illi, canon
Unbroken by Brooklyn Ray (Fantasy, Romance) - Victor, canon
Under Dark Sky Law by Tamara Boyens (Sci-Fi) - Xero, canon
Undertow by Brooklyn Ray (Fantasy) - Liam, canon
An Unsuitable Heir by K.J. Charles (Historical, Romance) - Mark, canon
Until Lambs Become Lions series by Charlotte Anne Hamilton (Fantasy, Romance) - Allan-A-Dale, canon
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey (Fantasy) - Esther, canon
The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli (YA) - Mina, canon
The Vampire Flynn series by Peter Dawes (2011-2018) (Fantasy) - Peter, canon
Vampire Sorority Sisters by Rebekah Weatherspoon (Paranormal, Romance) - Characters, canon
Velvet Claw by L.J. Hamlin (Fantasy, Romance) - Evan, canon
Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan (Contemporary, YA) - Jubilee, canon
Victorian Mistress series by Jesse Stuart (Fantasy, Romance) - Josef, canon
Wander This World by G.L. Tomas (NA, Paranormal) - Melanie Blue, canon
Wanna Bet? by Talia Hibbert (Contemporary, Romance) - Jasmine, canon
Warp Gate Concerto by Dorian Graves (Fantasy, Sci-Fi) - Ashua and Nulani and Silna, canon
Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire (Fantasy, YA) - Eleanor and Jack, canon
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson (YA, Sci-Fi) - Diego Vega, implied/hinted
We are the Catalyst by Tash McAdam (Sci-Fi) - Epsilon 17, canon
Werebears and Water by Caitlin Ricci (Erotica, Fantasy, NA) - Rayce and Vince, canon
What Blooms Beneath by A.D. Ellis (Fantasy, Romance) - Kellan, canon
Who'd Have Thought by G. Benson (Romance) - Hayden, canon
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas (Contemporary, YA) - Gus, canon
The Wind City by Summer Wigmore (Urban Fantasy) - Saint, canon
Witchmark by C.L. Polk (Fantasy, Romance) - Tristan, canon
The Wolf and the Sparrow by Isabelle Adler (Fantasy, Romance) - Callan, canon
Wonderland by Juno Dawson (Retelling, YA) - Alice, canon
Wriggle & Sparkle by Megan Derr (Fantasy, Paranormal) - Anderson, implied/hinted
The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life by Dani Jansen (Contemporary, YA) - Charlotte, canon
Your Heart Will Grow by Chace Verity (Fantasy, NA) - Kelpana, canon
Happy reading!
EDIT: I’m no longer updating this list, as it’s way too long. Pan book list that will be updated: https://pansexualrep.carrd.co/#books
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randomrpawards-blog · 8 years ago
CELEBRITIES OF RP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acacia Brinley (Etnies Cocktail x8) Adeladie Kane (Gwen Briggs) Adam Levine Aileen Navarro (Kelli Berglund) Alex gaskarth (Parker Czar x2) Alicia Vikander (Scarlett Czar) Alexis ren (Paris Republic x14, Daytona Maine x6) Alexandria Daddario (Gwen Briggs) Ally brooke (Keilani Santoro x5) Amanda Stelle (Wolfie Lindes) Amanda Seyfried (Morae Verikov) Amelia Zadro (Ellis King) Ana Sophia Robb (Evelina Cocktail x4) Anna Kendrick (Tarae Ridette x3) Annie Clark (Tarae Ridette) Andrea russett (Logan Wantmore x4, Christian Republic x6, Kat Hutton, Manon King x2 ) Aren Rose (Aniroc Reese) Ariana grande (Austen Cocktail x8, Moon Tsukino, Luna Styffe x3, Sullivan Lomax, Candy Memory x2, Rezlynn Vercetti) Ashley benson (Rhylin Verikov x3, Paige Mayhem x2, Sage Reese) Ashley tisdale (Christina Korsica x2, Daya Verikov x2, Avita Shake, Julissa Belini) Aubrey Plaza (Gwen Briggs) Austin carlile (Austin Maine x7, Fox Korsica x4) Austin mahone Barbara Palvin (Suki Kudubek) Bebe Rexha Becky G (Keilani Santoro x5) Bella hadid (Giana York x9) Bella Thorne (Tally Jerzak x5, Stori Steele) Bethany mota (Sam Everett x6)   Bethany Joy Lenz (Kyle Reese x2, Alyssia Reese, Morae Verikov, Lily Gaia) Blake lively (Evyn Reese) Bri Larson Britt Robertson (Juliet Ridette) Britney Spears Bryana Holly (Orion Vera x2) Calum hood Cailin Russo (Adrian Palermo) Cara delevingne Candice accola Candice Swanpoel (Elodine Sixnine) Camila cabello (Ryan Korsica x4, Daxton Cocktail x5, Camila Kalottie, Alexis Morei) Camila mendes (Keilani Santoro x2, Lana Paravi, Arsyn Republic x3, Ciona Belini x6, Juliet Ridette) Cameron Dallas Carrie underwood (Cooper Mastubait x2, Cooper Ridette x3) Carlson Young (Cindy Republic x9, Scarlett Czar, Anna Ridette x2, Tarae Ridette) Cierra Ramirez (Koltyn Lacour x3, Naveah Ryza x2) Cindy Kimberley (Bonnie Korsica x6, Leia Nirvana) Claire holt (Elodie Sixnine) Claudia Tihan (Evie Kalottie x3) Chance Crawford Channing Tatum Chlow Bennet (Riley Bleeker) Christina Aguilara (Shelby Cocktail x7) Cristine Prosperi (Mattie Emerge) Chrissy Costanza (Evie Kalottie x2)   Chris hemsworth Chris brown Cole sprouse (Luke Lacour x3, Pax Trippy) Crystal reed (Paige Mayhem) Danielle Campbell (Kennedy Czar x3) Dave Franco Demi lovato (Indi Kendrix x8, Ciona Belini x9, Melzey Everett x2, Jude ???? x5) Debbie Ryan (Indi Kendrix x8) Diana agron Diane Guerrero Dominic Deangelis (Christian Republic) Dove Cameron (Razlyn Styffe x4, Kamari Navarro) Drake (Kyra Nirvana) Dua Lipa (Vexa Wasabi, Sage Reese x2, Suki Kudubek, Stori Steele) Dylan o brien (Eric Lacour x3 , Styles Ryzette x5) Dylan sprouse (Luke Lacour x2) Ed westwick Ed sheeran Elizabeth Olsen (Sawyer Korsica x8, Rowan Palermo x2) Emily Ratajkowski (Arsyn Republic x3) Emilia Clarke (Dany Kastner) Emma Roberts (Jazzy Lacour x3, Stori Steele x2) Emma Stone (Delilah Reese, Paige Mayhem) Emma Watson Emmy Rossum (Elodie Sixnine) Emeraude Toubia (Starlie Santoro x6, Daytona Maine) Emily Osment (Cooper Ridette) Emily VanCamp (Paige Mayhem) Evan peters (Joel Korsica x9) Gigi Hadid (Arsyn Republic x9, Noura Reese) G-Eazy (Parker Czar x3, Tony Tate) Grant gustin (Alex Amell x4) Grace helbig (Shelby Cocktail x3) Gregg sulkin (Colt Exottic x3) Hailey Baldwin (Ayla Republic x5, Addy Devyne x5) Halsey (Colson Czar x2) Harry styles (Monty Everett) Hayden pannettiere Hilary duff (Cooper Ridette x4) Holland roden (Libby Verikov x5, Piper Reese x2, Dany Kastner) Ian Somerhalde (Jude ??? x5) Jack gilinsky (Taber Lacour x7, Scotty Herbs x2, Leo Neymar) James Franco Jasmine Villegas (Delilah Everett x10, Christina Korsica) Janel Parrish (Kristen Sprizell) Jenn Im (Ivie Luna) Jennifer Lawrence Jensen ackles (Adrian Palermo) Joe Jonas (Wes Baker x2) Jojo (Alyssia Reese x2) John Cena (Poncho Maine x3) Josh Dunn Julianne hough (Keely Czar x2) Justin Bieber (Monty Everett x3, Ronan King, Maksyn Ganja x3, Nathan Cruz, Kaleb Wong) Justin Timberlake (Alyssia Reese) Kanye west Kat graham (Alyssia Reese) Katie Stevens (Anna Ridette x2, Tarae Ridette) Katy Perry (Evyn Reese) Kaya Scoldelario (Piper Reese) Kellan lutz Kelsey Ballerini (Keely Czar x5) Kelli Berglund (Aileen Navarro x4) Kendall Jenner (Kendi Republic x4, Layla Zaveri x2)   Kian lawley (Luca Cocktail x3, Nyles Marullo, Jensen Korsica x2) Kim kardashian Khloe kardashian Kourtney kardashian (Piper Reese x2) Kristen Stewart (Frankie Carter, Suki Kudubek) Kylie Jenner (Dover Korsica x14, Payson Kendrix x3, Maggie Wasabi x2, Alana Reese) Lady Gaga (Channing Wantmore) Lauren Conrad Lauren jauregui (Adele Palmer x3, Kova Kalottie x6, Adah Belini, Alyssia Reese, Shay Bazara) Lea michele (Evyn Reese, Amberle Burke, Sage Reese) Leighton meester (Piper Reese x2, Lily Gaia x2) Liam hemsworth Liam Payne Lili Reinhart (Starlie Santoro x3, Paige Mayhem, Elodie Sixnine) Lilly Collins (Bronte Genji x2, Shayla Ridette) Liz Gillies (Tragedy Dylan) Lucy hale (Georgia Styffe x4, Pace Mayhem x2, Morae Verikov) Louis Tomlinson Luke Hemmings Machine gun Kelly (Colson Czar x2, Declan Devyne) Madelaine Petsch (Binx Lacour x6, Piper Reese) Madison beer (Paris Republic x10, Raelynn Neymar x4, Kyra Nirvana, Nova Scotia x2, Isla Zaveri) Maggie lindemannn (Jazzy Lacour x11)   Maia Mitchell (Dover Korsica x12, Dixyn Wantmore) Margot Robbie (Audrey Maine x5, Alaina Kendrix) Megan fox (Gabrial Jerzak x3, Evyn Reese, Elodie Sixnine) Melanie Martinez (Paige Mayhem) Melissa Benoist (Maci Gump) Meredith Mickelson (Aurora Korsica x6) Mia Zidane (Kehlani ??) Mila kunis (Evyn Reese) Miley Cyrus (Shelby Cocktail x5, Stori Steele) Miranda Kerr Molly O Malia (Delilah Everett x9, Brinklae Wakefield) Naya Rivera (Alyissa Reese) Neels visser (Mattis Republic x7) Nina dobrev (Blair Cocktail x2, Adele Palmer x2, Mars Exottic, Evyn Reese, Shayla Ridette, Keely Czar x2, Lani Casinas) Niall horan (Sawyer Bowman x3) Nick Jonas Nicki Minaj Nicola peltz (Ryan Korsica x2, Chey Lacour x2) Niki Demartino (Ciona Belini x3) Noah Cyrus (Jo Manhattan) Normani Kodei (Ayla Republic) Olivia holt (Alexandria Mansfield x6) Paris Hilton (Paris Republic x2) Paul Wesley (Luke Lacour x3) Perrie Edwards (Jack Verikov x2, Piper Reese) Phoebe Tonkin (Paige Mayhem, Parker Zaccuri) Rachel bilson (Evyn Reese, Elodie Sixnine, Piper Reese) Remy ma Rihanna (Sophia ??? x2) Rowan Blanchard (Morae Verikov) Ryan gosling Ryan Reynolds Sabrina carpenter (Morae Verikov x2, Tragedy Dylan, Vixen Mustebait) Sammy Wilks (Max ??? x2) Saddy Roberson (Ashtlyn Exottic x3) Sailor Mars (Adele Palmer x3) Sarah hyland (Bronte Genji x2) Sasha Pieterse (Rhylin Verikov) Savannah montano (Evah Korsica x6, Ocean Republic x4)   Selena Gomez (Khrys Republic x2, Dom Legacy x7, Aveah Wantmore x2, Lucy Zaveri x4, Khrys Republic, Daniella Belini, Sage Reese, Millie Bourbon X3) Scarlett Leithold (Maia Lindes x5) Shay Mitchell (Kori Royal x4, Skyler Ryzette) Shawn mendes Stella hudgens (Savannah Belini x2) Shelley hennig (Paige Mayhem, Evelyn Bleeker x2) Sophia Bush (Evyn Reese, Julit Ridette, Aniroc Reese) Tana Mongeau (Baylor Styffe x2) Taylor Hill (Arsyn Republic x3) Taylor momsen (Tally Jerzak x2) Taylor swift (Colson Czar x4, Drew Reese, Evyn Reese) Tom Holland (Skyler Ryzette) Travis mills (Fox Korsica x4) Troian Bellisario (Amberle Burke, Piper Reese, Libby Verikov, Adele Palmer, Gwen Briggs) Tyler joseph (Calvin Pacer x2) Tyler posey (Devon Nirvana x4, Kyle Reese x2, Max Fallon) Vanessa hudgens (Christina Korsica x10, Isa Cocktai x2, Isa Belini x8, Morae Verikov x4, Pace Mayhem, Bri Verizon) Victoria Justice (Kami Zaveri)   Wesley stromberg (Parker Czar) Willa Holland (Suki Kudebek) Zac Efron (Gavin Baker, Decklan Shake x2) Zayn malik (Fox Korsica x3, Keilani Santoro) Zendaya (Stori Steele) Zoe sugg (Mattie Emerge x3) Zoey Deutch (Paige Mayhem)
FUN CATEGORIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COUPLES Best couple orp (Jazzy Lacour & Joel Korsica x4, Dover Korsica & Fox Korsica, Taber Lacour & Paris Republic x5, Brielle Verbeck & Gavin Baker x5, Binx Lacour & Mattis Republic x4, Giana York & Jensen Korsica x5, Max Santoro & Cindy Republic x4, Poncho Maine & Ayla Republic x2 )   Worst couple orp (Jazzy Lacour & Joel Korsica x8, Paris Republic & Taber Lacour, Mykel Zaveri & Hadley Zaveri) Who should be dating (Silas Santoro & Brooke Korsica x4, Colson Czar & Austin Campari, Etines Cocktail & Austin Campari) Who shouldn’t be dating (Taber Lacour & Paris Republic, Jazzy Lacour & Joel Korsica, Audrey Maine & Calvin Pacer) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FAMILY Worst family ( The Korsica’s x6, The Republic's x2, The Cocktails x3, The Wantmore's, The Belini's x2) Best family (The Cocktail’s x4, The Korisca's x5, The Lacour's x2, The Republics x2, The Santoro's x2, The Verikov's x2, The Maine's x3 The Belini's, The Vigalitore's (are they still around??), The Excottis 's, The Reese's, The Ridette's) Most underrated family (The Exottic's x2, The York's, The Santoro's x3, The Verberks, The Belini's, The Ridette's, The Mayhem's) Most popular family (The Republic's x4, The Cocktail's x3, The Korsica's x4, The Wantmore's, The Palmer's, The Kasner's) Most fakest family (The Korsica’s x2, The Cocktail's x4, The Republic's x2) Most kind family (The Maine's x3, The Belini's, The Korsica's x5, The Cocktail's) Most realist family (The Korsica’s x4, The Ridette's x2, The Republics, The Verikov's, The Reese's, The Mayhem's) Most Annoying family (The Cocktail's x2, The Korsica's, The Lacour's) What family needs to leave rp (The Cocktail's, The Maine's x2, The Belini's) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BIGGEST Biggest player orp (Silas Santoro x2) Biggest player (female) orp (Kat Hutton x2) Biggest bully orp (Dover Korsica x8, Paris Republic x2, Mike/Julie Korsica, Mattis Republic x2) Biggest catfish orp (Lola Fountain x3, Cindy Republic, Ryan ????, Megan Lee Barrett) Biggest liar orp (Aaron Republic x3, Shay Maine, Loki Untouched) Biggest “feud” starter orp (Paris Republic x3, The Korsica's x2) Biggest Heartbreaker orp (Brooke Korsica) Biggest Sweetheart orp (Brooke Korsica x7, Koltyn Lacour, Daxton Cocktail x2, Binx Lacour, Mattie Emerge) Biggest mouth orp (Monty Everett x3, Dover Korsica, Paris Republic, Arsyn Republic) Biggest Shopper orp (Dover Korsica) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORP King orp (Taber Lacour x5, Joel Korsica x4, Mattis Republic x3, Jack Verikov) Queen orp (Paris Republic x4, Jazzy Lacour, Shelby Cocktail x2, Anna Ridette, Binx Lacour, Dover Korsica, Morae Verikov, Adele Palmer) Realist person orp (Binx Lacour, Tally Jerzak, Shelby Cocktail, Ivie Luna, Piper Reese) Fakest person orp (Shelby Cocktail, Brooke Korsica, Monty Everett, Austen Cocktail, Austin Maine) Funniest orp (Arsyn Republic, Khrys Republic, Colt Exottic, Dover Korsica, Dom Legacy, Mattis Repubic, Paige Mayhem) Most genuine orp (Joel Korsica x3, Mattie Emerge, Giana York, Binx Lacour, Morae Verikov x2, Ciona Belini, Isa Belini, Shelby Cocktail) Noses person orp (Dover Korsica x3, Willa ???) Quietest orp (Giana York x3, Starlie Santoro x2, Binx Lacour, Libby Verikov) Worst typer orp (Brooke Korsica x2, Khrys Republic) Soupiest orp (Brooke Korsica) Dustiest orp (Christina Korsica x2) Trashiest orp (Dover Korsica, Tarae Ridette) God orp (Silas Santoro x2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER Favorite friendship (Dover Korsica & Fox Korsica x3, Bonnie & Poppy Korsica, Anna Ridette & Mattie Emerge, Victoria Minky & Kat Hutton, Paris Republic & Mattis Republic, Aurora Korsica & Brooke Kosica x2, Pace & Paige Mayhem, Piper & Alyssia Reese, Kyle & Delilah Reese)   Favorite “feud” (Monty vs Everybody x3) Worst Friendship Best defaults (The Lacour's, The Republic's x2, Paris Republic, Sweet Peach Palette (really? lol), Paige Mayhem) Worst defaults (The Belini's x2) Best resource site (Scream Sources x2, Messy Sources) Best premade site (Flynpngs, Minxmades, Peachysrc) Best confession site (roleplayrumors x3, vicious secrets) Worst confession site Best Singer (Maksyn Ganja, Razlyn Styffe) Cutest rl pictures (Alix Chaysin x2, Pace Mayhem, Piper Reese, Paige Mayhem, Austin Maine) Cutest layout (Ivie Luna x2, Dover Korsica, Shelby Cocktail, Paige Mayhem) Ugliest layout (Jack Kalottie)   Professional Cry Baby (Fox Korsica, Monty Everett) Always has the best songs on their profile (Paris Republic x2, Skyler Ryzette) Who needs to delete (Monty Everett x4, Everyone x2, Eric Lacour, Loki Untouched) Who needs to stay deleted (Reyna Richie, Aaron Republic x2, Luna Fountain) Most Annoying (Hazel Korsica x5, Natalya Richie) Most Likey to cough during skype (Maksyn Ganja) Most Like their face claim (Maksyn Ganja, Paris Republic, Shelby Cocktail, Ciona Belini, Morae Verikov, Ivie Luna, Skyler Ryzette, Piper Reese, Paige Mayhem) Most Heroric (Evah Korsica, Dover Korsica)
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