kouhaiharuhi · 7 years
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Here is this months activity! Our fan base has grown quite a bit, let’s keep growing and welcoming new kouhai commoners to our family! This times biggest fans ar @dororo-and-kululu @aeichajoanes @tabithahallows and @dekuration . Thank you so much to everyone of you who follows me, without you and seeing what you like and reblog I wouldn’t have made it this far! you are all wonderful, unique, creative, inspiring, funny, smart, beautiful and most of all you are members of this blog and if you ever need someone to just talk to and hear you out please doesn't hesitate to message me or ask me questions. This is Haruhi Furjioka thanking you for all your deidcation in following this page.
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
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Find me at anime Boston
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
Anime Boston contest
Find me at anime Boston and I will give you a prize you need to take a photo and tag me in tumblr as well! Prize includes stickers! A drawing! And a tiny dragon statue !
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kouhaiharuhi · 6 years
Kouhai noticed me!
@paperclippages I will fill this out just for you since you tagged me.
1.) Are you named after anyone?
My real name is Kathleen Jessica and I go by Kat when I am not running this Tumblr and I am named after my grandmother. Her name is Arlene Katherine.
2.) When was the last time I cried?
Like half an hour ago.....look I can be a sad person if I want (I would much rather be happy, please send cute asks!)
3.) Do I have kids?
Nah I don't have kids, don't really know if I want them.
4.) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah but sometimes I am not great at it and other times I have friends who just don't get sarcasm. I have a mean sense of sarcasm, but my friends know I love them.
5.) What's the first thing I notice about people?
If I am texting them it's usually the way they text if it's in bursts it long paragraphs, if I'm in person I notice your facial features first and the small details like the way your nose is angled or your freckles or how your ears are shaped or your hair line or if you have dimples or not.
6.) What's your eye color?
My eyes are hazel but will shift depending on a lot of things.
7.) Scary movies or happy ending?
Happy ending, I am a easily scared person and I'm kinda a ditz so I like happy things cause if I watch a scary movie I'll get paranoid.
8.) Any special talents?
I can remember lots of facts and trivia.
9.) Where were you born?
I was born in Flowwood Mississippi in the United States. But I currently live in Massachusetts.
10.) What are my hobbies?
Cooking, baking, going for walks, working out, playing board games, and going on long trips with friends and just seeing where the road takes us.
11.) Do I have any pets?
I have one kitten who is 5 months old and is named Momo after the lemur from avatar the last Airbender.
12.) What sports do I play/have I played?
I did ballet, tap, fencing, horse back riding, basketball, volley ball, soccer, Archery, gymnastics, and swimming.
13.) How tall am I?
Well I was 5 foot 5 inches but now I'm more like 5 foot 3-4 inches.
14.) Favorite subject in school?
Public school it was art or English and in college it was theater or media writing.
15.) Dream job?
At this point I am not unsure, maybe hair stylist or actress. I am a college drop out so yeah......
Now to tag people
@commoners-coffee @itsthechickwiththehair @b33-chan @tamaki-suoh-the-princely-host @kyoya-shadowking-ootori @buzzfeed (please worth it team please answer the call!) @tyleroakley
I just thought I'd tag some friends and people I hope to answer the call!
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kouhaiharuhi · 6 years
My oh my!
Oh hello my followers! I deeply apologize for my absence and since I have been gone so long I will make it up to you! Thanks will post something every other day starting today!
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
Listen up
To all my followers never let anyone tell you that your not important or special or talented. You are funny and smart and bright and talented and creative and beautiful or handsome and worth getting to know! I bet a lot of you have dealt with you fair share of problems but if you ever need a friend I am here.
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
Come on kouhai commoners we can make 1,000 followers happen!!!
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
What would you like to see ?
Kouhai commoners, these are things I’ve been thinking of doing for future blog posts so I’m curious what you would prefer to see, please message me or ask me with your answer oh can also comment.
The choice is yours!
More funny gifs with a short text
More match ups
More questions answered
More reblogged stuff
A art segment
A cartoon segment
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
Good morning
Good morning kouhai commoners personality type matches will begin in 2 hours leave messages or asks in my box please! Have a wonderful day or night
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
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795 followers only 5 followers to go till we reach 800! Thank you to all the kouhai commoners out there for following me!
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
Hey guys we've almost reached 500 followers!!!! I want to welcome all the new kouhai commoners to my page! Let's get more followers we are two away from exactly 500!!! I can't believe how far we've come! Let's keep going!
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
Attention kouhai commoners
Hey to all my followed out there! I was curious would any of you be interested in a meet and greet sorta thing with me I mean like voice call and all? I want to get to know my followers more because your all so special to me so I was curious who ever would be I treated in skype or Oovoo or tango or any of that with me to please like this post and I will see what I can pull together. Each of my followers on here is a unique prince/princess and I wish to make each one smile no matter what time zone your in I'll always have time for you!
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kouhaiharuhi · 8 years
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Hello to my kouhai commoners! I think your all lovely! I don't think there's anything wrong if your trans or gender fluid or gay or bisexual, all that matters is what's on the inside right! And that's all that matters to me.
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