#koudelka edward
scarlavein · 4 months
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some koudelka gifs. i will post art again eventually
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savingthegeneration · 10 months
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Business? What can you possibly accomplish in your condition?
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mikittalabs · 1 year
koudelka's party dynamic is hilarious. koudelka (the character) and edward are cordial enough with each other but they just fucking hate james lmao. tbf james sucks so i can't really blame them
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misterrockett · 11 months
Yall need to hear about Koudelka.
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I was telling a friend of mine that I was playing Wild Arms and he turned me towards Koudelka and Shadow Hearts because apparently the directors of both of those games got sick of begging to make a new game and made a joint Kickstarter together last year called Armed Fantasia/Penny Blood (Penny Blood is a way freaking better name than Shadow Hearts).
Koudelka is a turn based RPG set inside what is essentially an Resident Evil mansion with a heavy Gothic horror inspired artstyle and it is A Lot.
There doesn't seem to be an in game bestiary so sometimes you're just confronted with things like this
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Or this
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With no context. Like a traditional RPG the presence of monsters in this world is wildly known and accepted except instead of a medieval fantasy setting its 1898 Wales. One of your party members is a bishop who literally references Jesus Christ the second you meet him.
Oh God the party. They hate each other. Like, actively. The game is on 4 discs despite being a 12 hour long game because it's fully voice acted and so far 90% of it has been the party bickering and arguing. The Bishop is a strict religious fundamentalist, Edward is basically Han Solo with about 50% less charm and Kodelka herself is constantly making the active decision to be a massive cunt. They starter arguing about poets and then religion and only stopped because someone off camera started shooting at them. I love them.
The game isn't avaliable on any digital storefronts so you'll have to emulate it. I recommend on your phone through Duckstation since it's biggest problem is how prevalent the random encounters are. I haven't had the "take two steps and here's another one" issue yet but PSX RPGs are known to drag on and battles are long enough you tend to spend more time in one than the time you spend between them on the field. You're definitely bound to get a couple while scraping environments for items and interactables.
But I've always felt old school RPGs like this were perfect on mobile and it makes a perfect little Halloween game.
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ladyirisreviews · 1 year
Koudelka - Review
This game I wanted to play because I was really looking for a horror-themed RPG, and from what I read online this one seemed to be one of the better ones.
From the PS1 era, comes Koudelka, made by Sacnoth (Later renamed to Nautilus) and published by SNK in 1999.
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You follow the titular character, Koudelka, trying to infiltrate an isolated monastery, she quickly encounters an injured man named Edward, who warns her about a monster and gives her his gun to fight with it, after the fight is done Koudelka heals him with mysterious powers and reveals he was there looking for treasure, they decide to team up in exploring the monastery.
Later they find and save a religious man named James, who refuses to elaborate on why he is there but follows the party anyways.
While exploring Koudelka gets visions of people dying, an accident on a ship, and someone asking for help, she then reveals she is a medium, and went to the monastery trying to save the soul of someone, but with the monsters roaming everywhere, something else might be going on there.
The way the story gets told is quite interesting, all of the dialogue is completely voiced, and cutscenes that aren't pre-rendered feel almost like a theatre play, with the characters doing a back and forth and even with some physicality in their "performance".
The characters have a weird chemistry between them, but it kinda works, with Koudelka and Edward developing a closer relationship and both poking at James and his devotion to god.
Besides the cutscenes, you will also find documents that explain what is going on in the monastery and even reveal the motivations of central characters in the plot.
I can't talk much more about the plot without spoiling so I'll leave it at that, it's time to get into the gameplay.
First of all, you are in complete control of the character's stats, upon a level up you will be asked to allocate points in the stats you want for each character, so you can build them to fill whichever role you want in your party.
Encounters are random, but they are pretty sparse overall, the actual combat is set on a chess-like grid, you can choose where on your side of the grid your characters will be on the pause menu, battles are turn-based, and it plays like a tactics game more or less, but it does have things that make it unique.
First, enemies can't get past the character that is the further into the grid, and the same applies to your characters, and if the furthermost character faints and an enemy advances, you can't revive that character anymore, these rules also mean enemies can't occupy the same row as your characters.
The way attacking works depends on the type of weapon you use, and broadly there's 3 types of weapons, short-range weapons, like fists, swords, and clubs, these can target the space right in front of the character and the 2 spaces on its side, medium-range weapons like spears, this one can target the space 2 spaces in front of the character and its 2 spaces on its side, but it cannot target the one right in front of the character, it also cannot target an enemy if an ally is right in front of them, and lastly there's long-range weapons like guns, shotguns and crossbows, these can target anywhere on the map as long as an ally is not right in front of the character.
Each type of weapon gives bonus stats on different stats, so they might be more effective with one character but not with another, also, they break with use, so you might want to save the more powerful ones for bosses.
Also, there's no money on the game, besides the stuff that you might find lying around, you get extra items and equipment from enemy drops, which makes the game really feel like an RPG take on resident evil, especially with the notes you find and the general design of the monastery, which does give off resident evil vibes, there's paths you can clear for easier traversal, puzzles that require key items and at points even enemies you have to flee from, in general, it was pretty fun to explore the monastery, and the game really wouldn't be the same if the gameplay took place in different dungeons.
The last thing there is to mention about the gameplay are weapon and spell levels.
The characters are free to equip any piece of equipment and use any spell they want, and each time they use a type of weapon or any spell they build experience for it until they level up, the maximum level being 3.
For weapons, the level up adds a chance to hit 2 times in a row for level 2, and for level 3 it also adds the chance to get 3 hits in a row.
For spells, the effect will greatly increase, but the mp cost will also increase considerably.
The customization level the game gives to the hand of the player is pretty great, and the game quickly punishes you if you don't properly build your characters and your weapon and skill levels, the normal enemies aren't that hard, but some bosses do kick some serious butt, so sometimes a bit of grinding could be necessary, but something nice is that you gain levels pretty quickly, so it's really not a problem.
So all in all, I really enjoyed this game, I was really itching for a horror-themed RPG and Koudelka really delivered, it's not perfect, like many RPGs in 3D from the time, a lot of time is lost at the start of combat showing the scenario, the enemies and the players, and the combat itself might feel slow, but because the encounter rate is very lax it doesn't ever get frustrating.
The plot is pretty interesting and seeing these characters interact with each other feels very different to what every other RPG had done by this time.
So, yeah, I would recommend this game if a horror RPG sounds appealing to you, it's pretty solid for the time, and even for today, nothing really has matched it's vibe so it's still very unique.
I'll definitely check Shadow Hearts, which was made by the same developers, when I can, I really wonder if they build on the mechanics of this game or try a new system altogether, in any case, I'm excited to check it out.
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miaqc1 · 3 months
I added "Parasite Eve" as fandom. It should get canonized soon. Also the "Pylons" video game. Anyway, here's Aya Brea/Koudelka Iasant. ❤️🙂
Koudelka and Aya in bed (356 words) by MiaQc Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Parasite Eve [Video Games], Koudelka (Video Game), Pikmin [Video Game] Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aya Brea/Koudelka Iasant, Koudelka Iasant/Edward Plunkett Characters: Aya Brea, Koudelka Iasant, Edward Plunkett [Koudelka], Pikmin [Mentioned] Additional Tags: Non-Explicit Sex, Femslash, Strong Female Characters, Lesbian Sex, Video & Computer Games, Mythical Beings & Creatures, References to other Fanfics, POV First Person, Dialogue Heavy, Wordcount: 100-500, One Shot, Minor Character(s) - Freeform, Rare Pairings, Rare Fandoms, Cross-Posted from AO3, Betaed – No, Autistic Author, POV Aya Brea Summary:
A fanfic composed almost entirely of dialogue. First-person point of view. Koudelka wants to sleep with Aya to return to her world, in the past. The Pikmins are only mentioned.
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lifextime · 1 year
Koudelka ❤
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Koudelka est un rpg d'horreur développé par Sacnoth et publié par SNK Corporation en 1999. Il offre une expérience unique mêlant horreur, mystère et éléments de jeu de rôle traditionnel. Plongez dans une atmosphère gothique et sombre où vous devrez affronter des forces surnaturelles et résoudre des énigmes complexes.
Histoire : L'histoire de Koudelka est l'un de ses points forts. Elle se déroule dans l'Angleterre victorienne et suit les aventures de trois personnages principaux : Koudelka Iasant, une mystérieuse sorcière, Edward Plunkett, un prêtre en quête de rédemption, et James O'Flaherty, un expert en armes à feu. Les chemins de ces trois personnages se croisent alors qu'ils explorent le monastère de Nemeton, hanté par des créatures démoniaques. L'intrigue est riche en rebondissements, en révélations sur le passé des personnages et en éléments surnaturels. L'histoire sombre et captivante de Koudelka saura vous tenir en haleine du début à la fin.
Les personnages : Les personnages de Koudelka sont bien développés et apportent chacun une contribution unique à l'histoire. Koudelka, en tant que protagoniste, est une sorcière puissante avec un passé mystérieux. Edward est un prêtre tourmenté par ses propres démons intérieurs, tandis que James est un personnage charismatique et habile au combat. Leurs interactions et leurs relations évoluent au fur et à mesure de l'aventure, ce qui permet aux joueurs de s'attacher à eux.
Impact culturel : Le jeu Koudelka a marqué l'industrie du jeu vidéo par son atmosphère sombre et gothique, et son utilisation de cinématiques en temps réel, qui étaient assez novatrices pour l'époque (1999). Le jeu a été salué pour son approche cinématographique, avec des plans de caméra bien pensés et une bande son atmosphérique. Bien que le jeu n'ait pas connu un immense succès commercial à sa sortie, il a acquis au fil du temps une base de fans dévoués et est considéré comme un classique culte parmi les amateurs de jeux de rôle d'horreur.
Gameplay : Koudelka propose un gameplay à la fois riche et complexe. Il combine des éléments de jeu de rôle traditionnel, tels que la progression par niveaux et la gestion des statistiques des personnages, avec des combats stratégiques au tour par tour. Les joueurs devront également résoudre des énigmes environnementales pour progresser dans le jeu. L'exploration du monastère est une expérience immersive, et les rencontres avec les ennemis nécessitent une planification tactique.
Difficulté : Il présente un défi significatif pour les joueurs. Les combats sont souvent exigeants, et il est essentiel de gérer efficacement les compétences et les objets disponibles pour survivre. De plus, certaines énigmes peuvent être complexes à résoudre, demandant ainsi aux joueurs de faire preuve de réflexion et de persévérance. Cependant, cela fait également partie de l'attrait du jeu pour ceux qui recherchent un défi stimulant.
Nombre d'heures de jeu : La durée de jeu de Koudelka varie en fonction du style de jeu et de la capacité du joueur à résoudre les énigmes rapidement. En moyenne, il faut compter entre 15 et 20 heures pour terminer le jeu. Cependant, les joueurs qui souhaitent explorer tous les recoins du monastère et découvrir tous les secrets peuvent facilement y consacrer plus de temps.
Bande son : La bande son de Koudelka est remarquable et contribue grandement à son atmosphère sombre et mystérieuse. Les compositions musicales, souvent orchestrales, renforcent l'immersion du joueur dans le monde du jeu. Les thèmes musicaux variés s'adaptent aux différentes situations, qu'il s'agisse de moments tendus ou de scènes dramatiques. La qualité de la bande son est un véritable point fort de Koudelka.
Points forts et faibles :
Points forts :
Une histoire sombre et captivante qui maintient l'intérêt tout au long du jeu.
Des personnages bien développés et intéressants.
Une atmosphère gothique immersive soutenue par une bande son de qualité.
Des combats stratégiques et des énigmes stimulantes.
Points faibles :
Le gameplay peut sembler daté pour certains joueurs.
Certains combats peuvent être difficiles, ce qui pourrait décourager les joueurs moins habitués aux jeux de rôle d'horreur.
Conclusion : Koudelka est un jeu de rôle d'horreur captivant qui plaira aux amateurs d'histoires sombres et gothiques. Son atmosphère immersive, ses personnages intrigants et son gameplay stratégique en font un titre unique dans le genre. Malgré quelques faiblesses mineures, le jeu offre une expérience satisfaisante pour ceux qui recherchent un défi stimulant et une narration engageante. Si vous êtes prêt à plonger dans un univers sombre et mystérieux, Koudelka mérite certainement d'être exploré. Ce jeu est aussi connu pour être le préquel de la serie Shadow Hearts.
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nickolashx · 3 years
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Koudelka (1999)
Koudelka is a horror-themed role-playing video game developed by Sacnoth for the PlayStation. The game was published by SNK in Japan in 1999, and by Infogrames internationally in 2000.  Set in the haunted Nemeton Monastery in Wales, the plot follows protagonists Koudelka Iasant, Edward Plunkett and Bishop James O'Flaherty as they uncover Nemeton's secrets and confront monsters created from its dark past. Its gameplay blends exploration and puzzle elements with turn-based battles waged on a grid.
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photosworthseeing · 3 years
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Lipton tree… ( Dambetenne - Haputale)
Blog recommendation of the month
1. When and how did you start to become interested
I was really surprised and quite honored to have been invited to participate to this exercise. First I would like to apologize for my broken English and the literal translation I did on my answers. (Feel free to ask for further explanations if needed). Then I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the lovely people of PWS, for the passion of Photography they share with a bright and generous talent and all the support they bring daily to the original photographers on Tumblr.
It starts many years ago, as I saw my father with his Bolex16 filming butterflies and our children’s performances in the swimming pool. It fascinated me. When I was 14, I filched my brother’s Praktica which I later traded for a Nikon FM2, a more feminine camera. A quote from Garry Winogrand inspired that part of my life : « If I photograph something, it is to know what once that will look like photographed. »
I chose to study Cinema in parallel with long studies in Contemporary History and Social Sciences as the reporter I wished to be. I tried B&W with street sceneries widely inspired by photojournalists that I love such as Gérard Depardon, René Burry and Marc Riboud then I switched for Color with minimal landscapes in cinematographic spirit quite inspired by Wim Wenders.
Because of my job, I have spent a lot of time traveling all over the world, for film shootings during years and years. In this whirlwind, where each place erases the next, I wanted to keep impressions of the places and people I met and my response was to do so with my personal camera. Maybe that was my first steps for my future blog…
2. How would you say your photography changed since you started?
Several years ago, I realized that I no longer needed to tell it all in one picture. A detail was enough to describe a real meeting, or a soulful landscape… Then my photographs became more moving, more impressionistic…
3. What inspires you?
So many great and famous photographers and artists … my house is filled with books of photos, arts, sociological, artistic, semantic and philosophical questions and comments on our relationship to the Image and the way we think about the representation of the world . Of course, I have my endless personal list which includes Irwing Penn, Edward Steichen, André Kertész, Keiichi Tahara, August Sanders, Izis, Paul Strand, Peter Lindbergh, Paolo Roversi, Richard Avedon, Brassaï, Robert Capa, Gérard Depardon, René Burry, Marc Riboud, Bruce Chatwin, Mari Ellen Mark, Josef Koudelka and many others… Over the years, this love of photography and photographers has shaped and transformed my sight on what I could do with a camera as much as my feelings and emotions have also done so.
4. If you’d have to describe yourself as a photographer in one sentence, what would that sentence be?
I surely would like to be describe as a simple amateur photograph.
5. Is there something you learned during your photographic journey that you would have loved to know when you were just starting out?
That the simplicity often brings strength to a photograph.
That the balance has to be always obvious in a frame.
That digital photography was about to come…
That words from Joe Strummer: « We aren’t particularly talented. We try harder! »
PWS - Stephi
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digital-elixir · 6 years
Digital Thoughts - Koudelka - PS1
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A mysterious woman arrives on horseback to a seemingly abandoned mansion which turns out to be haunted! Looking for clues, what she steps into is much deeper than anyone could ever imagine. Along the way she finds two others who just like her, are more than what they seem.
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Graphically, Koudelka looks quite good. Each pre-rendered background is detailed and truly keeps to the horror atheistic. Character models are PS1 style polygonal but are animated incredibly well.
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Each cut scene is awesome and helped convey the plot greatly. I was surprised at the smoothness.
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Weapons look good, spells are colorful, animated and powerful. I particularly enjoyed the Earth, Fire, Water and Ice spells.
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Much like Resident Evil, most of the game has you running through each area from room to room. Certain puzzles will show up needing keys, secret codes and switches. Random battles are apparent and while they aren’t too frequent, the battle system is a bit slow for my liking.
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Each character gets their turn and can attack, move, cast magic, or use an item. You can move and then act, or act and then move. Initially the difficulty is quite high. Enemies dish out far more damage that you can handle and items are limited.
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Speaking of items, Koudelka has an interesting mechanic: Weapons can break if used too much. There are no stores, but you can obtain new weapons, armor and accessories through random drops. This means that favorite sword you found may break and leave you literally empty handed in battle! Magic spells can be leveled up with repeated use as well.
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Hiroki Kikuta, has crafted some fantastic tunes. He happens to also be the composer for the Secret of Mana series, and his style is very apparent in the battle tracks. Most of the music tracks are ambient pieces or small tracks that accompany the CGI cut scenes.
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“Waterfall”, is the main battle theme and the boss theme “Incantation Again” are two fantastic tracks that build upon each other. Each has a strong drum beat that pulses with a slight horror element that puts you into an uneasy feeling. “Patience and “Kiss Twice” are the two final battle themes which I absolutely loved. These sound straight out of a Secret of Mana game and while not super fitting for the boss in which you fight, the quality and melody of these tracks are top notch.
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Koudelka is a short RPG averaging around 14 hours or so - maybe 20 if you enjoy grinding. There isn’t much to do after beating the game as it kicks you back to the main screen upon defeating the final boss. That being sad, multiple playthroughs could be enjoyable as you might customize each the party members differently and have them use alternate weapons and spells.
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Koudelka was great! It was short, sweet, and full of many surprises. The animation alone had me so impressed - especially for a PS1 game. The characters came alive with the skilled voice acting and custscenes that truly drew me in. I cared for Edward, James and Koudelka and wanted to know their backstory and reason to be. Sure, the battles were slow and at times difficult for no reason, but the story is what kept me coming back for more. I was eager to see the end. It was a perfect pallet cleanser. Part Resident Evil, Part RPG, Part Horror game. It’s a game much different than what I have played before. Being a precursor to the Shadow Hearts series, I had to play it. I can’t wait to see what Shadow Hearts will be like!
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scarlavein · 7 months
passing time
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"She was gone the next morning - she left with practically everything in the room!"
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savingthegeneration · 6 months
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Is it okay child? For you not to follow him?
Yeah, it's okay. I have a feeling that someday, somewhere we'll meet again.
Koudelka (2000) dev. Sacnoth
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art-neutre · 5 years
Inauguració | La bellesa de les línies | Foto Colectània | BCN | 20 juny
 The Pale Yellow Cadillac- Sadie- Portland- Maine- 2010 © Cig Harvey
Exposició: La bellesa de les línies. Fotografies de la Col·lecció Gilman i González-Falla  Del 20 de juny al 29 de setembre de 2019 Inauguració: Dijous 20 de juny del 2019, a les 20h. Fundació Foto Colectània C/ Passeig Picasso, 14 Barcelona, Catalunya. Artistes presentats: Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Lewis Baltz, Karl Blossfeldt, Margaret Bourke-White, Bill Brandt, Ed Burtynsky, Harry Callahan, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Larry Clark, Imogen Cunningham, Bruce Davidson, Rineke Dijkstra, Robert Doisneau, William Eggleston, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, Ralph Gibson, Nan Goldin, Lewis Hine, Candida Höfer, Graciela Iturbide, André Kertész, Josef Koudelka, Helen Levitt, Loretta Lux, Man Ray, Sally Mann, Robert Mapplethorpe, Lisette Model, Vik Muniz, Sylvia Plachy, Alexander Rodchenko, Andres Serrano, Aaron Siskind, Alec Soth, Edward Steichen, Louis Stettner, Paul Strand, Thomas Struth, Josef Sudek, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Edward Weston i Minor White, entre d'altres.
L'exposició presenta una selecció d'obres mestres de la història de la fotografia, que són part de la col·lecció de Sondra Gilman i Celso González-Falla. Amb seu a Nova York, la col·lecció inclou més de 1.500 fotografies originals d'alguns dels millors fotògrafs del segle XX i XXI. A través de confrontacions visuals, es convida el visitant a experimentar el poder de la línia fotogràfica a través d'aquests incomparables treballs. Les obres de Robert Adams, Walker Evans, Rineke Dijkstra, Man Ray, Berenice Abbott i Lee Friedlander, entre altres, més enllà de la seva temporalitat històrica i consideracions geogràfiques, ressonen per les seves correspondències formals. Al llarg de la història, els fotògrafs sempre han oscil·lat entre dos extrems: la il·lusió mimètica de la realitat i el realç de les qualitats estètiques de la imatge. Ja siguin "línies instantànies” (segons l'expressió d’Henri Cartier-Bresson), línies racionals inspirades en el corrent del New Topographics, o la diversitat de línies corbes del cos humà, en fotografia, la línia estructura i, a vegades, reinventa allò real, fins al punt d'arribar a l'abstracció. Davant d’una fotografia, fins i tot els espectadors més entesos, sovint observen el món tal com se'ls presenta: escodrinyen el rostre o el paisatge, es meravellen amb els detalls, les vestimentes de moda o les expressions en les cares dels nens. Poden oblidar que en realitat estan mirant un tros de paper, tan pla com una pàgina de llibre o un dibuix. Fascinats per la il·lusió mimètica, tal vegada ni tan sols vegin les línies -rectes, corbes, obliqües- que en realitat formen la base de la composició fotogràfica. La col·lecció de Sondra Gilman i Celso González-Falla revela el plaer dels col·leccionistes que adquireixen les seves fotografies sobretot per preferència personal, mantenint una relació quotidiana i privada amb les imatges. Més enllà d'aquest vincle privat, l'exposició convida el visitant a realitzar un viatge estètic: les confrontacions formals s'alliberen del seu context cultural i històric per a permetre que l'espectador experimenti la seva pròpia relació personal i sensible amb la imatge fotogràfica.
Exposició produïda pel Musée de l'Elysée , Lausana. Comissàries: Pauline Martin, Conservadora, i Tatyana Franck, Directora, Musée de l'Elysée, Lausana. Exposició organitzada amb la col·laboració especial de la Fundació Banc Sabadell   Més informació https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ddZ6q1fw1ZQ/XQe86ikW-fI/AAAAAAAABU0/XA2qoH5pXpUJ8cWlKNBAVmml5t0hYdovwCLcBGAs/s640/la%2Bbellesa%2Bde%2Bles%2Bformes%2Bfoto%2Bcolectania.jpg http://www.artneutre.net/2019/06/inauguracio-la-bellesa-de-les-linies-exposicio-foto-colectania.html #Art #Catalunya #Barcelona #PaisValencià #Balears #Andorra #Occitània #Alguer #AgendArt #Valencia #Palma
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fotografobcn · 5 years
La colección de fotografía Gilman y González-Falla llega a España
Lewis Hine, On the Hoist, Empire State Building, 1931 Libre de derechos
La Fundación Foto Colectania, gracias a la colaboración de la Fundación Banco Sabadell, inaugurará el próximo 20 de junio la exposición La belleza de las líneas. Fotografía de la colección Gilman y González-Falla. La exposición está producida por el Musée de l’Elysée de Lausana, y comisariada por Pauline Martin, conservadora, y Tatyana Franck, directora del Musée de l’Elysée.
La muestra presenta una excepcional selección de obras maestras de la historia de la fotografía de la colección de Sondra Gilman y Celso González-Falla. Esta colección, con sede en Nueva York, atesora más de 1500 fotografías originales de algunos de los mejores fotógrafos del siglo XX y XXI como Robert Adams, Walker Evans, Rineke Dijkstra, Man Ray, Berenice Abbott o Lee Friedlander, entre muchos otros.
Sobre la exposición
A lo largo de la historia, los fotógrafos siempre han oscilado entre dos extremos: la ilusión mimética de la realidad y el realce de las cualidades estéticas de la imagen. Ya sean «líneas instantáneas” (según la expresión de Henri Cartier-Bresson), líneas racionales inspiradas en la corriente del New Topographics, o la diversidad de líneas curvas del cuerpo humano, en fotografía, la línea estructura y, a veces, reinventa lo real, hasta el punto de llegar a la abstracción.
A través de distintas confrontaciones visuales, esta exposición invita al espectador a experimentar el poder de la línea fotográfica a través de 120 fotografías.
La muestra se divide en tres secciones. En Líneas rectas se agrupan obras de autores que enfatizan las líneas de fuerza de la imagen, ya sean rígidas o espontáneas. En esta sección se encuentran las fachadas abigarradas y coloristas de Stéphane Couturier, los paisajes retrofuturistas de Hiroshi Sugimoto, los urbanismos solitarios de Lewis Balz o los campos desolados de Robert Adams.
En Líneas curvas se muestra cómo la curva define los cuerpos masculinos y femeninos, fotografiados en su totalidad o en detalle, a través de las imágenes de naturalezas inquietantes de Edward Weston, la sensualidad de Bill Brandt y Robert Mapplethorpe, los retratos callejeros de André Kertész y Léon Levinstein o la modernidad de Berenice Abbott, entre otros.
Por último, Abstracciones abarca fotografías cuya referencia al mundo real desaparece revelando las líneas de abstracción de la imagen, ahí están las superficies rugosas de Aaron Siskind, los paisajes abstractos de Minor White, las luces y sombras de Ray K. Metzker o las formas sinuosas de Harry Callahan.
La colección Gilman y González-Falla
Todo empezó en los años 70, cuando Sondra Gilman descubrió el trabajo del fotógrafo francés Eugène Atget y compró sus tres primeras fotografías. Desde entonces, el matrimonio Gilman – González-Falla ha ido adquiriendo obra movido por un objetivo: “Lo que buscamos en una imagen es sencillo: debe emocionarnos”.
En 2014 el matrimonio donó 75 imágenes clásicas de la fotografía americana del s. XX al Whitney Museum de Nueva York. En 2018 su colección viajó a Europa por primera vez al Musée de l’Elysée de Lausana, y ahora, también por primera vez, lo hace a nuestro país.
La colección de Sondra Gilman y Celso González-Falla revela el placer de los coleccionistas que adquieren sus fotografías sobre todo por preferencia personal, manteniendo una relación cotidiana y privada con las imágenes. Más allá de este vínculo privado, la exposición invita al visitante a realizar un viaje estético: las confrontaciones formales se liberan de su contexto cultural e histórico para permitir que el espectador experimente su propia relación personal y sensible con la imagen fotográfica.
Walker Evans, Ossining (People in Summer, NY State Town), 1931 © Walker Evans Archive, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lista de autores participantes:
ABBOTT Berenice (1898-1991), ADAMS Ansel Easton (1902-1984), ADAMS Robert (1937), BADESSI Laurent Elie (1964), BALTZ Lewis (1945-2014), BING Ilse (1899-1998), BLACKMON Julie (1966), BLOSSFELDT Karl (1865-1932), BOURKE-WHITE Margaret (1904-1971), BRANDT Bill (1904-1983), BULLOCK Wynn (1902-1975), BURTYNSKY Ed (1955), CALLAHAN Harry (1912-1999), CANTAMESSA Augusto (1927), CARTIER-BRESSON Henri (1908-2004), CLARK Larry (1943), COLLINS Ken (1948), COUTURIER Stéphane (1957), CUNNINGHAM Imogen (1883-1976), DAVIDSON Bruce (1933), DIJKSTRA Rineke (1959), DOISNEAU Robert (1912-1994), DRTIKOL František (1883-1961), EGGLESTON William (1939), EVANS Walker (1903-1975), FARRI Stanislao (1924), FRANK Robert (1924), FRIEDLANDER Lee (1934), GARNETT William (1916-2006), GIBSON Ralph (1939), GOLDIN Nan (1953), HARVEY Cig (1973), HELG Béatrice (1956), HILLIARD David (1964), HINE Lewis (1874-1940), HÖFER Candida (1944), ISHIMOTO Yasuhiro (1921-2012), ITURBIDE Graciela (1942), KASTEN Barbara (1936), KEETMAN Peter (1916-2005), KENNA Michael (1953), KERTÉSZ André (1894-1985), KLETT Mark (1952), KOUDELKA Josef (1938), LEVINSTEIN Leon (1910-1988), LEVITT Helen (1913-2009), LUX Loretta (1969), MAN RAY (1890-1976), MANN Sally (1951), MAPPLETHORPE Robert (1946-1989), METZKER Ray. K (1931-2014), MODEL Lisette (1901-1983), MORELL Abelardo (1948), MUNIZ Vik (1961), NAGUIT Ramon (atribuido a), OUTERBRIDGE Paul (1896-1958), PÉREZ BRAVO Marta Maria (1959), PLACHY Sylvia (1943), RENGER-PATZSCH Albert (1897-1966), RIBOUD Marc (1923-2016), RODCHENKO Alexander (1891-1956), ROSSITER Alison (1953), SERRANO Andres (1950), SHAHN Ben (1898-1969), SISKIND Aaron (1903-1991), SOTH Alec (1969), STEICHEN Edward (1879-1973), STETTNER Louis (1922), STRAND Paul (1890-1976), STRUTH Thomas (1954), SUDEK Josef (1896-1976), SUGIMOTO Hiroshi (1948), THORNE-THOMSEN Ruth (1943), WEBB Todd (1905-2000), WESTON Edward (1886-1958), WHITE Minor (1908-1976).
La belleza de las líneas. Fotografía de la Colección Gilman y González-Falla
Del 20 de junio al 29 de septiembre de 2019
Fundación Foto Colectania Passeig Picasso 14 08003 Barcelona www.fotocolectania.org
De martes a sábado de 11h a 20h; y domingos de 11h a 15h.
Entrada: 4 € (Reducida: 3 €. 1er domingo de mes, entrada gratuita)
El post La colección de fotografía Gilman y González-Falla llega a España fue publicado por primera vez en DNG Photo Magazine.
http://bit.ly/2I03Qp1 via Fotografo Barcelona
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virginieboesus · 6 years
My Top 6 Koudelka and Shadow Hearts Moments
So, as I’m now planning on playing through the entire Koudelka and Shadow Hearts series on my Twitch channel (after I finish The Legend of Dragoon), I wanted to share a few of my favourite moments from this criminally underrated series.
Now, the games are generally very dark in tone, so you can expect each of these scenes to reflect that. However, the games also feature quite a bit of comedy as well.
6. A Tricky Little Girl – Koudelka
We’re going to start off this list with a pretty simple and short scene. As you progress through the first disc of Koudelka, your trio of heroes (Koudelka, Edward and James) come across a little girl acting strangely in a corridor within the dungeon of a monastery. That, alone, is rather creepy. However, she runs away and Edward follows her to try and help her.
As she stops further down the corridor, Edward nears her, only to be stopped by Koudelka. It turns out that the little girl is a ghost and she had been Edward towards a part of the floor that had collapsed. If Koudelka hadn’t stopped him, he would have plummeted to his death.
The little girl proceeds to chuckle and vanish into the wall, leaving players stunned. It was such a simple scene but it was so expertly handled that it deserves a mention on this list!
5. A Fateful Train Ride – Shadow Hearts
Next up, we actually have the opening to Shadow Hearts. This series has some of the best opening cutscenes in video game history, in my opinion! And the introduction to Shadow Hearts is no exception. The first couple of parts paint a picture of how dark the game could be, showing a very bloody murder scene. So you think you already know what you are in for. You don’t, but you quickly find out.
The scene cuts a train, where a young girl is being guarded by some Japanese soldiers. A man in a suit and tie appears, with two demons flying around him. Those demons then proceed to slice the soldiers apart in a very gory moment. Just as the man is about to take the young girl, our hero arrives behind it. One of the demons attacks our hero, slicing off his arm. He, Yuri, then catches the demon with his other hand, crushes it head and reattaches his arm.
With that, you know that this is not going to be your typical J-RPG. This opening scene instantly shows you what to expect from the game whilst also creating a lot of questions to drive you forward in the plot.
4. An Almighty Fusion – Shadow Hearts
In Shadow Hearts, the main character of the first two games (Yuri) is a type of magical human called a Harmonixer. These special people are able to fuse with demons in order to gain control of their abilities. That’s a pretty nice take on the summoning mechanic, but it is rather than any type of summoning mechanic actually has involvement in the plot. Final Fantasy IX and XV did it, but it is usually just a battle gameplay mechanic. Not in Shadow Hearts. The demons you can fuse with are all part of a side story about the ghosts of monsters Yuri has killed wanting revenge on him.
However, the moment in Shadow Hearts where it really becomes a part of the main plot is at the end of the first half of the game. At this point, you have failed to stop a crazed warlock from summoning a God who is ready to destroy (or rather, cleanse) the world. In a last-ditch attempt to stop that from happening, Yuri takes it upon himself to jump at the God and try to fuse with it.
That scene blew my mind when I first saw it, because it seemed so unexpected. I was all ready for a big boss fight, but instead, I watched the main character of the game try (and only partially succeed) to fuse with this God, Shanghai get destroyed and the Yuri/God fusion just fly away. I had no idea what was going to happen in the game after that!
3. A Demon in the Church – Shadow Hearts: Covenant
In the first Shadow Hearts, you had to battle with a demon called Amon (who you can also get as a fusion too). The boss fight was really hard, so I had a lot of respect for Amon as a fusion. However, by the time Shadow Hearts: Covenant came around, Amon was already a fusion for Yuri. This meant that the developers and scenario writers could have quite a lot of fun with the opening scene of the game.
In this opening, a bunch of soldiers are making their way into a village. They enter a church before the doors close behind them. Suddenly, from outside, the screams of other soldiers can be heard as they are all slaughtered. After a few moments of silence, the stained-glass window in the church shatters and Amon comes flying into the room.
We then get to see Amon tear through the rest of the soldiers, apart from a young female soldier, before he protects her from a grenade’s explosion and walks away, turning back into human form. That was another great opening, and really shows that the Shadow Hearts series can create some great opening moments for the games!
2. Shloop, Shloop, Splat – Shadow Hearts
Next up is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever listened to, whilst still being able to make you cringe in an entertained way. Basically, you and your party have arrived at a village that is being haunted by a girl called Li Li. In an effort to learn more about the situation and find a way to help rid the village of this curse, you speak to a lady called Sea Mother, who recounts Li Li’s horrifying tale.
To summarise, Li Li’s father was a fisherman who got lost at sea. She begged for his return, praying to their God. Her prayers were answered and her father returned, but her voice had been switched with her father’s. The only way to get her voice back, having fallen in love with a travelling actor, was to kill her father. So, she would stand at her father’s bed every night, knife at his throat, unable to kill him. Meanwhile, he would lay there, pretending to be asleep in the hopes that she would eventually carry out the act.
This scene truly explains just how dark the Shadow Hearts series can be, and it has stuck with me ever since I first saw it.
1. You Forgot Something – Koudelka
Thus, we come to my favourite moment in the Koudelka and Shadow Hearts series. It also happens to be the most horrific, in my opinion. This moment is actually one of the “ending” scenes for Koudelka, but is also unique in that it ends with a Game Over. Basically, our trio have made their way through the horrors of the Nemeton Monastery in an effort to find and subdue the tainted monstrosity that a young woman named Elaine had become.
However, if you have gotten to this part of the game without going and finding the necklace that Koudelka lost during the opening cutscene, then you’re in for a surprise. Elaine will awaken, shoot a beam of magic at the three heroes and melt their skin and internal organs, killing all of them in a truly gruesome cutscene.
Sadly, I couldn’t find a video of just that one scene, so the video above has it right at the start. You’ll know when it is done… Trust me…
And That’s All Folks
There you have it. Those were my 6 favourite moments from the Koudelka and Shadow Hearts series. This series of games is truly outstanding, and I really hope we will either get a remaster or sequel in the near future.
What did you think of these scenes and moments? Let me know in the comments below!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/my-top-6-koudelka-and-shadow-hearts-moments/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-top-6-koudelka-and-shadow-hearts-moments source https://smartstartblogging.tumblr.com/post/182595142045
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smartstartblogging · 6 years
My Top 6 Koudelka and Shadow Hearts Moments
So, as I’m now planning on playing through the entire Koudelka and Shadow Hearts series on my Twitch channel (after I finish The Legend of Dragoon), I wanted to share a few of my favourite moments from this criminally underrated series.
Now, the games are generally very dark in tone, so you can expect each of these scenes to reflect that. However, the games also feature quite a bit of comedy as well.
6. A Tricky Little Girl – Koudelka
We’re going to start off this list with a pretty simple and short scene. As you progress through the first disc of Koudelka, your trio of heroes (Koudelka, Edward and James) come across a little girl acting strangely in a corridor within the dungeon of a monastery. That, alone, is rather creepy. However, she runs away and Edward follows her to try and help her.
As she stops further down the corridor, Edward nears her, only to be stopped by Koudelka. It turns out that the little girl is a ghost and she had been Edward towards a part of the floor that had collapsed. If Koudelka hadn’t stopped him, he would have plummeted to his death.
The little girl proceeds to chuckle and vanish into the wall, leaving players stunned. It was such a simple scene but it was so expertly handled that it deserves a mention on this list!
5. A Fateful Train Ride – Shadow Hearts
Next up, we actually have the opening to Shadow Hearts. This series has some of the best opening cutscenes in video game history, in my opinion! And the introduction to Shadow Hearts is no exception. The first couple of parts paint a picture of how dark the game could be, showing a very bloody murder scene. So you think you already know what you are in for. You don’t, but you quickly find out.
The scene cuts a train, where a young girl is being guarded by some Japanese soldiers. A man in a suit and tie appears, with two demons flying around him. Those demons then proceed to slice the soldiers apart in a very gory moment. Just as the man is about to take the young girl, our hero arrives behind it. One of the demons attacks our hero, slicing off his arm. He, Yuri, then catches the demon with his other hand, crushes it head and reattaches his arm.
With that, you know that this is not going to be your typical J-RPG. This opening scene instantly shows you what to expect from the game whilst also creating a lot of questions to drive you forward in the plot.
4. An Almighty Fusion – Shadow Hearts
In Shadow Hearts, the main character of the first two games (Yuri) is a type of magical human called a Harmonixer. These special people are able to fuse with demons in order to gain control of their abilities. That’s a pretty nice take on the summoning mechanic, but it is rather than any type of summoning mechanic actually has involvement in the plot. Final Fantasy IX and XV did it, but it is usually just a battle gameplay mechanic. Not in Shadow Hearts. The demons you can fuse with are all part of a side story about the ghosts of monsters Yuri has killed wanting revenge on him.
However, the moment in Shadow Hearts where it really becomes a part of the main plot is at the end of the first half of the game. At this point, you have failed to stop a crazed warlock from summoning a God who is ready to destroy (or rather, cleanse) the world. In a last-ditch attempt to stop that from happening, Yuri takes it upon himself to jump at the God and try to fuse with it.
That scene blew my mind when I first saw it, because it seemed so unexpected. I was all ready for a big boss fight, but instead, I watched the main character of the game try (and only partially succeed) to fuse with this God, Shanghai get destroyed and the Yuri/God fusion just fly away. I had no idea what was going to happen in the game after that!
3. A Demon in the Church – Shadow Hearts: Covenant
In the first Shadow Hearts, you had to battle with a demon called Amon (who you can also get as a fusion too). The boss fight was really hard, so I had a lot of respect for Amon as a fusion. However, by the time Shadow Hearts: Covenant came around, Amon was already a fusion for Yuri. This meant that the developers and scenario writers could have quite a lot of fun with the opening scene of the game.
In this opening, a bunch of soldiers are making their way into a village. They enter a church before the doors close behind them. Suddenly, from outside, the screams of other soldiers can be heard as they are all slaughtered. After a few moments of silence, the stained-glass window in the church shatters and Amon comes flying into the room.
We then get to see Amon tear through the rest of the soldiers, apart from a young female soldier, before he protects her from a grenade’s explosion and walks away, turning back into human form. That was another great opening, and really shows that the Shadow Hearts series can create some great opening moments for the games!
2. Shloop, Shloop, Splat – Shadow Hearts
Next up is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever listened to, whilst still being able to make you cringe in an entertained way. Basically, you and your party have arrived at a village that is being haunted by a girl called Li Li. In an effort to learn more about the situation and find a way to help rid the village of this curse, you speak to a lady called Sea Mother, who recounts Li Li’s horrifying tale.
To summarise, Li Li’s father was a fisherman who got lost at sea. She begged for his return, praying to their God. Her prayers were answered and her father returned, but her voice had been switched with her father’s. The only way to get her voice back, having fallen in love with a travelling actor, was to kill her father. So, she would stand at her father’s bed every night, knife at his throat, unable to kill him. Meanwhile, he would lay there, pretending to be asleep in the hopes that she would eventually carry out the act.
This scene truly explains just how dark the Shadow Hearts series can be, and it has stuck with me ever since I first saw it.
1. You Forgot Something – Koudelka
Thus, we come to my favourite moment in the Koudelka and Shadow Hearts series. It also happens to be the most horrific, in my opinion. This moment is actually one of the “ending” scenes for Koudelka, but is also unique in that it ends with a Game Over. Basically, our trio have made their way through the horrors of the Nemeton Monastery in an effort to find and subdue the tainted monstrosity that a young woman named Elaine had become.
However, if you have gotten to this part of the game without going and finding the necklace that Koudelka lost during the opening cutscene, then you’re in for a surprise. Elaine will awaken, shoot a beam of magic at the three heroes and melt their skin and internal organs, killing all of them in a truly gruesome cutscene.
Sadly, I couldn’t find a video of just that one scene, so the video above has it right at the start. You’ll know when it is done… Trust me…
And That’s All Folks
There you have it. Those were my 6 favourite moments from the Koudelka and Shadow Hearts series. This series of games is truly outstanding, and I really hope we will either get a remaster or sequel in the near future.
What did you think of these scenes and moments? Let me know in the comments below!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/my-top-6-koudelka-and-shadow-hearts-moments/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-top-6-koudelka-and-shadow-hearts-moments
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