#kotor rp
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when you are an older sibling, you are given a responsibility. you are shown a life that matters so much more than yours. you keep that kid safe. it doesn't matter what you lose in the process or how many things you have to take apart to keep something else together. all that matters is that you do your job. // someone has to leave first. this is a very old story. there is no other version of this story.
#𝐒𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍 — independent, selective, & private neteyam roleplay account from avatar: the way of water. fluctuating & low activity. heavy headcanon influences, critical media meta, & character development analysis. mutuals & 18+ only. written by chey, woc.
#avatar rp#atwow rp#avatar 2 rp#jc avatar rp#star wars rp#clone wars rp#sci fi rp#star trek rp#gotg rp#marvel rp#dc rp#fallen order rp#swtor rp#kotor rp#space rp#alien rp#fantasy rp#mass effect rp#dragon age rp#sp tag.#eyestrain tw
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Open to: Anyone! (Mutuals, non-mutuals, any gender, any fandom / non-fandom, ocs, etc!) Muse: Ayala Senma / (formerly) Darth Revan Fandom: Star Wars / Knights of the Old Republic
"The next Star Map appears to be on Korriban, in some sort of... tomb. Finding it's exact location will be tricky. Getting into the Sith Academy will be even trickier. Are you up for it?"
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mw force sensitive characters?
hey anon ! we would absolutely love to have luke skywalker, reva, kanan jarrus, ezra bridger, mace windu, depa billaba, jaro tapal, aayla secura, barriss offee, luminara unduli, qui-gon jinn, seventh sister, the grand inquisitor, revan, darth malak, kreia, & bastila shan !
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Late to the party, but a reminder that I write Star Wars muses - in the Old Republic Era, with additional later-on verses for movies and shows. I'm redoing bios but right now I have KOTOR's Revan and HK-47 written up.
I have most of SWTOR's Theran Cedrax written up (a companion to the Jedi Consular) and will be adding his constant companion, Holiday.
Additionally, I'll be adding an old SWTOR muse, Seran-vin Kast, an Iridonian Zabrak bounty hunter who is very much anti-Sith, but also has an understandable beef with the Republic.
Under consideration are my Jedi Consular, Liana Raine Carmine as well as her cousin, Sith Inquisitor, Sarre-ha Carmine Kallig. Side eyeing KOTOR's Carth Onasi and Canderous Ordo, too... but that's further down the line. Sort of hoping I'll find those two out in the wilds of Tumblr's SWRPC.
TL;DR I love Star Wars and everyone should play Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords, and Star Wars: The Old Republic asap.
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Ready Rumput Sintetis Grass dari KFI Grass di Jakarta Selatan
Apakah Anda sedang mencari cara untuk mempercantik halaman atau ruangan Anda? Rumput sintetis adalah pilihan yang tepat! Dengan penampilan yang hijau dan segar, rumput sintetis mampu memberikan nuansa alami tanpa perlu perawatan yang rumit. Di KFI Grass Jakarta Selatan, kami menawarkan berbagai pilihan ready rumput sintetis grass dengan harga yang bersaing dan kualitas yang terjamin. Jika Anda tertarik, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp di https://wa.me/6281380351143,
Mari kita eksplorasi lebih dalam tentang rumput sintetis, mulai dari harga, fungsi, hingga cara pemasangannya.
Apa Itu Rumput Sintetis?
Rumput sintetis adalah bahan buatan yang dirancang untuk meniru penampilan dan tekstur rumput alami. Terbuat dari serat sintetis, rumput ini sangat cocok digunakan di berbagai tempat, mulai dari taman, lapangan olahraga, hingga interior rumah. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, rumput sintetis kini terlihat semakin alami dan dapat bertahan lebih lama dibandingkan dengan rumput asli.
Mengapa Memilih Rumput Sintetis?
Mengapa banyak orang memilih rumput sintetis? Berikut adalah beberapa alasan yang mungkin membuat Anda tertarik:
Mudah Perawatannya: Tidak perlu disiram, dipangkas, atau dipupuk seperti rumput alami. Tahan Lama: Dapat bertahan hingga 10-15 tahun jika dirawat dengan baik. Tidak Terpengaruh Cuaca: Cocok digunakan di segala jenis cuaca, baik hujan maupun panas. Dengan banyaknya keunggulan tersebut, tidak heran jika rumput sintetis menjadi pilihan favorit banyak orang.
Harga Rumput Sintetis Terbaik 2024
Berikut adalah daftar harga rumput sintetis 2024 dari KFI Grass:
Kualitas Standar Stitch 13 (bungkus hijau):
Tebal 20mm = Rp 87.000/m Tebal 25mm = Rp 93.500/m Tebal 30mm = Rp 97.000/m Tebal 40mm = Rp 105.000/m
Kualitas Premium Stitch 14 (bungkus orange):
Tebal 20mm = Rp 95.000/m Tebal 25mm = Rp 100.000/m Tebal 30mm = Rp 105.000/m
Kualitas Terbaik Swiss backing hijau:
Tebal 20mm = Rp 105.000/m Tebal 25mm = Rp 110.000/m Tebal 30mm = Rp 115.000/m
Kualitas Import Swiss/Jepang premium:
Tebal 15mm = Rp 105.000/m Tebal 20mm = Rp 115.000/m Tebal 25mm = Rp 120.000/m Tebal 30mm = Rp 125.000/m Tebal 35mm = Rp 130.000/m Tebal 40mm = Rp 135.000/m Tebal 50mm = Rp 145.000/m
Rumput Sintetis GOLF:
Tebal 10mm = Rp 80.000/m Tebal 15mm = Rp 145.000/m Dengan variasi harga ini, Anda bisa memilih rumput sintetis yang sesuai dengan anggaran dan kebutuhan.
Jenis-Jenis Rumput Sintetis
Berbagai jenis rumput sintetis hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang berbeda. Berikut adalah beberapa di antaranya:
Rumput Sintetis Standar: Memiliki ketahanan baik untuk penggunaan sehari-hari dan cocok untuk area umum. Rumput Sintetis Premium: Didesain dengan serat yang lebih padat dan tahan lama, ideal untuk area yang lebih intensif penggunaannya. Rumput Sintetis Impor: Memiliki kualitas lebih tinggi dan terlihat lebih alami, cocok untuk Anda yang menginginkan tampilan terbaik. Memilih jenis yang tepat akan sangat bergantung pada fungsi dan tempat Anda akan memasangnya.
Fungsi Rumput Sintetis
Rumput sintetis memiliki banyak fungsi, antara lain:
Dekorasi Ruangan: Menambah keindahan visual di dalam dan luar ruangan. Lapangan Olahraga: Banyak digunakan untuk lapangan sepak bola, golf, dan olahraga lainnya. Area Bermain Anak: Menyediakan permukaan yang aman dan nyaman untuk bermain. Dengan berbagai fungsi tersebut, rumput sintetis bisa menjadi solusi kreatif untuk berbagai kebutuhan.
Lapisan Rumput Sintetis
Lapisan pada rumput sintetis sangat penting untuk menentukan kualitas dan daya tahannya. Berikut adalah beberapa lapisan yang umum ditemukan:
Lapisan Backing: Menyediakan kekuatan dan stabilitas, biasanya terbuat dari bahan PVC atau lateks. Lapisan Drainase: Memastikan air mengalir dengan baik dan tidak menggenang di permukaan. Lapisan Serat: Merupakan bagian utama yang memberikan tampilan hijau dan tekstur alami. Memahami lapisan-lapisan ini dapat membantu Anda memilih produk yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda.
Cara Memasang Rumput Sintetis Outdoor
Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk memasang rumput sintetis di area outdoor:
Persiapkan Area: Pastikan area yang akan dipasang rumput bersih dari kotoran dan debris. Ukur dan Potong: Ukur luas area dan potong rumput sintetis sesuai ukuran. Aplikasikan Lem: Oleskan lem secara merata pada permukaan yang akan dipasang rumput. Pasang Rumput: Tempelkan rumput dan tekan dengan kuat agar menempel sempurna. Biarkan Kering: Diamkan sesuai waktu yang diperlukan agar lem mengering dengan baik. Dengan langkah-langkah ini, pemasangan rumput sintetis dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan efektif.
Perawatan Rumput Sintetis
Perawatan rumput sintetis tidak sulit, berikut adalah beberapa tips perawatannya:
Bersihkan Secara Rutin: Gunakan sapu atau vacuum cleaner untuk menghilangkan debu dan kotoran. Cuci dengan Air Sabun: Jika terdapat noda, gunakan air sabun untuk membersihkannya. Hindari Bahan Kimia Keras: Jangan menggunakan bahan kimia yang dapat merusak serat rumput. Dengan perawatan yang tepat, rumput sintetis Anda akan tetap terlihat fresh dan awet.
Kelebihan Rumput Sintetis
Mengapa Anda harus memilih rumput sintetis? Berikut adalah beberapa kelebihannya:
Tampilan Menarik: Memberikan kesan hijau segar yang dapat memperindah area. Hemat Biaya: Tidak memerlukan biaya pemeliharaan yang tinggi. Tahan Lama: Dengan perawatan yang tepat, rumput sintetis dapat bertahan lama. Dengan semua keunggulan ini, tidak ada alasan untuk tidak memilih rumput sintetis!
Tips Memilih Rumput Sintetis yang Tepat
Saat memilih rumput sintetis, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
Kualitas Bahan: Pastikan memilih rumput dari bahan berkualitas tinggi untuk daya tahan yang lebih baik. Warna dan Tekstur: Pilih warna dan tekstur yang sesuai dengan desain yang diinginkan. Cek Ulasan: Selalu periksa ulasan dan testimoni dari pelanggan lain untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih baik. Dengan mengikuti tips ini, Anda akan lebih mudah menemukan rumput sintetis yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan Anda.
Pertanyaan Umum tentang Rumput Sintetis
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan umum yang sering ditanyakan tentang rumput sintetis:
Apakah rumput sintetis aman untuk anak-anak? Ya, rumput sintetis aman untuk anak-anak dan tidak mengandung bahan berbahaya.
Berapa lama umur rumput sintetis? Umur rumput sintetis dapat mencapai 10-15 tahun tergantung pada perawatan dan kualitas.
Apakah rumput sintetis bisa digunakan di daerah hujan? Ya, rumput sintetis tahan air dan tidak akan rusak saat terkena hujan.
Bagaimana cara membersihkan rumput sintetis? Anda bisa menggunakan sapu atau vacuum cleaner dan air sabun untuk membersihkannya.
Dimana bisa membeli rumput sintetis terdekat? Anda bisa mengunjungi kami di KFI Grass Jakarta Selatan atau menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp.
Kenapa Memilih KFI Grass?
KFI Grass adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumput sintetis Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa Anda harus memilih kami:
Produk Berkualitas Tinggi: Kami menyediakan rumput sintetis berkualitas tinggi yang tahan lama. Pelayanan Terbaik: Tim kami siap membantu Anda dalam memilih produk dan pemasangan. Harga Kompetitif: Kami menawarkan harga yang bersaing untuk produk berkualitas. Jika Anda mencari ready rumput sintetis grass, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.
Rumput sintetis adalah solusi yang cerdas untuk mempercantik area Anda tanpa perlu perawatan yang rumit. Dengan berbagai pilihan harga dan kualitas dari KFI Grass Jakarta Selatan, Anda pasti akan menemukan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau pemesanan, silakan hubungi kami melalui WhatsApp di https://wa.me/6281380351143,
Apa manfaat utama menggunakan rumput sintetis? Rumput sintetis memberikan tampilan hijau yang menarik dan tidak memerlukan perawatan yang rumit.
Apakah rumput sintetis tahan lama? Ya, dengan perawatan yang baik, rumput sintetis dapat bertahan hingga 10-15 tahun.
Bagaimana cara merawat rumput sintetis? Cukup bersihkan dengan sapu atau vacuum cleaner, dan gunakan air sabun untuk menghilangkan noda.
Bisakah saya memasang rumput sintetis sendiri? Ya, Anda dapat memasangnya sendiri, tetapi disarankan untuk menggunakan jasa profesional untuk hasil terbaik.
Dimana bisa membeli rumput sintetis terdekat? Anda bisa mengunjungi kami di KFI Grass Jakarta Selatan atau menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
#Cara Memasang Rumput Sintetis Di Lantai Beton#Jual Karpet Rumput Sintetis Terdekat di Bekasi : Jl. Masjid Rw. Bacang#RT.08/RW.014#Jatirahayu#Kec. Pd. Melati#Kota Bks#Jawa Barat 17414#Cara Memasang Rumput Sintetis Yang Benar#Cara Membersihkan Rumput Sintetis Yang Kotor#Jual Rumput Sintetis Terdekat di Bekasi : Jl. Masjid Rw. Bacang#Harga Rumput Sintetis 1 Meter mulai dari Rp 70.000/m2#Bagus Rumput Sintetis Jepang Atau Swiss#Toko Rumput Sintetis Terdekat di Bekasi : Jl. Masjid Rw. Bacang
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Me and my pals have been playing starwar again....
Gray Zabrak: Uepo, my lil jedi youngling Pink Goat alien: My friends oc Culljav. They're a species my friend designed called R'uu. Usually they wear a respirator to breathe in most climates, but I drew them with their mask off so I could render their cute face. Pale Twi'lek/Rattataki hybrid: My oc Wyn. I might get to use her in our rp's epilogue. I love her short lekku hehe
Our campaign takes place during the events of KOTOR 2 :)
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And now for a scalding hot SWTOR take:
I don't see IA/Lana.
(Want to preface this by saying that what got me to try SWTOR was someone who didn't even like Lana telling me I should romance her. That's how much my type she is. So this is from an IC point of view from somebody who always romances Lana)
Lana is the closest we will ever get to a genuinely heroic Sith, but she's still a Sith. She sacrifices people she considers expendable and submits them to torture even when the necessity is dubious. She wants you to use the holocron against Valkorian which is super sensible but does involve the spirit staying enslaved. She gets promoted to head of Intelligence over you even though she has trouble reading people. For someone who has has their agency taken away like Cipher Nine has she feels like someone they'd eventually learn to respect after she frees them from carbonite not a love interest.
And yeah making the hot take partly because I'd like to change that. IA was my first class and I consider it the finest BW RPG since the original KOTOR. My Impside preference for Lana was a BH I created but 1)"Fascinated by Force artifacts and not caring about honor" are only barely possible to RP and 2)Bisexual and Torian is a catch. Got a JC who fits the romance like a glove, but Impside Forged and Fractured Alliance have some of the best romance bits.
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I've been craving an RPG to play, are there any that aren't shitting the bed right now or doomed to in future? I'd love a recommendation
Are you thinking story-rich/narrative driven?
BG3 ofc! But you've probably played that....
If you are in a og Bioware mood:
KOTOR! One of my fav RPG ever.
I am very early into a playthrough of Pathfinder: WOTC. I think I've already made a pretty important choice regarding my companions. I can tell that the RP in that game is fantastic. Although, I'm really struggling with the Pathfinder rule set.
Really any OwlCat game.
I've heard Metaphor: ReFantazio is fantastic if JRPG is your thing (not mine lol)
I picked up Kingdom Come: Deliverance on sale and have heard nothing but good things:
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Do you have any voice casts for Revan or ideas for how they sound?
i don't have a voice cast... i shopped around for one a few times but 1. i'm bad at looking for that kind of thing and 2. i never really found a voice that i liked. but then again, i'm someone who took almost ten years to decide on a name for my revan despite establishing very early on that neither 'revan' nor their kotor name were their actual given name... so. me hemming and hawing about their voice for a million years is not off-brand.
i have ideas in my head on how they sound, but nothing super concrete. the way they talk, speech patterns and shit? i have a lot of stuff on that (bc rp) but their actual sound is hard to describe. maybe like. a bit lower and more androgynous version of angela bassett doing shatter in the bumblebee movie. specifically that portrayal rather than angela basset in general, regular angela bassett sounds too regal lmao. gotta think about it.
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"Welcome to shenanigans can I interest you in a space waffle"
Sup y'all! You can call me Soraya or Sora, she/her pronouns. On this blog you'll find...
Star Wars. So much Star Wars. Dare I say, almost exclusively Star Wars. But especially The Old Republic content, in terms of both the in-universe era and the games of Kotor I, II, and SWTOR (where my Star Forge people at ✨)
Mandalorian nerdery (both the culture and Mando'a linguistics)
OCs from the mmo Star Wars: The Old Republic, most of whom I also RP with!
Screenshots. Because despite its age, SWTOR is still a very beautiful game to me. Also I'm a Space Barbie addict send help
I might reblog some other games/fandoms a little bit (GW2, LotRO/Tolkien stuff in general) but generally I'll try to tag those as "not star wars" and with their respective fandom. For the most part though – it's all about A Galaxy Far, Far Away! ✨
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looking for some mad max, game of thrones, atla, star wars and star trek rp's. specifically the clone wars or kotor era. must be 21+, advanced/novella (like 2 to 3 discord messages?), and willing to plot, etc.
pairings for star wars:
oc x oc (i have several sith, clone troopers, and a handmaiden of naboo oc) must be mxf or fxf.
padme x sabe
commander bly x aayla secura
f!darth revan x bastila shan or a f!oc
pairings for star trek:
oc x oc (i only have vulcan oc's)
ambassador sarek x amanda greyson
t'pring x nyota uhura
t'pring x f!oc
spock x nyota uhura
pairings for game of thrones:
oc x oc (i have two dothraki oc's, a targaryen oc, and a lannister oc.)
dany x sansa stark or any female
sansa x marg
cersei x female oc
pairings for atla:
princess azula x sokka, katara, suki, or a female oc.
pairings for mad max:
any of the wives with another wife
any of the wives with a war boy
furiosa x a female oc or one of the wives. possibly with a male oc.
#star wars rp#novella rp#discord rp#1x1 rp#star trek rp#game of thrones rp#atla rp#mad max rp#mad max fury road rp
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Rumah Asri,Sejuk Dan Alami di Rancamaya Golf Estate.
Jual Rumah di perumahan Rancamaya Golf Estate dengan suasana asri dan hawa yang sejuk pegunungan.
Pemandanga teras depan adalah gunung pangrango dan pemandangan teras belakang adalah gunung salak.
Rumah ini berlokasi di kavling Padma yang sangat dekat dengan pintu masuk utama Rancamaya Golf Estate dan dekat dengan ruko niaga dan sekolah High Scope.
Luas tanah 283 m2 dan luas bangun 215 m2,bangunan bertingkat. Memiliki 3 kamar tidur+1 kamar pembantu. Memiliki 3 kamar mandi+1 kamar mandi pembantu. 1 gudang di bawah tangga. Dapur kotor dan dapur bersih terpisah. SHM,Air PAM,Telepon.
Harga Rp (nego) MAAF TANPA PERANTARA. Peminat serius,Hubungi/WA 087820789697.
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fuck yeah I'll come talk to you! my goodness. I've long been hesitant to send asks to blogs I don't know or consider popular.
I followed you for your pjo writing, so I was very surprised to find out that your url is from matthew stover's ROTS novelisation. two-ish years ago I watched star wars for the first time and fell in love with the prequels, it is probably still the fandom I most interact with on here.
I notice most (all?) of your star wars fics on ao3 are sequel things. I haven't seen the sequels yet because of general negative internet sentiment towards them. although this is bad logic because the internet feels negatively about a lot of great things, including ("great" is subjective I suppose) the prequels.
as someone who still mainly associates you with pjo, I guess I'm just curious about you and star wars in general. did you watch the movies when they first came out? or did you, like me, discover them later? and would you care to make a case for watching the sequels?
and as an aside - how do you feel about anon asks. do you prefer when people are non-anon?
truly genuinely i dont think i've ever met a person on this website, Popular Online or not, who has been upset about receiving genuine asks. LIKE as someone who prefers to be approached rather than to approach people i very understand the reticence to make contact, but if you ever have hesitance because your brain is like 'ooooh they aren't gonna want to talk to meeeeeee' i really truly think you can let that one go. esp because anon is an option - the worst thing that happens is that someone doesn't respond, which is also not personal and is usually related to brain death on the part of the person receiving the ask
BASICALLY i really think that most people making themselves available on the social media want to use the media to be social - if they didn't, they'd close their ask box.
MAN okok i love to talk about a personal fandom history LOL star wars is a weird one for me! i came into the fandom extremely sideways - while it turns out i had watched at least one of the prequels in theatres as a child, i had somehow wiped all memory of them from my mind, leaving only a residual obsession with padme amidala's lipstick lingering in my hindbrain
so my first Real Encounter with star wars as a fan concept was via Livejournal Role Play lolol, the premise of which is that you would roleplay as characters either in an AU setting, or an isekai-your-character-was-captured-from-their-home-world-somehow setting. so i was playing sakura from naruto in a harry potter/final fantasy fusion AU (there's a fun sentence) when someone joined the game with Jaina Solo from the star wars extended universe, and i just thought the character and player were the fucking coolest?
so that's how i ended up learning about like, the post-original Star Wars trilogy EU books first LMAO and then eventually i watched the original trilogy and re-watched the prequel trilogy (this was back in 2009/10 so sequel series were not on the horizon at all). i rp'd a bunch of star wars characters in a bunch of games (most notably middle aged Leia from the later EU books and a man called Kyp Durron who i refuse to believe was not the template and inspiration for kylo ren), and also played the Knights of the Old Republic games, and eventually helped create and moderate an rp based on those games. so my first star wars creative endeavors were very rp based, and kotor based, and any fic i was writing at the time was like, kyp durron and alyss from a ya novel adaptation of alice in wonderland are falling in love in the harry potter/final fantasy fusion setting where we also included pokemon so kyp has a shuckle for a pet because jaina gifted it to him as a gag. all that fic is littered around the internet - lj accounts and dreamwidth accounts and defunct aim group chats, where you'd write stuff for like the three people who were into your extremely, impossible to replicate cross canon ship instead of doing your stats homework, it was heady shit.
the username came about after i decided to abandon my old internet handle/identity of 'feilyn' lolol. basically i made up 'feilyn' as a name for myself when i was like 15 and used it everywhere, which resulted in most online friends i made at the time calling me 'fei', which in turn got cuteified into 'feibean', which is what i originally called this blog right up until someone sent me an ask going 'hey feibean' and i went oh NO i HATE that, and decided that i needed a username that was like, Poetic and Pretty
the funniest part to me is that i hadn't actually read the stover novelisation at that time? i just knew about the passage it came from because a friend had quoted it at me before and i was like oh that's Beautiful. so i did probably the most pretentious thing in the process of making a pretentious internet handle, which was to refer to a thing i hadn't actually read (i have since read the novelisation LOL and highly recommend it to anyone into star wars i general, but especially if you feel the prequels had Great Themes and Poor Execution - the book does a much better job at the execution part)
SO by the time the sequel movies were announced i had been into star wars for like, 5, 6 years? and it had been a staple part of not only my creative life but also my social and romantic life, so i was primed to be fucking obsessed. at that point i wasn't journal rping anymore, and most of my creative energy was split between fic (pjo and grisha at the time) and trying to make my original book idea work (it did not), and i had gotten into the groove of Writing Fic For An Audience.
and then the first sequel movie came out and i fucking loved it! like sure it was a little derivative, but it had so much of what i loved about star wars in it, and it especially helped that kylo ren really did seem like a kyp durron expy, and i was right in the middle of my weird heterosexual lesbianism phase where all i wanted to write was Overpowered Man Gets Stepped On By Brunette Teenager He Underestimated so reylo hit me like a fucking freight train.
i think in the first month after that movie came out i wrote like, 21 fics in he space of a month. i went to my first ever music festival and was just lying in the tent writing fic on the budget smart phone i had bought so my actual phone didn't get stolen. it was SUCH a flurry of creative energy for me, because star wars before that point had been not a dead fandom, but certainly not a fandom that had a lot of Fic-Centric Life in the spaces i was in, and the movie brought so much new blood and voices and interest and readers to the canon. so if i told people i felt like writing x thing and asked for prompts, i'd get like 10 or 12 requests at a time - more than i could fulfill, certainly, but also so many that it really fed the fire of my interest and determination to Provide Content
and then, you know, the Drama and the Discourse and the weird creation of shipping as identity where people became A Reylo instead of shipping reylo, and this formation of Antis as a thing, and on and on until fandom in general becomes this place of adversarial combat that is supposed to reflect on your ethics and moral as a person and Oh Man i do remember being exhausted by all of these arguments at the time (and now tbh, but these days i am not actively participating in them). eventually i dropped out of star wars as a fandom from like, creative and discourse burnout i think, and also my relationships with the friends i shared the fandom with were changing, and i was also changing as a person and then TROS came out and was really a death knell to any joy i'd gotten out of the fandom or canon from that point.
as for a case for watching the sequels - i think if you can watch them without needing them to Be Anything In Particular, you can have a good time with them. like, for example, i think TROS was an objectively bad fucking movie, but i had a lot of fun when i watched it because i went it with a baseline of curiosity about how or if abrams could pull this off, and the answer was 'by trying to split every fandom argument of the last 4 years down the exact middle' and 'no, he can't pull it off'. that shit isn't a movie, it's a video response to every star wars trending topic between 2015-2019. and at the time of viewing, this was very fucking funny to me. i had a ball.
SO if you can watch them with the contextual understanding of like, these are massive corporate enterprises created by committee, with different people at the helm of different movies who had very different understandings on what the point of this trilogy was, i genuinely think they can be a good time. there's pew pew lasers, there are some real affecting moments, and there is a lot of bewildered amusement to be had at nature of attempting to create Billion Dollar Art.
if you are looking for a story that is going to leave you feeling fulfilled and as though the creators had consideration and respect for either their viewers, their actors, or the story they were telling, then give them a pass. like i really really think there is a lot of fun and interest to be had in watching the sequels for both 'here is a space fantasy laser fun time' reasons and 'what does art look like when it's primary purpose is to create obscene amounts of wealth based off the nostalgia of nerds but also the concept of modernising a franchise for the 21st century' reasons, and these are both big reasons why i engage in any kind of media LOL
but i also understand the special place star wars holds in a lot of people's hearts, and not wanting to engage in material thatg feels like it has sucked a lot of the joy out of that special place is always legit. so like, if you are intrigued, give them a shot, and if you find yourself hating the experience then stop watching. trust ur heart babe
FINALLY i have no strong opinion on whether people are anon or signed in! it's all about your comfort level truly, i do not put emphasis on one mode or another. sometimes people will send me something signed in and ask me to respond privately, which i am always happy to do, and sometimes people will send messages anon, but identify themselves as like 'oh im the anon who asked about sunflowers, i'm sunflower anon'. SO YEAH whatever combination of identifiers is personally comfortable for the person sending the ask is how i prefer people to communicate.
THANK U for ur ask clearly i love to Talk & Engage and i appreciate u giving me the opportunity <3 <3
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Role Play rules, kinks, and muses.
This wasn't going to be an RP blog, but I have so many of them at this point here's a primer.
First things first, I'm not a very picky person. There are a few exceptions but if I list a Series I'll RP for, chances are any character you can think of I'm OK with.
If you want to RP with me this is the #1 thing I need, and that is communication. At any post we need to be able to stop and message each other ideas or miscommunications to keep everything going smooth. Let me be clear, I said 'post' not 'time', obviously real life happens, you don't always feel up for it, that's all fine, let's not bug each other. I just mean you have to be willing to stop the back and forth and just message back and forth a bit as the story needs.
Also just to be clear, 18+ ages everyone, for all characters. I don't really mind much as long as there's a clear distinction between fantasy and reality, but this is Tumblr not some hentai site, I do not want to risk anyone seeing that that finds it disgusting.
...Also if we are talking smut or anything like it you must be 18+ as well. That should go without saying but I'm saying it anyways.
Like I said I'm not picky, so these are things I prefer.
Smut. Will do no-smut, happily it's fun at times. But I prefer smut because it's something a story can always fall on. Awkward miscommunication? Odd phrasing? Misunderstood sentence? Start stripping!
I prefer playing girls at this point, but it's a SMALL preference.
OC's are fine but I don't play them, and keep your OC's few in number and under control. I don't want to have to read an essay for an RP.
Not a huge fan of Yaoi stuff. My preference in smut is straight or futa girl, for the relationship yuri, straight, or futa. Again will try it but it will be the last on my list.
Will play multiple characters if needed, and I prefer doing that then the other way around since it gives me more to think and write about.
Themes of domination. Again I do NOT need this, but much like the smut thing I like it as a fall back, if there's an awkward step in a story, having one character tell the other what to do or want to be told makes it much easier for both sides in my experience.
Series I'll RP for.
RWBY, no Jaune. He just REALLY bores me. Prefer yuri or futa/girl couples.
Fire Emblem except for New Mystery.
Miraculous Ladybug because I find it funny. I am very pro Marinette, not as big on Adrien, keep that in mind.
Bleach. LOVE Bleach. Yoruichi, Orihime, Unohana, and so many others perfect 10's.
Danny Phantom, look below
Kim Possible. Different series but DP and KP are two series I love and love to play with. DP I prefer Danny getting nice things and Kim being happy, even if she's 'beaten'.
Naruto and One Piece I know and will try.
MHA, lottsa hot girls.
Code Geass. Love it, but I stick with just the anime, no manga, movies, or author quotes. I love some of them but I ain't picking and choosing.
Winx Club, specifically the Winx or Trix.
Harry Potter. Luna is best girl just FYI, and deserves to be loved and 'loved'.
ATLA, no comics though thank you.
KOTOR, specifically 1 and 2. Not big on Star Wars in general but KOTOR is my baby and the sequel is pretty great as well.
Pokemon. I prefer the humans but some levels of Pokephelia are OK.
Metroid, or more like Samus. Love Samus, second favorite gaming character, of either gender. Only after Amaterasu from Okami, but Okami doesn't really fit the RP style unfortunately.
Persona 3! I want that distinction, I'll also do 4, and after I replay 5 I'll add that to the list, but P3 is the best and my favorite.
That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, lottsa fun there.
Legend of Zelda, just in general.
Megaman Starforce. No one will ever do this one, and I think I'd actually prefer this not to be smut(and if it is no FM/AM having sex with humans thank you. That's just squick to me). But I'll put it on the list.
SMTV girls. I know some other SMT games but let's keep it to V this time. Whether it's Succubus/Lilim, or Abdiel, Yoko or Tao, Agrat, Mermaid, tons more. Also the Nahobino but mostly on the girls.
Like I've said a few times, I'm pretty chill about things. I have very few hard 'no's'. You want bestiality, pokephelia, incest, cheating, rape? All things I'm OK with, heck I like cheating and to a lesser extent incest for smut(again, for smut. I support none of these things in real life).
But I do have limits.
Nothing sexual and damaging. You want Character A to beat Character B, cut them with a knife, and break their arm? Go ahead. You want Character A to fuck Character B like a whore? Yay! You want both at the same time? NO!
No blood play, no choking(that is more dangerous then people thing), no scarring, nothing like that. Spanking, paddling, wax play, that's all fine, some pain can be sexy, but nothing that could actually cause damage.
Related you can do stuff like kick someone's balls or whatever, it's fine, but it will not be 'pleasurable'. That is damaging, it can be done to punish someone, as torture, just as long as it's outside that person also getting off on it.
I really want to be clear here, a lot of my muse series are violent in some way, Fire Emblem has war, Bleach people get eaten by monsters, RWBY the characters are trained to slaughter, I like that. But there is a clear difference between violence, sexy, and combining the 2.
Unrelated but also banned are real people or live action stuff. There's a reason all of my muses are in some way animated. I don't think it's morally wrong to use a character just because it's played in live action, but I personally do not like it. And I won't do real people at all.
Preferred Kinks
Look at the other stuff I said, I'm not picky. But if your idea has these things, I'm going to be more into it.
Dom/Sub, as I've said.
Group dynamics. Harems, poly, just friends being around. You can focus on 1 pair of people, but I still like other characters being around.
Breeding talk. Don't need to actually happen, just being mentioned in some way, threatened or promised or plans made.
Seduction, Character A being so sexy Character B just NEEDS them after a point.
Cucking, I don't know, I like this. Whether the cuck is into it, humiliated, whatever. If I like a character chances are I like them cucking or being cucked, don't know what to tell you.
Powers Play. If Character A is super strong, use that. If Character B>>>Character A, let that be a factor. These abilities or just a difference in power should be part of them.
Little kinks.
Just a list of kinks that would make me go 'Oh?' And raise an interested eyebrow but not alone sell me on an idea.
General cheating, incest, public sex, 'marking' like hickies and bite marks, teasing, in RP talking about loving/fucking, gossip, teaching, threesomes, lots of cum, big but not absurd sizes(foot dick, eh ok, 16 inches go back. That kinda thing), pet play, titfucking, assjob, denial, biting that doesn't break skin(I guess unless you're a vampire?), interracial, first time for one person but not the other, one person has a LOT of experience but not the other (no relation), degradation, praise kink.
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Agen Rumput Sintetis Gulungan dari KFI Grass di Serpong
Jika Anda sedang mencari solusi untuk meningkatkan estetika halaman atau taman Anda, rumput sintetis bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas segala hal tentang agen rumput sintetis gulungan dari KFI Grass di Serpong, termasuk harga, jenis, manfaat, dan banyak lagi. Jika Anda tertarik, Anda bisa menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp di sini https://wa.me/6281380351143.
Apa Itu Rumput Sintetis?
Rumput sintetis adalah alternatif buatan yang menyerupai rumput alami. Terbuat dari serat plastik, rumput sintetis menjadi pilihan populer untuk taman, lapangan olahraga, dan area bermain. Dengan desain yang menyerupai rumput asli, rumput sintetis memberikan tampilan hijau yang rapi tanpa perlu perawatan intensif seperti penyiraman, pemangkasan, atau pemupukan.
Keunggulan Rumput Sintetis
Rumput sintetis memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan rumput alami:
Hemat Waktu dan Tenaga: Anda tidak perlu lagi menghabiskan waktu untuk merawat dan menyiram rumput setiap hari. Tahan Lama: Rumput sintetis dirancang untuk tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrim, sehingga tidak akan pudar atau rusak. Ramah Lingkungan: Tidak memerlukan pestisida atau pupuk kimia, sehingga lebih aman bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan. Pilihannya Beragam: Tersedia dalam berbagai warna dan tekstur, Anda dapat memilih sesuai dengan selera dan kebutuhan.
Jenis-Jenis Rumput Sintetis
Ada beberapa jenis rumput sintetis yang tersedia di pasaran, antara lain:
Rumput Sintetis Standar: Cocok untuk penggunaan umum, seperti taman rumah. Rumput Sintetis Premium: Memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik dengan daya tahan yang tinggi. Rumput Sintetis untuk Lapangan Olahraga: Dirancang khusus untuk aktivitas olahraga, menawarkan ketahanan yang lebih terhadap tekanan.
Daftar Harga Rumput Sintetis 2024
Berikut adalah daftar harga rumput sintetis terbaru dari KFI Grass:
Kualitas Standar Stitch 13 (bungkus hijau) Tebal 20mm: Rp 87.000/m Tebal 25mm: Rp 93.500/m Tebal 30mm: Rp 97.000/m Tebal 40mm: Rp 105.000/m
Kualitas Premium Stitch 14 (bungkus oranye) Tebal 20mm: Rp 95.000/m Tebal 25mm: Rp 100.000/m Tebal 30mm: Rp 105.000/m
Kualitas Terbaik Swiss (backing hijau) Tebal 20mm: Rp 105.000/m Tebal 25mm: Rp 110.000/m Tebal 30mm: Rp 115.000/m
Kualitas Impor Swiss/Jepang Premium Tebal 15mm: Rp 105.000/m Tebal 20mm: Rp 115.000/m Tebal 25mm: Rp 120.000/m Tebal 30mm: Rp 125.000/m Tebal 35mm: Rp 130.000/m Tebal 40mm: Rp 135.000/m Tebal 50mm: Rp 145.000/m
Rumput Sintetis GOLF Tebal 10mm: Rp 80.000/m Tebal 15mm: Rp 145.000/m
Bagaimana Memilih Rumput Sintetis yang Tepat?
Saat memilih rumput sintetis, pertimbangkan beberapa faktor:
Kegunaan: Apakah untuk taman, lapangan olahraga, atau area bermain? Kualitas: Pilih kualitas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan budget Anda. Tebal: Ketebalan rumput dapat memengaruhi kenyamanan dan daya tahan.
Bahan Rumput Sintetis
Umumnya, rumput sintetis terbuat dari polyethylene atau polypropylene. Polyethylene memberikan tampilan yang lebih alami dan lembut, sedangkan polypropylene lebih tahan lama tetapi sedikit lebih kasar. Pastikan untuk memilih bahan yang sesuai dengan penggunaan Anda.
Manfaat Menggunakan Rumput Sintetis
Menggunakan rumput sintetis memberikan berbagai manfaat, seperti:
Mengurangi Penggunaan Air: Tidak perlu menyiram secara rutin, yang sangat menghemat sumber daya air. Tanpa Perawatan Rumit: Hemat waktu dan biaya untuk pemeliharaan rumput. Tidak Terpengaruh Musim: Tetap hijau sepanjang tahun, terlepas dari cuaca.
Tempat Jual Rumput Sintetis di Bekasi
Jika Anda mencari tempat untuk membeli rumput sintetis, Anda bisa mengunjungi Toko KFI Grass di alamat berikut:
Jl. Masjid Rw. Bacang, RT.08/RW.014, Jatirahayu, Kec. Pd. Melati, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17414.
Cara Memasang Rumput Sintetis
Memasang rumput sintetis tidak sulit, namun memerlukan perhatian pada detail. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
Persiapan Area: Bersihkan area dari rumput asli, batu, dan sampah lainnya. Ratakan Permukaan: Pastikan permukaan rata dan bebas dari genangan air. Pemasangan: Letakkan gulungan rumput sintetis, potong sesuai kebutuhan, dan rapatkan sambungannya. Penyelesaian: Pasang pasir atau bahan pengisi untuk menjaga ketegangan rumput.
Perawatan Rumput Sintetis
Meskipun perawatannya mudah, Anda tetap perlu melakukan beberapa langkah sederhana:
Pembersihan Rutin: Sapu atau gunakan penyedot debu untuk menghilangkan kotoran. Pemeriksaan: Periksa apakah ada bagian yang rusak dan segera perbaiki.
Testimoni Pengguna Rumput Sintetis
Banyak pengguna rumput sintetis mengaku puas dengan produk ini. Mereka merasakan manfaat dari kemudahan perawatan dan tampilan yang selalu hijau. Salah satu pengguna mengatakan, "Rumput sintetis KFI Grass telah mengubah halaman saya menjadi taman impian tanpa repot!"
Rumput sintetis adalah solusi ideal untuk mendapatkan tampilan hijau tanpa perawatan yang rumit. Dengan berbagai pilihan kualitas dan harga yang bersaing, KFI Grass di Serpong adalah pilihan tepat bagi Anda. Jika Anda tertarik, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp di sini https://wa.me/6281380351143.
Apa kelebihan rumput sintetis dibandingkan rumput alami?
Rumput sintetis tidak memerlukan perawatan yang intensif dan tetap hijau sepanjang tahun. Berapa lama umur rumput sintetis?
Umur rumput sintetis bisa mencapai 10-15 tahun tergantung pada kualitas dan perawatan. Bisakah rumput sintetis digunakan untuk lapangan olahraga?
Ya, ada jenis rumput sintetis yang dirancang khusus untuk lapangan olahraga dengan daya tahan tinggi. Apakah rumput sintetis ramah lingkungan?
Ya, rumput sintetis tidak memerlukan pestisida atau pupuk kimia, sehingga lebih aman bagi lingkungan. Di mana saya bisa membeli rumput sintetis?
Anda dapat membeli rumput sintetis di KFI Grass, Jl. Masjid Rw. Bacang, Bekasi, atau menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp https://wa.me/6281380351143. Dengan informasi di atas, semoga Anda semakin yakin untuk memilih rumput sintetis dari KFI Grass sebagai solusi untuk kebutuhan halaman Anda.
#Harga Karpet Rumput Sintetis Polyethylene 2 cm mulai dari Rp 95.000/m2 Premium#Perbedaan Rumput Sintetis Dan Asli#Cara Memasang Rumput Sintetis Di Tanah#Bahan Rumput Sintetis#Apa Itu Rumput Sintetis#Harga Rumput sintetis Swiss Green 2 cm mulai dari Rp 87.000/m2#Rumput Sintetis Kalau Kena Hujan#Cara Membersihkan Rumput Sintetis Yang Kotor
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Hi! I'm 25+ m, looking for a 21+ partner for a Star Wars rp
-Semi-lit to lit
-Prefer 3rd person past pov but am flexible
-Prefer shorter daily replies than longer less frequent ones
-Any pairing type is fine, poly friendly
-Not looking nsfw (or even necessarily romance) specially, but if it comes up organically that's cool
-Love ooc chat and goofy side conversations
-Most interested in writing for TCW, Rebels, or OT eras, possibly KotOR or The Mandalorian eras
-Either canon or ocs are fine by me, prefer to play ocs but can play most canon characters
-I like to think of canon events as a guideline
-Have a couple of oc (or possibly minor canon character) only plot ideas for TCW or Rebels era where we'd have less up front plotting work to do but I'd take more of a gm role to start - lmk if that's something you'd be interested in!
Interact and I'll reach out :)
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