#kotoko utsugui x reader
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thequietkid-moonie 21 hours ago
Let's go with Danganropa Uktra despair girl WOH with an oldie but Goldie prompt of having a Depressed(who wouldn't be with their backstory) older sibling reader. The older sibling, despite the things that have happened, has always tried to take care of them/protect them, even if they've failed at times and despite what they're also gone through themselves.
Even though after escaping the hopes peak riot(they're a former ultimate) and the tragedy, they still care for their younger sibling. Even taking care of the other WOH isn't an issue for them since someone has to keep these children alive cause Nagito be tripping with the stiff he does.
Depressed older sibling is always taking care of them
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Kotoko, Masuru, Jataro, Nagisa, Monaca ]
[ Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls ]
鈿狅笍 Mention of depression and abuse
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MY BABIEEEEEES!!! AAAAAAAHHH!! Thank you my brother for request such cute thing for my babies!!! 馃馃
I think i skiped a some little details but still i hope you like it <333
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Kotoko Utsugui
Kotoko loved her family, she really did, thats why she bared everything her parents forced her to do, still that never stoped herself from being scared, from wanting to run away, to cry her heart out while begging for not letting anyone to be gentle with her again, and thankfuly for her you were there for her!
You have gone throught the same that Kotoko has being experimenting, you have been in her place at her age too and thats why, despite barely being able to keep going with your life thanks to the inmense void that you feel inside of you because of what happened you never left, you found in Kotoko a reason to keep going because you didn't wanted her to suffer, maybe you couldn't stop it but you could be there for her
You became Kotoko's safe space, she always ran and hide in your arms whenever she had to face her parent's plans, whenever it was time for her to be used again or even after, helping her collect the small pieces of her broken heart and get ready to keep going. Even if you couldn't stop your parents, even if you offered to take her place over and over again to try to safe her from this cruelty as much as posible you couldn't stop this completely, so instead you decided to take care of her, to be and actual guardian for her and help her live like the inocent child she was, at least for a moment
Deep down Kotoko always knew that things weren't easier for you and she would be forever greatful for having you in her life, thats why when the plan of taking down the demons was settle she talked to Monaca about you, she told her about how you weren't like the other demons, even if you were a grown up you were a good person! Convincing her to let you live and be at her side before rushing out to try to bring you with her, even if she had to spend sleepless night until she managed to find you she will, she will not rest until you are back to her side
Once you finally were at her side Kotoko clinged to your side for several days, never leaving you and passing from thanking you in tears to proudly tell you what she have done to your parents (hopefuly you won't get mad at her), saying that she finally was able to protect you too!
Even when you started to take care of the rest of the Warriors of Hope (and teaching Nagito how not to poison them accidently) she always left clear that you are her sibling, she has privilage with you and she will always be your priority (along with Monaca), that even if you are willing to take care of everything she is your favorite! And she will constantly going to you side, trying to get your attention and showing off how she is better that her friends (specially from Masuru since they already have a rivality)
Kotoko request for you to share room with her, she will never admit it to the other Warriors of Hope but she can't sleep if you aren't at her side, it wouldn't be the first time nor the last one, after all she is too scared to wake up and finding her parents again, to be told to be ready since she has a performance to do, and if that happens at least you will be there for her like you always did
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Monaca Towa
Monaca always tried to be a good child, she wanted nothing more than be accepted by her family even when everyone limited themselfs to just interact with her when necesary and looking at her like the pest they see her as, everyone except for you. Despite everyone hating her you were always kind to her, giving her the attention and the aprovation she craved for, wich quickly made her attached to you, clinging to your side and always trying to make you smile, wanting to make you prideful of her so you could give her the affection she craved for, you were like heaven for her!
Monaca is really smart and observant, it didn't take her long to realice that you weren't alright, that despite always having a smile for her, kind words and the gentle care she wanted so much you weren't fine nor happy, even if you tried to hide it or even don't know it yourself she quickly realices that you were suffering from depression and just as quick she made her personal goal to take care of you! You were her only real family and she wasn't planning to leave you suffering all alone!
You two grow so close to each other that it felt like you two just needed each other, there was no need for anyone else, but Monaca was angry to the rest of the family, who not only treated her as a pest but also push you on your limits enough to fall in depression, so after meeting big sis Junko she took the oportunity without hesitation, after all she would built a world were you could be happy too!
Monaca felt bad for you to suffer when she started to use the wheelchair or to be colateral damage after taking down Towa City but in her plans it wasn't to leave you all alone, you were the only grown up that weren't a demon so she would keep you close! Her plan was to keep you at her side from the start but if while taking down the city you would get lost Monaca would throw a tantrum until any of the Warriors of Hope or Monokids found you and bring you to her (although, this time her tears were real, she wouldn't admit it but she was scared of losing you)
Once you are safe and sound with her she would tell you with the brightest smile that you have nothing to worry anymore! She had everything under control and you could finally be happy, truly happy! You would be able to keep taking care of her like you have always did because now she could offer you a home where she will be taking care of you too!
In all honestly, Monaca really hopes you can be happy now, she want to see you smiling at her forever and she is working hard to try to save you from your depression the way she thinks it will help, she feels a bit jealous that you started to take care of the rest of the Warriors of Hope too along with Nagito but she can see that this is helping you, you were feeling happy and at peace, you take this new place as your true home (and she made sure she would always be your priority), and if they make you happy then she won't mind sharing you a bit, it has always being just the two of you and it would always be that way, but right now at least you two don't have to deal with horrible people who used to wish no of you were born
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Masuru Daimon
For Masuru you were like a super hero! Ever since he can remember you were always at his side, acting like an actual guardian and doing everything in your power that he could grow up as a happy child, shielding him as much as posible from your father and always doing what he asked so non of you got in troubles, and thats the reason why you became his hero and the person he admired the most!
Masuru never understood the extent of your depression, he could see that you were hurt and sad but because of the circumstances you two live in he thought it would be because of it, once he grow up enough to understand better the situation he decided that he didn't liked it so he tried his best to be a good brother, always trying to make you happy in any way posible, whenever you two had time to just hang out he was always trying drag you to play, always showing off and talking a lot about how amazing you were, how he wanted to become like you when he grew up
Eventually Masuru started to understand the real gravity of not only the life you two are living but the burden in your shoulders, growing to appreciate even more than despite being hurt, scared and probably exhaustated you always managed to take care of him with a smile, thats when Masuru took more serious everything and decided that now he wanted to be your hero! Just like you were for him!
When he accepted to be part of the plan of Monaca and big sis Junko he did it with you in mind, if he, along with the Warriors of Hope, take control over the city he would be able to become a hero! He will be your hero! So, as the leader of the Warriors of Hope he launched the plan in no time
He didn't say anything about the plan to you but promised that everything would be alright, that he will make sure of it, so when they finally took over the city and until they were in control he searched for you because it was until that moment that he could truly be your hero, and he want you to be proud of him!
He talked a lot to the rest of the Warriors of Hope about you, you were a hero and even if you were a grown up you weren't a demon, so, as the leader, he expect all to welcome you with open arms (it didn't happened exactly like he wanted but at least you were at his side again), he never planned to bring you to take care of all of them, after all he wanted to be the one protecting you now, but it just happened, after all they are still kids and don't really know how to take care of themselfs
Despite the fact that you and Nagito are the ones who are taking care of all of them Masuru always insist that now he is your hero and that he is the one taking care of you (just because he wants to feel like he could do that for you too, he will be upset with himself if you say thats is not true), and despite being incredibly competitive he won't mind much sharing you as long as you keep telling him that you are proud of him and keep playing with him as always
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Jataro Kemuri
Your mother has always had a problem with you two, maybe i was just the anger for having to take care of you two or the envy of how beautiful her child actually are you two were always treated like monsters
Jataro has probably being if not already so close to fall into depression as you too, however the fact that you are at his side is comforting enough, since you were treated the same way by your mother you somehow managed to convince Jataro that you too are a monster, looking at him without the mask won't have any effect on you since you two are the same, being able to give hin some time to rest of that thing
You were all Jotaro had, despite how much your mother words affected him you managed to slowly heal those wounds in your own way, quickly becoming the safe space of each other and where you two could just be, you didn't had to pretend to be fine for his sake because he accepted your depression as it is, but also by knowing how bad you actually were he wanted to take care of you too, even if he couldn't do as much for you as you do for him he still tried his best to be a good brother and try to make you happy (a bit motivated by his own desesperation)
Jataro was hesitant to go with the Warriors of Hope, after all for him you were the only thing he needed but he was convinced by the idea that maybe this way he could do something to make you truly happy! Besides, he would not be able to stop them and if he doesn't go he won't you probably got lost or even worst. After taking care of your mother he imediatly went with you, almost begging you to go with him because if you don't go then he won't neither (altought, since he is already convinced that this is a good idea he will end up having a crisis if you don't want to go)
He introduced you to the Warriors of Hope personally and for once he fight them to defend you, yeah, you were a grown up but you definetly weren't a demon! You were just like him and you are everything he has, without you he won't work with them! At the end there was no room to object and you stayed with them
As he have always been Jataro was incredibly clingy, now that is not just two to of you but also the rest of Warriors of Hope and the servant and because of that he was constantly in he edge, scared anytime you leave his side because you are the only one who truly matters for him, he didn't wanted to share you no matter how much you wanted to take care of the others too, it took a lot of reasurance (and kinda showing him that Nagito wasn't the best to take care of all of them alone) when he finally allowed you to look after the others, still that didn't stopped him from clinging to your side whenever he could
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Nagisa Shingetsu
For your father you two have been nothing but subjects for his experiments, ever since you were a kid you were subjected to intense study sesions, your life was completely made to have the best grades and accomplish all your father asked, but no matter how well you did he would always ask for more and for better results
Your whole childhood was waste by his experiments, when you least expected the exhaustation and deep sadness that grow inside of you quickly made dificult to keep with your father's rythm, making it more and more dificult to get the results he wanted before he simply left you alone and turn to your little brother, making him take your place now that his results were better, trying new and better methods with a complete new test subject
Your inside was a complete mess, the feeling of being a complete failure and self-hate was more present than ever after being push away, but despite the despair and even the great void inside of you there was a part of you that just simply couldn't let your father make Nagisa go throught this, you couldn't let him ruin your little brother's life too
Somehow you manage to prove some more use while supervising Nagisa's improvements and studies, after all you gave him enough good results to prove that you won't just mess with his project, taking advantage of the little freedom and trust you gained to take care of Nagisa as much as you could, trying to sneak anything you could for him that could be of use to give him a break from the stressful study sesions, even if it was just a bit of food and water
Despite how much Nagisa tried to avoid it at first, fearing that he would make his father angry, at the end he accepted once he realiced how much you were actually doing for him, not only risking while sneaking things for him without your father's knowledge but also fighting the deep burden in your heart, he was smart enough to conect the dots and notice how bad you were feeling, how whenever you expressed concern for him it wasn't pity or because you underestimate him but rather sincere concern and self experience, so he decided that he would work harder, to get even better results just to prove to you father (but most important, to you) that your presence was of great help and an amazing influence
Once the Warriors of Hope decided to take the city Nagisa found out a way to include you in the plan of the Warriors of Hope, finding a way to make it seem like you were an important part for the plan before rushing to find you, using everything in his power and not resting at all until you were at his side again! He wanted to act mature, he wanted to prove to you that he was stronge and smart enough to take care of everything! But the fact that you two were finally free and the fact that you were finally able to treat him as your precious little brother (to hug him and take proper care of him) quickly break his facade, clinging to your side and crying his heart out after you two meet again
The fact that you end up taking care of not only him but the rest of the Warriors of Hope gives him mixed feelings, for one side he is incredibly relieved because now they want you here too, it makes him happy seeing you happy for being with so much kids (that actually act like kids) but in the other side it makes him feel jealous, he hates it and deny it as much as posible but he can't stop himself from either looking away or clinging to your side (the last one is mainly when is just you two)
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thequietkid-moonie 4 months ago
Troublemaker!reader tries to be a good influence for them
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ Kotoko, Monaca, Masuru, Jataro & Nagisa ]
[ Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls ]
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Its been so loooong since last time i wrote for my babies that i didn't even remembered how to do it properly! But but but I did try my best in this one and actually have fun while thinking about it
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did my dear reader <3
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For all of you is more likely to be an accident or simply a coincidence, crossing paths when you were about to do something, even so it would take a while for them to warm you because of how much they dislike grown ups!
For being an ultimate the sistem of the school is way too permissive so that would lead you to have enough free time to just end up messing around the other parts of the school, including the section of the little ultimates, then again they may be a little wary at first specially if you have come simply to cause problems but the friendship would grow with some patience
Monaca is one of the first ones to warm up, she easily become the leader of the group of friends and she can easily see how of a troublemaker you are, not really caring about the school, and thats the main reason why she grows to like you so quick! Your rebelious and carefree attitude is what make her grow to like you in a second and why she decided to follow your example, she was already wishing to cause troubles and maybe even take advantage of those who she hates but now you are finally helping her take that last step so of course she would start following you around
The second to grow to not only like you a lot but also to admire you is Masuru! He is already energetic and loves playing around but getting to know someone who just wants to have fun even if that means causing troubles to others is something incredibly cool in his childish mind, so of course he would start following you around and ask to let him play with you!
Kotoko would take even longer to warm up but is thanks to Monaca that she does, she just doesn't like grown ups (and if you male it would be even more dificult) but it is until she notice how with you is just pure fun and without anything to do with her directly she would simply give a try and will end up asking for more games! She would even end up having a rivality with Masuru, both trying to show of they are the best and the one who can follow your rythm with ease
It would be too dificult Nagisa to be comfortable with you, he is too mature for his age and is too dedicated at his studies to waste his time in such childish and stupid things, but at the end is the rest who end up making him just relax and play around (probably being teased a lot by Masuru and Kotoko simply get on his nerves and thats why he end up giving up)
While for Jataro is surprisingly easy to warm up, it may take time because he just see himself as a horrendous monster and a burden but soon will find the same joy on simply going around and having fun while causing troubles, at the start he would feel like is not a good thing to do but with some reasurance and when he grows comfortable around you he will simply start doing what he wants and may even become as caotic as you can be
It could be quite the surprised when one day you look back and then notice a bunch of kids suddenly following your steps, calling you admirable and funny and wanting to follow your example, it could be then the moment you realice this new responsability because despite being considere ultimates they are still kids, and kids follow the example of whoever they admire so maybe following a total troublemaker who gets away for what they do thanks to being an ultimate isn't exactly the best example for their childish minds
Wanting to give them a good example could be understandable but quite dificult to do when you are used to do what you want to do as you please, and since they are already used to seeing you being caotic it could be a little hypocrite to tell them to behaive, so it would be quite dificult to now try to give a good example
It may end up being a learning experience for all, by you trying to change at least enough to don't raise a bunch of brats and them to have someone who cares for them. There is probably moments where you have to stop yourself for a moment to think twice before doing something, even asking them if they know how to solve a problem in a pacific way
However, when you suddenly try to stop yourself from doing something reckless and try to teach them to not be so caotic it isn't going to be well received for them, suddenly they would be accusing you to act like those boring adults they hate so much and will try to push you to go back to be the troublemaker they know and like so much
At the end it would be easier to show them important things you know without stop being you, otherwise it would just feel unatural, besides, teaching them things as the troublemaker you are would not only make them happy but also will make them actually want to grow as a person, and since they are still kids honestly they still have their whole life awaiting for them to grow and learn, so for now some fun wouldn't hurt, right?
It may not go the best way posible and end up being all a caotic fun but at least all grow a little, including you
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thequietkid-moonie 1 year ago
Foster Parent comforting them after a nightmare
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Kotoko, Nagisa, Masuru, Jataro, Monaca ] [ Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls ]
鈿狅笍 This contain spoilers about their backstory
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They are my babies, I would give the the sun, the moon and the stars if I can 鉂わ笍 Anyways, im FINALLY writing for them again!! IM SO HAPPY!!
I don't care what people think or say, I know Monaca suffered a lot too, the fear she felt when she sees Hanji again is REAL!!
Kotoko Utsugui
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Kotoko doesn't really like to talk about what happened to her, she gets pretty mad whenever someone or something reminds her about her past, and even so she prefers to act like it she doesn't mind it anymore, what happened in the past it stays on the past, and now that she has someone who cares for her why she will like to remember so disgusting things?
But as much as she tried to forget her trauma still hunt her down from time to times, that fear that exist deep inside her of one day the horrible parents she had will come for her and make her return to her old life (if she still continue going to the drama club she feels insecure about it from time to time too)
Saddly, all the feelings and fears she tries to ignore sometimes come to her as a dream, as a terrible nightmare where no matter how much she call for your name you aren't there, instead she just see her father, who with a big smile congratulate her for her amazing performance and remember her that there is something that she still have to do
Kotoko wake up all scared before something even can happen because she just couldn't handle all of that again, tears already falling from her eyes, her whole body shaking and trying to cover her body while trying to normalize her breathing
It depends on how bad her nightmare was to what she will do next, if it wasn't that bad she will try to calm down by herself, not really wanting to bother you and being anxious about going out of her room, but is more likely that at the end she goes to your room to at least sleep by your side, in the other hand if the nightmare was really bad she won't be able to calm down so she just runs to your room crying almost imediatly, also it could be that she scream while sleeping or when she wakes up what will alert you so you will be the one going to her room
Either way, Kotoko is just crying, she isn't able to explain what happened and she doesn't want to talk about it neither (she even almost scream at you if you ask her about the nightmare just because she is scare), she just want to be in your arms, she just want to know that she is with you and that you won't let those perverts touch her again, if Kotoko manage to say something will be to either ask you to please hold her or to ask you if you will let that people reach her
Kotoko doesn't want to leave your arms so you will have to hold her for a long time until she calm down, as well sweet and soft touches (such as caress her hair or back and small kisses on the forehead) and reasuring her that something like that will never happen again help her calm down faster, still it will take her some time to fall sleep again and there is no way she will do it alone
The next days Kotoko will be more quiet than usual, even a little shy with her head down, she isn't really embarrassed about waking you up is just that the nightmare really affected her, but with some time she will feel better and will go back to her normal self again
Nagisa Shingetsu
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Nagisa doesn't really have problems with talking about what happened to him in the past and he even talk about like it isn't nothing or that it doesn't bother him, but in reallity all that he suffered affects him more that even he knows
Nagisa were exposed not just standards too high and a constant rejection but to the effects of drugs in order to make him work more and more, and even when he acts mature deep down he is still searching for the approval of the ones he loves and is startled by the minimum errors
For being in a house where he is appreciated by just being himself and don't ask him to be perfect or to spend all the night studing the fear of messing things up or even disappointing you hunt him from time to time (not always but it still there), so having a nightmare related to it isn't totally strange
Dreaming about his father and all that he went through it doesn't really affect him, it bothers him and it startle him, but aside from that he doesn't have much troubles with it, is dreaming about you being disappointed of him what makes him afraid, you being mad, disappointed or even calling him a failer is what makes him afraid, is that what will make him anxious, desperate trying to explain himself and apologize for his error, even promising that it isn't going to happen again and he wil make it up for it (but if you don't seem to wanting to heard him that will lead him to a panic attack)
When Nagisa is finally able to wake up he is afraid and sweating, he may even jump a little in his bed, he is so nervous that he is even disoriented, it take him a moment to start to calm down and realice that he is in his room, that everything was just a dream, even so he isn't fully calm
The last thing he wants is to bother you (specially if the nightmare really affected him), so Nagisa tries to calm down, repeating himself that everything was just a dream and that you aren't like that, you'd told him a million of times that you don't expect perfection from him
He may be able to calm down enough to try to go back to sleep once again, but if the nightmare was specially scary or it affected him a lot he won't be able so he just goes out of bed and take a walk around the house, maybe a glass of water could help him calm down. He doesn't really want to wake you up, even if he know that you won't be mad for it the memory of your bothered expression and voice of his nightmare make him anxious, he doesn't want to see it in real life
Its okay if you find him in the middle of the night in the kitchen or you see him until the morning, Nagisa doesn't really craves for direct comfort he just need the reasurance that you aren't mad or dissapointed of him, so for him is okay just continuing with your normal routine (although he will be more talktive and clingy, like quietly asking for the parental love and comfort)
He doesn't want to talk about his nightmare, so even if you insist the most you will get from him is admitting that he had a nightmare, he not just doesn't care for it but he is a little embarrassed of needing/wanting comfort, so if you try he will complain at little at first but totally accept it (specially if is a hug)
Masuru Daimon
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Masuru normally don't talk about the abuse he suffered from his father mainly because he doesn't see a point on doing so, and since now he has a home and a parent that always welcome him with open arms he doesn't see why he should remember the bad past with the demons
Also, his past doesn't affect him directly, it makes him pretty aggresive from time to time but it is something he can change, he is just bother by it when he remember it but aside from that he normally just act as the energetic child he is
For Masuru to have a nightmare about his past of abuse is more likely to have been triggered by something during the day, something that had make him nervous or remember him about it. His new house is one where he is more free and appreciated, and even if he can desesperate you from time to time you never really decided to hit him, so having a nightmare where is again with the abusive father he had is pretty shocking for him and he doesn't like it, he want to be where he isn't attacked, he want to be with you so even in his nightmare he is searching for you, but you aren't anywhere, what makes him more an more desperate
When Masuru finally manage to wake up he is shaking and sweating, still it depends in how bad his dream was to how he will react, if it wasn't too bad he just wake up scare but still he will try to calm down, while if his nightmare were really bad even after waking up (probably with a little scream) he is so afraid that even will have a panic attack. But in both cases he is pretty scared and is pretty loud while trying to calm down (specially in a panic attack because he tend to self harm), so is more likely he ends up waking you up for the noises and you go to his room
When you enter in his room/knock on his door he is immediatly startled but by recognizing you his tears start to fall from his eyes because as much as he like to act all rough and brave, deep down he knows that he doesn't have to fear when he is with you, also it depend in how scared he is to his next move, either asking you what are you doing there or running to your arms, but it doesn't matter much his reaction because he wants your comfort
Is probably that Masuru start to have a panic attack, depending in how scare he was and he will try to hit himself to make him calm down unless you guide/teach him another way to be able to calm down (a less aggresive way), as well that he is able just cry into your arms depend in your relationship and how much he trust you, otherwise he will be trying to convice you that he isn't scare at all
However, not matter how much the nightmare affected him at the next morning Masuru return to his normal self and just be cheerful since the morning (but if the nightmare was really bad he will be a little startled when he does something wrong or you seem mad for a while)
Jataro Kemuri
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Jataro has been treated so poorly for all his life, not just for his mother but his friends used to treat him bad too, so it take him a long time to get used to being with someone that truly cares for him and loves him just for being him
Jataro doesn't has any problem with talking about his past of abuse, although he talk about it like if it is something normal for how used he is to it, he just repeat what his mother used to tell him (especially when he start to take a liking for you because he doesn't want to hurt you with his horrendous appearance)
As he slowly start to get more used to and comfortable with your kindness towards him it will be a while where he is more nervous about making you mad, being insecure of himself thinking that he won't be enough or that he will end up making you mad (he kinda expected it as something that will obviously happen)
For him to have a nightmare related to this is more likely to be caused because something through the day trigger him and is more common to happen when he is just getting used to his new life, it could be that he is with his mother, either that thinking that being with you was all just a dream or that you had throw him with her again because you don't want him anymore, also it could be with you the dream, making you so mad that you start treating him bad like her used to do, and probably even force him to wear the mask once again or even that he end up hurting you still somehow believing what his mother used to tell him
No matter what his nightmare was about he wakes up frighten, it take him a moment to realice where he is and still his anxiety doesn't fully goes away, the more the nightmare scared and affected him the more anxious he will be, leading him to start crying for nervousness and even to compulsive scratching his arms and head
He may not be really loud but is at least enough to alert you, and the moment you approach to him (either entering on the room or knocking on the door) he is immediatly startled and just stare a moment at you trying to decipher who it is still lost in his anxiety, and when he reconize you he is mixed between wanting to be in your arms and feeling ashame of himself, so he just continue being troubled by his anxiety while saying little apologizes (but don't apologizing for something in concret)
In that moment Jataro really craves for comfort but he isn't going to really ask for it because he feels ashame, just being able to be in your soft embrace will help him start to calm down and a direct reasurance that you aren't mad at him or that you don't think of him like his mother did comfort him a lot
He isn't completely sure if he will be able to fall sleep alone again but he is willing to try just because he doesn't want to bother you, but if you don't mind he will be happy for you to stay with him until he falls sleep (and will sleep with you only if you insist)
The next day he will still be a little nervous, not wanting to bother you with his presence so he will be a little quiet for a while, until he feel completely sure that he isn't bothering you
Monaca Towa
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It isn't easy for Monaca to trust in someone, she could be acting all happy and charming and even calling you her parent already but deep down she isn't fully used to his new life and even a little wary of you, is just that she goes carefuly, little by little
And as just as she doesn't fully trust you she isn't going to talk about what happened to her right away, she even cover it saying that Monaca was really loved by everyone (more specifically in her school) and that everyone wanted to be her friend, and even when she feel completely comfortable with you she doesn't know if she will tell you the truth
For her to have a nightmare related to this isn't really common, or at least no to be enough to truly frighten her, so is more likely during the day something trigger her and/or she is specially anxious. Her nightmare could vary, being about her abusive family, by just being there with them again and you were nowhere to seem, or even worst that you are the one leaving her with them or even mocking her for trusting you and starting to act like how her family used to do, ignoring her and even calling her a pest
When she finally wakes up she is really nervous and even sweating a little, her past afect her more that she likes to admit so having to re-live it as a nightmare isn't something good for her, she is looking everywhere a little disoriented and really startled by it, still it doesn't take her long to realice that she is safe in her room, the room you designed for her and she was free to decorate at her taste, just that is really comforting for her and since she doesn't really make much noises while calming down, there isn't a reason why you will know about it
However, it actually will affect her much more the nightmare if you are the one on the nightmare, she tries to make it seem like it doesn't bother her and that is nothing but it slowly make her pretty nervous and insecure, going as far as making her almost imposible to properly calm down, so is more likely that she end up going to your room and getting into your bed quietly to at least be by your side, even snuggling to you
Monaca doesn't want to talk about her nightmare nor admit that she was scared, so if you insist enough or she already trust you she may be willing to say that she had a nightmare, not really wanting to give details about it and she doesn't like to make a big deal of it neither
Monaca doesn't exactly ask for comfort but she wouldn't mind receiving it but still she prefer just doing the common things like any other day, from the outside it seems like she isn't bothered at all but deep down she is still a little nervous and will be a little wary not just of you but of her own actions, something that she does almost unconsciously, as well as insisting a little more on helping you in whatever she can or talking with you, even small chats she just need the reasurance that you still care for her
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