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katakosmos · 12 days ago
what does your username means?it reminds me of the word underworld (kato-kosmos / κάτω κόσμος or Άδης/ Hades) in greek ooop
i took it from the iliad on a random monday and changed it a little bit 🫡
(iliad II, 211-215): ός έπεα φρεσίν άκοσμά τε πολλά τε ήδη μάψ, ατάρ ου κατά κόσμον
i just took the last words (κατά κόσμον, which referred to the confused and vain words of thersites), i put them in the nominative case just because i could and yeah, katakosmos
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pyrriax · 11 months ago
sometimes i remember i take screenshots of quotes i like.
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a-fix-of-muses · 8 months ago
Currently Listening To: "Journey - Au5 Remix" by Kosmonic, Au5
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ashybearrriboy · 2 years ago
Oh Cara Mia.. // Pt. 1!!
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WARNING: SMUT!! (not yet tho, next chapter;)), arranged marriage (you and someone else, yet you won’t marry him), mention of s3lfharm, violent behaviour from your parents for not marrying your assigned husband. It’s for the whole story, not only this chapter!!
Y/N was wandering around the church, the clacking sound of her steps sounding throughout the tall walls of the building she was living in. Her gaze went out into the gardens, seeing the kids from Sister Aurora‘s cooking-lessons rushing around in pure happiness.
„Ah..how carefree they must be..I wish I could feel like this once again.“ you murmured to the tall man next to you, your hands finding their ways to rest hold your stomach as you let the man answer you.
„Oh well..you’re the youngest of sisters in the church. You should be feeling care-free at last,“ papa primo answered, letting his walking-cane touch the ground every time he took a step to your little walk around the halls, „yet I don’t quite get it..what is that between you and terzo? he did not want you to get engaged with signore Alejandro Kosmon..but still didn’t make even the slightest move towards you? You should know better, ragazza..“
„He just didn’t want me to marry somebody I never saw yet don’t love. He knew that he only wanted to marry me because he was told to do so, Papa. Between me and terzo is nothing more than a good friendship.“ you answered, your tone giving away that you were annoyed by the fact Primo had to, yet again, bring that total stronzo of Alejandro up. Why would you waste your time talking or even thinking of a fool like him? Your ways parted a few weeks ago, and it didn’t bother you even the slightest - you just didn’t want anyone to talk about Mr. „Multi-millionaire“.
„I’m going to the conservatory, for tea. And papa, please, tell secondo he’s not the slightest bit welcome. I want to drink my tea in peace, and not with a brain-lacking blonde skullface who’s eyes seem to want me undressed.“ a little bit of Sass came trough, you didn’t bother to apologise or anything, you just walked off into the Conservatory. Some of the sisters, also including the cooking-club-kids, were already sitting and just awaited your delicious macarons and of course just-as-delicious tea. „Sister Y/N! You’re finally here, we missed you!“ one of the kids said, giving you a delighted smile as he grabbed the basket of macarons from you, placing them on the table for you. „Oh please..you were just desperate for my macarons, Antonio.“ you jokingly said, seating yourself down on your chair which was right by the biggest window, pouring some tea into your cup, then taking one of your self-made macarons and you took a bite out of it. Antonio, Romeo and Matheo sat next to you, audibly enjoying every bite of the macarons. „These are so good, sister! I never ate better macarons anywhere!“ matheo said, bis big smiley-like Face now being turned to you, which made you flash a smile back at you.
After a bit of time, there were steps to be heard, which made you turn your head to the steps.
Who was it? Of course your saviour — Papa Emeritus the Third - who most of people call Terzo. He made his way to where you sat, taking your hand and guiding it to his mouth to leave a gentle kiss on the back of it. You smiled to that gesture and offered him to sit down, which he did.
„I didn’t expect you to be here, I thought Secondo was on the run to annoy me again..but to see it’s you - way more exciting.“ you said, which made him smile underneath his breathy chuckle, giving away he probably didn’t walk but ran here. He took one of the foods you had baked, „he wouldn’t dare to come here after what primo said on the halls..it was amusing. Very amusing.“ he grinned and bit into the macaron.
„Yeah, I might’ve told him he’s not welcome today..I forgot to mention that with ‚today‘ I meant ever.“ you mused, leaning slightly against the pale, tall man. You took his scent in, which he someone sensed and wrapped his arm around your waist to pull yourself closer to him. He leaned down, „you still owe me,“ he whispered into your ear, „for the thing with Alejandro, remember? How about we go to my room, mh, Cara Mia?“
Your whole face flushed bright red, yet being covered by your makeup which matched with the other sisters. You cleared your throat and looked up at him with eyes sparkling, „terzo..there’s kids here. Plus, I told you we are not doing things like that..we aren’t even allowed to!“ you whisper-yelled, he just remained his cheeky grin and pulled you up. „Excuse us ladies,“ he looked down at the boys and ruffled their hair, „and young gentleman’s. But I need to steal Sister Y/N from you for quite a while.“ he announced before pulling you gently with him, even tho you’d gladly follow him without a second thought.
You both entered his room with thoughts and attitude filled by lust and despair, one more one less..
You horny mfs are only here for the smut ?? Then y’all have to wait, it deserves a own chapter. 🫶🏻
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anthropolite · 2 years ago
I just discovered that there’s a popular Greek legend which talks about a mermaid who lived in the Aegean for hundreds of years who was thought to be Alexander's sister Thessalonike. The legend states that Alexander, in his quest for the Fountain of Immortality, retrieved with great exertion a flask of immortal water with which he bathed his sister's hair. When Alexander died his grief-stricken sister attempted to end her life by jumping into the sea. Instead of drowning, however, she became a mermaid passing judgment on mariners throughout the centuries and across the seven seas. To the sailors who encountered her she would always pose the same question: "Is Alexander the king alive?" (Greek: Zei o vasilias Alexandros?), to which the correct answer would be "He lives, still rules, and conquers the World" (Greek: Zei kai vasilevei kai ton kosmon kyrievei!).  Given this answer she would allow the ship and her crew to sail safely away in calm seas. Any other answer would transform her into the raging Gorgon, bent on sending the ship and every sailor on board to the bottom.
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yursanksilverthread · 1 month ago
Name: Yursan To Kalytero O Thrylikos Thanasima Theristis Ssychis Katastrofeas Kosmon Kyvernitis tis gis O prótos Silverthread" – Professional Necromancer Skills:
Raising the dead (success rate: 62%...ish)
Expert in bone reconstruction (depending on the quality of said bones)
Strong work ethic (have only lost one arm in the last month)
Efficient (can make a single ghost do the work of three!)
Doesn't attract armies (If they aren't looking for him) References:
"He only summoned four ghost in my tavern." – Generic Tavern Owner #3
"Surprisingly polite for a guy who deals with corpses." – Random Peasant, surely.
"He's very economical regarding town affairs, he only broke 3 castle walls, compared to the fox boy. That's 14 walls in profit." – One of the town managers from one of the towns out there.
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laus-deo · 2 months ago
¡Vayan por todo el mundo!
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¡Vayan por todo el mundo!
He seguido en “La Prensa” la gira de doce días del Papa Francisco por Asia y Oceanía. Es admirable que, con casi 88 años, el Pontífice se lance a semejante exigencia. Es verdad que parecía que el Vaticano mismo se moviera en cantidad de médicos, enfermeros y otros empleados, que asistían a la menor necesidad de Francisco; servidores abundantes se turnaban en conducir la silla de ruedas. No quiero pensar en el costo fenomenal de ese tour (¿pagará Soros?).
Espontáneamente surgió en mi conciencia el contraste con el envío de los apóstoles por Jesús: “Vayan por todo el mundo” (Mc 16, 15). En el original griego de las palabras de envío, el acento recae no tanto en el ir (poreuthentes eis ton kosmon apanta) –habría que traducir: “yendo por todo el mundo”-, sino en la acción a desarrollar: ¿para qué nos manda? Para enseñar y bautizar (matheteusate panta ta ethne, baptizontes), y finalmente la intención insiste en la acción de bautizar, o sea, hacer nuevos cristianos, repoblar el mundo de discípulos de Jesús. La Historia de la Iglesia ha mostrado cómo, en cada época, se ha cumplido el mandato: desde los momentos iniciales hasta aquel cumplimiento plenario de un Imperio cristiano, que sucedió al Imperio romano. Y luego, en un nuevo mundo, en América, aquí también se ejerció el mandato de ir, enseñar y bautizar. Una pléyade de santos doctores ha ilustrado qué es el ser cristiano, el fruto del mandato, superando errores y herejías, las deformaciones accidentales que no han podido oscurecer la realidad.
La gira de Francisco comenzó en Indonesia, donde exhortó al diálogo con el islam, y empeñó su preocupación por el cambio climático. Elogió “el respeto mutuo de las particularidades culturales, étnicas, lingüísticas y religiosas”; recomendó a los jóvenes que discutan entre ellos, porque es algo que “hace crecer”. La contradicción con el auténtico mensaje cristiano se dio especialmente en la exhortación a contrastar el extremismo y la intolerancia, y le pidió al clero local “que no contrapongan la propia fe a la de los demás”. En medio de semejante horror, un acierto: denunció las “leyes de muerte”, que limitan los nacimientos y cuestionó que haya familias que prefieran “tener un gato o un perrito, antes que un hijo”. Marcando las diferencias con esta nación asiática que alberga matrimonios que “en cambio tienen cuatro o cinco hijos, lo cual está bien; adelante, así”. Una parte considerable de la humanidad carece de los medios para tener una vida digna y hacer frente a graves y crecientes desequilibrios sociales, que desencadenan agudos conflictos: “esto no puede solucionarse con una ley que restrinja la natalidad”, ya baja en numerosos países, varios de ellos en Europa.
Siempre en Indonesia, participó en un encuentro con el movimiento llamado Scholas occurrentes, que sumó a 1.500 personas. Declaró que desea implementar el diálogo interreligioso y asistió a un encuentro ecuménico en una mezquita, porque “si todas las cosas fueran iguales sería un aburrimiento” (comento: ¡qué frivolidad!).
En Timor Oriental, según señala “La Prensa”, el Papa recibe una entusiasta bienvenida. Allí elogió la recuperación del país e hizo una velada alusión a un escándalo de abusos.
Al llegar a Papúa Nueva Guinea exclamó: “Es increíble que esté aquí”. Es este un país pobre y con escasa infraestructura donde viven más de mil tribus en zonas selváticas. Allí fue guiado por misioneros argentinos pertenecientes al Instituto del Verbo Encarnado (IVE); que no son bien vistos por muchos en una Argentina progresista, y sin embargo son solicitados por varios episcopados, ya que trabajan muy bien en la evangelización; como así también las religiosas de la rama femenina, Servidoras del Señor y de la Virgen de Matará. En aquel destino recóndito está el padre Tomás Ravaioli, un porteño de 42 años, hijo de mi querido y siempre recordado amigo Luis Aldo Ravaioli, padre de una fecunda familia y entusiasta líder provida. Quienes critican al IVE y lo menoscaban en su opinión, deberían reconocer su talante misionero y su servicio a la renovación de la Iglesia.
La extensa gira del Papa, predicador del ecumenismo y activista ecológico, se cerró en Singapur, donde presidió un jubiloso acto con jóvenes, a quienes instó a “hacer lío”, y también una Misa en un estadio para 55.000 personas. Es digno de notarse que en este país los cristianos apenan llegan al tres por ciento de la población; el Papa no se animó a presentar a Jesucristo como Salvador universal, a Quien hay que adherir mediante la Fe.
Intencionalmente he presentado el periplo del Pontífice como una gira, y no como un viaje misionero. Resulta escandaloso ese despliegue de fuerzas y dinero para promover el “diálogo interreligioso, y el cuidado de la Tierra ante el cambio climático”, cuando los pueblos necesitarían objetivamente que se les hable de la Historia Sagrada, centrada en la manifestación de Dios a Israel y se les exhorte a reconocer al Señor como verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre; como el Salvador que otorga sentido al quehacer en el mundo al abrir las puertas de la eternidad.
La gira pontificia es una caricatura heterodoxa del viaje apostólico de los Doce; el rostro de la Iglesia es así alterado, y ni siquiera se obtiene la admiración del mundo político. Toda la Historia eclesial protesta contra estas ilusiones vaticanas, que dan razón a Lutero. Sería más barato y más saludable quedarse en casa, y enseñar el Catecismo. La recorrida contrasta, asimismo, con los viajes apostólicos de San Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI, que eran verdaderamente apostólicos, y no giras.
+ Héctor Aguer
Arzobispo Emérito de La Plata.
Buenos Aires, jueves 19 de septiembre de 2024.
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kimta22 · 2 months ago
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the-chomsky-hash · 9 months ago
[D. Events can only enter into a community of meaning with a later pathologies insofar as a world is constituted where the objects had a status and meaning - cont'd]
2. But it would be necessary to wonder about this notion of "morbid world" and about what distinguishes it from the universe constituted by the normal.
a. No doubt, phenomenological analysis refuses an a priori distinction between the normal and the pathological: "The validity of phenomenological descriptions is not limited by a judgment on the normal and the abnormal."
But the morbid manifests itself in the course of the investigation, as the fundamental character of this universe.
i. It is, in fact,
a world that its imaginary, even dreamlike forms, its opacity to all the perspectives of intersubjectivity
denounced as a "private world", as an idion kosmon
ii. Binswanger recalls with regard to madness, the words of Heraclitus with regard to sleep:
“Those who are awake have a unique and common world (ena kai koinon kosmon);
those who sleep turn to their own world (eis idion apostrefesthai)"
– Michel Foucault, Maladie mentale et personnalité, (Chapter 4: Illness and Existence), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1954
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news-24gr · 1 year ago
Ἐν τῇ Γεννήσει, τήν παρθενίαν ἐφύλαξας∙ ἐν τῇ Κοιμήσει, τόν κόσμον οὐ κατέλειπες Θεοτόκε…
ΧΙΟΣ : Φτου και Βγαίνω Φτου και Βγαίνω Στιγμιότυπα Στιγμιότυπα Αρχείο Αρχείο Η επικαιρότητα με άλλο μάτι Η επικαιρότητα με άλλο μάτι Αυτοπροσώπως, Υποψήφιοι Αυτοπροσώπως, Υποψήφιοι Αυτοπροσώπως Αυτοπροσώπως Project Happiness Project Happiness https://news-24.gr/en-ti-gennisei-tin-parthenian-efylaxas%e2%88%99-en-ti-koimisei-ton-kosmon-ou-kateleipes-theotoke/
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katakosmos · 3 months ago
i was studying the iliad for my ancient greek homework, and there's this part where thersites, a common soldier, challenges agamemnon, a king, in the assembly. and to explain how wrong it was, homer says that thersites didn't know how to speak, cause he didn't have the right to do it. he said (iliad II, 211-215): ός έπεα φρεσίν άκοσμά τε πολλά τε ήδη μάψ, ατάρ ου κατά κόσμον (he knew many words, but vain, not ordered — this is not an accurate translation at all btw). and when i read it, immediately thought it was relatable 😭 so i just took the last words (κατά κόσμον=kata kosmon), i put them in the nominative case and yeah, katakosmos
How did you get your guy's usernames? I'll start
I named my account after Muxus, Goblin Grandee, my favorite MTG card :)
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orthodoxyrodos · 2 years ago
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Αγία Υπομονή, η κατά κόσμον Ελένη Δραγάση: Όταν την επεσκέπτετο κάποιος σοφός, έφευγεν κατάπληκτος από την ιδικήν της σοφίαν https://orthodoxy.rodos-island.gr/agia-ypomoni-kata-kosmon-eleni-dragasi-otan-tin-epeskepteto-kapoios/
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pyrriax · 1 year ago
okay so maybe i WILL work on kosmon rediras again. maybe i'll rework the plot of the timeloop and play more into the horror of it
^ this song's lyrics have greatly influenced this.
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spoilersgr · 4 years ago
Είναι φορές που αναρωτιέμαι. Το ότι καθόμαστε και ασχολούμαστε με την τραγουδιάρα του “The Bachelor” είναι χάσιμο χρόνου; Όχι. Φαίνεται πώς το παραμύθι της περί της ηλικίας της έχει εξιτάρει το κοινό που την παρακολουθεί και… γελάει.      Για να μην τρώτε παραμύθι η Έλενα Μπάση ονομάζεται Ελένη Γυμπάση και είναι γεννημένη τον Ιούνιο του 1978. Αυτά…Είναι πατημένη 42άρα και έχει μπεί στα 43 εδώ και τέσσερις μήνες. Πληροφορίες από nassosblog
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pyrriax · 1 year ago
i just put my words on the table and collapse immediately after. also just
YES. i love bugs as metaphors and HONESTLY its also based off the fact i've seen zam drawn as a moth like. twice. and it just stuck in my brain forever.
im peddling my wares and also just spilling my brains in ur inbox because i cannot be normal about ANYTHING. ALSO JUST. intentionally out of character is one of my favorite things to write. how perception warps people. it was a HUGE thing in a timeloop fic i kept fighting with for ages... (kosmon rediras, if you were curious. literally translating to "universe repeating/repeated")
the two different stories both parallel and contrast each other, since "clown's" is a wish for what zam wants to be his reality, and zam's being a warped truth to be a little bit more interesting than it actually was. (also just... i cannot get the thought of zam seeing the moths crawling out from behind the signs in his little like. i dont know what to call it. but it's a room with a fuck ton of signs and i'm 98% sure he just freaked out in there once. but. yeah. fear and paranoia manifesting.)
HELLO BLUE!! ^_^ i am back in your inbox to peddle my wares (fic concepts that are plaguing me actively)
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BASICALLY for further context: this fic is like. how i have it in my head is the first chapter is a wishful-thinking type of thing. where clown is intentionally out of character (and specifically more in-line with zam's perception of him, being strong willed and close with the thing plaguing him. accepting it and emerging unharmed from the process of becoming one with [in his case] the void.) and celebrated. it's a fantasy. which is part of why that's specifically referred to as abacināre; to be blinded (typically by a red-hot iron rod or basin). because it isn't the truth.
"wind up the music box, look at the book again. whose story is it really?" is a call to the correct story, the one that zam was hiding behind this dream of being someone else.
currently i haven't fully finished zam's part. but. i gave him moths as a manifestation of trauma & paranoia & fear ^_^ because i just. something in my brain makes that click. (i've used that in previous fics. i can't remember where it came from but i like it, i use it). zam's spend his life trying to kill his fear, or hide away from it, only for it to come fluttering in through the cracks. so harmless, yet absolutely soul-destroying for him. he's tearing himself apart by proxy, since he's killing a part of himself with those moths.
something something trauma acceptance... i dunno it's a flowery metaphor for admiring people who've learnt to cope with trauma (or at least, what you've perceived as such. this is untrue in the case of what zam's seeing. clown was never bothered or hurt by the void, it was just a part of life to him. making this goal completely unachievable and unreasonable on zam's part) and not knowing how to, since their example doesn't apply to what you experienced. so instead you try and follow the example and it just brings you back to square one time and time again.
also, hence, spērāre, which can mean any of the following: "to hope, expect", "to await, anticipate", "to fear, be apprehensive", "to assume, suppose".
ALSO LASTLY, the fic's title being Asomatous, meaning without a material body; incorporeal. is just the icing on the cake that is this horrible angst riddled fic. because like. zam's assumptions aren't based in anything real, they have no grounding to them. and honestly? in this... zam may as well be a ghost. and the moths as well. they aren't real, they're a manifestation ^_^ (i can't go ten minute without giving my blorbos issues. and i just like making them Like Me yk yk)
(if i give this fic a nice/happy ending then we'll get a little healing. otherwise uh. self destructive tendencies the curse yet also my beloved as a plot device.)
ogugffbhjnkfmk i have. so many thoughts...... this is supposed to just be a random fic concept that i write and never think about again. im thinking about this one a LOT. i hope you've enjoyed my nonsense ramblings because i didnt realize i could talk this much until i just. started. talking.
oh. also. song ^_^
ooiugh pitting all of this In my Mouth <3333 i LOVEEE this idea clown being intentionally out of character and idk why but i LOVEE ‘whose story is it really?’
AND MOTHS!!!! AS THE MANIFSTATION OF FEAR AND TRAUMA AIUHH <3333 i love bugs as like metaphors and in writing it’s sooo 💥💥
FUCKING . HOLD U IN MY HAND I LOVEEE HOW UR BRAIN WORKS <333333 oughh the title i love it i LOVE this 🫶🫶🫶🫶
i loveeee the nonsense rambling <3 just getting lil bits of ur brain i love words fuck yeah !!!!!
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thevindicativevordan · 3 years ago
You suggested 10 villains for Kara and made it seem effortless
Now it is time to suggest 10 villains for Jon
Taylor is seemingly bringing in Wildstorm concepts and characters for Jon which I am totally on board with. I actually picked a few villains for Jon as part of a brainstorming session a while back. These are mostly old pre-existing villains that haven't been used in years, some dating back to Pre-Crisis, and could be brought back and revamped for Jon. None are OCs, rest assured I'm not that arrogant just yet (besides I want to save those for myself if I ever actually get to write Clark).
Ultra-Humanite - The body hopping ability he has means he could be in disguise as a member of Jon's inner circle of friends. Jon as a half human/Kryptonian hybrid means that unlike his father, Jon’s body might accept Humanite’s consciousness, which in addition to revenge by proxy is why Humanite targets him. Morrison set up a future conflict between the two at the end of Superman & the Authority which I would like to see.
The Auctioneer - This guy is an alien who collects valuable objects of interest and sells them to the highest bidder. He’s an obvious choice to make Jon’s “Brainiac”. He could be trying to capture and sell Jon to Brainiac or Cadmus or anyone who wants to dissect him for being a hybrid.
Vyndyktvx - The son of Mr. Mxy going up against the son of Superman feels like an obvious choice.
Drekken the Destroyer - From Morrison Action he does the whole “evolve to defeat his opponent” that Doomsday does.
Lor-Zod - Another obvious choice, Son of Zod vs. Son of Superman.
The Gambler - This guy would be Jon’s “Prankster”, he was an old Superboy foe who engineered disasters and took bets on the results, perfect to be reinvented for Jon.
Kosmon the Hunter - Damn this dude predated Kraven! Same basic archetype though, he’d be perfect for Jon. Obviously he wants to kill the first Kryptonian/human hybrid, could have him employed and given weaponry by Humanite or Bendix just like Bloodsport was given weapons by Luthor.
The Mechanical Master - Able to animate machines to do his bidding. Could be Jon’s “Metallo”.
Mongal - She’s literally never done anything except die, but the daughter of the current Mongul pitting herself against Jon to get stronger could be fun.
Obsession - A crazy Superman fan girl who wanted to marry him. Easily adaptable as a fangirl of Jon's who tries to win his affections, then goes nuts when he doesn’t respond to her like she wanted. Jon’s “Maxima”.
Puzzler - I liked her being made of nanomachines from Up, Up, and Away, maybe we could cast her as an AI designed to improve life for humanity? Superman lacks a villain like the Riddler who is mainly interested in testing his mind rather than his body. Puzzler could fill that role after she goes rogue and decides the best way to improve humanity is by purging the stupid. Puzzler leaves puzzles for Jon and other Metropolis citizens to solve, killing anyone who fails, or in Jon's case, killing the hostages she takes to force him to compete.
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