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flowey possession au if it was good
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A little cruel tale
Chapter 6 Rich Events
*Stories need to continue, especially when my little brother dragged me fishing. I mean, ahem, never mind. It's been a long time since we've seen each other, hasn't it? How long has it been?*
- Princess, take it easy.
*Well, that's the pie. I thought I'd forgotten how to write in such a long time, until this new chapter. The end is pretty near, with the last mistress left, and freedom at last. Can the prince and princess get out of here in good health? The princess won't.*
- Didn't I tell you to shut up?
*Oh, that's it! Shut up, shut up! You won't even let me talk to the reader! But I guess the princess is right, enough talking and it's time to continue. It's been a long time since those two went through that awful second door. First they cried together, then they slept together, either way it's been a long time. But you can't just sit around like this. How much do not sit and do not cranky, but we must go on, the last door is left. But remembering the past horrible experience with the second door... Honestly, I didn't want to.*
- Princess! We can't just sit idly by, we have to keep moving! The exit is almost here!
*The prince said cheerfully and optimistically, clenching his hand into a fist. The prince was right. But the princess was overcome by a terrible feeling, a feeling that there was a horrible aura around this room, and she didn't want to get into it.*
- Look, maybe we shouldn't. We can go through the past rooms in more detail, see if there's any clues. For example. Room one,
*The princess was adamantly against going into the third room. She knew what was in there and she didn't want to hurt the prince with it. Had she really gotten so... So emotional? Or sympathetic and understanding... Instead of listening to the prince, she wanted to think about her own and understand her feelings and herself, but the prince's voice prevented that from happening.*
- Princess, even if something terrible happens out there, we will still be there for each other. Remember? You're my hands and I'll be your feet
*The princess was silent. He did have a point, but.... The princess looked worriedly at the floor for a few moments, but then smiled and looked at the prince, pulling the smile down to her ears*.
- Okay.
*The princess gave in. No matter how much she protested this, no matter how much she resisted, she would end up the loser. The prince smiled slightly and nodded his head and took the princess in his arms, slowly approaching the last room.*
- What are you so afraid of, princess?
- I don't know... I just have a bad feeling about this room... AND I'M NOT REALLY AFRAID, YOU KNOW?!!!!
- Okay, okay.
*The prince smiled awkwardly, trying to reassure the princess, who in turn was a little offended, but.... Isn't he right? The princess was silent. When the prince went to the door, the princess opened it. It was dark, but not empty either. The prince and the princess walked into the room, the door closed behind them.*
- This... Looks like the room you were in, right princess?
-... Yes, let's go back
*The prince humbly walked forward into the depths of this room*
- You- okay.
*The princess had to give up, after all, she can't go anywhere on her own, and she can't control her own path, so she'll have to give up, and... Wasn't she the one who told the prince to learn words like "no"? She had, so there was no point in arguing now, and she didn't want to, she wasn't in the mood. Going deeper and deeper, the boys found swords, shields they hadn't seen before, even armor fragments*.
- M? There seems to have been a battle here before, or... Whose is this?
- Probably the landlady's.
- I wonder what she's like
*The prince of the white rose asked rhetorically. The path continued on and on until they came across a bloodstain.*
- Huh? Blood?
*As they walked deeper and deeper, the princess suddenly yanked the prince's shoulder, causing him to stop.*
- Hey, do you want to hear a joke?
- No
*The prince said sternly and seriously ♪ He sees the princess trying to distract him, he sees it perfectly, and that's why he's going to continue on his way.*
- STOP! You're not going to like what you see out there!
*Shouted the princess suddenly, trying to hide her despair, under a calm face and a slight smile.*
- But I don't like the fact that we're going to be sitting around for a long time while victory and the exit are just a few steps away.
- ...
- It's not like we've had it easy before, or easy in general. That's why I'm sure that together we will manage with our common efforts. No matter what happens.
- Your optimistic thoughts again, aren't you?
- Maybe that's true, but I'm not going backwards.
*The princess' optimism bothered her, and very much so, despite the fact that she was hiding it. Why is he so stubborn? He wasn't like this before! A few steps passed by, top, top and stop. There were many people lying on the ground, painted in a beautiful, maroon color. The blood was congealed, long ago, and the bodies were already slowly starting to decompose. A horrible and foul odor filled the room, rotten. Fortunately there were no flies. The prince was frozen in place from shock, shifting his attention to the faces of these people, their clothes, trying to understand who they used to be, whose lives they used to live.... Here were princes and princesses from different kingdoms, who were just as likely to be missing as the red rose princess herself. All these people were familiar to the prince of the white rose, because he had seen all these faces, then on holidays at balls, or anywhere else, but he did not know them personally. What attracted his particular attention was... The fabric. A yellow dress, with a pattern of daffodils, and ... Blue fabric, with daisy designs. He felt very heavy and depressed..... He had known these people since he was a child. Their states were very close friends with each other, so he often played together with them as a child. You could say they were his only good friends, whom he trusted very much and even owed them a lot of things, and now... They're just lying corpse stains on the ground.
- Ryo... Sayaka...
-... I told you that you shouldn't have come in here
- You knew?
*The prince didn't care about the questions, so he ignored the conversation. The bodies were recent, for they had not even had time to decompose. The prince walked over to them and lowered the princess to the floor and sat down next to the corpses. When the daffodil princess was reported missing, the daisy prince immediately went in search of the princess. The prince of the white rose also wanted to do so very much, but he couldn't because he was very busy that time, and then.... He trusted his childhood friend very much, so he counted on him and trusted him, but in the end ... They were now lying here, on the cold floor next to each other, and holding each other's hand. The prince didn't know what he was supposed to be feeling right now. He should have been hysterical, sobbing, but.... He ended up staring at the two bodies with empty eyes. The prince of the white rose felt a multitude of emotions, there were so many that his brain would simply explode from such an overabundance. That's why he was trying to protect himself in this way, which people often take for 'emptiness'.*
- You...
*It was hard to even say a few words, but the princess understood what the prince of the white rose wanted to say.*
- No, I don't mind if we stay here for a while and pray for them.
*Said the red rose princess calmly. Of course she knew that the three of them were best friends, again from the prince's own stories. She of course is not particularly religious, and the church she does not like, but for the sake of at least a little support for the prince of the white rose, who "the right parents taught the right manners of modern society."*
-... Thank you.
*The prince thanked the princess with a slightly devastated sigh, folding his hands together in front of him and closing his eyes.*
- We should hurry up, we can't stay here too long.
*The prince just nodded and the princess made the same gesture as the prince, starting to pray with him. Even though the princess wasn't a believer, she was also tried for a long time to impose this stupid stereotype, so she knows some things. Nowadays it is very fashionable to believe in this or that religion, in god, in angels, which is what countries and states do. Why do it? Why believe in someone when you can become a god yourself? A man is first of all a god for himself, because he himself decides what path he will choose. That's why the princess doesn't like this popularization of religions. But she supported the prince, she wanted to support him because of stupid affection, you could say that. Silence and a long, long prayer that gave calmness to the surroundings. In the dalek was heard the noise of metal on stone, as if something metallic and sharp was being dragged. By the way, I forgot to mention that the dead had horrible wounds on them, inflicted by sharp things, it was either a sword or a scythe, or some other melee weapon. How quiet it is around here... Suspiciously quiet. The princess' hands slowly took hold of the prince's sword, and suddenly! Repulsed the attack with a slash from behind. The mistress, with her weapon, flew aside after her sudden attack was repulsed. And the author finally came home and washed the floors, hurray! But that's not the point.*
- Attacking from behind? That's cheating and unfair! I wish she'd at least let me do it! What a generation.
*The princess looked jokingly at her mistress, who was ready for another attack. The prince was so focused on prayer that he didn't even notice the fight. The mistress looked literally like a real death: black cloak stained with red liquid, her hair was gray and long, and in her hands she held a scythe, which was stained with pieces of meat and blood, smelled terrible, where is hygiene? While the prince was praying, the princess was fighting with the mistress, how? After all, it's very uncomfortable going back and forth without legs! Well, not that she fought directly, but rather fought off the attacks of the mistress herself while the prince of the white rose was praying. But when the prince had finished praying and saw what was going on around him... He regretted opening his eyes.*
- What- why-
- Finally! I thought I couldn't wait for you! Never mind, let's just kill the bitch quickly.
- Princess!
- What?
*The princess rolled her eyes as she fought off the attacks. The prince of the white rose quickly gathered his thoughts and stood up, taking the princess in his arms. Looks like this fight is going to be a long one. As expected it was a very long and long battle, well, even quite uncomfortable. The mistress was fast, and didn't give even the slightest second to pant. But despite this, our heroes did not give up and gave her a fight back! This battle went on for a very long and painful time, it seemed like an eternity before suddenly passed that... What the princess was trying so furiously to protect the prince from. The princess of the room grabbed the princess's hair during the battle and started pulling on it.*
*And it was quite long and shaggy and wavy, which made it harder. The princess started holding her head up and trying to pull her own hair back, which didn't work.*
*The princess looked very unhappy. It was like she was getting ready to turn into a scary monster. It didn't happen. Before the prince could blink his eyes, the wig of beautiful brown hair fell to the ground, along with the crown, which made a distinctive sound.*
- Huh?
*This... Wig? The prince of the white rose looked at the princess, while she sat with her head down, as if trying to hide, or hide her face. Instead of a wig, the princess now had short brown hair on her head, which was just as absurdly shaggy and wavy. The prince did not expect this, and from surprise, accidentally dropped the princess on the floor, and himself, stepped back a little away from the shock of surprise. Now it was as if he had... Realized. Seeing the face of the princess. Is that really a princess?*
- Princess, are you-
-... Go away
- No! Let's talk calmly, it's--
*Now, in front of him, on the ground sat no longer a princess, but a... A guy, a guy in a princess dress, was now sitting on the floor with his hands resting on the floor, his eyes fixed on the floor. The guy slowly raised his hand, towards the prince and as he opened it, it was as if the prince was hit by a very strong gust of wind! Which threw him out of the room and into the wall, causing him to hit his head, and the door.... Locked again with a loud slam.*
- Ugh. FUCK!
*The prince of the white rose spat out a bad word, rolling off the wall and onto the floor, sitting up.*
-... What am I supposed to do now? What an idiot I am...
*The prince was angry now, angry not at the boy but at himself. He should have reacted differently, he thought to himself. The prince of the white rose was being too hard on himself. Instead of a princess, there was some guy.... But who is he? Was it a switch? Was the princess being switched? Or... Slapping his forehead, he stood up and tried to open the door, it was locked. What a shame, but what luck that he had the sword on him! And he im- ARGH*
- That's enough. I know you know where he is, so I'm sorry, but it's very important for me to meet him and talk to him. You know where he is, don't you?
*While that voice was busy chattering. I stealthily approached the invisible creature and stabbed it with my sword to dispel the dark magic. As I thought and patiently listened to that voice, I realized... That this place was filled with dark magic. The princess, or-- What's the right name for it? Okay, let it be a guy, because after all I don't even know his name, or hers? Lots of questions I'd like answers to, and I'm sure this voice could definitely answer a couple. The magic starts to dissipate, and instead of an empty corner, I see.... A book? A?*
- Prince, prince! I got it, I got it, get that thing out!!! I'll say anything and I'll answer!!!!
*Book... A talking book. When the book talked, it opened up a little bit. The book itself was red in color, and it had one eye painted on each side. Is it really a talking and flying book? I patted my eyes in surprise, but I ended up pulling out my sword. The book descended neatly to the floor, standing up but with its top down, as if he wanted to lower his head ... If he had one. Stop! He said he would answer.... Can you read my mind?!*
- Yeah, I can read everything that's written.
- What's written?
- You're not the main character. That's why you don't know we're in a fanfic about some girl who's driving in a car to her grandmother's house in the country.
- ................... What?
*l... I don't know what he's talking about right now, but his voice. Sounded like a 30-year-old man. It looks so funny, I can't stop myself from laughing right now.*
- Whatever, you wouldn't understand.
- Okay?
- You want answers in there, don't you?
- Right.
- Uh-huh. Okay
*The book exhaled, and the wound in the center of the book had already healed *
//I... Yay! Post! I know how long no one was waiting for it, so I wrote it so suddenly! Well... What can I say about it. I didn't like the way it was written, even though this chapter is eventful. Yes, as you've already realized, all the other kids from the game except Shunsuke, Yuichi, and Takumi are dead. I thought it was a cool parallel between the true ending where the living are alive, and the dead one where everyone is dead, about Takumi... I just felt sorry for him, that's all. Huh... What else can I write here? Yeah, I'm sorry it's so long, it took me a long time to write it, even though I had ideas, and even had scenes ready in my head (Compulsive reveries, heh), but the main thing is that I wrote it! So I'm proud of myself, and with the help of my new writing style and quickly got up to par, even more so! Well... Yeah, about the story book. I thought it would be cool to have him be a full character, and help the reveal, one plus. Well, that's it! Bye, everybody!
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I finally started writing the next chapter of my fanfic! hooray! I hope that I don’t have any backlog of homework, and I’ll do it quickly, and have time to write a chapter today and post it!
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casual enanan
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Comm’d someone to make this fornme I’m shaking I love it so much . Look at BILLY and LILY 💜 I love it so much
The person who made it was gamernostalgiacrafts on instagram . Go check them out…. And follow me there while you’re there heart ❤️
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It was supposed to be funny, but it ended up being cute... Like... White fox and white fox... Never mind. I'm just outraged that it's too difficult to find art for this game, and why isn't anyone talking about this game anyway? She's so cool... Okay, if I don't forget, I'll write a separate post about her.
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Yababaina !!
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ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my character...TONY!!
you might have seen them before, but I didn’t tell you anything about them..we need to fix that. first of all, let me clarify that their pronouns are they/them, since they don’t even have genitals lol
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ws doodles i couldn't find anywhere else to put
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(Mostly) Cindy dump yayy!!
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Most of these are doodles or shitposts sorrrryyyy
'but you posted that one alre-' SHHHHHH☝️
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bill cipher plays wandersong
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Tunes in the water 🎶
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(Finally get to post this yayy
Hehe do check out the ost btw!
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💀💀💀💀 mann
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“Up early?”
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Still haven't drawn everyone, but for now here's what a got ._.
Design by: @charliefqirie Original post:
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