#kori please post this on main
waytoorambles · 3 months
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If you’re wondering who just reblogged your post, hi :) This is a rambling account for @waytoobsessed
My name is Winter! :3 But you may also call me Pencil!
Local minor and she/he user although if you can’t remember my pronouns I won’t take it personally 💀✋
My Inventory
Credits for dividers!
Tags, cool moots, and fandoms below
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Reblogs - Self explanatory, feel free to block it if you don’t want to see posts I reblog
Rambles - Self explanatory, feel free to block it if you don’t wanna see the random thoughts I get
A wild moot appears! - ..Also self explanatory, I think. Reblogging/answering asks from mutuals :D
Pretty boy… - Usually reblogs where I am reblogging (fictional) boyos I find pretty :3
Kori please post this on main - an art tag for the occasional doodle I post here!
I will tag my fandoms! I’ll also include the tag I use for certain fandoms if you’d like to block that ^^
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Genshin impact ( tagged: genshin impact )
Honkai Star Rail (kinda) ( tagged: hsr )
The Apothecary Diaries ( tagged: the apothecary diaries )
Avatar: The last airbender ( tagged: atla )
Wings of Fire ( tagged: wof )
Five nights at Freddy’s ( tagged: fnaf / fnaf sb )
Wuthering Waves ( tagged: wuwa )
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles ( tagged: rottmnt )
Probably more to be added.
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these are cool moots you should totally follow :3
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Just a warning. I can and will smite/block you if you: Try to interact with me in an nsfw way. Are a homophobe, ableist, proshipper, or anything like that. Are an AI “artist/writer” or if you are just a general meanie or if you make me uncomfy :3
And also for the record: If I interact with you, you are not obligated to interact back with me. If you’re bothered by me, the unfollow and block button are always available for you to use.
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If you wanna follow me, be warned. I am weird :3 I post randomly and I have no thoughts, my head is empty.
I might add my blogs here if anyone is interested in them.
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kitsune-kori · 2 months
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you know, that one image with all the plushies
you know, that one
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korywithablogwtf · 2 months
Hello haiii yes, Mod Kory here with a very VERY desperate post over identity V
I'm opening simple 5 and 10 dollar commissions to get this package right here and try my luck on finally getting the skin for my main (Acrobat).
I won't have much time to play this month due to personal issues, so I don't have time to farm for inspiration.
Even if I won't get it I want to try again, and while I'm at it, draw.
[Edit; a friend made me realize I did not add the website so; click here ]
[Thank you mandi <3]
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I'll draw anything that isn't NSFW or Gore (mainly because I'm not good at it.)
Midly suggestive stuff, Oc's / self insert, Fanart, Anything else is on the table.
If you're interested for my work, please comment on this post or dm me on tumblr so i can send you my art as example as well as my IDV id
or (for my friends) dm on Discord if you have me added already.
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Thank you for your time reading this.
Kory out
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 10 months
I’ll leave whether or not this is a request up to you. I just want to share the idea of Christmas season with JayGar. Making cookies with them, putting together a gingerbread house too. Kissing under mistletoe. Decorating the tree, just the place in general. Maybe it snows. Gar insists on making snow people and there’s a snowball fight. Watching them roll around in the snow, play-fighting. Going inside after and making hot cocoa. It’d be so sweet, cozy, fun, and loving and I’m soft for it right now. -Rotten Anon
okay, this makes me feral and foaming at the mouth. I am so deeply upset that Jason was not at the Titans Christmas in Season 4 because it's supposed to take place in Gotham at Wayne Manor if I'm correct? and like I understand that Jason was still kind of on the outs with the Titans, but Gar would have wanted him there, and Jason coming to Christmas dinner or something would have been a great step in mending the relationships. grrr
anyway! Christmas with JayGar. omg. consider this my headcanons post because I can't help myself
Christmas With Jason Todd and Gar Logan
(These headcanons operate under the idea that they are in a poly relationship with the reader, or they are flirtatious/sexual and forming that kind of poly relationship.) (This also kind of accidentally turned into Christmas headcanons about the Titans in general.) (Also, this is mostly fluff and there is some mild sexual themes, because I can't help myself when it comes to JayGar.)
So, first of all, I definitely feel like Christmas at Titans Tower would be so different from a family Christmas - like, spending Christmas with Jason and Gar once the three of you have moved out to start a family and 'settle down' or when everyone has come home to a place like Wayne Manor for a traditional family Christmas. Living with Jason and Gar in your own place would be a lot more like you mentioned, but I am thinking about more of the S2 era (I love that era so much.) But I could definitely make another post about like - post No Place Like Home Christmas with JayGar.
Christmas at Titans Tower - I am imagining a situation where they lived at the Tower for longer before Rose showed up (and then Deathstroke tried to kill everyone) and they had Christmas during that time. OR during the time they continued living at the Tower before Gotham, they had Christmas (and Jason is still there because I said so). It would be wonderful chaos.
Dick would not even have the idea to decorate or really celebrate Christmas in any way until Rachel or Gar bring it up. The original Titans did celebrate Christmas, but it was 90% Dawn's doing. (In the show, we saw how she turned Hank's sad, single guy apartment into a really femme, well decorated place. And it is of my opinion that she planned Garth's birthday party by herself. She would demand Christmas decorations.) And because Dawn wanted extensive Christmas decorations, Dick funded it (with his daddy's credit card) because he would do anything to please her.
So back then, the original Titans had a huge, lavish Christmas tree, they had all kinds of extensive decorations for the main lounge area - Dawn bought everyone ugly Christmas sweaters and Christmas pajamas and made everybody wear them. And they definitely did a Secret Santa where everyone picked a name and only bought one gift, but it was soooo easy to tell who bought which gift.
So when Rachel starts asking Dick 'what are we gonna do for Christmas?' - Dick's first thought is: nothing. Kory and Conner are curious about what Christmas is - it's actually funny trying to explain to them how a holiday that is technically rooted in religion is actually practised by a lot of non-religious people, and most of the traditions have nothing to do with Christianity.
Gar is excited to do something for Christmas. When he was living at Caulder House, they used to have a big family Christmas - mostly because nobody left the house and it was something to do. His parents weren't super religious when he was growing up, so he never had super traditional Christmas celebrations when he was living on the nature reserve - Rita and the others were the first ones to introduce him to a lot of Christmas elements and classic Christmas films, and he has loved it ever since.
Gar loves the idea of a time when you give to others selflessly and when simply being kind is a unique magic of its own. So of course he's eager to celebrate Christmas with the Titans.
You're kind of indifferent to it all - you can get into Christmas, but you can go without it.
And on the other hand, Jason hates Christmas.
Yeah - genuinely, it's of my opinion that Jason from Season 1/Season 2 (and probably Season 3) would fucking despise the concept of Christmas. (An evolved, post No Place Like Home Jason would love Christmas, but we'll talk about that later.)
So - Jason hates Christmas. And it's one of those things that, much like everything else in his life, can be attributed to his upbringing. Sometimes Rachel makes jokes that Jason blames everything on 'foster kid bullshit' but - it's true. Because everything in his life can be blamed on his shitty childhood. When you grow up poor like he did, there is no Christmas magic. He was the kid in school who was telling everyone else that Santa Claus does not exist, because he was bitter and angry that Santa never brought him any presents, and he realized very early on that it was just a made-up story. So he forced that bitterness about his own situation onto other people.
Did he start liking Christmas after he moved in with Bruce? Fuck no.
Having Christmas with a billionaire only made things more awkward for Jason. Especially because Alfred is the one with Christmas spirit, and not Bruce. Bruce grew up half Catholic and half Jewish due to his parents faith, so before they died, he several years observing Jewish holidays and having a huge blow-out Christmas with a lot of Christmas magic, and after they died - he became stoic.
(Note: I am talking about the Titans version of Bruce here.)
He mostly observes the holidays by silently donating to charity, sometimes going to church to say prayers and reflect, and privately lighting a menorah and saying the prayers that go along with it to honor his parents - something that he has never invited Dick or Jason to participate in. Alfred always makes a big, traditional Christmas dinner and decorates the Manor, and he is the one who prompts the exchange of gifts - and Jason fucking hates this.
Jason doesn't have an income of his own, and he hates shopping for gifts with someone else's credit card, and he always feel awkward as fuck receiving generic, expensive gifts from Bruce (like an Xbox or an iPhone) while giving him something like a tie or cuff links that Alfred picked out - that Bruce knows were bought with his own money, that doesn't even garner much of a react beyond a polite, mandatory 'thank you'. In Jason's opinion, one of the only hell's worst than spending Christmas starving, cold, and penniless is spending it in one of the large, opulent, over-decorated rooms of the Manor sitting with Bruce in stony silence while the man sips tea and makes stiff faces at the gift Jason's gives him.
So Jason doesn't expect Christmas at the Tower to be much different. He's not looking forward to it, and generally, wants to avoid it.
But he has no such luck.
Dick is randomly on the phone with Dawn one night (Dawn and Hank are trying to do the farm thing again - they're not taking care of horses, but they are living out in the country in the middle of nowhere, because they have come to like the seclusion), and he mentions that Rachel brought up Christmas, and this sets off every neuron in Dawn's brain. She asks Dick what he's gonna do for Christmas and he says 'I don't know'. Within hours, Dawn has dragged Hank to a Christmas tree farm, picked out the biggest tree possible, and has it strapped to the top of their truck, driving in to San Francisco.
If Rachel wants Christmas, she's going to get Christmas.
When you get up and find Dawn decorating (she dug out the Titans' old decorations, and Dick and Hank are struggling to get the tree out of the elevator) - you are excited. You rush to get the others out of bed, and immediately - Jason starts complaining. He says Christmas is stupid - he's one of those people who feels the need to point out that Jesus was actually born in the summer, and that it's a holiday 'actually made my companies just to sell you more crap'.
But when Dawn says that she needs help bringing out more of the boxes of decorations and Gar asks Jason to come and help, whipped as he is, Jason sighs and rolls his eyes, and he goes to help.
Decorating is certainly an adventure. Everyone is tripping over each other, Dawn wants the tree moved to different locations in the lounge three different times and it's only on the third try that Dick and Hank remember that Conner has super strength and he should be the one doing most of the heavy lifting.
At one point, you're up on a ladder hanging garlands and you stupidly ask Jason to 'give you a hand' - thinking that he'll hold the other end of the garland while you secure it or that he'll hand you another tack, but instead, he walks up behind you where you're standing on the ladder, very firmly and confidently puts his whole hand on your ass and says 'better?'
Gar makes everyone hot chocolate to help the decorating process along, and Jason says that the holiday is 'slightly less stupid' because he thinks the hot chocolate tastes really good.
Once all the decorations from the boxes have been put up, Rachel gets the idea that everyone should make their own custom ornament to put on the tree, and her and Dawn rush out to buy supplies for this, and while everyone is gathered around the kitchen island participating in this crafting session - it is the most genuine family moment that you have ever felt with the Titans. Everyone decorates a simple, flat piece of wood with glitter or paint to put on the tree - Gar decorated his with a green tiger wearing a Santa hat, and Jason made his a depiction of Santa Claus crashing his slay and dying - which you thought was funny and put on a central position on the three.
Gar even got the idea to put Krypto's paw in paint and stamp an ornament with his paw print so he could have one too.
(Okay, this is getting really long and rambly, so here, some quick fire hcs.)
Once Jason figures out that he can use mistletoe as an excuse to kiss people, he is infuriating about it. He will carry it around and dangle it over your head and Gar's head - you will just sigh and smack him, and Gar will blush so hard. Sometime's Gar will give Jason a kiss on the cheek if no one is looking (usually, Jason will respond to this by dodging and stealing a kiss on Gar's mouth) - and rarely, you will actually give in and kiss Jason on the lips if no one else is around.
At one point, Jason even tapes the mistletoe to his bellybutton as a 'joke' - to make you kiss his cock. (It definitely doesn't work. Ya know.)
Gar loves Christmas carols and Christmas music, and he will always play them and sing them at the top of his lungs - Jason pretends to be annoyed by it, but you have caught him singing along under his breath or mouthing the words, or even dancing a little when he thinks nobody is paying attention. But you know the annoyance is kind of real during the 5th round of Jingle Bell Rock. Gar can't help it though.
Gar is a vegan, and Jason will claim it's because he's bored - but he spends one afternoon cooking up vegan versions of several Christmas classics, like Christmas sugar cookies, and a full Christmas spread (with substitute meats that you guys both can't decide are creepy or cool) - and when Gar sees everything, he has some tears of joy in his eyes at the pure consideration of it. Turns out, Jason is actually an amazing cook. (Dick and Rachel are particularly surprised by this development.)
One night, the three of you sit down and watch a bunch of Christmas movies together. Jason finds Home Alone to be hilarious because Kevin is so brutal (and naturally, Jason is reminded of himself), and he spends most of the film commenting on how stupid the criminals are. When you watch The Grinch, Gar cries at the scene where the Grinch is bullied in school and you and Jason have to comfort him about it.
At one point, you buy you, Gar, and Jason matching ugly Christmas sweaters and Jason is adamant that he will not wear it. You are disappointed, but you put on yours anyway, and soon you hear some mumbling between Gar and Jason, including a 'please' and some grumbling on Jason's part - they come back twenty minutes later. Jason is wearing his sweater, looking stone-faced and grumpy about it, and Gar is looking entirely pleased with himself. You have no clue if sexual favours were exchanged, but when Gar moves to put a Santa hat on Jason, the effort he makes to fight Gar off about it is so lackluster.
When Dawn takes a picture of the three of you in your sweaters together, Jason flips her off - and it's one of your favourite pictures of all time.
(I could easily go on like this forever, but I'll leave it there for now.)
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Is Dick Grayson a Good Person? Slade Wilson's Opinion Fails To Count.
“You realize that this frees you.”
“Gotham’s not a chain!” Dick snapped, before he even had the opportunity to control himself. “I put half my life into that city and I won’t abandon it just because everybody else in your stupid country has! It is a starving child, it is not a burden.”
Slade’s lip curled upwards. Dick wondered if he had fallen into a rhetorical trap. “Defensive. I was referring to your obligations towards the Batman.”
“Batman isn’t dead,” Dick said coldly. “You won’t get that lucky.”
“But you are far out of his reach.” Slade folded his arms on the table, eyes glinting. “As you said, there’s not much work you can do for him now. You’ve always found the task distasteful. The lying. Prioritizing Batman’s mission over the greater good. You can remove the mask you wear. However necessary the subterfuge was in the past, it’s hardly necessary now. You can do what you like. And you’ve never liked your job. You’re free.”
So I did that thing I always do when writing a bugfuck huge story and wrote a smaller story off it for fun. Normally I'd save this for much later, but this time I thought I'd be fun to post it before the main story and have it be a teaser. I think this very short slice of the universe must be really fun to read if you have no idea what the hell's going on!
I think by the end of it you can get a good idea of what's happening. This will be more difficult if you aren't familiar with certain Batman plotlines. This one requires some basic Teen Titans know-how to fully get, but I can offer a Cliff's Notes if requested.
Very short 5k mystery under the cut.
He was standing in the gift shop.
Just standing. He wasn’t scrolling on his phone or pretending to browse or doing anything that would keep him remotely invisible in the crowd of children. He stood in front of the back door to the gift shop that led into the main Tower building, hands in his pockets and aimlessly looking around. Zero fucking shame. 
“Why didn’t he just call?” Gar hissed. “That’s why we have a phone. That is the purpose of phones! What’s his purpose? Annoying us to death?” He glanced back at Joey, who was looking thoughtfully at the screen. “Uh. No offense.”
“For the last time, please do not censor your words for my benefit,” Joey signed, eyes crinkling in faint amusement. “He’s a difficult person. Nightwing, I’ll go down and speak with him.”
Dick was too tired for this.
He hadn’t been sleeping well, or at all. Gigantic fucking surprise, that one. It was worrying Kori. She was looking at him now, with her eyebrows furrowed in that increasingly familiar way. She barely looked at him normally anymore.
For the five millionth time, Dick thought that he ought to break up with her. For five millionth time, he decided it wouldn’t be worth it. Maybe next time. 
He adopted a Leaderly Thinking Pose anyway, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip. It was his genuine body language while he was solving a problem on the ground as Nightwing, but he had to force it now. He really just wanted to stare blankly into space now. “If he wanted to speak to you, Joey, he would have randomly showed up on your balcony.”
“He also never wants to speak to you!” Danny piped up. Pantha flicked him on the temple. “Ow! Child abuse again!”
Vic’s eye twitched. “No horseplay in my security booth, guys.”
“Oh, but horseplay literally everywhere else is fine?” Donna asked archly.
Gar grinned. “Horseplay? You call that horseplay? I can show you -”
“Do it and you’re dead, little man!”
“But I could be a little horse! Just a little one! Shetland pony!”
Dick was way, way, way too tired for this. 
“If he had actually wanted to speak with us, he’d just show up.” Dick resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Standing in our darn gift shop’s a message. A ‘come out and play’ thing. It’s a…”
“Power play,” Donna sighed. “The Slade Wilson special.” 
“Which means he wants to talk to me,” Dick agreed. He stepped away from the console, waving the sweaty young adults out of his way as they tried to make room in the overstuffed security booth. “I’ll be back.”
An awkward silence fell over the assembled group. Dick forced his way back into the hallway, leaving the others to trip over their feet and follow after him, but the sound didn’t obscure Panthera whispering a question in Gar’s ear. 
“Uh,” Gar said, furry green ear flicking, “I’ll tell you later, yeah?”
“Oh! I know this one! I got it!” Danny thrust his hand in the air, ignoring Panthera grabbed him by his collar and physically towing him along. “Slade Wilson kidnapped Nightwing from the circus when he was twelve and taught him how to be a super-badass bounty hunter mercenary! But then Nightwing was like - no way, Jose, no mercenary looks this good in Spandex. Lookit my toned butt. So Nightwing made a break for it and decided to use his ill-gained skills in pursuit of heroism and justice and making me clean my room -”
“So if I look inside your room, it’ll be clean?” Donna asked mildly, and Danny froze. “If I go in there right now, it’ll be sparkling? Just like you said it was? Because if you lied, I’ll have to take you off -”
“Give me ten!”
That successfully got rid of Danny. Panthera obviously had a billion more questions, but after Gar whispered something back she nodded and peeled down the hallway in the opposite direction. Dick finally made it to their cavernous living space, stuffed full of couches and empty soda cans and video game systems. The familiarity and safety didn’t make him feel any less claustrophobic. 
The Tower had been his home since he was eighteen. He had never moved out or gotten his own place, choosing to live on site like their more vagrant members. Nowadays he spent most of his time at Kori’s place, to the point where he might as well be moved in already - but the Tower was still Nightwing’s home. The Titans were still Nightwing’s family. 
“Love, please wait,” Kori said, and because it was her he stopped. 
He turned around to see his friends in front of him, and realized for the first time that they all looked worried. Kori, Donna, Gar - old and familiar expressions on their faces.
“I really hate that guy,” Gar muttered, glaring at the floor as his tail lashed. “How does someone get worse the less evil they are?”
“Somebody may be a ‘good guy’ and a bad person. Or somebody may be a ‘bad guy’ and a good person. Evil or good - I believe it has little to do with your character.” Kori turned to Dick, and Dick forced himself to meet her eyes. “Nightwing, you do not have to meet with him.”
“Kori, he’s not going to leave until I -”
Kori grinned. Like Gar baring his teeth was a grin. “I would enjoy the opportunity to remove him myself.”
“There’s no need for violence.” As much as he loved to see it in Kori, he would like to avoid traumatizing schoolchildren. “God knows I’ve talked to him enough times, one more won’t kill me. It’s the fastest way to make him go away.”
“That’s not the point,” Donna said sharply, crossing her arms. “You shouldn’t have to be left alone with the man who kidnapped and abused you as a child.” Dick flinched hard. “We’re your family, Dick. Let us protect you from him.”
Her words made Dick sick. He let them see it. They’d misattribute the emotion. They’d attribute anything to anything they wanted. And it wouldn’t matter if Dick had never said a word. That wasn’t what they would remember. 
“If I have to hear the word ‘apprentice’ from his gross yellow teeth one more time, I swear I’m going to turn into a horse and bite him.”
Kori turned to Donna. “Please let me kill him.”
“Dick already said no.”
“We can all outvote him.”
“Joey would make that kind of weird, Kori.”
“Joey will live.”
“And Slade won’t!” Gar said cheerfully. 
There was something Dick didn’t know how to admit. Thankfully, he didn’t have to. “He didn’t kidnap me and he didn’t abuse me,” Dick said evenly. Frustration flashed in everybody, even Kori, but the denials were important. The denials wouldn’t make them forgive him, but they would keep him out of any potentially illegal waters. Dick knew the value of a technicality. “I wish you guys wouldn’t make those assumptions.”
“Assumptions are all we have!” Gar protested, throwing out his arms. “You still haven’t told us anything! Like, you don’t have to, really, but - all we have are the weird scraps you drop, and the picture is super worrying. Everything you have told us is scary as hell. If we’re misunderstanding, then why can’t you just -”
Scary? Scary? They’d said it a hundred times, and he’d never disagreed - out of context, the way everything slipped out, he knew what it looked like, but even Dick wasn’t perfect and even that was too much to say. They’d said it a hundred times and it had never bothered him before, but today - now -
“Thank you for worrying, Gar.” Dick smiled, warm and sincere. “But I can handle one old friend. I’ll be back soon.”
“Love, I don’t -”
Dick cut her off by kissing her, and he left to get changed with no more fanfare. There would be no need to go downstairs and talk with Slade, or to coordinate a meeting place. They knew each other too well for that.
He didn’t relax until he was out of the tower in his civvies, the clothes that felt almost alien on him. The suit had felt alien on him for weeks. Everything was alien on him. Everything was alien - even his home, even his family. His world, shifted irrevocably to the right. The United States of America, two million people short.
Dick piloted the boat back to the mainland in silence. The boat had a video camera in it too, so he did nothing but stare at the waves.
The reserved room was under the last name ‘House’. Ha, ha. Never let it be said the man didn’t have a sense of humor. Dick was proof enough of that.
The Japanese restaurant was upscale, but it was their regular haunt. Slade was in Japan for business frequently, Dick had spent a vaguely traumatic but extremely educational summer studying under a master there, and Jump’s very sizeable Japanese population had resulted in some authentic restaurants with private back rooms for business deals.
Slade was already waiting, which was a surprise. Maybe he already had gotten in his power plays for the day. Unlikely. Normally he liked to make Dick wait twenty minutes. Maybe he had picked today to be unusually kind and considerate. Even more unlikely.
Without looking up from his phone - undoubtedly working, the man never stopped - he said, “The sake’s poisoned.”
Dick glanced at the innocuous bottle on the table and the two stacked bowls next to it. “My enemy or yours?”
“Mine. Don’t worry, they don’t know you’re here. I’ll resolve this after we’re done here.” He put his phone face down on the table, looking up at Dick for the first time. “You look quite well. Funny.”
“Let me guess,” Dick said wryly, sliding into the seat across from him, “you’re about to congratulate me on my lying skills again?”
“I’m hardly effusive with praise.” Slade reached into his jacket and pulled out his own flask, taking a bowl and sloshing a dark amber liquid onto the porcelain. “And I thought the term was ‘performance’?”
“Performance is the word for you this morning.” Slade held out the bowl to Dick, who held up a hand. Slade shrugged - your loss. “Was embarrassing me in front of the entire team really necessary?”
“Was it fun?”
“Are you an asshole?”
 “It was a favor,” Slade said archly. He tipped the bowl into his mouth before setting it aside. “Which is why you’re here. Because you recognize the favors you owe me.”
“And you recognize the blackmail I have on you,” Dick said sweetly. Slade’s mouth twitched backwards a little. “I think last time we established quite well that we are at a standstill, Slade. What did you call it - an impasse?”
“If we are at an impasse, then why did you come?” Slade twisted the cap back onto his flask. Dick was silent. “Joey well?”
“Very. Talia?”
“She asked me to check in on you,” Slade said lightly. “See how you were doing.”
Dick snorted. “Is that why you came?”
Dick stopped short. 
Slade half-smiled. Point to him.
Then there was a knock on the door, and when the waiter walked in Dick expected to be asked for his order or given a menu. He wasn’t expecting the waiter to bring the entire meal, including Dick’s order. Mapo tofu extra spicy. His favorite. That explains the power play. If it wasn’t obvious, then it was hidden. No situation in which there wasn’t a power play. Fantastic. 
“Okay,” Dick said sourly, picking up his spoon. “So why are you actually here?”
“Don’t worry about the check, son. It’s on me today.”
“You are so divorced.”
“And you stink of orphan. Let’s move on from the obvious.” To Dick’s shock, Slade pushed away his own bowl of tonkatsu ramen - a working class dish for the high class man - and folded his arms on the table. He gave Dick his full attention, so heavy it could squeeze the breath from him. He almost never did that. Not outside of a fight, anyway. “How are you doing?”
Dick ate his tofu.
“There’s nobody else you can speak to about this besides me.”
Barbara. Who was even more distraught than Dick, and who Dick had been focusing on supporting instead of dumping onto. Who still believed in the police. In her father.
Alfred. Who was suffering enough.
“I’m not stupid enough to bare my neck to you,” Dick said quietly.
Slade leaned back, crossing his arms. “Vulnerability? You were flayed open to me many years ago, Dick. I have seen parts of you that even you have not seen.” Dick snorted softly. “Like will always recognize like. What’s a few words of frustration between an apprentice and his old master?”
Dick put his spoon down. Dick breathed. In one. Out two. In one.
“You don’t have to hold your temper, Dick.”
“I shouldn’t have come.”
“You knew you had to come,” Slade pressed. “You aren’t perfect. Nobody can hold all of this within themselves. You came because you needed to talk to somebody, and I am the only person in the United States of America that you can be honest with.”
“It’s ridiculous of you to act as if a lie entitles you to honesty.”
“I’m just trying to do you a favor, Dick. I’m the only person left who wants to help you.”
Dick breathed. 
The first unexpected thing of the night happened. Slade sighed, rubbing his forehead in an exact mirror of Joey’s expression from earlier that day. “I’m here when you’re ready.”
Then he picked up his chopsticks and began eating. Dick and Slade ate together in complete silence. Somehow it wasn’t even that awkward. The food was good, and if you were in a room with Slade the ideal environment was silence. 
He wasn’t halfway through his meal when he noticed that his hand was trembling. Dick watched it, detached and half-interested. That didn’t normally happen. He wasn’t feeling much. Certainly nothing intense enough to make his hand shake like this.
Slade definitely saw it, but he politely didn’t say anything.
He was halfway through his meal when he noticed that his careful breathing had gone off the rails. His breaths were coming in too hard, too fast. He was lightheaded. He needed to get out of this room. This claustrophobic back room in a Japanese restaurant under the name House, a grim fucking parody of his real home and family, eviscerated and dead. 
Dick dropped his spoon. “I should go.”
He didn’t stand up. Slade ate his noodles.
“You did this after Jason.” Exactly this. He had done the exact same thing, down to the same restaurant. Dick hadn’t even registered. He didn’t remember the month after Jason too well. “You - you sat me down and told me that I could talk to you about it. You did, didn’t you?”
“Goodness, Dick, I wasn’t hiding it.” Slade blew on his spoon. “I remember finding it interesting. You and Joey couldn’t be more different. When Grant died, Joey only - well. Of course Joey didn’t say much. But I remember he just lay there in that hospital bed. Just staring out the window. I didn’t really know what to do. Let his mother take care of it.” Big-ass fucking shock, that one. “You, however - you, I knew what to do with. And you look exactly the same now as you did back then. Do you know who you look like, Dick?”
Dick didn’t say anything.
“You look like a man angry enough to strangle the world.”
Dick bit his tongue.
Slade looked back down at his bowl, sipping his broth. “Tell me about it.”
Bruce would be so fucking disappointed in him. But it wasn’t as if Bruce could know.
“I’m not like you, Slade,” Dick said. He forced himself to keep staring at the man instead of looking at the woodgrain like he wanted. Do not forget who you’re speaking to. Don’t let him win. Was this letting him win? Were there some battles he wanted to lose? “But I’m not like them either. They’re honest people. Their lives have been messy, and they aren’t always nice, and sometimes they don’t always do the right thing. But they are honest people. They’re guarded, but none of them are pretending to be something they’re not.”
“Are you?” Slade asked mildly. “You’re a hero. There’s no doubt about that. I believed that was the only qualification for membership into that club. Certainly not talent.”
“Yeah, I’m a hero. I’m a good person. I’m a leader, I’m a boyfriend. A son and a brother.” He would always be a brother. Jason could be dead for fifty years and Dick would still be his fucking brother. And Tim… “But I’m a soldier too. At the end of the line I’m a soldier. Which is why I’m out here playing video games and eating ramen instead of where I’m needed.”
“Batman needed his spy?”
Dick winced. He hated that word. Accurate as it was. “The world needed Nightwing. That’s what he said. I’m not much good as a spy right now.”
“You were always a very good spy,” Slade said lightly. “I couldn’t even get Terra past you.”
God. Terra. Dick had almost forgotten about that. Maybe in self-defense. “Terra was a rank amateur and a little girl. You’re disgusting, by the way.” Slade shrugged. Dick didn’t know what part of leading a gullible teenage girl into believing that you might fall in love with her if she did everything you said warranted a shrug. “So unless you have any more Terras or Amanda Waller has any more ideas, Gotham needs me more than the Titans do.” 
“And yet here you are,” Slade said. “A soldier following his final order. No wonder you’re distressed. The only thing keeping you with the Titans are orders you don’t want to follow.”
“I was raised family uber alles,” Dick said lightly. His hand wasn’t shaking anymore, so he carefully picked his spoon up and started tucking into the tofu again. “Congratulations. You got what you wanted. Are we done here?”
“Are we?”
“I’m two seconds away from that sake.”
“Don’t stop on my account.”
“Oh, you wish.”
“We’re both well aware that I prefer you alive, Dick.” Great, that old power play - you’re alive only by my will! Just because it was true doesn’t mean he should lord it over him. Everybody Dick knew was alive because he wanted them alive, it wasn’t really something to brag about. “You realize that this frees you.”
“Gotham’s not a chain!” Dick snapped, before he even had the opportunity to control himself. “I put half my life into that city and I won’t abandon it just because everybody else in your stupid country has! It is a starving child, it is not a burden.”
Slade’s lip curled upwards. Dick wondered if he had fallen into a rhetorical trap. “Defensive. I was referring to your obligations towards the Batman.”
“Batman isn’t dead,” Dick said coldly. “You won’t get that lucky.”
“But you are far out of his reach.” Slade folded his arms on the table, eyes glinting. “As you said, there’s not much work you can do for him now. You’ve always found the task distasteful. The lying. Prioritizing Batman’s mission over the greater good. You can remove the mask you wear. However necessary the subterfuge was in the past, it’s hardly necessary now. You can do what you like. And you’ve never liked your job. You’re free.”
Dick’s hand clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. He turned his attention back to his breathing again. In one, out two. Slade watched, amused.
It all flashed through his mind. The news coverage. Bruce’s face in that D.C. hotel room. The gossiping, the smiles. The Titans. The scorn.
They had been sympathetic. They were good people. Danny said a lot of callous shit, obviously. That kid needed therapy badly. Donna had tsk’d over it, Kori had solemnly proclaimed that it was the decision of a weak leader. 
“That place is so scary,” Gar had said, shivering. “Gotham bad guys are bad guys on steroids. I can’t imagine being trapped in a city full of them.”
“And they aren’t even letting us do anything about it!” Wally had announced. That was what had really galled him - Wally hated inactivity. “Is this really the end of it? It’s so unfair.”
“There was no other outcome,” Vic had said shortly. He was the ‘cold hard reality’ one. “That plague could have swept the US. Shitty how we aren’t even trying to make a vaccine, but quarantining the place is the only thing that kept everybody else safe.”
“But to just abandon it!” Kori had said. “It’s too unfair.”
“Yeah, it’s fucked.”
“Well,” Wally had said, “nothing to do.”
“Nothing we can do,” Donna said.
“Gotta say,” Gar said, “kinda glad it’s not my problem?”
“With you there,” Vic said. 
Raven had said nothing. Dick didn’t remember what he had said. He only knew that she had stared at him the whole time, and that he had to eventually force himself not to care. Raven had his number. She knew what a liar he was. She never told anybody. She’d kept every secret so far - she’d keep this one too.
Everybody had jumped to conclusions. Nightwing never said a word about why he had the skills and drive he had, why he chose their strange and unsettled life. The first person they see who really seems to know him is Slade Motherfucking Wilson, who won’t stop going on about their fated master-apprentice destiny. Who wouldn’t assume that they had a history? And wasn’t that a pretty fantasy too convenient to destroy? 
Dick hadn’t lied about that. Slade had. Completely out of his ass, with full abandon. Gleefully. Called it a favor to him. Dick could do without his favors. Sometimes Dick wondered if he believed his own lies.
Dick didn’t have to say it. Slade knew. Slade knew full well, and he had only said it to make Dick see it too. 
The mission was worth it now. It was worth it. The lying, the masks, the betrayal, their fake history - it was worth it and more. He couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else.
“You can say it, Dick.”
Dick dropped his spoon, letting his fists clench in his lap. 
“I already know. You can say it.”
Dick’s teeth grit together.
“I want to hear you say it. Admit it, Dick.”
Maybe Dick had been kidnapped by this man one too many times. Maybe hearing that tone of voice, a tone he only used when he had Dick at his complete mercy, ground against his mind at just the right angle and produced a spark. Or maybe Dick was just weak without Bruce - weak, when he was alone in the world - and he just wanted to say it. 
“I want them to pay for this.”
Slade was polite enough not to gloat. God only knew he’d worked hard enough over the past five years to try and squeeze something half as cold out of him. “And you have to stay undercover to do so. Even now, when it’ll be more difficult than ever.” Dick nodded. “Revenge, then. What will that look like?” Dick shrugged. “You haven’t figured it out yet? Unlike you.”
“Hard to figure out something you don’t like admitting,” Dick said lowly.
“Sounds like I’m doing you another favor, then.”
“Sounds like you need to watch your mouth.”
Slade barked a laugh, making Dick roll his eyes. “Let me guess - you’ll rather die than accept my help?” Dick flipped him off, and he laughed again. “So be it, then. That’s a pity. I would have liked to know what your revenge would look like.”
“I can do it on my own,” Dick snapped, a second before he realized what that sounded like. “Christ, Slade, I’m not taking revenge on the United States. That’s supervillain behavior. I’m just -”
“Fantasizing about it?” Slade asked archly. “Thinking, dreaming, wanting? Not doing? It’s unlike you. You’ve always taken what you wanted.”
“Are you seriously trying to convince me to go supervillain right now?”
“Just trying to help.”
“Your help’s sh - not welcome, thanks.”
A dim, sunken light shone in Slade’s eye, and Dick looked away. He hadn’t allowed Dick to curse at him for those long two months. Knowing that shit from so long ago still stuck probably got him off. Asshole. Bastard. Fucker.
“It’s here if you want it,” Slade said. “It’s always been here. Just because you’ve ungratefully rejected it, thrown it back in my face, doesn’t mean it’s no longer here. For what it’s worth, I think you’re more than capable of the revenge you seek. If you’re actually willing to take it.” Slade angled his head down, one watery blue eye piercing straight through Dick. “Are you willing?”
Dick couldn’t breathe.
“My little brother is twelve,” Dick whispered hoarsely, and for once in his life Slade fell silent. “He is a little boy. And he is trapped in that city fighting Bruce’s crusade. If it doesn’t kill him it’s going to break him. And I’ll have lost two brothers in two years. Two kids. Because there’s ‘nothing we can do’. Or because ‘there’s only criminals left in there anyway’. Because of the greater good. Because some asshole in charge decided my family wasn’t worth a couple of bucks. Again.” Dick’s breath was coming hard and fast, and it took all he had not to fall. “I almost killed the man who did it. Bruce had to pry me off him and rip the knife from my hands. I can’t kill the people who did this. I would not do it. I can’t kill everybody who isn’t lifting a finger to help. That’d be - that’d be everybody. And I wouldn’t want to hurt them either.
“I keep on trying to think of a way to make sure that they wouldn’t get away with it. That the people who trapped Tim and ground Jason into poverty experience the consequences of their actions. But I can’t think of it. I don’t know how.”
Short of air-dropping them into Gotham. But that would just be murder. What with the rampant plague and everything. On top of the earthquake. And the riots. Jesus.
“You can’t,” Slade said simply, and Dick didn’t know why the words were crushing. Maybe it was just hearing them from Slade, of all people. “Those people pressed a few buttons and took a few bribes and ruined millions of lives. They will never face ramifications for that. You cannot bring justice for Gotham. The best you have now is payback. The best you can do is revenge. Is that good enough for you, Dick?”
Dick was silent. 
And Slade just shrugged. He pushed his bowl away - when had he finished it? - and stood up. He reached over the table and picked up the small poisoned sake bottle with two fingers, tilting it gently back and forth. He put his hand in his pocket, angling his arm back just enough to flash his concealed gun.
“The person who ordered me the poisoned sake is sitting in a business meeting with his fellow executives. They’ve stiffed me on a payment and are trying to get away with it. Of course, nobody stiffs me and walks away. My life exists on a permanently balanced system. Everything in my life is fair. You should give it a shot. It’s quite pleasant.”
“I have better things to do with my time,” Dick said cooly.
“Ah, yes. We all best return to our lives. And you to your friends.” Slade walked past him, pausing only to rest his hand on Dick’s shoulder and bend down. His breath was hot on Dick’s ear, and Dick found himself  freezing still. Another ancient reaction, persistently clinging. “Word of advice, Dick. Don’t tip your hand to your friends just yet. Your fight will only grow more complex from here. You’ll need as many allies as you can.” 
Dick turned to look at him. His skin crawled at the smile on Slade’s face, at that familiar bristly stubble. Thank god Joey was identical to his mother. “Every ally I have?”
“Every one.”
They stared at each other, heavy and sour, and for the first time in a long time -
“Then I guess I’ll need all the help I can get,” Dick said softly.
Slade straightened, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Attaboy. Now, if you excuse me. Wait until the gunshots stop to come out.”
“You’re always taking care of me, Slade.”
“I told you I would,” Slade said loftily. “Have I ever lied to you?”
“No,” Dick said, “we’ve never lied to each other.”
Dick stayed seated in that room long after Slade left. He stayed seated through the murmur of voices, the first screen. They’d need to find a new meeting point. 
A hail of gunshots descended over the restaurant, far away and close, and Dick finally broke into tears. Nobody could hear them over the sound of the shots, and nobody could see him in here, and nobody had to know. 
He cried as long as the gunshots lasted and no longer. After ten minutes, he wiped his face and exited the room. Better hurry home. It was getting late. 
They’d be expecting him.
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pixellangel · 7 months
hello there! i'm in the process of writing and designing a meta cyberpunk rpgmaker game, which i'm calling Storyteller Synthesis!! this post has all the links to posts ive made about it so far, with short descriptions.
if you want to reblog, please reblog the original post to avoid spreading an outdated version too much!! :3
to get added to my taglist, comment or reblog this post to let me know you want to be on it!!!
my initial concept, loredump, and sketches
my first colored sketch of the main characters
a silly doodle with a bit of in-universe religion info
a doodle dump of mostly xenon and exactly 1 sylvie
info on interpersonal dynamics in the party
weapon designs and character signatures
religious beliefs in the sunbasked stratum (xenon's cult)
voices i imagine for the characters
karma point and kori loredump
there will be many, many more links on here!! in the meantime, thanks so so much for checking out my stuff <33
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chainsawcorazon · 1 year
I’m not a BruceBabs shipper but people who get so scandalized by it or any other non-DickBabs ships are so annoying. And it’s usually Oracle fans who think the only people only like something else is because they are anti Babs. Babs used to be married to Bruce in the Superman universe and has even dated Clark Kent. They were literally only 3-4 years apart compared to Barbara and Dick who are 6-7 years apart and Barbara was literally older than Talia al Ghul at one point. DickBabs always is held to like this moral standard but honestly to me it’s like the writers settled for the the most boring and safest option which sucks because I wish that the one canonically disabled wheelchair user that DC has would have had a grand romance but yet… like it grates on me that when fans talk about reasons to like DickBabs it is because it’s a disabled woman in a relationship but like she would be a disabled woman in a relationship in whatever relationship she was in because she is a disabled woman. I don’t care for DickBabs and I honestly don’t even care for the age gap like let Babs have a younger guy and have fun, but the ship itself is just boring to me. Anybody else but that please.
i think the biggest mistake was to downgrade babs down to a dick’s contemporary when there were a hundred other ways (albeit none of them even slightly appropriate 😂) to get to the dickbabs agenda, but like, none of it was leveraged…. it’s always irked me, personally, bc there was nothing cookie cutter about their romance to begin with, and there were multiple layers of complexity that didn’t directly involve bruce getting between them, but i feel like in the current era, most of what made them dickbabs even remotely complex was straight up eliminated and or sterilized…. For what? for dick and barbara to be each other’s halal soulmate? forgive my language, but their relarionship’s entire conception was haram 😂 erasing and downplaying what made their relationship ‘theirs’ does nothing but diminish their personal histories and the fact that they each literally brought out the worst in each other at times.
and it’s not to say either are or were perfect. they are not. they are so fucked up i have to actually laugh bc they are both my mentally ill babus and i truly wish dc creative slt could SEE that they can be their best weirdo selves WITHOUT falling into the trap of reducing them to the kind of couple conservatives love to tout as “true love” when we know the only true love in dc comics is kon el and bart allen. also, break dickbabs up 5ever!
and ur absolutely right that babs deserves her fun! personally, i think brubabs is the answer to freeing selina kyle from all the straight woman allegations (i would like her to peacefully fuck other men abd women for at least ten years without hearing a single word about broose) and barbara from the dick-is-your-soulmate garbage. reality is that dickbabs has been as bust as dickkory for the last nine million years (as much as i love dickkory muah muah). one of my biggest critiques of dc comics writing is that motherfuckers cant commit to a character development point for their life. we were over both dickkory and dickbabs in 2010. not bc people didn’t enjoy their ships, but bc the writing staffs went out of their way to slander every single character. i recently saw a post that dickkory only looks good in elseworlds stories cuz the main comic runs fucked his ass UP. and i agree! the same should be applied to dickbabs, bc they lost their appeal eons ago as well. they want nightwing’s ass ate so damn bad, they need to get him a new girlfriend. a boyfriend, even! but leave babs and kory out of it 😭😭😭
Inshallah, hopefully dc creative SLT will understand the great fuckup they’re committing these days. if i cant get brubabs, i would like to see barbara go on a lil date with one of the many beautiful men and women in gotham. if she slept with selina, i would support it.
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
Sundrop's Rules
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aka things to know before you send in a request
If you want to be tagged in any future fics I write, you can read about that here.
I have decided to go back to an old format for requests where technically - requests are open all the time. The only reason I will close requests (and if I do, it will be explicitly stated in my pinned post) will be because I am overwhelmed with the amount of requests that I have, or because I am taking a break from writing due to reasons in my personal life (which I sometimes do because of my chronic illness). But I prefer to keep requests open all the time, because it means that people can send in ideas that can inspire amazing fics.
In general, I love it when people send in ideas and discussion about the characters I love - even if its not in the form of a request. At any time, you can send me random thoughts and headcanons about the characters that I write for, and I am likely to respond to those asks with my own fanficy type thoughts, and often these are the type of things that inspire me to write - more so than sending in an actual request.
But if you want to send in a straight forward request, then below is all the information you need to know before you do so. (If you don't read all the information in this post first, then I am likely to amend your request into something you might not like, or I may just delete it altogether.)
Important notes: there are some dialogue prompts on this post that I am really excited about writing for, so if you are sending in a request, pay special attention to those. And while I primarily write for female reader characters, I also write for gender neutral reader characters and masc/male reader characters (and it's something I really enjoy doing).
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Characters That I Write For:
Please note: I am not writing for Criminal Minds at this time, and Criminal Minds is the only fandom on my Main Masterlist that I am not accepting requests for.
With all the other fandoms and characters, you can send in requests at any time. But note - I will pay more attention to fandoms that I am particularly interested in (aka if I have recently written and released fics for those fandoms, if they are listed in my pinned as my current main interest, etc.). If you send me a request, even if I don't respond to it right away, I will keep it in my inbox for a long time and I may get to it later. I like to write things when I feel inspired to do so, and there is no time limit on this.
I am open to adding more characters to this list, so if your favourite character is not here, feel free to ask me if I am willing to write for them. All of the characters on this list are ones that I will write for as love interests - characters that I see through a sexual and romantic gaze. I am open to writing for other characters from these series platonically, so let me know if you would be interested in that list. (I will also write for these characters platonically, but I will assume that any requests for them are as romantic or sexual interests unless otherwise stated.)
DC Titans - Gar Logan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Kory Anders, Donna Troy, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, and Conner 'Kent' (with him, I prefer to write smutty topics with S4 Conner/Luthor!Conner, and I will write angst and fluff with any version of Conner).
(These next two are new additions and fandoms I would really love to get requests for.)
The Maze Runner - Newt, Thomas, Gally, Minho, Teresa, and Brenda.
Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, (maybe) Scott McCall, and (maybe) Jackson Whittemore.
The Walking Dead - Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene/Rhee, Daryl Dixon, King Ezekiel, Jerry, Rosita Espinosa, Abraham Ford, Tara Chambler, Andrea Harrison, Michonne Hawthorne, and (maybe) Rick Grimes. (Important note: I do not write for Negan. He is a character I really dislike and I will not use him as a love interest in my fics.)
The Last Of Us - Ellie Williams and Abby Anderson.
Harry Potter - Harry James Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Draco Malfoy.
Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers and Billy Hargrove.
Misc. Horror Characters - Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's), Vanessa Shelly (Five Nights At Freddy's), Derek Cho (Mayhem), Bee (The Babysitter), Nick Jones (House of Wax), Carly Jones (House of Wax), Stu Macher (Scream).
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General Rules and Guidelines:
Requests should be sent to the ask box on this blog. I don’t accept requests in DMs because it is too disorganized and difficult to keep track of them. Finished fics may be posted as separate posts, or they may be posted as a response to the ask. Also as a general note - requests are not guaranteed to be done - they are just used as inspiration for me. It is not a fanfiction ordering system, it’s a casual collaboration on concepts and ideas.
Every single one of my fics includes a reader character. I don’t do character x character fics. If you are making a request, I will assume that you want it to be an x reader fic even if you don’t mention that part in your requests. Also, I am going to assume that you want some kind of romantic or sexual element between the reader character and the canon character unless otherwise specified, because that is what all my fics are about. And if you don’t specify the gender of the reader character, I am most likely to write the reader character as a cis female. (Though lately I have been skewing more toward writing my fics as gender neutral by default, but it depends.) Also, I am very likely to include the term Y/N in my fics. (If you think that’s too cringe, run along. I grew up in a time where Y/N was sacred and cringe didn’t exist.)
Speaking of gender - in your request, please specify if you want the reader character to be female, male, or gender neutral. When I write gender neutral fics, even in smut, I do not describe the reader’s genitals or gender presentation in any way. So I don’t write ‘GN AFAB reader’ fics. If you want the reader to be described as having a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics.
Also typically, I don’t describe the reader character as having specific physical traits. I like my reader character to be as broad as possible to appeal to as many people as possible. (And because I don't like focusing on those physical traits while writing.) I don’t write a character that has a specific race, height, hair color, etc. but one exception I have to this rule is that I love writing fat/plus sized readers in my fics. I love spreading love for fat bodies, especially through fics - I love making people feel good about their fatness through the gaze of a fictional character. So definitely feel free to send in requests for a plus sized reader character, as it’s one of my favourite things to write. 
For reference, I will also write about a reader character with autism or chronic illness (someone with chronic pain or a fainting disorder, or someone who uses a cane or a wheelchair), because these are groups that I am a part of and I know that they are not portrayed in fiction often enough. If you have any questions about these aspects, please feel free to send me an ask or a DM.
Also, if you do want to include in the request that the reader has certain non-physical traits, that’s okay - in fact, I encourage this. I love it when people include non-physical traits in their request because it helps to aid the plot along and it can differentiate the reader character from my other fics - and I love it when the reader character feels like a unique person in each of my fics. So feel free to thrown in things like describing the reader as being nerdy, outgoing, artsy, even being a single mother/parent or having certain superpowers where it might apply (like for a Titans fic), or having immunity from a Walker bite for a TWD fic.
I will accept requests for poly ships. I love writing for poly ships. (Character x Reader x Character.) I am a huge fan of requests like this - because I am in a poly relationship myself, I absolutely love writing for the dynamics of poly relationships. I love writing it with inserting a reader character into an already existing canon ship (like with Gleggie), or writing for two of my favourite characters who have a lot of chemistry together but were never romantic on screen (like with JayGar x Reader) - and I will even add characters to the above list just to put them in a poly relationship (like with Ellie x Reader x Dina). But please keep in mind, I will only write for three characters in a poly relationship, including the reader character. (With some small exceptions that you would have to ask me about.)
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut (or smutty themed things), please specify if you want the characters to be dominant or submissive. In your request, write ‘sub!reader’ or ‘dom!reader’, something to denote the dynamics to let me know what you want it to be. I am a big fan of writing submissive men, so I won’t shy away from things like that - but I will write any dynamic as long as it’s properly communicated to me. 
Also keep in mind - I will write 100% heartbreaking whump. I love writing heartbreaking fics with no happy ending - you just have to prompt me to do so. I will write for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write is a lot shorter than the list of things that I will. So if you’re wondering if I’m okay with a request or not, just ask. 
For reference, my big ‘nos’ are: virgin!reader fics, or fics where the reader is sexually inexperienced or portrayed as innocent. I am okay with doing a ‘faux’ innocent reader (someone who is only pretending to be innocent), and I am also okay with writing about a canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. (That’s something I love writing about, actually.) I am okay with writing about sexual coercion, sexual blackmail, or dubcon. (Or even noncon or cnc, under certain circumstances.) 
Also, I am okay with writing age gaps or age gap kink, but typically unless otherwise stated, I always aim to write a reader character who is around the same age as the canon character and acts mature in my fics. I will always write someone sexually autonomous and lustful, not a clueless virgin.
Also, I don’t write fics about miscarriages, safeword use, or extreme choking kink. And while I don’t write about miscarriage, I am okay with writing about pregnancy - it’s something I enjoy writing about, actually. I also enjoy writing parenting fics and family fics with children.
Below, I have listed some prompts for you, in case you need some ideas for your request. (In fact, I encourage you to use these prompts because I love them.) You don’t have to use these prompts, these are just ideas of the kind of requests I like or ideas you can use if you want to see me write for these characters but don’t know what to send in! You can definitely make up your own prompts/ideas similarly to these if you want to. 
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Dialogue Prompts
I really love all these prompts and I want to write for them - if you send one in, I may write a short blurb attached to the ask for the request, or I may write a longer, more detailed oneshot if I feel inspired to do so. Please only send in one dialogue prompt per request. (Note: the ‘bonus’ part still counts as one prompt, it is just the other half of the conversation/exchange.)
“Who did this to you?” 
“You died. You should be dead.” (Bonus: “Well, I’m not.”)
“Can you run that by me again?” 
“You know, if you weren’t so annoying, you might actually be hot.” 
“Could you just listen to me for once?” 
“Why are you doing this?” 
“Oh, fuck.” 
“Hey, hey. It’s gonna be okay.” 
“Oh. Oh.” 
“Is that blood?” (Bonus: “It’s not mine.”) 
“No, shut up. Stop talking like that. You’re gonna be fine.” 
“Shut up and kiss me already.” 
“Why would you do something that stupid?” “Because I’m in love with you.” 
“I think I might be pregnant.”
“Oh, great. It’s you again.” 
“Is that a bite?”
“Oh my god. You’re here.”
“I’ll never forgive you for this.” 
“Why don’t you just let me help you?” 
“I am done waiting for you.” 
“I’m in love with you, dumbass.” 
“Please, just let me take care of you.” 
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“I’ll kill all of them.” 
“I can keep you safe.” 
“You’re lucky it was just a scratch.” 
“So you aren’t heartless after all?” 
“I had it under control. You didn’t need to do that.” 
“Can’t sleep?” 
“I thought I lost you.”
“You’re being really nice.” (Bonus: “Yeah, are you surprised?”) 
“I’m not afraid of you.” 
“You know, I was wrong about you.” 
“How about a goodnight kiss?”
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Smut Prompts/Ideas
(This kind of devolves into a list of kinks toward the end, but it will show you what I am comfortable with writing and give you an idea of the things I like to write.)
The Canon Character is a Virgin (ex: Virgin!Jason Todd, Virgin!Glenn Rhee, etc.)
Caught Masturbating (could be the reader walking in on the canon character, or reversed)
Accidentally Sending Nudes (I won't do this one for canons where they don't have cellphones like TWD and TLOU, but I could alter it to an accidental discovery of naked photos)
Dirty Talk/Teasing
Training/Wrestling/Sparring That Turns Into Sex (I originally wrote this prompt for Titans, but I think it could work for other fandoms too)
Them Seeing You In A Slutty Outfit For The First Time (Alternatively: Them Seeing You Dressed Up For The First Time)
Late Night Semi-Public Sex - where they have to shove a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet (or the reverse)
Stuck and Fucked/Situational Bondage/Predicament Bondage
Sex Pollen (I don't think this would work for every fandom, but I will always try to work it in where I can because it's one of my favourite tropes ever)
Character A gifts Character B a Sex Toy (possibly after learning that they have little to no experience with sex toys or after some joking around about sex toys - but it turns into serious horniness)
Breeding Kink
Dumbification Kink/Objectification Kink
Knife Kink or Blood Kink (or both?)
Daddy Kink or Mommy Kink (Canon Character's reaction to being called Mommy or Daddy for the first time, or them slipping up and calling you one of these titles in the heat of the moment)
(I am open to adding more onto this list, and these are just examples of things I enjoy writing about)
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Angst Prompts/Ideas
(I can do any of these with a happy ending in order to fulfil a Hurt/Comfort prompt, and for the ones with death, we can just change it to 'near death'. I do really like writing Hurt/Comfort as well as Pure Angst.)
They Break Up With You To Keep You Away From Danger
Their Reaction To You Breaking Up With Them
You Die In Their Arms (or the reverse)
Specifically for The Walking Dead or The Last Of Us - Their Reaction To You Being Bitten By A Zombie (and your last moments together)
Their Reaction When You Are Killed By An Enemy
One Of You Has Been Brainwashed Or Drugged And Hurts The Other Person Or Completely Forgets The Other Person
They Sacrifice Their Life To Save You
They Save You From A Near Death Experience (or the reverse)
They Find Out That You Are Alive After Thinking That You Died
Being Reunited After Years, But You Didn't Part On Good Terms
Unrequited Love (they see you with someone else, they think you'll never love them back, etc.)
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Fluff Prompts/Ideas
(I don't have as many ideas for these because I am bad at writing pure fluff fics lmao.)
Canon Character Finds Out That You Are Pregnant (could be with their child, but I could also do this prompt with a female love interest)
Canon Character Gifts You A Dog Or A Cat
Meet Cute - showing how you and the Canon Character met; running into each other at a coffee shop, a moment from the canon, etc. something showing your general first impressions of each other
Spending Your Birthday With The Canon Character - showing what they would do for your birthday
The Canon Character Proposing To You
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I also want to do more MLTs, Reactions, and Headcanons. These are shorter formats of fics that are easier to complete faster, so definitely send in some requests for these!
To clarify:
MLTS - ‘Most Likely To’s aka a short description explaining which character of the group (or two, or three characters) would be ‘most likely’ to do something or enjoy something. This could be exploring their potential enjoyment of a kink or how they would behave on a date, how they would be as a romantic partner. It can be anything you want, get creative. 
Reactions - 'how would they react to…’ aka a short description explaining how the characters (two or three, you can choose) would react to a certain situation. (If you want this format done with the whole group at once, it will likely be much shorter.) 
Headcanons - a collection of bullet points that creates a shorter, quicker, more efficient style of fic by taking the reader through a tour of ideas, the character’s reactions and thoughts in a shorter format. (These are like full fics, but can usually be done faster.) 
(If you need some inspiration, examples of prompts will be below.) 
Prompts for MLTs: 
Most likely to seek revenge if you were harmed by an enemy (or if you were killed by an enemy) 
Mostly likely to have a breeding kink 
Most likely to enjoy PDA 
Most likely to want kids in a relationship
Prompts for Reactions: 
How would they react to an unexpected pregnancy? 
How would they react to seeing you naked for the first time? (Or seeing you naked by accident?)
How would they react if someone insulted you in front of them? 
How would the group react to finding out that you have been hurt? (Note: you can mention who you want the love interest to be and who you want to be platonic in this case) 
How would they react to seeing you alive after believing you had died? 
How would they react to you saying ‘I love you’ for the first time? 
How would they react to finding out that you have been bitten?
Prompts for Headcanons: 
Headcanons for how the two of you met - What was their first impression of you? How long did you know each other before things became romantic?
Sex headcanons (how is this character in bed, what are their kinks, etc.) 
Headcanons of tropes (ex: enemies to lovers with Daryl, childhood friends to lovers with Maggie, There Was Only One Bed with Tara, etc.) 
So now that you have read all that, if you would like to send in a request, you can send in one to my ask box: here!
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standardlovers · 7 months
Tell me about Castor Acklys, pretty please? I too have the oc brainrot. We'll get through this together my friend.
i actually have a castor sideblog ( @castoracklys ) bc i lost followers for castorposting too much at once dsjhsks + i have castor playlists (one for each album + each character, if u are interested in seeing those at all !)
here and here are my two main posts abt castor (first one has character boards & both are far more comprehensible than this is) !! i do think i kept them quite vague compared to the real depths of the story so i will add what was meant to he a summary but ended up just disjointed thoughts here:
castor's story is mainly rooted in cycles of suffering and learning how to move away from whats familiar bc its bad for you, and in the canon events it goes very badly , castor dies at 18 is a tragedy , but we, the audience, also see the lives he COULD have had from that same decision !
castor's canon life spans over 3 albums (saviour's secret, brother of the sky, and gravesite (not quite his Life but its the main timeline of events) , for every album we have to face that castors life is not happy and does not last long, we have an album for What If It Did... (husband, keeper's lover, something like god)
its also a very "small world" story, everyone is interconnected, castor's first lover charles is close friends with castor's sibling, dalilah's sister is the grandmother of castor's lover, nova, their (dalilah, castor, kory) murderers are all interconnected too (though i dont discuss them much, i try to focus on castor's side of things more), everyone is someone who knows someone who loved the person they interact with
also !! i dont think ive ever got a chance to really Talk about the relationship dynamics publicly, but i ADORE the dynamic and parallels between castor and dalilah and kory , they are genuinely in their core soulmates, their souls are cosmically intertwined with each other and they are all part of the same repeating cycle that led to their deaths
the other dynamic i love is victor/donna, it is such a delicate balance to walk when writing them because their relationship is inherently unhealthy with a serious power dynamic but their ability to find genuine affection and comradery in it is something i knew i needed, i tried very hard to get my research and understanding on how this entire scenario could come into play, i knew at his core i did not want victor to be a bad person, he is suffering and unstable and trying very hard to manage things he truly believes MUST happen
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wintersettled · 2 months
NOOOOO DONT READ AND THE OUTLAWS ITS OOC FOR EVERYBODY AND MISOGYNISTIC NOT TO MENTION WRITTEN BY A S*X OFFENDER??? Please be cognizant of who you're supporting! Part of my reluctance in recommending comics like red hood lost days is due to the presence of racist writing and characterization for characters such as Talia that appeared especially post 9/11...
Anyways if you would like good recommendations for the three main characters (Jason, Roy, and Kory) i wont make a whole list but I'll mention some ongoings or recent comics theyve been in that have been nice 🥰
JASON TODD has recently appeared in issue 2 of Juni Ba's The Boy Wonder which is a really great ongoing revolving around Damian in his early days as Robin!! The writing for Jason was really great but I'd recommend you all read the comic which currently has 3 issues out! It's a great comic and a super quick read 💞 currently Jason is also in Red Hood: The Hill which I haven't read myself yet but I've heard mixed reviews so take that with a grain of salt! Today the first issue of Robin Lives! dropped which is in an alternate reality where the should we kill robin poll went the other way 😯 it's really great so far so I recommend you pick it up! Heres a site made by oomf with more Jason comics 💞
ROY HARPER is currently featured in Green Arrow (2023) alongside his daughter, Lian. I think this is a great way to get to know more about Roy as well has his family, especially with the most recent issue 13.
KORIAND'R is currently a main character in Titans (2023) which has gorgeous art but I'm afraid I'm not entirely too keen on as someone who is a fan of the titans... sadly Kory hasn't received a lot of great writing recently but I would say this is some of the best (low bar) she's been given in a while...
Sadly these three have received a lot of mediocre and out of character writing in recent years but if you're looking for some recent stuff from them I would recommend you start here 🥰 sometimes it can be nerve wracking to start reading but these comics are all early in their runs so theres no need for concern there! Happy reading 💞💞
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Greetings <3
Hi! For those who don't know, I'm Robin or Eddie. Mostly known as Max, Kory or "Gingy". I've been making blogs n deleting them for a while now due to anon harassment but I am doing better! In the new year I will be focusing more on myself, but I will still do requests and such.
And for those wondering, yes I can start doing multiple fandoms. Just please ask first b4 requesting. Ty <3
Blog Sona Ref will be and always be in my pinned post
Name: Robin or Eddie
Age: 18
Birthday: December 11th
Sexuality: Demiromantic Bi-NB
Pronouns: They/Them strictly. Ask for use of others!!
Blog Sona: Gingy [Ref here]:
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Hyperfixations/Fandoms: random/mixed atm.
max talks [main tag]
max doodles [drawings]
max answers [asks answered]
max writes [hcs n fics]
maxs ocs [self-explanatory]
maxs muts [friend tag]
maxs blog sona [gingy]
Art [open]
hcs [open]
fics [closed]
extra info:
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And I should explain the oc thing: even though it says "yes", I still would appreciate if you got my permission first to do so, ty
Prompt List A / Prompt List B / Prompt List C / Prompt List D / Characters Asks / Tickle Alphabet / Son!c Tickle Hcs
Reply with a 🍞 once you've read the whole thing ty,, <3
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As a fully grown adult woman who is into the BatFam, I would GREATLY appreciate making friends who are fully grown adults into the Batfam.
If you’re age isn’t a single digit or in the area that starts with a 1, feel free to DM me.
My main favourites are:
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl OG/Oracle
Jason Todd/Robin ||/Red Hood
Richard(Dick) Grayson/Robin OG/Nightwing
Please keep in mind;
1. I adore most forms of Barbara Gordon (not as crazy on her goofier forms like in DC super hero girls) but I love Babs.
2. While I adore most forms of Dick Grayson, I do prefer a lot of rebirth era, mainly do to the removable, or at least lack of anything to do with some of the crappier things he did to Babs and Kori pre reboot. (Like sleeping with Babs when going to invite her to his wedding? Um no.)
3. I’m pretty sure I just love all of post return of Jason. Red Hood I like. Just… all around. (Even the crime lord stuff. I just like Jason)
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sillyescuella · 3 months
Pretend this is all centered correctly pretty pleases!!
Name: Kelsey, Kori, or Cassidy — pick your favorite, I don't care :)
Pronouns: She/He/Its/Anything you want
.ミミ◦❧◦°˚°◦.¸¸◦°´*•.¸♡ main interest ♡¸.•*´°◦¸¸.◦°˚°◦☙◦彡彡.
FAVE RDR2 CHARACTERS: Eagle Flies, Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan, Lenny, Tilly, Molly O'Shea, John Marston (in no particular order)
MOST LIKELY TO DRAW: Javier, Arthur, John, Lenny, and/or Eagle Flies
RDR SHIPS: Charthur, Jovier, Johnigail, Lean, Vandermatthews, Sadigail, and a lot more.
MOST LIKELY TO DRAW: Jovier and Charthur
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 10 months
DC Titans Requests - CLOSED
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Requests CLOSED as of December 27th, 2023. 
(Requests are now closed, and I am keeping this form up for reference in case I can use it in the future.)
Hello! So, I have decided that I’m going to open requests for Titans again. For reference, my main focus is on the versions of the characters from the HBO show - so if you send in a request for Dick Grayson or Jason Todd, that will be the characterization that I base my writing around. I am opening requests, because (as I mentioned in another post) Tumblr stole all of my old requests from my other blog, and that is one of the reasons that I moved blogs. I like having requests to work on to complete shorter fics in between working on longer fics and editing re-posts. I will usually work on requests with the goal of the fic being one thousand words or two thousand words long, so I do prefer requests that are more simplistic. 
In the past, I have reblogged prompt lists for requests, but the past few times I have opened requests, I have used my own prompt list, and I find that it works better. Below is the prompt list I have made - you don’t have to use ideas off this list, but the ideas off the prompt list are perfectly suited for a fic that is shorter and easily completed. You can definitely send me a request based on your own idea, just make sure it’s not too detailed - otherwise it’s not likely to get completed in a timely manner. (Also keep in mind, all requests are not guaranteed to get done. I don’t complete requests in order, I just do whichever ones speak to me. And in a batch of twenty requests, I am only likely to complete two or three. I don’t rush to complete all requests because it’s not creatively fulfilling.) 
Please read all the information in this post before sending in a request. Also please keep in mind, the prompt list below does make references to kinks and sexual situations, pregnancy, and death. All of my fics will have thorough warnings on them if you’re not comfortable with any of these topics. 
Titans characters I write for: Gar Logan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, Donna Troy, Kory Anders, Barbara Gordon, and Conner (with Conner, I feel more comfortable writing smut and sexual situations with S4 Conner/Luthor!Conner, and I would write angst or fluff with any version of him). 
Also aside from short blurbs/short fics, I would also love get some requests for MLTs - Most Likely To, where you pose a situation and I say which characters would most likely do it/be into it - this can be anything from certain kinks or sexual situations to something cozy and fluffy like a coffee date. Just use your imagination. I am also taking requests for ‘how would they react to’ - where you ask how the characters would react to something - again, could be a sexual situation or something fluffy. And if I am writing these, it will mostly likely be with two or three characters at a time, and you can pick which characters if you want to.
Requests can be sent to this blog or my writing blog @sundrop-writes - I don’t accept requests in DMs because it’s very hard to keep them organized and come back to them that way. Also, finished fics will be posted on my writing blog.
I will accept requests for poly ships. (Character x reader x character.) I am a huge fan of requests like this - I have a long history of writing for Jason x Reader x Gar (aka JayGar x Reader), but for Titans, I would write pretty much any combination of poly relationship because I love all the characters so much.
In your request, please specify if the reader character is female, male, or gender neutral. When I write gender neutral fics, I do not describe the reader’s genitals or gender presentation in any way, so I don’t write ‘GN AFAB reader’ fics. If you want the reader to be described as having a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics. 
Also typically, I don’t describe the reader character as having specific traits. I like my reader character to be as broad as possible to appeal to as many people as possible. I don’t write a character that has a specific race, height, hair color, etc. but one exception I have to this rule is that I love writing fat/plus sized readers in my fics. I love spreading love for fat bodies, especially through fics - I love making people feel good about their fatness through the gaze of a fictional character. So definitely feel free to send in requests for a plus sized reader character, as it’s one of my favorite things to write. 
For reference, I will also write about a reader character with autism or chronic illness (someone with chronic pain or a fainting disorder, or someone who uses a cane or a wheelchair), because these are groups that I am a part of and I know that they are not portrayed in fiction often enough. If you have any questions about these aspects, please let me know. 
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut, please specify if you want the characters to be dominant or submissive. In your request, write ‘sub!reader’ or ‘dom!reader’, something to denote the dynamics to let me know what you want it to be. I am a big fan of writing submissive men, so I won’t shy away from things like that - but I will write any dynamic as long as it’s properly communicated to me. 
I will write for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write is a lot shorter than the list of things that I will. So if you’re wondering if I’m okay with a request or not, just ask. 
For reference, my big ‘nos’ are: virgin!reader fics, or fics where the reader is sexually inexperienced or portrayed as innocent. I am okay with doing a ‘faux’ innocent reader (someone who is only pretending to be innocent), and I am also okay with writing about a canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. (That’s something I love writing about, actually.) I am okay with writing about sexual coercion, sexual blackmail, or dubcon. (Or even noncon or cnc, under certain circumstances.) 
Also, I don’t write fics about miscarriages, safeword use, or extreme choking kink. And while I don’t write about miscarriage, I am okay with writing about pregnancy - it’s something I enjoy writing about, actually. I also enjoy writing parenting fics and family fics with children. (I especially love writing fics where a poly throuple has kids, if that's something anyone wants to request.)
Smut Prompts/Ideas
The canon character is a virgin (ex: virgin!Jason) 
“Just the tip.” 
Stuck and Fucked/Situational Bondage 
The characters are locked in a room together (and forced to face their sexual tension) (bonus points: they hate each other)
Arguing that leads to fucking
Hate Fucking
Sex Pollen (or any sex inducing chemical) (used on one or both of the characters) (this is one of my ult favs as a DC fanfiction trope)
There Was Only One Bed 
Caught Masturbating (one of my personal favs) 
Late Night Semi-Public Sex (bathroom sex, kitchen counter sex, etc.) where they have to shove their hand over your mouth to keep you quiet 
Dirty Talk/Teasing While On A Mission 
Training/wrestling/sparring together that turns into sex on the mats
Them seeing you in a slutty outfit to go undercover for a mission
Using sex as a way to destress after a difficult mission
Breeding Kink (or Faux Breeding Kink with a strap-on)
Accidentally Sending Nudes
Phone Sex/Sexting
Underwear Stealing
Perv!Canon Character
Dumbification Kink/Objectification Kink 
Daddy Kink or Mommy Kink (or their reaction to being called Daddy or Mommy for the first time) (or - epic bonus: them accidentally calling you Daddy or Mommy during a sexual encounter) 
Them masturbating to the thought of you 
Accidental Voyeurism (this one is great with a third party) 
(There is plenty more kinks or sexual situations I will write, this is just all that I thought to add to the list for now) 
Angst Prompts/Ideas
(I would love to get some of these as requests - I love writing angst but people don’t request it as often. I can also write hurt/comfort by writing one of these with a happy ending if that’s preferable!) 
They break up with you to keep you away from danger 
Attending to their injuries after a fight (or them attending to your injuries after a fight) 
You are attacked (verbally or physically) and they step in to save you 
Their reaction to you being killed/your death (bonus angst: you died before they got to confess their feelings to you) 
They hold you in their arms as you die but they can’t save you 
How they react when you are killed by a villain (bonus angst: you were targeted by that villain because of their vigilante deeds) 
One of you has been brainwashed and completely forgets the other (or you have been brainwashed to hurt the other person) 
They save you from a near-death experience (or you save them) 
They find out that you are alive after thinking you had died (bonus angst: it's their first time seeing you after thinking you had been dead for years)
Being reunited after years, but you didn’t part on good terms 
“Who did this to you?” 
Unrequited Love (they see you with someone else, they think that you’ll never love them back. etc.) 
Fluff Ideas/Prompts 
They confess their love for you 
Your first kiss together 
They react to finding out you’re pregnant 
You adopt a pet together (or find a random animal on the street and keep it) 
(this list is a lot shorter because typically I don’t write pure fluff lmao) 
Also again, you don’t have to use these prompts, I just think these are good examples of ideas that will fit within the 1k-2k mark for shorter fics.
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edit-corner · 11 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ Intro!!
Uhh we’re back to edit-corner lol
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Please read my rentry before requesting!!
✩ To-do List!! ✩
main blog (all interactions from here): @nikkori-kori-kori-kori-koriandaa
𐙚˙⋆.˚ About Me!
You can call me sumi, or selene! I use xe/they pronouns! My main interests are pokemon and genshin impact!
I made this blog because i love editing, and it makes me happy to share that love with others!! Hopefully you all like the things I make ^_^
I also have a resource blog, @virtual-idol!
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ DNI:
Standard dni (homophobes, transphobes, pedos, etc.) but I block super freely. Also, i prefer if you didn't spam like! Likes are fine but pls dont go through all my posts and only like them :')
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kbirbpods · 1 year
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Look below the cut for kbirb's ITPE 2023 letter!
Letter from Summer Swap '23 | Last year's ITPE letter
Dear Podficcer,
Right now I'm really into:
Batfamily gen content, Roy/Jamie/Keeley from Ted Lasso, trans clone content, Jason Todd/Roy Harper/Kori as a triad doing found family esque things, Jason Todd redemption arcs
Things I like, regardless of fandom:
THEMES: trans/nonbinary characters (extra points for neopronouns); gender exploration in general; found family (genfic or otherwise); angst with a happy ending; polyamory; good asexual or aromantic representation
TROPES: fix-it fics!! extra points for time travel or time loops in fix its; fake dating/marriage; mutual pining; soulmates (AU or just clearly soulmates); crack treated seriously; rivals-to-friends/lovers; oops only one bed; secret identities
AUs: soulmates soulmates soulmates; regency era (or any different era); modern AU; crossovers, provided i know the other fandom or the fic doesn’t require knowledge of the other fandom!; college/sport AU; fantasy/fae AUs
Star Wars AUs/Tropes (yes they need their own categories): no Order-66/Order-66 happens differently; force sensitive clones; Jon Antilles lives; [insert clone here] lives; Anakin doesn't fall; Palpatine dies; Domino Squad Lives; force sensitive Leia; modern AUs; trans clones
PODFIC SPECIFIC: anything epistolary (texting/chat fics especially but letters and such are also fun to explore); including music / SFX if you’re comfortable; including bloopers if you have them/are comfortable exposing them
RATINGS: Contrary to popular belief I do not hate explicit fics so really any rating but I generally prefer G-M because I can be picky about what explicit content I'm absorbing.
Do Not Wants (triggers, squicks, please no):
major archive warnings (major character death is okay so long as it’s temporary and resolved); unhappy endings; I really don’t like pregnancy, which includes MPREG (I like omegaverse dynamics minus that aspect) - kidfic is cool I just don’t want pregnancy as a theme & especially not graphic depictions of it; suicide/self-harm “on screen” (mentions of past suicidal ideation/self harm are fine if not a flashback/graphic); non-/dub-con or any depictions of rape (once again, recovery is okay if done well); adult/minor relationships or relationships with unaddressed/starkly imbalanced power dynamics; any sort of poorly depicted mental health tropes (no BPD or other personality disorder bashing, no institutionalization, no “split personality” as a trope) - i really like explorations of PTSD/trauma but it has to be handled with fidelity and gentleness; and I have a random trigger about cockroaches
as a note: I do not like slave!fic but acknowledge that the situation of the clones is, at it's core, a form of slavery. so while i ask for slave!fic AUs to be fully avoided, I do appreciate fics that tackle that aspect of the Clone Wars series with tact, fidelity, and honesty.
Fandoms & Characters I Would Love to Receive:
Star Wars: I love so much Star Wars that to split them like I did on AO3 would make this post too long. I think it’s easiest to say this: I prefer Clone Wars, Rebels, anything about Jon Antilles, and anything Ahsoka Tano.
My main ships are: Cody/Obi-Wan, Kallus/Zeb, Hevy/anyone (consensual), Finn/Poe or Finn/Poe/Rey, blackkat rarepairs (mainly Jon Antilles/anyone), Jon Antilles & Fay (platonic), Waxer/Boil, Fives/Echo, Kanan/Hera, and Quinlan/Fox My favorite characters are: Hevy, Fox, Cody, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Leia, Poe, Fives, Luke, Jon Antilles, Fay (Legends)
Ted Lasso: My favorite ships are Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley, and Jamie/Dani. Ted & Rebecca as platonic soulmates/besties in general. I love explorations of how much Dr. Jacob sucks and fix-its for the ending!
Batfam/DC: I can be picky and yet not? Basically, I just prefer no inner-Batfam fics of the boys because I truly view them as brothers. My favorite ships are Jason Todd/Roy Harper(/Kori), Dick Grayson/Wally West, Harley/Ivy (back to being super into them), Tim Drake/Kon, and Wally/Artemis from Young Justice. This is the fandom that I specifically am obsessed with found family in. -- I love exploring Alfred being the boys' Grandpa and Bruce’s complex dadhood.
The Locked Tomb: I’m definitely Gideon/Harrow on main; I really like fics where one or both of them are trans/nonbinary. Nona is my favorite character so explorations of her found family (the household or the friends or all of them) are important to me. Cam/Pal is important to me. I love modern AUs a lot.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike is always a love (with acknowledgment of how tricky of a ship it is to navigate) but I mostly love Scooby Gang gen fic! And I adore Buffy crossovers with shows like Supernatural or movies like Star Wars.
Our Flag Means Death: Obviously Blackbeard/Stede is a big deal and I ship it forever. But my heart belongs to Jim/Olu and any explorations of Jim’s gender identity! Pining Izzy Hands makes me weak, as long as he’s not being abusive towards Edward or Stede.
ATLA: Always and forever a Zuko/Sokka shipper, specifically obsessed with found family in this, gen fic exploring the universe at all is super important to me!!!
MISC OTHERS: First Kill; The Adventure Zone; Red, White and Royal Blue; Good Omens; The Tarot Sequence; All for the Game; Teen Wolf; and Sandman.
I didn’t talk much about them because I’m basically just into the main ships for them (Juliette/Cal for FK, Taako/Kravitz for TAZ, Aubrey/Dani for TAZ, Alex/Henry for RWRB, Crowley/Az for GO, Rune/Addam or Rune/Addam/Brand for TTS, Hob/Dream for Sandman), Andy/Qunyh for The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky for The Old Guard, & Nile/Quynh for The Old Guard. For All for the Game I like Jean/Jeremy, Andrew/Neil, and Renee/Allison. Also friendship/gen fics of any of the characters! For Teen Wolf and First Kill I don’t like Mature/Explicit fics unless they’re adults in it. My favorite TAZ eras are Balance and Amnesty.
I’m a huge Regency era fan and love anything Jane Austen as well!
Fandoms/Ships I Will Create Content For:
I will create content for any of the fandoms and ships listed above! Including the same caveats. If paired with someone who likes explicit content, I don't mind finding fics that don't hit my squicks/triggers. THAT BEING SAID: I will create content for those fandoms even if it’s not one of my listed ships and not one of the following ships:
STAR WARS: Rey/Kylo, Leia/Luke, Rex/Ahsoka, any Master/Padawan relationship, or Palpatine/Anakin. BATFAM: inner!Batboys as mentioned TED LASSO: Ted/Jamie (love Ted & Jamie tho) AFTG: Andrew/Aaron, Andrew/women, Neil/women SANDMAN: Dream/any of his siblings
Other fandoms I will create content for:
Star Trek: Spock/Kirk, Spock/Kirk/Bones, Kirk/Bones Leverage: OT3 is Hardison/Parker/Eliot LOTR / The Hobbit: Gimli/Legolas, Eowyn/Faramir, Boromir/being alive, Bilbo/Thorin. I like anything just exploring the lore and history of the universe and its cultures Venom: Venom/Eddie(/Annie/Dan) The Witcher: Yen/Jaskier/Geralt, Jaskir/Geralt, Geralt/Triss, Yen/Triss Sense8: anything I can find! it’s small but there’s nothing I won’t do in this fandom, honestly… Marvel/MCU: Steve/Bucky, Clint/Bucky, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, and Spideypool (as long as they’re both adults). WITH A LOT OF CAVEATS… Harry Potter. I will only podfic trans-centric Tonks who does not get with Remus or Wolfstar with a happy ending. Stranger Things: anything Robin Buckley centric, anything that explores Robin & Steve's friendships, Robin/Chrissy, Steve/Eddie
Authors with BP that I love, as a starting point: Flowerparrish, saiditallbefore, trixree, wanderingjedihistorian, mestiket, hoebiwan, blackkat, cac0daemonia
More notes: I do write so anything of mine will work!! I have a few fics bookmarked that I don't plan to pod so those should be good to go, too!
Kaje (kbirb)
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