#korean word a day
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bl-bracket · 2 months ago
Introducing the Next BL Bracket: Deserved Better!!!
There are many characters in BLs with many different fates. The question is: do they deserve them? It is time to determine which BL character most deserves a better lot in life compared to what they were given.
There are multiple ways you can interpret this prompt, and all are valid. Any character who has had to go through things that they don't deserve is able to be in the bracket! Whether that's the continual horrors they experience in the course of the show, a traumatic backstory, or a depressing ending. Any character you feel like has gone through things they did not deserve and deserve something better fits!
Another way to think of it is: to what extent could this character use a "fix-it fic"
Rules are as they always are, feel free to check the pinned post and the form if you are unsure. Also Kurosawa from Cherry Magic cannot be submitted since he just won twice in a row and thus is in a cooldown period.
Submissions Close: January 24th @ 7 PM GMT
Submit Here!!!
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liliox-ciel · 4 months ago
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Your Yi Sang has become Yi Sang
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kaitowotd · 1 month ago
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Kaito's Word of the Day: Simmer
Am I doing this "bring your plushie to Hot Pot" thing right?
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koreanaswego · 1 month ago
Korean Word of the Day
Art 🎨
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herigo · 10 months ago
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possamble · 11 months ago
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i think she was the most annoying baby on earth i wouldnt be able to take it (affectionate)
there are only two kinds of autism. the one where it takes you so long to start talking that your parents are worried something's wrong with you and then you suddenly start speaking in full sentences when you're 2 years old (laios and falin) and the one where you simply Do Not Shut Up the second you can make even vaguely word-like sounds (marcille)
love her. she's so funny. im so sure she was babbling on with the full intonation of someone who knows what they're saying but in completely unintelligible noises, some half-words borrowed from elven and common lmao
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dailydoseofkorea · 2 years ago
Korean Slang [UPDATED]
I logged into tumblr for the first time in like YEARS and found out that I promised an updated Korean slang post 2 years ago😅
갓생 (gat-saeng) ➡️ "that girl" lifestyle, someone who's productive
고인물 (go-in-mul) ➡️ someone who's played a game for a long time
꾸안꾸 (kku-an-kku)➡️ no-makeup makeup
누물보(nu-mul-bo)➡️ "who asked?"
띵언 (dding-eon)➡️ a good quote
머선129 (meo-sun-il-e-gu) ➡️ what's going on
무물보 (mu-mul-bo)➡️ ask me anything
반모(ban-mo)➡️ banmal mode (not use honorifics)
성덕(sung-deok)➡️ successful fan (a fan whose met their idol)
식집사 (sik-jip-sa)➡️ plant mom/dad
스불재(seu-bul-je)➡️ self-inflicted disaster
알잘딱깔센(al-jal-ttak-kkal-sen)➡️ doing something well/perfectly on your own
어쩔티비 (eo-jjeol-tee-bi)➡️ "what are you gonna do"
억텐 (eok-ten)➡️ (I have a lot to say but I won’t say it)
워라벨(wo-la-bell) ➡️ work life balance
자만추 (ja-man-chu)➡️ (hurts my heart)
케바케 (ke-ba-ke)➡️ case by case
아아 (ah-ah)➡️ ice americano
주불(ju-bul)➡️ tell me your address
킹받네(king-bat-ne)➡️ something/someone is annoying
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korstudying · 2 years ago
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🌸🌼🌸 30-Day Journey to Korean Language Mastery! 🌸🌼🌸
Hey there language lovers! Are you ready for an exciting adventure in learning Korean at a more intermediate level? 🇰🇷✨ In this 30-day study schedule, we'll dive into some juicy grammar topics that'll take your Korean skills to the next level. Ready to embark on this language adventure? Let's rock this 30-day challenge together! Happy studying and remember, every step counts on the road to Korean language mastery! 화이팅! 💪✨
Week 1: Verb Modification and Advanced Sentence Structures Day 1: Time to dust off those honorifics and level up your respect game! Show some love to those verbs with various honorific verb endings. Day 2-3: Let's express our wishes and assumptions with "았/었으면 좋겠다" (I wish I had) and "-(으)ㄹ 텐데" (I suppose, I think). Wishful thinking, here we come! 🌠 Day 4-5: No more doubts about "have to" or "can do"! Master "-아/어/여야 하다" (have to, must) and "-아/어/여도 되다" (can, may). Day 6-7: Weave your magic into sentences with various verb modifications and advanced structures using the things you've studied the past few days.
Week 2: Subjunctive and Concessive Expressions Day 8-9: Curiosity piqued? Delve into "-아/어/여 보다" (try to do) and "-아/어/여지다" (become something). Adventure awaits! 🚀 Day 10-11: Unveil the power of "even if" with "-더라도" and the allure of "either" with "-든지". Day 12-13: Embrace "no matter how much someone says" with "아무리~-(으)라고 해도" and the certainty of "regardless of" with "-든간에". Day 14: Take a deep breath and look back on the amazing grammar points we've conquered so far! You're soaring to new heights! 🦅
Week 3: Advanced Particles and Connectives Day 15-16: Adventure calls! Set out on "-을 테니까" (since I will) and navigate "-느라고" (because of, due to). Day 17-18: Embrace the twists and turns of "-를 지경이다" (to the extent of) and "-는바람에" (because of, on account of). The path may be challenging, but you're up for it! Day 19-20: "Even if it's tough, let's do it!" Dive into "-아/어/여서라도" and "might have to do" with "-아/어/여야 할지도 모르다". Day 21: Let's take a moment to bask in the glory of the grammar points we've mastered in Week 1 to Week 3. Proud language learners unite! 🌟
Week 4: Expressing Intention and Assumptions Day 22-23: Master the art of expressing intentions with "기로 하다" (decide to do) and "으려던 참이다" (was about to do). Your plans are set in motion! Day 24-25: Delve into assumptions with "ㄴ/는다고 하다" (heard that) and "ㄹ/을 것 같다" (seems like). The mystery unfolds! 🔍 Day 26-27: Let's get speculative with "것 같으면서" (while feeling like) and "(으)니까" (since, because). The intrigue continues! 🕵️‍♂️ Day 28: Embrace your linguistic prowess as you navigate the subtleties of intention and assumptions. Let's recap the past few days!
Week 5: Advanced Particles and Expressions Day 29-30: Explore the nuances of "만에 하다" (to do after a long time) and "아니면서도" (although, even though). Time to fine-tune your expressions! Day 31: Reflect on your incredible progress and pat yourself on the back for conquering advanced grammar structures. You've come so far, and there's no stopping you now! 🎉
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maikee-akihiro · 21 days ago
Love Scout ramble
I finally got around to watch the show after my hectic(fucking loaded) schedule, and let me just say:
I mean I know it'll be good if my man Lee Jun-hyuk is there *tucks hair behind ear* but my god I was hooked
But like, so far its been so good. The pacing, the actors/actresses, the story. It's my cup of tea indeed
I didn't even know headhunters existed up until now, so that's a new fun fact!
The leading actress' acting has been fantastic so far, I might add her to my favs soon. AND their chemistry? Y'all if you watched me watching the show, I was smiling under by blankie and kicking my feet LMAO.
How's your experience with the show so far?
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hyean-studio · 1 year ago
I'm slowly reading a book called 청소년을 위한 한국미술사 (Korean Art History for Youth). In the process I came across many interesting terms that may be useful for those who are interested in Korean art and history and maybe would like to read about such topics in Korean in the future. So I decided to share the vocabulary list. Perhaps, to be continued.
선사 [先史] - prehistory
도안 [圖案] - design
암각화 [巖刻畵] - petroglyphs
청동 [靑銅] - bronze
빗살무늬 토기 - comb-pattern pottery
유물 [遺物] - relic, artifact
미의식 [美意識] - aesthetic sense
창의력 [創意力] - creativity
삼국 시대 [三國時代] - Three Kingdoms of Korea
불교 [佛敎] - Buddhism
부처의 현신 [現身] - the Buddha who appeared in the form of a famine in order to save sentient beings
소재 [素材] - material
국교 [國敎] - established religion
강대국 [强大國] - (world) power, powerful nation
학술 [學術] - scholarship
석총 [石塚] - stone grave
석실봉토무덤 [石室封土무덤] - stone-filled tomb
기원전 [紀元前] - B.C. (Before Christ): 기원전 50년 - 50 B.C.
고고학 [考古學] - archaeology
묘제 [墓祭] - a memorial service held before the grave
전기 [前期] - the former part
평면도 - ground plan (architecture)
초상화 [肖像畵] - portrait
고분벽화 [古墳壁畫] - ancient tomb mural
사당 [祠堂] - shrine
신주 [神主] - ancestral tablet
경외감 [敬畏感] - sense of awe
환희 [歡喜] - (great) joy, delight
전달력 [傳達力]- transmission
구체적 [具體的] - detailed
기인하다 [起因하다] - result from
순수 [純粹] - purity
공예품 - handicraft, craftwork
문화재 [文化財] - cultural properties
보관 [保管] - storage
걸작 [傑作] - masterpiece
보고 [寶庫] - repository
청자 [靑瓷] - celadon
극치 [極致] - the height (of)
영토 [領土] - territory, domain
만주 [滿洲] - Manchuria
수나라 [隋나라] - Sui Dynasty
당나라 [唐나라] - Tang Dynasty
명장 [名將] - great commander
저항하다 [抵抗하다] - resist
패망하다 [敗亡하다] - collapse
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nabi-unveiled · 15 days ago
When you're not sure if the dream was a nightmare or ____________.
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It's at this moment that I realize there is no English word for a fantastic dream. You can't say "dream come true", because it's still a dream. "Fantasy" has positive meaning, but it's not really the same vibe as nightmare. Plus, you have the same problem. Any dream is technically a fantasy. So how to fill in that blank? Hmmm.
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multilingualpotato · 6 months ago
Word Of The Day  - DOG
pes (m)
chien (m)
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hond (m)
perro (m)
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cane (m)
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bl-bracket · 2 years ago
Introducing the Next BL Bracket: Best Siblings in a BL!!!
Which siblings have the best relationship? Or which ones have the most interesting relationship? From wholesome siblings to complicated family dynamics, all siblings from BL are welcome here to compete!
Who counts as siblings for this?
At least one of the siblings needs to be a main OR supporting character in a BL drama
They must be considered siblings in canon. Both biological and adopted siblings count! For found family situations, they must consider themselves to be siblings (and not just generally family or close friends)
Submissions are available here!
Submissions close on July 7th @ 7 PM GST
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k9punkout · 7 months ago
why do you think till sabotaged his opponent in round 2 and didn’t give him a chance to sing? i’ve seen a few different possible reasons thrown around- was he trying to make a statement, that he wouldn’t participate in alien stage the way he was expected to? was he preventing himself from losing? did he see it as his only chance to confess to mizi with the song he wrote for her? something else entirely?
i’d love to know your thoughts on this, your characterization of till is top tier
personally, I believe he did it for a multitude of reasons, including most of what you mentioned.
first and foremost, he was trying to make a statement. he was showing that he would not live in compliance, screaming out to the whole world that they could never tame him(except they did in r6 but IGNORE THAT). his choice to perform his OWN song about his OWN emotions exhibits a sense of individuality that is rare in pet humans in this universe, and since alnst has such a large following, and Till especially has a lot of people observing his behavior due to Urak calling him "the best in history," he knows that this is his chance to get the message across to society.
in the round 2 description, vivinos said her personal favorite line is when he yells "come on" at the beginning of the song, because it's like he's commanding the audience to follow his rhythm. Till leads his own crowd, makes them feel what he wants them to feel, and while that used to be the purpose of art, it seems to have lost its meaning in the alnst universe, especially with music that is sung by pet humans, so Till accomplishing this is a testament to his "artistic genius".
while the song was about Mizi, I don't think he did it as a confession to her. one of his lines right before the chorus was "you'll never know," so I don't think he ever planned on telling Mizi that he was in love with her, but also doesn't plan on ever letting go of his emotions ("i dont wanna stop"). i think there are so many reasons as to why he feels this way, but that's a Till rant for another time.
the fact that he chose to perform a love song he wrote to the audience says something as well. Mizi is his muse and motivation for both the art he produces and the bravery he exhibits. Using his love as an act of rebellion is a perfect way to show that. He's singing about love the way HE experiences it, and he's displaying the person that it made him. it's all a huge story with a strong message.
and then we get to the murder. honestly idk why it wasn't expected like. why would you give the hostile unpredictable alien hater an ALIEN guitar and expect it to turn out normal. nevermind the fact that he acted somewhat normal in the preliminary rounds you should've known something was up his sleeve. (also the fact that Freddie was BRED to be a damn guitar is like. fucking dystopian in itself. like what is this qu behavior.)
he killed Freddie on impulse the second his opponent tried to sing, because he was NOT abt to let his spotlight get stolen. also because he hates all aliens.
on a deeper note, i think he did it for control as well. much like Luka, the stage is the only way Till can get the feeling of being truly in charge of a situation, with minimal restrictions and less intense consequences. Unlike Luka, Till doesn't taunt or abuse his opponents but overwhelms them instead, thus his performance in round 2 and his killing Freddie. It would also explain part of the "bliss" he is said to feel after killing him.
Of course, another reason behind his bliss is the fact that Mizi looked up at him. he adores having her attention on him, he can never get enough of it ("still it's not enough"), and I think he's happy with it in any form, even if that form includes shock and horror at the stage being turned into a bloodbath. he was looking at her like a puppy after performing a trick and getting a treat as a reward.
it's also important to lean into his more compassionate side, especially when it comes to Mizi. I'm not 100% sure about this, but he might've also been happy to have distracted her from her grieving over Sua, if only for a second. replacing her anguish with surprise that won't make her feel better, but will take her mind off of it. (i think the mess of blood and gore only served to make Mizi's mental state worse, but that wasn't his intention.)
LAST REASON, and probably silliest- Acorn (r2 npc) and Till canonically have beef. I mean, Till has beef with everyone, but Acorn specifically wrote in his goodbye letter: "you're talented. i'll give you that." you can SMELL the passive-aggression. it's beyond me as to why, but it explains Till's lack of care about his life and death.
(MY personal theory: it's canon that Acorn has confessed to Sua multiple times, only to be rejected. he might've noticed how much she loved Mizi and grew resentful of her, and Till might have overheard him slandering her or something and never forgave him since.)
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koreanaswego · 1 month ago
Korean Word of the Day
Warning ⚠️
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lazzarella · 4 months ago
I really shouldn’t respond to the knucklehead on reddit who thinks all Thai bl actors suck but oh boy do I want to…
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