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pizzaandaliens · 2 years ago
just had noon panir (Iranian bread, herb & cheese plate) for the first time in a while and it really hit the spot 😩
I just threw together a few things that were available. lavash bread, feta cheese, sour cherry jam, soaked walnuts, mini cucumbers, watermelon, basil and mint. assembled a bunch of “perfect bites” (logmeh) and had that along with some Persian tea
sooo freakin good. it’s like a refreshing charcuterie platter. lol I wish more people would try it, like they’re missing out and I feel bad for them lmao
my dad was from Iran and I wish he was still around. I miss him so much and it would have been nice to have him try my Persian cooking and the Persian breakfast plates I’ve put together.
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valakitchen · 4 months ago
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Vala Kitchen in Los Angeles is famous for its succulent Beef Koobideh Kebab, a genuine Persian specialty. This juicy, flavorful, and tender kebab is made from excellent ground beef, seasoned with aromatic spices, and masterfully grilled to perfection. The ultimate comfort dinner comes with fluffy saffron rice, grilled tomatoes, and warm, fresh flatbread. Whether you are a fan of Persian cuisine or are new to it, Vala Kitchen's Beef Koobideh Kebab is a must-try for any foodie in Los Angeles!
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kyllorren · 2 years ago
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Recipe for Kabob Koobideh Persian Ground Meat Kabobs A mixture of ground beef and lamb is loaded with incredible flavor from grated onions, turmeric, and sumac in these tasty grilled Persian kabobs.
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Automatic Kabab Koobideh Maker Machine Model PS500H
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oni28 · 8 months ago
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July 2024 Recipe_Kabab koobideh
[Recipe Information]
※ Need Recipe Pack Mod Latest Version (24.07.08 version) ※
Kabab koobideh
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Grill
Cooking Level_05
Lactose-Free. Kabab koobideh is an Iranian type of kofta kabab made from ground lamb or beef, often mixed with ground pepper and chopped onions.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Any Rice(1), Any Meat(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Any Rice(2), Any Meat(2), Tomato(1), Saffron(1)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Any Rice(3), Any Meat(3), Tomato(2), Saffron(1)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible
Group Cooking Compatible
All ingredients are optional
Any Rice need SCCO MOD
Korean (by_oni)
English (by_oni)
-Don’t re-upload
(Latest patch compatible)
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Public Released on August 3rd, 2024 (KST)
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scp-l4-clef-alto-001 · 7 months ago
no idea if someone asked you this recently, apologies
Your works on the SCP wiki have always been my personal favourites, because you have an incredibly dynamic style of writing and amazing sense of character creation. Everything fits together perfectly and the plots make sense.
But what do you think about the current style of writing that occurs on the wiki? Is it even possible that years from now the characters that are written today will be nearly as well known as many of the SCP’s in the early thousands?
and finally what’s your favourite flavour of rock
Thanks for the compliment. As for the current writing style: styles and trends come and go. I've already seen big fanbases for very recent work, and that's a sign of a healthy community.
My favorite flavor of rock is sodium chloride (salt), although sucrose (rock sugar) is a close second. A few years back, I found out about the (Iranian? Persian?) habit of drinking tea with rock candy, and it's my new favorite.
On a related note: I miss my kebab guy. . . there was a dude who ran a kebab grill out the back of this Iranian market who made the best goddamn koobideh. And he charged a reasonable amount, too: ten bucks got you enough meat, rice, and grilled vegetables for three meals, along with lavash and a can of cola. Then I switched jobs.
Tell me about your favorite kebabs, guys. I'm getting hungry.
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389 · 9 months ago
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pishifuzul · 14 days ago
So what's your favorite meal? Any nutrition advice for tboys starting their fitness journey?
Ngl you've inspired me to start lifting again
i have a lot of favourites! hard to say. i love kalleh pācheh, koobideh, gheymeh, chicken makhani, biryanis, sushi, thai curries, burgers, pizza, my memory is failing me........... I'll eat anything
i don't have anything specific to tboys. I'm not one + the advice is the same for everyone. there's this post under my fitness tag about hitting protein goals. otherwise my advice is eat enough and eat what variety you can, because that's how you hit your macros and micros simultaneously. I'm militantly anti diet.
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the-messhall · 2 months ago
Koobideh Kebob — 😙
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nezuscribe · 3 months ago
NARA SMITH LOVES PERSIAN FOOD? i mean who doesnt 😍😍
ugh i want juje kebab now😕😕
SHE DOES?? how come ive never seen that video whattt
gimme soon good koobideh rn pls 💔💔
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spitinsideme · 1 year ago
What are some other facts about you that we can know?
Like favorite color or what other hobbies you have besides art?
Which by the is amazing! Long live lesbians
Also you have great taste in food! kebabs are amazing middle eastern food is so good! You should try this dish called koobideh it’s the Persians take on a kebab and it’s so good!
you can literally ask me anything babygirl i will tell you all anything you so want to know !!! no questions are off limits 👍👍
my favoriitr colour is pink like jjst any pink, i used tobe really into padtel pink but now im just morr of a fan of like .. hot pink .. love a goof hot pink i want to see pink and have my eyes burn pink just id a reall cool colour !!! i omcr founf a pink hestt sharpener just on the floor durong a weddingw hich was weird ??? why wpuk someone brong a sharpener to the wedding ??? but whageve4 i toom it and its a really good sharpener honestlg .. pink is really cool i lime ot !!
my hobbbies arr honestly so on and off lime ive beem drawing everday for like what ? a over 2 months now o think ? i havr nrver held a hobby for thay long in my lifr !!! but yhe other hobbies i havr done arr limr .. i rrally enjoy making hoises and making furnitie ouy of cardboard i used to just work hours nonstop id foeget to eat, drink, do anything just literally sat gor hours working on making miniture cardboard sofas and cushions and tables and cabinets and even like functional drawers for tgem !!! thatwas so fun i made like 2 fully big houses with rooms and furniture !!!! all out of cardboard !! i love collecting cardboard ...
another hobbg i have is i would make little clay animals !! tbey wrre mever good, never like looked professionwl, they would chip and be cracked and look bad overall but i lloved them so much becaudr to me they were tiny animals i made who were.now basicslly silly creatures who i loved and held desr, i out them in the cardboard houses ... that was very fun
another hobby is that i like to.research fetishes and i dont really talk about it becayse i knw its kind of wekrd and odd !! jve been doing it sonce i was 12 becaude i jad this dream where shaggy from scooby doo tried and torture me and he tied me up and put a shock collar on me and in the dream k liked it ?? shaggu was so weirded out he literally just like stopped tortuning me he just kind of left me alone tied up but anyways i woke up and was like woah .... and from.then one ive been resesrching fetishes and kinks ever since !!! like . everythinf about them .. i have filled up about 3 notesbook literally full with facts about the fetishes, defintions, how it dtarts, psychology behind it, causes, my own theories, literally so much information because i am so obsessedwotb it i have to restarsin kyself every single time a kink os brought up i stsrt internally barkinga md screaming by a dog im hoding myself back on a leash otherwide i will just infodump about like bdsm or some shit and no oen wants to jesr the psychology behind bdsm
i willl abeolyrely try that dish out if i ever get the cha nce tgank byou !!
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valakitchen · 6 months ago
Beef Koobideh - Saffron Chicken Kebobs in Los Angeles, CA
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Experience the delicious Saffron Chicken Kebobs and Beef Koobideh Kebab in Los Angeles, CA at Vala Kitchen. Enjoy authentic Persian flavours in every bite.
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Vegan Koobideh Kebab (Persian "Beef" & "Lamb" Kebab)
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petoskeystones · 6 months ago
hello tumblr mutual rickie petoskeystones!! 13, 21, 28 for the ask game :)
hello tumblr mutual rivver bludcrust!
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge? locking the door. im Scared
21. a number that weirds you out? hmmmm. i Pondered this one and 77 is simply too spiky for me
28. last meal on earth? ghormeh sabzi, tahdig and saffron polow, and mast o-khiar, perhaps koobideh with it. my customary post-dinner vernors and a small cup of chai. for dessert, a slice of pie.
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mariacallous · 10 months ago
If you think chicken kebabs sound boring, I don’t blame you. Usually, they are. And dry. But not this recipe.
This recipe pays homage to one of the earliest forms of cooking: roasting meat on a spit over a fire. Roasting smaller cuts, like kebabs, became popular in areas like the Middle East where firewood was scarce, as they proved more practical to cook over small fires. According to food historian Gil Marks, the word is derived from the ancient Persian “kabab,” which most likely stemmed from Aramaic.
Today, their popularity holds fierce. Shish taouk, kebabs of marinated, spiced chicken, are enjoyed in Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Jordan. In Iran, kebab koobideh, kebabs of ground meat mixed with parsley and chopped onions, are served alongside rice and yogurt. In Israel, kebabs of spiced ground meat are ubiquitous at holiday barbecues.
Shwarma, while not exactly a kebab, is probably the most internationally beloved example of spit-roasted meat. Its flavorings — cumin, turmeric and coriander — inspired these kebabs. Bright with lime and onion, and made with juicy chicken thighs instead of breasts, they take mere minutes to cook on a hot grill (you could do this on a grill pan, too). Plus, they’re so versatile: delicious with rice, perfect with warm laffa bread and hummus, and refreshingly offset by tzatziki, tahini or even bright arils of pomegranate.
I never do, but if you have leftovers, un-skewer them and toss with greens, olives, hummus, tomatoes, red onion and good olive oil for a perfect lunch. 
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entropicbias · 10 months ago
(hiii same ME anon from before) omggg thats cool! same with me im pretty white looking but a friend told me he could guess where im from cuz of my nose lol... i wouldnt say im a big/active HS fan but the kid in me still loves it (at least up until the introduction of the alpha kids lololol) so i still like drawing fanart/following HS art >0< which speaking of your HS art is sooooo good your shapes are great and everything has so much character!
yeah, the nose really gives us away doesn't it...
you're middle eastern, so i'm gonna share something middle eastern i did yesterday. i had the best kebabs. i dunno if you've ever tried persian kebab koobideh but it's was so bomb the way we grilled it. i kind of like kebab sultani more, but we don't make that at home. i hope i'm not being presumptuous and you happen to be a middle eastern person who isn't familiar with kebabs, or even scarier, a VEGAN... kidding.
i am also not a big fan of homestuck after the alpha kids get introduced. i'm a big homestuck post act 5-6 hater. post canon and whatever else beyond that is really really shitty to me. i don't engage in it.
thank you for the kind words about my art! it's nice to anonymously meet you.
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