#kono oto tomare! 111
tessenpai · 3 years
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 111 Scans and Rough TL
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Chapter Title: Moon visible in the morning
Side text: The only thing that can save you, is love.
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Side text: The Nationals are right around the corner...!
Tsukaji: --Yeah... Yeah.
Tsukaji: ...Is that so? I understand.
Kokaki: What is it, Tsukaji-san? You look discouraged
Tsukaji: Huh? Is just about Tokise...
Page 3
Tsukaji: They will be able to participate in the Nationals, but they are not out of the fire... So I wanted to write a follow-up article on Tokise to smooth things out and asked Takinami-sensei about it
Takinami[on the phone]: There's no point in clearing up a misunderstanding for people who don't really matter to them. It would be a waste of time and effort, so it's fine as it is.
Tsukaji: Is what he said...
Komaki: Isn't it okay then? It really feels like he is right---
Komaki: Also, Tsukaji-san, Besides, as you wanted, Tokise's name is now known all over the country. They really made a splash--
Tsukaji: I didn't want it to happen this way!!!
Page 4
Tsukaji: I don't want these unnecessary things to get in the way. I wanted to talk about their genuine and warm sound--
Reporter: I have returned--
Tsukaji: Tsurugi!
Tsukaji: How was it, the coverage on Ichiei!?
Tsurugi: About that... I was able to interview Kifune-sensei, but the students were a no-go this time...
Tsukaji: Eh?
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Tsukaji: That's odd... Ichie is willing to do interviews every year to appeal to the industry.
Tsukaji: Did you hear why they wouldn't do it?
Tsurugi: Yes... I heard that the final adjustments of their performance are turning out to be a delicate process for the students.
Tsukaji: Delicate...?
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Tsukaji: Tokise or Ichiei... I can't decide
Tsurugi: Is not only those two
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Tsurugi: Last year's runner-ups, Meiryo. It seems like they are making a push to win it this year.
Tsurugi: The Himesaka in the West. Last year's final 4, Chibana Girls School is also elite this year.
Tsurugi: And although the number of members is small, Eidai Academy is also remarkable.
Tsukaji: Indeed... Until now, Ichiei were clear favorites, but this year there are great groups everywhere.
Tsukaji: In this years' Nationals---
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Tsukaji: No one knows what will happen...
Poster: Sapporo Annual Cultural festival (From Sunday, July 31st to Saturday, August 6th)
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*No text*
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Akira: Amazing! You have all become so good!!
Akira: Takinami-sensei...
Takinami: You finally decided how to play it.
Takezou: Yes. It took us some time to figure it out.
Takinami: Seriously, I thought you wouldn't make it in time
Hiro: Suzuka-chan!!
Takinami: Now it's just a matter of how far we can improve it in the remaining days.
Page 11
Takinami: There's no way this is your peak, right?
Sane: Of course not, you will see how much we improve in this last spurt!!
Mittsu: All out on practice now!!!
Takinami: Fu ....And also, Momoya
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Takinami: I thought I could listen to it soon... the [Fill in]
Natsu: ...I'm sorry
Takinami: Is it too hard, after all?
Takinami: If it's too much, then--
Natsu: It will be ready in time for the performance
Chika: ...
Kota: haaa--- We played a lot today as well--!!
Mittsu: Let's practice around the main and last parts at Grandma's house!
Kota: Right!
Page 13
Chika: I've never seen at a standstill on your performance before.
Natsu: Eh?
Chika: The Fill In
Natsu: Aaah...
Natsu: To tell you the truth, it's the first time.
Natsu: With drums, I've never been this lost.
Natsu: Well... Maybe I just haven't taken it very seriously until now. I don't know... I just can't grasp it.
Chika: Heeh...
Chika: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeh----??
Natsu: What is it?
Page 14
Chika: ... Fu
Chika: You see, Momoya... I was at a standstill about my solo for a very long time.
Chika: What made me continue with it---
Chika: It was Uzuki's words... Although it frustrates me.
Page 15
Chika: The day after the incident, in the shoe rack, you wanted to say something to me, but you swallowed your words.
Chika: It was probably something about Uzuki.
Chika: I kept wondering when were you going to bring it up, but you never did.
Natsu: That...
Chika: You know, if you keep it bottled up, everything becomes difficult, koto included.
Chika: ...
Chika: What did you want to say to me that time?
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Natsu: It's not something you should worry about right now, Kudo-senpai. You should concentrate on the National---
Chika: Momoya.
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Phone Screen:
21:36 Wed. 7/21
Momoya Natsu
Can you go outside for a minute?
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Momoya Natsu: Can you go outside for a minute?
sfc¡x: crii crii crii
Uzuki: Na...
Page 19
Uzuki: Ah...
Chika: Owaa!
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Chika: Ugh... That was close...
Chika: Moreover, is midsummer, aren't you hot in those clothes?
Uzuki: eh? ah
Uzuki: I- Probably.... not.
Uzuki: ...Is it... hot today...?
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Chika: ...I heard that you've been staying home instead of going to school since that day?
Chika: Don't worry your brother so much
Uzuki: ...
Uzuki: Di- Did Natsu ask you to come?
Chika: No.
Chika: I practically forced Momoya to ask you to meet.
Chika: I don't feel sorry for you, no matter what your circumstances are.
Chika: The old man, and the koto club...
Chika: I want you to regret it so much, and I want you to be sorry, but...
Chika: But...
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Chika: Is not like I want you to be unhappy, either.
Chika: You... Why did you do something like that?
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Chika: If you were a guy like Abiko, I wouldn't have even asked. I wouldn't even want to see you.
Chika: But... you are different.
Chika: I didn't realize you held such a big grudge against me-
Uzuki: I wanted to be your friend.
Chika: ............................................what?
Page 24
Uzuki: I wanted to become your friend
Uzuki: But I didn't know how to make that happen
Uzuki: So I thought I'd at least stay close, and that's why I kept going to that place.
Uzuki: But, but then
Uzuki: You went to your grandfather's place
Chika: Eh, wai-
Uzuki: You never... ugh. You never came back to that place. What should have I done?
Uzuki: 'You should break it all' is what Yuuji told me.
Chika: Hey, Uzuki
Uzuki: If that place disappeared, you would come back. So, that's why I...
Chika: Calm down, Uzu-
Page 25
Uzuki: I didn't understand.
Uzuki: What that girl who protected you said, what Takaoka-kun said
Uzuki: I have been thinking about it ever since then, but I still don't understand.
Uzuki: No matter how hard I look for it, it's not inside me.
Page 26
Uzuki: I don't understand it...
Uzuki: All I can say is that I made a mistake...
Uzuki: ...I'm sorry...
Page 27
Chika: That's not... quite what I was expecting.
Chika: For now...
Chika: For the person who did the wrong thing to cry... It's not fair.
Chika: At least, that's what I think.
Page 28
Chika: I don't care if you cry or if you rant. What you did ain't going away. You can't erase it.
Chika: Is the same for me.
Chika: The things we can do have to be from now, and in the future
Chika: That's why I want you to come to hear our performance at the National Competition.
Page 29
Chika: The things that you said you don't understand
Chika: I will show you what it's like.
Uzuki: ...Is it ok for me to go...?
Chika: Yeah! Moreover, come!
Chika: Is in Hokkaido, though! I won't pay for the trip
Uzuki: ...I will go...
Page 30
Uzuki: ...I will definitely go
Chika: Ok! That's all I had to say. Dismissed!
Chika: ...I think this is the first time that I have properly talked to you
Chika: But, turns out you speak quite formally*
Uzuki: Eh, ah...
Chika: Well it's not like I care, either way, but
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Chika: Somehow, that feels right.
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Chika: Well. See you.
Page 33
Chika: What are you guys doing?
Takezou: Ah, no...
Sane: We were just curious.
Takezou: Sorry for spying on you like that...
Chika: That's fine, really.
Chika: I'm sorry I just decided so many things on my own about the Uzuki situation.
Page 34
Takezou: That is the decision that you made, so we have no problem with it
Satowa: I'm glad you got to properly talk to him before the competition.
Natsu: How long are you gonna be like that?
Uzuki: ...Natsu...
Natsu: Uwaa your face is a mess. Your eyes are all swollen.
Page 35
Uzuki: I can't stop them.
Uzuki: What do I do...
Uzuki: Chika said that it's unfair for me to cry
Natsu: ...Aren't those tears fine?
Natsu: They are making up for those that weren't shed when you were little.
Natsu: I'm sure.
Uzuki: ...
Uzuki: Natsu
Uzuki: Today... is pretty hot
Natsu: With those clothes, I bet
Page 36
Uzuki: Natsu, thank you.
[---And so]
[The time has come]
Side text: When the sound that carries each thought takes shape...
-------Kono Oto Tomare! is on a break next issue!---------
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tineechi · 3 years
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 111.
Awww. The Chika-Uzuki part was heart-warming.
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maryroses · 3 years
Spoilers for Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 111
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Finally making some time for this post because I can NOT let the window of opportunity pass for reviewing the Chika and Uzuki post-incident talk! If you've been reading my posts, they've all been leading up to this!
First, let's start with what Chika is like as a person:
Chika knows the value of second chances, is hesitant to jump to conclusions/judgements, and has a low tolerance for rumors. This is especially shown in Hiro's introduction arc and with Momoya. He is fiercely protective of others. He desperately wants to keep them safe from getting dragged into bad stuff they have nothing to do with. Basically, he wants to protect them from a similar fate he experienced. He'll even sacrifice himself if necessary. He is kind and forgiving, but strong-willed when it comes to his values. His growth involves extending his kindness to himself (and let others do it for him too!).
I think this exchange honors these things about Chika. It is kind, but not overly so. It feels more like Chika's quest for closure rather than Uzuki's quest for forgiveness. Here's how I break it down:
1. While the meeting is originally Momoya's reluctant idea, Chika is in control of the time and place. He's there because he wants to be.
2. He says he wouldn't bother meeting with someone like Abiko, but says Uzuki is different. This is a great point! I'd be more strict about this conversation if this wasn't in there, tbh. It shows that Chika understands he doesn't need to give people that hurt him the time of day. However, as usual, KOT is putting in some nuance here.
The difference between Uzuki and Abiko is referenced multiple times. Uzuki has been playing roles and living lies for much of his life. During this arc he was playing a role similar to Abiko. He didn't care about other people, as long as he accomplished his plan. Abiko is a simple man. His plan is to be entertained by the destruction. He is not easily moved.
But something struck Uzuki during the confrontation with Satowa and Tetsuki. Something he didn't understand, that made him unhinged. He's not as simple as Abiko.
On Chika's end, he could probably see something different about Uzuki in the flashbacks. He was surprised that apparently this kid hated him so much. So he asks him why he did it.
3. Chika has serious comments throughout that show he doesn't take these incidents lightly, and that won't change.
4. I had a feeling that Uzuki would end up at Nationals. Chika invites him, but it is not to show he's forgiven him. Chika is going to show what he was talking about in his speech from the confrontation, with koto music. Music has always been a form of communication in KOT. And maybe it will be the last word in all of this.
5. Chika saying it's not fair for Uzuki to cry, but Momoya saying the tears are okay because they're overflow from past tears unshed is interesting! Chika gets to have his thoughts, and so does Momoya.
I wouldn't mind Momoya also moving on from the Uzuki drama, but do think it's interesting if Momoya is the one to extend a helping hand to him. He's the more appropriate one to do so, rather than Chika. He knows more about Uzuki's situation, and that his brother could probably use a friend after losing and being left a mess. Momoya was never as detached from reality as Uzuki, but he did struggle with finding a sense of self and connection to others. He's having feelings somewhat like Tetsuki's when Chika first lost his way. He feels like maybe he could've been there at the right time. Maybe now something good can come out of this, even if it is late.
Side note: Can I just say how beautiful Sensei's art has become? It's always nice, but wow.
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