#kominato ryosuke x reader
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koushuwu · 1 year ago
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*:・゚✧ blazing heat
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18+ content | 3,6k words | kominato ryousuke x reader.
tags/cw: afab!reader, omegaverse, fated pair, alpha!ryousuke, omega!reader, alcohol consumption, kissing, suggestive content, presumed unrequited love, no editing we die like neji.
part 2
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a late bloomer. that’s what people called it. called you. your heat hadn’t come despite you being well into your late twenties. and despite knowing full well that your were, in fact, an omega. there’d been tests. a lot of tests. but you took them all on, with your head held high. and maybe it wasn’t that bad that it hadn’t, because you’d heard from friends how hard it was to spend your heat alone, when you hadn’t found your fated pair yet, to help you through it. but then again, how were you supposed to know and find your fated pair, when your heat didn’t come? how were you supposed to find your fated pair, when you wouldn’t be able to pick up on their pheromones before your first heat brought that ability about? it was absolutely both good and bad, being a late bloomer.
but it was alright. it was whatever. you couldn’t actually change it anyway, so you’d settled on acceptance. in your early twenties, you’d been upset that it didn’t come. and more than once had you confided in your best friend ryousuke. ryousuke was always supportive, albeit with a bit of bite. because of course he was. but he was supportive in a way that was distinctly him. soon enough though, you came to the point where it wasn’t that big of a deal anymore. it’d happen one day, and even if it didn’t— well, you could still live a full life. without going in heat and without a fated pair.
in actuality, you already had a pretty good life, a good job, primarily because ryousuke had introduced you, since when you’d made a pretty good impression with the team coaches and other staff members. since when you’d gotten a job offer that you weren’t late to refuse. it was a good job and you got to see ryousuke more often than you otherwise would’ve been able to. 
the season had just ended and both the team and all the staff had been invited to a reception, in celebration of the teams recent victories. you and ryousuke would be attending together, since neither of you had partners, and you were best friends after all. it felt natural.
it felt natural when ryousuke picked you up. it felt natural when you slid into the passenger seat of his car. and it felt natural as he pulled out on the main road, accelerating until he settled at a comfortable speed. he leaned back in his seat. relaxed. comfortable. it felt— your eyes strayed to ryousuke. there was a familiar curl to his curve of his lips as he watched to road ahead. tilting his head, ryousuke threw you a short glance, the drag of his mouth stretching just a bit further, eyes already back on the road. 
“nice dress.” the ever teasing lilt to his voice could probably have thrown off someone who didn’t know ryousuke as well as you did, had they’d heard his words in passing. but not you. you knew him well after all of these years, and to you, the sincerity was only scarcely concealed in every syllable.
“you like it?” you told yourself that his opinion only mattered, because he was your best friend. and it was true, that with a friend like ryousuke, being praised did mean a little something extra. ryousuke wasn’t someone to give praise and compliments where they weren’t due. often, instead opting for pushing others to do their best and improve through harsh words and berated guiding. so when ryousuke really did praise someone, with his words no less, you knew that you could always trust it to be entirely truthful. the part that startled you though, was your internal desire for him to look at you again. to keep looking at you. it was the way your skin hand prickled when he did briefly glance your way earlier.
“yeah, it’s pretty,” he said. casually. as if it didn’t mean anything to say. “suits you.”
“thank you. not sure it was the best choice for tonight though,” you said, flat out. it felt too tight. too warm. like it was clinging to you, making your skin feel hot. that was probably why your skin had felt downright alive earlier. at least that’s what you told yourself, forgoing logic of the timing. 
“how so?”
“i don’t know, it felt fine back at home, but—“
“you look great.” the words were absolutely meant to be reassuring, but they felt thick on his tongue. in your ears. sweet, even if he hadn’t spoken particularly sweetly. you swallowed once, before you felt like you could speak clearly.
“that— that’s not what i meant,” you said, inwardly cursing yourself for the slight stutter. not that it mattered. ryousuke had heard your stutter in various situations before, it was normal for people to trip on their own words every now and then. but for some reason, right now, you couldn’t stand the thought of it. “it just feels kind of tight.”
“well maybe you shouldn’t have worn something tight fitting then,” ryousuke countered.
“it’s not that tight!” ryousuke simply hummed a undistinguishable tune in response, and you might’ve been upset if your mind wasn’t otherwise occupied by the tightness over your skin. “isn’t it kinda hot in here?” you ask, question lingering in the air as ryousuke sent a quick glance your way. his expression still painted in such familiar colors, a little teasing, toeing the line of menacing.
“is it?” it wasn’t actually a question for you to answer. not exactly. but you did anyway.
“a little.” you smile at the little huff coming from the drivers seat. you watched him for a moment, mouth feeling dry as you took him in. he’d dressed up nicely for the occasion. dress shirt and slacks. even a tie around his neck as well. “do you mind if turn on the a’c?”
“go ahead.”
and so you did. yet, it didn’t seem to cool you down as much as you’d hoped. it was nice, sure, but your skin still felt heated, a light tingle ever present from the warmth. you probably really should have worn a different dress. leaning your head back against the headrest of your set, you let yourself soak in the coolness of the a’c, even as the effect wasn’t as much as expected, a little was still better than none at all. 
the rest of the drive transpired in silence. comfortable silence at that. comfortable. yet still imposing. you didn’t actually know how that was possible, but it seemed that it was. while it was comefortable, you couldn’t help but hope that he’d say something. you didn’t actually know what. but something. anything that would take your mind off how unbearably warm this dress was, and how it clung to your skin. but he didn’t. he drove, and before you knew it, the car was parked, and ryousuke stood there, car door open and hand extended for you to take. 
“coming?” shaking the discomfort, you took his hand and let him help you out the car. your hands felt clammy. an unusual feeling. why did your hands tingle? and why did the breeze feel so good against what little of your skin was exposed? ryousuke watched you, hand lingering just a little longer. or maybe you just thought it up? maybe. that’s at least what you told yourself when his hand slid out of yours. what a silly thought. or maybe it wasn’t? ryousuke’s hand instead found the small of your back and lead you inside, leaving a tingling handprint on your body when you’d made it in, and he let go. reluctantly maybe? another silly thought, you told yourself.
or maybe. maybe it wasn’t all that silly. because it seemed, that whenever the chance appeared, one of ryousuke’s hands found you. whether it be knuckles brushing yours to get your attention, a hand on your waist to steer you in the right direction as you walked side by side, or fingers settling against your arm when they two of you spoke. when… someone looked? a little too long? no, you must’ve made that up, for sure. but there was something about the way he never strayed from your side for long. how he always reappeared when someone was showing interest. something about the way you were painfully aware of his presence at any given time. how you felt him coming before he opened his mouth a positively scared off any hopeful admirer.
it was at such a moment, standing near a wall, watching one of ryousuke’s teammates scramble off with his head hanging low that it happened. shaking your head, you decided not to comment on ryousuke’s intimidating demeanor. instead you heaved a frustrated sigh, feeling utterly restricted and uncomfortable in this ridiculous dress. you made yourself a mental note of never wearing this dress again. ryousuke watched you. expectancy. waiting for you to speak.
“it’s just this cursed dress.” you groan, tugging a little at the fabric covering your arms. “i really shouldn’t have worn something with sleeves.” 
“that bad?” not a single muscle in ryousuke’s face betrayed what thoughts may be happening behind that all familiar draw at his lips. 
“yeah, i’m sweating.”
“it’s not even that hot in here. are you sick?” while the words were those of concern, ryousuke’s tone stayed the same. another thing that a stranger might not have noticed for what it was, but after all these years by his side, you didn’t seem to have that struggle. at least for the most part, you had a pretty good read on him.
“i don’t think so?” ryousuke put a hand on your arm for what seemed like the umpteenth time that night. it was such a casual touch, nothing out of the ordinary. but his hand felt so warm, even through the fabric of your dress. yet, it somehow felt soothing. 
“you really are warm.” he noted. your head did feel a little fuzzy, but internally, you blamed it on the flute of bubbles you’d been handed upon your arrival. that was probably it. all things considered it was probably also the reason why your skin felt warm to the touch. ryousuke though, wasn’t letting up just yet. “if you’re not feeling well, you should’ve canceled.”
“i’m fine, ryou.” he looked at you with that calculated expression. borderline judging. “i only started on the way here. and i’m fine.”
“it started on the way here?”
“yeah. it was really hot in your car, remember?” you crossed your arms across your chest, ryousuke refusing to let his hand slide off of your arm as you did. instead it slipped further towards your elbow, having you shift your weight onto your other foot. 
“it really wasn’t that warm.” ryou searched your face, brows knitted together slightly. “are you wearing a new perfume?”
“i asked if you’re wearing a new perfume. you smell different.” his hand moved. slowly. fingers absentmindedly trailing down your side. traveling while he spoke. gracing over the fabric over your waist
“i’m not,” you said, skin blazing under his touch, even through your dress. maybe it should have confused you, that ryousuke touched you like this. but as it was, the wonder didn’t even cross your mind. only the feeling of his fingers crowded your head, even as you tried to push it down and concentrate on his words, not his touch. “it’s the same as always.” he searched your face for another beat, breathing in deeply.
“are you–” ryousuke stopped, voice dropping low. he cast a glance around the room, before turning back to you, a twitch at the corner of his mouth the only tell that something was off. “come with me.”
“what? why?”
“just come,” he repeated, snatching your wrist as a muscle in his jaw tightening slightly. he didn’t pull or try to force you to go with him. he simply held onto your wrist and lead you away from the crowds when you nodded and obediently followed his lead. he simply held onto you, but even that simple touch had your head feeling heavier and your skin feeling even hotter. tingly. he didn’t say anything else before you’re safely removed from any prying eyes and listening ears. he didn’t utter a single word, before he’d found himself befitting nook in a vacant bathroom far from any festivities hosted in the building. and even then, he watched you for a moment longer, as time stretched between you. then he inched closer.
“let me get this straight,” he said, intently studying you, breathing deep. or maybe he was steeling himself, for something you didn’t quite comprehend yet. “you’re wearing the same perfume as always, correct?” you sighed. you already told him this, so why? well.
“funny. you smell notably different,” he noted and moved even closer. he inhaled, as if to confirm with himself, shoulders sagging ever so slightly. “sweeter. you’re feeling hot?”
“yes,” you repeated, still confused at his insistence that you smelled different; too busy mentally convincing yourself that he’s probably just imagining it, to pay much mind to his other questions.
“feels like an oncoming fever doesn’t it?” he asked. you’d been over this already, so why did he keep pressing the matter? a fever? you hadn’t even mentioned it feeling like that, but now that he’d said it, it might. but even then, something stubborn inside of you, kept you from going back on the insistence that you were indeed okay.
“i’m fine,” you said, brushing it off. or at least you tried to. ryousuke caught your chin between his fingers, and held you in place as he looked into your eyes.
“answer me properly.” there was something about the way he spoke. about his tone. the words. you didn’t know, but it made you want to do just that. compelled you in a way that surprised you. welcome, but still surprising.
“i guess. but i really am fine,” you added. maybe you should have stepped away. maybe you should have turned your head, pulled free of his grasp. maybe. but his fingers felt good against your skin. warm. callused, but soft. perfect.
“how’s you’re head?” ryousuke inched even closer. heat burnt across your skin. all the little hairs across your body stood on end. he was close. so, so close. too close. not close enough. you wanted to step closer. which was weird. you shouldn’t want that. you shouldn’t. squaring your shoulders, you mustered all defiance left in your body.
“ryou, i’m not sick,” you told him. and that was final. there was nothing more to discuss. or at least that’s what you tried to communicate. that’s what you wanted your tone to say. and you were ready to tell him so, when he opened his mouth to speak once more.
“no, you’re not,” he said. your own mouth snapped shot. what? you’d been ready to tell him to stop pushing it. to tell you that you were done discussing it. but he just agreed? what? you looked at him in silence, confused. confused because he didn’t fight back. confused because with every passing moment the desire to move in closer got stronger. 
“what?” your voice came out weak and just as confused as your were.
“how does it feel—“ ryousuke started, ignoring your question. as he spoke, he stepped a little closer, inserting himself into your personal space, like you yourself had longed to do. you didn’t back away when he his hand moved down, tracing your exposed collarbone with his fingers. “—when i touch you?”
“good,” was the first ghost of a word to leave your mouth, spilling from your lips before you’d even decided to say it. and had you had the chance to decide, you probably wouldn’t have said it. “warm. hot. like my skin is on fire,” you quickly added in an attempt to cover up the confession.
“you’re in heat,” ryousuke stated, fingers still lingering against your skin. caressing. moving. burning against your hammering pulse.
“what?” you asked again. you heard him. of course you did. but as soon as you did, your blood started rushing in your ears, drowning out the very words and their meaning. you heard him. but you didn’t quite follow. or maybe the disbelief was all in your head. you were what?
“you’re going into heat.” you couldn’t be. of course not. you’d never been in heat. but you were an omega, so– why not? maybe you were actually getting sick after all, and this was ryousuke’s way of making you admit defeat. of making you accept the fact for what it was. but somehow you didn’t quite think that was the case after all. your hands clenched, unclenched. clenched, unclenched. clenched.
“how do you know?” you found yourself asking. because how did he know? and when did you accept this to be true? only mere moments prior, the thought felt completely and utterly insane. your mind was racing. spinning. how you managed to string words together into coherent sentences was a miracle you couldn’t quite comprehend.
“i’ve had my rut more than a few times, remember?” he asked, not waiting for you to reply before he continued. you nodded anyway. “i know how it makes the body feel. and the smell– the smell is unmistakably alluring.”
“i thought only your fated pair could smell that.”
“that’s correct,” he said, only then making you realize you’d spoken out loud. you looked back up to catch his gaze with yours, only then realizing you’d been watching him speak, watching his lips form each word and each syllable, for who knew how long. the silence settled for a moment. what? ryousuke looked at you like he waited for a reaction. like he expected you to say something. he grew blurry around the edges. or maybe it was your vision glazing over. his lips curled into that familiar smirk of his as he watched you. “you know what this means right? the fact that i can smell it on you. that your body is reacting to me.” a dull ache rose in your abdomen. did he realize what his closeness did to you? did he realize how the ache felt so much like a calling. like it was screaming for him. could he hear? could he feel? could he–
“ryousuke– i–” you didn’t understand. no, actually you understood what you needed, all too clear. but you didn’t understand how this came to be. and at the very moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. but you understand what this meant. and you wanted it. him. but you didn’t. your head kept spinning, when he finally said the words.
“you’re my fated pair,” he pressed. “and i’m yours.” he watched you. he was close. so close. had he moved even closer? and you stood there, lost for words and brain churning. he was your fated pair. he was your fated pair and you yearned for him. yearned for his fingers to touch you elsewhere. to caress you in places that no one else had ever ventured. where no one but yourself had ever touched. did it really have to be him? your best friend. of course it had to be him. it was like the universe knew that you cared for him in a way that’d you’d never cared for anyone else. feelings you’d tried for years to squash, because he wasn’t yours to hold. but he was. he was your fated pair. and you were his. what did this mean?
“what’re we supposed to do now?” it felt like ages had passed before the words spilled from your lips. but– oh god he was so close. the aching deepend. 
“you tell me.” his tongue poked out to wet his lips, but he didn’t lean in. actually, he didn’t move at all, lest for said lips, as he spoke again. “there’s nothing we’re supposed to do. we can do what we want. so tell me. what do you want?” what did you want? you weren’t actually sure. or maybe you were. yeah. deep down, you knew exactly what you wanted, but how were you supposed to tell him that? even now when your whole body was on fire and his scent alone made your mouth water, a twinge of fear leashed your tongue. how were you supposed to tell him? how were you supposed to throw caution out the window and just lay yourself bare for him to reject?
“i think–” you trailed off, searching for something to say. did he even want this? want you? he’d never shown you any interest that could be interpreted as romantic. but that’s just the thing with ryousuke, wasn’t it? he was in general not one to showcase feelings, and when you were being honest, you’d never seen him show interest in anyone like that, whether romantic or sexual.
“what do you need? tell me.” there it was again. that compelling need to be honest and tell him exactly what he asked. what he wanted.
“i need you to kiss me. touch me.” that familiar draw at his lip twitched upward, and pulled into something wicked. something unnerving that sent a shiver running down your spine, forcing you to shudder. unnerving. thrilling. like a hunter, keenly watching every reaction visible on your face. in your stance. your words.
“as you wish, princess.” the words were sweet, but the tone was all but. it was teasing. mocking even, and somehow utterly him. painstakingly so. that was the last thing to run through your head before the ache in your abdomen seared, making your knees buckle, as his lips connected to yours and you clenched around nothing.
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*:・゚✧ all interactions are greatly appreciated. thank you for reading ♡
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kazuyummy · 2 years ago
🍆 daiya no ace - how they like receiving head
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sanada shunpei 💋 kominato ryosuke 💋 miyuki kazuya
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SANADA SHUNPEI showers you with praises-- honey, sweetheart, babygirl-- you've heard all the pet names but they never get old falling from his lips. Kneeling between those muscular legs, you do everything in your power to please him. He likes when you get messy-- drool trailing down the sides of your lips to your chin and tears pooling at the edges of your eyes as you take the full length of his fat cock. Shunpei coos your name so sweetly with songs of my good girl and my fuckin' angel, that he doesn't have to lift a finger while you do all the work, soft hands tugging at his length and head bobbing. He tastes and feels so good, the curve of his cock hitting the back of your throat and you can just imagine it making a mess of your pretty little pussy. His groaning is music to your ears; your reward for being so good and getting him close to release. And when you milk him dry, swallowing every last drop then turning around and bending over when he asks so kindly, you're thanking him.
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KOMINATO RYOSUKE is a sadist through and through, which must make you a masochist with the way your head hangs off the bed as he fucks your throat, watching it bulge as you take his length. He loves the tears falling from your eyes, and the way you whimper and shake your head when he asks if it's too much for you. You look so pathetic and desperate to please him with your throat full that it only spurs him on further. He'll bend down and play with your tits, pinching them and telling you to quit yer whining when you gag around him. He'll tell you that you're his good little whore, even letting you touch yourself-- not like he'd allow you to cum without his permission, though. When he finally hits his peak, he'll shove himself down so you choke a little, but help your head up shortly after so you can swallow without coughing. Even with some of his seed dripping down the side of your mouth, he'll give you a kiss and an affectionate ruffling of the hair for being his good girl.
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MIYUKI KAZUYA doesn't stop his provocation even in bed-- even when you scoff pillow princess at him, even when you try teasing him back, and especially when you glare at him. He loves lying down when you give him head because he gets the full show-- glazed-over eyes that look at him to gauge his reaction every so often, the way your plush, slutty lips wrap around him, your ass up in the air-- hell, maybe he'd love to see someone plowing you from behind one of these days, desperation in your face as you do your best not to crumble under the pleasure. When he gets close, his hips get restless, thrusting upward as he props himself up on one elbow and grips your hair with his free arm. His release is the only time you feel any sense of victory, eyes needy and cries of your name falling from his lips when you keep going, overstimulating him until he can finally pull himself out. But just like that, he's back to his true self and already knows the answer when he starts to get hard and challenges you, "you gonna ride me already, or what?"
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kuleo26 · 3 years ago
daiya cuddling hcs
including: miyuki kazuya, kuramochi yoichi, takigawa chris yuu, kominato ryosuke, sawamura eijun
miyuki kazuya
imagine you guys are lying on your bed
you're sitting up, reading your book or watching tiktok on your phone
this man will literally crawl into your lap and wrap his arms around your torso
words? none
until he digs his chin in your stomach like the little menace he is
"kazuya, what the hell!"
"what? you're comfortable"
don't forget the cheeky smile he sports afterwards :))
eventually, he turns around to watch/read whatever you're doing
kuramochi yoichi
the typical 'sit in his lap while you guys play video games' position
he'll be sitting on the ground, legs open and leaning against the couch or bedside
you're in between his legs, his arms wrapped around you while holding his controller as he struggles to beat you at mario cart
"stop moving your big head!"
"don't make excuses for the fact that i'm beating you!"
in truth, you're putting all your weight into him and blocking his vision from the tv
"no, you're just being a little cheater!"
he then squeezes you and you end up knocking your head back on reflex, hitting him in the nose
"ow, shit!"
you bust out laughing
"that's your fault!"
you pass the finish line first :))
but then you kiss his nose because you feel bad
takigawa chris yuu
you can't tell me this man doesn’t have a fat ass
so of course, you use it as a pillow
he's lying on the ground or bed on his stomach, arms propping his head up as he reads some book
all of a sudden, he feels something on his butt
he turns around to see your head lying on it
"what are you doing?"
"uhh, your ass looked like a good pillow...?"
he looks at you weirdly but not surprised by your antics at this point
he smiles softly, amused, before continuing to read his book
kominato ryosuke
he likes you cuddled up on his side
watching a movie, he automatically has his arm wrapped around your shoulder or torso, pulling you into him
his hand by your side finds yours, and your fingers are interlocked with his throughout the movie
halfway through the movie, you shift, wanting to grab more popcorn
by the time you get back, his limbs are sprawled everywhere
"move over"
"cause i have nowhere to sit"
"what do you mean? your seat's right here"
he said that pointing to his lap
you roll your eyes before giving in
he smirks in victory as your back snuggles into his chest and he wraps his arms around you
when you eventually fall asleep, he smiles softly at you
sawamura eijun
oh boy
mans is fidgety as hell
there is no 'one' position
he has to be in all of them
within the span of an hour
one second, he's big spoon
the next, he's lying on your stomach
ten minutes later, he'll decide he wants to be cuddled up to your side
"eijun, just pick a position!"
"i'm trying! you're just too comfortable everywhere!"
you sigh
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
first time doing something like this lol. but hope you liked it <3
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moririki · 3 years ago
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you finally meet the people on your kiss list, all at once
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MORI'S THOUGHTS -> new way overdue chapter!!!! i will be gone again for several days!!! kiss kiss xoxo <3 enjoy
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"Remind me why we're doing this again?" You trudged next to Oba, hands shoved into your pockets to combat the slightly chilly weather.
"So that I can go talk to Takako," your friend deadpanned, linking her arm through yours.
"And obviously that involves me, and you just had to do this when practice is starting for the baseball team?" you sighed, already resigning yourself to your fate.
"You know it!" Oba chirped, and you smiled to yourself at your friend's antics.
"I hate you."
"Aww, babe," Oba pretended to swoon, and you giggled as the two of you approached the dugout. It was better than succumbing to the erratic rhythm of your heartbeat, anyway.
It was an in and out job. Oba would talk to Takako, most likely about the party, and you would then join in for a few minutes before you and Oba left with no extra trouble. Then again, life had a knack for not turning out the way you envisioned it to.
"Miyuki-senpai!" An incredibly loud voice reached your ears, and you looked over to the field to see a boy with brown hair waving at the team's catcher while pointing in your direction."Some of your fanclub are here to see you!" Oh, no way. You were weighing up the pros and cons of throttling that first-year, but Oba had now struck up her conversation with Takako with your arm still firmly linked with hers. Your plans would have to wait.
You rolled your eyes as you saw Miyuki lift his head, a sly smile spreading across his face as he saw you. He wasn't close enough to properly make out his facial features, but knowing him, that's probably what he was doing right now. He raised his hand in a small wave, managing to make it irritating in his own signature way, and you responded with a less friendly gesture from your own hand. It didn't phase the catcher in the slightest, as he just laughed before continuing to warm up.
Never in a million years, you thought to yourself.
"I thought you weren't a fan of baseball, butterfingers." A teasing voice from behind you had you whipping around, seeing the amused face of none other than Kominato Ryosuke. Oba- ever the observant one- had let go of your arm by now, and with a knowing look sent your way from both her and Takako you found yourself being left alone with the pink-haired boy. The timing of everything almost made you laugh. Sure, you were to expect at least a little awkwardness when you appeared in a place where all people on your kiss list could be found at the same time, but it's not like you were advertising your intentions for the upcoming months to them.
"Oh, you know. I like to watch it sometimes." You smiled at Ryosuke, who snickered at your comment.
"Sure, kiddo." Your cheeks turned pink, and you gave your senior a glare.
"That's worse than butterfingers." Ryosuke only laughed, again, before raising a hand to ruffle your hair and make his way to the pitch, effectively leaving you a flushed mess.
"You know, you're quite ballsy for trying to kiss guys who are all on the same baseball team." You almost jumped as you heard Oba's voice from beside you. She hooked her arm through yours, guiding you back to the dorms. You glanced back at the pitch, eyes flitting between the other members of the team who made an appearance on your list.
There was Chris, sat on the bleachers with a serious expression on his face and a notebook open on his lap. Back on the field, you could see Kuramochi and Isashiki stood around the same loud first year from earlier. The latter was yelling at the first-year, and you could hear Kuramochi's distinct laugh above everyone else, the sound making you smile fondly. He really had changed since middle school.
Then your eyes focused on a third figure wearing his iconic thick-framed glasses, and you wrinkled your nose before turning away from the field one final time.
"It's not like they know that there's a piece of paper with all of their names on it."
"Just be careful, alright?" you nodded, feeling touched from your friend's concern.
"And don't forget, the party's this Saturday."
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take a look at the menu - ,, 🐻 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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alitaimagines · 4 years ago
[ request by anonymous: hello! could i request an imagine (or hcs? whichever you'd rather work with) with the kominabros from daiya and an S/O that plays baseball too but can't be on the team because she's a girl? ]
☆ previous imagine: ♡ ☆ masterlists: ♡ ♡ ☆ requests: open.
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kominato ryousuke: 
okay, so our tsundere is a little weirded out by the fact that you play baseball, and play it so well. it’s not that he’s jealous of your ability bc he could care less but he wondered why you attended Seidou knowing you couldn’t play. 
the two of you probably met while you were practicing on the field while it wasn’t being used. you were batting while a friend of yours pitched. your skills as a batter were insane and he wanted to know where learned.
after he confronts you, he finds out that you learned to play in a girls little league team. soon after, you played on a co-ed team and even though you couldn’t play baseball at Seidou, he figured that the school must’ve been your district school so you had no other choice but to come here. 
for the sake of everything, lets say you still play on a co-ed team! he’d watch your games as long as they didn’t collide with him. that’s also the place where most of his jealousy bubbles up from and honestly, you can tell when he’s upset or bothered.
you’re very close with some of your male teammates so it’s a given that when you win, some of them will come up to hug you. to make it an even bigger deal, you have an ex on the team and when he finds that out, he’s MAD pissed. he’ll watch and make sure that your ex isn’t getting too close to you. 
he’ll kiss you and stare at your ex with those eyes that terrify his entire team. he above doing the dirty in your teams dugout just to prove a point but if you aren’t the type of person to do that, he’ll just give you a long hard kiss to prove it. 
Ryou lives for the days that the two of you can practice together. it’ll be just as the sun is going down, the air isn’t too hot, and the two of you are just playing for fun. those days usually end up being some of his favorite memories and he’ll cherish them forever. 
one day, he hopes he can see the two of you doing that with your children as well. 
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kominato haruichi:
our lil birb will be almost like his brother but he’ll have you around the team even more. he hopes that you and Kuramochi can get along. being that the two of you are very prevalent in his life, Kuramochi knows not to tease you as much bc of how much you mean to Haru. 
sometimes Kataoka will allow you to play with the team, even if it’s just a practice. he sees the way you play with Haruichi and will see that when you do play, you take it seriously, and it’ll give the boys a run for their money. 
if you’re interested in starting an recreational softball team, Rei and Kataoka will help you with it. Haruichi would bring it up to them and they can see how serious he is about helping you. Kataoka brushes it off meanwhile Rei will find it so adorable. 
Haruichi is DEF the kind of boyfriend who will let you wear his jersey. he’ll let you wear it when you’re out there playing with the girls. seeing HIS number slapped on the back of HIS girlfriends back, it’ll give him serotonin for fucking days. he’s a lil possessive when it comes to you. 
Sawamura will beg for you to let him play with you and Haruichi. in a way, Sawamura will become a close friend of yours bc of his relationship with Haruichi and honestly, Furuya probably gets dragged into it as well. the seconds years are bunch of idiots and they share on brain cell and the one who has it 99.99% of the time is Haruichi. 
if he sees that you’re upset because you can’t play with the team, he’ll try every bit of him to see what the possibility would be for you to even be considered to try out. he knows it’s almost near to impossible but he’s hoping that they consider it, even the tiniest bit.
Ryou will see his little brothers relationship and for the first few times he meets you, he’ll tease the two of you but you know behind the facade, Ryou means well. you know the relationship the two of them have together so you best get used to Ryou’s attitude bc it ain’t changing just bc of you. 
in the end, baseball is what bring you and Haruichi together. obv’s there’s other things that do but a lot of it boils down for both of your love for baseball and just like his brother, one of his favorite memories is playing with you. hell, I see him as the kind of person to do a public proposal at a Nippon game but those headcanons are for another day/ask.
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misskumikosixteen · 5 years ago
Ryousuke on Pocky Day HCs
he buys the pocky
never really interested with Pocky Day until you came along
if you're dating, he'd put the box in your shoe locker without a note, knowing you'd figure it out anyway. he would insist that he bought it as a new way to tease you
if you're not dating, he'd find a way to get you alone with him and then take out the box, he'd say he's only hungry and pocky was all the cafeteria had to offer for snacks, because apparently, today's Pocky Day.
either way, he'd casually offer you a stick.
you have to accept it
he lets you finish it, just in time to have led you to an empty staircase
sits and asks you to do the same
you did
he offers another stick
your hand reaches for it but he turns it away
you suspect he's about to start the game, but it's not like you don't want to play anyway
you let him put the chocolate end of the pocky stick in between your teeth
he lets go to take the other end in between his own
the game starts
he'll bite down his end and stops midway to stare at you in challenge
he'll motion for you to advance
you should probably follow that
until he gets impatient and bite closer
he'd definitely go for it
boy wants his smooches, okay
but as your lips touch and he touches the side of your face, your lips part open slightly
giving him the chance to take the whole pocky and pulling away
with his best and most smug smirk
"I win."
he walks you home and seeing you're very quiet and pouty, he rewards you with a proper kiss
a consolation prize, he says
we all know it's a win-win
hi! this was very, very random, and my first hc post! I just ender up thinking of this all day at work when I got reminded that it's Pocky Day today. please tell me what you think!
and I accept hc requests! (I guess this would be an example for how I do it) just drop by the ask box~ please read the rules first, though!
and if you want to request scenarios, head over to my writing blog, @nekumiko !
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kaaytea · 3 years ago
Could I request some ryousuke fluff? I'M SORRY THIS IS SO VAGUE BUT ANY RYOUSUKE CONTENT FROM U WOULD MAKE ME SO SO HAPPY! Thank you and i love your writing so much 😭💞💞
A Warm Welcome
Kominato Ryousuke x reader
A/n: You never have to apologize when it comes to Ryou requests! This was a very self indulgent fantasy that I've been thinking of for way too long now, hopefully it's fluffy enough 🙈
"Is it too late to get off at the next station and head back to Tokyo?"
Your voice shook as you spoke—though you couldn't tell if it was from nerves or the consistent rattling of the train.
Ryousuke looked up from his phone, pink fringe brushing innocently at the bridge of his nose as a twisty smile pulled the corner of his mouth up.
"Not chickening out, are you?"
"N-no!" you sputtered. Heat spread through your veins to your cheeks as your boyfriend watched you fidget in the train seat. You hugged your backpack closer to your chest, squeezing onto the object like a child would to their parent; the action was grounding, plus, it helped reduce how noticeably you were shaking. "I just . . . Nevermind. Forget I said anything."
Ryousuke hummed at your words, playing off your dismissal with a carefree response, but that didn't stop the sceptical look he sent you before turning back to his phone.
Grey blurs of buildings flew past the window across from you, and the long, dark wires connecting the train to the line shimmied with excitement as the transport rumbled along; occasionally a splatter of green would join the show as you moved farther away from your temporary home at Seidou to the Kanagawa prefecture.
Your bottom lip had long since become raw from biting at the protective layer of skin, and yet you found it entirely difficult to stop. In an attempt to halt the damaging habit, your hands busied themselves with the little keychains and trinkets hanging from your bag. No matter what you did you couldn't shake the sick feeling growing in your chest; a pressure that shortened your breath and shot an antsy emotion through you. There was no reason as to why you should be this petrified, your friends had assured you you'd be fine—"Ryou will be with you the entire time," they had said with teasing laughs, "Just enjoy yourself!"—but you couldn't stop your mind from imagining every terrible incident that could unfold on this trip.
As the train came to a stop at the last station before the one you were set to get off at, Ryousuke snuck a look at you. It didn't take long for him to lock on to your fidgeting hands and the irritated state of your bottom lip. Pocketing his phone, Ryou reached out and pulled your hands away from the keychains on your bag and set them in your lap.
"If you're really not comfortable with meeting my family then we can go back to Tokyo. I can text my mom right now and tell her you're not feeling well."
"No!" You said almost too quickly, "I mean, I really do want to meet your family, it's just . . ."
"Just what?" Ryousuke prompted, his voice had taken an uncharacteristically gentle tone—it always did when involving you, which was something you came to love.
"I'm afraid they won't like me."
Your voice was just loud enough to be heard over the noisy train, but Ryousuke's snort of amusement came out clear above the mulling murmur.
"Ryoou," you groaned, slapping his knee as you watched his shoulders shake from quiet laughs.
"I can't believe that's what you're worried about."
"It's a justified fear!" This time you shoved his shoulder lightly, which only seemed to make the smile on his face widen. "You speak so highly of your mother and father—not to mention I'm terrified your little brother will hate me!"
"Haruichi isn't going to hate you," he said. Ryousuke's hand sought out yours, resting the loosely linked digits on his thigh. "At most you'll make him nervous because of how pretty you are."
It was rare for Ryou to compliment you—not because he didn't love you, but because he normally expressed such feelings in different ways as opposed to verbal praise. Nonetheless, your cheeks warmed at his words, your head dipping to stare at where your hand held his to hide your blush.
"No one in my family is going to hate you, (y/n). My mom's loved you since the moment I told her I was dating someone back in first year. She always asks how you're doing whenever I call her."
"Really?" You said looking up at him. You couldn't imagine how the woman was so fond of you already when she hadn't even heard your voice.
"Mhm," Ryousuke answered with a nod.
Your chest started to warm at the confirmation. It was as though you had just been given a hug; the maternal love you had been missing at Seidou flooded through you at the thought of Ryousuke's mother being so invested in your well-being.
The train softly lurched forward as it slowed to a stop—Ryousuke's hand left yours, instead moving to hold onto your arm to prevent you from falling due to the sharp movements. Once fully stationary, the doors slid open and a pleasant woman's voice rang over the intercom announcing the current station and a string of future destinations.
"We get off here," Ryou stood up with you following close behind. He swiftly took your bag and slung it over his shoulder—ignoring your many protests—and rested his free hand on your waist to guide the pair of you through the crowded platform.
Your eyes wandered, picking out the differences between the Kanagawa train station to the one you frequented in Tokyo. You weren't entirely paying attention, so when your eyes landed on the destination Ryou was directing the two of you towards the wave of anxiety you had forgotten surged.
Not too far away stood a small family of three; a short woman, a taller man standing on her left, and a young boy situated between both parties—all of which shared the same features you thought to be unique to Ryousuke.
It was magical how quickly your opinion on the family's acceptance of you changed. The longer you watched them while Ryou drew the both of you closer, the more welcomed you felt. Ryousuke's mother was merrily waving the two of you over, a warm, welcoming look on her face; her husband stood quietly next to her, but exchanged happy words with the woman the second they had spotted their son and his partner. Haruichi—one you had been most terrified to meet—bounced happily on his feet as he awaited his brother's arrival.
The family was small and cozy, and because of that, you found all your previous worries blown away by the autumn breeze.
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norimiya · 4 years ago
Can I request smth if you don’t have any ideas atm? What about a character of your choosing whose s/o asks to braid their hair. How would they react?
-stan anon
stan anon my beloved. /lh this was supposed to be uploaded earlier but i suddenly became busy 😐
okay i did miya as well but it can be seen as platonic!
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Kominato Ryosuke
the moment you approached him with a hair tie and a brush, he immediately walks the other way.
not in like a, ‘don’t bother, i won’t do it.’ but in a, ‘you want me to do something for you, try and catch me first.’ kind of…way.
he would have trouble, a lot of it. whether it be because of your hair texture (he’ll learn dw) or his lack of skill.
though maybe the third time asking him, he’ll do far better than the other two times.
“you’re getting better at this,” you say, looking at the mirror to watch his fingers twist and twirl the strands together.
“i expect full payment.” he chuckles, pulling the unfinished braid lightly. “you make it look easy though, i keep messing up.”
you tilt your head back, peering up at him with a smile. “now i have something I’m better at than you.”
“Just you wait, I’ll be better at this than you in no time.”
Miya Chinen
okay…firm believer that Miya used to braid his hair in the back… like a rat tail 😭
or like a padawan braid, if you’re into star wars
but anyways, I’m sure he’d know how to braid hair, i stand case and point.
so when you ask him, he’s going to act annoyed like always.
but he’s going to know exactly what to do and how to do it.
“how do you know how to braid?” you ask, standing in front of him while he sections your hair.
“it’s hot in summer and i didn’t want my hair in my face,” he replied, silently cursing you for the knots in your hair.
you lean your head down when he tells you to, laughing quietly at his answer. “will you let me braid your hair one of these days?”
he hums, dragging it on until you slap him lightly. “alright, alright!” he laughed, “maybe one of these days.”
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29.2 Dub-con | Kominato Ryousuke
You can never tell what Ryousuke’s thinking behind those closed eyes of his.  But over time it gets easier to pick up the nuances of his body language: the slight tense of his shoulders when he’s agitated, the habit he has of sticking his hands in his pockets when he’s planning something particularly nasty, the many different smiles he has, etc.  Having him as your boyfriend is difficult, but you wouldn’t trade him for the world.  Although it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking, and it’s even harder to guess what he’ll do to you next.  For now though, you’ll put your faith in him.   
It started off slow, he’d push you out of your comfort zone bit by bit, stretching you a bit more every night with various toys.  It hurt, but it felt good, and you trusted him with your body.  Over time the toys turned into ropes, gags, chains, and clamps.  It hurt even more, but you still trusted him to take care of you.  Tonight was no different.  He started off with his usual edging, working his way up to plugging both of your holes.  You thought you knew his expressions well, but when he brought out the spreader bar he had a predatory grin you’d never seen him wear before.  It was unsettling to see his true emotions so blatantly displayed, it kind of scared you.  But even as he strapped you in, you still blindly trusted him.  Although, he never ignored your safe word until now.
“Please!  I’ve had enough!  It hurts now!”  You wailed, stuck in the spreader bar with a vibrator on your clit and Ryousuke’s cock pulsating deep inside of you as he forced your body into what felt like the hundredth orgasm of the night.  
“You haven’t had enough until I say so.”  The words glided from his mouth, like they did when he was about to destroy you.  Your sobbing brought forth the true sadist in him, encouraging him to piston into you deeper and harder, to stake his claim on you.  
“Ryou!”  you screeched, as he ground himself in you, rubbing against your walls and targeting the spot he knows drives you crazy.  Although your mind was slipping, your pussy clenched and came all over him like it was trained to.  
“Oh sweetheart, I know you feel good.  I know what’s best for you, after all.”  he snickered, continuing to abuse your poor insides.  His hips stilled as he painted your walls white again, and you thought it was over when he pulled out.  The tension left your body, that is, until he suddenly stuffed a dildo bigger than you’ve ever taken inside you.  The stretch was unbearable, it burned as it violated you.  Suddenly, the plug in your ass, which is what you thought was the least of your worries, started buzzing inside of you.  That combined with the vibrator still on your clit pushed you over the edge painfully.  
“Look at you, cumming again.  My perfect slut.”  
He played you like a fiddle.  Made you fall in love with him and everything.  If there was any comfort in this twisted relationship, it’s that he loved you more than you could ever imagine.
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kuleo26 · 3 years ago
soulmate au's daiya characters would fit into pt. 3
including: kominato ryosuke, kominato haruichi, furuya satoru
part 1 | part 2 | part 4
kominato ryosuke au: soulmates see colors for the first time when they touch
you always wondered what it was like to see color
just like everyone else who hasn't met their soulmate
but you didn't expect to see color after being hit in the head with a baseball
it wasn't really your fault
you were just walking past the baseball fields on your way to your dorm
but someone yelled and the next thing you knew, you were on the ground with a splitting headache
people started to crowd you but you opened your eyes when you felt someone touch you, asking if you were okay
you saw the prettiest shade of pink hair
and the proceeded to pass out
not knowing if it was because of the concussion or the fact that you can see color and met your soulmate
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
kominato haruichi au: soulmates can see each other's memories in their dreams
you've always seen people playing baseball in your dreams
which started your curiosity in the sport
maybe because it seemed fun
maybe because you felt it would bring you closer to your soulmate
(who knows)
but anyway
you're really close to sawamura, being cousins and all
so imagine your shock when you see sawamura in your dreams
you ended up watching the seido boy's practice
and you were surprised to see a boy with the same shade of pink hair that you see in your dreams
you got excited and ran up to them
the pink haired boy ended up recognizing you because he always saw the keychain of a baseball and a flower in his dreams
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
furuya satoru au: soulmates can hear each other's thoughts (at random)
it was always funny when you heard your soulmate's thoughts
because it was always the same 3 things
'i'm tired' 'i'm hungry' or 'i have to beat sawamura'
who was this sawamura person and why was your soulmate always thinking about them?
one day, you heard a different thought
'i'm excited to pitch against inashiro tomorrow'
you figured out that your soulmate is a pitcher for a rival team
good thing you were a manager for the team, huh?
game day came and you analyzed every pitcher
furuya satoru looked like he was about to pass out when he was sitting on the bench
but maybe you were thinking about him too much because all of a sudden he started looking around before locking eyes with you
i think he heard your thoughts...
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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kuleo26 · 3 years ago
Wait cause that Miyuki being jealous that mei is flirting with r/n is so cute jsjsjs also, i loved the daiya boys drunk confessions, especially miyuki and raichi being clingy babies while drunk 🥺🥺
I've come to request a Jun and Chris confessing to their best friend bc there isn't too many hcs abt my babies (and maybe Ryousuke and tetsu if you want) :]
you have phenomenal taste :)) THIRD YEARS SUPREMACY!!! thanks for requesting <3
daiya boys confessing (but plot twist: they're your best friend)
including: isashiki jun, takigawa chris yuu, yuki tetsuya, kominato ryosuke
isashiki jun
you guys have been friends for YEARS
you used to be babysat by his sister
and she always took jun with her to babysit so you'd have someone to play with
so since toddlers you guys knew each other
when you started to read shojou manga, so did he
when he started to play baseball, so did you
it was around middle school when he first realized he had a crush on you
he had developed an interest in pitching
and you decided that you would be his personal catcher
you would spend every day after practice catching for him
and in return he would listen to you rant about recent mangas you've read
(although he'd be the one talking half the time too)
it hurt when he left to go play for seido
but then you ended up transferring there your second year because you earned a scholarship
he was surprised (and very very happy)
he quickly realized that his childhood crush on you never went away
it eventually turned into more
when boys started flirting with you, he would wrap an arm around you and drag you away
you figured out a long time ago that he had feelings for you
but you wanted him to act on it
his confession was hilarious
stuttering, blushing, the whole shebang
eventually you had to hold his hands and coax it out of him
but it worked, he did it
"took you long enough, idiot."
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
takigawa chris yuu
goddamn is this man fine
imagine being his best friend??
like, what??
how does it feel to be living my dream??
you guys were friends during the time of his injury
ironically, you were exactly like him
you played for seido's softball team
and tore your rotator cuff as the starting catcher
your coach had heard of chris's injury and referred you to the same physical rehab center
chris had his injury a few weeks prior to yours
and when you two met, there was kind of like a silent understanding between the two of you
you guys bonded over pain
y'all had many secret mental therapy session together (of just the two of you in his or your dorm)
but while he had become depressed and was in a negative mindset, you had been optimistic and continued to help your team
you encouraged him to do the same, but he just couldn't
it hurt him to see others being able to play while he was stuck on the sidelines
even if you were a bit upset with how he was dealing with his injury, you continued to support him
he realized he had a crush on you during his third year
when sawamura had helped him regain his passion for baseball
he had realized how helpful you had been towards him
and how much you sacrificed to help him
it took him a bit to confess
because although he's been confessed to thousands of times
he's never confessed to someone himself
was kind of shy
but chris is a confident man
so he bought you a bouquet of flowers and showed up to one of your softball games
you were a manager and game specialist now, but you were with the team during every practice, game, and activity
your team had actually helped him, since they look up to you and want you to be happy
they made you leave early, and as you were walking out, there he was
he gave you the flowers, and confessed
you were surprised, because he hadn't been this forward with you before
but you of course said yes :))
"i really like you, be mine?"
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
yuki tetsuya
he's a leader both on and off the field
you were always paired up for group projects
he admired your academic skill and was a fair partner
did his share of the work, and helped you with yours (even though you didn't really need it)
totally a sweetheart
encouraging and thoughtful
sometimes, he'd have to miss class for a game
and he'd feel really bad so he'd make it up to you
unlike his skills in shogi, this man can actually cook
would give you bentos when he has time to use the dorm's kitchen
you'd end up eating lunch with him and his friends
and you'd have to end up sharing with yuki because he always gave you too much rice
maybe that was his plan all along
his friends would always tease him (namely ryosuke)
didn't realize he liked you
like at all
this man is kind of dumb sometimes
someone please hit him over the head so he can realize it
one day, he saw you getting confessed to
and at practice that day, he hit 4 balls over the fence
he was mad mad
that day you were watching his practice too
so you went over to talk to him afterwards to ask what was wrong
he couldn't come up with a reason until miyuki walked by and blurted that he liked you
you had overheard from ryosuke that yuki liked you but you didn't believe him
because it's ryosuke
but yuki finally figured out why he was mad and agreed to miyuki's statement
you weren't that surprised that he said it so bluntly
but all's well that ends well
"oh, miyuki's correct. i do have a crush on you."
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
kominato ryosuke
he's a menace
he has bullied you from DAY ONE
yes, he's short
but you're shorter
not by much, but he still teases you for it
but it's okay, because you guys have been going at it for years
poor haruichi has had to put up with your bickering since he was a little kid
just to spite ryosuke, you hang out with the first year trio
flirting with sawamura, sleeping on furuya's shoulder, playing with haruichi's hair
until they'd run away after seeing ryosuke's evil grin
and even though you guys 'didn't get along'
you still cared for each other
he was there for you when you had your first breakup
and you were his shoulder to lean on when they lost their tickets to nationals
he knew he liked you from day one
that's why he was such a meanie to you
you totally didn't catch on
until he kissed your cheek one day
"yeah, i like you. or something like that."
(sorry this one's short like him)
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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moririki · 4 years ago
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↷ 🐻 ↶ KISS LIST!
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when y/n y/l/n learns that she has three months left at seido before she has to move to a different city, she realises that there are many loose ends to tie up. a missed connection between her and a few boys is one of them, so she decides to make a kiss list and work her way through.
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❝ 𝒊 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 ❞
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oo. characters
i. the big news
ii. it's all coming together now
iii. a shining star
iv. at the dugout
v. the goddamn party
vi. an aftermath
vii. one down
viii. green with jealousy
ix. somebody that i used to know
x. kiss and tell
xi. old friend
xii. an intervention
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❝ 𝒐𝒉, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒃𝒂𝒅 ❞
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this series will contain multiple endings
24/05/2021 ⟶ ?
status: on hold
© moririki 2021
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take a look at the menu - ,, 🐻 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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moririki · 4 years ago
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you recount how you came to know kominato ryosuke
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MORI'S THOUGHTS -> uhhh flashback episode!! the plan is to do one for each of the boys as the story progresses and they interact. but yeah. italics = flashback. apologies about the slight cringiness of this chapter ahaha
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The noise of baseball hitting foam bat made you flinch as you watched the impressive swing of some eight year old.
Your hand tightly grasped your dad's as you stood near the edge of the miniature pitch. You wanted to turn tail and run back home, but your dad laughed at your whines and instead walked you up to the instructor.
You were ushered onto the pitch, given a small replica of a fielder's glove and given the instruction to "chase the ball" if it ever got near. You swallowed nervously, just hoping that it wouldn't come near you. You wished you didn't agree to sign up for this baseball summer camp.
You eyed the other team nervously, and how some were already eagerly swinging their foam bats even if they weren't up next. You watched as the next batter came up to the crudely drawn chalk box, taking a ready stance as your team's pitcher prepared to throw.
He wouldn't have stood out to you if it weren't for his bright pink hair. Well, he definitely stood out when he swung and hit the ball cleanly, sending it rocketing off to some distance behind you. You could hear the yells of your teammates telling you to go get it, but your little seven year old body couldn't manage to do anything else other than gape in wonder as the pink haired boy dropped his bat and started to run towards first base.
Some other teammate ended up getting the ball, but even as they sent it back to the oitcher with a throw that arced too high, the batter had already safely made it home.
You were completely stunned. He had hit it so effortlessly, completed a full run so quickly, like the game was made for him. As he ran past the third base where you were stood, the only way you could think to describe him was like a shooting star streaking across the night sky, leaving a blazing trail in its wake.
You surprised yourself when you found yourself walking up to him during the little lunch break you had. He had his back to you, and you hesitated a little before tapping his shoulder. He turned around, his facing remaining impassive as he saw you.
"I- uh, I think you're really cool when you play baseball!" you blurted out before you lost the nerve. The pink-haired boy smiled smugly at you before turning back to whoever he was talking to before.
"See, Haru? Your big brother's the coolest." You followed his gaze to see another boy with pink hair, though it covered his eyes unlike the taller boy. He nodded once, keeping his grip on his bat.
"I'm Ryosuke, and this is my litte brother Haruichi." You waved at them shyly, and Haruichi returned it with a blush.
"I'm Y/N," you mumbled in return.
"And you're sure that your name isn't Butterfingers or anything?" Ryosuke teased. You glared at him a little as he laughed at his own joke, though you couldn't help the thrill that rushed through you at the fact that he had given you a nickname.
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It was safe to say that Ryosuke was your first crush. During that summer, you learnt more about him and baseball. You learnt that you weren't particularly fond of the sport as a player, while him and his brother loved it. You learnt that you complemented the brothers nicely, being a year older than Haruichi and a year younger than Ryosuke. You also kearnt that you all lived rather far away, and that by the end if this summer camp there was a slim chance if seeing them again.
You were distraught for all of two weeks until the memory of them grew hazy around the edges and lay tucked away at the back of your mind to be looked over again in a few years.
Middle school went by reasonably quickly, with you meeting Oba and becoming fast friends with the girl. When it came to graduating and joining a new high school, the two of you agreed to get into the same one. The two of you ended up deciding to join Seido High School, since it was reasonably distanced between both of your houses.
You had agreed to meet Oba outside her classroom. You had been given a map of the school, but the only problem was that it provided very little insight on how exactly you could get to room 1-C.
You sighed, rounding the corner for what felt like the 50th time. Folding up the map and shoving it into your bag, you decided to just try your luck. You glanced up at the class bames as you walked along the corridor, trying to deduce which way you should turn to get closer to Oba's class.
You looked down the hallway, hoping for some magical sign to point you in the right direction, but to no such avail. Instead, you saw a boy a few metres away, with a head of bright pink hair and an easy smile on his face.
"Ryo?" The name slipped out of your mouth before you could stop it, an involuntary response to the sudden rush of memories from that summer camp you attended so many years ago.
The boy heard you, his head turning quickly at the sound of your voice. His face remained impassive as he stared you down, and you could have sworn that the resemblance between him and your childhood crush was uncanny.
He took a few steps towards you, before the smile on his face widened slightly.
"Fancy seeing you here, Butterfingers." aAnd just like that, everything you felt when you were seven hit you like a truck.
The awe. The adoration. The thrill at the sound of your terrible nickname.
The shining star in front of you.
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moririki · 4 years ago
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the list comes into fruition due to an unforeseen circumstance
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MORI'S THOUGHTS -> so i finally made myself sit down and write this first chapter, huh. sorry about it being so short, but i just wanted to set up the premise of the story!! and NO i did not forget miyuki he comes later bc plot ok? ok
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“Y/N, your father got the promotion!” Your mum was clapping her hands together, clearly pleased. Your dad looked happy too, and you were just bewildered. When you got home from school, you had instantly been bombarded with this news. But you soon processed it, and a wide grin also spread on your face.
“Dad, that’s great!” you hugged him tightly out of excitement, only to have any twinkling joy snuffed out with your mum’s next sentence.
“He’s been transferred to the Kyoto branch, so we are going to need to move closer to there.” You frowned. You really wanted to be happy for your Dad right now, but this dawning realisation was getting in the way.
“How close?”
“Sweetie, I don’t know,” your mum sighed. “But your father starts in September, so we’ll have to be in Kyoto by then.” Oh, now you were beginning to panic.
“But Mum, what about school? And my friends? What about Oba?”
“You can find new friends, and you can go to a new school. It won’t be the end of the world, Y/N.”
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Oba let out a long whistle when you finished telling her about your Dad’s promotion. It sure as hell sounded like the end of the world right now. The two of you were camped out in your bedroom, with similar dejected looks on your faces. While Oba was sprawled out on your bed, you leaned back in your desk chair and stared at the ceiling desolately.
Of course, upon hearing the news you had called her with a confusing mix of angry and upset tears streaking down your face. She had listened, making noises of outrage in the places she should have and listening to you rant when you needed to.
Now, she was sleeping over at your house to offer her comfort to you in these trying times. The two of you had completed the bawling-your-collective-eyes-out section of the sleepover, and glum silence was beginning to set in.
“I’m going to miss you, Oba,” you sniffled, wiping a stray tear from your eye.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N,” she answered glumly. You went back to staring at your ceiling, before piping up again.
“It’s just… I feel like I’m being ripped away from something that I’m still in the middle of, you know? I can’t look at Seido and pinpoint a single actual important thing that happened.” You sighed again, the frustration from your entire situation eating away at you.
“Hang on, do you mean achievements as in good grades or joining a club?” Oba sat up, staring at you in confusion.
“Of course not, dumbass,” you retorted, feeling yourself smile at your friend’s cluelessness. “I mean in the “never had a boyfriend” or “never had a kiss” kind of way.” Oba blinked once, before a smile broke out on her face.
“Well, you still have three months, right?”
“What do you mean?” you deadpanned, and Oba rolled her eyes.
“And you call me dumb, huh?”she muttered to herself. “Look, okay, who exactly do you want to kiss so bad?” Against your will, flashes of faces raced through your mind, though you shook your head.
“Okay, fine,” you huffed, throwing your hands up in frustration. “It’s not just one person though, so whatever you’re thinking, forget it.”
“Oh, not a chance.” Oba grinned, sitting up now with some newfound enthusiasm. “Where’s a pen? You might as well write them down.”
You thought that your friend was joking until you saw the dead serious look in her eyes.
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You hesitated as you finished scrawling the last name on the paper.
"Oba, I don't know.." you trailed off, not even bothering with a weak protest as your friend explained her elaborate plan for you.
"Look, it's not like you're going to be seeing them again after these three months. Not for a while, anyway." You were almost surprised at Oba's recovery time, since she was now back to her usual peppy and borderline bossy self.
At the top of the piece of paper was a hastily scrawled "Kiss List" with four names following up underneath it. After you had racked your brains for a few minutes, these were the only loose ends that came to mind. The missed connections, if you will.
As Oba had gleefully explained to you, the concept was simple. In order to avoid getting butthurt over leaving Seido "too soon," you now had to do your best to work through the list, and kiss each of the crushes that you had developed over the past year and a half.
She made it sound like some easy idle project to work on. As your eyes scanned the list of names, you weren't so sure.
"C'mon girl, gove yourself some credit, Oba insisted, taking the sheet of paper from your hands and tucking it into the frame of your mirror. The paper stayed there, the contents of it mocking you from where you sat.
Kominato Ryōsuke.
Kuramochi Yōichi.
Isashiki Jun.
Takigawa Chris Yū.
You put your head in your hands and groaned in frustration. Just what had you gotten yourself into?
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alitaimagines · 5 years ago
“hi, could you do an imagine about a fem! reader being the only girl on seidou's first-string baseball team? ignoring the absurd circumstance under which that would ever occur, of course. maybe set this during season 1/2 where the third years (chris, tetsu, jun etc) are still around!! thank you so much!” 
seidou x fem! Reader (i hope headcanons are okay, i felt like it flowed better) 
fandom: daiya no ace / ace of diamond 
song recommendation: dangerous woman - ariana grande 
being the only girl on the seidou team: 
every??? other??? school??? was???? confused??
you had the pitch of a fucking beast so kataoka made you a pitcher and shit, schools extremely underestimated you. it was all fun and games until they were struck out in less than thirty seconds.
sawamura and furuya basically praised the ground you walked on but so did half the school so??? 
you know how seniors generally adopt freshmen? you adopted sawamura the moment you saw him. it wasn’t unusual to see the both of you singing in the dorms at all times of the day. 
your ego/confidence was up to narumiya levels considering you were one of the best pitchers in japan so you had every right to be that way. 
you and ryo started dating and the team went into shambles. your ego and ryo’s scary attitude really got the team on edge and the both of you used it to your advantages. 
you and jun got into more arguments than one could count. there wasn’t one day when tetsu had to step in and stop the both of you from fighting each other. jun didn’t care that you were a girl, he was ready to throw had 28/5. 
chris was genuinely the only person who knew your real self. obviously excluding ryo bc he was your bf. he would be there for the days where you would break down bc of hurtful comments from other teams or people in the crowd. sometimes being the only girl on a boys team really fucking sucked. 
on the same note, he understood that you struggled with you feminine side. you were always surrounded by boys and if you even dared to wear a dress or a skirt, there would be laughs and jokes for days. they seen you as one of the boys, not like the managers or their girl classmates. sometimes you wondered how the hell you got ryo to like you.
because you adopted sawamura, there would be days where you would have to stop miyuki and kuramochi from harassing him. that led to you and kuramochi straight up wrestling each other until you tapped him out. 
the media polarized the hell out of you. you were a girl! on an all star boys team! how odd! there would be days where different magazines would call you for interviews or photoshoots and frankly, you were tired of it but you knew it was good publicity for the school so you unwillingly did the photoshoots and interviews. it was weird to see your face plastered all over west tokyo and that really didn’t ease the comments from other teams and opposing crowds. 
you remember on two different occasions during the same game when you nearly fought someone in the crowd and an opposing team player. it ended with the team holding you back before you got ejected and that had been the only time the team had seen you cry. it was a pretty tough scene to watch. 
a: it was a televised event so nearly all of tokyo seen you break down. b: that also made a few players have to hold ryo back as well before he went over to fight for you. c: that was when it dawned on everyone, including the school board and different teams, that you were being mistreated. mistreated in a way that they hadn’t realized. the comments, which included raunchy and sexual innuendos, caught everyone off guard. 
they didn’t bench you but they had to enforce rules that they weren’t enforcing when you originally joined. the school board caught heat for it and you willingly took a few weeks off, scaring the team that you would drop them bc of the incident. 
when you went back to practice, after a few therapy sessions with ryo, chris, kataoka, rei, and the school counselor, you were determined to finish your third year with the team. you had quite literally seen the relief fall onto everyones faces. 
it was tough being the only girl but you were proud of the work you put into seidou’s team. you were a badass pitcher and you gender never defined you. 
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alitaimagines · 5 years ago
request: “angst with my boy Ryou!! i’ve been in a daiya mood the last few weeks and I actually forgot how much I loved ryou and harada. this has a lot of timeskips so bare with me here. ”
character: ryousuke kominato, harada masatoshi. 
fandom: ace of diamond / daiya no ace
song recommendation: i dont fuck with you - big sean. 
it was the end of your third year and you looked at Ryou with loving expression. it wasn’t a mystery to see you looking at him with love eyes. the two of you got together at the begging of both of your second year. you managed to fight your way through his heart and at first, he thought you were just going to be some high school girlfriend but once Ryou realize that he actually loved you, it all changed.
the two of you would sneak off at night to enjoy an impromptu date night. there was a few times where Kataoka seen you but he minded his business and turned the other way. he knew that outside distractions did benefit a player as it kept them from over working themselves.  
it wasn’t until the end of the year when everything took a turn for the worst. you had applied for a few universities in Japan but the one you were aiming to attend was Hokkaido University. You didn’t think you were actually going to get in but when you checked your mail and seen the acceptance letter, you let out a scream of happiness. 
“FUJIWARA GUESS WHAT!” you screamed as you slammed the door to your shared dorm wide open, “what are you screaming for?” she asked as she noticed your excitement. 
you slammed the letter on the desk as she smiled, “me too!” she screamed showing you the same letter she received. you gave her a smile before tackling her into a hug, “roomies?” you screamed as she laughed before agreeing. 
“I can’t believe we actually got in!” you exclaimed, “I wonder if Ryou got in. having my boyfriend and my best friend attending the same school would be a dream!” you flopped down on your bed, holding your letter to your chest. 
“what do you mean you’re not going to Hokkaido?” you asked as you looked at Ryou with tears pricking your eyes, “did you not get accepted? or are you just denying it?” 
Ryou showed you the plethora of acceptance letters he received and although he did receive an acceptance to Hokkaido, he was denying it to go to Osaka. 
“we’re not attending the same school.” you whispered, “Ryou, you do realize that, right?” he nodded as he grabbed all your acceptance letters and seen that Osaka was not one of your choices. 
he sighed, “did you even apply to Osaka?” you shook your head no, “you knew I wasn’t. I told you that my top choices were the Hokkaido, Kyoto, and the University of Southern California.” 
you jokingly took an entrance test for a school in America and once you got your results back in, you realized that you did get in. your parents pushed you to attend it but after looking at the tuition, all of you agreed it was too much. 
“what are we going to do?” you asked as he mentioned long distance. you knew you could do long distance but that was more work for a relationship that wasn’t promised, “no, I don’t think that would work.” 
Ryou gave you a look, he sensed what you were going to tell him. taking a break or worse, completely breaking up. 
“our only choice is breaking up.” 
you muttered the words he feared the most. he didn’t want to break up with you but you had dreams in Hokkaido and his baseball dreams relied in Osaka.  
“are you serious?” he asked. you gave him a dumbfounded look, “I told you since the beginning of our third year all my choices and all the schools I took entrance exams for. it’s your fault for not telling me you were attending Osaka.” 
Ryou scoffed, “my fault?” he asked rhetorically, “how is this all my fault?” you rubbed your temples, “I just told you why. I told you my choices and you didn’t tell me any of yours. how were we supposed to coordinate schools when you didn’t tell me?” 
Ryou knew you were right but his damn pride didn’t want him to lose the argument, “you could’ve asked, you know?” you let out a sarcastic laugh, “we’re not children, Kominato!” shit, you were pissed. Ryou knew that you when you called him by his last name, you were serious. 
“you knew this was going to come up and if you knew that you weren’t giving Hokkaido an option, I wouldn’t have applied. I’m not the one at fault here, you are.” 
you wanted to cry, you really did, but when it came down to it, you realized how ridiculous it was to feel upset about this. it wasn’t your fault and you weren’t going to cry about a relationship that Ryousuke, in a sense, threw away. 
“so this is it? we’re done?” 
“you’re attending Osaka and I’m going to Hokkaido so yeah we are.” 
moving out of Seidou and instantly going to Hokkaido was a relief in one hand but stress in another. both you and Fujiwara found a cheap apartment in the Hokkaido area and moved in only a few weeks after graduating. 
after the break up with Ryou, you returned all of his things except his baseball sweater. not really out of memories but because the sweater was extremely comfortable and that was the only Seidou merch you kept. 
Fujiwara wanted nothing more than you kick Ryou’s ass after finding out what happened but you realized that everything happened for a reason and there was no point in dwelling on a relationship that Ryou seemingly didn’t care about. 
once you settled into the apartment and managed to find jobs that fit around your class schedules, you both knew it was time to get out on the town and explore Hokkaido. 
“hey, there’s a baseball game tonight. want to do that?” you asked. Fujiwara thought about it, “sure, I don’t mind. as long as it doesn’t end too late. I work tomorrow morning.” 
you nodded as you purchased a two front row tickets for the seven o’clock game. outside of being with Ryou, you didn’t care too much about baseball. you did find the game interesting but you didn’t actively seek to watch it. both you and Fujiwara knew going to a game only gave you a reason to leave the house and actually do something. 
the both of you purchased a Hokkaido jersey as soon as you arrived to the stadium but you had completely forgotten was that Harada had gotten drafted to the team at the beginning of the summer. 
“hey, I’m going to buy us some drinks before the game, once you find our seats, text me so I can go ahead and find you.” 
Fujiwara nodded as you went up to one of the stands and bought the both of you coffee. being that it was already August, most days were extremely hot but today, there was a slight breeze in the air. 
after ordering the coffee, you hadn’t realized you weren’t watching where you were walking and ran into someone. 
“oh my god, I am so sorry!” you exclaimed. although it was your fault, you were the one who ended up on the ground, “oh Harada, I didn’t realize it was you!” you exclaimed. 
Harada chuckled before giving you his hand and helping you back on your feet, “what are you doing in Hokkaido?” he asked. you scratched your head nervously, “oh, I go to university here. both Fujiwara and I just wanted to come to a game just so we wouldn’t be trapped inside the house all day.”
 Harada hummed, “where are you sitting?” you showed him your ticket, “players get to have family members sit in the box seats. do you guys want to take the seats tonight?” Harada asked. 
you immediately denied, “no we couldn’t. we wouldn’t even know how to repay you.” Harada chuckled, “no need to repay me. it’s my pleasure hosting you.” your face immediately went warm as you ultimately agreed on taking his seats. 
once you texted Fujiwara and told her everything with Harada, she couldn’t help but smack you on the arm, “I haven’t seen you with a smile like that since you were still with Ryou.” you didn’t say anything back but you knew she was right. 
the seats that Harada had given you were amazing. you were able to see everything from the top and Harada even gave you a discreet wink all the way from the bottom before the game started. 
from the game that Seidou had against Inashiro, you never remembered Harada being so confident but you guessed personalities changed when it came to on and off the field. 
halfway through the game, someone came in with plates of food, “box members get dinner on the behalf of Hokkaido players.” was all the person said before setting the plates down on the counter and leaving. 
you grabbed the small note that was on the tray as Fujiwara grabbed her plate and ran back to the seat to continue watching the game. 
“I figured a way you could repay me. here’s my number, call me so I can properly take you out.” 
you hid the paper in your pocket, deciding not to show Fujiwara until the game was over. you put his number into your cell before grabbing your plate of food and sitting back down. 
once you finally fessed up to Fujiwara about Harada giving you his number, it was the same day Harada planned on taking you out. he picked a cute restaurant in a neighboring city and was on his way to pick you up. 
Fujiwara didn’t take no for an answer and put you in some of the cutest clothes she owned. it was a black skirt that reached your knees, a plain white blouse, and left you to do your own hair. 
“you look great! are you excited?” 
you gave her a nervous smile, “I’m fucking nervous! I’m going on a date with Hokkaido’s catcher! do you know how many girls would kill to be in my spot?” you exclaimed. Fujiwara laughed, “yeah but you’re the one in that position so fucking be excited about it!” 
you nodded as you heard a knock on your door, “I’ll answer it!” Fujiwara screamed as she ran to the door. you ran to the bathroom to make sure you looked okay before going back out. 
“ah, Harada! how are you! she’ll be out in a minute. she just had to use the bathroom.” 
Harada nodded as he sat down on your couch, “would you like some tea or anything?” Harada shook his head no as he gripped the flowers he brought you. 
you took one final breath before leaving the bathroom and walking outside to your living room. Harada’s mouth dropped as he felt himself blushing, “you look beautiful.” you smiled as he handed you the flowers, “they’re beautiful, Harada.” 
Fujiwara squealed, “if there’s any single players on your team, she has my number so you can give it to them.” Harada laughed as you set your flowers on your kitchen table. 
“leave, you don’t want to be late! have fun! make sure everything is consensual!” 
you felt embarrassment rush over your face at what Fujiwara said, “we will,” Harada responded before taking your hand and walking out of your apartment. 
after a few months of dating Harada, you felt like everything was back to normal in your life. you had an amazing boyfriend, your education was going great, and Fujiwara managed to get find someone who played for Hokkaido to take her out. 
Harada was everything Ryou wasn’t. Ryou tended to hide his affection in front of everyone while Harada didn’t mind showing you off to the team. you understood that Harada traveled a lot but some how, the two of you made it work.
the off season finally came and you were in your apartment with Fujiwara and her boyfriend. being that her boyfriend was few years older than the two of you, he managed to buy a few cases of beer and two bottles of wine. 
“where’s Masa? he should be here by now.” you asked Daiki. he shrugged, “I think he was rearranging his apartment. at least that’s what he told me.” Daiki brushed off your comment before continuing the coversation he was having with Fujiwara. 
they both knew what he was saying was true but there was more to the story than that. Harada was planning on asking you to move in with him and he was making space to make room for your things. Harada was a traditionalist and he felt it was right in his heart to ask you to move in with him before things got even more serious. 
it had been a few days after that day when you were with Harada in his apartment. you were laying on top of him, adorning one of his shirts as he rubbed your sides. 
“you know I love you, right?” 
you nodded as you gave Harada a peck, “of course. what makes you say that?” you asked. Harada twiddled his fingers as readjusted yourself. you wrapped your legs around his waist as he huffed, “well, we’ve dating for a while and you know with my line of work, I was wondering if you wanted to move in. it would make everything a lot easier.” 
you could tell how nervous Harada was, “of course. is that why Daiki told me you were rearranging your apartment a few days ago?” Harada nodded. you smiled before giving him a kiss, “we can start moving my things in tomorrow.” 
Harada nodded as he seen a smirk play on your face, “we should celebrate tonight. lets call Fujiwara and Daiki and go to a club!” you asked, “but before that, we should celebrate another way first.” 
Harada knew what you meant by that as you took your shirt off and pushed him back on the couch. 
it had been a few months since that night. Ryousuke didn’t really pay attention to the news surrounding players as a lot of the news was mostly rumors. or he hoped they were rumors. 
Tetsu had messaged Ryou with a video that Fujiwara had sent him. it was of all four of you singing to “I Dont Fuck With You” by Big Sean. Ryou seen how Harada was holding you as you sang to the camera. he could tell you were a bit drunk as your words were slurred a bit. 
“I guess it’s time for you to move on.” was all Tetsu said in the message. there was a part of him that hoped he could rekindle what the two of you had. he didn’t believe the video and just hoped that the next time he seen you, you were as single as the day you left Seidou. 
“Masa, Seidou is holding a gathering and they want alumni to attend. you should come with me!” you exclaimed. he gave you a look, “I don’t think it’s safe for a retired Inashiro player to attend that.” 
you pouted as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “please? I want to show my fiance off!” Harada couldn’t deny your puppy eyes, “fine!” you smiled before giving him a kiss, “it’s this Friday so we could make it a trip to see our families!” 
you arrived to Seidou and looked at the campus. it was exactly the same way you left it. you squeezed Harada’s arm as you ushered him inside the gym. you gave the person at the front door the invitation and seen all of your old schoolmates. 
“Jun! Masuko! Tanba!” you exclaimed as you ran to them. they turned around in surprise as they seen you running towards them, “it’s felt like forever!” you whispered as you gave them a hug. 
they returned it before pointing behind you, “uh, is he with you?” Tanba asked. you nodded, “Masatoshi? of course, why wouldn’t my fiance be here?” they all gave you a bewildered look. 
“you’re engaged?” Jun screamed. you nodded happily as you them your ring. they gawked at how huge it was, “my god. congrats!” they all said awkwardly before congratulating Harada. 
they all held your hand to see the ring up close, “it’s fucking huge!” Jun muttered as you laughed, “I know. he’s the best, isn’t he?” you joked as you held Harada’s hand. 
“I know I’m the best.” 
you felt yourself stiffen Ryou’s voice. you turned and seen Tetsu, Ryou, and Chris standing behind you. Ryou with a smirk playing on his face as Tetsu and Chris gave you smiles. 
“hey guys! how are you!” you tried to say as unawkward as possible, “great, how are you?” Tetsu said, “I see the rumors about you and Harada being together are true,” Chris muttered. 
you nodded as you seen your favorite running towards you, “Haruno! Yui!” you screamed pushing everyone out of the way. they tackled you into a hug as you tried to remain standing. 
“you made it!” Yui screamed as she let you go, “of course. I really came here only to see the two of you!” you said as you hugged them again. they smiled as they let you go and noticed the rock on your hand. 
“you’re actually engaged! that’s awesome!” Haruno exclaimed as she held your hand up to see the ring, “holy shit, it’s huge! is that him?” Yui asked as she pointed at Harada. you nodded as they brought you over to the rest of the group, “did you guys see? she’s engaged!” Yui exclaimed as she showed all the boys your hand. 
you felt a blush rise as you tried to take your hand back, “we see that! that’s awesome!” Tetsu muttered as he looked at Ryou. everyone knew that you were engaged but they were all hoping that it didn’t get brought up. 
“well, Fujiwara and her boyfriend Daiki should be here soon. we’re going to find a table for us to sit at. we’re here all weekend so we should all meet up if we can and have dinner tomorrow.” 
they nodded as you waved them goodbye and grabbed Harada by the hand, “well, how awkward was that?” you exclaimed before the two of you let out a belting laugh. 
Ryou felt his eye twitch as he watched the two of you laugh. Ryou got the confirmation he needed. you were in fact engaged and he knew he couldn’t compare to Harada. no matter how hard he tried. 
“sorry bro, maybe it’s better this way.” 
Ryou gave Tetsu a look before turning around to look at you. he seen you give Harada kiss before going back to talk to Yui and Haruno. maybe Tetsu was right. maybe it was better this way. 
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