#koharu mitsurugi x reader
argonavis-hcs · 2 years
How They Will Celebrate Your Birthday
Argonavis | GYROAXIA | Fantome Iris | FUURAI | epsilon phi
» a/n: I apologize for being biased but i love these goth uncles so much it hurts. I wish there's more translation on Koharu's background and personality in the future because i feel like he's the most vague out of the other four, hence why often struggles when writing his fanfic... more like i wish i understand japanese lol. Long live to all the argopro translator out there i hope you get the best things in life. That also applies to you, people who like to read my work here <3
» Tags: fem!reader
» TW: none
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Guy has money but i must apologize, dear readers, you're going to have to endure tonight's dinner. Prepare for full course dish made out of... love, of course. Nothing but love for his one and only, the Queen of his heart
No worries tho, being Felix's partner AKA the King of Vampire himself makes you his counterpart, the second-in-command of the Vampire realm in which you have his fellow vampires (and our human priest, Daimon) to back you up. They will contribute to prepare you the best birthday dinner (only those who happen to have their schedule empty of course)
Felix being French that he is, romance runs in his blood. He will send you a birthday greeting written beautifully in a classic, yellowed, old paper. It's so dramatic of him that you let out a chuckle when you opened the letter, you also couldn't help but notice that the letter has his scent all over it. Not even the big bouquet of roses in your front door can hide this fragrance of his
His students wondered why he's looks so happy today, why it's because he has many agenda to do with you on your special day of course~
The dinner went great, no stomachache involved. The atmosphere feels like you're inside royal palace with an actual king. For the final Act, Felix bows and ask the lady for a dance, you agreed and the piano starts playing. If you don't really know how to dance, it's ok, he'll lead you and you don't have to think about anything else, simply pay attention to him. Don't be afraid to fall, for he will always catch you no matter what
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As much as a busy person he is, he will remember your day because that's just the kind of person he is. He marked the date on his calendar, on his phone, even put a little note on his bathroom mirror so he can see it every time he brush his teeth in the morning
It's probably nothing extravagant, but spending time with you without disturbance is considered as luxury due to how tight his schedule can be
In the afternoon he will pick you up from work with a cake he just bought on the way, walking together to your place while also stopping on some stores to buy more presents despite you saying that his time is more than enough. Also he won't let you carry a single bag. The two of you will take a break on the train station while eating a desert until your train comes
Your birthday celebration is held in the evening at your place. You live by yourself away from your family so you decide to spend your day with Tomoru alone since you miss him so, and your friends understand it so they decide to celebrate tomorrow evening after work
Feeling kinda playful, you smear some cake frosting onto your boyfriends nose when he's not looking. He won't let you off easy y'know? He get his revenge by smearing even more cake frosting on your cheek. This is the thing with Tomoru, when alone with him you feel safe and free to act like a kid again, despite the two of you being literal adults with responsibility.
It ended up being a playful cake fight. Both faces are covered with frosting that Tomoru had to put his glasses away where it safe. You realized it's been so long since you've seen him without it outside fantome iris live, you can't help but stare at his feature. You don't realize you stared for too long until he surprised you with a kiss. It started simple, innocent, and light, till he deepen the kiss each seconds. You can taste the sweetness of his lips on you, and that's when you know that this is the best birthday present you could've ever wished for
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Oh God please help this guy. He's panicking like it's the end of the world. What if he make things worse? What if his bad luck transfers itself to you on your day? What if you hate him after this? What if what if what if–
At least for today he wants to accomplish one of the biggest achievement he could ever achieve, that is to put the biggest smile on your face. To be the reason of your happiness for the day
But the reality is, he still can't think of what to do. He asked his band mates/friends for advice and they suggest Jun to just ask you what do you want. He is in doubt but complies either way
Surprisingly, you ask him if he perform a song with piano. His brain circuited, he thought your request will be something difficult or something along the lines of 'surprise me', which will terrify him even more
Despite already being good at piano, he's still in distress on which song he should play, or should he compose a new one instead? Countless hours were spent to perfect his skill that he even sacrificed his gaming time 'cause the thought of you won't leave his head
The day arrive and you were so excited to see him play especially for you, but Jun didn't expect you to sit so close beside him, shoulders touching and all. The notes in his head completely disappeared that all he could think about is how beautiful you look today, your scent cloud his head it's intoxicating him in the best way possible. Oh how he wished he's good with words, to praise such being as you, but he knows he'll only embarrass himself if he opens his mouth. So his music shall declare his admiration on his behalf
You can feel the tears pooling already. The melody of each songs were played perfectly with no flaws. As your eardrums were blessed with his music, you were also in awe with the way his fingers dance on each keys. To think that you long-awaited moment to witness his play are now granted, it was the most beautiful present you ever received
You can't help but lay your head on his shoulder and hug his arm. As you whisper those three words, all the pianist feel is the warmth unfurling from his chest. His world are now filled with every color spectrum, with you at the center
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Just like Felix's students, Koharu's students also notice Koharu seems happier and more energetic today. Innocent eyes looking at their teacher, asking what makes him joyful? It's because today he will celebrate the birthday of someone reaaaaallly important to him!
"Is it the person waiting outside??" Asked a little girl while tip-toeing at the window. Some kids really do well in remembering faces who usually visits the nursery, huh? Koharu picked up the little girl and together they took a peek outside... And found you sitting there. Wait, shouldn't you be at work? And shouldn't he be the one picking you up from work instead? This is not what we talked about, y/n!
Work was kind enough to let you off early for some reason. So to save time, you decide to visit the nursery where your boyfriend works. While waiting for him, you get to see him handling children, which is something you've always wanted to see
Some kids even cheered happy birthday to you. Perhaps Koharu told them? Kids in this nursery are so sweet, no wonder Koharu love his job. Koharu just looked at you with that sheepish smile of his
The two of you celebrate on a restaurant you've always wanted to visit. The food place is always crowded that Koharu had to make reservation one week in advance. It was totally worth it, the food were all delicious and you and Koharu got to eat to your heart's content. Careful now, Koharu, you can't eat too much or else your costume won't fit anymore
You think celebrating in this place alone is enough? Absolutely not! You haven't blown any candles yet, and for that you need a cake. So the two of you pick up the cake in Champ de Fleur that happened to be empty. Well, doesn't matter because Koharu intend to do this quick as he's going to take your for an all-night long ride with his motorcycle (I hc he used to ride one when he was young)
"W-What? Of course I 'm not avoiding eating your cake! It's your birthday cake, not mine so... Ugh, fine, but only you feed me yourself!"
You were a bit hesitant to ride with him until morning. But you're also well aware that you have nothing to worry about. You and him are both adults and Koharu can protect you from any danger. So why not take his hand and see the world he has to offer?
After all, unlike the two of us, the night is still young. So hold on to me and let's enjoy the present time as much as we can, shall we?
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Our biggest male wife (figuratively and literally) will do everything himself. Everything was made by his hands and the sacrifice of his time and energy
He will close the café early as he's planning to decorate the place a little bit and make sure everything is ready. The cake, check. The whole five different dishes that's made for large group of people, check. Presents, check, hopefully you will like them
If you prefer to bring your friends and his friends along. he's totally ok with it. The more the merrier! But if you just want him then he doesn't mind, he's going to have easier time tidying things up after the celebration
Truly the best cake is the one made by the hands of your loved one. You silently wish your family will also one day taste delicacies made by your partner. As cringey as it sounds, every bite is filled with love. This is the love language of Kusunoki Daimon, the one who never show much expression as he shows it through his act of service, and you're more than willing to bask on this feeling forevermore
One of his gift being a reference to the story of Beauty and The Beast. A single rose that wilts slowly, as long as the beast hasn't found his true love, one petal will fall. One by one until it eventually dies. In contrast to the rose in the story, the rose Daimon gave you will never die. Standing proud and eternal inside the crystal clear glass. For he has found his true love in the shape of you, who was born and fated to be together with him. A token of gratitude for making it through many hardships with him, not leaving his side, and for loving a beast such as him
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lychee-drinks · 3 years
Signs Koharu has a crush on you
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It doesn’t take Koharu long to realize he has some feelings for you. He blushes when you’re around, and he has wants to be around you.
Koharu is definitely the type to be a little bit mean and will bully you if he really likes you.
They’ll just be small friendly insults.
But that won’t stop him from occasionally complimenting you and calling you hot.
I dont see Koharu being that affectionate with you, but before you guys get together, he’ll definitely grab your arm a lot.
He’ll probably go to Daimon from time to time asking for some advice, but not often.
Koharu will be a bit protective. Not too much, but he is going to always want to go around wherever you go in public.
When it’s time to confess his feelings, Koharu would be really straightforward about it.
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argonavis-hcs · 3 years
Autumn Winds
Author's note: here's my promise from that post. Honestly, it was a bit of a struggle for me to not cry when it's family related, but hey this one fic is a bit long than usual. Also i'm sorry for not updating these days ehehe...
Pairings: Koharu Mitsurugi × single mom s/o
Genre: fluff
⚠️Note: b/n=boy's name, you have a son. maybe confusing plot lmao, mention of marriage, excuse my grammar kudasai.
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Koharu wanted this to be perfect. Everything was set. He had crossed everything he need for today's plan. Flowers, cake, gift, wearing perfume, basically the things guys do and bring to a picnic date.
A picnic date that includes your son to be exact.
He ignored the feeling of nervousness, afraid he might ruin things between you and him instead of doing everything according to plan. All he could do was focusing on each steps toward your place. Backing out was never an option. That's not something a real man like him would do.
He took a deep breath, bracing himself to knock on your door. "Y/n, it's me."
The door opened, revealing you looking beautiful in autumn outfit. Not that it mattered what you wear because you'd always look great anyway. You greeted him with a smile. "Hey, you're finally here. k/n just finished his breakfast. Please make yourself at home."
"I apologize for the intrusion." Koharu stepped in. This was his first time coming over to your house. The interior seemed comforting and clean despite it's relatively small size. Just enough for a woman and 4 year old boy to live in.
"Do you want any drink before we go? Have you had breakfast?" You asked. "These flower looks lovely by the way. Thank you so much." You pecked him on the cheek.
"I had breakfast before going here," Koharu answered. "I'm glad you love them. I was worried your reaction would be the opposite." Koharu made a mental note to thank Felix later for that.
You're done putting the flower in a water-filled vase. Decorating it a little bit until it looks presentable from every angle. "Beautiful~"
Seeing you all smiling and happy because of him was very contagious. It made him felt less nervous to pop the news to her son.
"Koharu-sensei!!" A boy shouted excitedly.
Koharu took care of your son in the nursery 5 days a week. He was shy to make friends at the beginning until Koharu taught him to be brave, to not hesitate to join the fun. That made him more attached to Koharu than with any other teacher at the nursery.
The problem was, your son hasn't fully understand Koharu's relationship with you yet. He didn't want the boy to misunderstand everything and hate him for it.
"Are we going to go somewhere? Will my friends be there too?" The boy asked. His eyes sparked with enthusiasm they made Koharu almost felt bad he didn't want to crush his hopes.
Koharu knelt down. "I'm sorry b/n but today's trip will be just the three of us." The boy seemed confused by that answer. "But i have a new friend for you. Your birthday was last week, right?"
It was two action figures from a famous hero movie. The boy would often talked to Koharu about how awesome the character was with such adoration any boy his age could express. The boy's reaction to this birthday gift was no less than overjoyed.
"Ah, you really don't have to, Koharu..." you said softly.
"I wanted to. B/n has been a good boy for taking care of his mom after all." Koharu ruffled your son's hair. The boy was so thrilled he couldn't stop checking out his new toys.
You chuckled. "Sweetie, what do you say when someone give you a present?"
"Thank you so much, Koharu-sensei!" He beamed.
"You're welcome~ And happy birthday, b/n." Koharu smiled at him. "Now, are you ready for the adventure?"
(at the park) 🍂
Fortunately, the three of you managed to find a a place in the park that wasn't too crowded, there's only a handful of people within good distance, surrounded by the rain of leaves carried by September winds.
Your son was playing in the distance, running and jumping around to step on the crunchy leaves that fell into the ground. "Be careful! And don't go too far, ok?" You shouted.
"Ok mom!" He cheered.
You and Koharu were left alone at last. Bathing in serenity of each other's company. You told him, "My son adores you."
Koharu reached out to hold your hand. "I adore him too," he responded. "And I adore you too. In case he never said that."
"I'll kick you if you don't." You threw your sweetest smile at him.
"Jeez, you're more feisty than a tiger."
"Why, thank you! I learned from the best."
"Is that so? I wonder what'd happen if I do this to you then." Koharu leisurely kissed the palm of your hand, to your wrist, intertwining his fingers with yours. Your eyes widen from that sudden gesture, especially when you're in public and your kid could appear anytime.
"?! K-Koharu, wait–" you stammered.
"Why's Koharu-sensei holding mother's hand?" Asked your son from behind Koharu. Koharu was startled, he taught the boy won't catch him red handed like that.
You were about to throw some excuse but your son shoot you with, "A girl at school said that girl and boy can't hold hands until they get married. Does that mean Koharu-sensei is married to my mom?"
Suddenly he could feel the weigh of the ring he'd been carrying for the past month. In case he found the correct moment to confess.
Or more like when he found the courage to do it.
His mind couldn't help but cloud his head with doubts, resulting in him chickening out again and again. So far you never tried to push him away but Koharu never done this before while you got proposed once. He wanted to do it better than your ex husband who left you but what if he made a wrong move? What if you're not ready? What if he's not doing a good job being a father figure to your son?
"Sweetie, it's not what you-" you began to say.
Screw it, Koharu thought.
"Well, if both of you allow me to." Koharu interrupted.
You were shocked beyond belief by his statement. Did he really pick this time out of anytime he had the chance? You looked at him with stunned expression and red tinted face, demanding explanation.
"Koharu, did you just-"
"I'm serious." Koharu let out a small red box, revealing a beautiful ring inside.
Did the temperature just rise or were you the only one who felt so hot your tears about to come out?
Your son was confused, though. He just looked at the two of you back and forth trying to figure out what's going on with the adults in front of him. Why's mother in tears?
"Y/n, will you accept me in your-"
"Yes!" You jumped onto him, burying your teary face in his chest.
"O-Oi! At least let me finish my line first, will you?"
"You shouldn’t have surprised me like that then."
Koharu signed. "But i'm not done yet."
"What do you mean?" You asked.
Koharu put his hand on you son's shoulder, he took a deep breath to calm himself down for what he's about to say. "B/n," he began. "I've loved your mother for a long time and i intend to stay beside her, to be a part of your family. I want to make both of you the happiest you could ever be. So, will you trust me to take your mother's hand in marriage?" At this point Koharu could only pray the little boy got the point because his heart was about to explode due to nervousness.
Surprisingly, the message he got was, "Does that mean I can see Koharu-sensei everyday? Does that mean Koharu-sensei will live with us?" He asked. "Does that also mean... Koharu-sensei will be my father?"
Lord have mercy because Koharu also felt like crying tears of happiness like the boy's mother.
"Most likely." Koharu smiled warmly. "If you accept me, that is. I can’t do this without you."
The boy cheered and said, "We can finally watch my favorite movies together! We can also go to–" the boy went on and on about things he could do with Koharu from now on.
"Yes. We can do all of that," Koharu reassured. "Thank you, b/n. I promise to be the best partner and father to you guys."
The newfound family embraced each other in the rain of leaves. The wind carried the promise they had for each other, into their journey together ahead. As the sun continues to shine; as the stars continues to aline.
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