#kof shingo gaiden manga
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viceandmature · 1 year ago
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The first ever female villains of King of Fighters: Vice and Mature
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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saxophone-under-the-moon · 1 month ago
My RP Wishlist for 2025
So, I have been meaning to make this post for a while, so I might as well do it now. Since the New Year has started, I'll post what I would like to do this year.
1. Do more threads with Kyo and Iori's rivalry. I know a lot of people think their rivalry is stale and I shouldn't do it at all, but when I actually get to write it it's actually a lot of fun. People tend to forget that Iori was super smug and petty towards Kyo in his earlier days, and I would like to write that side of him more often. 2. More crossover threads. I don't get to do fighting game crossover threads very often, and for some reason a lot of writers on this site are averse to the idea, especially for fight threads. For the longest time, I always wanted to do an epic Capcom vs. SNK thread, and since they're going to re-release the CVS games this year, now would be the right time to hop on that train.
3. Find more KOF writers to do threads with in general.
I know KOF is a relatively niche series, but I would like to explore certain ideas that didn't get the time to be fleshed out in the games. One idea in particular would be to have Iori develop a kinship of sorts with Leona, who is afflicted with the same blood curse as he is. It won't be a shipping thread, but I can see them forming a bond over time (and they both have their walls, so it won't be easy).
4. Write more threads with Orochi Iori. This was something that I always wanted to do for a while, but when I was trying to push for threads with him back last October, I didn't get much interest. Why are people so scared of writing with Orochi Iori? Halloween is the perfect time to write him! Besides, I always wanted to get better at writing that feral side of Iori. They need to embrace the terror and the chaos he will bring.
5. Write other verses (especially The King of Fantasy).
I know The King of Fantasy (the Iori isekai manga) isn't the greatest work of fiction, but it is a lot of fun. It also has a lot of potential for world-building, and I wanted to explore more of it. Plus you can't go wrong with Iori taking on dragons and other fantasy creatures, right?
6. Explore more of Iori's childhood/family history.
I know Iori's past doesn't get explored all that much in canon (but you do see a glimpse of his child self in KOF: Kyo and you see a snippet of his pre-KOF life in that Sun and Moon drama CD). I would like to do more threads as kid/teen Iori, plus I could have Magai as a guest muse (since he appears in the Shingo Gaiden manga).
I'll add more to this list over time. I just wanted to do more things that aren't bland slice of life threads (which get boring very fast). KOF is a fighting game series, so shouldn't people write more action threads? Besides, Iori is not really a character who you can put in slice of life situations. What's he supposed to do in those (well, besides take care of stray cats and play his bass). Iori is a dark and gritty '90s anti-hero/rival (kind of like Eddie Brock/Venom), so shouldn't I do more threads with that tone in mind for him? And especially violent ones?
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mariaantonnietta · 3 months ago
I have been thinking about the shingo gaiden manga
And like, I'm jumping on a lot of assumptions here but if we don't break the lore of it being a bloodline thing,...shingo getting flames without being from any means he, shingo yabuki, got amaterasu blessing on his own.
(I do not remember kof lore well, like it makes sense in my head, the three sacred treasures belonged to amaterasu, so she is the one that blessed the bloodlines to produce flames -and whatever kagura clan does - but i know there were like other 7 treasures in some other game and that reels me up. Probably minor ones? Or other god ones? Idk)
Well, but if that's the case that's the way to go, shingo! Super impressive feat!!
Like, funnily enough I think orochi would consider him the bigger threat. That sounds hilarious to me, but not anyone gets the attention of the boss lady.
(I have not idea how snk treats amaterasu and susanoo and the rest. Maybe is in nakoruru lore idk)
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blackhakumen · 4 years ago
Mini Fanfic #838: Meeting the Sisters (King of Fighters)
6:45 p.m. Outside of the Yabuki's Residence.......
K': (Looks Up at the House Along With Rock and Kula) This is the place?
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Yep! My home sweet home. Might not be the best looking house in the world, but I still love it..
Rock: (Smiles Softly at the House) I dunno about that, Shingo. From all the houses we've seen so far, yours looks pretty good.
Kula: Ooh! (Turns to Shingo With an Excited Look on her Face) Is there gonna be ice cream in there?~
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) You bet. My sister picked up some groceries yesterday. So there's plenty of it to come around.
Kula: (Happily Cheers) Yay!~
Rock: (Eyes Widened a Bit) Wait. You have a sister?
Shingo: Yep. I have two of them actually. The oldest and the youngest. (Takes Out his Home Key From his Pocket) They can be handful sometimes, but trust me, they are just as amazing as you guys are right now.
Kula: (Touched by Shingo's Words) Aww~
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, if that's the case, I can't wait to meet them all ready.
K': (Starts Smirking at Shingo) I bet that they're as hyperactive as you are, Yabuki.
Shingo: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Gang) I.... wouldn't exactly say that both of them are that way. (Starts Using the Key to Unlock the Door) I mean, my little sister can be energetic at times, but big sis has always been the mature one in the family. She even takes of us whenever mom and dad aren't home.
Rock: Neat.
'Door Open'
Shingo: Guuuuys! I'm back home with gue-
?????: ONEE-CHAN!!!
Without warning, a girl with pigtails, hug tackles Shingo into the ground.
?????: (Smiles Brightly at Shingo) Welcome home, big bro!~
Shingo: (Sighs While Smiling a Bit Sheepishly) Nice to see you too, Naomi......
?????: Honestly, Naomi.....
The gang turns to see an older woman with glasses making her way towards her siblings while having her arms crossed.
?????: How many times do I have to tell you not to hug tackle our brother every time he comes home?
Naomi: ('UGGGH') Relax, Tsubaki! You gotta stop worrying about us all the time. We're fiiine!
Tsubaki: (Gives Naomi an Older Sisterly Glare) Well, maybe if you two quit being reckless, I wouldn't HAVE to get worried all the time! You're my younger siblings, and-
Naomi: (Starts Rolling her Eyes) We know....."Keeping us safe and healthy will always be your #1 properties above everything else" I'm sure we got the memo of that for as long as we can remember.
Tsubaki: (Stares Down at her Younger Sister For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Glad we're on the same page I suppose.... In the meantime.......(Smiles a little at Shingo) Welcome back home, little brother. (Turns to the Trio Standing Right Next to Him and Naomi) Are these the guests you told me about earlier?
Shingo: (Finally Gets Himself Back Up) Yep. These three are my buds: Rock, K', and Kula.
Kula: (Happily Waves at the Sisters) Hello!~
Rock: Hey.
K': 'Sup.
Shingo: (Starts Introducing his Friends to his Sisters) Guys, I like to introduce you to my sisters: Naomi and Tsubaki Yabuki.
Naomi: (Happily Waves Back) Hi!~
Tsubaki: (Bows at the Trio In a Polite Fashion) Please to finally meet you. Shingo told us quite a lot about you three as of late.
Rock: Cool. (Starts Smiling a Bit Sheepishly) He....... just told us about you guys a few minutes ago.
Naomi: (Immediately Pouts at Shingo) Shingo! You seriously haven't told them about us untill now? How could you!?
Shingo: (Immediately Put his Hands Up in Defense) I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to keep you two in the dark like that! I was gonna tell you about them sooner, but...It just never really crossed my mind beforehand, you know?
Tsubaki: ('Sigh') It can't be helped......At the very least, we have the chance to get to know more about one another. So we might as well savior every moment of it.
Rock: (Shrugs) Couldn't say it any better myself really. You two seem like good enough people to get to know more about.
Tsubaki: (Smiles Softly While Nodding in Agreement) Likewise.
Shingo: (Happily Nodded as Well) Okay! While you guys go ahead and do that, I'm gonna hit the showers right fast.
Rock: (Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Already? We just got here.
Shingo: (Starts Stretching his Arms) Yeah, but I always do this whenever come back home in this kind of hour. It's kinda been my daily routine at this point, you know? (Rushes Himself Towards the Bathroom) BRB!
Tsubaki: Try not to take too long in there!
Shingo: (Already From a Distance) 'Kay! (Closes the Bathroom Door)
K': That kid is too optimistic for his own good.
Tsubaki: Yes, but that is one of the multiple reasons why we love him so. (Smiles Softly) I've always admired that mindset of his.
Few Minutes Later in the Kitchen......
Kula and Naomi starts eating their own bowl of ice cream while the others are having a conversation with one another.
Tsubaki: So you're saying that the two of met in the city?
Rock: Yep. Shingo was looking for the café at the time, so I helped find it for him. After that, we started hanging out a lot more ever since.
K': I met the kid we were in the 5th KOF tournament together. He's annoying, but....I still tolerate him.
Kula: (Smiles Brightly) I've met him in the 6th KOF tournament! He was really funny!~
K': Don't talk with your mouth full, Kula.....
Kula: 'Kay! (Continues Eating her Ice Cream)
Tsubaki: Ah. I see....(Starts Frown a Bit) The....King of Fighters Tournament.....
Rock: Is.... everything okay, Tsubaki?
Tsubaki: (Comes Back to Reality) Oh! Um... Yes. I'm fine. It's just that-
Naomi: Tsubaki been worried about Shingo joining the tournament since day one.
Tsubaki: (Immediately Glares at her Little Sister) I was going to tell them that thank you! And what did I say about talking with your mouth full!!?
Naomi: Okay. Okay. Fine. I'll keep eating. Sheesh..... (Continues Eating her Ice Cream)
Tsubaki: (Groans While Pinching her Nose) As I was trying to say, yes. (Starts Frowning Again) I am worried about Shingo participating in these types of tournaments. He keeps getting himself hurt in each one of them he joins. It even got to the point where he starts developing multiple scars on his arms, shoulders, back! ('Sigh Heavily') I'm really glad he has enjoyment in this kind of stuff......I just..... Don't want anything terrible to keep happening to him.....or worse....
Rock: (Takes a Couple Seconds to Think About Speaking Again) Tsubaki. I understand where you're coming from in all of this. Seeing someone close to you getting hurt can never be an easy feeling and I'm sorry you and your family had to go through all of that.....But I assure you that you have nothing to worry about here. Because the way I see it....(Smiles Softly) I think Shingo's the strongest person I know.
Tsubaki: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) "Strongest"?
K': (Simply Nodded) Howard's right. He might not have fire or any other crazy power in his disposal, but he can hold his own in a fight fairly well.
Kula: Yeah. I saw kick a robot's butt once.
Naomi: ('GASPS') He did!!?
Kula: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. It was a long time ago, but it was soooo cool!
Naomi: (Couldn't Believe What She's Hearing) Oh my gosh.....(Turns to Tsubaki With a Bright Smile on her Face) You hear that, sis? I TOLD you our bro is the coolest!~
Tsubaki: (Rolls her Eyes A Little) I never said he wasn't, Naomi....But still...(Turns Back to Rock) You really think he has what it takes out there.
Rock: (Simply Nodded) Definitely. The guy has a lot more heart on this than the three us here combined. You just need to have more faith in him, you know?
Shingo: (Walks into the Kitchen) I'm back! Did I missed anything while I was g-
Tsubaki: Shingo.
Shingo: (Immediately Turns to Tsubaki) Oh! Uh...Yeah, sis? What's wrong?
Tsubaki: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) These tournaments you've participated in....and all the training you've endured....have you been taking them seriously like you should?
Shingo: (Rapidly Nodded) O-Of course I have! I've always been giving it my all every time step into the ring. I mean, yeah, it was a really tough experience and all, but I still managed to pull through every once in a while.
Tsubaki: That is true....Even when you keep getting these injuries, you never insisted on giving up.
Shingo: Exactly! (Raised his Fist Up in the Air in a Determined like Fashion) Even in a impossible scenario, I never give up. That's the Shingo Yabuki way!!
Naomi/Kula: (Cheers in Rejoice) YEAHHHH!!!
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) That's right.
K': ('Heh')
Tsubaki: ('Sighs Heavily') I figured you would say something like that......
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. But.... seriously though, I'm really sorry for making you worry all this time, sis.
Tsubaki: (Smiles Softly) Don't be, Shingo. I'm your older sister. I'm always going to worry about you and little gremlin.
Naomi: (Pouts at Tsubaki) HEY! I am NOT a little gremlin!!
Tsubaki: (Starts Rolling her Eyes) You don't say? Could've fooled me really.
Naomi: (Starts Sticking her Tongue Out at her Older Sister While Kula Giggles at the Whole Thing)
Tsubaki: ('Sigh') Back on topic, and regardless of my worrisome nature, if you're really serious about all of this, then I won't stop you. I only ask is that you promise me to be more cautious in the future and that you won't take your training too seriously.
Shingo: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) I promise to do all of that x2! (Pulls Tsubaki into a Loving Hug) Thanks, big sis.
Tsubaki: (Smiles Softly While Hugging Her Little Brother Back) There's no need for you to thank me, little brother. No matter what happens, I'll always love and support you.
Naomi: (Happily Joins into the Hug Along With Kula and Rock) Us too!~
Shingo: (Sees K' Giving Him a Nod in Agreement While his Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Guys....I love all of you too. So much.
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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More of my golden boy
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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Boy working tf out
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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Some more of my fav Shingo faces my boy man
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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Another panel of Shingo I love lmfao
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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Some of my favorite panels of Shingo
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mightymorphin777 · 1 month ago
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zobjilan77 · 1 year ago
Huh, is the wittle forms of Mature & Vice? They look so skinny, i wanna feed em something
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The first ever female villains of King of Fighters: Vice and Mature
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