#kny clan au: urokodaki
nerosdayinanime · 2 years
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myreygn · 11 months
kny modern au - characters: hashira
includes: gyomei, tengen, giyuu, sanemi, obanai, kanae, kyojuro, mitsuri, shinobu, muichiro
HUGE thanks and shout out to @giggly-squiggily and @trans-ace-lee for their contributions to this au and indulging my brainrots ♡
inspiration was taken from the german school system because that's what i grew up and am most familiar with:
ages 2-6 (flexible, not mandatory): kindergarten
ages 6-10 (grades 1-4): elementary school
ages 10/11-16/17 (grades 5-10): "secondary school", the diploma qualifies you for an education outside of university (craft sector, social sector etc)
ages 16/17-18/19 (grades 11-12): "upper school", the diploma qualifies you for university
Himejima Gyomei (27, theology major)
grew up in a buddhist orphanage after his parents gave him up because they were ableist idiots who didn't want to raise a blind child
had a very happy childhood, has never been adopted and isn't upset about it in the slightest
went on a spiritual journey for five years after school and wrote a bestseller book about it
started going to university at age 23, helps out at the orphanage whenever he can
has a seeing-eye dog named Curry (a four year old black labrador and the only being on earth he would kill for, he got her when he returned from his journey)
can afford his own flat and lives right next to the orphanage with Curry
advocate for a more inclusive university life and very active in groups fighting for disability rights, both on and off campus
Uzui Tengen (23, music major)
was somewhat of a public figure from a very young age because the Uzui clan is one the richest, most powerful families in the country and everyone in town knows who they are
always hated his parents and moved out at 18, got a small fortune (that's rich people slang for a ton of money, source: trust me) from a cool uncle and used it to open a night club which is very popular with the locals
has no contact to his siblings (even tho he'd like to) and avoids all of his dad's properties like the plague
started going to university at age 20 because he wanted to do something with his passion
plays a bunch of instruments (piano, harp, guitar, violin, shamizen, koto and like ten different types of flute)
lives with his girlfriends in an almost-a-mansion and throws the best partys anyone has ever been to
Tomioka Giyuu (21, philosophy major)
his parents died when he was three years old and him and his sister went through foster care until she came off age and became his legal guardian, they're super close
has been studying several martial arts at Urokodaki's dojo since he was in elementary school
picked philosophy as a major because he had no idea what else to do but it's actually fun??
he mostly just sits in the back and draws stick figures but once a week he'll say something that makes everyone rethink their entire life (no one really understands what's happening inside his head but his professors are convinced he's a genius)
teaches little kids in the dojo because Urokodaki thinks it'd be good for him, he's slowly warming up to it
the type of peanut allergy where his throat closes up at the sight of them, when they were in fifth grade Sanemi almost killed him because he didn't know about it and it delayed their friendship by roughly two years
Shinazugawa Sanemi (21, physics major)
abusive pos dad got stabbed when he was ten, helped his mom raise his younger siblings and is super close with all of them
moved out at 20 when his mom encouraged him to spend more time at university, roommates with Obanai, Giyuu and Sabito
colorblind from birth and dysgraphic when it comes to handwriting, uses recording devices and laptops in class
used to get into a lot of fights in school and still works on not doing that™, most people think he's scary and a delinquent (and also a murderer because it's kinda sus that none of the family members showed up at their dad's funeral)
biker, the motorcycle has wind art on it and he mostly uses it to pick up the tons of children that somehow snuck into his friend circle and take Kanae on drives, loves bringing his guitar to play her something in the moonlight
suffered through school for the most part, a new teacher (Kagaya) in tenth grade inspired him to finish "upper school" and study physics
loves Gyomei's dog like a daughter
Kocho Kanae (21, biology major)
lives with her family and has no plans of moving out until she finishes university, helps a ton in the household
the best big sister ever, drives all of her sisters and their friends around and picks them up at 3am when they're stranded somewhere (also doesn't pretend to hate it, unlike certain other older siblings with their own vehicles)
has always been into gardening and is really getting into permaculture, puts plants wherever she can and loves flowers
most of her cooking ingredients are from her own garden, vegetarian (everything she cooks or bakes will be the best thing you ever ate)
has the voice of an angel, Sumi, Kiyo and Naho refuse to go to bed without her singing them a lullaby
christmas is her favorite time of the year, she goes all out with planning the festivities and getting everyone gifts and needs three whole days to recharge afterwards
has to wear a biteguard when she's stressed because she'll start clenching her teeth in her sleep and works really hard to keep it a secret from everyone
Iguro Obanai (21, philosophy major)
somewhat of a local legend, not by his own doing but by people just making shit up about him
grew up in a cult of which all the members were killed in a fire with him being the only survivor and a huge news story all across the country at age 12
moved to another city as soon as he was old enough to start anew but the rumors follow him everywhere (and it doesn't help that he talks to his snake)
mostly annoyed by the rumors but also likes to use them to scare people of who are being super pushy or harassing his friends (that's the first time in his life he found friends, he can and will commit atrocious crimes on their behalf)
originally enrolled in zoology, then switched majors when the professors wanted to use Kaburamaru as a test subject
spends his time in philosophy class taking a stance against whatever Giyuu says and has an entire folder filled with essays criticizing his statements
always carries headphones with him, listens to lofi because he likes it, mcr because he feels it in his soul and doom metal solely to fuck with tengen ("Screaming is not music!")
Rengoku Kyojuro (20, history major)
still lives at home with his dad and brother because he didn't want to leave Senjuro behind, spends most of his time out of the house tho and is looking for a flat right now
works parttime at a restaurant that's called Umainia and his friends have yet to figure out whether he says "Umai" all the time because he likes his food or to advertise his work place
slightly hearing impaired, has hearing aids prescribed that he just forgets to put in at all times
doesn't have a driver's license, goes by bike everywhere no matter the weather
gets close to people easily, is well beloved amongst Senjuro's friends and also makes an effort to get to know them so he can be sure Senjuro's in good hands
regularly forgets people's names but never their birthdays
collects old books and learned a bunch of old languages just to be able to read them
Kanroji Mitsuri (19, art major)
still lives at home because she wants to stay with her family and help take care of her siblings, also claims that she had invested too much time in her room to just leave it behind (her room looks like every cool fluffy fairy core room you have ever seen on pinterest, it's the coziest place on earth)
if there's a sanrio themed version of stuff she needs, she's getting it, no questions asked.
slightly allergic to dogs, she doesn't care though and cuddles with Curry all the time, she calls it confrontation therapy (it works)
animal lover in general, she even built a little terrarium in her room so Kaburamaru has a comfy spot for his naps when Obanai stays over
has kept every drawing she ever made and sometimes looks through them for inspiration, also likes to track her progress that way
there's a coffee shop across the street from her house where she has been customer of the month every month consistently for four years as well as an honorary mention ever since she was six
Kocho Shinobu (18, student)
in her last year of school and likely about to graduate with a perfect score
founder and president of the first aid club, also head of the student council and an active member on every committee the school has to offer
recently got her driver's license but keeps it a secret so she doesn't have to play chauffeur for her sisters
effectively avoids getting asked out for dates by being very scary™ (and taking jiu jitsu classes since elementary school), she's also your go to person when creepy weirdos won't leave you alone
loves cooking with her sisters and often shares her own recipes with Kanao, she also has her own little corner in Kanae's garden where she plants stuff that she uses to make her own medicine
has a lot on her plate with school and her clubs and some volunteer stuff she does here and there, so she goes to the local animal shelter once a week to cuddle and play with the cats and dogs there, it's her little safe zone to unwind and she doesn't tell anyone about it
the biggest fan of psychological thrillers you will ever meet
Tokito Muichiro (14, student)
in eighth grade and no one knows how he did it but everyone suspects that his brother took at least some of his exams in his place
he's not bad at school per se but he just can't memorize stuff, you're lucky if he knows your name after sitting next to each other for six months
is a member of the cooking club tho and absolutely thriving there, he never goes by recipe and creates the most delicious things but he won't tell anyone his secret ingredients because he can't remember them either
absolutely loves visiting his friends' houses, he's so happy seeing how their rooms reflect them
followed Yuichiro everywhere all throughout elementary school, then made his first friend in fifth grade (Tanjiro of course) and has been getting more and more independent ever since
constantly misses bus stops or takes trains in the wrong direction and is always late because of it, however he has also acquired an extensive knowledge of the town and can give you directions to pretty much everywhere
tries his very best to remember his friends' birthdays but forgets his own every year because it just kinda slips his mind that he has the same birthday as Yuichiro
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trollnobu · 5 years
notes for the totally-not-canon canon of my KnY au
Some headcanons that I inserted in my giyushino pre-canon-personalities au because I played myself and started writing it before I finished the manga lmao
(In case I gotta reiterate: none of the below is canon. None. They only are in my au.)
The Kochō family deals in demon slaying, so it’s a family legacy thing for Shinobu and Kanae to continue it (even though Shinobu hates it and Kanae is reluctant about it). Their line has not been around for nearly as long as the Ubuyashiki clan or the Rengoku clan, but they are still nonetheless pretty old and the name of Kochō has some prestige and respect in the demon slaying world. The Kochō clan is an off-shoot branch of the original Water Pillar’s family, but it has died out over the years and so the Kochō is all that’s left of the bloodline. Records say that the first head of Kochō was the sister of a previous Water Pillar who could not master the Breath of Water, so she created the Breath of Flower for herself and had passed it down to her children after marriage. (The Breath of Flower is, thus, a proverbial “heirloom” and tradition of the Kochō clan, hence Shinobu’s self-hatred that she was unable to master it.)
Because they are both from old clans who have waged war against demons, Kyōjurō is actually childhood friends with Kanae and Shinobu. In a timeline where Kanae dies, Shinobu would have a fallout with Kyōjurō and they would only ever speak to each other professionally once she becomes the Insect Pillar, polite but detached in a way where neither approve of the other’s method of coping, but letting each other do as they please because they don’t know how to help themselves, much less each other. However, since Kanae lives in airheadverse, the disapproval is very much one-sided here, in which Shinobu doesn’t think it’s healthy for him to hide behind his mask of smiles even when he’s at his lowest. (She won’t have much to say about it if she starts adopting Kanae’s mannerisms, and he can’t be a hypocrite and rebuke her for doing the same as he, hence the aforementioned if-Kanae-dies fallout.)
Although the succession line of the original Water Pillar is now gone, they left behind many students, who would go on to have their own disciples. The original Water Pillar was most effective amongst their comrades in mentoring and gathering a strong fellowship of apprentices, so much that the Breath of Water became the most commonly used breath style by the Taishō era. Giyū, for example, was found as a child by a former Water Pillar, who was himself taught by Urokodaki’s senior disciple. There’s a strong connection and support system between the Breath of Water practitioners, though none so strong as the one between Urokodaki’s own disciples, Sabito, Makomo and Giyū.
The Wisteria Houses are canonically stated to be set up by one family. In airheadverse, Wisteria Houses were indeed started by one fairly wealthy clan that were saved and indebted to demon slayers at some point in time, but eventually became commonplace throughout Japan due to other families that were also saved from demons. Wisteria Houses are one of the main places where survivors of demon attacks, who have nothing to return to, go, firstly because it provides a sanctuary and secondly to be useful to the demon slayers’ cause.
Most kakushi who did not directly receive their training at the Kochō’s estate also originated from Wisteria Houses, if they want to play a more proactive role without personally fighting the demons.
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vacuousauto · 4 years
final fantasy 10 au ft. kny???
im tidus n giyuus yuna (slightly ironic bc im the real one, not giyuu) bc sun/moon dynamic, my mum pointed that out shbdjd
auron is kyojuro bc both died at some point durin their canon (yunalesca/infinity train) n auron refused to die until yuna n tidus (giyuu n me) defeated sin (muzan)
wakka is sanemi bc both lost their brother to the final boss ig?
lulu is. obanai ig bc both lost their lover to the final boss and. idk. vibes?
rikku is nezuko bc both al bhed and demons are hated by society, albeit for completely different reasons
kimahri is urokodaki bc dad figure to yuna/giyuu, kimahri was exiled from ronso clan/urokodaki retired from hashira but thats a stretch
seymour can be akaza ig bc they both try to get moon to be on their side (seymour tries to get yuna to marry him i think? havent played in years,, and akaza tried to get giyuu to become a demon iirc) also bc i hate them
sin is muzan bc final boss that hasnt been killed ever despite attempts
now aeons!! all kizuki besides yojimbo bc i couldnt think of a kizuki djndnd
valefor is hantengu bc i think he could fly? at least one of his forms could
ifrit is kyogai bc idk man,, feral vibes ig? i dont think there was any demon w fire powers f
ixion n shiva are kaigaku n douma bc lightning n ice
bahamut is kokushibou bc strong n edgy
this is a stretch but. anima is enmu bc anima is seymours mum/akaza n enmu were in the same arc????? also enmu was kinda scary to me and. he got all distorted bc of all that blood muzan gave him like how distorted anima is
magus sisters are spider gang bc. bug family i suppose
yojimbo..... idk my mind keeps saying yoriichi i dont know why
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
Kny Clan au Masterlist
storyline tree bc im indecisive
giyuu doodles
Shinazugawa head family (has some story stuff)
Kyogo's assassination & aftermath
sanegiyu arranged marriage & giyuu redraw
Kazura & Nakuu
uzuigiyuu bit
exiled, very beginning
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nerosdayinanime · 2 years
ok wait i realized i can just use my gallery's text & draw thing this is great
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this is what i mean by 'the clan au doesnt have a set story'. theres all these places that it can branch off of and the possibilities r endless and i have *counting* ..14 scenarios/storylines so far and every time i think of a new scenerio another gets added<3
[slight bit more info for all the branches so far]
i havent done much with the kny-canon leaning ones they're more just like if i did follow canon thats how it'd be done ykno? im thinking they get raided by the shinazugawas for control of the trade routes and either they both survive like that one post or only giyu survives, either way Sakonji takes in the living tomioka(s)
most of the stories arent tied down to canon theyre more whatever worldbuilding i have and stories pop up from them- one of the first ones was the shina-tomi failed peacetalks bc i wanted to draw sanemi & giyuu fighting (i just realized i placed the branches perfectly bc thats closer to canon than the others lol)
if the peacetalks worked(wouldve been later/after sanemi took over) then it kinda snowballed into a few nearby/allied clans forming a village, then from that theres the Tomi-Daki diplomat/trade envoy w the fox trio(giyu makomo & sabito)
the rescues are like. little to no formal interactions between any of the three clans(shina-kumeno is always allied), in the first one its winter and giyu's on his way home when he catches the trail of bloodline hunters and saves Genya & Masachika.
in the other one giyu's pinned by a rogue shinobi and sanemi & sabito both find him at the same time and they make a lil truce bc giyu has severe chakra exhastion and cant make it home
undercover mission has one thats purely sanegiyu; sanemi is disguised as Kazura & giyu as Gikuro and actually i looked back at my notes and this ones like. in the past before the village branch. so it connects to that one but it can also be a standalone. the other undercover mission is sabisanegiyu where sabito & giyuu went undercover as a master/servant thing and sanemi was disgusted by it and didnt know that it wasnt Real so he tried to 'save' giyuu and got invited to the polycule<3
the lil unnamed branches inbetween is that one where giyu got chased out the clan by tsutako for killing their mom, there was a spy who had taken her place and giyu noticed and killed the spy but tsutako only saw him killing their mom and she lost her shit in dispair & heartbreak. theres a branch for Giyu staying alone, Sabito ditching the urokodakis for his packmate while makomo stays behind to fix things with tsutako, and both Sabito & Makomo ditching the urokodakis for their packmate
the arranged marriages are sanegiyu with the first branch being after sanemi takes over and giyu asking for it ot of goodwill & he likes him(his pack gets to stay w him). other two Kyogo requested(demanded) it for trade routes, he doesnt allow the urokodakis to go with bc theyre Not Tomiokas and these routes more heavily portray the different biology of the southerners/mountain-pass(a/b/o)
ones angsty bc sanemi is like. CRUSHED that he cant find love on his own. his father takes literally everything away from him. while sanemi is kind & respects giyu he doesnt really care for him. and for giyu to go from a very close-knit family-oriented culture to the stone cold-cutthroat/conservative/severely traumatized/individualist culture of the shinazigawas with literally No One there for him he gets pretty fucked up w the emotional neglect
the other ones less angsty bc sanemi actually Tries in their relationship and finds that he actually enjoys giyu's company- and cuddles. the cuddles r fuckin great. but kyogo's still a cunt and a massive hindrance to emotional and mental healing of everyone around him. but sanemi's not alone now so its Better
#kny clan au#im Hoping that by posting this ppl will ask abt some of them n add their own two cents for ideas to flesh them out more#actually im realizing now that this is. probably incredibly niche and self indulgent. its naruto systems x kny characters#+ giyuu-centric as fuck w a lot of sabigiyu & sanegiyu#i swear its not all about giyu im making a better map of the world & it has so many other clans & fandoms to play with#i just havent focused on anything other than giyu bc hes my lil guy. my lil loserboy beloved. u understand right????#i wanna explore more shit with other people i have an entire continent of political shit to figure out#all i got so far is that w the bigass mountain straight thru the middle the tomi-daki pass is the safest for traders so a lot go thru there#and they specifically run like. protection details for passer-bys so people dont die from the elements. which means they get access to#literally every trader that goes through. theyre fucking GOLDEN and other clans either want to ally w them or attack them for their own#control. but theyre mostly safe from that bc their compounds r way up in the mountains & theyre used to the rough terrain.#its like people invading russia in winter- its just not on your side dude.. go back home..#theres also the Inarizaki from land of water trying to stake a post on the mainland near the kochos. so they went to the shinazugawas for#Reputation & actually really good firepower against attackers. even if theyre on the other end of that half of the continent.#i love worldbuilding#i did it for ocs but it started as a kid so its like. all over the place. i cant make sense of it & my ocs kinda bore me & i ended up Here#using my anime characters as lil dolls w a vague sense of their original character/personality bc i changed So Much-#if anyone inquires or not i Will be posting more about any and all of the branches Eventually#hhh stop typing Send Post#oh wait fuck i have to put it in the maintaga for people to see#fuck. shit. post be upon ye#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#demon slayer#giyuu#sabito#makomo#sanemi
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