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In my deprive nature
Staring at the obstacles
But my cravings
Kept me pressing on
I have heard people speak
Of the work of His hands,
What they saw
And their encounters
What about me?
Their words compelled me to yearn the more.
I sought to see him
Is all my quest
There is nothing stopping me
There was something
Something about Him
Something He had I needed
Money, status and fame could not fill that void.
In my small village
There were rumor
Rumor of him passing through
It's now my chance to see him
To be in the pursuit of him
My 1st dilemma is that of the multitude
Multitude of multitude
How can I go pass them to see Him
For hours I press through
Labouring on
Pushing toward the mark
While some took advantage of me
I wish I can throw down the towel
I did but my desire would not let me
My famishment gave me no rest
I itch for him
Knowing He would pass that way
I outrank the crowd
To climb a tree
Exceeding my limit
I have come too far to give up
Not long after
He reached the spot,
The shock of a life time evolved
He looked up and called out my name
To hurry down that He would stay in my house tonight
Amazed and Shocked
He knew I was there all along
He knows me by name
Wanting to fellowship with me
I made haste and received him joyfully
To my house
Murmuring began to errupt
When the crowd saw this
They began to say to each other
He is the guest of a sinner
Yes, their claims were true
I, chief tax collector
Cheated people
Left ◀️ right ▶️ center, up 🔼 down 🔽
Have become rich
Sinner I am
I give half of my possessions to the poor
If I have taken anything from any man by false accusation,
I restore him fourfold, LORD
I did all I said
He said unto me
Salvation has come to this house this day
For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which were lost
He came to save people like me
It was because of me he came
My hunger, cravings paved the way
I met him and now filled
This is my encounter
I will never forget
My name is Zaccheus
Reference: Luke 19:1-10
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