Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Luxury Development Plagues Newly Reopened DeSalvio Playground in Little Italy
The reimagined DeSalvio Playground debuted back in February. Now, four months later, access is partially restricted thanks to construction work on the neighboring luxury condo building.
A tipster sent us this photos illustrating the closure of both the basketball court and rock climbing feature. Contractors set down heavy foam and plywood surfacing while construction concludes on the 75 Kenmare development.
However, the kids hoop and sprinkler appear unaffected.
No word yet on how long these amenities will stay on the sidelines.
The upgraded park at Spring and Mulberry Streets has been popular amongst locals since reopening. Especially given the time invested in its $1.9 million renovation – over a decade.
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“Alexa, enable The Jarvis Tree” for Zwift Events
Riding with others in organized social rides, workouts, and races is what makes the Zwift experience stand out from everything else in the indoor riding space. Of course, to ride with others you must pick an event and join!
Sometimes tracking down the right event to fit your schedule and needs can be a bit of a challenge, but never fear: there are many ways to see upcoming events on Zwift. Find them via the Companion app or Zwift’s website, or (my personal favorite) the filterable/searchable ZwiftHacks Events app.
Now Mike Hanney, the genius coder behind Zwiftalizer, has released an Amazon Alexa skill so your Echo device can audibly list upcoming Zwift events. Here’s a quick demo from my living room this morning:
“Alexa, enable The Jarvis Tree”
Use commands like the following and Alexa will begin to list events:
“Alexa, ask The Jarvis Tree to get events at 8pm”
“Alexa, ask The Jarvis Tree to get rides tomorrow at 5:30am”
“Alexa, ask The Jarvis Tree what’s happening on Saturday at 11am”
Learn more about “The Jarvis Tree” skill at >
Future Upgrades?
Here are two upgrades I’d like to see to The Jarvis Tree:
Filter by event type (“Alexa, ask The Jarvis Tree what races are happening tomorrow at 8am”)
Filter by course (“Alexa, ask The Jarvis Tree what rides are happening in New York today at 6pm”)
Any other ideas? Comment below!
Keep up the good work, Mike!

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Thanksgiving Day in New York
Thanksgiving wird in den USA groß gefeiert und leitet viele weihnachtliche Events ein. Die besten Spots und Restaurants für euren Thanksgiving Day haben wir euch hier zusammengestellt.
Wann ist Thanksgiving Day 2018 in New York?
An jedem 4. Donnerstag im November ist Thanksgiving – in diesem Jahr fällt Thanksgiving auf den 22. November 2018. Es ist das größte Familienfest in den USA, wo traditionell der Truthahn-Braten gegessen wird. Diese lange Tradition geht bis in das 16. Jahrhundert zurück – welches Jahr wirklich das „1. Jahr“ der Feier war, ist nicht ganz klar. Der Freitag nach dem Thanksgiving wird „Black Friday“ genannt – hier gewährt der Einzelhandel traditionell hohe Rabatte. Er wird oft als Startpunkt fürs Weihnachtsshopping genutzt (hier findet ihr die besten Shopping-Adressen der Stadt!) und NYC schmückt sich Stück für Stück weihnachtlicher (mehr zu Weihnachten in New York hier).
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Als allererstes ist auf jeden Fall die weltbekannte Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade zu nennen. Die wohl berühmteste Parade der Welt blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück: schon seit 1924 gibt es die Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Jedes Jahr kommen mehr als 3,5 Million Leute und sehen sie sich an.
Los gehts an der Westseite vom Central Park an der 77th Street – die Parade führt dann bis zum Columbus Circle an der Ecke unten links am Central Park. Dort habt ihr einen tollen Blick auf die Parade. Wenn die Parade auf die 6th Avenue abbiegt, ist die Sicht von der 59th bis zur 38th Straße am besten.
Ab der 38. Straße bis zur 34. Straße/ Macy’s Herald Square ist die Sicht nicht so gut, weil hier die vielen TV-Stationen aufgebaut sind und von dort an über 50 Millionen Empfänger die Parade übertragen.
Wenn du die Parade aus nächster Nähe bestaunen willst, dann haben wir die perfekte Idee für dich. Im Quality Italian kannst du neben einem tollem Lunch noch die Parade ohne Gedrängel und Menschenmassen ansehen. Los gehts schon um 8:00 Uhr am Morgen. Das Event endet circa 3 Std später.
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Bilder von der Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Besondere Thanksgiving Day Touren
Natürlich hat sich New York zum Thanksgiving Day etwas Besonderes ausgedacht – die beliebtesten Touren zeige ich euch hier:
1. New York Thanksgiving Dinner Cruise (Segeltour)
Diese Bootstour auf dem Hudson River zählt zu den beliebtesten Touren während des Thanksgiving Days in New York. Warum? Ihr könnt nicht nur die tolle Aussicht auf die Skyline von New York werfen sondern könnt auch das mehrgängige Menü geniessen. Ihr habt dabei die Wahl zwischen mehreren Gerichten, habt einen privaten Tisch für eure Lieben und hört dazu entspannte Musik. Genial, oder?
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2. New York Thanksgiving Lunch Cruise (Segeltour)
Diese Bootstour ist ganz neu dazu gekommen: hier wird das mehrgängige Menü schon als Lunch angeboten. Die 2 Stunden-Tour führt euch entlang des Hudson Rivers und durch private Tische könnt ihr dort auch entspannt mit eurer Familie den Thanksgiving Day in New York geniessen.
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Thanksgiving Day Restaurants
Viele Restaurants bieten in New York das klassische Thanksgiving-Dinner an.
Natürlich darf mein Favorit nicht fehlen – das „The View Restaurant“. Alles dazu erfahrt ihr hier und ihr könnt auch schon mal einen Blick ins Thanksgiving Menü werfen.
Grundsätzlich ist ja alles rund um den Columbus Circle perfekt … hier kann man überall Brunchen/oder lunchen.
Asiate Restaurant im Mandarin Oriental Hotel
80 Columbus Circle at 60th Street Zur Website
Lobby Lounge im Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Das ist nicht direkt das Restaurant, sondern mehr eine Bar.
80 Columbus Circle at 60th Street
Zur Website
Museum of Art and Design Robert Restaurant
2 Columbus Circle
Zur Website
Restaurant Landmarc am Columbus Circle
10 Columbus Circle & 3rd Floor
Zur Website
Refinery Rooftop
63W 38th Street (zwischen 5th und 6th Avenue)
Mehr zur Rooftop-Bar
Del Frisco (untere Ebene)
1221 Ave. of the Americas (zwischen 48th und 49th Street)
Zur Website
Eine weitere Auswahl an Restaurants findet ihr zum Beispiel hier.
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Excavation commences at the future tech hub; plywood renderings attract commentary
Work is in the early stages in the pit here on 14th Street at Irving Place ... at the future home of the Union Square Tech Training Center (aka tech hub).
The official renderings are now on the plywood...
The project is being developed jointly by the city’s Economic Development Corp. and RAL Development Services. The Union Square Tech Training Center includes Civic Hall, which will offer digital skills for low-income residents, as well as market-rate retail, office space and a food hall.
The hub, championed by Mayor de Blasio and initially announced in early 2017, passed through the city’s Uniform Land Use Review Process earlier in 2018, capped off by a unanimous City Council vote — led by local Councilmember Carlina Rivera — in August 2018. A rezoning was required to build the the structure, which is larger than what current commercial zoning allows.
The approval came despite the pleas of some residents, activists, small-business owners and community groups who had long expressed concern that the rezoning necessary for the project would spur out-of-scale development on surrounding blocks.
And the renderings, which arrived last week, have already attracted commentary from someone who is unhappy about the finances of the project...

The new building, on the former site of a P.C. Richard & Son, now has a completion date for the spring of 2021, per the plywood rendering. The official groundbreaking occurred on Aug. 5.
Previously on EV Grieve: Behold Civic Hall, the high-tech future of Union Square — and NYC
Speaking out against a 'Silicon Alley' in this neighborhood
P.C. Richard puts up the moving signs on 14th Street; more Tech Hub debate to come
City Council's lone public hearing on the 14th Street tech hub is tomorrow
City Council unanimously approves tech hub; some disappointment in lack of zoning protections
The conversation continues on the now-approved tech hub for 14th Street
P.C. Richard is gone on 14th Street; preservationists want answers about tech-hub commitments

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Dig Inn confirmed for 13th Street and 4th Avenue

The southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and 13th Street has been a revolving door of quick-service concepts in recent years.
Dig Inn is up next. On the previous post about this address, an EVG commenter mentioned that a Dig Inn was coming soon. Making it official, Dig Inn shows up on CB3's SLA June docket for a beer-wine license for this location.
The health-conscious fast-casual chain, founded in 2011, has nearly 30 outposts in the NYC and Boston area.
This has been a challenging corner for businesses since the longtime deli was rent-hiked out of here in November 2012. The space has been home to Fresh & Co. and Pie Face and, most recently, Sandwicherie in the past five years.

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Diabetes: Pets and People
November is American Diabetes Month. To highlight how veterinarians care for pets with diabetes, I thought I would tell the story of one of my patients, a fluffy, grey and white cat named Stone.
Stone is a youngster, just under two years of age. He came to see me because his owner had noticed weight loss and excessive drinking. Weight loss and excessive drinking are common clinical signs of diabetes, but Stone was much younger than the typical cat with diabetes. Hyperthyroidism can also cause weight loss and increased drinking, but typically occurs in older cats.
Another cause of weight loss and excessive drinking is chronic kidney disease, but again, typically in older cats. I wasn’t really sure what was wrong with Stone until the blood tests showed sugar in his urine and an elevated blood sugar.
Dogs and cats have different forms of diabetes. Dogs commonly have Type I diabetes, which is a total lack of insulin production by the pancreas. Cats have Type II diabetes which occurs most commonly in middle to older overweight cats. Unlike humans with Type II diabetes, cats require insulin injections where humans can often manage Type II diabetes with oral medications and diet. Strangely, with weight loss, insulin therapy, and a special diet, some diabetic cats will become normoglycemic again and no longer require insulin. This happened to my own cat and he stopped needing insulin for a year. Then became permanently diabetic and required insulin for the rest of his life. I think chronic inflammation of the pancreas (known as pancreatitis) was the likely cause of the diabetes.
Stone was in to see me just a few days ago. On twice daily insulin therapy, he has gained back some of the weight he lost and is eating his special diabetes diet with gusto. Blood tests indicate his blood sugar is well controlled and his owner notes it is getting harder for her to test his urine to measure the urine sugar level. I am suspicious he may be heading for a period of diabetic remission.
To help my readers understand the similarities between their own diabetes and that of their pets, I included a table below with a comparison of the common features of the disease.
Comparison of diabetes between people and their pets:
Cat Dog Human Occurrence 0.58% of cats 0.35% of dogs 9.4% of Americans Type I diabetes No Yes Yes Type II diabetes Yes No More than 90% of diabetes Diabetic retinopathy No Rare Yes Diabetic nephropathy No No Yes Association with pancreatitis Yes Yes No Oral treatments No No Yes Insulin injections Yes Yes Yes Spontaneous remission resolution Yes No No Diabetic cataracts Rare Yes Yes Linked to obesity Yes Yes Yes

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Das Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ein Besuch in das Met Museum in New York ist mehr als ein Kunstmuseumsbesuch: Mit über zwei Millionen Kunstwerken aus über 5000 Jahren auf einer Ausstellungsfläche von 16 Hektar ist das Metropolitan Museum die meistbesuchte Attraktion in New York City.
Das Metropolitan Museum of Art stellt das Beste der Kunsthistorie aus der ganzen Welt vor und lockt damit jährlich knapp 6 Millionen Besucher aller Altersklassen in seine Ausstellungen. Doch was genau macht es bei den Menschen so beliebt? Was ist so magisch am Met? Lest selbst:
Beeindruckende Kunst direkt am Central Park
Schon beim ersten Blick auf das alte, architektonisch anspruchsvolle Gebäude des Met Museums, ist man beeindruckt. Die riesige Freitreppe davor ist unverkennbar und in New York einer der beliebtesten öffentlichen Plätze und auch bekannt aus vielen Filmen und TV Serien, wie zum Beispiel Gossip Girl.
Die imposante graue Sandsteinfassade des 1870 gegründeten Museums wurde 1902 von Richard Morris Hunt entworfen. Der Originalbau des Museums ist leider nur noch kaum vorhanden Das berühmteste Museum in Manhattan wächst stetig mit seinen Erweiterungsbauten in den benachbarten Central Park. Nur 25% der 3,2 Millionen Objekte der Sammlung kann auf der 10.000 qm2 großen Ausstellungsfläche überhaupt gezeigt werden.
Die 10 besten Attraktionen von New York inkl. Insider-Tipps
Geballtes Insider-Wissen auf 30 Seiten: In unserem erstem ePaper (PDF) zeigen wir dir die 10 schönsten und besten Attraktionen von New York – inkl. unserer Insider-Tipps, damit ihr diese unfassbar genießen könnt.
Das habt ihr von dem ePaper:
ihr seht, welche 10 Sehenswürdigkeiten die Besten sind (sogar kostenlose sind dabei!)
ihr spart Zeit, weil wir euch dazu passend spannende Locations zeigen
ihr spart bares Geld mit unseren Tipps
ihr seht sofort, wie ihr mit der Subway die Attraktionen erreicht
Eine Reise durch die Kunst aller Kontinente
Von Gemälden europäischer Maler aus dem 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert und zeitgenössischer amerikanischer Kunst, über Ausgrabungsgegenstände aus dem alten Rom, Griechenland und Ägypten (einschließlich eines kompletten ägyptischen Tempels) bis hin zu Kunstgegenständen aus dem Fernen Osten ist hier alles vertreten. Den Tempel von Dendur, den der römische Kaiser Augustus errichten ließ, hat man komplett abgetragen und hier wieder neu errichtet. Man fühlt sich wie im alten Ägypten und das mitten in Manhattan.
Das MET Museum in New York: Einzigartig & beeindruckend
Der American Wing um den Engelhard Court herum stellt Fenster, Lampen und Silber von Louis Comfort Tiffany aus. Außerdem sind 20 Wohnräume aus verschiedenen Epochen zu sehen. Darüber hinaus bietet das Museum römische und griechische Kunst, europäische Malerei des 13. Jahrhunderts, fernöstliche und islamische Kunst sowie Abteilungen für Musikinstrumente, Waffen, Zeichnungen, Drucke, Fotografien und Mode mit 40000 Kleidern aus fünf Jahrhunderten und allen Kontinenten.
Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie sich die Kunst über die Jahre verändert hat. Die Auswahl der Kleider ist ein wahrer Schatz des Mets, da es sich hauptsächlich im Originalstücke handelt und man so etwas wohl wenn nur mal im Theater gesehen hat.
Sonderausstellungen im Metropolitan Museum in New York
Die Sammlungen des Met Museums zeigt das großartigste menschlicher Kreativität aus der ganzen Welt und man begibt sich auf eine lange Reise durch die besten Kunstwerke der Welt. Hinzu kommen über 30 Sonderausstellungen im Jahr, die im Eintritt einbegriffen sind. Welche Sonderausstellungen derzeit gezeigt werden, könnt ihr hier nachlesen.
Eine ganz besondere Ausstellung haben wir aber für euch, die es verdient, hervorgehoben zu werden. Ab dem 13. November 2017 gibt es im Met die weltgrößte Michelangelo-Ausstellung. Es werden über 150 Gemälde, 3 Marmorskulpturen und weitere Werke in einer Sonderausstellung zu finden sein. Ein Muss für Kunstliebhaber! Die Ausstellung läuft bis zum 18.02.2018.
EmptyMet-Tour für Kunstliebhaber
Kunst-Fans aufgepasst: Ihr habt schon immer mal davon geträumt, fast alleine durchs Metropolitan Museum of Art zu spazieren und euch in einer kleinen Gruppe die Highlights des Museums von einem Guide zeigen zu lassen? Das ist jetzt möglich. Das Metropolitan Museum of Art öffnet seine Türen für die EmptyMet-Tour für eine exklusive Führung durch die meist-besuchte Attraktion New York Citys. 90 Minuten bevor das Museum für die Öffentlichkeit die Türen öffnet, könnt ihr in der EmptyMet-Tour einen VIP Einblick hinter die Kulissen des Mets bekommen.
Unsere Empty-Met Tour Erfahrungen könnt ihr hier nachlesen.
jetzt emptymet-tour tickets kaufen
Der Roof Garden mit tollem Ausblick
Die Präsentation moderner, amerikanischer Kunst im Roof Garden ist ebenso sehenswert. Der von Mai bis Oktober geöffnete Dachgarten ist nicht allein wegen der zeitgenössischen Kunstwerke, sondern auch aufgrund des tollen Ausblicks auf den Central Park und die Skyline von Midtown Manhattan ein Erlebnis. Genießt hier unbedingt einen Drink während Eures Besuches. Schöne Fotos sind garantiert. Mehr zur Roof Garden Café and Martini Bar im The Met findet ihr hier.
Der kostenlose Audio-Guide als Informationsquelle
Der Met Audio-Guide bietet über 75 Stunden interessante Audiokommentare, die von Kuratoren und Dozenten zu den Kunstwerken in der Dauerausstellung des Museums und in ausgewählten Sonderausstellungen zusammengestellt wurden.
Man erhält so einen sehr guten Überblick und Detailinformationen über die Exponate, was ich wirklich nur empfehlen kann. Der Großteil der Kommentare steht allerdings nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung, doch besondere Audio-Guide Führungen sind auch in Deutsch verfügbar.
Wieviel Zeit sollte man einplanen?
Aufgrund der Größe ist es unmöglich alles an einem Tag zu sehen. Ich empfehle Euch deshalb, vorab den Plan des Metropolitan Museums, den ihr an der Information in der Eingangshalle bekommt, genau anzuschauen und dann zu entscheiden, was ihr Euch ansehen wollt. Allein der Teil der amerikanischen Kunst ist so gigantisch, dass man dort schon einen Tag verbringen kann.
Die Aufteilung in einzelne Themenbereiche ermöglicht es dem Besucher jedoch, seine Favoriten herauszufiltern und diese gezielt anzuschauen. Alles ist schlüssig und verständlich aufgeteilt, sodass man sich sehr gut zurecht findet.
Ihr wollt das volle Programm und wirklich alles sehen? Dann plant im drittgrößten Museum der Welt auf jeden Fall einen ganzen Tag ein.
Erwachsene$25Senioren (ab 65 Jahren)$17Studenten (mit Ausweis)$12
Kinder bis 12 Jahre haben freien Eintritt.
Tickets für das Met Museum könnt ihr hier online kaufen. Das Tolle an dem Ticket: Ihr müsst in keiner Schlange anstehen und könnt direkt ins Museum gehen.
Mit dem New York Pass ist das Met Museum bereits inklusive. Alle Infos zum New York Pass könnt ihr hier nachlesen. Lest lebst, welche Sehenswürdigkeiten schon im New York Pass enthalten sind.
Mein Fazit
Beeindruckend, riesig und imposant. Das sind wohl die drei Worte, die ich mit dem Met Museum verbinde. Die Größe und Vielfalt des Museums ist bemerkenswert und eine ganz besondere Art sich der Kunstgeschichte zu widmen.
Ich persönlich habe vielmehr Erinnerungen an langweilige Kunststunden während meines Abiturs, wenn ich an Kunstgeschichte denke. Das Metropolitan Museum hat jedoch eine magische Wirkung auf den Besucher, nicht zuletzt durch die liebevoll ausgestellten Exponate und die eindrucksvolle Kulisse in der man sich befindet. Man wandert von einem Raum in den Nächsten und kommt wirklich aus dem Staunen nicht heraus.
Es macht richtig Spaß sich alles anzuschauen und auch für einen Kunstbanausen wie mich war es richtig interessant. Für mich gehört das Met neben dem MoMa und dem Natural History Museum zu den Must-See Museen in New York
Tickets für das Metropolitan Museum of Art sind auch in folgenden Pässen enthalten:
Bei den New York Sightseeing-Pässe sind bis zu 80 Attraktionen und Touren im Preis inbegriffen. Mehr dazu findest du hier:
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NYC Indie Bookstore Handsell

It’s hump day! Are you enjoying Independent Bookstore Week NYC? How are you supporting your favorite indie? Have you attended an event? Maybe snapped some photos for the scavenger hunt? Stopped by Bonnie’s for some cookies? No matter what you do this week to show some indie love, we thank you for your support.
And we offer up some book recommendations in return (that IS what it’s all about, right?) Yesterday a number of NYC indie booksellers shared their preferred picks on the airwaves and online – here’s a recap:
Marva Allen (of Hue-Man Bookstore), Sarah McNally (of McNally Jackson Books), and Christine Onorati (of WORD) talked about indie bookstores and their favorite titles on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show. You can listen to the segment and see a list of all the books they suggested.
In the comments section on the radio show, it was nice to see listeners write about their favorite indies — at least 20 different NYC independent bookstores were mentioned! (They also praised some great indies elsewhere in NY state and beyond.)
Another list of recommendations from indie bookstores popped up over at, where booksellers and customers from Greenlight Bookstore (in Ft. Greene) and WORD (in Greenpoint) shared their favorite titles: What’s on Brooklyn’s Nightstand? Their picks include fiction, non-fiction, comics and a kid’s title too!
What have indie booksellers or shoppers been recommending to you? Let us know in the comments.

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Carpenter’s Hall at The Carpenter Hotel
You know that giddy feeling that overcomes you when meeting someone you admire in your industry, or when you just really hit it off with someone new? Well, I used to get this feeling when dining out at new restaurants in NYC – especially if it was a long time coming from one of the chef moguls in town or a completely different cuisine than I’d ever tried. In 2017, there were very few places that opened like this in Austin. In 2018, there is definitely a shortlist for me where I walk in and think WE’VE FINALLY GOT IT— The Brewer’s Table, Intero, Suerte! Carpenter’s Hall at The Carpenter Hotel is off the charts in that category for me. When you walk in, it’s a hotel entrance which might throw you off, so you creep forward to the host stand wondering if you’re in the right place which creates some uncertainty yet excitement. The walls almost feel like a school and then BOOM, the sexy yet casual mood in the dining room hits you as the bright lights from the open kitchen help to guide you to your seat. I love nothing more than having a front row seat view into an open dining room so I can analyze the crowd while wondering who is this eager to venture to a new restaurant so early and this “in the know.” I love seeing their plates before I order, listening to how the staff greets you and how they decide to tell you about the menu. Do they tell you that you need 6 plates per person to up-sell you or tell you their favorites and somehow list every dish on the menu? (Not helpful).
For my first impression, Carpenter’s Hall is seamless. The menu, style of service, and vibe replicates the exact feeling I used to have when reviewing a new, hyped up spot in NYC. While most people seem to be dissapointed by new establishments when there is too much hype, for me in Austin I feel lucky that we gain a new treasure and new place to eat. We have a dining scene that I have seen truly blossom in the last two years even without countless big names and larger groups that make strides nationwide like Major Food Group (Carbone), Dave Chang’s Momofuku Empire, NoHo Hospitality (Andrew Carmellini), etc.
Carpenter’s Hall provides a sense of security for the future of the Austin dining scene. It’s no surprise that they matched a lot of great talent from Portland, NYC, and locally to create a space in Austin that is really going to shape the next year and continue to set high expectations for new comers. The casual dining room with simple banquettes is shaped in a way that you can really see who is who, and it creates a fun, “going out,” atmosphere which I think can be tough to find at times. The menu reminds me of Cervo’s in NYC where you look at it and are unsure how it’s all going to play out together, but once the dishes hit the table, you’re wondering if it’s possible to order the rest of the menu and still have room.
Now onto the food–> there are a lot of small snacks to start off with like marinated olives, radish with green goddess, but SAVE room for all the upcoming homemade breads and pastas. You’ll need every square inch you can get. I loved the Stracciatella with Dragon Tongue Beans and Tomato. The buttery toast dipped into the mixture and delicious cheese transports you to Italy. I also loved the Escarole Avocado Caesar with croutons and pecorino sardo. Salads can be really exciting or really disappointing and the large crunchy leaves with just the right amount of dressing works well with the avocado and a Texas nod. I love seafood, but the Spaghetti with Clams and Garlic out shined the Crispy Fluke. Chek yes to made from scratch and al dente noodles and cavatelli. This is all the food you want to eat and flirt with when dining out. You can’t make this at home. The Cavatelli is a play on cacio e pepe and it’s done WELL. It’s made with pecorino, lemon, and black pepper. You’ll also witness a giant Chicken Schnitzel dancing through the room that looks large enough to feed a party of 4. Next time I’ll get the Steak Frites. Don’t miss the Shrimp Fried Rice with pimenton and hazelnut salsa. It’s $12 and to be honest I would go sit at the bar alone and just indulge in that. You might think it’s strange to be on this menu, but again Carpenter’s Hall is serving food you want to eat and is a menu that cannot be put in a box. We skipped the dinner dessert menu which had a giant piece of Carrot Cake that I have still been thinking about. Have no fear though, my pal Andrew saved us some Sea Salt Chocolate Chip cookies from the hotel’s coffee shop, called Hot L Coffee. We immediately annihilated two of these masterpieces from the to-go box at the table before our fluke was cleared. No one is surprised here.
(Coffee Shop Sitting Area) I’m happy to welcome some new folks in town and a new restaurant and hotel space that fits right into the neighborhood. Whether you are looking for a space to work in during the day, a date night, dinner with parents, or just a swell meal, this place is truly worth a shot!

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Enter the Tombs, Five Points’ notorious house of detention in the heart of Old New York
PODCAST Many stories of 19th century New York City seem to lead to the Tombs, a stark prison complex with menacing architecture and a fearful reputation.
Some might find it strange that the Manhattan Detention Complex — one of New York City’s municipal jails — should be located next to the bustling neighborhoods of Chinatown and Little Italy. Stranger still is its ominous nickname — The Tombs.
Near this very spot — over 180 years ago — stood another imposing structure, a massive jail in the style of an Egyptian mausoleum, casting its dark shadow over a district that would become known as Five Points, the most notorious 19th century neighborhood in New York City.

From the Foundations of Collect Pond
Both Five Points and the original Tombs (officially New York City Halls of Justice and House of Detention) was built upon the spot of old Collect Pond, an old fresh-water pond that was never quite erased from the city’s map when it was drained via a canal — along today’s Canal Street.
But the foreboding reputation of the Tombs comes from more than sinking foundations and cracked walls. For over six decades, thousands of people were kept here — murderers, pickpockets, vagrants and many more who had committed no crimes at all.
And there would be a few unfortunates who would never leave the confines of this place. For the Tombs contained a gallows, where some of the worst criminals in the United States were executed.
Other jails would replace this building in the 20th century, but none would shake off the grim nickname.
Listen Now — The Tombs: Five Points’ House of Detention
To get this week’s episode, simply download or stream it for FREE from iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or other podcasting services. You can also get it straight from our satellite site. Or listen to it straight from here:

Collect Pond, in an illustration from 1880 — New York Public Library

The Tombs 1894 — New York Public Library

A Prison Van Discharging At The Tombs 1871 — New York Public Library

The Boy’S Cell In The Tombs 1870 — New York Public Library

The Execution of Nathaniel Gordon in Five Points. For more information, read this article from our website on Gordon’s execution.
The Old World and the New by William Ballantine A Pickpocket’s Tale: The Underworld of 19th Century New York by Timothy J. Gilfoyle New York by Sunlight and Gaslight: A Work Descriptive of the Great American Metropolis by James Dabney McCabe The New York Tombs, Inside and Out!: A Story Stranger Than Fiction, with an Historic Account of America’s Most Famous Prison by John Josiah Munro
FURTHER LISTENING After listening to our show on the history of the Tombs, check out these shows from our back catalog:
The Bowery Boys: New York City History podcast is brought to you …. by you!
We are now producing a new Bowery Boys podcast every other week. We’re also looking to improve the show in other ways and expand in other ways as well — through publishing, social media, live events and other forms of media. But we can only do this with your help!
We are now a member of Patreon, a patronage platform where you can support your favorite content creators.
Please visit our page on Patreon and watch a short video of us recording the show and talking about our expansion plans. If you’d like to help out, there are six different pledge levels (New Amsterdam, Five Points, Gilded Age, Jazz Age, Empire State and Greater New York). Check them out and consider being a sponsor.
And join us for the next episode of the Bowery Boys Movie Club, an exclusive podcast provided to our supporters on Patreon. This month’s movie — Midnight Cowboy!
We greatly appreciate our listeners and readers and thank you for joining us on this journey so far.

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1/13/19 – January OUT-FIT Mock Oly Meet
You’ve been working hard on improving your Snatch + Clean and Jerk. Here is your chance to test your strength.
OUT-FIT is hosting a non-sanctioned mock Olympic weightlifting meet.
The event will be run like a sanctioned meet: three attempts in the Snatch and then three attempts in the Clean and Jerk. We will be judging using the Sinclair formula. We recognize that many of the athletes attending have never been to an oly meet. We encourage everyone interested to participate this time around. It will give you the experience and confidence to understand the process and have benchmark numbers for the next meet, which we expect to be in May 2019.
Singlets are not required but highly encouraged! If you’re interested in getting an OUT-FIT personalized singlet, please reach out to Coach Todd.
Event: OUT-FIT Mock Oly Meet Date: Sunday, Jan 13th Start Time: 1:30 pm Location: CrossFit NYC – Flatiron Cost: $7 Head Judge: Brian Degennaro Judging Formula: Sinclair
Registration is Open: Get Tickets HERE Registration Deadline: Friday, January 11th
Here are some helpful links to prepare for the meet: A Simple Guide to Weightlifting Competition Warm-ups My First Olympic Weightlifting Meet For CrossFitters: 7 Strategies For Success In Your First Olympic Weightlifting Meet

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The Streetsblog Carolers Serenade Mayor de Blasio At (Er, Outside) Gracie Mansion!
It’s a Christmas sing-a-long, so…everybody — a-one, a-two, a-three, a-four:
Car-free streets — it can happen.
Biking network — close the gaps in.
It’s Vision Zero.
We need a hero.
To get us to a biking wonderland.
Yes, it’s that time of the year again when the Streetsblog Carolers head to Gracie Mansion to salute the occupant with our renditions of Yuletide classics (with ever-so-slightly tweaked lyrics to keep our choral efforts aligned with our mission).
This year’s concert took place on Thursday afternoon at the residence, where Mayor de Blasio was holed up for a series of holiday receptions. He may have heard our dulcet tones echoing from the mansion driveway, but he did not come out to offer cocoa and cookies to our choral group, which consisted of David Meyer, Reed Rubey, Melodie Bryant, musical director Ric Becker, Chelsea Yamada, Angela Stach, Jessame Hannus, Leslie Merlin and yours truly.
The 12 Days of Christmas
We opened with a classic of the season: “The 12 Days of Christmas,” re-imagined as a wish list of all the things we hope Hizzoner will wrap up for us under the tree this year (click here for the lyric sheet).
Andrew, the Two-Faced Guv’nor
Next up? Our version of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” refashioned as “Andrew, the Two-Faced Guv’nor.” Click below to hear it. (For a link to the lyric sheet, click here.)
Here Comes UPS
The third number was a riff off “Here Comes Santa Claus” that turns the joyous arrival of St. Nick into an angry screed against trucks in bike lanes. It’s called, of course, “Here Comes UPS.” (For lyrics, click here.)
(Living in a) Biking Wonderland
The closing number, and one that’s sure to be a classic for Yuletides to come, was the Streetsblog version of “Winter Wonderland,” retooled as “(Living in a) Biking Wonderland.” (To those who would say the song is too harsh on the mayor, Streetsblog would remind that this is a song parody that is intended as satire — and everyone needs to relax.) (The lyrics are here.)
Residents of the Upper East Side seemed pleased with the group’s performance (in that no one yelled from windows or told the carolers to stop). So we got through our gig with nary an issue.
Emboldened by the show, one member of the caroling group planned ahead for a more-ambitious second session featuring street safety versions of Beatles songs. Our lyricist has already come up with a hot take version of “Drive My Car”:
We asked the mayor what he wanted to see He said, “Vision Zero, ’cause you know me! “I want to be famous — a man of safety. “So can you tell me how to succeed?”
Baby, you can’t drive a car! Bill, you need a Cycling Tsar Baby, you can’t drive a car. If you want us to love you.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, yeah!
Now, obviously, we’re not the only ones who had the brilliant idea to combine our favorite Christmas songs with street design activism. In Pittsburgh, an urban policy writer created her own version of “A Christmas Carol” this week, with specific Steel City references. For example, according to the local website, The Incline, in Dana Leahy’s version, “the Ghost of Christmas Past is a steelworker (naturally), Christmas Present is a top 10 list, and the Ghost of Christmas Future looks a lot like … Austin, Texas.”
Perhaps you had to be there.
It’s our annual December Donation Drive!
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The History of the Valley Candle Company
A couple years ago, I posted an item about how the television series "Miami Vice," in 1985, was allowed to blow up up an old business on Columbia Street called the Valley Candle Company.
I didn't know much about the company when I wrote that post. Since then, however, I've been contacted by a descendent of the company's founder. That was Saverio DellaValle, pictured below. (Hence, the name of the business.) Saverio came to Brooklyn from Naples in 1905. He made religious candles and delivered them to the churches in NYC. An open-minded businessman, he also made candles for the religious Jewish holidays. There were family stories that, while he was making candles, Saverio ran a still running in the factory during Prohibition. There's an enterprising gent!
The family sold the business in the '70s.
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Designs by Leah Israel Fall Sample Sale
WHAT: Designs by Leah Israel Fall Sample Sale
WHY: Designs by Leah Israel is opening her showroom for her biannual Sample Sale. Welcoming back loyal customers, new-comers and anyone looking for a high-end clothing line made for the modest dresser or religious woman. Wholesale prices directly from the designer.
Shop ready-to-wear, gowns and special occasion dresses. Sizes 0-20.
Cash & carry only.
WHEN: 11/18 - 11/20; Sun-Tue (noon-6)
WHERE: 265 West 37th Street Floor 12A, Suite 6B New York, NY 10018
For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.
Add to calendar

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Pumpkin Carving Party at Ardesia
Every year the competition gets more fierce at our Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest. Start plotting your strategy and practicing your carving skills now!
The party takes place on Saturday October 27th from 2:30-4:30pm. Judging is at 4pm sharp and a special prize goes to the top carver.
$50 (tax inclusive) per person includes open pouring of select wine & beer, a beautiful pumpkin, and basic carving tools.
Registration is required and space is very limited. For questions or to reserve contact us at: [email protected].

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Today in boxes of discarded VHS tapes on 1st Street

Spotted early this afternoon on First Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... many boxes of VHS tapes — perfect for holiday binge watching!

Highlights include "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" ... the 1996 Academy Awards show... Davey Crockett ... some A's-Red Sox games from 1988 ... and some "Pooh" from 9.31.88.
The owner of these also decided to tape over "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and Peanuts New Year for Dracula. It was not immediately known which version of Dracula this is.

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Elon Musk Promised Public Transit — But Delivered a Private Tunnel for Rich Drivers
The media finally got a tour of Elon Musk’s plan to revolutionize transportation in Los Angeles — and it didn’t go well for Musk.
On Tuesday night, Musk unveiled a 1.14-mile tunnel completed by his Boring Company, which runs under the city of Hawthorne, connecting the parking lot of Space X’s headquarters to a vacant cabinet store. Laura Nelson at the LA Times wrote:
Musk had promised modified “but fully autonomous” vehicles at the unveiling, but the reality was more modest: a Tesla Model X that reached a top speed of 53 mph, manually driven by an employee who previously drove in the Indianapolis 500. The trip through the tunnel took about two minutes, illuminated by the car’s headlights and a strip of blue neon lights tacked to the ceiling. The Model X rolled on two molded concrete shelves along the wall, which were so uneven in places that it felt like riding on a dirt road.
Even Musk seemed embarrassed about it, tell the media, “We kind of ran out of time.”
The Boring Company still insists the tunnel could become part of a network that will be filled with self-driving cars that will race people in groups through L.A. at speeds of up to 130 miles per hour.
Map: Boring Company
But the company is also hedging. Earlier this week, it told Nelson that the tunnel is just an R&D for the Boring Company, which Musk says is aimed at revolutionizing the tunneling industry, one of the most complicated endeavors in civil engineering. It’s probably good that the company has offered an alternative explanation for the tunneling, because the whole concept of developing an underground road network is flawed. Musk’s tunnels are a lot like a subway, but with carrying capacity reduced to practically nothing.
Elizabeth Lopatto, a reporter with the tech publication, the Verge, wrote that Musk’s original plans were very much like a subway. Musk said the tunnel would carry “pods” with 16-20 people. But reporters arrived to find out plans have apparently changed from a public transit system to a private system for rich drivers.
It does seem strange, though, that we’re taking this ride in a Model X — because until this evening, there were going to be “autonomous electric skates” that zip passengers around at 120 to 150 miles per hour. These skates were supposed to carry eight to 16 people in a pod or a single car. Unlike with a more conventional subway, these skates don’t stop between where a person gets on and where they might get off; every skate runs express to one’s final destination.
Anyway, the skates have been canceled. “The car is the skate,” Musk says.
The “pods” Musk originally envisioned are apparently out. Full video: Kinja
The rollout was almost universally panned on social media and in the wider news media.
It’s a Disneyland tram ride at best.
— Ring Toss: 3 Tickets (@raultherabbit) December 19, 2018
Some experts questioned whether the Boring Company had even succeeded at improving the cost of tunnel boring. Right now, it’s not altogether clear that it did.
The cost of the tunnel is low because the tunnel is small. You need dozens of tunnels for non-stop A to B trips (and to solve for the “red herring” of induced demand what). At what point does the tunnel of tunnels reach the mines of Moria and the cost point of an actual subway?
— Seleta Reynolds (@seletajewel) December 19, 2018
Nevertheless, Musk told the LA Times he plans to continue with a 3.5-mile tunnel between a Red Line transit station and Dodger Stadium. And he hopes to have the whole system built out in time for the Olympics in 2028.
But raising the money, building political support and receiving environmental permits would be a staggering undertaking, says Scott Frazier of LA Podcast. He noted that the Boring Company abandoned plans to build a tunnel through the Sepulveda Pass — which cuts through a mountain range between West L.A. and the San Fernando Valley — after learning it would be subject to a full environmental review process.
But even if the political and financial obstacles could be overcome, the biggest problem is the issue of access and geometry. L.A.’s highways are congested. Simply putting new ones underground doesn’t really solve this problem.
Perhaps autonomous vehicles could travel up to 130 miles per hour in underground tunnels, but there’s still a big problem: How to get all the cars down there.
Musk claims that self-driving cars will enter the tunnels via a special elevator inside a parking garage. But this design creates congestion at the front end while promising to relieve it on the journey. Drivers will need to line up to wait their turn on the elevator. If the tunnels were really able to deliver lightning fast commutes across Los Angeles, demand would likely be quite high.
One way to manage demand would be pricing. Musk has never explained what he would charge to use one of his private underground highways. But he would likely need to charge exorbitantly high rates to keep the tunnels and elevators flowing smoothly. A full build out of the concept could end up being a private uncontested highway system mirroring the congested public one for use only by a very rich few.
Hopefully, Tuesday’s press event will put the whole idea to rest.

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