#knowing full well ghosts annoy the fuck out of him lmaoooo
kxllerblond · 8 months
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thinking about how much i hate my muse today. how he just does stupid shit he KNOWS is going to be troublesome or annoying but it's a project or a challenge and he is so desperate for that distraction and something to DO that he does shit anyway
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
what would bully!samu do if reader was feeling insecure bc she thought she was ugly bc guys don’t ask her out or like her but she doesn’t know it’s bc the twins are terrifying and told the whole school she’s off limits
the thought of BOTH twins being guilty of doing this lmaoooo
cw: osamu's a bit manipulative but it's ok bc he's cute /j
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you had been mopey all day and osamu was getting annoyed—he feels he's been as nice as he can and yet you looked as if you were on the verge of tears.
after having enough, osamu asks about the "dumb" lil face you're making and, with a bit more prodding, you ask him if he thinks you're ugly.
"the fuck are ya on about?"
"boys don't look at me at school! it's like i have an ick or something..." you huff. "all of my friends are dating but whenever i like someone, they'll talk to me for a few days and just ghost me! there has to be something wrong with me."
osamu cringes, knowing full well who's behind all of it. he's not solely to blame. atsumu's done his fair share of scaring off boys who showed a bit of interest in you. neither of them liked the idea of you going out on dates.
"yer worried about what stupid high school boys think, dumbass?" he pulls you into his lap. "you're not ugly, yn." he says softly, sighing when you curled up in his hold.
"sometimes it feels like the only boys that look at me are you and tsumu," you murmur into his chest. if he's being honest, osamu doesn't really see a problem with that, even if it means having to share you with his stupid brother—for now at least.
"yer worryin' about nothin'," he grumbles, ignoring the way his heart beats a bit faster now that you're cozied up in his arms. "and what's so bad about me and tsumu? we're all ya need."
you give him a pout in return and osamu rolls his eyes and kisses it away.
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bb-bigbang-org · 4 years
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EPISODE 6 - “I can finally sleep with both eyes closed tonight.” - FROSBY .
Daily Thoughts for Day 21:
Eviction: As expected, Mandi was voted out with a strong majority. It was a shame to see her go, but she really was super quiet in the house and it was a good idea to separate the family before jury.
Announcements: We made it to jury!! I'm so excited!! I will officially have a part in the outcome of finale night. That's pretty cool. We also heard about this Before the Beginning twist, which is pretty interesting. I think the lack of talking in the house won't be too bad because things can be communicated in DMs, it's just a bit more annoying. The not knowing who is winning each thing and what the votes counts are...that's a bit more interesting. This will be quite a week.... The pre-jury twist sounds fun! I have no idea what it will be, but I like the idea.
Plans: If somehow Frosby or I won HOH, we could take out Austin and do it without anyone finding out. The most ideal way this week could go is, Frosby or I win HOH, the other one gets the power to see the HOH, Austin gets backdoored and no one knows who did it…
Daily Thoughts for Day 22:
Link Hunt: I am guessing a million things and haven't found a link... I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or if I'm just dumb, but man this is super frustrating. I want the HOH power!!!
Victory!!: Uhm...y'all...I FUCKING DID THAT SHIT!!!! I am sooo excited right now. I would really love to get out Austin this week, he is a big target and I really do not trust him... Lukas is obviously a big target as well, but I trust him a bit more so he is not my priority. Either one would be a good move, though. I told Frosby I won HOH, but that's it. I fully trust him to keep my secret. Drew also messaged me and told me he got the HOH power, so he knows I won. That puts a bit of a wrench in my plans, because Drew and Austin are close, but I'm not going to let that stop me from taking out a huge target. I don't think anyone can blame me for that (even though I'm sure they would). Drew swears he will keep my secret, but I'm preparing for that to go out the window when I put up Austin. Drew told me he is fine with anyone going up, but I don't think he really means that.
Well a lot has happened in the game and yet another one of my allies has fallen to the majority alliance. This time I was the one inside that majority alliance. I only joined the alliance alongside Desiree so we would be in the biggest group of players in the game, but to also know what our enemies were planning. Turns out Brooke made the alliance to tell a large group of people that Mandi and Joe were siblings and because of this Mandi was the next one to go. Thankfully it wasn't Katrina that went because that would have been terrible. 
Anyways we have finished up the next challenge and Desiree ended up winning it! Finally someone who isn't my enemy in this game won HoH, I can finally sleep with both eyes closed tonight. Anyways me and Desiree have been talking and we agree that putting up Lukas v. Joe is the play. The chances of either of those 2 winning so we can backdoor Austin would be fantastic and a perfect part to the plan. Now the thing is Desiree doesn't want me to speak a word to anyone that she won HoH and that I am doing, but while talking to Joe I realized he thinks Brooke is trying to blindside him. I let him know that this was in fact true info and it was that giant alliance that Brooke created that she is using to get the blindside going. 
So anyways I wanted to strengthen my relationship with Joe so I called him on the DMs last night, and wanted to let him know where he was at in the game. I let him know about this giant alliance and how i'm a rat on the inside and I'm doing what I can to twist the alliance whichever way doesn't hurt Joe, Desiree or Katrina. I also let him know that he will be put up this week but he isn't the target. I let him know that the main target is Austin and the fact that we are putting up Lukas and Joe is to make sure they win the Power of Veto. 
Lets hope this plan works and Joe doesn't get voted out, that would be no bueno 
So continuing my diary room rewind... we're talking about Week 5 and now that its been a few days to really digest my thoughts... here's another round of Drew Dishes.
Lukas wins his third HoH, and I'm just shocked. I really am. I really didn't think that it was possible but here we are... with the results being posted that Lukas winning once again. But that's not the more "whoopdeedo" moment of the week. it was the big reveal that Mandi and Joe are siblings. 
And I had already known the week prior because Brooke literally told Austin who told me. And I'm just sitting here and absorbing the damn tea. Like spill it for me, spill it! I love the tea and I will love to get any and all advantage in this game as much as possible. 
So that happens and Joe wins the veto. Because we need a third comp beast coming into this game. And my veto chip is like.. missing. like- i swear i can't compete in a fucking veto to save my life. But he wins the veto and he's removing himself and leaving Mandi on the block, which absolutely sucks because I truly love Mandi with my absolute heart. 
Like what kind of a mother has a full time job, two children and can be social with everyone and still be so personable? Like HELLLO!! She has to be Wonder Woman in disguise somehow because this game is taking everything out of me just to talk to the same people over and over- so for Mandi to just up and give up against Katrina... sucks. Truly it does. But my connection with Katrina blossomed even more because Mandi straight up ghosted me- and I don't need that in a game for the win tbh :/
So that's it for the rewind. Not much to say because this is all... boring to be fairly honest. Hopefully the Week 6 rewind will be much more juicy! 
Terrible week, although I have successfully avoided the block. At, the cost of my allies. I would love to be able to keep Des this week, but I don't know how possible that is. Brooke is still the worst, I love Drew, and frosby is my boy.
I think we are in the Week 6 rewind? I honestly don't remember. But DARK WEEK... what the fuck is this twist? I honestly don't know how this mess of a week LMAOOOO but whatever it is- this is the perfect time to get a threat out. Meaning, I'm looking at Austin, Lukas or Joe. Because they're major competition threats. 
And would you look at that! I lose yet another HoH, but that's not a problem because I won the Afterglow Advantage which allows me to know who is the HoH and allows me to speak with them and hopefully get my footing into NOT being nominated- and I honestly was so surprised to see Desiree up in that HoH Suite.
But like the nice lady was down to chat with me, and I promised her that I wasn't gonna tell anyone- but I told two people, Lukas and Sammy, that I have this power. But I didn't tell them that Desiree was the HoH until like.. an hour after the results. Which violates my trust with her like immediately, but solidifies my position with Lukas and Sammy even more.
But with Desiree, she gave me the option to throw out a few ideas, and I said that I'm fine with anyone going up as long as it wasn't me. Preferably, one of the three competition beasts- and she agreed. And the week started off with Joe and Lukas on the block, with Austin has a backdoor. I'm ecstatic at that result because both Joe and Lukas trust me enough to let them think that I will use the veto on them, and mawma- that's the best position for me to be in.
And the veto- lemme get to that... I FINALLY GOT TO PLAY A DAMN VETO! The damn veto box decided to spit out my chip for the damn first time! And it was a memory comp, which is something that I am GREAT at... but I only score 11 points. Which is an F in terms of academic grading... like what? I'm better than this! But like Lukas tells me that he wins, so that I'm okay with that. Let this private win expand his target on his back a little more- I won't complain. And who goes up in his place? Austin. Which is also fine by me. I was always planning to stab him in the back one the jury started anyway. 
In order for me to win, I needed to start lacing that jury house with my allies- and I didn't know how much Austin trusted me considering that I made most of his moves during his HoH reign, but I need a good word for those people like Frosby, Brooke and Kayla when they inevitably join the Jury House.
So just like the good little villainous strategist that I am- I immediately start working on getting Sammy, Chloe and Lukas to vote out Austin. Katrina can't vote. Frosby is immediately a vote for Joe to stay, and Brooke and Kayla? Let the evict Joe and look like boo boo the fool. They really voted in the minority if that was the case cause the vote ended in a 5-2 if everything on my end was correct. 
And I think that concludes this shitty twist- cause I'm over it. This rewind, I was dreading to relive because it was four days of pure torture and hell. Like, 2 of those 4 days- i had to be on CALL with Brooke and Joe for 5+ hours. 5 PLUS HOURS. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH ALCOHOL COULD HAVE BEEN FLOWING IN MY BLOODSTREAM DURING THAT TIME? MANY!! MANY PINTS OF ALCOHOL!! I'm just glad that Joe trusts me more now that he's in the game a little longer and I need to start switching my focus on evicting Sammy/Lukas/Brooke/Joe. Once that is complete- I will assume the winner title! 
This is by far the worst eviction pairing PERIOD. Desiree v. Katrina my top 2 closest allies put up on the block against each other. This is actually the worst for me. Like I have no good solutions, I dont want to argue for either of them because the way the vote sounds right now it could go either way. So I don't want to go to people and be like hey vote desiree out, because if desiree survives the vote then im royally fucked with my best ally. But on the other hand I can't be telling people not to vote desiree bc my true goal is to get Katrina to go through with me. The problem is I cant go out an campaign for Katrina because of Joe and Desiree. If I do that then I will lose both of those allies and then I will legit be sitting on the outside of the game, with no allies at all. I even was in a call last night and was talking to desiree and joe and honestly I love both of them and want to keep working with them. I'll put it simple if Katrina goes its not the end of the world I will still have 2 strong allies that both will have bigger targets on their back than me.  While on the other hand Katrina is my sister and we made a final 2 pact that I know for a fact we both want to hold onto so if Katrina can somehow live through this vote not only do we keep that final 2 pact but the fact we are siblings and secretly allies this whole time can continue working in our favor. The key is I need Lukas, Joe, myself or Katrina/Desiree to win this next HoH really bad. Every eviction has been slowly picking off my close allies 1 after the other, the only eviction that went in my favor was austin going home. I need another HoH in my favor or else this game is going to get even harder for me. 
Well, brooke was evicted and i was ecstatic. Her going was probably best for my game at this point. The double hits and I really did not want to see frosby go. He was basically my number 1 at this point. I tried to use my pre-jury power to save his ass but it was all in vain. I have hopefully secured a final three deal with Drew and Lukas. Only problem is that Drew doesn't trust Lukas all that much. Overall, I've had a good past few cycles and I hope to keep up this streak of not dying.
Alright another Drew Dishes entry. And this week- we're going to review Cycle 7... and let me tell you... it was something that I dislike. 
The week was just pure distaste for me because Brooke wins HoH... the one person that I wanted to get rid of this week has to be pushed back a cycle cause that bitch gets the one power that essentially lets her call all of the shots. And yours truly is on the block because I don't talk to her... wait what?
Is this bitch for real? LIKE Chloe, Katrina and Kayla are RIGHT there. If you wanted a pawn to go up against Desiree... you put one of them up. Not give a reason towards a vindictive bitch to nominate you the next time he gets HoH... like you clearly did not play this game correctly! 
So then, Desiree and I or D&D in what I nicknamed it... are on the block and Sammy and Katrina are picked for the veto- two people that I trust alot in this game. Obviously aside from Chloe and Lukas, and its a puzzle punishment veto. I love this comp because I'm excellent at puzzles! I ADORE PUZZLES! Anyway, the way that this veto worked out for me because I ended up 2nd place and Sammy gets 1st. Obviously he takes the veto, but the prize that I end up with is $10 from the hostie toasties. Which is AMAZING!! Like free money?!? Unheard of! 
AND that's not the best part. Sammy reveals his cards and plays the veto on me, meaning that it shows that he and I are close this game. Im off the block, I get $10 and all 4 of us in They Suck The Most get to dictate who leaves.. and we selected Desiree to save face with Brooke. Which is sad, but like... eh. No harm done with us.
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