winterfollows · 1 year
-Starter call for @knivesfirst!
"I don't know if such a large arsenal is required for helping me gather tincture components, da'len." He raises his brows, the corner of his mouth hinting at a smirk. "...but I do appreciate the show of enthusiasm."
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
“ i've noticed you've been staring at me this whole time. ”
Ellis peers over the rim of his drink, meeting her gaze with the same tenacity he had watched her with all night. He's been tucked around in the corner, picking at disinteresting food, making his way through a handful of drinks. Back to the wall, eyes on the crowd it was difficult not to pick up on a few exciting things… his attention turned to her. it was captivating to watch her at work & after observing a handful of her games he picked up on a crucial detail. her luck with cards was cultivated with more than one skill. Ellis could night help but delight in her swindling people out of their money.
of course, it leads him to beg the question. how safe would his money be? He'd cheated his way through his fair share of card games but was that enough? well, with the opportunity presented he wasn't going to pass it up. his usually steely expression splits into a grin & he sets his drink down, using the back of his free hand to wipe his mouth.
" You're damn good at cards, you know," he admits, gesturing to the seat across from his as an invitation. maybe he's too excited, but he can't temper the feeling. He wants to see if he can out-cheat her… & even if he wouldn't deny how lovely she was. he was a sucker for a pretty face, after all, " It's a 'helluva thing to see you in action. "
" Up for a challenge? " he asks brightly, sarcasm inching its way into his words, " We can play by your rules. "
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ada1r-arc · 1 year
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send 📜for an incorrect quote!
annie & lena / @knivesfirst
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stcrforged · 1 year
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@knivesfirst asked ❝ i mean, it’s the long way or the ‘we’re fucking dead’ way. ❞ (for Tristan! Rogue buddiessss)
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" and i believe BOTH of us prefer the long way instead dying a painful death. " daggers rested in each gloved hand as leather boots walked over the uneven ground, not making a single sound. the dwarf was glad that he had another rogue by his side. it was easier to move quickly and WITHOUT notice. " so, how did you end up at the inquisition? " those piercing blue eyes' gaze landed on the other for a moment before it wandered back, observing the surroundings, not wanting to miss a single detail. he had seen her before at skyhold, but never had the chance to talk. " you DON'T have to tell me if you don't want to. i simply find it interesting why people join. everyone have a different story. i sound like varric now don't i? " a soft and quiet chuckle left him. " but you know what i mean."
lost meme / accepting
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magicveiined · 1 year
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The fight had ended quickly enough with the party they had. Gideon took a breath a looked around with a smile. "Well that was certainly exhilarating." Leaning down he pulled one of his daggers out of the bandit he'd thrown it at.
@knivesfirst: said "who are you, really?"
"What do you mean by that Annie dear?" He said with grin. "I'm Gideon, and I've certainly never claimed to be anyone I'm not." The rogue had been fairly forthcoming with his backstory — not the fact that he had been from a fairly important family but that didn't really matter. At least not anymore. He was sure they had disowned him, or perhaps told everyone he was dead. Probably for the best anyway. Not like he was planning on going back to them.
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spyadvisor · 1 year
@knivesfirst sent “He looks miserable, poor soul.“
LELIANA LAUGHED AND HELD UP THE NUG. A snug sweater wrapped around its tiny frame, even with sleeves adorning its little legs. The nug squeaked in protest, writhing to get out of the bard's grip.
"Do you think so? I believe he is quite dashing!" She exclaimed, defensive in jest. "He hasn't a hair to cover himself with. The Fereldan winters can be quite cruel, you know."
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viintcge · 1 year
PSA. Activity is gonna be pretty low for Elyse until the semester wraps up. I'll try to get things posted every now and then. Find me primarily at @knivesfirst.
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manneatcrarc · 1 year
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HELLO! I’m Sara (25+) and have been roleplaying for 10+ years.This is a selective, private, and 18+ only blog for my mercenary witch oc. Rebooted June 2023
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A study in: feminine rage. all consuming grief. the corruption of a pure soul. unbridled curiosity. grey morality. unconditional love.
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Inbox: open
Status: indefinite semi-hiatus due to real life stress. ooc communication will be super slow/maybe nonexistent idk. ic interactions will likely be queued when i feel up to doing them. might be online every once in a while, but the majority of my time and energy will be focused elsewhere until my shit gets together. Update: Along with the what was mentioned before, I'm getting married next year (December 2024) and a lot of my time free time will be spent wedding planning since we finally have a date.
Active starter call: none
Most muse for: BG3 verses / plots , Demon Slayer. Big brain rot for both fandoms tbh
Updated: 07/23/2024
Note: Since tumblr keeps getting rid of the mutuals checker, please hardblock me if you wish to unfollow . I won't be offended, I just don't want to have to manually check my followers list every time I want to interact on the dash.
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Affiliates: Julian (@witchered @viscountbard @multusmusae @fuckthisguy) | Jess (@never-surrender)
Mains: Vex (@plaguefated @skybent @knivesfirst) | Emory (@bcneheaded @aeipcthy @ccnfessional @hjemve @varhanas @boarish @flowerbull) | Sealke ( @hegrowth)
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Please read rules and about before interacting!
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pentaghest · 1 year
let me psychoanalyze you but also be nice.
no one has ever loved you.
i know you're a good person. even if most of the time it doesn't feel like it. im sorry growing up happened under less than ideal circumstances. but people love you now, i promise. sometimes it's hard to remember that just because you've felt unloved before, it doesn't mean you're unloved now. I love you :-)
tagged by: @ofspvrta (ty!!!)
tagging: @dalaesh @iithildim @knivesfirst @vhenann @wardenhero
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drackonfyre · 1 year
I'm placing Vare on a mini hiatus since school is bullying me and her muse is pretty low. I can still be found primarily on @knivesfirst and also disc.ord !
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fangmother · 1 year
think you're pretty funny, don't you?
"Funny looking," Rainer replies, fluttering her eyelashes innocently at the other woman. She cracks herself up, as usual, cackling as she leans back on the bench-- her horns nearly take out a passerby as they try to skirt past her to get to the bar, but they're too intimidated to scold her.
For good reason, one supposes. She's no The Iron Bull, but people are still plenty afraid of her.
"What," she continues, leaning her elbows against the table to stare at Annie, "You don't think I'm funny? I'm hurt, baby. Everything I do is to try to make you laugh."
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winterfollows · 1 year
Send ☎️ and Hal will tell you: @knivesfirst
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info: Pointy on Five Ends ��️
What Their Ringtone Is: three sharp beeps that are reminiscent of either A.) birds chirping, or B.) a certain famous Hitchcock movie
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: [SMS: ❄️] I hope you know the courier still refuses to speak to me.
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
where should you be kissed?
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it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
tagged by: @khenzi tagging: @softersinned, @luxcruor, @tcaleaf, @stellarhistoria , @cryptiique, @winterfollows, @whalefelled , @floraesky, @knivesfirst & whoever wants to do this!!!
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ada1r-arc · 1 year
@knivesfirst sent “hey! I got you this.” emphasis on got, rather than bought. “happy birthday.”
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a wide, toothy smile appears on helena's face, her cheeks round and flushing a slight red. " for me? " she's slightly incredulous but readily accepts the package. tearing into the paper with gusto and throwing it onto the table to her side. inside is what appears to be a nice bottle of whiskey and as she looks at it further, she realizes exactly where she recognizes it from. " thank you so much, my friend. " her smile reappears and she opens the bottle promptly, " would you share the first drink with me? "
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magicveiined · 1 year
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It was a quiet night in camp, most of the others had drifted off to their respective tents leaving only Viktoria and Annette to sit around the fire. The crackling of the fire and a whetstone against Viktoria's blade where the only sounds for a time. A comfortable silence falling over the two, until a question was posed.
@knivesfirst asked: what are you proud of?
The question catches Viktoria off guard and she pauses the sharpening of her sword. Looking up at the mercenary she gives it some thought before answering. "Staying true to myself. So much in the world — and in my life — has changed in such a short time but I have tried to stay true to who I am and my values. It's something I hope I never let slip away." There's a pause before she continues. "What about you, Annette? Is there something you are proud of?"
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ada1r-arc · 1 year
@knivesfirst said ' i'm half convinced this is a nightmare. '
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" what kind of nightmares are you having, annie? " she looks at her with a small amount of incredulity. " most of my nightmares involve my teeth falling out or my ears becoming round. maybe getting chased through the woods. " she subtly runs her tongue against her teeth and moves her hand up to her ears, just to check. " this feels far too real to be a nightmare. this is the kind of shit show that can only be reality. "
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