Finally dropped a public playtest of "Pilgrim's Passages" my ttrpg about playing as traveling craftsfolk, road wardens, and mystics. If you the idea of a game that focuses more on travel and narrative character growth in a world of spirits and their creations inspires you feel free to give it a shot, it's totally free.
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If tabletop roleplaying games were a hydra, blogs would definitely be one of its heads.
Probably the smartest, zaniest one? The one with the unexpected ideas; the silliest quips; the most devious schemes; the most profound observations.
The OSR / post-OSR style of play arose on blogs. I was inspired to make roleplaying games because of a blog post (this one, by Patrick Stuart, specifically).
Beyond the actual playing of games with friends, blogs are the most important part of TTRPGs, to me.
Last year, Prismatic Wasteland hosted the inaugural Bloggies.
64 excellent posts from across the TTRPG blogosphere were considered. A celebration of our community, our psychic brain-trust---the many heads of this, our TTRPG beast.
All the nominees are worth perusing. Winners list here.
My post, "D&D's Obsession With Taxonomy", won Best Blog Post of 2022. (Thank you, everybody who voted!)
Because I won, it falls to me to host this year's Bloggies.
Nominations are now open for the BLOGGIES 2023!
Is there a blogpost about TTRPGs from the past year (December 2022 to December 2023) that you think deserves attention and recognition?
Tell me about it! Drop a link to it, tell me why you like it, tell me which category it falls under:
Theory---broad criticism, observation, and analysis about TTRPGs (its cultures, its aesthetics and texts, its politics, etc);
Gameable---cool stuff (monsters, subsystems, bits of design, etc) you could grab and add to your own games;
Advice---ideas, tricks, and procedures for making your games better / easier / more fun, basically adding to the play-culture;
Review---specific criticism of specific books / games / systems / adventures / products.
Drop your nominations in the comments below, or in this Xwitter thread, or wherever else you can get in touch with me on the Internet. Do this before the end of 31 December 2023.
How BLOGGIES 2023 Will Work
Here's how I am thinking of running things:
25 Dec 2023 - 31 Dec 2023: Nominations open!
1 Jan 2024: Nominees shortlist announced!
First week Jan 2024: Public voting for Best Theory Post!
Second week Jan 2024: Public voting for Best Gameable Post!
Third week Jan 2024: Public voting for Best Advice Post!
Fourth week Jan 2024: Public voting for Best Review Post!
First week Feb 2024: Final round of voting for Best Blog Post Of 2023!
"Imperfection is a feature, not a bug, of blogging," as Warren said about the Bloggies, last year. I am but a single person. I will be copying much of his methodology.
I will be whittling down the nominations I receive to a shortlist of 64 posts (16 per category bracket), via personal judgment. No blog will be represented more than once per category---except for reviews (3 posts per blog).
Public voting for each category will happen in four rounds (16 / 8 / 4 / finals). Winners in each category will face off in a four-way vote for Best Blog Post.
Voting will most likely happen on Twitter, same as last year. (I am loathe to do this, but Twitter is still the social-media network most TTRPG people are on, sadly. But am also considering Google Forms. Thoughts?)
Month-long voting gives us the space to celebrate / argue over all the work our community has turned out this year---and gives me time to create prizes. (Am thinking of making linocut prints, inspired by the winning posts.)
Finals being announced in February just before the Lunar New Year justifies the header art above---as the Year of the Rabbit gives way to the Year of the Dragon.
Here we go here we go here we go!
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Would you be interested in a 1950s magical setting version of glog?
I would always be down to give it a look, but I doubt I have time to run it due to working on my own books and running my campaign.
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A new post about generating threads for dungeons just dropped! Caves of Qud was a big systemic inspiration for this one.
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Today on the blog we are talking about ttrpgs, crafting in them, and some rulings to maybe fix crafting.
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Gonna try my hand at blogging again. Putting together "Pilgrim's Passages" and prepping for another two projects has given me a whole lot to talk about. To start here's my article on generating elevation for hex crawls.
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Due to a disagreement over ownership, Munkao and I have severed ties. I have no further involvement with Centaur Games. I consider A Thousand Thousand Islands (ATTI) ended, as a project. ATTI was built as a collaboration between Munkao and myself.
I named the project, and was the driving force behind its identity as a tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG). In September 2022, following the success of our Kickstarter campaign, I asked that my role be formally recognised as an equal business partner in the project. Munkao disagreed. After multiple rounds of negotiation, we have been unable to come to terms, and my trust has been exhausted. I assert my moral and artistic rights as co-creator of ATTI.
I do not agree with any republication of past ATTI works or new works published under the ATTI name. Anything of the kind is done without my involvement.
I have not been remunerated for my contributions to ATTI since April 2023. I will receive nothing from the sales of ATTI works going forward.
I remain proud of what I did for ATTI—its achievements as a TTRPG setting; its cultural importance as a Malaysian / Southeast Asian work.
I am heartbroken.
Zedeck Siew Port Dickson, Malaysia 10 July 2023
To the many, many people who supported ATTI: I sincerely apologise if this dampens your enjoyment of the works. Especially the recently-completed Reach of the Roach God. It has certainly dampened mine.
For the past ten months, I have felt empty and foolish and humiliated. But now it is time to move on. I would like to make new things, new art, new games.
To my friends, colleagues and fellow-travelers in the TTRPG community: from my hearts of hearts, I thank you. I am glad to see you as my people, and am grateful you would continue to have me as one of your own.
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Random writing tips that my history professor just told during class that are actually helpful
Download all your sources or print them so you can turn off your wifi
Give your phone to someone
Just. WRITE. Writing is analysing, you’ll get more ideas as you write. It doesn’t need to be perfect, for now you can just blurt out words and ideas randomly. You can fix it later.
Create a skeleton/structure before writing.
Stop before you get exhausted. It’s best to stop writing when you still have some energy and inspiration left, this will also motivate you to get started again next time.
Make a to do list
Work in bite sizes. Even if it’s not much, as long as you put some ideas on paper or do some editing.
Simple language =/= boring language, simple language = clear language.
Own your words. If they are not your words, state this clearly in the text, not just in the footnotes.
STOP BEFORE YOU GET EXHAUSTED. Listing it again because it’s easily one of the best tips a teacher has ever given me.
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This is just a random goblin table, and I love it!
this is the sistine chapel of t-shirts? (by @bigbrownbat and @oliveoiltears)
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The itch summer sale has begun! You can grab A Rasp of Sand or Eat Trash. Be Free. half off or as a weird lil bundle for an even larger discount.
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Yoooooo This is very similar to some ideas around a magic system I’ve been mulling over. I love this!
so hear me out right (and this is by no means a smart blog post thing, im just rambling at 2am)
a lot of combat heavy ttrpgs (D&D4e, PF2e, ICON, Lancer, Panic! At The Dojo) rely a lot on keywording and mechanical definitions to create this interlocking (and hopefully well-oiled) combat engine that rewards good tactical choices and forward thinking. 4e needs you to know that Ranged Attacks Provoke Opportunity Attacks, and so you need to move away first to avoid that (often by spending their Move action to Shift). this goes for other games as well. ICON needs you to know that if an Ability does not have the "Attack" tag then its explicitly not an attack, even if it deals damage. This is important because some classes and abilities benefit from not attacking, such as the Demon Slayer
the far end of this is PF2e, where almost everything is Keyworded. Classes, Races, even Feats have keywords, and some keywords have Keywords in them. this is not bad design in my opinion: mastery of this keywording can create for some really cool effects (and you can feasibly design something very BotW which also depends on a lot of interactions between elements).
now consider that so much of tactics trpgs (that is, Traditional/Tabletop Role-Playing Games) rely on so much of that interaction to create fulfilling scenarios. most of the time this is because tactics rpgs also depend on build-crafting. there are a lot of tactics trpgs that don't really care about build crafting or has less of a focus on it to focus instead on the grid combat: games like Rune, Valiant Quest, maybe even Blood Neon, so im explicitly talking about the variety of tactics trpgs that are build-centered: basically anything that comes from the vein of Fourth Edition Dungeons and Dragons
one of my favorite parts about TTRPGs is that you can play them based off of the fiction. writing Gubat Banwa, I understand that sometimes you have to create that fiction, especially if its not one thats well-represented. the created fiction or genre is the blueprint from which the play-fiction arises during the game: that's the fire-like collective imagination that arises from play.
There's a design and play philosophy (common among OSR, PbtA, and FitD) known as Fiction-First. This means that you follow what happens in the fiction first before the mechanics or anything else. Not to preserve the integrity of a "narrative" but rather, to preserve the integrity of the fiction.
What would a Fiction-First Tactics TRPG look like? This is something I tried to set out to do with Gubat Banwa. I haven't really succeeded, as of 1e.3.
so i've been thinking lately. What if a game was Fiction-First? It would work similarly to the Keywording of PF2e, but more open-ended in its interpretation.
Look at the Panabas from PF2e (a weapon present in SEAsia! From the Malay Archipelago all the way to the Philippine Archipelago). It has the Forceful (your second attack on your turn gains +X (X = damage dice, third up gets +2X.), Sweep (+1 to attack if youve alr targeted a separate character), and Two-Hand d10 (roll a d10 when you wield with both hands) tags.
I'm not going to be translating these one for one, but let's use the fiction-first style of writing and mechanics i'm concocting:
Panabas. A heavy blade. Using this, you strike with Bravery. The forward-curving blade can chop through tree, bone, and bramble.
Heavy Blade is a weapon type, so this is classic keywording. The text afterwards is also keywording: striking with Bravery means you roll your Bravery stat when making attacks with it. All well and good: there's always going to be some classical keywording in there as necessity (its this entanglement of mechanic and fiction that's made me love PbtA anyway).
The later text is more important, because say then I made an enemy like:
Walking Tree. A tree that uproots itself, and whistles to kill victims. Made of wood, so they lose 1 Stamina when they suffer chopping attacks. If they're struck by flame, they start burning. [Insert other combat-important stats here].
Now the fact that the panabas can chop through trees interacts with the description of the walking tree being vulnerable to chopping attacks.
Now these really aren't too different from the concept of keywording (really they're in the same concept park), the different thing is two things:
You can now apply that chopping quality to anything in the fiction. Find some brambles on your way, maybe even brambles as hindering terrain? Then spend a Beat to attack it to remove it! That's fiction first after all
It's easier to understand just at first glance with just natural language.
The important part here is natural language. In Play, a lot of the time, my players love picking up on little things about lore-bites of the items and techniques they have and seeing how that can apply to the fiction. So this is more of that: weapons, items, techniques, armor all become things that establish fiction. When two fictions interact, a new fiction arises!
Burning: A status effect. While you're burning, lose 1 Stamina when you start your Break. You lose burning when you're doused by water or you take time to remove it. Improvise: (A basic action). Do anything that does not inherently harm, as long as it makes sense in the fiction, and doesn't take more than 4 seconds to do (Beats take up 4 seconds). You can use this to stop drop and roll to get rid of Burning. Deep Water. -1 Elevation. Water reaches up to your shoulders. Moving into deep water costs +1 Speed.
Of course there's still going to be mechanical descriptions there, we're not going for FKR full just fiction thing. We're just blending fiction into the game part. Even PbtA still has stats and rolling and mechanics to further support their fiction.
I wanted to write this so that techniques and other widgets can be written with fictional wording in mind, and that wording would affect how its used in tactical grid combat. A technique that says: "You are surrounded by a barrier of tornado-force winds. Any attack from outside your adjacency is swept away, unless it cannot be buffeted by winds." Becomes a mechanical thing: perhaps a spell of concentrated curses pierces through this, but not arrows or weak fireballs?
The Arbiter
The last piece of the puzzle will almost always be: who arbitrates the fiction? There almost always needs to be a final word. For GuBa, this is the Umalagad, not so impartial arbiter. For Solo Play, this is still the Umalagad, but as the oracle: they ask a question, ie, "Would this area of effect attack be buffeted by the wind barrier if the origin point starts from outside?" and they would roll a d10. On a 6+, the answer is no, the target would not be buffeted because the flames overwhelm. On a 5-, the answer would be yes, it is buffeted because the target is not the brunt of the attack. And the final answer becomes the ruling for the rest of that scene.
Last last thing is this particular rule that sets things down that I might put into Gubat Banwa:
The Law of Phenomenon Pay close attention to the words that you have. These words will decide whether your blade can chop down a tree, or your abaka weave blunts edged strikes, but susceptible to piercing spears. These words will decide whether your dazzling spell can daze opponents, or if the opponent you fight ignores it due to them not depending on their senses to fight. The words establish the fiction. The fiction is the world in which your characters live: follow it always.
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Quiz!! What room would you been in a haunted house!! It’s possible I have too much spare time!!!
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I took this photo and then forgot which module it was from.
He seems happy to be in front of these statues.
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Such a sick tileset.
Pixel art maps I made for the OSE module Winter's Daughter
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Some drawings from Sunday's livestream fundraiser
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