#knife x bomb x pickle
lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
Doodles I made last night
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You want context for them?? Too bad- I forgot what their context was-
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ikilledtvguy · 8 months
assorted doodles of assorted objects !!!!!what !!!!!
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also dude silver x nickel [ haven’t thought of a ship name yet :(( ] IT WOULD B SO FUNNY TRUST
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kaimenrr · 1 year
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burgycreeper405-blog · 11 months
What’s your favorite ship/s?
my favorite ships?
wouldnt you like to know
it’s mostly ii ships that i like lol
well, i love knicropick (knife x mic x pickle), metallic salad (it’s knicropick + mephone lol), limegold jokes (trophy x tissues x cheesy), lucky basecase (clover x baseball x suitcase)
uhhhhhh i think that’s all,, i also like oj x soap, maybe even + paper and bomb, but yeah
there’s allot but that’s the ships thats running around my house
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Shoko (#anacampserote),
Hah! You say that as if you don't have enough to tease me about! Well... I guess you've earned this opportunity, too.
Something you've said has me thinking... part of what bothers me about people 'forgetting' you is that we both understood the gravity of being friends with Satoru. You were the one other person who bore the impossible responsibility of being the moral compass for the literal egotistical atom bomb that was Satoru Gojo. As much as I loved him, our best friend was... a disaster. Insufferable, most times- I say this with exasperation, mostly. I'm not about to blame him for the gifts he was born into. But I am... understanding that my bond with you, Shoko, was something irreplaceable. And something that's overlooked overall.
My memories are foggy, but knowing myself, I thought that pressure and responsibility was a silent understanding between us. It was stupid of me not to talk about it with you during our moments alone.
Hm. I don't remember which park we went to and I can't recall the sakuramochi. But I do remember the taste of the sakura leaves, sticky fingers, and your exasperation when Satoru and I blew off your criticism. They were yummy! But I got you to try a sakura leaf, didn't I~? Hah, I'm sure you'll love to know that I still eat pickled plums as if they were candy.
The moon is too bright, and the clouds are too thick where I am, but I still spent some time watching the sky. It made me wish that I could at least feel you by my side. Good night, Shoko.
- Suguru 🎐
P.s. Thank you~ and hmmm... you said you wished we were closer? I hope you can picture the face I'm making... just slightly knife-cat-esque, as some headmates describe it.
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Despair's Insanity - II x DR
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3YrupxM
by Trilixity
Everything in Hotel OJ was just fine... well, as fine as it could be with no more parties, and insufferable cliques. However, Fan must've gotten bored, because he decided to kidnap 16 lucky people and recreate one of his favorite game concepts in real life- Danganronpa!
With no MePhone4 around to save or recover the kidnapped patrons, and no way to get out without Fan's kind "sponsor" killing them, will anyone choose to give in and actually kill someone for Fan's twisted amusement and blog, or will they give in to the cliché lesson that friendship can conquer all?
Words: 23942, Chapters: 14/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Fan (Inanimate Insanity), Blueberry (Inanimate Insanity), Lifering (Inanimate Insanity), Bomb (Inanimate Insanity), Pickle (Inanimate Insanity), Knife (Inanimate Insanity), Soap (Inanimate Insanity), Pepper (Inanimate Insanity), Paper (Inanimate Insanity), Candle (Inanimate Insanity), Baseball (Inanimate Insanity), Balloon (Inanimate Insanity), Microphone (Inanimate Insanity), Tissues (Inanimate Insanity), Trophy (Inanimate Insanity), Apple (Inanimate Insanity), OJ (Inanimate Insanity)
Relationships: Bomb & Pickle (Inanimate Insanity), Knife & Pickle (Inanimate Insanity), Bomb/OJ (Inanimate Insanity)
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Background Relationships, Major Character Injury, Minor Injuries, Major Illness, Minor Character Death, Survivor Guilt, nsfw humor, Swearing, Objects Are Humanized (Object Shows), Rare Pairings, Fat Shaming, Steve Cobs is mentioned but does not appear, Body Dysphoria
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3YrupxM
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maxphilippa · 1 year
This is for de ship bingo if you're still doing it!!! *Ahem* Knife x Pickle x Bomb I rarely see this ship, so I want to know ur opinions on it! :3c
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Due to bad experiences with the osc I don't exactly like it, but I don't mind it really! I can see the appeal!!!
But I mostly just see Bomb as Knife's best friend and same with Pickle, plus the only ships I like with the trio are PayJayBomb and Knicropick ndjg, but the dynamic is interesting.
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mushroomwarning · 2 years
I heard there’s a possibility I could find Bomb x Pickle x Knife art on here GIVE IT TO MEEEE
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se7enforse7en · 3 years
NBTM | Two — Propositions
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☾ synopsis : Love and tragedy has always had a way of being connected, that connection usually held by the red string of fate. A red string that destined two soulmates to be bound for eternity. No matter the circumstances, fate would tie two individuals to meet, to not disrupt their long awaited destiny. In the world of more than five billion people, the red string had made it’s mark plenty of times, going back to perhaps the start of it. The folktale disappeared into obscurity & into believer’s hearts. In the lives of fourteen individuals in the 21st century, their lives seem to be an unfinished puzzle. Some strangers, some friends. Some blissful, others tragic. All unaware of the soon-to-be outcome years in the making. They’ll find it to be entrancingly painful. The red string of fate wasn’t just pretty.
☾ pairing : jinyoung x fem!oc
☾ genre : drama, romance, angst ??
☾ warnings : strong language, rambling from an ass author (I had to), very much angst ur honor, kinda ooc jinyoung, e2l
☾ Parts : one / two / three / four / five
JIHYE CONSIDERS HERSELF TO BE AN INSPIRATIONAL PERSON. Or rather, she usually thinks herself to be inspired. Normally, she had no problem coming up with a concept to paint. The canvas would create itself and she’d feel a bit of completeness. She’d be drawn to the brushes and her extravagantly expensive colors. They’d call out to her, urging her to pick them up and begin yet another masterpiece. Their hues should’ve created a clear image in her head, but they didn’t. Nothing’s happening. Not a damn thing.
She stares at the long, white canvas ahead of her. It’s blank nature taunts her in the face. It dares not to move, nor does it help her inability. She’s sure that there’s new wrinkles in her skin just from the blatant staring she’s doing. It sets an infuriating feeling in her. She’s tempted to throw one of the brushes at the canvas, the thought permeating the main centers of her brain. Alas, a doorbell brings her out of her thoughts. Her eyes fly to the door with a sigh. She reluctantly gets up, her body sluggish. She quickly opens up the door, only to be welcomed with the face of the one and only Jong Minji. She rolls her eyes and lets the door swing open. He scoffs as she beelines for her kitchen.
“So great to see you—oh, it really is!” He mocks the lack of interaction as she pulls out a chilled Dr. Pepper. He strides in, setting down a big, brown paper bag on her marble counter. He squints his eyes, noticing something’s off. She’s characterically cold as per usual, with none of the sassy energy in it. It’s something he’s grown accustomed to in the last seven years. She appears out of her element, even in the silent sigh that flows from her mouth, resulting from the promising liquid full of sugar. He takes a seat at her counter, his eyes quickly finding no paint on her wrists. He cocked an eyebrow at the sight. “Finally one of your white shirts isn't ruined,” he comments.
She looks down, realizing not a single stain of color had tainted it, a rarity indeed. “Yeah,” she whispers as she takes another thirst-quenching sip. Her sleeves are rolled up, preparing for an activity she felt like giving up on. Her eyes drift to the paper bag. She raises her eyebrows. She looks between him and the source of her curiosity.
“It’s not a bomb, sheesh.” He reaches for it, rapidly opening it. He pulls out lazily shoved in fries and several wrapped up burgers, ones she knows too well. She instantly groans at the sight of it. Her rolls her eyes yet again, her annoyance a bit more recognizable. She can practically smell the grease and fat oozing just from the sight of it. She gives an agitated look to him. His shoulders become slumped. “It’s been forever since we’ve had a fast food day - “
“Because it’s shitty processed food. I literally got food poisoning last time.” The mere thought of it makes her groan.
“That’s not exclusive to all fast food.” She sighs at his words, resorting to the remainder of her chilled soda. He pushes one of the three burgers in front of you, quickly unwrapping his own. He expects her to do the same. She casts her gaze down, looking with disdain. She thinks on how she’d have to soon be in the obvious limelight due to the inability of escaping any & all promotions as an artist. She lightly pushes it away, much to his dismay. He instantly frowns as he lowers the overly greasy away from his mouth. “Did something happen?” He knows she’s one to care about her health, but something’s up, he’s sure.
She licks her dry lips. She wonders the same as her friend. Being stuck is one thing and not knowing why is another. The unstableness of her hands is not normal, nor is the blank stare she has as she looks at the burger with disgust. Her eyes slowly float to the blank, not forgotten canvas behind the almost oblivious Minji. Even without eyes, it burns through her soul. The void with what had endless possibilities of what it could be struck a nerve in all that made sense in her mind. There’s nothing that evokes that usual fire of creativity. No color that manifests. No image inducing that familiar burst of whatever she’d call her creations. Children? Sometimes. Art? Somewhat. Perfection? She wishes.
She mutters a quiet “fuck” underneath her breath. It’s unnoticed by the younger of them two, Minji’s focus more concentrated on why she seemed out of place. He shakes his head and picks up the burger once more. He finds it near impossible to even fathom a specific reason at the moment. He bites into the excessively oily food. It’s unhealthy contents explode in his mouth with flavor, an experience not akin to the ever so observant Jihye. Her eyes scan his delighted face. Splendid noises of satisfaction spurred on by the heavy contents of In-N-Out Burger. It’s overloaded with onions, tomatoes, and pickles. ‘Horrid combination,’ she thinks to herself. She shakes a head a bit, taking another prolonged sip. Minji looks to her in confusion, breaking away from his captivated state of momentary bliss. She gives a small wave, hoping he just gets back to his sodium death. He shrugs. With another bite into the burger, he lets his mind wander to how great his taste buds feel and whatnot. Whatnot being a bit more complex than what Jihye may think.
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Elsewhere, in a much more tense space, Park Jinyoung wonders if he makes purchases in his sleep. He sits across from an old-styled book, one with a nicely made leather cover and pages as sharp as a knife. They’re a beige worthy of the sands of Persia. The leather front is adorned with gold ends and little flurries of designs resembling that of strings. It shines in the light of his living room. It catches his eye, a quirked eyebrow in the direction of the blasted mystery. He runs his fingers over the forepart. It’s smooth, incredibly so. He finds it to be like a fairy tale book. He expects it to be full of tales, perhaps starting with Cinderella and ending with the Goblin.
However, he has no recollection of ever ordering such a book. His own little mini-library consists of more popular stories, rather than chronicles that fit a children’s shelf. His hands grip the pointed ends, placing the cover on the left. His eyes widen in surprise, his expectations now shattering as a result. That very first page…
It’s blank. Entirely devoid of any color or words, it stares back at him in a mocking manner. His eyes search the pages for any kind of indentation or mark to see if he’s merely tired. It’s not the case as he’s sure nothing gets past his somewhat worn out eyes. All he can find is a small scripture in the corner of the other side of the cover. It’s ink is a mix of gold and red, it’s shiny luster apparent. He squints his eyes. The scripture is written fancily, like an old tale. He can almost barely make it out. The edges are too fastly written and the ink is scarce in some spots.
“The Prince and...The Princess,” he warily reads outloud. “Opposites do not always attract.” He raises an eyebrow at the text. “For those of the likes of the cold-hearted prince and the ice princess, such was a mantra. One of tragedy and love. One of sacrifice and heartbreak as well.” He scoffs at the text, his doubt seeping through his features. He makes a judging face at the book.
“The hell?” His eyes dart to the right of the book. His eyes catch a glimpse of moving letters. His eyes widen a bit. He shakes his head, only to see the expanding ink once more. He tightens his grip on the book. The words fill up the entire first page, moving onto the second, third, & so forth. His eyes carefully scan the words, his heart about to burst out of his chest. He’s suddenly nervous. Just like most slightly cynical young adults, he was a firm believer of genuine logic. And genuine logic is nowhere present in the mystery Park Jinyoung is faced with. He scans the words, thoughtfully, absorbing whatever fever dream is gracing him at four o’clock sharp. His confusion grows by the second. He finds numerous superfluous words and fantastical details too true for a fairy tale. The beginning is a fated mess, such words coming from the old paper.
His iris’ finally land on two words, two distractions.
Prince Jinyoung.
Hi, if you read or checked this out, tysm !! I’d rlly appreciate it if you could reblog or like this post. I’d love to hear what ppl think so a comment is awesome too. This is a work of fiction and for entertainment purposes.
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101-objects · 5 years
Clicking on the link to the refs just leads me to the ask box???
It does? It should go to the list of askable characters. Works for me…
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But if that’s the case, here’s the list of all the dalmatians:
Barf Bag
Black Hole
Firey Jr.
Golf Ball
Ice Cube
Nickel (BFB)
Nickel (II)
Puffball Speaker Box
Robot Flower
Taco (BFB)
Taco (II)
Tennis Ball
Test Tube
Yellow Face
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lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
Sorry for my weird rarepairs they just make me feel fuzzy-
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elliotazca299-blog · 5 years
Vegan Pumpernickel Bagel Bombs
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It’s back to school season, and I can practically hear the #hotforfoodie students in the crowd groaning. September isn’t many people’s favorite season for a reason! The freedom of having fun in the sun is long gone, but that doesn’t mean you gotta stop having fun in the kitchen, peeps. I’m launching a brand new back to school series of seriously wicked recipes to have you eating your best all season long. First up on the agenda? Delicious, fun-sized, spinach dip-filled pumpernickel bagel bombs!
Ya, you read that right! The days of cold boxed cereal and toast are over, y’all. Going to school or work first thing in the morning already sucks. Might as well pair it with an A+ breakfast, right?! I love using inspiration from old recipes and turning them into brand new swanky dishes (exhibit A: my vegan thanksgiving waffles). So I took inspo from my bagel recipe and spinach dip to create these tasty AF flavor bombs!
You’re obviously gonna nosh one of these fresh out of the oven. But the best part is that they’re freezable, so you can pop one in the microwave for easy breakfasts before work or school! Keep them in your work freezer, or microwave a few before you head out the door to gym class. The recipe cranks out about 16 pumpernickel bagel bombs, so you’ll be prepared for at LEAST the whole week! When your colleagues and classmates ask what the heck the recipe for that delicious morsel is, you know where to send ’em. 😉
Make any day extra great by having pumpernickel bagel bombs for breakfast! They're the perfect grab and go meal for school or work.
COURSE Breakfast, Snack
CUISINE American
KEYWORD bagel, pumpernickel, spinach dip
PREP TIME 1 hour
COOK TIME 45 minutes
TOTAL TIME 2 hours 45 minutes
SERVINGS 16 bagel bombs
AUTHOR Lauren Toyota
1 x 340 g/12 oz tub vegan sour cream (we used Tofutti brand)
1/4 C vegan mayonnaise
1/4 C + 1 tbsp thawed frozen spinach, moisture removed and roughly chopped
1 1/2 tsp vegan vegetable broth powder or vegan vegetable soup mix
2 tbsp finely diced pickled hot cherry peppers (about 2 peppers), deseeded (add 1 tbsp with seeds for hot) OR finely diced pimentos in brine
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
3 C bread flour
1 C dark rye flour
1 tbsp dutch-processed cocoa powder
1 tbsp caraway seeds
2 1/4 tsp quick rise instant yeast
1/4 C + 2 tsp fancy molasses, divided (2 tsp used for boiling)
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 1/2 C warm water (between 120°F - 130°F)
1 tsp baking soda (for boiling)
3 tbsp white sesame seeds
To make the vegan spinach dip, combine vegan sour cream, mayonnaise, chopped spinach, vegetable broth powder, hot cherry peppers (or pimentos if using), lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper in a bowl.
Use a 1 tablespoon cookie scoop to scoop heaping spoonfuls of spinach dip spread slightly apart onto a parchment lined Thug Kitchen 101 baking sheet. Place the baking sheet into the freezer to chill for at least 1 hour until solid.
When the spinach dip is about 15 minutes from being frozen, make the pumpernickel dough in a stand mixer with the dough hook attachment. In a stand mixer, add bread flour, dark rye flour, dutch-processed cocoa powder, caraway seeds, quick rise yeast, 1/4 cup of molasses, sea salt, vegetable oil and the warm water. Start the stand mixer on low and once the flour starts getting mixed in with the wet ingredients, gradually turn the speed up to medium high. The dough should come together and clean the sides of the bowl. Place a damp tea towel overtop the bowl and let it sit for 10 minutes.
If making the dough ahead, wrap the dough in lots of plastic wrap (not too tightly) and put it in the fridge in a large bowl. It will still rise in the fridge so make sure there’s some room in the bowl. When ready to use, take the dough out of the fridge and let it come down to room temperature (about 45 minutes) before continuing with the next steps.
Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Divide the dough in half so it’s easier to work with. You will boil and bake the bagel bombs in two batches. Knead the dough 8 to 10 times on the surface by hand until covered in flour. Divide the dough into 8 even pieces (approximately 66 g each). It's best to weigh these portions so that they all cook and bake evenly. Roll each piece of dough into a ball. Then flatten the balls with your hand using a rolling pin to gently roll them into a 3-inch flat round.
Place a frozen spinach dip disc into the center of each and pinch to seal the ends tightly, almost like a dumpling. If the filling has spread out too much during freezing, cut it into cubes/chunks and assemble them together in the dough. Place the dough balls seam side down onto a parchment lined baking sheet.
In a medium pot, bring 6 cups of water to a boil. Add baking soda and 2 teaspoons of molasses. Stir until combined and then using a slotted spoon drop two or three balls of dough into the boiling water. Boil for 30 seconds. They should get puffier and float to the surface. Remove them with the slotted spoon and place them back onto the parchment lined baking sheet. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Repeat with remaining bagel bombs.
Bake them for 20 to 22 minutes. Some filling might leak out but that’s alright and delicious! While the first batch bakes, roll out and boil the next batch of bagel bombs. Once the first batch is done, transfer the bagel bombs to a cooling rack and let them cool for at least 15 minutes before slicing as the spinach dip will be very hot! Bake the second batch of bagel bombs.
When baking your bagel bombs from frozen. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Place 2 or 3 bagel bombs on parchment paper with overhang since you're going to wrap them up. Sprinkle a little water on the bagel bombs. Wrap up the bagel bombs in the parchment tightly, tucking the ends under the bagel bombs. Place this on a baking sheet. Bake for 14 to 16 minutes until the spinach filling is warm and the bread is warm and soft. You can test if the filling is warm by inserting a butter knife into the center of the bagel bombs. Touch the knife that went into the center, if it’s warm then the bagel bombs are done. If it’s cold, continue baking for another 2 to 3 minutes.
To microwave the bagel bombs from frozen, heat them up uncovered for 35 to 40 seconds.
recipe notes
This is the vegetable broth powder we used. A powder works best rather than a boullion base/paste for this so that it doesn't affect the color of the filling.
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lucidd-the-weirdo · 12 days
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lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
Happy pride month!!! Get a load of some gays
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Inanimate Ronpa Insanity
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Hr9mDN2
by spotifyaddict0
Apple is one of 16 contestants to wake up in an unidentified building, forced by a sadistic Mephone4 into a violent killing game. No matter how much she tries to keep people together, people are dying one by one.
Can she save them, or will they all surrendor to despair? Find out in Inanimate Ronpa Insanity!
II x Danganronpa [not associated with IR]
Words: 2734, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Apple (Inanimate Insanity), Marshmallow (Inanimate Insanity), Paper (Inanimate Insanity), Paintbrush (Inanimate Insanity), Bomb (Inanimate Insanity), Nickel (Inanimate Insanity), Lightbulb (Inanimate Insanity), Baseball (Inanimate Insanity), Balloon (Inanimate Insanity), OJ (Inanimate Insanity), Fan (Inanimate Insanity), Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity), Pepper (Inanimate Insanity), Pickle (Inanimate Insanity), Knife (Inanimate Insanity), Bow (Inanimate Insanity), Bowbot (Inanimate Insanity), Trophy (Inanimate Insanity), Cabby (Inanimate Insanity)
Relationships: Everyone & Everyone
Additional Tags: Objects Are Humanized (Object Shows), Alternate Universe - Human, Angst with a Happy Ending, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Everyone Needs A Hug, Mild Gore, I'm Sorry, not proof read we die like bow, Fan Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Hr9mDN2
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