kellerboiiiii · 6 years
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Archive Warning(s): Graphic depictions of violence
Rating: Mature (only because of the violence)
Relationship: Link/Male!Sheik (Legend of Zelda)
Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Sheik (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Revali (Legend of Zelda) Urbosa (Legend of Zelda), Daruk (Legend of Zelda), Mipha (Legend of Zelda), King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule (Legend of Zelda), Teba (Legend of Zelda), Riju (Legend of Zelda), Yunobo (Legend of Zelda), Prince Sidon (Legend of Zelda)
Additional Tags: Male Sheik, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Past Torture, Lost Love, AngstFluff, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alternate Universe, Action, Adventure, Eventual Romance, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Aquaphobia, Secret Past, Secret Identity
Link wakes up in the Shrine of Resurrection, but all is not as it seems.
He is the only person in Hyrule, aside for one other. One who guards their secrets closely, out of range of Link's memory-clean mind.
(I have up to chapter 9 written! They just need to be beta read ^3^)
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Student Forms
We’ve finally finished both forms for creating students for the game! We’ve created a document with important information as well as other documents attached, including the simple and complex character forms. Here are a few notes;
-Please make sure to read the schedule requirements. We tried very hard to make sure the schoolwide schedule was flexible for everyone, but we need to make sure every student has their required classes in their schedule. If you don’t make sure to add their required classes and you submit a form anonymously (meaning there is no way for us to contact you), we may have to change some of their classes. However, we will try to line it up as best as possible.
-We are going for a life-like, realistic interpretation of a welcoming school and its students. For this reason, please try to give your character “normal” appearances. Characters with “fantastical” appearance bits (hair color, eye color, etc.) will need to have something altering their appearance (hair dye, contacts, etc.).
-Not all characters of the game are available to be produced yet. Student council members, teachers, and other important characters will eventually have their own sheets and will be chosen with a contest. More will be announced as we do more work and the fanbase further grows.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
~Tab Developers
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Love Interest’s Sexuality?
Alexis and I have run into a bit of a dilemma: Oakley’s (The love interest’s) sexuality. We have a few ideas, but can’t decide because Lexipoo is literally impossible to deal with.
1) Make Oakley (without allowing the player to change it) a panromantic demisexual, meaning they would date anyone but are only sexually attracted to people they have the strongest bonds with (Ie; best friends, something akin to best friends). It also makes them more accepting of everyone.
2) Make Oakley a panromantic demisexual by default and allow it to be changed by the player
3) Make Oakley pansexual/Pan all around
4) Do not assign a default sexuality
Please let us know what you think!
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Current Club Schedule
3:00-4:30 ~ Gaming club
4:30-6:00 ~ Anime/Manga club
6:00-7:30 ~ Book/Literature club
7:30-9:00 ~ Academic club
3:00-4:30 ~ Sports (any)
4:30-6:00 ~ Agriculture club
6:00-7:30 ~ Drama club
7:30-9:00 ~ Chess club
3:00-4:30 ~ Art club
4:30-6:00 ~ LGBT club
6:00-7:30 ~ Debate club
7:30-9:00 ~ Meme club (thank Lexipoo)
3:00-4:30 ~ Music club
4:30-6:00 ~ Culture club
6:00-7:30 ~ Cuisine club
7:30-9:00 ~ Student council
Friday (no school)
8:30 AM-2:30 PM ~ Sports (any)
3:00-6:00 ~ Student council
6:00-10:00 ~ Music (any)
Between 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM ~ Emergency meetings allowed
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Character Creation
We have been spending the past few days studying and creating a diverse set of characters, but since the school is supposed to have a large population, one of the core ideas was to make each and every character--from the protagonist to even the most insignificant of NPC--be fully fleshed out by someone in the community.
We want the player to be able to have genuine, authentic relationships and interactions with practically anyone in the city. This means you--members of the fanbase--can make any number of characters, of any kind! You can make fellow students or you can make random passerby. The only limit is your imagination.
At least 90% of any characters created for us will be put into the game. There will be restraints on certain types of characters; We will not accept any characters that degrade others for phobia-based reasons (the setting is a warm, welcome community), but characters that are designed to be bullies, narcissists, adolescents, or bad people in general are allowed, solely because those kinds of people exist in real life (No matter where you are). Their actions in-game will, depending on what it is, not be shown. For example, bullies beating up a kid would be shown because the protagonist would be able to stop it, and it (sorry if this offends anyone) isn’t as bad as a lot of other things. Those other, more serious and explicit topics would be implied and not be shown on-screen, as we wish to allow this game to be played by any range of people while remaining realistic and giving the player as much experience as we can.
In the school, each club will have around 17-20 students (Though there are a few exceptions we’ll talk about later). You could create a lovable character for some of these clubs:
-Cuisine club
-LGBT club
-Art club
-Chess club
-Debate team
-Academic team
If you decide to make a character for any of these clubs (Keep in mind these are not all the clubs, we will show the rest later on), tell us what other types of extracurricular activities and classes they would take part of (For instance, the character you make may enjoy art, so outside of the art club they could take classes for photography or creative writing. Or, they could take something completely unrelated). We are currently developing a school-wide schedule, so you can either wait until we release it to create your character or you can just stay in contact with us.
How do you make a character?
Email us at [email protected] or privately message us with a subject titled ADP Characters. You will be credited entirely for any work you do, but if you wish to remain anonymous, you will simply be credited as Anonymous # or another name you would like to be referred to as.
Note: Please keep all characters in the same email chain rather than sending several entirely different emails. This helps to keep us from making any mistakes in crediting.
You can also show us drawing(s) of the character(s) (Mind you it does not have to be amazing, just has to help us figure out what they look like).
Final note: We are beginning to understand more and more about the appearances of our default protagonist as well as the default love interest. We will have drawings of three versions of each (Female, male, and nonbinary) to show soon, along with short descriptions of them.
~TAB Developers
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Currently, neither of us (Kellen and Alexis) have jobs, nor a way to fund anything but our love and attention into this project. That means, until we find money or get money from people willing to see this project rise up (from, say, gofundme or patreon), we will be unable to pay any artists, moderators, developers, managers, volunteers, or really any of that.
When we do earn money, however, then anyone who created or did official work for the project will be compensated appropriately. Ie; Each artist will be paid their requested sum for each piece of art they created/create. This goes the same for anyone that joins the effort before or after we begin to earn money.
If you have any questions, please send a message <3
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The Team
April 2018:
Kellen Myrick Valentino
---Personal tumblrs: @mikouhatsunecvo1-blog , @kellenmyrickvalentino
---Wattpad: https://my.w.tt/3LxUNHnMvM
---Instagram: kellen_myrick_valentino
---Discord: Kellen_Valentino#1970
Alexis Vegetable
---Personal tumblr: @alexisreeree
Voice Actors:
Character Creation:
-Alicia McGarden
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Required classes
French I, Language A, Math class, Science class
French II, Language B, Math class, Science class
French III, Language C
French IV, English class
Health/PE, Art, Career Studies, Civics (Any grade)
Math class (11th or 12th)
Also required (one from each group):
Group 1: Foreign language, social sciences and humanities, Canadian/world studies, cooperative education
Group 2: Health/PE, art, business studies, cooperative education
Group 3: Technological education, computer studies,  cooperative education
NOTE: This is not solidifying your character’s classes. This is just a guide for your characters in school overall (if you were to make an entire schedule for your characters for each grade, you’d need this)
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Location decision
After looking at some stats for different countries (including racial diversity, LGBT+ laws, transgender rights and policies, etc.), we finally came to the conclusion of which country the game is going to take place.
And that country is...
*drum roll*
*insert fireworks and confetti*
So, not only does Canada respect transgenders and LGBT people, it also has fair racial diversity (about a third that of the US) and better ethnic diversity than a good chunk of the other countries we were considering. Here's a map I found:
Tumblr media
And, honestly, Canada deserves a lot more love than it gets. Here's to you, Matthew.
Hope you enjoy our decision :3 we'd love for any Canadians out there to help us with cultural or everyday things, maybe some specific locations the academy could be in. Anything can help, really.
Thank you!
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Blindly Create a Character for a Book (lol)
Hello, all! So I've been developing this book for, like, MONTHS now. I mean like I got as far as 10 chapters in the original version and then I was like 'oh, shit, I need characters and an actual plot!' So I stopped writing it and have been working on the info stuff for it for the last few months. I'm gonna be really vague; the book is a medieval fantasy that has several different subraces of humans (so, like, a Fairy and a Demon can create offspring because they're both physically human, but magically a Fairy and a Demon).
So, since I'm not very creative, I figured I'd leave the character creation up to you all! Though it's not really character creation because this is like a blind creation. Let me explain.
Down below, I will write down 16 different colors, which are for 16 different sub races and powers. You will not know which subrace it is. You will pick one of these colors to be a hair color and (try to pick) a different color to be the eye color. This will determine your character's subrace (hair) and your character's powers (eyes). You may choose their gender, height, weight, skin tone, sexuality (open to all!) and other good stuff, like scars or insecurities or anything, reslly. You can create a backstory or I can. You are basically completely creating a fantasy character without knowing what powers they have (or don't have).
You can also create parents, however, the parents' hair must coincide with your character's. For example if your character has completely black hair, both their parents will need to have black hair. If your character has black and white hair, one parent will have white and one with black. If your character has three hair colors, one parent will have one hair color and the other parent will have the other two. The eyes don't need to match, just the hair. Also, your character is allowed to have two of the same gender parents, but this will only biologically count for one hair color (meaning only this subrace can homosexually reproduce). That hair color is light blue.
I will respond to you once I've received your submission (either by comment or by PM), and once I have somewhere between 20 and 32 submission characters (or once enough time has passed), I will write little bios and reveal your characters!
Here are your colors to pick from:
Light green
Cyan (refer to Minecraft's cyan wool)
Light blue
Dark grey
Light grey
Please try to pick a different eye color than the hair color. If I don't have the eye color listed to the sub-race (hair color), I will pick a similar one (e.g.; green to light green, blue to light blue, etc) or I will contact you.
Thank you! This series has a lot of potential and I'd like you all to have a part in it!
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kellerboiiiii · 6 years
Burning in These Sands of Mine
. You
Body burning
a dance that feels like home
Skin burning
a warmth I'll never hold
Eyes burning
tears that never dry
Soul burning
with life that isn't mine
Heart burning
and slowly churning
burning burning
. I
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We made revisions of the schoolwide schedule and blueprints. Alexis has been recreating the home of the protagonist in SketchUp and is planning on redoing it so its measurements are more accurate.
Here’s the blurry image that she provided:
Tumblr media
“I’m tired so it’s kind of garbage.”
The simple character sheet has also been finished, and should be uploaded by tomorrow.
- TAB Developers
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Plot Updated
Kellen has been focusing on his personal writings lately alongside the plot for Prosperity Academy, so I thought I’d make a post about improvements we’ve made in the story. Yes, somehow the “lesser developer” is making all of the posts. *cough* Maybe I should be the project leader *cough cough*
Anyway, we already have solid backstories for many characters, but we want to receive all of our concept art before discussing them. Therefore, this post is just going to show improvements to the plot itself. If anybody has any recommendations for characters or plot improvements, Kellen and I would be happy to hear since the purpose of making this game is to bring people together and share ideas of love and equality! (Not to show panties and edgy violence)
Basic summery of improvements:
The player will have twelve months to befriend all 12 companions, each companion will take one month to complete, and they will be put in a specific order. Why? Because each month has a specific “national theme” for the lack of a better term. This means that we’re going to include “themes” such as Pride Month and Veteran’s Month that all correlate with the backstories and personalities of each designated companion (Some less serious than others (July)). I was considering showing the monthly timeline right now, but maybe we should wait until introducing the companions? I don’t know, Kellen won’t answer my texts so I’m alone and scared.
We also decided that somehow the player’s zodiac sign will have an affect on the game-play, whether it’s making the title screen look prettier or providing a “boost” when interacting with certain characters.
If you have questions you can contact us here:
Or just leave us a private message/comment.
We’ve finished creating complex character application sheets!
Making characters is completely free, and we’d be glad to give you a specific or a common sheet to fill out. We want every character to have a unique personality, so there are no limits (Other than the impossible; unfortunately can not have superpowers). Any disability, ethnicity, gender and sexuality is acceptable! We can also provide you with a contract to make you feel more comfortable. If you would like to wait until you see some art and game progress, that’s perfectly fine, and we’ll try hard to reach a point where many people can feel comfortable inserting an original character into the game.
P.S.: We (I) will soon be making the actual, fillable sheets for characters, most likely on Google forms. These character sheets will be available for those who would like to create less complex characters. For people who would like to create more complex characters, a post will soon be coming out solely for the complex character sheet, and you will need to email us at the email stated above. Since school is over, these should hopefully come out relatively quick--however, that mostly depends on how much babysitting I'll be forced to do, so. We shall see.
Happy Father's day everyone! <3
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Alexis does stuff?/Progress Report
Lately me and Kellen have been stressing over school work, so we haven’t been making any updates recently. Maybe it’s because this is a small, simple idea blog or we just don’t feel any priority for posting simple details like the protag’s favorite food. It’s likely that all of the important information about the protag will be posted when we’ve finished editing and drawing a few things.
Anyway, here’s very important stuff I’ve done:
- I bought a mouse to make studying and creating 3d models much easier. (Learning how to use different applications such as Blender and Sketchup)
- Maintaining my delicate composure after a drawing application I paid good money for shuts down for the 50th time before giving me a chance to save.
- I’m sick and I don’t really feel like typing more
- Oh wait we also finished creating the 12 companions
Kellen’s been working on school scenery and creating maps/blueprints for the school and the homes of MCs. I’ve been trying to draw good concept art for characters but keep failing miserably. Still, I’m too stubborn to have other people draw for me so I’ll just keep going until something magical happens.
I feel light-headed so byeeee
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Progress Update 1
Note: This is for the default version of the game while we figure out the details and creation of the customizable version of the game. This will, in a way, be the "canonical" version.
What we've done since 28.4.18.
-Overall plot (More on what's gonna happen rather than the reasoning (Protag likes love interest, but why?))
-History of Jules (Protag)
-Background (job, personality, morals, etc.) of Oakley (Love interest)
-Names of Protag (Jules Marion(?)-Naolin) and Love interest (Oakley Rowan Beaulieu)
-Clubs/Club schedule
-50%-75% of annual school schedule (schedule doesn't change between years except for classes that are added/removed)
-3 of 12 companions
-About 10 students (All with assigned schedules, most with clubs)
-1 club host
-75% of character form for the community/fanbase (to make it easier to make characters)
-Yelled at Lexipoo in the tags and passive aggressively in posts
-Probably some other actual stuff I forgot about
What's the diversity like so far? (Note: Includes characters not yet expanded on yet (ex; family members of Jules and Oakley))
-4 Hispanic characters (including Jules)
-3 Chinese characters
-3 Canadian characters (including Oakley)
-2 German characters
-1 Icelandic character
-1 Swiss character
-1 Indian character
-1 African American
-1 autistic character
-1 physically handicapped character
-Good chunk of LGBT+ diverse people
What are you planning to do next? (Not in any particular order)
-More gender diversity
-More nationality/ethnicity/racial diversity
-More people with mental handicaps
-Finish schoolwide schedule
-Finish character forms for community/fanbase for insertable characters
-Finish 12 default companions and members of their families
-Add teachers/faculty/VIP in the city
-Finish school blueprint/sketch/layout
-Make city blueprint/sketch/layout
-Get art from our artists of Jules and Oakley so they can be properly introduced
-Make mini contracts for people who make characters so that they feel assured that they will receive any and all credit for their characters
-Figure out finances (what will we pay official members of the team that do work? (will come at a much later date))
If you have any questions, concerns, or just stuff you'd like to say, please send an ask or an email :3 our email is [email protected] (and send an ask/message saying you did so we can look at it quicker)
Again, we are open to any and all suggestions. We have decided and will decide a good portion of the features, sure, but this is a game by the players, for the players. Final decisions will often be decided based on polls (which will be made once the fanbase is large enough).
Thank you! <3
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Current Schedule Design
Semester One:
Period One: French IV, Algebra II, Geography, Business Ethics B, Band
Period Two: Painting, Orchestra, Space Science, French II, Chorus, Business Ethics A
Period Three: Drawing I, Japanese I, French I, German III, AP Statistics & Probability, AP Acting
Period Four: Photography I, Independent Living, Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry, Physics A, Auto Mechanics, Biology, Language A, AP Calculus AB
Period Five: Animation, Agricultural Science, Piano I, Creative Writing, Algebra I, and AP Music Theory
Semester Two:
Period One: Fibre Arts, Ceramics I, Photography II, Band II, Canadian History, AP Literature and Composition
Period Two: Sculpture, Civics, Driver’s Ed, Language B, Theater Tech, AP World History
Period Three: Digital Media, French III, Drawing II, Latin I, Ceramics II, AP Philosophy
Period Four: Woodworking, Speech, Geometry, Spanish II, AP Calculus BC
Period Five: Piano II, Japanese II, Agricultural Science II, Ceramics III
Note: There will be multiple base class (English, math, science, and history) placements to accommodate the large population, so even the classes we have placed aren't set in stone (ex; Algebra will be in multiple periods rather than just one). We need to figure out the population of the school and average class size first.
Other, undecided classes (Classes that haven’t yet been placed even once and/or may not even make the list (We are open to anything you may think of)):
Art: ___
Business: Business studies
Computer literacy: Computer science, Microsoft certification I and II
Cosmetology: Basic safety/sanitation, hair care, aesthetics/hair removal, nail care, skin science, salon management
Engineering: ___
English: Literature, Composition, Language C, Language D, AP Language and Composition
Foreign Language: Spanish I, III, and IV; German I, II, and IV; Sign Language; Chinese; Latin II, III, and IV
History: Canadian government, Modern World History, Philosophy, Psychology, AP Psychology
Home Ed: ___
Math: Calculus, Statistics and Probability
Mechanics: Auto, diesel, aircraft/avionic, heavy engine, small engine
Music: ___
Science: Chemistry, Physics B, Algebra Based Physics, Earth science, Forensic science
Physical Education: Health, Team sports (hockey, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, curling, baseball, swimming, etc.), Strengh training I to IV, Military training (such as ROTC)
Theater: Acting I and II
Work/Financial Study: Economics, financial literacy, work study
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