#klasjd kalfjakl jaklfjsdfkj
moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
GAH! BAD TUMBLR! BAD! TUMBLR! EATING MY ASK! Iwould like to try to request a scenario/headcanon list of a time Pap!Cor had to take Baby!Prompto with him to the Citadel and Baby!Prompto meets the other Baby!Chocobros for the first time! Please and thank you!
You don’t talk Papa!Cor without TRIGGERING ME.
Lately I’ve had had a lot of Papa Cor feels, as in even more than usual, so this will be an absolute joy to answer to.(*ノωノ)
Papa Cor takes Baby Prompto to the Citadel and he meets the Baby Chocobros for the first time.
Cor is still in absolute Papa Panic a couple months into being dad of a stolen baby.
As being single Papa took him off-guard, he’s always a bit too paranoid about dear Prommy’s health and wellbeing.
Cor usually left baby Prommy with the neighbor because Cor was scared of taking him too far from the house.
(He’s so small, dear Astrals, and so fragile, I don’t want anything to happen to him :( )
As a noble and working for royalty, Cor has access to daycare within the Citadel itself, but 1. He absolutely FORGOT in his PapaPanic, and 2. He had not wanted to take Prommy there because he feared Prommy could get lost in such a huge place.
Because Cor knows his son, he just knows Prompto can somehow exit rooms like he can cross walls magically.
((Cor’s tried to spy him to see because, well…who knows, Prompto is from a Nif lab, what if he can go through walls o h m y g o d))
Cor you stupid thing.
However, one day, the neighbor was not available, and no matter how many people Cor phoned, no one was available to go take care of Prommy.
((…please forgive his paranoia
So Cor had no option but to take Prommy to the Citadel daycare.
Let’s see how everything went, shall we?
Cor will never forgive to himself waking 1 and half year old Prommy at such an early hour.
Sure, baby fell back asleep immediately, literally in his arms and before reaching the car, but Cor woke him up for a minute and that is UNFORGIVABLE.
Baby Prommy was still asleep when Cor arrived to the Citadel, so that’s how Cor took him to daycare; dear tiny Prommy asleep in papa’s arms.
Cor is the most awkward potato with legs to have ever walked into the Citadel’s daycare.
Cor gave instructions and warnings to the employee for like twenty minutes.
There is baby Prommy asleep in one of the cribs, and Cor literally unable to get away of him, and whispering things to the employee.
“I know he looks like he doesn’t give troubles, but he’s a bit…hyperactive.”
“Yes, sir.”
“So please be patient with him, I’m sorry if he causes any troubles, that’s not what he means to do, he’s just…a bit hyperactive :(“
“Understood, sir.”
“Uhm. Really, he’s a good kid and he’s calm and he would never harm an ant or annoy someone on purpose, he’s just playful and wants to be friends with everyone, but really he’s not a mess- no, he’s just. A bit hyperactive.”
“Yes, sir, I understand.”
“Try- please- don’t frighten him, please, be soft with him- I mean, I know you are soft with all the kids, I don’t mean- I’m not questioning- I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job, I know you’re wonderful at it, I’m just- this is my first time being dad and I don’t know, I feel horrible getting away of him and I just want to have an eye on him at all time and I’m scared something can happen to him and it’s not that I don’t trust you, of course I do- oh my god, no, I’m sorry, I’m just offending you and being rude and-”
Cor needed to be reassured and calmed down.
Ahahaha, aaw, Cor, it’s okay
((This almost earned him a girlfriend, to be honest, employee was moved at how much of a soft marshmallow of a dad Cor is))
It took all of Cor’s self control to not stay in daycare all day.
After a struggle and reminding himself he’s a high ranked officer (not Marshal yet, but still high rank), he forced himself out and decided Prommy would do okay and everything would be fine and that there would be no Nif invasion or catastrophe or natural disaster that day.
Prommy woke up like an hour later.
After feeding him and changing him, employee left baby Prommy in the playroom. At first he was alone.
Normally, the baby prince would be looked after in his room and with personal nannies (mostly because of his health and tiny size which worries the king), but…
Regis forever-a-mischievous-child Lucis Caelum heard Cor had finally brought his child and he SO had to make both kids befriend.
Regis is fanboy number one of kids and toddlers, and he wants all toddlers in the world to be friends, even more if it’s about his son and the son of one of his intimate friends.
He’s uncle Regis for damn’s sake, the kids have to be friends!
So Regis went “Fuck everything” and decided to leave the prince at the normal daycare of the Citadel.
So baby Noct was second to arrive.
There were other babies around, but Prommy wasn’t interacting with anyone; he found a squeaky chocobo plush so he was entertained on his own.
Until the baby prince arrived.
The employees were doing as normal when the KING HIMSELF came in like “Hello, I…work here and they said I could use daycare, do you need to see my ID? C:”
(Regis was serious)
Regis put baby Noct on the floor and patted his head as goodbye.
Regis tried to hide to stare, but he was being too obvious and the assistants were staring, so he left (made sure to ask for the videotape by the end of the day, though. Regis just…REALLY wants to see Prommy and Noct interact
Anyway back to the babies.
Year-and-half Noct was sat there still sleepy and not really caring.
Prommy was still distracted with the squeaky chocobo.
A few moments later, though, because baby Noct yawned, little Prompto turned in the direction of the noise thinking it had been a kitty (baby Prom loves kitties and puppies).
Baby Prom saw baby Noct.
Baby Prom is fast crawling towards him.
I’d like to say they saw each other and there was a connection and they laughed…
But Baby Prommy took baby Noct by the mouth and forced it open and started looking inside.
There you have it; the baby prince sat there and another baby forcing his mouth open to look in there like a tamer with a crocodile or something.
It’s good that Cor isn’t here or he would be freaking out real bad right now.
Baby Prommy was looking for the kitty that this other baby ate.
That was what made the kitty sound, right?
Finding no kitty, Prommy let go of his face.
Baby Noct is tearing up.
Baby Noct feel attacked and scared.
Baby Noct was always too sensitive; he wouldn’t let anyone but Regis carry him, and would cry if someone talked too much at him or looked too much or touched him.
This baby went as into forcing his mouth open.
So obviously baby Noct is about to burst into tears.
Baby Noct is sat there, face shrugged up, teary eyes, and about to cry.
Baby Noct starts crying.
Baby Prommy goes “GASPS”
Baby Prommy proceeded to start petting Noctis.
There’s baby Prommy, coming to stand on his little chubby feet, and patting the top of the baby prince’s head soft but steady.
Baby Noct hysterically cried for like seven seconds.
Then he went silent.
Baby Noct is sat there taken off guard and staring at the void and not sure he understands what’s happening.
Baby Prommy is still petting him.
Both babies spend there about an entire minute or two, baby Noct sat there teary eyed but quiet, and baby Prommy petting him.
That’s how Cor always makes baby Prommy calm down, so baby Prommy guessed it could work on this stranger baby.
After baby Prommy has made sure baby Noct isn’t crying anymore, baby Prommy whispers a baby ‘Deh, deh’ (it’s his version of ‘there, there’), and hugs him.
The prince hasn’t known this baby for more than two minutes and this stranger is already hugged to his neck.
Baby Noct has no idea how to react or what’s going on. He’s frozen and not returning the hug.
Baby Prommy stays hugged to him nonetheless.
Until Noctis giggles quietly and hugs back.
That’s when baby Prommy knows it’s fine.
Baby Prommy babbles at Noct, and Noct replies in more babbles.
What is baby language and why do they understand each other.
Baby Prommy is giving his hand to baby Noct to help him stand up.
Baby Noct has barely started to walk (started later than the ‘’average’’ but still nothing too weird) so he does stumble a lot and it takes some effort, but baby Noct lets Prommy pull him up.
There’s the baby prince waddling behind the new kid.
The baby prince has never liked to interact with anyone
The baby prince has refused to even look at other babies or people he’s seen for year and half.
This baby made him cry the first time they met and he’s barely known him for 3 minutes and he’s already giggling and waddling after him
What is this baby and how did he enchant the prince
Baby Noct and baby Prom start playing together.
It’s amazing because baby Noct is too shy and cries at any interaction that isn’t with Regis, so how did he grow trust in this baby so soon?
Honestly, the assistants are making sure to take some photos and videos to show the king later; it’s absolutely new and impressive that the baby prince is laughing and playing with another baby, so this is an event they can’t miss.
Regis is already watching at the video room.
Regis please go back to work.
Baby Prommy is sharing his favorite chocobo toy with baby Noct.
Baby Noct is choosing the chubbiest moogle plush and bringing it to him.
The babies are finding the toys that the other babies aren’t using and bringing them to each other like gifts.
Both babies grab the toy that the other gives to him, plays with it and swings it around, then claps and goes to look for his own gift, and the cycle goes on.
Baby Prommy and baby Noct spend all the morning together.
They’re bringing toys to each other, playing together, waddling places together, babbling and speaking the words they know to each other, gesturing, singing and dancing, etc.
Baby Prommy and baby Noct become best friends in one morning.
They’re bro-ing their way through daycare.
They’re ignoring the other kids, too. Not like pushing them away, they just don’t get close to other kids and no kids get close to them. They’re more than good enough with each other and only that.
Baby Prommy even managed to convince baby Noct to hold his hands and dance in a tiny circle together.
It’s stupidly adorable, they’re so tiny and waddle and askdljlkjfsgs.
Baby Prommy and baby Noct also spent a lot of the morning cuddling.
For no reason. They would just hug from time to time just because they could do it.
Baby Noct is messing with baby Prommy’s hair.
Baby Noct noticed baby Prommy’s hair is the same color than the plush chocobo’s, so he’s using the plushie as model and tries to make Prommy’s hair look like it.
Hence the chocobo butt hairstyle.
Yep. It was baby Noct’s invention.
Both babies are looking into their diapers to see if both have that funny bouncy meat stick in there.
As in they’re looking into each other’s diapers.
Again, so good Cor isn’t here to watch it.
He knows it’s normal and he considers Noctis to be family, but he’s still THE CROWN PRINCE, Prommy can’t just be checking into his diaper like that!!
Baby Prommy is constantly petting and hugging baby Noct even if the gesture isn’t given back.
Baby Prommy doesn’t mind. He just wants to pet and hug.
Wherever both babies are going, they’re holding hands.
Baby Prommy waits for and helps baby Noct when the latter falls down.
Normally, baby Noct would cry whenever he falls down while walking.
Not this time; he’s in playtime with baby Prommy, he doesn’t have time to stop to cry.
If another baby makes a noise too loud or throws something accidentally their way, the babies gasp and hug and stay paralyzed.
And that’s how baby Prommy and baby Noct spend the while together; hand in hand, playing, and going all around the room together.
Until some hours later when they were interrupted.
It’s toddler Iggy.
Just-turned-3-year-old Ignis has arrived.
His uncle is who brings him to daycare that day.
Normally, babies and toddlers are in two separate playing rooms, but they left Iggy there because he’s still rather small and everyone in the Citadel knows he’s the child that prince Noctis likes to be with.
Smol Iggy waved bye bye to his uncle and watched until the door was closed.
After that, little Iggy stared around the place before doing anything.
First thing little Iggy did was hurry towards the baby prince and hug him.
There’s a barely 3 year old Iggy dashing his way through the playroom to the place where baby Noct is sat with baby Prommy playing with some colorful blocks, reaching for the little prince, squating to reach him, and hugging him.
Iggy whispers “Nocto” lovingly while hugging him.
That’s his way of saying Hello.
Toddler Iggy is always ecstatic to find Noctis, so even though he just saw him last night, Iggy is super excited to see him today.
After hugging him, Ignis pets him.
Before he can do or say anything else, baby Noct grabs him by the hand and bounces slightly on his place with a loud but short baby ‘Ah!’
“Iggy! Iggy! Pompom!”
Baby Noct is pointing at baby Prompto.
Baby Noct is introducing his new friend to his old friend.
Baby Prommy has been frozen in his place since Ignis arrived to hug him.
On a side he’s super dazed and shocked that the kid arrived from nowhere. On the other side, he’s shocked that someone else is hugging his new best friend, and he’s very scared because he thinks that this new and bigger kid is going to steal Noct from him :(
Baby Prommy thought Noct would leave with his other friend without even saying bye.
But nope; there’s tiny Iggy down on his ankles next to Noct, staring at baby Prom eye widened and with the mouth slightly open, while Noct is pointing at him saying “Pompom”.
Toddler Iggy and baby Prom are staring at each other petrified and shocked because they’re both thinking the other will steal baby Noct and they’ll be left alone forever.
However, baby Noct bounces on his place happily introducing them.
“Pompom, he is Ig-gy! Iggy, Iggy, he- Pompom!”
Surprisingly it was baby Prommy who dared give a first step.
While he was still scared that the new kid would steal Noct from him, he still stood up and reached for kid Iggy and hugged him.
Toddler Iggy was even more shocked that this unknown baby was hugging him, but he soon gives in and hugs back.
That’s how both Prommy and Iggy are now sure they can trust each other, so the three sit together to play.
Iggy is accidentally teaching them how to talk.
Both babies already know plenty words already, but Iggy is older and knows more words and makes better sentences, so while he’s playing with them, he will sometimes tell them how something is called or how to pronounce something.
Toddler Iggy is arranging the toy blocks by color.
The babies are absolutely a m a z e d.
The babies are bringing all the color blocks to toddler Iggy so he arranges them.
The babies sort of take Iggy as the entertainment, but Iggy really likes it. He feels appreciated and praised.
Mostly because each time he does something, the babies clap and cheer him on.
It started with arranging blocks by color.
It continued with bringing plush dolls to him and have Iggy sit them perfectly. Like the head faces to the front and it’s not falling to the sides,etc.
Baby Prom and baby Noct are clapping.
Then they had Iggy run across the room without falling.
Omg how did he do that CLAP CLAP CLAP.
Iggy and the babies are playing tag; toddler Iggy runs and the babies chase after him.
With slightly longer legs and with more ability to run instead of waddling, Iggy easily runs faster than them, but he’s trying to give them vantage and uses it to entertain them.
That way, Iggy runs at not-his-full-speed but fast enough to entertain the babies; they run or crawl after him made a hysterical mess of giggles and laughs, and Iggy stops after he knows it’s a bit too much for them; when they’re close, he dashes off again, and stops when, once more, he thinks it’s too far from them, and so on and on.
They’re having a blast, really.
Toddler Iggy is also having fun and entertaining himself with sillier things, like, he takes a small toy, puts it on top of one of the babies’ head and asks “where did it go?”, and the three of them burst into giggles; the babies from how funny it is to see the toy on top of the other’s head, and Ignis at their reactions.
I guess the easiest way to describe the interaction is, Ignis finds some way to entertain and make the babies laugh, and that’s how Ignis himself has fun.
Selfless since tiny and toddler :’(
Another game between them is, Ignis takes a ball and makes it roll to the other side of the room, and the babies run after it; first to grab it wins.
There’s…no prize or anything, he just wins.
Ignis has fun just with watching the other two waddle and run across the room after the ball and falling flat on their tummies out of how excitedly they’re running.
The assistants are a bit surprised that they haven’t needed to do anything and that the babies have even ignored the activities they’re setting up for the other kids; these three are having so much fun on their own, there’s almost no need to look after them.
And a few hours later, they were interrupted again…
Kid Gladio comes in.
It was Papa himself who went in to drop him.
Because Clarus was aware that kid Noctis was here, he also took the chance to get a look at how he was doing; he knows the little prince and how scared and introvert he is around other kids (people in general), so he wanted to make sure he was okay.
Clarus is staring eye widened as he watches the little prince laughing and running around with Iggy and Prompto.
“Oh my. The little prince playing with two friends. This is new…”
Clarus was also VERY VERY VERY /V E R Y/ curious to see Prommy there.
Regis told him Cor had finally brought his child to work, so this was Clarus’ definitive chance to see this all; little Prommy out of his house and in the Citadel, and the prince hanging in the same place? HE HAD TO SEE IT.
So now Clarus is staring at all three kids play while carrying with Gladdy.
That is, until Gladdy gets all *flail, flail, flail, flail, struggle, struggle* in his arms because PAPA, PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOWN
Clarus had forgotten why he was even there in the first place.
Clarus put Gladdy down and patted his head goodbye before turning around and leaving.
He doesn’t really want to, but oh well, duty calls.
He’ll ask for the videotape later, anyway.
((kasjdksajdkdf, he’s going to fight over it with Regis until they learn that they can both have a copy, these dorks)
And that is how about-to-turn-4-years-old Gladdy comes into the scene!
The first thing he did was the same than toddler Iggy.
Gladdy spotted little Noct and dashed his way towards the little prince, and once there, he hugged him.
Little Gladio is wrapping the arms around baby Noct and picking him off the floor and swinging him slightly side to side.
Prompto is… A M A Z E D
Really, Noct is just tiny and weighs nothing.
Still, that’s something Prommy doesn’t know, he just knows Gladdy is so big and so strong and so WOH  :O
After Gladdy greets Noct, he puts him down and dashes off to Iggy to hug him as well.
Prommy isn’t the only “I hug everyone I see” in this room, you know.
Gladdy immediately rushes to hug his friend Iggy and squeeze and make those adorable toddler noises of joy and love, because he’s so happy :3
Noct is like a little brother, but Iggy is his absolute bestest friend in the world; normally, it’s only Iggy and Gladdy in daycare, so it’s Iggy with whom Gladio spends the most time with, and these two are best-best buddies in the WORLD, so of course he’s excited and has to say hi with a hug.
Toddler Iggy is giggling while Gladdy squeezes him.
When Gladdy let go, he turned and found little Prompto there and they made eye contact.
Prompto cried.
He thought Gladio was too big (really he’s small and adorbs, but Prommy is much smaller, so it’s just his perception of it all), and too scary.
First time Gladdy and Prommy met, Gladio accidentally made Prompto cry by existing.
Gladdy cried because Prompto cried.
Noctis cried because Gladio cried.
Ignis cried because Noctis cried.
The four are sat there in a square, crying.
The assistants finally had some job there and tried to pacify them all.
Last to stop crying was Noct, but last to feel confident was Prommy.
Gladdy was put back in the playroom, but he sat there still sniffling a bit and feeling sad because he made another kid cry.
Because Noct and Prommy were still in adult arms, Iggy was the one that went to comfort him.
Iggy, back in the playroom again, went towards best buddy Gladio and hugged him until Gladio fully calmed down again.
Iggy even made sure to go get a cookie from one of the assistants so he could bring it to Gladdy.
Toddler Iggy knows kid Gladdy loves eating.
Kid Iggy spent a good while petting Gladdy while Gladdy ate his cookie.
Afterwards, Gladdy stood up to hug Iggy again as a thank you.
Prommy was staring all the time, so he got a bit more of confidence because if big guy treats Ig-gy good, he must be good so no need to fear.
That’s how Prommy insisted on being put back down in the playroom.
Prommy went over to Gladio, curious, and stopped when Gladio saw him.
Both stared at each other in silence.
Then they hugged.
These two are the “I hug people I meet” kind, so it was just natural both would reach out for it.
That’s how they befriended and peace was brought back.
Noct was back soon enough after that.
Now there’s all four chocobros, chocobroing for the first time together!
They started befriending all together thanks to Gladdy.
He brought his favorite storybook with him that day, so he’s sat there showing his friends and his new friend “Pommy”.
Gladdy can’t read yet, so the four are only looking at the pictures.
Gladdy is sat in the middle and he’s in charge of turning the pages and pointing at curious things he’s seen (because he’s “read” this book so many times and has found little details in the drawings), and the other three are sat around the book staring and going
The kiddos are sat there for quite a while just staring and clapping and being amazed and sharing little words together.
Iggy is trying super hard to read, but he can’t :’)
At some point, Prommy and Noct get distracted (after finishing the book) because Noct is trying to scratch his head and Prommy wants to help.
There’s the two babies being idiots and rolling around while one tries to scratch the other and the other has close to no sense of balance even when sat.
In the meanwhile, Gladdy grabs Iggy and sits him with him so they can play patty-cake.
Both kiddos are chanting while they play.
Iggy and Gladdy spend a very long while playing with each other alone, all the variants of patty cake that they know.
The sound of the palms and the chanting gets the babies’ attention back.
They get curious and sit there to watch.
They’re hypnotized.
Absolutely hypnotized just watching the bigger guys play patty cake and chanting (that is SO MANY WORDS OHMYGOD)
Prommy and Noct cheer and clap when the big kids finish one of the patty-cake games.
They play again, and the babies cheer when they finish the new one.
And so on, and on, and on.
At some point, Prommy gets curious and is asking the big guys to teach him.
Noct is pouting that Prommy has Iggy’s attention, so Gladdy sits with him to teach him patty-cake too.
So there’s toddler Iggy teaching baby Prommy patty-cake, and tiny kid Gladio teaching baby Noct.
After that, and because they’re apparently now FOREVER TOGETHER, Noct and Prommy go back to each other and try to play patty-cake together.
They can’t. It’s a mess. And it’s ADORABLE.
It’s their attempts what make Gladdy and Iggy giggle and laugh, and it’s that they laugh what make Prommy and Noct think they’re doing GREAT, so they keep going.
This goes on for a long while.
After that, Gladdy decides to bring his favorite toys so they can all play together.
That’s how Gladdy brings the tambourines and two little plastic boxes.
The kiddos are making THEIR BAND.
So metal. So goth. So WILD.
Gladdy teaches baby Prommy and baby Noct to hit the toys he gave them so they sound.
There’s baby Noct SMACKING that box. There’s little Prommy shaking and hitting that tambourine. THEY’RE HAVING A BLAST.
Prommy loves singing even if it’s just gibberish, so he’s dancing in circles, patting the tambourine with no rhythm, and loudly singing gibberish.
It becomes contagious so Gladdy starts singing too.
They’re not even singing the same thing but they think they are, so they keep going.
Baby Noct wants to be popular so he’s joining the singing too.
He does it horribly and he’s not singing the same thing and he’s too loud, but is someone stopping him? No.
The three had to pause and convince Iggy because toddler Iggy is too shy to sing.
Eventually they convince him and now all four chocobros are hitting or shaking toys that make noise and singing loud gibberish.
Four different tunes. At the same time.
It’s hell.
Regis thinks it’s heaven.
Kid Gladio found out that baby Prommy claps every time he shows him something.
Kid Gladio loves the praise, so he’s bringing everything he finds to baby Prommy.
“Pommy, look!”
Gladio said that like fifty five times that day.
Prommy clapped all those fifty five times.
It’s not even interesting things; at first Gladio was bringing toys, then he started picking random things and yelled “Pommy look!” each time.
At least he was entertained for quite a long while, running around the entire room to find something to bring back to Prommy.
Meanwhile, Iggy was entertained with baby Noct.
Toddler Iggy learned from papa a funny game that he’s playing with Noct; basically, Iggy pokes his own nose and says “big nose”, then pokes Noct’s and says “little nose!”, and so on and on with the hands and the head and etc.
Baby Noct is laughing each damn time.
Why is it so easy to entertain a baby.
And Gladio. Gladio’s absurdly easy to entertain.
The assistants sometimes tried to have them play something, but most of the times the four ignored them to continue playing between themselves.
That’s fine, that way the assistants can focus in the other kiddos.
Except for the one time one assistant put some music on and led the toddler dancing.
As soon as the music blasted, the four kiddos were like ! :O *gasps!* and put attention.
And there you have them, all four of them trying to imitate the assistant dancing.
They waddle and bounce on their little feet and it’s absolutely hilarious.
It’s good that Regis isn’t here, he’d have a heart attack out of the cuteness.
The assistant grew tired because the kiddos insisted it kept going and going, so she left them alone with the music on.
The chocobros kept dancing all together.
Gladio announced he was hungry and grabbed Iggy and dragged him to the little toy stove.
“But I don’t know how to cook :(“
“But they are babies! You no baby, you grown kid, you know how to cook!”
“But you are more grown!”
“But I don’t know how to cook, I am a kid!”
These two were in severe distress because none know how to cook and want the other to take the role and oh my g o d who is going to cook we’ll STARVEAND DIE.
((in case you were wondering when Iggy started picking up liking for cooking, it was not Noct and the pastries. It was Gladdy bringing him to the toy kitchen each damn time at daycare because Gladdy is always hungry))
Iggy and Gladio ended up deciding they could do it as team work.
They’re baking imaginary cookies.
Baby Prommy and baby Noct are eating the imaginary cookies.
The bros also found time alone each one.
Well, just Iggy and Gladdy. The other two apparently don’t know how to be away of each other now.
Toddler Iggy found the bead maze and he’s absolutely enamoured of it.
Toddler Iggy is going to spend like an hour alone just playing with it.
Kid Gladio found a baby doll and he’s spending that hour nursing it and playing papa.
Prommy found a tiny cart his size so he’s dragging it around to collect the toys he finds alone.
Noctis is taking the toys from the cart and puts them back on the floor.
You can tell they were very entertained because no matter how many toys he picked up, Prommy always found more toys on the floor, and no matter how many toys Noct put on the floor he always found more on the cart!!
Kid Gladdy is putting up a show for the other 3.
He does a (very miserable) cartwheel as papa taught him, and the other three clap and cheer.
Mostly the babies, they’re AMAZED, WOW, HOW DID HE DO THAT OH MY GOD
Iggy is still very amazed too and claps cheerfully.
Then Gladdy wants the others to try too.
Iggy does poorly too, but everyone cheers SO LOUDLY FOR HIM, you should see that smile on his face, it’s made of purity and innocence and divine stardust ;A;
Baby Noct tried and hit himself and wanted to cry, but because the others clapped for him too, he was okay and SO PROUD OF HIMSELF.
Baby Prommy tried and only got to do some sort of half roll over himself and ended up lying flat on his back.
Still, the other three cheered for him a lot, so that’s okay, he was very damn proud of himself
They gave the bros a box.
They all get turns in the box, but it’s Noct who stays there the most.
He likes the box.
When the kids were taken to nap, Noct was, of course, first to choose his place to collapse.
Of course, though, baby Noct is like a panda bear; if he’s sleepy he won’t ask you to carry him and he won’t go to a soft place. He’ll just…drop where he’s currently standing.
The assistants made sure to take him to his soft mat, though, tucked him in.
Prommy was all *WRIGGLE WRIGGLE FLAIL FLAIL* in the assistant’s arms and insisted he slept next to Noct, and he didn’t stay still until they let him sleep next to Noct.
As in, they had to put his mat literally next to Noct so they were one big mat instead.
Toddler Iggy is always a mess when it’s nap time because he’s always wanted to sleep next to Noct, so they don’t wait for him to throw a tantrum like Prommy. They already know him.
(Though instead of a tantrum, toddler Iggy cries when you say no because he’s brokenhearted :( )
So Iggy’s mat is already next to Noct’s, and that’s where toddler Iggy curls up.
Kid Iggy always wants to sleep next to both Iggy and Noct, so most times he ends up in between Noct and Iggy, but because both sides are occupied already, kid Gladio curled up next to Iggy (because he thinks Prommy is too small and ‘stinky’ [because he still wears a diaper]) and Iggy is a ‘grown kid’.
Kid Gladio was who took his mat next to Iggy’s.
Like, the rest had to ask the assistants to put the mats together, but kid Gladio just went “YEH, NAP!” and took his own mat and brought it next to the guys’.
And that’s how the baby chocobros nap: Prompto next to Noct, who is next to Iggy, who is next to Gladio.
Which is the same arrangement in which they will continue sleeping through childhood.
And teen years.
And during the roadtrip in their 20’s. :’)
The assistants already know Regis is a fanboy mess for toddlers, especially his son, so they made sure to get a photo for him.
((Regis would have taken 50 photos even if they all looked the same))
There wasn’t much to do after nap hour because it was soon time to be picked up by papas.
They did get to play for a while more, though.
They started a CONGA LINE.
They’re not dancing or anything, one bro just started following the other, so the other 2 followed behind.
Gladio really did not mean to start the conga line, he was just searching for his lucky coin.
He doesn’t have a lucky coin.
So there’s Gladio walking around and stopping at random spots to search for an item he never lost because he never had it, while Iggy, Prom, and Noct follow behind and mimick him.
They did get to have a little fun with the cart, too.
Gladdy, because he’s a big kid, could pull the cart with both Noct and Prommy sat there.
They had a blast, the babies were a laughing mess.
Iggy was happy with just following and taking turns with Gladdy when Gladdy got tired.
After a few couple games more, the work shift was finally over in the Citadel.
Not a minute after it was over, Paranoid Papa Cor was already bursting in through the door.
He didn’t break in screaming, of course, haha, but he was made a bit of a nerve wreck when he came in.
“Where is Prom- I’m- I look- I’m- yes, yes, I’m fine, I uh- I’m- I’m a dad. And- I look for my son. His nam-? Ah yes of course” (Cor forgot his is not the only child there lmao)
“Is he alright? He didn’t have any troubles? He didn’t throw up or cried or anything? No, he’s not sick, I just…I’m scared he might be sometime, you know, he’s sorta fragile and I’m new at this and it’s first time I leave him at daycare..  ;___;”
Prommy was made a hysterical happy mess when he saw Cor.
He was absolutely radiant of joy and yelped out “Papa!” and ran towards him.
Cor is trying to not cry because he’s SO HAPPY.
Please, excuse his over sentimentalism, he’s new at this :’)
“Hey, baby boy! I missed you! :’D”
Prommy, of course, immediately made grabby hands at him so Cor picked him up, said hi, gave him a kiss, and asked him how he was, etc.
The mess was when Cor said “let’s go home”.
Prommy became a wriggly, flailing mess in his arms.
It’s first time Prommy yells “No!” when Cor says let’s go home.
Cor is puzzled and a bit shocked, and he wants to see what’s wrong.
Prommy looks like he wants to cry so Cor asks him what’s wrong and etc until Prommy says something.
“? Hm? Prommy? (。。 )”
“My friends, papa.”
Cor is looking back at the playroom and staring at him are the three other bros.
They’re looking at Cor frozen and like it’s the first time they ever see him, maybe even a bit like pleading.
“Oh. Uhm. But…we can’t stay here all night, baby boy.”
“…my friends, papa… (ಥ﹏ಥ)”
Cor had to explain to Prompto that he was going to see them again tomorrow, too.
“*soft baby gasp*”
“Noc-to? (。•́︿•̀。)”
“Yes, baby. Noctis will be here.”
“Ig-gy? (。•́ . •̀。)”
“Yes, baby boy. Iggy will be here, too.”
“Ga-di? (。•́ - •̀。)”
“Yes, Prommy. Gladio too. :)”
“*soft and happy baby gasp* (。•́ ▽ •̀。)”
Prommy just asked to be put down for a bit so he could say bye to his friends.
First, he went to hug baby Noct.
Then he hugged toddler Iggy, and little kid Gladio.
Then he hugged Noct again and pet him again, like he did when they first said hi.
“I be here tomorrow!”
“Okeh. Then me too.”
“Yay! Thank- chu.”
“Ba bye, Pompom.”
“Ba bye, Not!”
“Ba bye, Pom!”
“Ba bye, Iggy!”
“Ba bye, Pommy!”
“Ba bye, Gadi! :D”
And that’s how Prommy accepted being separated from his friends for that day BUT ONLY THAT DAY, YOU PROMISED, PAPA.
Cor is so touched and moved because he realized he did the right thing by bringing him to the Citadel’s daycare. Prommy had never made friends before and it’s honestly the BEST feeling in the entire universe, to see his son playing with the gang and to see him not want to leave them and to see him saying bye to them KLASJDSDKG KALSDJSDF, Cor just became a toddler fanboy like Regis, too :’)
The chocobros waved bye at him even after the door was already closed.
Noctis cried three minutes after Prommy left.
Only Regis got to calm him down when he arrived for him.
Gladdy was picked up by mommy.
Iggy was last, picked up by his uncle (parents are busy!).
Gladdy made sure to steal the chocobo plush toy from daycare that day.
It was Prommy’s favorite, so Gladio is trying to make sure to keep it “reserved” for tomorrow.
These boys are so pure.
And that was how they met. ♡
Aaah~.... this was an absolute joy to write.( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Ko-fi for coon, please? ヽ(・ω・)ノ 
Thank you for this request, buddy. I had a blast with it!! From the moment I read it, I wanted so bad to answer to it and I finally got around to it. 
Thank you as well for your immense patience! You even changed icons in the wait, that’s how long I took, hahaha ;w; But really, thank you for the patience and support. It means a lot to me!
I hope you enjoyed, and that it was close to what you expected ( ´ ▽ ` )
Have a wonderful day!
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