#klaine advent: inch
spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (8/24)
Klaine Advent Day Eight : Thunder
December, 2013
The loft was loud, annoyingly loud.  It was the first day of winter break and why Kurt thought he’d get a break from the constant noise and commotion always happening in the loft was beyond him.  He had had a long semester.  It had been a long year.  And the only thing he had really wanted was some peace and quiet.  But around here, that seemed almost impossible.  
Rachel was on her side of the loft, practicing runs and scales and peppy versions of Christmas songs.  She had a new job at a mall where she was a Christmas-song-singing elf.  She had tried to get him to join her - but there was no way he was going to spend his precious free time trying to entertain unruly children screaming at a mall while a questionable Santa takes swigs from a flash he hides under his beard.  Nope.  He refused to do it.  
Artie was next to the couch - Sam had invited him over to play video games.  The TV was on, the harshly, heavy metal soundtrack of the first-person shooter was blaring through the speakers and, god, it had been three hours.  How can anyone listen to that kind of music for three hours straight?  The video game, however, was on pause while Sam was in the kitchen, rattling through drawers and kitchens trying to assemble some kind of meal out of food the rest of them had purchased for him.  Artie, meanwhile, was on his laptop, video chatting with Tina, and complaining that he kept finding Santana’s hair everywhere.  
And, god, Kurt couldn’t believe he actually missed Santana as a roommate.  Partly because she would join him when he sprawled out on the couch watching his TVLand marathons.  But mostly because if she could help it, she wouldn’t be there.  Santana’s own drive to go out and discover New York City trumped staying in and doing nothing most days, which was unlike all the rest of his friends.  The world was so much bigger than this one room, and yet here they all were.  
Including himself. He contemplated just leaving.  It was bitterly cold outside, and while there was thankfully no snow, it was getting late, and he really didn’t want to wander around in the dark on his own.  He could see what Elliott was up to - but he already knew Elliott was busy with a gig.  He could just find a quiet cafe where he could catch up on his reading or try doing a few outfit designs.  Or maybe he could just hop a plane and jet back to Ohio to see his dad.  Funny, he never thought he’d ever want to go back to the place where he grew up, but if it allowed him some peace and quiet and actual space, it was at least a tempting alternative to his current situation.  
However, Kurt knew he wouldn’t be going anywhere.  He was snug and comfortable on Blaine’s lap.  Blaine had been casually joining in with the video games, but after Kurt gave up trying to read magazines from his partitioned part of the loft, and with Sam sprawled out on the couch, the only seating was in the kitchen, or on Blaine’s lap.  Blaine happily accepted and even Kurt would admit that Blaine’s lap was far easier to sit on than one of his vintage chairs.  
Blaine himself was being relatively quiet, scrolling through his phone while one of his hands rested lightly on Kurt’s thigh, achingly close to his crotch.  He kind of didn’t care that they were in a loft full of people, he really just wanted Blaine to move his hand about two inches higher and give him a little relief.  Kurt had thought, being engaged and living together, that they would have more time for each other - more time to share things and be intimate and really bond as a couple.  However between work and school and Kurt trying to still have his band and Blaine getting involved in every club at NYADA and their evenings always descending into a mass of people in the loft, they had precious little alone time together.  
A thundering crash came from the kitchen followed closely afterwards by Sam’s screaming apology.  Kurt’s resolve finally broke.  
“Let’s go have sex,” he said to Blaine.  
“What?” Blaine pulled himself away from his phone, not really registering what Kurt had said.  “Did you say sex?” 
“Yes,” Kurt said, emphatically.  “My head is killing me and I think a good orgasm might help with that.” 
Blaine’s eyes bulged as he stammered a response.  “Ku-urt,” he was almost bashful about it as he looked around the room, hyper aware that they were not alone.  He responded in a nervous whisper.  “You know I can’t keep quiet very well.”  
“I don’t think that will be much of a problem if my dick is in your mouth.”  
A smirk twitched on Kurt’s lips - it was always so easy getting Blaine on board.  Blaine didn’t need any more convincing, and nearly toppled Kurt to the floor as he got up.  Interlacing their hands together, they headed back towards Kurt’s partitioned part of the room.  Kurt only hoped they’d be quick enough so none of their friends would notice they were even gone.  
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bebelonian · 7 years
klaine advent day 9: inch
The light flicked on at three A.M.
Blaine considered ignoring it and pretending he was still sleeping; maybe if he tried hard enough, he could still salvage some rest. He was debating whether or not to open his eyes when he heard Kurt’s voice at the foot of the bed:
“Promise you won’t get mad at me.”
Instantly, Blaine was wide awake. He bolted upright and opened his eyes, squinting for a moment as the light assaulted his eyes and Kurt came into a blurry half-focus in front of him. He fumbled for his glasses on the nightstand and slid them on, trying to get a sense of how Kurt was feeling.
The only expressions on his husband’s face were guilt and shame, broadcasted and obvious and undeniable. Blaine’s heart dropped to his feet and his throat tightened so suddenly and harshly that it was hard to breathe. “What--what happened?” he rasped, voice scratchy from sleep and dehydration. “What did you do? And why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”
“I need you to promise me first that you won’t . . . freak out,” said Kurt, staring down at his hands and refusing to make eye contact. “Don’t start yelling, or anything. It might take some adjusting, but I really want you to see this as a good thing.”
Oh my god oh my god he cheated on me he’s divorcing me he found somebody else, Blaine’s mind chanted, in a vicious loop that wouldn’t let up no matter how hard he tried to throw it out of his mind. “Okay,” he said cautiously, leaning forward on the bed until he was half-kneeling, heels tucked beneath his thighs. “I won’t.”
Kurt blew out a breath and shook his head, preparing himself to deliver a piece of news with unknown consequences. “Okay,” he said, clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides and still not looking up at Blaine. “So you know how we talked that one time about tattoos, and which kinds are classy, and which kinds are completely trashy or cliche?”
“What?” This, compared to what Blaine had been imagining Kurt to say, was so random and unexpected that it caught him off guard. “I mean--yeah, I remember it, but I don’t know what that has to do with this conversation.”
“Well, do you remember the rules we made about getting tattoos after the whole Bette Midler incident?” Kurt reached back to touch his shoulder absentmindedly, where a drunk night and encouragement from a friend had made its permanent mark on him.
“Sure,” Blaine said slowly, still trying to wrap his head around the turn the conversation had taken. “No faces, no lower back tattoos, no names--”
“And no tattoos more than an inch tall,” Kurt finished, unable to wait for his husband’s sleep-slowed brain to finish listing them. “Yeah. Well. I, um, broke three of those rules tonight.”
“What?” Blaine demanded, mind racing with all the deformed face tattoos he had seen in Facebook videos and the horror stories of misspelled names in obvious places. “Kurt, what did you do?”
“You promised not to get mad,” he reminded him, then took a step closer to the foot of the bed, biting his lip as he considered how graphic to get with the details of the truth. “So, you know I had to work late tonight, but I ended up working late-late, and by the time I finally got out of there, I was beat.”
“Understandable, but get to the point, please,” said Blaine, chewing on his fingernail even though he knew he shouldn’t. He’d been trying to break the habit ever since he and Kurt had a two-hour long fight over it.
Kurt sighed, his face a mask of pained embarrassment, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay. On the way home, I was really tired, and crabby because nothing went right today, and I was considering just quitting my job and moving to Antarctica and never speaking to anyone again, but then I started thinking. And I realized that I didn’t want to move to Antarctica, because, one, it’s fucking cold there, but more importantly . . . you.”
“You’re the thing that keeps me going,” said Kurt. “Whenever I have a rough day at work, or I’m lonely when you’re out promoting your next Broadway show, I can just think that I get to be with you for the rest of my life, and then it doesn’t seem so bad. And that’s the way I felt tonight.”
“Let me finish,” Kurt snapped, but his eyes were amused. “And I went to the tattoo place--”
“Was it the Bette Midler place?”
“I told you to let me finish, and it doesn’t really matter, but yes--”
“Would you let me talk for a minute?”
Silence. “Sorry. Go on.”
“Okay. So anyway, I went to the tattoo place, and I didn’t really know what I was doing there, but I thought, hey, why don’t I be ambitious and fun and sweet for once? And I wanted to get something to remind me of you, but I couldn’t think of any symbol or word that would represent you. And you know there’s a policy at work about not showing tattoos, so I figured I needed a good place to hide it . . . and as for the size thing, that was just a mistake on my part. So please don’t get mad.”
“Oh, my God,” Blaine breathed, eyes widening in horror. “Did you get my face tattooed on your back? Oh, God, please don’t tell me--”
“No!” Kurt said quickly, face wrinkling in disgust. “I wouldn’t break that rule. And if I were going to get someone’s face tattooed on my body, well, it probably wouldn’t be yours.”
“Anyway,” said Kurt, and turned around to show him his tattoo.
Blaine scrawled out in bold cursive across the bottom of Kurt’s back, looping and neat and beautiful in a reluctant kind of way. Their anniversary--not their wedding date, the day they met at Dalton all those years ago, which Kurt had always thought was more important--was printed beneath it in tiny, fragile script, not a detail missed or a dot of ink smudged. Tears, unexpected and somewhat annoying, sprung to Blaine’s eyes, and he blinked quickly to drive them away. As much as he preached about following the “tattoo rules”, he couldn’t be caught being touched by Kurt breaking three of the four.
“What do you think?” Kurt asked, still facing the opposite direction. His voice shook slightly, like he was expecting the worst and wanted to get this part over with. “Are you mad?”
“No,” Blaine said without hesitation, hoping that no traces of crying remained in his voice. “I’m not--wait a minute, does that say plain?”
“What?!” Kurt twisted back and forth in a vain attempt to see his own back, gasping as he imagined the worst-case scenario. “Oh my God, I’m gonna go back to that place and kill that guy! I wasn’t even drunk this time, it wasn’t my fault--”
“I’m just kidding,” said Blaine, laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face and his mouth hurt from smiling. “You totally believed me! That was perfect.”
Kurt picked up a pillow and threw it at Blaine, pouting and locating a mirror to make sure he wasn’t being lied to. “That was cruel,” he said, shaking his head and sighing in relief when the actual tattoo came into view.
“You deserved it,” said Blaine, swiping under his eyes and taking deep breaths to calm himself down. “You broke three of the tattoo rules! We spent hours on those! If we’re just going to throw them out the window, I wonder if Quinn still has the number for the guy who did her Ryan Seacrest tattoo . . .”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I wouldn’t. I love you, Kurt.”
Kurt turned around and smiled, relieved and still a little embarrassed. “I love you, too.”
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redandyellowroses · 7 years
Klaine Advent Challenge. Day nine: inch. [text me maybe series]
Tumblr media
Rushed footsteps. A dip in the bed. And his husband was over him.
“Now we’re inches apart, what are you going to do about it?” 
Kurt didn’t say a word and solved the matter with a kiss.
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ckerouac · 7 years
Operation Secret Santa
Klaine Advent 2017 Day 9: Inch
Also on AO3
“You’re looking nice today.”
Kurt gave a quick little spin and smiled at Mercedes.  “Thank you.  I think I look great every day, but I appreciate the notice of my general amazingness.”
“Yeah, but there’s something different,” Mercedes said as Kurt started peeling off his layers and hanging them on his hook in the cubicle.  “Is that a new scarf?”
“Well… no,” Kurt said.  “I mean, yes, but… no.  It’s not mine.”
“Did you steal someone’s scarf?”
“No, I didn’t steal it,” Kurt insisted. “Blaine thought I looked cold last night and let me borrow it.”
“Ooooh, Blaine thought you looked cold,” Mercedes laughed.  “What were you doing out with Blaine?  Was it a daaaate?”
Kurt dropped down on his chair with a sigh.  “It wasn’t a date.  Not really,” he explained.  “We were out cause he wanted my help with his secret santa.  And we were wandering around outside, and it was chilly, and then he was standing under one of the downtown trees with all the lights and looking just so… amazing.  And then he said I looked cold, so he wrapped his scarf around me and he was close enough that I could smell his cologne, and Mercedes he smells so good.  And he was just standing there, inching closer to me, and his hand was on me, and he was smiling at me, and…”
Mercedes’ eyes went wide.  “And?” she pressed.
“Aaaand his boyfriend called,” Kurt said.  “What am I supposed to think of this scarf when we get interrupted by his boyfriend?”
“Well, first, you should return it because it’s not yours,” Mercedes pointed out.  “Second… maybe he’s just nice.”
“Maybe,” Kurt considered.
“Or, third,” Mercedes added brightly, “he’s actually into you and is getting ready to break up with his boyfriend so that he can date the hell out of you.”
Kurt couldn’t help but smile.  “I like the third option best.  He really did seem like he was flirting, right?”
“You don’t linger on a friend,” she agreed.  “You still need to return the scarf.”
“I still need to return the scarf.”
“Are you going to return it?”
Kurt glanced over at the scarf on the peg.  He pulled it free and wrapped it around his neck with a smile and a deep inhale to take in the lingering scent of Blaine’s cologne.  “Tomorrow.  I’ll return it tomorrow.”
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gleekto · 7 years
Fic: Loose Ties
Summary: Blaine Anderson knows who he is - lead Warbler, A-student, student council representative - the Dalton boys all tell him he’s got charisma and charm, and his girlfriend tells him he’s dreamy.
When rival glee club student Kurt Hummel turns up at Dalton one day -  land of glee club rockstars, blazers and ties, and a zero tolerance harassment policy - he doesn’t totally get why Blaine Anderson - the popular lead Warbler - would be so eager to court his friendship.
And to be honest, Blaine doesn’t really get it either.
Loose Ties
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Part 9 (Inch)
They’re lying on their beds tucked under their blankets, lights out, with only their voices punctuating the night time silence of the room. Blaine closes his eyes and pictures the dominoes falling, inch by inch, row by row. Are you guys all gay?, Kurt’s eyes on him, on his body, making out with his girlfriend less interesting than math homework, but seeing Kurt’s red workout shorts drying on the rack make him blush. And jealousy. Glorious undeniable jealousy that some freshman has his eyes on Kurt.  One by one they fall - plunk, plunk, plunk.
Coming out was supposed to make things easier. He hadn’t accounted for wanting to just talk and talk and talk to Kurt. Without actually talking about Kurt. In that way at least. And he figures after sending Kurt straight into a nausea ridden state of shock, he at least owes him an explanation.
“So that’s why you broke up with Jenna,” Kurt starts their midnight conversation.  They had paused to change into pajamas and brush their teeth and let Kurt throw cold water on his face to make sure he was still breathing.
Blaine nods, “Nothing like counting sheep in your head while making out to set off the red flags. Or the rainbow ones, as the case may be.”
“I wouldn’t know.” Kurt says flatly.
Blaine is quiet. “I think I avoided thinking about it before. You know, keep busy, lead the Warblers, run the school,” Blaine laughs at himself but it’s true.  “But then you came along-”
“Nothing like the screaming homosexual to drag you out of the closet.” Kurt makes jazz hands above his head.
“Ha!” Blaine laughs because Kurt is far more understated and witty than screaming. But also it’s more like he hasn’t been able to get the image of Kurt in gym shorts with sweat beads dotted along his torso out of his head since their embarrassing run in. Kurt’s not really doing the dragging. Though maybe Richard Simmons is. Especially in the shower. “No, not exactly. I don’t know. You made it seem,” Blaine pauses, tempting, “possible.”
“Well, I can see why,” Kurt says drily,  “Only out high school kid in Lima gets chased out of school by homophobic bullies.  I’m practically the poster child for happy endings.”
“Don’t knock yourself, Kurt.” He always does that. “You’re a role model. At least to me.” He is. “Anyways, I don’t think you’ve had any endings just yet.”
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notarelationship · 7 years
Klaine Advent 2017
Day 9 - Inch
Summary: Blaine is new at McKinley. Kurt finds him interesting. Nerd!Blaine/Skank!Kurt Word Count: 890
I will be putting this up on AO3 after the advent is over and I can fix up some spelling and syntax errors.
Three day suspension.
Kurt had given Karofsky a perky wave as he walked past him in the parking lot, before heading to the principal’s office. He supposed it could have been worse, considering what Karofsky’s face looked like. Whatever. He’d done longer suspensions before. He didn’t really care about that.
What he did care about, Kurt was surprised to discover, was what had happened to Blaine after he left his house on Friday afternoon. He didn’t have his number, so he couldn’t call him, and honestly actually calling him would have meant admitting to something he wasn’t sure he was ready for. But he didn’t want Blaine to get in trouble because of him. Obviously, Blaine had a lot more going on, so he had stakes. Lurt was perfectly okay with fucking up his own opportunities for the time being, but he found he didn’t want to fuck up Blaine’s. Blaine was so earnest.
So instead of taking a right out of Principal Figgins’ office and heading straight into the parking lot, he made a left turn and went for Blaine’s locker.
“HUMMEL!” It was Figgins.
“You can’t give me an inch, can you?”
“If I do you take a mile, Mr. Hummel. I will see you in three days.” He pointed towards the exit. “Would you like me to call your father directly?”
Kurt tugged at his hair, pulling it into a peak over his forehead.
“Look, I just want to leave a note for someone who might be looking for me. Can I just do that?”
Figgins crossed his arms over his chest and stared Kurt down. “You alienated all of your friends years ago, who would be looking for you at this point?”
Figgins wasn’t wrong, but he could still hope. “Five minutes.” Kurt held his palm up, five fingers spread in the air.
“Meet me under the bleachers. 12:40”
Blaine had slipped the note in his pocket as soon as he read it, not wanting to risk it falling out of his bag or any of his books during morning classes. His friends had stopped asking if Kurt had tried to beat him up, but it didn’t appear that the news of his ritual slushy-ing - or Kurt’s intervening, had made the rounds yet. He made some excuse to Rachel about needing to do some research in the library and slipped out the doors that led to the football field.
When he got there he found Kurt sitting on the fence, smoking a cigarette. He wanted to say something smart or funny, impress Kurt with how cool he could be. But when he opened his mouth all that came out was, “Those things are bad for you.”
Kurt exhaled rings out of his mouth. “Thank you Surgeon General.”
“I’m sorry, I -” I want to kiss you some day but I don’t want to lick an ashtray. “I don’t want to go home smelling like smoke. My parents are pissed enough.”
“Did you get in trouble?” Kurt hopped off the fence and took a step closer. He motioned to a ratty couch as if inviting Blaine to sit. Blaine shook his head.
“Less than I expected. I have to call them and tell them what I’m doing at all times. And if I have guests over I have to call and tell them who’s in the house with me so they can monitor who I”m spending time with.”
“That’s all? You didn’t get grounded?”
Blaine shook his head. “No. they tried that with my brother all the time and it never kept him from doing anything, it just made more work for them trying to keep him under control. I’ve never really gotten in trouble before, so they probably aren’t that worried about me breaking any rules.”
Kurt didn’t say anything, just stood there looking at Blaine kind of strangely.
“What?” Blaine finally broke the silence.
Kurt frowned. “Nothing it’s just - your mom said something about you fighting in school. And I just can’t picture it.”
Blaine laughed, but it wasn’t funny. “I wouldn’t exactly call what happened to me ‘fighting in school,’ it’s just easier for her that way.” Blaine looked around at the collection of dilapidated furniture and decided the file cabinet that was lying on its side was safe enough to sit on. “Do you mind if I eat my lunch? I’m going to have to get to class soon. You should come to class with me.”
“Nah, I hate that class. And I got suspended anyway. I’m not supposed to be here.”
“You got suspended? Why?”
“Fighting. This wasn’t even that bad.” He sat next to Blaine on the cabinet. “You bring your lunch? Does your mom make it for you?” Kurt was teasing just a little, but he reached in the container for a grape.
“I make my own lunch.” Blaine said. Blaine wanted to ask about Kurt’s suspension, but he had rolled right past is and didn’t seem to want to say more. “Do you not have any lunch?” He plucked his sandwich out and offered half to Kurt. “It’s turkey.”
“Mayo or mustard?”
“Mustard. Lettuce, tomato, swiss cheese.” Kurt looked as though he was considering saying no, but then the corner of his mouth ticked up.
“FIne.” Kurt rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. “If you’re going to insist.”
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pumpkinkurt · 7 years
klaine advent drabble challenge day 9: inch
word count: 456
“A little further to the right,” Kurt says, and Blaine stretches up on his toes so he can adjust the picture frame. “Like that?”
“Mm, no, a little more. Maybe an inch up?”
Blaine groans, falling back down onto his heels. “Why am I doing this? You’re taller than me.”
Read the rest on AO3.
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littlej097 · 7 years
Klaine Advent - Inch
“Come on honey. You can do it!” Kurt cooed with his camera in hand. Penny was so close to crawling. He could feel it. Right now, she could inch her body a tiny bit by pulling with her hands, but she hadn’t really figured out that her arms and legs could move at the same time. “Honey, look what Papa has!” he added, dangling Margaret Thatcher dog in front of his eight month old daughter. Penny looked at him and gave him a smile, but didn’t show any indication of moving towards the stuffed dog.
“She’s gonna crawl when she’s ready.” Blaine said as he came into the kitchen. “We just have to be patient.”
“But Blaine, she’s so close!” Kurt exclaimed. “I don’t wanna miss it.”
“I understand that,” Blaine replied. “But, you have to get going to work. Isabelle’s not going to be very happy if you’re late again.”
“Okay, fine.” Kurt replied. “You-” he added pointing to Penny. “-better not crawl until I get back.” He walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed his satchel and car keys. “If she does happen to crawl, you better get it on tape.” he told Blaine.
“I promise, I will.” Blaine replied as he pressed a kiss to Kurt’s lips. “Now go.” Kurt left and Blaine was left alone with Penny who was lying on her belly, pushing a teething ring into her mouth. He walked over to his daughter, sat down on the floor and then picked her up under her arms, allowing her to stand on her own two legs. The little girl sent her father a huge smile and began to bounce up and down. This was a new thing that she was doing. When she first started doing it, Blaine had told Kurt that he thought that she looked like she was twerking. Kurt replied with, “Well, she is biologically yours, so I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Do you like to bounce baby girl?” he cooed. “Yes, I know you do. That’s why Daddy got you one of those bouncers that goes in the doorway. I think today is the perfect day to put it up.” He laid Penny back down on her blanket and after seeing that she was content, he walked out into the dining room where the baby bouncer was. While listening for Penny, he read the instructions and began to gather the proper materials. When he had gathered all the hardware, he returned back to the living room and to his surprise, his daughter was not on the blanket where he had left her. He dropped the box and ran into the living room. He looked all around and slightly behind the chair, he saw a tiny little leg. He walked over and found Penny.
“How did you get over here?” he cooed. “Did you crawl? You little inch worm.” Blaine picked Penny up and then put her in the pack in play that was in view of the doorway that he wanted to hang the bouncy swing in. “I guess Daddy can’t leave you on a blanket anymore. You’re too fast for Daddy.” he told her. After hanging the swing, Blaine sat back down on the carpet with Penny. He had realized that if he didn’t get Penny crawling on film, Kurt was going to kill him. “Alright Pen, let’s get this on tape so Daddy doesn’t get in trouble from Papa.”
The little girl looked at her father with a blank look on her face. “You’re not gonna do it again are you?” Blaine said with a pout. “Okay, what if Daddy shows you?” Blaine got up on his hands and knees and began crawling. “See honey, just like this.” Once again, Penny stared blankly at her father. She sure was a stubborn little thing.
Later that day when Kurt got home, Blaine was still hanging out in the living room watching Penny. “There’s my two favorite people.” Kurt said. He walked over and then gave Blaine a kiss and took Penny into his arms. “And how’s my favorite girl? Are you good?” he asked, pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek. “Did she crawl at all?” he asked.
“Umm no.” Blaine replied, lying through his teeth. “I’m just going to go and start dinner.”
“It’ll happen baby girl. I know it.” Kurt told his daughter. He set her on the floor and then grabbed his sketchbook from his bag. There were a few sketches that he needed to finish before tomorrow. Kurt began to sketch and then before he knew it he felt ten little fingers on his leg reaching for his pencil. He looked down and saw Penny with a drooly grin on her face. Kurt gasped. “You did it!” he exclaimed. Kurt set Penny back on the ground. “Crawl to Papa, baby!” Penny began using her arms and legs and propelling herself forward.
“Blaine! Come quick! She’s crawling.” Kurt yelled. Blaine ran in from the kitchen, but as soon as he got there, Penny stopped crawling.
“Kurt, she’s not moving.” Blaine retorted.
“I swear to god she did it Blaine.” Kurt replied. “Come on Penny, crawl to Papa!” Penny didn’t move. Blaine sighed and turn his back to go back into the kitchen. As soon as he did, Penny began crawling again.
“What?” he asked turning around. Penny had stopped crawling again. “She’s not doing anything.”
“I swear she does it, Blaine. She just doesn’t do it when you’re looking.” Kurt replied. “Come on you stinker. Crawl while Daddy is watching.” Penny was not amused.  
“Oh whatever. She’ll do it at some point.” Blaine replied. “She may crawl for you, but she only twerks for me!”
“Oh yeah Blaine. Let’s encourage our eight month old to twerk. That’s great parenting.” Kurt retorted.
“If you got it flaunt it.” Blaine replied as he took Penny into his arms and then started dancing with her. Whether or not he saw it or not, his baby girl was growing up way too fast and Blaine wasn’t sure how he felt about that. His little inch worm was quickly becoming a crawling machine.
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darriness · 7 years
Klaine Advent 2017 - Day 9 - “Inch”
Title: Bedtime Discussions
Author: darriness
Word Count: 434
Summary: Just a conversation before bed.
“I almost lost it.” Blaine explains as he pulls back the duvet on their bed.
Kurt looks over at his husband from the other side of the bed, “I doubt very much you were going to lose it.”
Blaine rearranges his pillows before sitting down and pulling the duvet over his legs, “And what bothered me more was that I SHOULDN’T have almost lost it. She’s eight. I can out logic, out smart, and out reason her in every situation but…”
“But you let her get your goat.” Kurt finishes for him as he gets in bed next to his husband, checking his phone to make sure his alarm is on.
“Yeah.” Blaine sighs dejectedly as he turns off his light and slides down to lie on his side facing Kurt who mirrors his position.
“You know why though.” Kurt says like it’s obvious. Blaine shakes his head though, “It’s the age old phrase “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile”. If you let her get away with stuff like eating a cookie before dinner, or not brushing her teeth before she goes to bed, she’s going to start to assume she can get away with a lot of stuff. And that includes not wearing her coat when it’s 20 degrees and snowing.”
Blaine is immediately hurt by Kurt’s words and Kurt can see that written all over Blaine’s face, “I come to you in frustration and we’re seriously going to have a fight about parenting styles?” He’s defensive right away.
Kurt lays a hand on Blaine’s shoulder and slowly runs his hand up and down his arm, “No, we aren’t going to fight about parenting styles. I didn’t mean that to be an attack on how you parent at all. You are an amazing father. All I’m saying is that Lizzy is getting older now and realizing more and more how things work. She’s very smart though and I think all it will take is a conversation with her. Remind her that what Daddy and Papa say is final, whether that be letting her stay up later than her bedtime once in a while or putting her coat on when it’s cold out.”
“You’re right. Sorry I got defensive.” Blaine sighs.
Kurt leans across the space between them and kisses his husband softly, “You have nothing to be sorry for. Besides, no doubt it’ll be you reminding me tomorrow how awesome a father I am despite yelling at the kids to pick up their toys or something.”
“Parenting is hard.” Blaine laughs.
“Hard? But worth it.” Kurt reasons.
“Totally.” Blaine smiles.
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klaineanummel · 7 years
Story of My Life 9/24
Kurt reflects on the past twelve years of his life, coming to realize that one man in particular has affected him far more than he ever thought he would
Here is day 9 of my @klaineadvent fic! No warnings for this chapter, and it's a bit shorter than they have been so far. Buckle in, though, because next chapter is going to be a doozy.
Hope you enjoy, and see you tomorrow <3
Attachment   |   Bucket |    Collapse   |   Drink   |   Example   |   Fraction   |   Genuine   |   Health   |
Read on AO3
November 10th, 2015
To: Kurt From: Blaine Can I call you?
Kurt frowns down at the text, concern instantly filling him. Blaine hasn’t asked to call him in a long time, and the last time was because he was having a panic attack after seeing somebody from his old school at the mall.
Instead of answering the text, Kurt opens Facetime and finds Blaine’s contact, hitting the call button.
Blaine answers in an instant, eyes wide and cheeks red. “Kurt!” he says. “Oh, thank god. I was worried I’d have to call Cooper about this.”
“Are you okay?” Kurt asks, eyes travelling over Blaine’s face, trying to assess his state of mind. He seems okay, but Kurt doesn’t want to make assumptions.
“I’m freaking out,” Blaine replies. “You remember that guy I too to Sadie Hawkins? Jeremiah?”
Kurt thinks back, trying to recall anything Blaine may have told him about the boy. “I think I vaguely remember you mentioning him,” he says. “What’s wrong? Did something happen to him?”
Blaine shakes his head. “No, but I just saw him out for coffee. He transferred schools too, you know, and I hadn’t seen him since the incident after the dance.” Kurt winces at Blaine’s phrasing. Incident was putting it mildly. “We exchanged numbers.”
“That’s fantastic, Blaine,” Kurt says. “Wait, why are you freaking out?”
“Because, Kurt. He’s hot now.”
Kurt has to bite down on his bottom lip to stop from smiling too widely. Oh. So it was that kind of freaking out.
“I see my misery amuses you,” Blaine says, shaking his head. “I should have known better than to expect even an inch of sympathy.”
“This is not misery, Blaine. You have a crush!”
“Maybe?” Blaine groans. “What do I do? Do I text him? Am I being super weird about this?”
Kurt chuckles. “First of all, no, you’re not, you’re being adorable, as you are with everything.” Blaine ducks his head at the compliment, cheeks becoming redder. “Secondly, yes, text him, how are you even asking me that question?”
“Well, I don’t know, I’ve never actually liked anyone but –” he stops himself, lips pressing together and looking away. Kurt tries not to wince, knowing exactly what Blaine was going to say. “How did you and Adam get together? I need to know because right now the idea of someone I like liking me back is just… so far out of the realm of possibility.”
Kurt wants to reach through the phone to hug Blaine, wants to apologize for everything he’s had to go through with this stupid crush. Instead he says, “I asked him to get coffee, and he said yes.”
Blaine stares at him for a second, then bursts, “That’s it?!”
“Well, what were you expecting?” Kurt laughs. “I’m pretty sure that’s how it usually goes. You don’t need to make some huge declaration of your feelings or your intentions. Just tell him you want to hang out, then ask him if the next hang out can be a date. Easy peasy.”
“Lemon squeezy,” Blaine finishes, almost absentmindedly, looking away from the phone. Kurt can’t help but chuckle at that, and Blaine looks back quickly and asks, “What if he says no?”
Kurt shrugs. “Then, you move on.”
Blaine narrows his eyes at him. “Nobody has ever said no to you, have they?”
Kurt scoffs. “Uh, yes, they have. You know Sam? He totally rejected me Freshman year of high school.”
Blaine rolls his eyes and says, “Nobody gay is what I meant.”
“Well, for your information, yes they have, too. Why, just a couple of weeks ago I asked one of my classmates to get a drink, and he very politely informed me that he was not interested. So, you know what I did?” Blaine keeps staring at him, as if Kurt hadn’t already given him the answer before. “I moved on,” Kurt finishes, trying not to let the duh seep into his voice too much.
Blaine sighs. “That guy is a moron,” he says, as though to himself. Kurt feels his cheeks reddening and looks away, wondering if he should let Blaine know that he said it out loud. “Kurt, that sounds terrifying,” Blaine continues, a little louder this time. “What if he says no and I just die?”
“Excuse me, what is with the dramatics? Blaine, come on. You won’t die if he says no.”
“Felt like I was dying when you did.”
Kurt’s throat suddenly feels dry, and he swallows thickly. “I’m sorry, honey,” he says quietly. “But, Blaine, this won’t be like that.”
“How can you know?” he asks, looking painfully vulnerable on Kurt’s tiny screen.
“Because I’m magic,” Kurt deadpans. “No, Blaine, because you’re amazing, and any gay boy your age would be lucky to have you.”
Blaine stares at him for a few moments, then nods and says. “Okay. If you believe I can do it, then I’m going for it.”
“Good,” Kurt grins. “Promise to tell me how it goes?”
Blaine rolls his eyes and says, “Obviously.” He shifts his phone a bit, causing the camera to shake, then says, “Okay, I’m going to go do that now. I’ll text you later.”
“You better,” Kurt teases.
“I will,” Blaine smiles. “Thank you, Kurt. It’s so awesome having you as a friend.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Kurt says, grinning.
Blaine laughs, then says, “Alright, talk to you later.”
“Bye, Blaine,” Kurt replies, waving a little, then pressing the button to end the call.  
He sets the phone down on the mattress next to him, rolling over so that he’s lying on his back instead of his side. He smiles up as his ceiling, relief filling his body.
If Blaine has a crush on another guy, that means he’s finally starting to get over Kurt. Not that Kurt is uncomfortable with Blaine’s crush, but… well, he’s a little tired of breaking the kid’s heart every time he sees him. It’ll be nice to finally be able to have conversations with Blaine where he knows he isn’t crushing the poor boy.
His phone pings, barely two minutes since he hung up with Blaine and he chuckles. He knew he would hear back soon.
To: Kurt From: Blaine He said yes! You really are magic.
Kurt smiles and quickly texts back how happy he is for Blaine, and that he can’t wait to hear how his first sort-of-date goes.
He sets his phone back down and exhales deeply.
Yes, this is definitely a good development.
Part Ten: Judgement
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saywhatjessie · 7 years
You’re my Orange Blossom Honey Bear
Klaine Advent: Day 9 - Inch. 796 words. (Ao3)
Kurt and Blaine had a routine.
Now that they’d settled into their post-Broadway careers – what they called their ‘family careers’ – they made sure they were home every weekday for dinner. It was very important for Blaine to have his whole family around the dinner table as often as he could. He didn’t really have that growing up and, even though Kurt complained in high school about it, Blaine envied him. Kurt may have called it an inconvenience as the child in that relationship, but he knew now that Kurt was the parent, he understood. So they were always home.
Eventually, once the kids got a bit older, Kurt and Blaine would pass the dishes off to them, but for now they didn’t mind the chore. It was part of their routine.
It always started with Blaine singing something under his breath as he washed, and then Kurt would pick up the harmony as he dried and wiped the counters. It would end with them belting full tilt whatever song had been stuck in Blaine’s head that afternoon, the kids giggling from their spot at the table or where they’d crept into the kitchen to avoid homework.
Today was no exception.
“It's our tradition to control” Blaine swiveled his hips, biting back a smile at the giggle from his daughter. “Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl,”
“From the Ukraine to the Rhone” He winked at the kids. “Oh yeah.”
Kurt rolled his eyes as he went into the high part. “Sweet home uber alles Lord, I'm coming home.”
Blaine dropped all pretense of dishes and slid on his knees, putting a lot into his performance.
“So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home.”
The kids shrieked, climbing on him as soon as he was done.
“Yay papa!” Rosa cheered from Blaine’s lap. Blaine felt Cian giggling from where he was slung over his back.
“And what about Daddy?” Kurt pouted, sitting on the floor next to them. The kids immediately swarmed him, cheering for him, too. Kurt grinned.
“Are you the sugar daddy, then?” Cian asked. Blaine choked.
Kurt coughed, too. “Uh, no buddy, that’s just the song.”
“Where’s it from?” Rosa asked, stretching herself between the two laps.
“It’s from a show papa was in!” Kurt answered, tickling at Rosa’s exposed belly. She giggled and squirmed away, making room in Kurt’s lap for Cian.
He sat, eagerly, despite the fact that he was 7 now and almost too tall for Kurt to see over him. “What show?”
“It’s called Hedwig, pal.” Blaine said, arranging Rosa so she sat comfortably in his lap. “
Like Harry Potter’s owl.”
“Cool!” Rosa squealed. Blaine suppressed a wince. “Is it about the owl?”
Kurt and Blaine exchanged a look. They’d agreed early on they never wanted to lie to their kids. They wouldn’t tell them anything about the tooth fairy or a stork. When their kids had questions about their bodies or where babies came from, they were going to be honest.
But the look Kurt and Blaine shared had the same message. Not yet!
“No, honey, it’s about a person going through a tough time. Hedwig.”
Blaine nodded. “And Hedwig tells the story with a band. Like a rock concert!”
Cian sat up a little straighter. “A band?!”
Blaine nodded, smiling and squeezing Rosa a little tighter. “Yeah! They’re called the Angry Inch.”
“Why are they called that?” Rosa asked, craning her neck to look at Blaine.
Kurt shot Blaine another look. This one said. Nice going, idiot .
“That’s… a spoiler.”
Cian tilted his head. “A what?”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “It means if Papa tells you he’ll be giving something away about the story.”
“Yeah,” Blaine nodded, enthusiasm coming back. “I don’t want to ruin it for you when you watch it.”
Rosa sat up. “Can we watch it now?!”
“No!” Kurt and Blaine said together.”
Their kids looked at them, startled. Rosa’s lip started trembling.
“Nonononono, Rosa honey.” Blaine rocked her. “No, it’s okay. It’s just… it’s really better if you see it live!”
Rosa sniffed but nodded at this, as did her brother. They were Kurt and Blaine’s kids, of course they’d recognize the importance of live theater.
“Well when can we see it then?”
Kurt frowned, very convincingly. “Unfortunately, bud, it’s not on Broadway right now. It’ll probably come back in a couple years.”
Blaine sighed, feigning disappointment, “Yeah. We’ll take you as soon as it comes back, though!”
The kids nodded disappointed. Kurt and Blaine shared a discreet low-five.
They felt very proud of themselves.
Until it was announced Hedwig and the Angry Inch was coming back to Broadway not three years later and they were forced to bring a 10 and 8 year-old to the show.
They did not feel so smug after that.
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Klaine Advent Day 9: Inch
Dearest Kurt,
As I write this, I sit here thinking about everything you’ve ever told me. About how long distance, this pen pal friendship turned proper long distance relationship, is only doable knowing that those miles between us were really just inches on a map. I always found it adorable. I’d look at those inches sketched out on my wall map here at home and think to myself how small it looked on that scale. How easy it would be to cross those inches. Of course, love doesn’t happen that way, does it? Here we are a few years later and still neither of us has been able to cross those inches. It’s the longest few inches in the history of measurement if you ask me….I just can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep looking at those inches knowing you’re on the other side and here I am, unable to cross as well. I can’t keep this relationship up knowing that you’re all the way over there and how painful it is I haven’t even proper gotten to meet you. Gotten to hug you or hold your hand. Kiss you. Nothing. My heart belongs to you, of course. But this distance is killing me.
I know you always say you hardly have to look at the envelope before reading my letters. So I bet you didn’t even notice that this letter didn’t have the postage or travel stamps on it. I think perhaps you ought to maybe go outside…
Yours always, Blaine
Kurt wiped his eyes, reading the last bit of the letter again, confused. He was sure what he had been reading was a breakup letter, but that last bit didn’t make any sense. He read it again and again before he ventured outside. He gasped when he saw the curly haired boy standing just off the porch holding a large bouquet of flowers.
“Hi…” Blaine breathed, “Kurt…I just. I finally saved up enough…here I am. I conquered those inches.” he said playfully, though his nerves were shaking his voice. “I slipped the envelope in your mailbox today and went for a coffee until it was time you’d be home…you always told me in your letters you always read my letter first….I realize how creepy and stalker this probably sounds now but I promise I meant well and not at all creepy…” he laughed, “Shit, I’ll shut up now.” he said sheepishly.
Kurt beamed and he rushed down the steps to hug Blaine tightly, “It sounded quite stalkerish but I’ll let it slide since I know you were being romantic.” he giggled, tears sliding down his cheeks, “You’re really here…” he breathed, “You’re here…at long last…”
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whatstheproblembaby · 7 years
Klaine Advent Day 9 - Inch
Blaine’s first coherent thought after waking up was oh no.
He and Kurt had gone to bed loosely intertwined, but at some point in the night, Kurt had wrapped himself around Blaine like a kid clutching a stuffed animal, leaving Blaine no way to escape. Usually this wouldn’t be a problem, except....
God I have to pee, Blaine thought, pressing his lips together. I shouldn’t have downed that glass of water before bed. Okay, what do I do?
Blaine cracked open his eyes and waited for them to make sense of the dark shapes in the bedroom. Kurt was sound asleep on his chest, breathing deep and slow for the first time in a week - he’d been stressed about rehearsals, and it had affected his rest. If Kurt had been sleeping normally all week, Blaine wouldn’t have felt too bad about making him stir for a moment so he could get up, but now Blaine was afraid any interruptions would throw Kurt’s sleep cycle back out of whack.
Nothing else to do, then, Blaine thought. He relaxed as many of his muscles as he could without having an accident, then carefully started inching away from Kurt.
Easy...easy...there’s one leg out, easy...
It was then that Blaine misjudged the distance to the floor, causing him to topple out of bed ungracefully rather than gently place his foot on the ground.
“Blaine?” Kurt asked blearily.
“Oh, that’s not what I wanted to happen,” Blaine grunted.
“What are you doing?”
“I was trying to get to the bathroom without waking you up.”
“Well, you’re doing a spectacular job.”
“Ha ha. Just go back to sleep, Kurt. I’ll be back in a sec.”
“Holding you to that.”
Kurt was out before Blaine even crossed the threshold to the bathroom.
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redheadgleek · 7 years
Fic: holding fast in sharp realization
His parents, barely blinking at the news of their reuniting, had offered to drive to the wedding. He had resisted at first, not wanting the presence of others to break their sanctuary, but relented when Pam Anderson joined the caravan.
In the backseat, Blaine inches closer as icy harvested fields flicker past the windows, until his head drops onto Kurt’s shoulder, sleep slacking his mouth. Moments like these, precious in the mundane, were the ones Kurt had missed the most.
He meets his father’s understanding eyes in the rearview mirror and curls closer into the solid weight of Blaine’s trust.
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klaineadvent · 7 years
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andersonswalsh · 7 years
Fic: Teach Me How Love Goes (for Klaine Advent Day 9/24)
I have nothing to say. These boys are still idiots.
Day 9: Inch | Day 8 | Day 10 | AO3
Kurt knows he needs to speak with someone about this...thing going on with Blaine. He doesn’t trust Rachel’s advice, and he’s been terrified to let his dad know that Blaine and Tina are back in his life. Burt may be wise, but he’ll just bring up the reason why Kurt broke up with Blaine in the first place.
The best person to talk to, he decides, is his hairstylist Joanna.
“So what are we doing today?” she asks as she sets him in front of her booth, towel drying his hair after washing it.
“Just the usual inch off the top,” Kurt says. “And maybe some lowlights? I think I need something.
“Oooooh, sounds like there’s someone in the picture?”
Kurt chuckles. “Seriously, Jo? I’ve been coming to you every other month for five years. If I had someone, you’d be the first to know after my dad and Rachel.”
“No, no, there is someone,” she continues, reaching for the scissors. “I can call Becky up to bring her tarot cards over.”
“Please leave your wife out of this,” he sighs. “And tarot cards wouldn’t help me at all.”
Joanne pauses as she’s carding a tendril between her fingers. “How complicated are we talking here?
“I’m teaching the daughter of my first boyfriend.”
“It’s complicated, Jo.”
“I have all day.” Joanna glances at the clock on her workstation. “Or until 7 when my next appointment comes in. Chin up.”
Kurt raises his head. “We met my junior year of high school, his sophomore year. He was a part of one of the show choirs we were facing and I was told to spy on the group. I was going through a lot of shit with this bully at the time, and he kind of became my mentor. He’s bi, but he took a guy to a dance previously and was beaten up.”
“Yikes,” Joanna sympathizes.
“Mmhmm. I ended up transferring to his school when things escalated and I crushed hard on Blaine. I told him about my feelings at Valentine’s Day, but it took him a month after that to ask me out--that in itself is a long story. Eventually I went back to my old school, but Blaine transferred that fall. We did everything together, until I moved out here.”
“Long distance broke you up?”
“It was part of the reason. I was inattentive after I started working at Vogue, Blaine was lonely and cheated on me. It hurt for a while, but at the same time he was still my best friend.” Kurt watches Joanna snip away at the crown of his head. “He flew out here that Christmas with my dad and--I don’t know, it felt like we were making progress back to where we were. Well, come January, a mutual girlfriend of ours asks him out. I flew to Ohio for a wedding and she assumed I was coming for him and let me have it. I left there and didn’t see either of them again until this past September.”
“Is Blaine still with said homewrecker?” Joanna asks.
“He is,” Kurt says. “Like I said, their daughter is in my class this year and they’re expecting twin boys next year.”
“I know. But at the same time, all of my feelings for Blaine are trying to return. And it sucks, because he’s one of those parents who wants to be involved. He came to help with our Halloween party at the last second and he didn’t hesitate to sign up for the holiday one this week.”
Joanna switches the scissors out for an electric razor. “Do you think he’s doing this to impress you?” she asks.
“Not at all,” Kurt replies. He bites his lip as the razor tickles the back of his neck. “Blaine always put others before him. This is just who he is.”
“You know what you need Kurt? You need to get laid.”
His mouth drops. “Seriously, Jo?”
“Crushing on your married ex? And a student’s dad? That’s trouble, Kurt. Let me and Becky take you to Club Lexus tomorrow night. A good fuck should get your mind off of Blaine. And while we’re at it, do you trust me to do some magic with your color? I think I see a gray in here.”
“Joanna!” Kurt gasps as she cracks up.
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