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Bestel vandaag nog je tickets voor ons jaarlijks turn- en dansspektakel via https://kkmt.company.site/!
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The Best Physiotherapy Courses In India
Physioneeds Academy by Dr Chakshu
Address: BP-15, 2nd Floor, Block 1, West Patel Nagar, Patel Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi, 110008
Call: 08800220066
Location Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/KRJZq6MfD8pTd1CKA
Courses Offered:
Tapedia Course
Static & Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (SDNS) Course
Sports Massage Course
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Course
Physioneeds Anatomical Fascial Line Taping™ Course
Krishna’s Kinetikinetic Manual Therapy (Periphery) / KKMT (Periphery) Course
International Certificate in Soft tissue Manual therapy Course
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation Course
Dry Needling Course
Certification Program On Blood Flow Restriction Training Course
Certification In Advance Fitness And Sports Training Course
A TO Z Knee Course
All these courses are provided under Physioneeds Academy under the guidance Dr. Chakshu which makes it The Best Physiotherapy Academy In India.
#physiotherapy#physiotherapy courses#physiotherapy academy#physiotherapy education#physioneeds#physioneeds academy
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Komitmen Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam Pemberantasan Buta Huruf AlQuran
LOCUSONLINE, Bandung – Pemerintah Kota Bandung berkomitmen penuh dalam mendukung upaya pemberantasan buta huruf AlQuran di wilayahnya. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh Wakil Wali Kota Bandung, Erwin, saat menerima kunjungan Kelompok Kerja Majelis Taklim (KKMT) di Balai Kota Bandung pada hari Jumat, 7 Maret 2025. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Kang Erwin menekankan bahwa program pemberantasan buta huruf…
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Project Life in action !
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TONIGHT! PHILLY! playing @johnnybrendas with @kamikazepalmtree ! Doors 7pm, KKMT on at 8pm, We're on at 9pm. Get your tickets quick link in LINKTREE. See you later for some tunes. Piccredits @goodhaus (at Johnny Brenda's) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeKJPLwuoof/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Rwby x Danganronpa part 3: V3: Killing Harmony
We're back for part three! Thank you all for sticking around and liking this series! Hopefully this will be more fleshed out in the future. But for now, let's finish off introducing our title cast of characters and we'll see how far we go with this series!
Before we beginning, I want to give my usual warning. I understand that people find certain Danganronpa characters uncomfortable and some may even trigger negative or traumatic feels for them. I will be including all of the main characters of V3, so if any of the characters pose any sort of harm to you or mental health, I suggest you turn back now and avoid this post all together.
I will also be venting some frustrations because V3 sort of infuriates me in terms of game mechanics.
Now, without further adieu, let's get started:
So, I actually have setting ideas for all of these teams and such.
THH takes place in Beacon/Vale, Goodbye Despair in Shade/Vacuo, and V3 takes place in Atlus
Still working out the kinks in the story, but here's what I got do far.
Team SHKK (Shockwave.) The team's leader is Shuichi Saihara, a former private investigator that has decided to put his talents to use and join Atlas Academy. He is from mantle
His team partner is the mysterious and threatening Maki Harukawa who came from Mantle. She despises people from Atlas.
Then we have Kaede Akamastu! From Atlas. She is a famous piano player and her semblance is called Symphony. Not sure what it does yet.
Then we have Kaito Momota! He is from Mistral and has an overwhelmingly big personality that annoys the shit outta Maki. Not sure what his semblance is either.
Maki and Kaede both are in the running for being the next winter maiden
Next is Team YYTT (Youth)
Their leader is the lovely Angie Yonaga! She believes in the gods from long ago, though people often discourage her ideas.
She is a kind and accepting person and is actually a really good strategist.
Her teammate is Himiko Yumeno. She's quite the closed off girl who expresses little emotions. She is a mouse faunus from Mantle who is known to be a really skilled fighter.
Then we have Tenko Chabashira! She hails from Argus and is one of its top fighters. She prefers to fight with her bare hands rather than with weapons
Lastly, Tsumugi Shirogane. Tsumugi is a dressmaker from Mistral. She often gets lost in her thoughts with ideas.
But she makes great armor
Next, we have Team RROG (Rouge)
The leader of Team RROG is Rantaro Amami, who hails from Vacuo.
No one knows a lot about him. He's quite cryptic. He hides a lot of his personal life from everyone.
His teammate is Ryoma Hoshi.
Ryoma was formally apart of a bandit tribe until a group of who he presumed to be huntsmen killed not only his family, but the entire tribe.
He's very apathetic. The only goal he has in life is to find the huntsmen who killed his tribe and his family. That's all that keeps him going.
Kokichi Oma is the most mysterious out of everyone there.
He lies and lies and lies.
He is a very persuasive liar. No one knows when he's lying or telling the truth.
But he is hard to trust.
Gonta Gokuhara is the last of member of this team
Gonta hails from Vacuo. He is a fanus, but I'm still deciding what kind of fanus.
Because he's been through a lot of hate, he tries his best to be kind and friendly to everyone.
He never does anything to be considered unkind or rude.
He's a sweet boy.
Lastly, Team KKMT (Kumquat)
The leader is Korekiyo Shinguji. He is from Mistral.
He likes to study the different cultures from around the kingdom.
He is very direct and coordinated when it comes to his team.
He doesn't want anyone getting hurt. He's lost too many people to the creatures of Grimm. He's not going to lose anymore...
His team partner is K1-B0!
He's the penny in this situation.
He is fully capable of understanding human emotions and tries his best.
He's a good boy.
Next is Miu.
Miu Iruma is from Beacon who wanted to come to Atlas to show off her skills as an inventor.
She fixes the team's weapons and keeps up maintaining K1-B0.
Lastly, Kirumi Tojo.
Kirumi is the 2nd in command for when Korekiyo isn't around or isn't up for the mission.
She used to work for a family of atlas elites until she was scouted to come to atlas.
She was smart enough to leave before anything got worse.
All of this is still under construction.
A semblance and weapons post is coming once I get everything sorted.
Thank you and goodbye
#rwby#danganronpa x rwby au#danganronpa au#dangronpa#danganronpa v3#killing harmony#my writing#bri writes#kaede akamastu#shuichi saihara#maki harukawa#kaito momota#angie yonaga#himiko yumeno#tenko chabashira#tsumugi shirogane#rantaro amami#kokichi ouma#gonta gokuhara#ryoma hoshi#kirumi tojo#korekiyo shinguji#miu iruma#k1-b0
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Always proud of this talented boy of mine! #littlemermaidthemusical #kizmetkids #kkmt #musicaltheatre #musicaltheater #singing #dancing #acting #chefluis played by @just_joaquin #proudparentofakkmtkid #thevalley #kismetkids #sonvida #myboy (at Kismet Kids Musical Theater) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmHeGQNFEDS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15wghv8p4rhxh
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Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad Saw. di acara Rapat Koordinasi Kelompok Kerja Madrasah Tsanawiyah (KKMTs) Kab.Hulu Sungai Selatan, Senin 18 Nopember 2019 di MTsN 9 HSS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.mtsn9hss.sch.id/…/kamad-ambil-berkah-maulid-di-… #mtsn9hss #mtsn9hulusungaiselatan #masrasahtsanawiyah #madrasah #mtsn #madrasahhebatmadrasahbermartabat #dahaselatan #hulusungaiselatan #hss (di MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Selatan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ConLugCx-/?igshid=1p4v1a5q3sn6l
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KKMT kongsi rezeki bulan Ramadan
MelakaKini - http://dlvr.it/R5XlvS
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Kepala Kemenag Balangan yang Baru HM Yamani Langsung Sampaikan Ini Kepada Peserta Rakor
Aruma Manis Kepala Kemenag Balangan yang Baru HM Yamani Langsung Sampaikan Ini Kepada Peserta Rakor Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Kepala Kemenag Balangan yang Baru HM Yamani Langsung Sampaikan Ini Kepada Peserta Rakor Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Kepala Kemenag Balangan yang Baru HM Yamani Langsung Sampaikan Ini Kepada Peserta Rakor Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Kepala Kemenag Balangan yang Baru HM Yamani Langsung Sampaikan Ini Kepada Peserta Rakor Rapat Koordinasi KKMTs Kabupaten Balangan yang digelar, Kamis (1/2/2018) terasa berbeda. http://www.unikbaca.com
#Aruma Manis Kepala Kemenag Balangan yang Baru HM Yamani Langsung Sampaikan Ini Kepada Peserta Rakor
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159ste Turn- en Dansspektakel !
Op zaterdag 15 en zondag 16 maart gaat ons jaarlijks Turn- en Dansspektakel door in het Provinciaal Sport- en Recreatiedomein De Nekker.
Deze editie zal onder meer in het teken staan van het 50-jarig bestaan van onze dansafdelingen!
Tickets zijn binnenkort te verkrijgen via onze webshop. We geven jullie een seintje wanneer dit kan!
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Komende zaterdag, 30 november, kan ieder die wil zijn hersenen komen trainen tijdens onze breinbrekende, maar niettemin geweldig leuke, quiz!
Waar? De Goede Herder (Mechelsesteenweg 333, te Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
Wanneer? Zaterdag 30 november vanaf 20 uur (deuren openen om 19:30 uur)
Prijs? 5 EUR per persoon
Bij voorkeur vooraf inschrijven via mail naar [email protected] met vermelding van de ploegnaam en het aantal deelnemers.
Hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugde!
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KKMT Dance Battle 2025
Op zondag 10 november dansen een aantal dansers van KKMT de ziel uit hun lijf op de 2de editie van onze Dance Battle!
Voor deze 2de editie, in het kader van het 50-jarig bestaan van onze dansafdelingen, zullen de dansers strijden in een prachtige arena: de Predikherenkerk.
Wil jij er ook bij zijn? Tickets kunnen gewoon ter plaatse gekocht worden (5 EUR per persoon) (cash of payconiq).
Opgelet: er zijn slechts 130 zitplaatsen beschikbaar.
Start Battle: 14 uur Opening deuren Predikherenkerk: 13 uur Opening bar: 13 uur
Tot zondag!
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Leden die ingeschreven waren in het afgelopen seizoen 2023-2024, kunnen vanaf donderdag 1 augustus 2024 (om 9 uur) inschrijven voor het nieuwe seizoen via deze link : https://inschrijvingen.gymfed.be/wizard/index?get=stamnummer=43
Nieuwe leden kunnen inschrijven vanaf maandag 9 september 2024, via zelfde link.
Meer informatie omtrent de inschrijvingen, kunnen jullie terugvinden onder het tabblad "Inschrijvingen".
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Bekijk hier onze actiefoto's van het afgelopen Turn- en Dansspektakel 2024!
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