kittysproduce · 1 month
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#TESFest2024 Day 02: Secret | Golden
Miraak who visited the Last Dragonborn's dreams when she was but a child and became her ever watchful guardian.
Miraak who, in a hasty attempt to save her from imminent danger, awakened a dangerous, self-preserving power laying dormant within her.
Miraak who spared her from death, only to cause her a hundred more.
Miraak who failed, who kept silent... who betrayed her trust.
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(Some more Miraak and Kisa lore below the cut)
In my blorboverse, Miraak was the one to catalyzed the Soul Magic within Kisa.
Kisa who couldn't control when and how to command it would then spend the next decade becoming a target of organizations that want to get their hands on her and study/exploit her condition.
Each time she ends up on death's door, her magic will start siphoning in any soul essence nearby to restore her being, whether she likes it or not.
Kisa would spend the better part of her young adulthood thinking she's been cursed.
She'll seek out Miraak—who had cut ties with her on the day he helped her, hoping it will keep Mora's attention away from her for a little longer—thinking he would be able to help her but is eventually doomed to find out that this man, the very one who she looked up to like her own parent, was the one who started the series of unfortunate events in her life.
Fail dad Miraak and his wayward child. My doom driven dragonborns, thank you.
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kittysproduce · 1 month
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#TESFest2024 Day 01: Breath | Forbidden
Out of weapons but not out of blood options.
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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Imperials? Stormcloaks? How about a new king? (special thx to this song fueling me for this piece djshf)
TES Summer Fest 2022 Day 07 - Ceremony
[ID] Image drawn in tarot style labeled "The Emperor". An injured woman facing left, wearing red and black light armor and a brown fur cloak. She wields a bloodied Staff of Magnus in her left hand and an amulet resembling the Amulet of Kings in the right while stepping on a throne. [End ID]
Day [01], [02], [03], [04], [5, 6], [07]
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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I alone am honored
TES Summer Fest 2022 Day 05 and 06 - Divine & Prophecy
[ID] Two images. First image is a woman with red side braid facing the center, she wears a white and golden robe in a meditative sitting pose floating above water. Everything else is in black and white, the moons Masser and Secunda are in the background as well as the silhouette of her air atronach raising its six swords. The reflection formed resembles a lotus flower. Second image is a close up of the woman. [End ID]
Day [01], [02], [03], [04], [5, 6], [07]
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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In death we speak
"Most nights I wish I would've just woken up with my hands covered in crimson. That will be easier to explain, to understand. Then, I wouldn't have to question why every time I'm sure it's the end for me, I wake up in another nightmare; one where everything—everyone—is so eerily still, I couldn't see anything but the dull colors of the waking world, and it's horrible, so horrible to walk in a land without sensing the slightest hint of a soul."
The mask lifts its gaze in the tides of unending shade, "There is nothing so simple in understanding this world. Not even us, who are beyond fate, the only ones of our kind, can explain why, in the countless times we've glimpsed on each other, we can only truly ever commune in these dreams of yours."
Kisa opens her eyes, or did she close it? There is nothing to see in the infinite darkness. "Dream," she mutters, "no.. I'm not going back there."
"But you already are," Miraak's visage begins to blur like snow in a blizzard, "Don't fear the lightless path, my child. There is a reason you keep walking back to it."
The dragonborn wakes, a soul baptized in the embers of Helgen.
TES summer fest 2022 Day 01 - Dreams
Day [01], [02], [03], [04], [5, 6], [07]
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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A storm approaches
TES summer fest 2022 Day 02 - Storms and Magic
[ID] A woman with short red hair standing on a boat with dark storms in the background. She is wearing black and white robes and pants, only one eye is visible emitting blue electricity. She is about to attack and is wielding a sword infused with bluish-white lightning which sprawls to the floorboards and to the bottom of the image. [End ID]
Day [01], [02], [03], [04], [5, 6], [07]
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kittysproduce · 2 years
TES Summer Fest (late) free day! First of all, I wanna say thank you to all who participated and inspired me to join as well! I've never seen and read so many good stuff, it was like serotonin boost 24/7, thank you so much for sharing your works!!
I made 4komas of lil bloopers from my #tesfest entries!
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6 more pages of 4koma below cut!
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All aboard team potatoborn dynamics! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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Last night in a temple
"My mentors told me that the perfect time to train my focus is when the skies are clear. I lost count of the nights I spent sitting under the stars just trying to cast a simple healing spell. And on the night I finally succeeded," Kisa takes a deep breath and gazed upon the bright moons; the sky was the same back then, "they were no longer there to see it."
TES Summer Fest 2022 Day 04 - Moonlight
[ID] Two moons are out on a clear night sky, a woman in bright red and orange robes sits at the bottom right of the image leaning against a wall, and looks tired. Bright tendrils of light come out of her hand as she casts a healing spell over her stomach wound. [End ID]
Day [01], [02], [03], [04], [5, 6], [07]
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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"Freedom to those who prove worthy
And to those who get caught
Divines show them mercy
For I certainly won't"
Corruption time inspired from Vigilant mod (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
TES Summer Fest 2022 Day 03 - Confession and Curse
[ID] A woman with short red hair facing the left, she wears a long black gown while praying and is outlined in gold. Large red dragon wings furl behind her which changes to smoky-black butterfly wings. [End ID]
Day [01], [02], [03], [04], [5, 6], [07]
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kittysproduce · 2 years
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Something I’ve been doodling for a while now, just a little exercise, forgive the atrocious combinations :)
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