#kittisawat home
halliescomut · 2 years
KinnPorsche Week 2022-Day 6: Favorite Location
So, my choice for favorite location is the Kittisawat home (pic from @colourme-feral ; link):
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And now in a shocking twist here is my rambling discourse about why this is my favorite location.
So, as mentioned before, I was not raised in a well-to-do household, the reality is that my family was never even considered middle class during my childhood (This is specific to America, so there's probably going to be some differences for non-American readers). But the general idea is that we lived in a nice house, but it was never renovated or updated, it still has the original 1964 teal bathroom even (because it still worked so why would we change it?). But anyway, because of my own life experience, I kind of can't relate to many of the other locations in the show. The safe house and minor family residence get closer, because they're far more personal, and I've been to a bar that has a similar vibe to Yok's, but outside of that there's not much for me to personally connect to. The major family compound is a mix of a residence and a business, decorated/furnished practically, but not with a great deal of personality (outside of Tankhun's room).
Returning to my original point, the Kittisawat home has far more personality than many of the other locations. It's warm, and vaguely shabby, and reflects the life of Porsche and Porchay , at least to me, but y'all know how I like to over analyze. I wasn't sure how I was going to structure this, but I think I'll focus on the main sections of the house we see, and we'll start with the exterior.
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So the house itself is lovely, and clearly would be out of reach as a residence for Porsche and Porchay if it wasn't their family home. The set decoration of the home exterior is simple, with furniture that's practical as well as worn down. Pieces bought many years ago, and just due to their quality are still in good usable condition. I like that they've set multiple seating areas on the exterior, having a dining table outside of the patio door, the concrete table in the yard, and then the swing as well. For night shots, the inclusion of the string lights gives lovely atmosphere while also being something that would be fairly cheap, since the expectation is for us to believe that Porsche and Chay hung them up. From what you see the yard is vaguely unkempt, certainly not left to grow wild, but it gives the impression that it's something Porsche might forget to do until it starts to get a little crazy, because really why would that be at the top of his list.
Moving inside we have the Living Room
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Again we've got nice, fairly basic, and sturdy furniture. The space isn't overly styled, and through the season you see different furniture pieces moved around inside the space, which I find very nice. There is always a concern of continuity from take to take, but I always find it a bit strange if nothing ever moves in a show. As for decor/clutter, there are pieces from their parents, and match what we see during the finale flashback scenes, and some other decor from those scenes is gone in the present. But that gives an amount of believeable continuity to the story of the series. Over the past 10-15 years some stuff would have been packed away, moved to other spaces, broken, possibly sold since we know there's financial stress. Homes that are lived in don't stay the same, so it would be far more odd to see the house still exactly matching the past. One sweet touch you see in the space is a framed photo of Porsche and Porchay, that you actually see Apo and Barcode take in one of the behind the scenes videos (episode 12).
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Next location is the Kitchen:
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A lot of the same themes from the rest of the house repeat here. Simple, good quality, but a slightly outdated feel, and the kitchen is no different. The newest things we see in the house are probably the fridge (and the flat screen tv in the living room), but other than that the whole kitchen looks like it could be 30 years old. It's serviceable, fairly clean, and gives a lived in feel. The set design with the condiments and spices just grouped on the counter next to the stove, the dishes still in the drying rack, they give more of that lived-in homey feel that we don't see a lot in the other residences.
Now on to our last location, Chay's room:
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Chay's room is one of the most interesting, but sadly we don't get a whole lot of time there. I love the behind the scenes stuff for the show, but I would love entire eps with the set designer and the costume designer. Like I just love that shit. Back to my point. This is the only personal space we see in their home, everywhere else is communal space. Yes there are personal items, but not to the extent we see in Chay's room. Again, the designer's done a great job fitting the space to the occupant, there's posters hanging, but they're hung with tape, we have the string lights. There's the oddly placed bookshelf in the doorway, which appears weird, there's no where else to put it. It would block the light switch and crowd the bed if you had it on the wall to the right, and it's exactly the type of shit a 17/18 year old would do. I imagine Porsche picked it up wanting to have somewhere for Chay to put his awards and stuff, but wasn't considering whether it would fit in the space, and they just made it work. There's also a nice passage of time-continuity to the space, with some toys, the stack of cds, the sort of layering the bookshelves, that indicate that as things become less used, other things get placed in front of them. This again brings more realism to the space, and makes it feel familiar to the viewer. Like, we don't have the stories behind each item, but the characters are presented in a way where we could guess. Additionally with the layering, on the WiK wall we see pictures layered over each other, which for me really sells it. Technically we know that the set designer and dresser would have been handed a bunch of these pictures to put up, and our instinct would be to put them up in a more ordered manner, but they're meant to have been added over a couple of years. Chay would have gotten them from magazines, or printed them out and stuck them up kind of wherever they fit. I also love that there's not just WiK, but other music-based pictures and art.
My closing statements---the lighting and cinematography!
I've talked in previous posts about how beautiful the cinematography of the series is, and it's truly gorgeous. In relation to the Kittisawat home, it's always presented in a warm golden light. Every other location we visit more than once is colorgraded differently based on the emotion of the scene. But even in the flashback scenes of the death of Porsche and Chay's father, when told from each perspective, that warm golden tone is still there. By choosing to light the space the way they have they're adding onto that feeling of homey-ness and comfort. They've built this space where essentially everyone who steps into feels that warm comfort, and they've made it look incredibly simple, but I am CERTAIN that it was a lot of work. Especially for a space where they spend relatively little time over the course of the season.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my thoughts about this topic. 1,300 words and about 3 hours worth of screen-capping and writing. Definitely worth it. Hmm....what should your reward gif be today??? How about...
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 year
What if Demon!Kim/Human!Chay AU? Read more for smut >: )
Chay tumbled onto the bed naked, catching himself on hands and knees, and Kim was already behind him, clawed hands digging into his hip as they dragged him back, pushing into him, and Chay sobbed once, tensing in anticipation of pain—that never came. Kim dragged Chay up by his hair, pressed a sharp-toothed kiss into his neck. 
“Do you think I would ever hurt you?” he demanded, pulling Chay farther onto his cock. Pleasure licked up his spine—he was dripping for it, he didn’t understand—
“Kim,” Chay gasped, clutching at the hand now around his throat. “How—” 
“Your body is mine.” Chay shivered at the harsh growl in Kim’s voice, at the filthy way Kim ground into him. “To do with as I please. And right now,” a hard thrust that pulled a moan out of Chay, “I want to fuck you, and I don’t want to wait.” 
“Oh God—” Kim pushed him back into the bed, and Chay could do nothing but take it, writhing beneath the onslaught of pleasure that set his body on fire. Black silk sheets, cool against his burning skin, were his only relief. He panted, open-mouthed and wet, hands scrabbling for purchase, slipping. Kim was the only thing keeping him from collapsing all together, supporting Chay’s body with inhuman strength. He laughed. 
“I’ll take care of you, angel.”
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
Loved your answer to the: "How would you rank the Theeranyakapuls in terms of clinginess?" ask. Can we have Kittisawats as well please?
(prev) (and ❤❤!!)
if the theerapanyakuls are "everything i've let go of has claw marks" boys, the kittisawats are "i will cling until it shatters in my grip"
Porsche: man does not let anything go except grudges. the only reason why he doesn't hold grudges is because he's too busy trying to hold onto EVERYTHING ELSE. Vegas is shooting him but Porsche refuses to lose a friend. Kinn fucks up crossing lines but Porsche won't let go of his cute smile. absolutely never would've taken up Kinn's demand he runs away because it'd mean letting Kinn go. bows to mafia recruitment before giving up his childhood home. Porsche is still holding onto a promise he made to his mother when he was like six years old max. i maintain the only reason why Porsche tells Arthee to go away is because he was already negotiating his mafia contract in his head and couldn't risk anything on Chay's safety because he knew he wouldn't be around, he never would've let Arthee just walk out of their life without those special circumstances. honestly this is such a large part of why Kinn and Porsche work together so perfectly, neither of them ever want to let go of their people and they collect people under their umbrellas at a downright alarming rate.
Chay: also clings to things until they shatter except he is extremely choosy in what he clings to. he has to be, he doesn't have a choice given how hard he loves and how little he has. as furious as he is with Porsche leaving him to join the mafia, he will bow and accept all of Porsche's choices so he can keep his brother. there's no other choice to him really. Chay's already shown he's willing to give up everything else for Porsche, from their home to his dreams to their uncle, and he can't have already drawn that line and then give up Porsche too right after he got him back. he clings to Kim just as hard until Kim shatters it-- i will always maintain Chay approaching Kim after the mafia reveal was just to confirm if he was reading Kim's feelings correctly (he was). Chay would've accepted the mafia and the scheming in a heartbeat so long as Kim's feelings for him were real (they were). Kim walks away from him then, but even then, that isn't what shatters them-- when Kim interrupts him at the club, Chay lets Kim pull him away. he is more than willing to hear Kim out then, he just wants to know if Kim cares (he does). except instead of explaining himself when Chay demands an explanation, Kim says "fine, i'll stay out of your business from now on." that's when Chay gives up Kim, because Kim keeps showing that he cares but claiming the opposite, and Chay can't hold onto someone to his typical degree of sacrifice if he doesn't think they'll stay in the end. that's why he blocks Kim. that's why "why don't you stay" is the perfect apology-- the song that first brought them together, the song they worked on together, the song where Kim lays himself bare to say "i have nothing to offer, i can't drag you into my mess, i desperately want you to be here with me anyways." of course that would reach Chay, who's only wish in life is that his two people stay with him through hell and fire and let him take care of them as much they take care of him. of course that'd open the door back up with Chay, who just wants Kim to explain how he cares and stay.
the kittisawats' clinginess is actually the heart of one of my most favorite kp story concepts ever, which is pushing the mafia aspect to the point where it shatters something in Chay and he has to leave. because Chay will give up so much to stay with Porsche. if he's pushed to the point where he leaves Porsche, either Chay has Kim to fall back on or Chay has nothing, and both options are so much fun for different reasons. and then for Porsche...oh my god, Porsche. Porsche holds onto everything, but his top priority is still Chay. a large part of why he can hold onto everything else is because Chay works so hard to make himself okay and hold Porsche back, so having Chay hit a point where he can't would destabilize Porsche so bad. sure, he has everything else, but what does that matter if he doesn't have Chay? Porsche and Chay are so tightly intertwined and so desperately clingy in the same way that even just straining their relationship brings all this out. "what happens when you can no longer hold onto the person you'd give up everything for?" is a delightfully crunchy story question and so good for these two especially ❤
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guzhufuren · 2 years
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Favourite KimChay Fics pt.1 (in alphabetical order)
1. An Elegant Mechanism by @laughsalot3412 https://archiveofourown.org/works/42223701
Kim was only an omega when he was luring people closer to his gun. No one had to give Kim a weapon. He was one.
(Kim's mission is to get close to Porchay Kittisawat. Chay is not a typical alpha. Kim is not a typical omega. Kim isn't having feelings and Chay is going to be so normal about all of this.)
2. checkmate by @majestictortoise https://archiveofourown.org/series/3041331
Porsche watches the security video from Yok's bar. He has so many questions.
Kim ruins some of his father's plans, talks about his feelings, totally doesn't cry, and finally gets to kiss a cute boy.
3. dancing with our hands tied by @staykimchay https://archiveofourown.org/series/3051495
The post canon fic in which Chay decides he wants to go out and get drunk and instead gets himself into a whole heap of trouble. The events which follow will break and mend hearts, forge new alliances and, perhaps most importantly, earn Chay the reputation he deserves.
4. I Just Want To Stay Here by @sweet-william-writes https://archiveofourown.org/works/39742848
In which Porchay comes home from his camp to find his brother mysteriously gone and his idol sitting in front of his house waiting to ask him for a seemingly simple favour AKA to hell with canon I refuse to let baby Chay get kidnapped so I make it Kim's problem and get domestic about it
5. idiots & idioms by @thecookiemonster77 https://archiveofourown.org/series/3061830
W I ꓘ ✓ @ WiK hi this is p’wik’s boyfriend. i broke my ankle and am confined to the sofa to heal because my boyfriend’s terrible, so AMA until i get kicked off
stan first, live second @ kerders @ WiK wait you’re real???????
W I ꓘ ✓ @ WiK @ kerders idk if this is supposed to be a jab at me or imply p’wik would make up a boyfriend like a loser in high school
Chay does an AMA on the official Wik twitter. Kim's reputation may not survive.
6. karma is a cat (purring in my lap) by @staykimchay https://archiveofourown.org/series/3208398
The night air is warm and humid. A full moon hangs in the sky above the city like a beacon in the dark. Chay sighs to himself and looks up at it. Today marks the month anniversary of Kim breaking up with him—if you can call it that.
AKA the fic where Chay gets turned into a kitten, manages to find Kim and has the unfortunate position of watching everyone he loves think he’s missing.
7. More or Less https://archiveofourown.org/works/40492791
Finding out both his brother and his crush were involved with the mafia had not been Porchay's intention when he'd gone to investigate where his brother had actually disappeared off to but that was what he'd gotten. So he had no choice but to deal with it somehow.
8. One Second Chance https://archiveofourown.org/works/40358589
Alright, he’d talked to Chay, he’d written the man a song, neither of that had gotten through. What else could he do? Kim needed options. And maybe a miracle.
(Fix it fic while we wait for second season)
9. With Every Guitar String Scar on My Hand I Take This Man to Be My Lover https://archiveofourown.org/works/40088208
People not noticing that Kim and Chay are a couple and one time they do. Everyone going "That's suspicious, that's weird...anyway."
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
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Episode 12 is a rollercoaster of emotions for Porsche, but Kinn stands by him through it all - even going so far as to resign from the mafia and settle into a quieter life in the Kittisawat home.
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Except... did he?
It seems out of character for Kinn to give up being the head of the mafia - not because he's used to the rich lifestyle, like Porsche thinks:
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(Though let's be real, Kinn - you absolutely do like living like that)
The reason it's off is that, up until now, we've always seen Kinn put his family first. And though he's clearly now thinking of Porsche (and Chay) as part of his family, it seems extreme for him to suddenly leave all of his responsibilities to his father - the man he believes needed Kinn to take over, because of his 'poor health'.
Maybe loving Porsche has finally given Kinn a push to be more selfish--
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Or maybe, he isn't as out of the game as Porsche thinks.
Because one thing we never see Kinn do in this episode is take the family ring off.
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So, was Kinn lying to Porsche here - trying to manipulate him into accepting the mafia life, once again?
I don't think so.
I think Kinn's support of Porsche throughout this episode came from a very genuine place. He probably had every intention of leaving the life - but, it isn't easy to turn away from the people you love, or the work you've spent your whole life training for. Maybe he held onto to some hope that Porsche would change his mind, after getting a chance to cool down, away from Korn.
Maybe he's just gotten so used to the weight of that ring on his finger that it would feel wrong to take it off.
Even for Porsche.
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wildelydawn · 11 months
Aaaaaa did I almost not trick or treat you???
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my dearest Faye, you get a whole ficlet (that was a writing exercise with @shou-jpeg but I’ve moderately cleaned up, I am so sorry djdkdkd)
“Come on, come on, hurry up!”
“I’m trying! I didn’t think Khum Kim knew how to set up an electronic safe. This is so much harder to crack into than I thought.”
“Ugh! Have you learned nothing?!” Tankhun shoves Arm aside and looks closely at the safe in his youngest brother’s bedroom. “It’s either something to do with the child or with himself.”
“Khun, if we type in the wrong password, there is no telling what could happen.” Arm pushes up his glasses. “This is Khun Kim we are dealing with.”
Tankhun folds his arms. “I know, that is why you should try the child’s birthday-”
A sound. 
Arm goes pale.
“Fuck! They’re home! What did I tell you!?”
“They’re supposed to be at the studio all afternoon-”
“Useless!” Tankhun yanks Arm towards Kim’s living room. If he knows anything about his brother, it’s that the brat takes far too long to unlace his Doc Martens, so if they’re lucky-
“Quick! Hide behind the sofa!”
They sneak behind the black leather just before Porchay bursts into the living room.
Tankhun sees his brother throw up his hands. “You’re being unreasonable-” 
“I’m unreasonable?!” 
Arm and Tankhun exchange a look. The younger Kittisawat is not happy.
“You say you’re gonna go every week, and guess what? You’re still here!” 
There’s a clattering sound that makes Arm nearly jump out of his skin. “Fucking alright then! I’ll leave! Is that what you want?”
“Yes! Please, for God’s sake, yes! Go find someone else that can do this, because I can’t.”
The door slams. 
What could they have possibly been arguing about? They only moved in together a few weeks-
“What the hell are you two doing behind the couch?”
Porchay’s icy voice makes the hairs on the back of Arm’s neck stand straight up before he does. “Khun Porchay!”
“Arm. Tan-” 
“Ohh! My baby!!” Tankhun instantly sweeps Porchay into his arms, pressing his annoyed face into his chest. “What did he do to you!?”
“Did you hear all of that?”
“I did! Don’t you worry! I’ll set him straight!” Tankhun huffs angrily. “The nerve!”
“Isn’t he so stubborn! Why is he asking me to help him find a replacement! And bring him here!”
Tankhun immediately pulls Porchay away. “Are you serious?”
“I am!”
Tankhun immediately crashes Porchay back into his chest. “NOOO, my sweet baby, you don’t EVER have to do that. Kim can find his own replacement! On his own! Nothing could ever replace how beautiful, wonderful, adorable-”
“And it’s not even my apartment!” Porchay yells into Tankhun’s oversized coat. 
“I’ll buy you a new house! With whatever you need!” Tankhun sounds like he’s on the brink of tears.
“No,” Porchay groans. “I’m done! We’ve been looking for days, and I’m exhausted.”
“You’ve been looking!?”
The door swings open and a very annoyed Kim walks in. “Okay, so I just spent $4500-”
Tankhun walks right up to him, and before Arm can even blink, the eldest Theerapanyakun smacks the youngest right across the face.
The room is dead quiet as Kim’s face slowly turns back to face the scene in his apartment. There’s a bright red mark across his face.
Kim calmly exhales. “Khun? What are you doing here?”
“How dare you try to replace PORCHAY! How dare you try to make him find your next slut to play with!? Have you no decency!?” Tankhun is shrill and shouting and everyone is utterly gobsmacked.
“Wait, what-”
Tankhun grabs Porchay by the arm and yanks him forward. “This man has put up with your narcissistic bullshit for so long. All for what? For this! To be replaced at the drop of a hat?” Tankhun grabs Kim by the collar of his shirt, releasing a bewildered Porchay behind. “You are a disgusting, vile, piece of shit!” Tankhun’s hand then goes to Kim’s throat, walking him up against the wall.
“Khun!” Porchay’s wail cuts him off.
“Yes, my dear?” Tankhun replies, hand still on Kim’s throat, voice eerily calm.
“Let him go! What the hell are you doing!?”
“What you won’t! No one can replace you, Porchay, you are-”
“Khun! Oh my god, let him go! We’re talking about replacing his grand piano! We need a crane and team to scale this 20 story building, but Kim keeps fucking slacking on finding someone!”
Somehow, the room is more silent than before.
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Have sent kimchay anons to viva-yas-vegas and snickerdoodlles and in my head you are my kinnporsche triumvirate so it's your turn! Been thinking about how Chay and Porsche were pre-mafia and obviously Porsche didn't want Chay working. But that doesn't mean Chay can't do anything to help, right? And then I was thinking about the smiley face egg. I think when Porsche dropped out of school to work full-time, Chay started doing most of the cooking. Porsche is gone in the evenings and asleep during breakfast. And if Chay is cooking, he's probably shopping. So baby Chay shows up o a wet market with his fluffy hair and his cute smile and like 1000 baht from Porsche for food for them for the week. And some salty old auntie is like "well I'm not going to let this boy starve because he can't bargain." So she takes him under her wing, and he's smart and quick, so in a month or two he's got a reputation for being a cherubic cutthroat. And he's like "too bad I can't negotiate school fees and utility bills." But then he starts scholarship hunting and calls the utilities company and... it turns out he kind of can?? It's amazing what you can get if you just ASK. (Wik, would you be my guitar tutor?)
Anon, anon, anon, first of all, that's such a nice thing to say?? Thank you 🥹 I'm in a puddle of tears 💛
Second of all... That's such a brilliant headcanon? Ugh, my heart! Baby Chay at the market almost getting trampled by people the first couple of times, leaving with his hands less full than he'd like and his pockets empty. And some snarky old lady taking pity? Chay applying it to other things in life later too? I love it!
It becomes a habit, so even later, when Porsche is already working for the mafia and sending Chay more than enough money weekly, Chay still bargains every time, automatically at this point.
Kim and Chay are hanging out in the Kittisawat house (on one of their not-date dates) and Chay offers to cook for them, except the fridge is completely empty because he was meant to go shopping, but then Kim texted him and well... So he suggests that Kim come with him to the market to pick up some things, they're not that hungry yet anyway (and let's be honest, when is the last time Kim had a home cooked meal? He'd jump at the chance.) so Kim drives them and he isn't sure what he expects but seeing Chay bargain? is not it.
To be honest, when Chay starts Kim doesn't even think about offering to pay the full price until Chay has already negotiated the price way down and is taking out his wallet, because he's just staring at Chay with heart eyes. (Does Kim still end up paying? Probably at the other stalls when he's less caught off guard, but not this one.) Kim is mesmerised, in awe, and also feeling a healthy amount of fear towards Chay. (He's having Feelings and it's getting harder and harder to think that he will get out of this unscathed.)
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reinathevocaloid · 6 months
My KinnPorsche Fic Rec List
(aka an ongoing list of my favorite fics)
take me back to the light by kurtstiel
Porsche is left reeling and in need of direction after the shooting. Kinn notices.
i'd probably still adore you (with your arms around my neck) by kurtstiel (and the entire i'm the one for your fire series)
Porsche experiences a drop after Kinn choked him to save him from the minor family. Kinn helps him through it.
all of me (is all for you) by kurtstiel
While Kinn is away on a business trip, Porsche gets his nipples pierced as a surprise for their anniversary. Kinn comes home earlier than Porsche expected.
the things i would do to you by kurtstiel
Porsche discovers what it means to have a size kink.
i see nobody, nobody but you by kurtstiel
Kinn catches Porsche arriving home on Vegas' motorcycle in Episode 5.
angiogenesis by captainkit
In which Porsche and Pete get a last chance at a normal life, Vegas gets another chance to prove himself, Tankhun gets justice and love and Korn dies. Maybe in that order.
landing on your paws by captainkit
Catboy vigilante Porsche, the fic
Intent to Cherish by iffervescent
A mouthy beta runs off with Kinn's watch. He goes to get it back.
A thousand jasmine blossoms bloom by iffervescent
The alpha warlord Kinn has swept down from the north, conquering every land in his path. There is only one way for Prince Porsche to guarantee his people's safety.
love on the water, love underwater by butterflylungs
A day off, a surprise trip, and the dreams they've had to let go.
tear out all of your tenderness by butterflylungs
Porsche wakes up blindfolded, bound to a chair and with the telltale signs of an oncoming heat simmering low in his belly.
fell in love with the fire long ago by butterflylungs
Porsche decides to play a game of teasing while Kinn is away on a business trip; it leads to very fun consequences.
you put a fever inside me by butterflylungs
Porsche riles Kinn up during a work meeting, and Kinn teaches him a lesson.
closer than your shadow by butterflylungs
Kinn doesn't like when other people touch what's his.
stuck when you get sweet by butterflylungs
Kinn takes Porsche home to continue what they started.
diesel is desire, you were playing with fire by butterflylungs
When Kinn is dosed with a strange drug, Porsche steps up to help.
haunt me when you're not around by butterflylungs
He turns his head back around and he comes to a sudden stop, so fast he almost trips face first into the gun pointed at him. Fear explodes in his chest before Porsche shoves it down, because he can’t afford to be scared. Because Kinn, standing in front of him right now, would smell the fear and jump on it. “Got you,” Kinn says, finger on the trigger.
All That for Just a License? by nuwildcat
Porsche really thought the titanium mag-lock cuffs were a good idea. Sure, Chay had lectured him at the price, but he swore they would come in handy on the job. To be fair they did...he just really wished he hadn't dropped the key.
Echoes in My Dreams by nuwildcat
It's been 10 years since the first Kaiju attack, humanity built the Jaeger program to fight them, and Kinn Annakin Theerapanyakun is one of the top Jaeger Pilots in the world. There's just one problem, none of his co-pilots have lasted past a year with him. Enter Porsche Pachara Kittisawat. Somehow this disaster of a bartender with no Drift experience shakes Kinn's understand of the Drift and changes humanity's fate at the same time. Well as long as Kinn doesn't kill him first.
mine to keep by nuwildcat
Porsche has dealt with almost every type of customer. The demanding ones, the rude ones, even the charmingly polite ones, but Kinn Theerapanyakul stands out from the rest. Trapped in a tiny plane, 80,000 feet above the Earth, Kinn’s attention is overwhelming. Eyes follow him like Kinn wants to devour Porsche. This time, Porsche might just let him.
How I Know You by nuwildcat
The looming shadow of the Dragon Throne has long been on Porsche's mind. The empire has swept closer and closer to his lands, snatching up smaller kingdoms and grinding them under its boots, all at the hand of one man: Prince Kinn. Now that army is on Porsche's doorstep, and he has a choice to make. He can't fight off the army, but he can protect his country if he consents to become Kinn's. For his kingdom, for his people, Porsche will sacrifice anything, but the real question is, what does he have to gain?
The Fangs of Frost by nuwildcat
Porsche was raised on tales of the sidhe by his mother, told faerie stories at night before bed about Kings and magic spears and a whole different world in the Underground. But they were meant to be stories, lessons in packages children could understand and listen to. This is not a story. One of these days, Porsche is going to have to learn not to be so damn curious. Not if the world is filled with beasts like this.
Cleaning Spells by nuwildcat
Porsche is a completely average magic user. He's great at cleaning up the bar quickly, drying dishes, and picking up after his brother. He's twenty-five and still hasn't manifested a Familiar, something he tries not to ruminate on. He's accepted the fact that maybe he will never Bond, no matter what Yok and Chay keep telling him. Porsche is just going about another completely average day... Until the fucking dragon shows up in his kitchen.
Silvered Perceptions by nuwildcat
Mama told Kinn about the Pull when he was little, weaving a tale of romance and destiny and putting a sparkle in his eye for the mystical shot at meeting someone perfect for him. For the longest time Kinn thought he wouldn't be lucky enough to know what that was like, till he crashed into a piss-soaked alley while running for his life. Things haven't gone quite like Mama said. There's a whole lot more attitude than Kinn expected, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. Things aren't always what they appear to be at first sight… Now, if he plays his cards right, Kinn has a shot at getting the happiness his mother described. Kinn's always excelled at poker, but this game will test even his skills.
Beneath Black Sails by ahdriking
Long ago, Porsche's mother had left in search of a dream, never to return. Following in her footsteps, Porsche sets sail for the West Indies, nothing but a map in his pocket and hope in his heart to make a better life for himself and his brother. And then his ship is attacked by pirates.
Running From The Daylight by ahdriking
Stuck in the forest, handcuffed together, Kinn goes into rut.
Beautiful by ahdriking
“Do you see yourself?” Kinn whispers into his ear, so intimately it makes Porsche’s hair stand on end. “Do you see how beautiful you are?” Porsche closes his eyes and turns his head away once more. “Kinn–” “No,” Kinn says, his voice firm. He turns Porsche’s face back towards his reflection, his grip on Porsche’s chin unyielding. “Look. I want you to see. I want you to see what I see.”
Happy Birthday by ahdriking
Porsche is determined to bake Kinn a cake, no matter how many botched batters and burned bases happen along the way. He isn't expecting Kinn to come home early, catching him in the middle of entertaining himself while he waits for his latest attempt to rise in the oven. One thing leads to another, and Porsche ends up back at square one, forced to start the process from scratch. Only this time, Kinn is determined to make his life as difficult as possible.
Perfect Strangers by ahdriking
Porsche meets Kinn on a commercial flight. The airplane bathroom will never be the same.
Bad Behavior by ahdriking
“Why did you do that?” Kinn’s voice was thick. Kinn's hand tightened reflexively around Porsche’s throat when he wrapped his fingers around Kinn’s wrist, quickly finding the pulse point there. It hammered under his touch, a dizzying rhythm that matched Porsche’s own. It betrayed him, betrayed them both, their bodies unable to lie to each other. Porsche met Kinn’s eyes. “You know why.”
Consequences by ahdriking
"Put your hands behind your back." Porsche swallows around the lump that's formed in his throat, eyes darting up from the floor to meet Kinn's. Kinn stands before him with his arms firmly crossed over his chest, the expression on his face carefully neutral, though the black pits of his eyes burn with an intensity that makes Porsche shift uncomfortably. "I won't repeat myself." Porsche sets his jaw, curls his hands into fists, and forces a nasty smile onto his face. "Or what?"
got me hopin' you'll save me by mirrorofprinces (and the entire KinnPorsche: The Series (La Fortissimo) series)
Porsche clears his throat. “Khun Kinn, if that’s all, can I be dismissed?” “No,” Kinn says with a slight tilt of his head. “That was some of the worst shooting I’ve ever seen. It shouldn’t take my head bodyguard six tries to hit an easy target.” He glances over at his friends. “I’ll meet you in the living room. Porsche needs a gun handling lesson.”
smoke on your skin by mirrorofprinces
There is a small, dark part of Kinn that considers pinching Porsche’s nose shut and fucking his face to completion. Instead, he reaches for the crystal whiskey glass on his desk and takes a fortifying sip. “Enough.”
didn't know that you were cold 'til you felt my fire by mirrorofprinces
“You’ve done well,” Kinn adds, and the words warm Porsche through to his bones. “I just need one more thing from you,” he says, red eyes bright and luminous. “Anything,” Porsche hears himself say. The corners of Kinn’s mouth curl up into a smile, but nothing about it feels friendly.
squeeze a little, tease a little more by mirrorofprinces
Porsche knows he’s tucked up well under the desk, theoretically completely hidden, but all it would take is an accidental noise to give him away, or for a pair of wandering eyes at the exact right angle to catch a glimpse of his socked feet. The idea doesn’t entirely put him off.
our little remedy by mirrorofprinces
Porsche hesitates. Kinn snorts, grabbing a fresh towel off the rack behind him. “You let me shoot an apple off your head, but this is too scary? Get over here. I’ll do it myself.”
Good Enough to Breed by rainbowcolored7
Now this, almost a year into their relationship, Porsche was discovering one more unexpected thing about himself thanks to none other than his infuriating and handsome boyfriend. One more thing he needed to chew on and deconstruct before he brought it up to Kinn. Because self-preservation and pride aside, this new thing couldn’t be resolved without Kinn, if it was something that could even be resolved at all. Porsche had no idea.
you've got to beg to be proud by starstrung
Kinn and Porsche have a rule. Their work may take them to dangerous places. They might have to make hard decisions, be threatening, be charming, or a deadly mixture of the two. They always come home to each other.
'Know you're a gambling man by trevorishy
Kinn and Porsche make a bet.
The King’s Tree by LuckyDragon
Kinn was seven when he woke up one morning to discover a small silver circle on the back of his left wrist.
Even If Oblivion Be the Cost, Gladly Shall I Pay by LuckyDragon
The being waits patiently for the humans to bring him what he needs. He waits for the premium opportunity, the ideal candidate. Reality ebbs and flows around him, like the waves of the ocean, and time pours out endlessly in all directions.
Assumptions about you by Sirvaria
Porsche secretly likes it when Kinn manhandles him into submission, not that he would ever admit to that.
it’s my desire that you feed, you know just what i need (you got power over me) by vincerets
the one where Porsche gets hurt and Kinn loses his mind.
when it comes to that emotion by orphan_account
Porsche is used to taking care of himself, small scrapes and bruises are nothing, a gun to his head, lightly being hit by a car, he can handle it. He doesn’t need to call Kinn over every small infraction, especially when Kinn is so busy. Kinn would disagree.
imitating your seasons by orphan_account (sequel to when it comes to that emotion)
As soon as Kinn hears the words, ‘hurt,’ and, ‘Porsche,’ together, his world stops moving, his mind becomes fire, and his hands shake with the force of violent vengeful notions. But for Porsche, his touch is only ever tender.
You can make the blue sky blush by anonymous
Porsche is staring again. He can’t help it. It’s not news, really. Porsche’s obsession with Kinn’s hands. On a steering wheel, swirling a glass of bourbon, grabbing Porsche’s waist— Still, there’s something special, he’s starting to realize, about Kinn’s hands… holding a gun.
(I will add more to this list as I continue to gain more favs!)
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obscurecurse · 5 months
𝘈𝘯 𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘎𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘛𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦 is a no-notes, a-grade shining glowness title anyway, but seeing as I’m literally reading Hyperspace by Michio Kaku right now~~~
adding this book to my list bc it sounds lit
hhhhhhhhh Observer's Guide is a vaguely-historic (like in a romance novel kinda way) AU born from the fugue state I entered upon seeing the video for "Ghost" for the first time. The linen. It lives with the alt title "SINCE JEFF WANTS TO BE MR. DARCY SO GODDAMN BAD"
IDK if you will believe that I outlined this before you and I ever spoke about SPACE but it's true.
In A NutShell: Porsche marries off to a rich Port Family. Chay doesn't like life in the Port mansion so they ship him off to the more remote side of the island to where Kim - a widower shut-in who collects books about space - permanently resides in the family's summer palace. The hope is that Chay can learn a thing or two about being well-to-do from Kim, and Kim, in turn, will finally have some company.
Kim, who is well-traveled, explains that he thinks Love is experiencing things, ideas, places, and wanting to share them with someone specific. Love is wanting to return to someone. So, naturally, Chay has an existential crisis when Kim gifts him a book on astronomy. Stargazing is Kim's way of traveling - since he's hesitant to travel after the murder of his fiancé.
An Esoteric slowburn that ends in sloppy top under the stars wd;ijdwaoeidjewd Tale as old as time, no?
(*This is first-pass/still needs some tender love and care de-westernizing in the refine-edit stage. My brain still doesn't quite think in Thai honorifics while in draft-mode.)
Master Kim was beautiful, like the figures Chay had seen carved into the bows of exquisite ships down at the docks - that was the first thing he took note of. His dark hair was long, down to the collar of his shirt, where it was cropped just above his shoulders. His eyes were sharp, anchored in place by a heavy brow. His olive skin was strangely paled, as if the sun rarely graced it.
Chay bowed, trying to remember the pointers on etiquette Porsche had hastily delivered the night before he left, “Master Kim, I am Porchay Kittisawat. I come from the Port. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Master Kim nodded in acknowledgement, then continued to read the paper in his hand.
Chay took the seat beside Mr. Korakod. Sanouk handed him an empty plate to help himself to the spread of food on the table. She set a cup of tea in front of him as well. 
“My brother sent these along, for you,” Chay offered, setting the satchel on the table. 
Kim set the paper down as he studied the satchel.
Mr. Korakod passed it over to the Master of the house.
Chay watched as Kim unwound the braided leather cord that held the flap closed. His hair fell into his face as he looked down. He had to tuck it behind his ear before opening the satchel. Kim took out two envelopes that were resting on top and scanned them.
“I think this one is for you,” Kim said, handing one of the envelopes to Korakod to pass over to Chay.
Sure enough it was addressed to him, and in Porsche’s hand. Chay opened the envelope. A note fell out, as well as a smaller parcel that rattled as it hit the tablecloth.
Our mother grew these in front of our family home. Grow them. Cherish them. You may return to me whenever your heart desires. I am never far. - P
The parcel was a packet of seeds, Chay concluded.
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timetoboldlygo · 1 year
Title: Home is Where Your Teeth Sink, Love Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: M Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Chapters: 8/8 Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat Word Count: 110,864 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Established Relationship, (kinda), break up make up, Canon-Typical Violence, Sex Work, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat & Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham Friendship, Undernegotiated Kink, background pete/porsche (fuck buddies for one time), vegaspete canon typical... everything, Summary:
Pete knew that breaking up with Vegas was the worst idea he'd ever had.
He didn’t even know why he was ending a five-year long relationship out of nowhere; he couldn’t make sense of himself or the tension boiling over. It seemed the only way to disperse it was to leave. He just needed some time. He was going to explode. He didn’t even know what the problem was. Everything with Vegas was perfect, so why couldn’t Pete be happy?
When Pete said he wanted space, Vegas was supposed to know it was a lie. When Pete left in the middle of the night, Vegas was supposed to drag him back him home, like a lost dog waiting for his owner. When Pete broke his heart, Vegas was supposed to know that Pete still loved him.
… It was lonely, without him.
yall i finished my vegaspete fic!! started w/ escort!pete, ended w/ "au where vp break up messily right before the show starts... yikes
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dramarec · 2 years
Kinnporsche Fic Rec List
For @kprecfest, I put together a few of my favourite fics. Fair warning: this list has an embarassingly high precentage of explicit works. If you notice any pattern here: no you did not :) It is kinnporsche after all, and shame does not serve us in any way that matters!
all of me (is all for you) (9940 words) by kurtstiel @kurtstiel
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Characters: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Tae Taechin Lerttravinont, Time Thaweewat Ratanapakorn
Additional Tags: Nipple Piercings, Nipple Play, Hand Jobs, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Come Marking, Light Bondage, Dom/sub Undertones, Praise Kink, tiddy fucking, kinn's dreams coming true
The water has saturated Porsche's white shirt completely, soaking through the vest beneath. The translucent material clings obscenely to the swell of his pecs. His nipples are clearly visible through the sheer material, hard and pebbled, with the unmistakable shape of the metal barbells pierced either side of them.
Porsche’s head jerks up to check if he can still hide them from Kinn, but it’s already too late. Kinn is standing across the room, staring in Porsche’s direction, entire body coiled tight like a spring.
Or: While Kinn is away on a business trip, Porsche gets his nipples pierced as a surprise for their anniversary. Kinn comes home earlier than Porsche expected. 
i wanted your body but it came with your soul (2161 words) by any_open_eye @any-open-eye
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Orgasm Delay/Denial, Overstimulation, Under-negotiated Kink, Light Dom/sub
“Do I need to tie you up?” Kinn asks.
He watches that hit Porsche, rippling down his body, his mouth opening pink and wet. Kinn wants to suck on it like candy.
Slowly, Porsche wraps his fingers back around the bars. “I’ll keep still,” he promises, because Porsche likes to win, yes. But he also likes to lose.
squeeze a little, tease a little more (3428 words) by mirrorofprinces @mirrorofprinces
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Characters: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Accidental Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Come as Lube, brat Porsche, Throat Goat Porsche
Porsche knows he’s tucked up well under the desk, theoretically completely hidden, but all it would take is an accidental noise to give him away, or for a pair of wandering eyes at the exact right angle to catch a glimpse of his socked feet.
The idea doesn’t entirely put him off.
Public Consumption (13598 words) by iffervescent @iffervescent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Porn Industry AU, Tay and Time own a porno, Porsche is a Straight Boy, Kinn Has a Big Dick, can i make it any more obvious, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, compulsory heterosexuality is a terrible thing, porsche's prostate awakening, kinn falling in love after one fuck, like always, Large Cock, Just the Tip, Barebacking, in the way the porn industry is, RESPECT SEX WORKERS, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, mild dubcon, Read chapter warnings, Do not repost
Series: Part 1 of Public Consumption
Porsche agrees to be in a gay porno. Kinn doesn't work here.
Sample Tasting (10037 words) by iffervescent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Porn Industry AU, Rough Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Come Swallowing, Kinn's inexperience kink, everything they do is very consensual even if they pretend it's not, porsche learning how to date boys, RESPECT SEX WORKERS, Do not repost, I gave my porn stars feelings sorry about that
Series: Part 3 of Public Consumption
Porsche wants Kinn to ask. Kinn just wants the answers.
Cliff Jump (4824 words) by AirgiodSLV
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Characters: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Escorts, Dom/sub
“You know the rules, then?” Kinn asks.
Porsche looks amused, like he can tell how badly Kinn wants to wreck his composure. “No kissing, no marks on you, bubble bath first,” Porsche recites easily. “I read your notes file.”
Kinn is almost certain Porsche isn’t supposed to tell him the escort agency keeps a notes file.
(or, an AU in which Kinn requests an escort for the night, and gets Porsche.)
I can feel the sun on you (2320 words) by phnelt
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Sparring, handjobs, Sex Bets
Kinn brightens. “So we’re going to fight?”
“Mm,” Porsche agrees. “But let’s make it interesting.”
“The usual bet?”
Porsche nods. A gleam comes into Kinn’s eye, the competitive spice they need to make this a real contest.
(you give me) fever (6805 words) by Lise @veliseraptor
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham & Macau Theerapanyakun & Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Characters: Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Macau Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Whumptober, Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Fever, Delirium, POV Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Post-Canon, normal vegas: difficult. sick vegas: difficulter, i'm not a one trick pony i am working with THEMES and MOTIFS
Series: Part 7 of Whumptober 2022
Three things were true: (1) Vegas did not get sick that often, (2) when he did it was always awful, and (3) he was very bad at tolerating it.
Vegas comes down with something. This is a problem for everyone else in the house too.
Brand Recognition (6910 words) by iffervescent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Porn Video, Heavy BDSM, Roleplay, Crossdressing, little bit of feminization, Dirty Talk, Sex Toys, Spanking, Caning, Electro Toys, roleplay dub-con?, look its vegaspete you all know what you're getting into, vegas is a pretentious porn star, vegas is a lube connoisseur, RESPECT SEX WORKERS, pete is more than meets the eye, Do not repost
Series: Part 2 of Public Consumption
Vegas wants his top billing back. Pete likes being on the bottom.
baby got bounce (7943 words) by lusn @lu-sn
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Macau Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Twerking, here we fucking go time to expose myself in the tags, Dry Humping, Spanking, Anal Fingering, Ass to Mouth, Anal Sex, pete gains a new and very valuable skill, and vegas immediately puts it to good use, my decade of dance training is worth something
As a present for Vegas, Pete learns how to twerk.
A Measure of Control (6613 words) by 99_9
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Khun Tankhun & Kim Khimhant & Kinn Anakinn & Macau & Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Vegas & Pete's whole deal, Whump, Pete gets shot, cousin reconciliation, Vegas likes control, pete likes pain, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Under-negotiated Kink, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Objectification, as in Vegas tells Pete he is an object instead of a person, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Bottom Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Canon-Typical Violence
Series: Part 11 of A Wholeness
Pinned down by semi-automatic fire behind the wet bar in the poolhouse, Vegas is delighted that he and Pete make an extremely good team.  They’ve been crouched behind the marble bar for two and a half hours.  The last two Yakuza are stuck behind the heavy stone coffee table on the other side of the room.
It’s a cat-and-mouse game, waiting to see who will make a run across the expansive polished floor of the poolhouse, a shooting gallery, first. Vegas’ phone chirped to alert him that Macau was in the panic room just before a bullet whizzed through it. Pete’s is in his jacket on the bike. But if their opponents had comms, backup would have arrived by now.
Any other accomplice might be panicking, suggesting that they try to make a break for it. Pete is sitting back on his heels, his gun held ready in his hand, calm and loose. He and Vegas took out the first six men in a blood-soaked blink, so smooth that it might as well have been choreographed. Their waiting here together is just as easy.
Pete and Vegas post-post canon and things are good.
kissed my neck to seal the deal (18962 words) by sapphicblight
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Chan (KinnPorsche: The Series), Big (KinnPorsche: The Series), Ken (KinnPorsche: The Series)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Porn With Plot, Light BDSM, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Enthusiastic Consent, Loss of Virginity, Mutual Pining, continuing my “vegas is a loser actually but he’s hot so he gets away with it” agenda, (and pete likes him like that), i did pol real dirty in this one, yes beta we have plot armor, Subspace, Subdrop, Explicit Sexual Content
Series: Part 1 of cause and effect
“Don’t you have better things to do with your time? Other virgins for example,” Pete asks him one time over a guerrilla warfare style lunch date.
“Not until next semester,” Vegas laments. “I’ve already exhausted our current student body.”
Pete doesn’t even know where to begin unpacking everything wrong with that statement.
Or: the college au in which Vegas is a manwhore with a weird innocence kink and Pete is an inexperienced painslut. (Can I make it any more obvious?)
eat, bathe, (make) love (11735 words) by sapphicblight @sapphicblight
Chapters: 3/3
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Fluff, Idiots in Love, Blow Jobs, gray sweatpants, unrealistic refractory periods, Nipple Play, Oral Fixation, freud stans do not engage, Kitchen Sex, Bathroom Sex, Bathtub Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Riding, pete's emotions-to-arousal pipeline, Love Confessions, yes beta we have plot armor
Series: Part 2 of cause and effect
“Oh? You think I’m cute?”
“It’s the dimples. They’re weapons of mass destruction. You know they show every time you say Vegas?”
Pete knows they’re out thanks to his smile as he says, “Then I guess you’ll have to keep giving me reasons to scream your name.”
Or: Pete and Vegas make good on their plans, with a few distractions and deviations along the way.
Boar Taint (3188 words) by clandestinegardenias
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: IT STARTED OUT AS A JOKE HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS, it was only a joke IT WAS ONLY A JOKE, anyway have 3000 words of erotic smutty VegasPete, First Time, Choking, Biting, how did this happen, Pete is a bit of a freak and when Vegas finally figures that out…well, is this porn without plot? I MEAN…I GUESS, Porn Without Plot, just the slighest dub-con but I figured I'd better warn for it!
“When a boar hasn’t been castrated–-do you know what castration is?”
It doesn’t seem wise to admit to that either way, so Pete stays silent.
“When a male hog is young, they tie a string around its balls. Tight.”
Oh god. He’s actually going to explain it. 
When Porsche is whisked away from the minor family's compound, Pete stays behind as collateral. He doesn't mind, until he does.
He wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his mission, until he will. Until the prince of the family finally sees him, and decides he's worth keeping.
by @clandestinegardenias
i fill you up, drink from my cup (7751 words) by petes_vegas
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Jealousy, No like seriously they're both so jealous, Post-Canon, Anal Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Spit Kink, but very brief - Freeform, Wall Sex, Also bed sex, Established Relationship, Mention of gun and gunshot wounds, Porsche is a really really good friend, Aftercare, Boys In Love, VegasPete, Vegaspete are quite literally my everything, Neck Kissing, Biting, Choking, Breathplay, Loud Sex
It was evident even from as far away as they were that the man was flirting with Vegas, his laughs echoing throughout the hall in a way that made Pete embarrassed for him at the obviousness of it all. Vegas seemed to play along, to flirt back, his smile and laughter with the man appearing genuine—but Pete knew better. The second the man glanced away from Vegas to look at his phone, Vegas’ eyes were locked with Pete’s. A grin, all sharp teeth, spread across his face.
Pete and Vegas fight before the first big event they’ve gotten an invite to in six months. They each take it as an opportunity to play a game of jealousy chicken, seeing who will break the other first.
Vietnamese translation by the lovely katkentori now available!
my bubble tea brings all the boys to the yard by MajorinMonster @staykimchay
when the sun came up (you were looking at me) by MajorinMonster
bc Tay deserves all the good things <3
Knowing him, knowing you (12619 words) by iffervescent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun/Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Tae Taechin Lerttravinont
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Double Penetration, Blow Jobs, Light Dom/sub, Voyeurism, Dirty Talk, Tay's filthy mouth, Minor Praise Kink, Polyamory, kinn and tay think porsche is the prettiest thing they've ever seen, and respond accordingly, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
They do the threesome thing, every now and then.
Kinn and Tay meet Porsche
KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
on the rocks (51618 words) by DasWarSchonKaputt @daswarschonkaputt
Chapters: 3/7
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Tae Taechin Lerttravinont, Tae Taechin Lerttravinont/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun/Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Tae Taechin Lerttravinont
Characters: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Tae Taechin Lerttravinont, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Time Thaweewat Ratanapakorn, Yok (KinnPorshe: The Series), Jom (KinnPorsche: The Series), Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Threesome - M/M/M, yes beta bc yet again elizabeth and sebastian survive, Canon-Typical Content Warnings, in this house we love and respect tay, Drunken Revelations, Porsche is the Best Bartender TM, KinnPorTay
Tay finds the bar because he’s pissed, heart-broken, and sick of people recognising him when he’s trying to forget who he is.
Or: A pre-canon AU where Tay goes drinking at Yok's bar, and meets Porsche far before Kinn ever does.
Hopefully the links & tags will work. If I forgot to tag an authour who's active on tumblr, please tell!
Also obligatory: this is incredibly subjective + there are plenty other fics I loved, but stupidly forgot to bookmark :(
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
I know Kinn is not central part of the 'Kim gives himself to Porsche story' at the moment but I want to know, what is he thinking about what happened and happens? Of course Korn fed him many lies about Kim, but were they in line of ~Kim absolutely betrayed us, he is worse than the minor family~ way or were they like ~Kittisawat family manipulated him~ kind of way? Do Porsche and Kinn ever come across each other and Porsche has a gun to Kinn’s head but then he lowers the gun, saying something like well I made a promise to not harm you, and is Kinn shocked out of his mind?
Fell free to be as mysterious in your answers as you want!
Anon my beloved!! You're right, there isn't a ton of Kinn in this fic (yet!!) Because of that, I don't have a ton of plans for him yet, and at the moment he won't even have his own PoV chapters, so IDK what's going to be going on there. I haven't fully decided. Disclaimer that anything is subject to change, but here are some ideas!
Firs off, Kinn is devastated when Kim disappears. He loses both his lover and his brother in a very short span of time, and is told one or both of them also betrayed his trust, and. We see how that works out for him in canon lol. It turns him into someone very cold and cruel that doesn't trust anyone.
I think Korn has known the entire time where Kim is/who he's with. Or if not know, at least suspected. Porsche knows way too much about his business, and it's too coincidental with Kim's disappearance. The question is whether or not he's going to share that information with Kinn. I'm torn. On the one hand, he could play off Kim's disappearance and fake his death. That would keep Kinn focused on work instead of trying to track Kim down. On the other hand, he could be framing it like Kim betrayed them, trying to sew discord between the brothers in case Kim every tries to come home. But I don't think that would work on Kinn for very long, he's full of too much love for his family. He would still want an explanation from Kim.
It's also imperative to the plot that Kinn has no idea Kim is with Porsche. The way I want the KinnPorsche to work out, they have a very antagonistic professional relationship/rivalry.
Kinn is already furious when he finds out Porsche knew where his brother was all this time. Years. Smiling to his face, acting friendly, flirting with him. Only to go home and bend his little brother over the nearest surface. (And yes, that is a roadblock for KinnPorsche, even though KimChay aren't bothered by it. It was pretty normalized for Chay, but Kinn is having a Very Hard Time.)
Okay I got sidetracked. (so much for answering mysteriously, eh?) Anyway. All that to say, Porsche hides Kim from Kinn. The way he sees it, Kim was in bad shape when he turned up on Porsche's door, clearly running from something bad, and he was an adult capable of making his own decision. So he's going to go along with it. But then between Kim obviously missing his brother (and pretending he doesn't), and Kinn's well-concealed grief, still putting out feelers bc he refuses to accept Kim is gone, Porsche decides he needs to get them back together. Kim refuses, but then something happens that kind of forces their hand: he runs straight into Kinn.
Then there's a KinnPorsche confrontation. Now that there's undeniable proof of where Kim is, Korn starts telling Kinn all the awful things Porsche must have been doing to him all this time, holding him prisoner, abusing him, etc. That doesn't fit with the Porsche Kinn knows, but surely there's Nothing Else.
Korn sees this as a way to eliminate a rival family that's gotten way too powerful. Eventually Kim's information is too out of date to be helpful anymore, but he's still an intelligent little schemer, and he becomes Porsche's most trusted advisor. And ofc Kim's priority is always to ruin his father's business as much as possible, so Korn is eager to be rid of him.
So, yeah! There's occasional KinnPorsche interactions, but not too much. Just enough for Kinn to feel betrayed when he finally finds Kim. Esp. when he finds Kim very much playing the part of sex slave (for Chay, at this point), and thinks the things Korn has told him must be true. And it doesn't help that Kim refuses to come anywhere near him; Kinn thinks he's been Stockholm Syndromed.
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Talking about Porchay because nobody else is
Look, I love Kinnporsche with all my heart but.
I absolutely will not believe the fact that Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, the younger brother of Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, who was almost made the national Martial Arts champion, both of who had to suffer through god knows how many loan sharks due to their piece of shit uncle, does not know how to defend himself in a fight.
I will never believe that Porsche would let his precious brother walk around in broad daylight when he doesn’t even know basic self defence. It just does not make sense. Sure, he does not need to be a master in it or anything, but he at least should know how to get away when cornered or in trouble. 
And honestly I was so disappointed that we never saw him getting the full spotlight he deserved. We saw Kim in action, but how could Porchay not realise anything that was going on behind him? when he had to live cautiously his whole life?
Maybe I’m just being a bit delusional, but I refuse to let anyone walk over Porchay like that. He’s a smart kid. Trusting, maybe but definitely not naive or innocent, not when he has seen his brother come home at odd hours with bruises and bloodied knuckles. 
So yeah, I’m a bit frustrated with the series and a part of the fandom for treating Porchay like some fragile piece of glass that might break any minute. For fuck’s sake, he already had his teenage rebellion phase as well. And I’m pretty sure he also saw all those dead bodies in Yok’s bar.
That’s the one thing I both love and hate Kim for. Porsche seems hellbent on not letting Porchay get the full picture of the mafia, shielding him from almost anything and keeping him in the dark, which, to be frank, will only get him killed. He needs to see the full extent of what his brother is in and how he will now also be a part of it. And how if he joins, there is no going back. 
What Porchay needs now is not coddling not half-assed truths but the entire picture. And some self defence training and also how to use a gun. Otherwise, he won’t survive long, even Kim can only do so much. Porchay would never break apart his Hia from Kinn, no matter how much he may wish to. But being kept in the mansion like a statue will drive him towards resentment at both Porsche, for keeping him here and at Kinn, for keeping Porsche here. 
Also a therapist, if possible. 
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luckydragon10 · 1 year
Bad Bet (Chapter 4)
Bad Bet (29223 words) by LuckyDragon Chapters: 4/25 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat/Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun
(see fic for full tag list)
Chapter Summary:
After finding his childhood home filled with another family, Porsche hits the streets. He has no home, no connections, and no job, but he keeps moving forward anyway. He meets a few people along the way.
I want to say another thank you to @enbymoomin for beta-ing!
Also, I haven't thanked my early reading crew in a while, the folks who keep me sane as I write long before publishing. Kisses on heads for @nuwildcat, @dr-lemurr, and @mortimerlatrice. MWAH.
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khunspikesficrecs · 10 months
Title: Playing Politics
Author: blue_grama
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing: Kinn Theerapanyakul/Porsche Kittisawat, Vegas Theerapanyakul/Pete Saengtham, Kim Theerapanyakul/Porchay Kittisawat
There are many things Kinn dislikes about being mafia. Coming home from school one day to find the household in a panic because your brother has been kidnapped. Waking one morning to learn that your mother is gone forever, lost to an upstart with a gun and terrible judgment. Having the worst fucking cousins imaginable. But this? This, Kinn likes.
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wildelydawn · 1 year
When I'm With You (I'm at Home) | A KinnPorsche: the Series Fanfic.
Offering a little hurt/comfort KimChay for you.
Eventually, Kim breathes out heavily, his body relaxing slightly. Only after this, does Chay start rubbing his thumb across Kim's fist. “Tell me, P'Kim." “Already said it,” Kim says with a mirthless laugh, still not looking at his partner. “This is where I let you down." (Or: After the dust settles and they find each other again, Chay notices that Kim never wants to go to the Kittisawat house.)
Read the story here!
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