tbwmtw · 2 years
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CHAPTER TWO - page 14 - the boy who moved the world
AHHHH CHAPTER TWO WE ARE HERE ahh last time I need to draw wolf kid finally I hate love drawing him
pages 11-12-13 - chapter one - the boy who moved the world
Pages 1-5) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/the-boy-who-moved-the-world-chapter-one-pages/rfg593m8tyhd
Page 6) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/page-6-chapter-1-the-boy-who-moved-the/mduss4lk1mw9
page 7) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/the-boy-who-moved-the-world-chapter-one-page-7/ojh52is8ru07
Page 8) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/page-8-chapter-one-the-boy-who-moved-the-world/j8vxfe4gg7uy
Page 9) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/page-9-chapter-one-the-boy-who-moved-the-world/4lzmbxeqdk8i
pages 10-13) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/another-batch-finally-we-meet-the-protagonist/h63cl91c3wps
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seeyabythemarina · 28 days
Subclass Kiroko
Knowing the type of people Tsubaki take in he could have taken kiroko. She could have been about the kill Hokaze Tatsunami, but chicken out. Near death somehow tsubaki found her and turned her.
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7s3ven · 8 months
hello! ur writing is so fun and rahhhh i heart it. idk if ur taking cato reqs but i love him bro its an issue. anyhow, childhood friend!tribute!reader and him coming to terms with the fact that both of them cant win. could be platonic or romantic whatever u like<3
I’m literally in love with Cato.
( master list )
IN WHICH… Cato Hadley and Y/N L/N accept there can only be one winner. The Capitol watches as one falls and the other leaves the arena with a furious heart, never quite moving on.
Warnings : not proof-read, a little bit of angst, some gore (it’s the hunger games)
THG TAG LIST : No one rn 💀
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It was a hot and sunny day when the Capitol chose to announce the tributes. Small beads of sweat rolled down Y/N’s forehead as she clasped her hands behind her back. The sun was relentlessly beating down on the large group of teenagers crowded in front of the stage, organised by age and all eagerly waiting.
Y/N wasn’t like the rest of her District. She had seen how the effects of the Hunger Games weighed down on the tributes. Haymitch had turned to drinking after the slaughter of his family. Y/N couldn’t imagine returning home to see the people you held dear gruesomely bloodied on the floor.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cato. He stood out from the boys, being one of the tallest and towering over them. He had his jaw clenched and he was impatiently tapping his foot, waiting until he could leap onto the stage.
His head turned and they locked eyes. Y/N was the first to break into an amused smile and he returned it, his pale lips curving upwards.
Y/N paid no attention to the video playing on the screen in front of her. They showed it every year and she had practically memorised the voice lines by now. Her mind flashed back to yesterday, the day where Cato had suggested the unthinkable.
“What if we run away?” He questioned, making Y/N pause. She grasped the handle of her ax tightly as she spun around to face her childhood friend.
“What?” She needed to make sure that she had heard him right. It’s not like Y/N hadn’t thought of it before but for Cato Hadley of all people to ask was outrageous. He was Two’s greatest candidate. They were all counting on him.
“You heard me. What if we ran away? Away from all this and away from the games? I wouldn’t have to worry about being a peacekeeper. We could do it, you and me.”
Y/N has full faith in her axe skills and Cato’s strength but the idea was almost too crazy to pull off. She shook her head, “They’d find us.” She whispered. Y/N was glad nobody else was in the gym because this could be considered treason.
Y/N subtly shook her head. If only leaving District Two was that easy. They would surely notice if their strongest candidate and his axe-throwing friend went missing.
Her attention was caught by the lady, Kikoro, walking towards the microphone in a hideously bright yellow skirt. Beside her, Y/N heard Clove laugh.
Clove was a good friend of Cato’s and by default she was a friend of Y/N’s too. She was shorter than both of them but that didn’t stop her from snapping at people left and right. Her skills with throwing knives were amazing and Y/N often felt a little jealous. Surely the knives were lighter compared to lugging around a wooden stick with a blade attached to it.
“Now, I must warn you, there’s a new little rule. No volunteering this year.” Kikoro uttered into the microphone, her lips covered in yellow lipstick curling into an unsettling smile. She ignored the disappointed jeers from the teenagers as she reached into the first bowl. “Ladies first. It’s only polite.”
Everybody watched with bated breath as Kikoro unfolded the piece of paper painfully slow. Clove was practically shaking with excitement.
Kiroko cleared her throat before she leaned forward, glancing at the crumbled paper. “Y/N L/N.” She said.
Y/N clicked her tongue, thinking it was all a sick joke. She wasn’t scared shitless like the tributes in the paper districts were but she was disappointed. Why her and not somebody who actually wanted to compete?
Y/N begrudgingly stepped onto stage after being dragged by a peacekeeper. “Let go of me.” She hissed, yanking her arm out of the man’s grip.
“What’s your name, dear?” Kiroko asked, gesturing Y/N to step forward to the microphone. The H/C-nette stared at the Capitol citizen in confusion.
“You just said my name… Y/N L/N.”
Kikoro paused before she burst into a fit of light laughter. “Ah, sorry dear. I’m so used to volunteers. Next up, the boys.”
Y/N hoped her District partner would be someone useful who she could discard later. Someone strong but not too strong as to overpower her.
As Y/N rocked back and forth on her heels, she glanced over at Kikoro who was now unfolding the second paper. She read text written in black ink before grasping the microphone.
Hearing her own name getting called didn’t frighten Y/N but as Kikoro declared the male tribute, her heart dropped so fast that she may as well collapsed. It was the one person she wished hadn’t been chosen.
“Cato Hadley.”
The train ride was silent. Enobaria had tried talking to the pair but they never replied. Eventually, she gave up and went to a different compartment.
“We should’ve run away.” Y/N quietly muttered, suddenly regretting not putting the absurd plan into action. Across from her, Cato chuckled.
“Yeah…” He paused, refusing to believe that this was really happening. That he’d have to kill his best friend if he wanted to survive. He was brought back to the harsh reality as the train bumped along the tracks.
“You should’ve played dead… or something.” Y/N stirred the spoon around in her cup of coffee, having no intentions of actually tasting the bitter drink. She licked her dry lips. “What happens if we’re the last ones left?”
Cato didn’t have the courage to answer. He pushed his food around with his fork for a few moments before finally lifting his head. “May the best win.” He uttered.
Y/N glanced out the window, staring at the tall buildings of the Capitol in the distance. She took a deep breath as the train quickly approached the large city and their impending doom.
The days in the Capitol were limited. And they passed by fast. One minute Y/N was standing in front of the dummy targets, skilfully throwing axes as their heads then the next she was in front of a crowd in a glittery gold gown.
“You’re a fan favourite, Y/N. How does that make you feel?” Caesar, with his crazy blue hair and matching suit, said as he widely grinned.
“I guess I’m just that charming.” Y/N smiled as she leaned back in her seat, gracefully crossing one leg over the other.
“Our time is almost up but may I ask the question that everyone has been wondering? What on earth is going on between you and Cato?”
The Capitol had caught wind of the small stolen glances and borderline flirtatious kisses on the knuckles. Y/N shifted in her seat as she recalled the event before this very interview.
“You look…” Cato entered the room, practically starstruck as Y/N stood on a small platform. “Wow.” She frowned as she adjusted the tight bodice of her dress.
“Really? Because right now, I can’t really breathe.” Y/N let out a small laugh but she felt her corset suffocate her lungs.
“Does this look like a face that would lie to you?” Cato grasped Y/N’s hands and helped her off the platform. “I mean it. You look stunning… almost makes me wish we were getting ready for a ball instead of this.” Cato’s face was so close. Y/N couldn’t help but let her eyes dart to his lips.
“You look handsome too.” She playfully grinned as she straightened Cato’s tie. “Blue suits you.”
“We’re just friends.” Y/N repeated that overused phrase while the Capitol citizens groaned in frustration. “I don’t know what you want me to admit… Cato is handsome but I can’t imagine dating someone I’ve known since childhood… his face is getting a little annoying.”
Y/N’s cheeky remark earned her a few laughs.
“If given the chance, I probably would’ve liked to kiss him once, you know?” Y/N’s confidence grew and she forgot all about how Cato could hear her words through the small screen in the waiting room. She folded her arms over her chest just as the timer buzzed.
“Y/N L/N, everybody!” Caesar declared.
She stepped off the stage and back into the shadows, away from the piercing lights. Glimmer and Marvel had already returned to their rooms and Y/N was about to do the same before Cato came into view.
She saw him wave enthusiastically at the crowd but his eyes were on her. She shrank back, suddenly aware of what she had said during the interview.
Y/N scurried off before Caesar could even ask Cato one question. She stormed into the room assigned to District Two. Enobaria was sitting on the couch, clicking the TV remote buttons.
“Need help getting out of that dress?” The sharp-toothed woman asked. Y/N silently nodded.
“Thank you.” Y/N said, finally able to breathe properly again. She would never take oxygen for granted again.
Y/N was only dressed in a black singlet and shorts when Cato burst through her personal room door. “What was that?” He demanded, slamming the door behind him. “If given the chance? I’m giving you the damn chance, Y/N!”
Y/N let out a squeak of surprise when he grabbed her face and pulled her forward, swiftly kissing her like he had been waiting to do so for years. With how his hands trailed down to tightly grip her waist, Y/N wouldn’t be surprised if Cato had been dreaming of this moment.
Cato pulled away, resting his forehead on Y/N’s. “How’s that for a given chance?”
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The sun in the arena felt different. Its heat was blistering and Y/N felt her body burning up underneath her heavy jacket. She wanted to discard the warm piece of clothing but it would come in handy at night.
The Careers had already made their allies clear. Y/N glanced at Cato who was already staring at her as usual.
To Y/N’s left was Glimmer, who was impatiently tapping her foot as the countdown began. Y/N stared at the decreasing numbers until it reached five and she had no choice but to get ready to run.
This was no mere dream, it was a reality that Y/N wish she didn’t exist in, for Cato’s sake.
To no one’s surprise, Cato was the first to react as the countdown finished. He leaped off his podium, immediately making a run for a silver sword. Some tributes turned tail and ran but those who joined the mess in the middle were gruesomely stabbed by Cato.
Y/N grasped a pack of throwing knives, tossing the sharp objects at anything that moved. She managed to cut Katniss’ cheek and the ravenette was not pleased about that. The District Twelve girl shot an arrow Y/N’s way but she ducked and avoided it.
“Y/N, here!” Cato tossed a fancy looking axe her way. She easily caught it, swinging it at a foolish boy who thought he could beat her.
The bloodbath didn’t last long thanks to Cato. He either killed or drove off any of the remaining tributes. “I’m feeling pretty good about this.” He grinned down at Y/N as they waltzed around the Cornucopia. He twirled his heavy sword in his hand.
“You’re in a good mood.” Y/N muttered. The hunger for bloodshed had clouded Cato’s mind, causing him to forget that Y/N would have to die in order for him to emerge victorious. She said nothing about it, though, not wanting to spoil his cheerful mood.
“I’ll be in a better mood after this.” Cato chuckled to himself as he pecked Y/N’s lips. He held her close, burying his face in her neck.
Y/N stood still, awaiting the moment where they would be forced to turn on each other. Out of the pair, Y/N had always been the rational realist.
Glimmer was dead, filled with toxin after Katniss sabotaged the Careers’ camp.
Marvel was next. Katniss skewered him like a kebab with her arrow. He died on the forest floor, joining Glimmer in Katniss’ kill count.
And then there were two. Y/N had narrowly avoided being bashed in the head with a stone by Thresh. The side of her head was still bleeding, the crimson liquid staining the green grass below.
Y/N groaned as she collapsed beside Cato, leaning against the large tree trunk. “Who’s left?” She rasped. She had heard a canon go off but she had no idea who it was.
“The boy from Eleven, the pair from two, and us.” Cato replied, his shoulder brushing against Y/N’s. He pulled out a small tin bottle, handing it over to Y/N. She gratefully took a large gulp of cold water. “Don’t worry, we’ll get home.” He whispered, “You and me forever.” After Y/N’s near death experience, Cato realized that the Capitol had played him as a fool. But he was happy about the announcement that said two victors could win if they originated from the same District.
Y/N leaned her head on Cato’s shoulder and closed her eyes, deeply sighing. She didn’t know when she dozed off or how long she was asleep but she cracked open one eye to see Cato hurriedly shaking her.
Night time, the Careers’ prime time to hunt, had already past. When Y/N’s eyes finally adjusted to the light, she furrowed her eyebrows. She was in a cave yet she remembered falling asleep on the forest floor. And Cato was covered in bites and gruesome grazes and blood. So much blood.
“Cato…” Y/N breathed, quickly leaning forward, “What happened to you?”
“I killed Katniss and Peeta… and the mutts killed Thresh. It’s you and me left, Y/N.” His sounded sounded so weak and he sluggishly cupped her face, panting heavily. For once, he was covered in his own blood rather than the blood of his victims.
“You drugged me…” Y/N’s heart fell to her stomach as she realized what had happened. Cato had slipped sleeping pills into the water and while she was knocked out, he put her in a cave and went to hunt down the three other tributes. She furrowed her brows. “How could you? Cato… you could’ve died.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah… I know. That was kind of the point. While you were asleep, they revoked the two victors rule. There can only be one again.”
That was enough for tears to well up in Y/N’s eyes. “Don’t leave me… please.” She cried as she held Cato, her childhood friend and her first true crush. His blood stained her muddy clothes but she didn’t care. “Please…” She trailed off as Cato wheezed.
“The mutts did a good job on me.” He muttered, finding it harder to stay awake. Y/N’s eyes widened.
“No. Cato. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me here!” She immediately noticed how his pulse slowed down. “Stay awake, Cato! I can fix this! Please.”
Y/N had already come to terms that there could only be one victor but she had yet to accept that fact that she had to lose Cato to walk out.
“You can’t give up now… we came this far. We can sort something out.” Y/N uttered as she shook Cato in a fruitless attempt to convince him.
“I love you, Y/N.” He grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly. “I always have. Ever since we became friends. Ever since you were the first to find the courage to talk to me. I don’t know what I would have done with you.”
Y/N laughed as a sob bubbled up in her throat. “I love you too. If only your name wasn’t called. I could’ve won the games and come back to you.” She shakily sighed as she leaned down to kiss Cato’s cold lips. She placed her hand on his neck and when she felt no pulse, she pulled back in a panic.
“Cato?” She shook him once. Then again. “Cato?!” She repeated, this time louder. “No… no… no! Don’t leave me here! Cato!”
She screamed so loud that the sound echoed around the forest, scaring the birds and causing them to flee.
Y/N walked out of the arena a free woman. Not quite since Snow would still have full control over her but she liked to think she was free to a certain extent.
The Capitol workers had tried to discard of the necklace she held so tightly in her left hand but she refused to let them take it away. It was the only remaining memory she had of Cato.
Anger swirled around in her heart like a monster, threatening to burst free and reign terror over anyone that came in contact with her.
Only now was Y/N realising why the victors never looked genuinely happy despite having everything they wanted. It was because Snow tore their deepest desires away, always holding it near but never within their reach.
Enobaria had wanted to be a mother.
Gloss wanted a peaceful life with his sister.
Cashmere wanted nothing more than to take care of the children in District One.
Brutus craved freedom from Snow’s cruel clutches.
And poor Y/N dreamt of becoming a bride but as she watched the light drift from Cato’s eyes, her wish was swept away with it.
Now, Snow had nothing to take away from her because the person she loved the most was already gone.
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tipzycat · 2 months
This latest chapter has my mind in a whirl. That and with the added spoilers...like...I'm sorry, but no one without some form of serious trauma goes to their sibling saying shit like "I'm sorry, but you're not my brother, you should be my son instead!" Or...whatever it was that Mikuni said.
So with that in mind...my brain came up with a very dark theory. BIG TWS FOR THIS
Lily has very clearly developed a big...BIG lie to cover up the fact that Misono's birth was from Mikado cheating on Kiroko (That's her name right?) With a maid. However...what if that is also a lie?
It looks bad on Mikado to be a CEO who cheated on his wife. However...wouldn't something like child SA look far more worse? Especially that of a maid...someone below him...assaulting his son?
He'd have to hide that very carefully from public view. Taking into consideration that Lily and Mikuni seem to have a bond with each other already, he more than likely tried to get Lily into hiding it as well (While being played and manipulated by Lily at the exact same time.)
Mikuni obviously is not comfortable with this. Yet he adores Misono very dearly. However the one who took this extremely badly is of course...Mikuni's mother. Why should she allow her baby's SAer to live? Much less the baby born from that? Mikuni took note of it driving her insane...at that time he probably didn't want her to actually die. Yet her killing someone he dearly loves...well he can't have that happen. Though he didn't expect Jeje to kill her apparently.
Now we jump into the current times. Mikuni more than likely had help from C3 and Lily in choosing Mahiru. In a way...Mahiru is similar to him. Yet all so very different. Mahiru had support in his times of need...Mikuni...didn't. So he sought Mahiru out for support.
Take us to the C3 arc...
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This part. This is the part that Mikuni turned. When he shattered. I don't think that Mahiru meant to deeply wound him...he doesn't know what happened. However...YOU DONT SAY THAT TO SOMEONE REGARDLESS OF WHAT HAPPENED-
This is the turning point. This is why Mikuni is lashing out so badly. It also really didn't help at all when Tsurugi laughed in his face over this.
I think that the spider web that Lily so carefully woven into place to keep this locked up...is unraveling under Mikuni's reign.
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Misono looks nothing like Mikado...However...
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If he didn't part his hair the way that his mother does...he'd be a purple Mikuni.
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
Can i have kiroko from overwatch react to her s/o being a first responders unit that is called to contain threats to make the overwatch jobs easier? Thanks XP
𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 ℝ𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕊/𝕆
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Words: 248
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It wasn’t uncommon to find civilians still around when Overwatch teams were sent out to deal with different threats. So when they arrived today to not only find no random civilians hanging about, but some sort of emergency response team stopping the threat from escaping.
What the response team did was a huge help in capturing the threat, which was now neutralized. So obviously they wanted to meet the people who assisted them in this mission.
Kiriko was surprisingly one of the final people to wander over once she caught sight of the team. Which she assumed at first was civilians until she saw a familiar face. Making her way closer to confirm her suspicions, she was right.
You stood proud in the middle of your team, having led them throughout their mission.
“Y/N?” You didn’t think anyone from Overwatch knew your name, except for a few people. But they weren’t here, surely?
“Kiri?” Wrong. Turns out your girlfriend had been sent on this mission, unknowingly watching you in action.
As she stepped closer Akoya beat her to you, jumping around and through your legs. Letting herself be picked up, which couldn’t be done by anyone else, except Kiriko, for a few reasons.
“Why are you here?”
“Work, and I assume you're here for the same reason.”
“Yeah yeah, but c’mon then meet the team!” Her hands grasped at your empty one, pulling you closer to her team. Wanting her favourite people to meet and get along.
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tempenensis · 1 year
i'm a little confused on what happened with gojo this chapter. when hana and the others tried to unseal him in kiroko mine, why did he appear where kenjaku was?
Basically he teleported before the pressure of the deep sea can crush him. Most likely he used his limitless to protect himself, but sea being the sea, there should be no more than a few seconds before it gets to him. Really speaks about his power level that he can instantly teleported to Kenjaku's place.
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Hanzo: I hope your mother is well. Kirko: The Hashimoto run our neighborhood now so... Hanzo: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Kiroko: Sorry enough to help? Hanzo: ... (more lines like this please. And is Hanzo seriously THAT out of the loop?! Who does he think he's been beating up at Shimada Castle every year?)
“Those weren’t our goons??? Then who’s been sending assassins after me???”
It would be so fucking funny if Hanzo didn’t even know Genji took down the Shimada clan. He offhandedly says something like “Even if there’s no longer a scion, there’s no way [insert clan enforcer here] would have let things get this bad.” And you just hear Genji suck a breath through his teeth and glance off awkwardly.
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1yokiro1 · 11 months
One shot,One kill...
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Hello,I decided to actually commit to writing on tumblr so here's my pinned post.
WHAT I WRITE FOR:twisted wonderland(Mostly)and Obey me.
REQUESTING RULES:No Match-ups and I am currently learning how to draw so pls don't request that yet. When requesting No more than 3 characters pls my lazy ass couldn't do more than that.
As for reblogs they're really motivating so thanks for that♡
My DMs are always open so if you have a question then go there.
Masterlist for:Incorrect quotes:
Yuu's Asian parenting skills
Yuu's grammar lessons
Yuu's speech
Yuu's McDonald's
Yuu's temper
Masterlist for:Headcanons/small scenarios
Baby boi
Minecraft with the first years
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
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Space Channel Ulala (White Outfit) Cosplay by KIRIKO https://worldcosplay.net/member/521965
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hi! I’m over the age of 20 so please be at least 19 and up! I’m looking for a few roleplay partners for the following:
-Haikyuu!, Free!, Re-Main, SK8 the Infinity, Kuroko’s Basketball. I’m a big sports anime fan so hopefully I can find more who enjoy them as well! I’m in other fandoms as well, but these are the main ones. I just ask for my side you know at least a few as I may want a character from one of these animes vs yours!
-Doubles only! I can do fxm or fxf, character x ocs! So I roleplay someone for you and you do the same for me so it’s fair. No ships rpa.
-We can discuss triggers and limits when you like this post and I will message you VIA tumblr dms so please have them open!
-I work and I’m in university so understand that replies will be slow at times, and life happens so I understand if roleplaying has to be put on pause or end.
Please like this and I will reach out! Have a lovely day!
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ms-poltergeist · 3 years
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i take it back man wtf was that
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tbwmtw · 2 years
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Page 9 - chapter one - the boy who moved the world
Pages 1-5) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/the-boy-who-moved-the-world-chapter-one-pages/rfg593m8tyhd
Page 6) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/page-6-chapter-1-the-boy-who-moved-the/mduss4lk1mw9
page 7) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/the-boy-who-moved-the-world-chapter-one-page-7/ojh52is8ru07
Page 8) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/page-8-chapter-one-the-boy-who-moved-the-world/j8vxfe4gg7uy
Page 9) https://at.tumblr.com/tbwmtw/page-9-chapter-one-the-boy-who-moved-the-world/4lzmbxeqdk8i
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obstinaterixatrix · 6 years
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whitechrysanthemvm · 7 years
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im rlly proud of this h,. ref used
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Kageyama x Chubby! Reader
Title: Embarrassing Moments Fluff No Warning
You were a quiet and shy kind of person, relating to the captain of Volleyball team at Karasano. Your name was was Sawamura (Y/N), no one knew you were Daichi’s younger sister mainly because you kept to yourself. You didn’t even go to the volleyball matches, much to Daichi’s demise. He wanted you to go, but you weren’t good with people. He tried countless of times and you rejected the idea, mainly because you didn’t like the way you look. You were bigger than the girls in your grade, and sometimes they would make certain remarks at you. 
You didn’t tell your brother because you knew he would get involved so you kept it to yourself. This time though, Daichi wasn’t taking no for an answer. He picked you up from your classroom, and dragged you to their practice. The whispers began and Daichi realized what was happening.
“(Y/N), how long have you been getting bullied by these students?” 
“It’s no big deal onii chan. I just want to go home.” 
“No, I want you to meet the volleyball team.”
“No, we got to get you over this shyness of yours. Also, I will make sure to talk to the principal about the students bullying you.” You looked down as he held your hand and dragged you to the gym. When he arrived, everyone turned to you causing you to turn a bright red. You hid behind Daichi, but he pushed you in front of him. The only people who knew about you was Suga, Kiyoko and Asahi, whom both gave you warm smiles.
“Hey (Y/N)~” Suga said giving you a hug and then Asahi. You blushed but hugged them back.
“Everyone, this is my little sister Sawamura (Y/N).” He said, and suddenly two males came running towards you.
“Oh sweet mama, she is so cute!” You squealed and flinched as they went to jump at you but Daichi ended up hitting both males.
“Do that again, and you will be running extra laps.”
“Yes sir!” They said in unison.
“They really are like horny tornadoes.” You saw Hinata and Kageyama. You and Kageyama made eye contact and you blushed looking down. Kageyama quickly looked away and began to work on his serves. This eye contact didn’t go unnoticed by Suga and Daichi, and they shared a look.
“(Y/N), why don’t you become another manager with Yachi?” Kiroko asked with a smile, and you blushed shifting.
“Good idea Kiyoko, since she needs to join a club anyway.”
“Hey (Y/N)…” Yachi said with a smile and you gave her a small smile back.
“Hey…” You were close with Yachi, she was actually your only friend whom you trusted a lot. Practice soon started and you just stood off to the side, Kiyoko knew you were shy and nervous so she just allowed you to observe similar to how she did with Yachi.
Kageyama found himself staring at you often, but it wasn’t noticed by you. He had a blush on his face, since he thought you were really cute when you smiled. That smile soon faded though when Hinata screamed.
“Kageyama is getting sick! Unless he likes (Y/N), look at his face it’s so red.” Kageyama turned even redder since you heard and looked at him wide eyed with a blush on your own.
“Shut up idiot! I do not!” He said throwing the volleyball at Hinata who got hit in the face with it.
“I think it’s cute, we do see you keep staring at her.” Suga said, with a grin causing the poor boy to prepare his own grave.
“I am not.” 
“But you are, it’s okay. I am sure captain, would allow you to date his sister as long as you don’t hurt her.” Nishinoya said and you hid your face in your hands.
“It’s not like that!” Kagreyama yelled, the teasing began and soon enough you two were being pushed together by the teammates. You almost wanted to faint, and you looked to your brother for help. He only grinned, glad you were making friends and not so much alone anymore.
“I-I, wait what are you guys doing?” You began to stutter, and wrapped your arms around yourself. Soon enough, you and Kageyama were chest to chest and being held close to each other by the others. You both refused to look at each other, trying to hide your blush from the other but it wasn’t working. 
“You know, now that I think about it… when I was tutoring Kageyama and Hinata in English, he kept staring at (Y/N) while she was reading.” Yachi said not realizing she made the situation even worse. Tsukki soon joined in.
“Yeah, he has a drawing that looked semi like her but definitely her name in hearts. Though the drawing itself was bad.” 
“Shut up Tsukishima.” Kageyama said growling though his intimidated face didn’t work since he was red. He took a look at you, and you were shifting in your spot embarrassed.
“(Y/N) would you date Kageyama?” Hinata asked and you blushed slightly, not answering so her older brother did it for her.
“I guess, I could go through her diary and see… if she doesn’t answer.” 
“ONII CHAN!” You suddenly yelled at him and he grinned, you glanced back at Kageyama and he had a small smile on his face. You slowly nodded your head as an answer and the cheers went on but Kageyama silenced them.
“We aren’t dating! She was just saying.” 
“Then ask her out already.” 
“If I do, will you guys stop embarrassing us?”
“Yes…” They all said in unison, and Kageyama was a stuttering and blushing mess. 
“W-Will you g-go out with me (Y/N) san?” 
“S-Sure… but what if people laugh because you are with me?” You asked referring to your weight, and he blinked confused.
“I will make them shut up.” He said seriously and you looked up and he quickly kissed your cheek.
“See (Y/N), now you have a reason to attend our practices and matches. Though, I wish you would go for me since I am your brother, but as long as you get out of your comfort zone.” He said sulking slightly realizing if you went it would be for Kageyama. 
“I will go for the both of you.” You said with a small smile patting his shoulder.”
“Sure you will…” He sighed softly but you glanced at Kageyama and he gave you a small rare smile of his.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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studylustre · 7 years
Your blog is so cute ! You motivate me a lot please keep the hard work it's really motivating and makes peoples day for sure ( atleast mine > u
aah thank u so much for this lovely message my sweet!! 💕  have a lovely day!
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