#kiriya bido
thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Vanguard Descends
Chapter 26 The Palesville Showdown
Aichi’s current team
Level 51 Ahmes (Gallade) psychic/fighting
Close combat
Solar blade
Swords dance
Future Sight
Level 49 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Crush Claw
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 48 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 50 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Close combat
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Swords dance
Level 48 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Dragon dance
Dragon pulse
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow claw
Before everyone else woke up Aichi did his morning routine with Alfred. After everyone else woke up they continued to Palesville. Palesville seemed surprisingly chill. It was bigger than most of the other towns and would become a bustling city in the near future. There were many new buildings under construction and it seemed rather colorful. There seemed to be a lot of weird art pieces around and people dressed in very up to date fashion. Aichi kinda felt like they stuck out here a bit. He also couldn’t help, but wonder why Team Asteroid ignored this town. It has a gym like many of the others. They looked around for the gym and Aichi got an eerie feeling.
“Something about this place feels off. Everything seems too alright here and unlike Gold Maine it’s not heavily defended.”, Aichi thought, as he really looked at the people here.
He noticed some eyes seemed to be on him and the moment he looked back they looked away.
“Maybe I’m just being paranoid...They're probably looking at us because we stick out.”, Aichi thought.
Though, he couldn’t shake this feeling like something was off. He remembered this feeling it was like when he first went to Alfred’s castle. They eventually made it before the gym. It was a rather sparkly building and was weirdly shaped. It had a very artsy looking fairy type symbol likely painted onto the building.
“Looks like you can’t use your egg baby for this one bro.”, Kamui said.
“This isn’t going to stop isn’t it?”, Aichi questioned, sweat dropping.
“I dunno what you mean bro.”, Kamui replied.
Everyone sweat dropped and Aichi just went into the gym. They covered his eyes from the obviously colorful star shaped lights that shined in their faces. The gym seemed to be designed like a stage inside with the battle area on the stage. There were several rows of people in the audience clapping for a redheaded teen with purple eyes and blue suit. They sweat dropped as he made a dramatic pose for the audience which was met with up roaring applause.
“Bido Kiriya, he’s still eccentric.”, Misaki said.
“He’s the gym leader here.”, Kourin added.
“So...do we just wait for him or…”, Aichi pondered, before Kiriya seemed to beckon him onto the stage.
Aichi looked around to the others to see if he was beckoning someone else. He pointed at himself to make sure and Kiriya nodded. Aichi nervously walked up to the stage. The others looked a bit conscious seeing how he seemed to call Aichi up.
Aichi tried not to look at the audience feeling very anxious at the idea of battling for a crowd.
“Nice to finally meet you. My name is Bido Kiriya.”, Kiriya introduced.
“Uh...my name is Sendou Aichi. Wait...what do you mean by finally?”, Aichi replied.
“I have heard quite a lot about Sendou Aichi. How could I have not? You’ve been going from town to town and defeating Team Asteroid with your friends.”, Kiriya explained.
“I guess so...I didn’t know people outside the towns really knew.”, Aichi replied.
“Well the internet does exist after all word travels around fast.”, Kiriya replied.
“That makes sense.”, Aichi replied.
“Since, Team Asteroid isn’t here you must obviously be here for a gym battle.”, Kiriya replied.
“Yeah...I am.”, Aichi replied, still feeling a bit skeptical.
“Then we shall battle! Go, Mawile!”, Kiriya replied.
“Go, Ahmes!”, Aichi called out.
Ahmes prepared a fighting stance instantly. Kiriya smiled seeing what Aichi had thrown out.
“Mawile use play rough!”, Kiriya ordered.
“Ahmes use swords dance!”, Aichi ordered.
Mawile tried to chomp at Ahmes it’s second mouth, but Ahmes dodged out of the way and started the swords dance. Mawile chases down Ahmes getting a few hits in and some hits Ahmes blocked with his blades.
“Ahmes use close combat!”, Aichi ordered.
Ahmes pushes back Mawile going into an all out attack slicing Mawile repetitively with it’s blades. Ahmes sent a final slash knocking out Mawile.
“Very impressive Sendou Aichi. Now go, Mr. Mime!”, Kiriya said, throwing out his next Pokémon.
“Ahmes use swords dance.”, Aichi ordered.
“Mr. Mime use dazzling gleam.”, Kiriya ordered as Mr.Mime lit up the stage with pink light.
Ahmes jumped out of the way of the light. It started using swords dance again.
“Ahmes can’t get in close with that attack being used.”, Misaki said.
“Yeah, it was like when he fought Amaterasu.”, Kamui replied.
“What do I do? I’ll have to recall Ahmes he can’t fight from a distance.”, Aichi thought.
“Gallade. Gallade.Gallade. Gallade. Gallade. Gallade. Gallade. Gallade. Gallade. Gallade. Gallade.Gallade. (That light won’t last forever and the attack is continuously draining Mr.Mime’s energy.)”, Ahmes said.
“Your right.”, Aichi said as he noticed Mr.Mime starting to tire.
The second the light dissipated Ahmes charged forward with blinding speed.
“Ahmes use solar blade!”, Aichi ordered.
Ahmes slashed at Mr.Mime multiple times before it could use dazzling gleam again. Mr.Mime fell to the ground fainting. Kiriya recalled Mr.Mime and clapped.
“Very good. You are definitely as powerful as I’ve heard.”, Kiriya said.
“Thanks, though I don’t think I’m that strong.”, Aichi replied.
“To get this far you would have to be powerful. Go, Mimikyu!”, Kiriya replied.
“Mimikyu use play rough!”, Kiriya ordered.
“Ahmes use solar blade!”, Aichi ordered.
Ahmes tried to slash at Mimikyu, but it was a very small target. It jumped around as Ahmes tried to hit it. It slammed its tail into Ahmes as he tried to slash at it. Ahmes blocked the second tail strike with its blade before slashing at Mimikyu. Mimikyu was send flying back a bit before it jumped at Ahmes again.
“Ahmes use future sight.”, Aichi ordered, before Ahmes dodged out of the way of Mimikyu.
Mimikyu rushed at Ahmes again, but was dodged. While Mimikyu was mid air Ahmes slashed at it with solar blade once more making it crash to the ground. Mimikyu charged at Ahmes one last time as Ahmes hit it with a wave of psychic energy from future sight. Mimikyu was sent flying back and fainted.
“Looks like Aichi wins.”, Miwa commented as Kiriya smiled.
“Now, let’s see how special you really are.”, Kiriya said as he revealed a very similar looking bracelet it glowed with light that was channeled into the Poké ball he held out.
Everyone gasped in surprise seeing what Kiriya was about to do. The Poké ball grew and Kiriya threw it forward with both hands.
“Go, Grimmsnarl!”, Kiriya called out, as Grimmsnarl grew massive.
The ceiling of the gym was obliterated and Grimmsnarl towered over them like a titan. They sweated nervously looking up at the colossal Pokémon.
“W-what are you doing?! It could destroy the whole city!”, Aichi replied full on panic.
“It doesn’t matter much anyway after all these people are only dolls being manipulated.”, Kiriya replied as on cue the ‘people’ all slumped like puppets that had their strings cut.
“Grimmsnarl ! Grimmsnarl! Grimmsnarl! Grimmsnarl! Grimmsnarl! Grimmsnarl! Grimmsnarl! Grimmsnarl! (It wasn’t that hard to fool you stupid humans! They just had to look human enough to fool you!)”, Grimmsnarl said as it looked down at them it’s voice alone causing the town to shake.
“Where’s the real citizens then?!”, Aichi questioned.
“I’m sure you’ve run into some before. You see they are all working for Team Asteroid now.”, Kiriya answered.
“So, you're being controlled now too?”, Misaki asked.
“As if! I joined Team Asteroid willing to get rid of all the filthy weakling trash stinking up this beautiful region. It’s filled to the brim with sniveling cowards who fled their own region in fear of Team Asteroid.”, Kiriya replied.
“You can’t be serious! Kakusa is one of the last regions left that hasn’t been taken over by Team Asteroid. And you just want to take away one of the last sanctuaries left from their rule for a reason like that?!”, Aichi questioned.
“I wouldn’t expect a sniveling coward like you to understand Galarian. Though, it’s not like you’d know much about your home region considering you fled. You were supposed to be in Galar by your father, the boss’s side yet you ran from that! You could have ruled the world!”, Kiriya replied as he pointed at Aichi.
“I don’t wanna rule the world! I just...I just want to be happy with all my friends! I want the world to return to peace!”, Aichi replied.
“Yeah, not everyone’s a power hungry sociopath like you!”, Kamui said to Kiriya.
Kiriya laughed at them as the others tensed preparing to send out their Pokémon.
“You're such a fool. You don’t deserve that power you were blessed with. What’s the point when you don’t use it? Instead you just want everyone to hold hands and play nice however the world isn’t really like that.”, Kiriya replied.
“I disagree! Sure things can get bad! They can get really bad! But there’s so many good things in the world worth protecting!”, Aichi replied, determinedly.
“Then, let’s see who’s beliefs shine through! How will your friendship withstand absolute power! Go, Grimmsnarl, destroy them! Use g-max snooze!”, Kiriya replied.
Grimmsnarl sent dark energy at them as Ahmes quickly grabbed Aichi moving him out of harm’s way. Then others ran, throwing out a Pokémon to ride out of the crumbling gym. Kai flew on Overlord, Miwa flew on Dauntless, Kamui rode on Tough Boy’s back, Misaki flew on Guardian and Kourin rode on Garmore. They were back in the town. With each step Grimmsnarl made the town shook. Kiriya rode on Grimmsnarl’s shoulder and the entire gym had been obliterated. Aichi grabbed his Poké balls throwing out the rest of his Pokémon.
“Golisopod! Golisopod! (Holy crap! That guy’s huge!)”, Llew said, sweating nervously.
“Lucario. Lucario. (It must be a gigantamax.)”, Gancelot said.
“ Haxorus? Haxorus? (How do I get that big?)”, Soul Saver asked.
“Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. (Aichi doesn’t even have one of the bracelets you need.)”, Wingal replied.
“Hax! (Aw!)”, Soul Saver replied.
“Another gigantamax these people aren’t being careful at all with them!”, Alfred said.
“Yeah, I know I don’t know how we’re going to beat that thing. But, we’ve gotta try! Kiriya is on it so trying to knock him out doesn’t seem like a option.”, Aichi said.
“Gallade? Gallade? Gallade?(So, what shall we do my vanguard?)”, Ahmes asked.
“The only thing I can think of is to just attack it with everything we have. There’s no civilians here so we don’t have to worry about them.”, Aichi replied.
“Golisopod! Golisopod! (Alright, let’s hit it till it faints!)”, Llew said.
“That seems like the only thing we can do.”, Alfred said as he floated into Aichi’s hand.
In the distance he saw everyone else getting out their Pokémon to fight. Overlord appeared onto the battlefield behind Grimmsnarl now in its Gigantamax form.
Somewhere near Palesville a carrier Dragonite carried some sort of packages.
“We’ll have to fight from a distance to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.”, Kourin said as Misaki nodded.
“What’s that thing even weak to?”, Kamui asked.
“Poison, steel, and fairy.”, Misaki replied as Kamui sweat dropped.
“I don’t have any of those types!”, Kamui replied.
“Ashlei use moonblast! Bridgette use toxic! Nemain use fire blast! Salome use steel wing! Garmore use hyper beam!”, Kourin ordered as her Pokémon sent their respective attacks.
“Ahh! Alright let’s go I won’t let type stop me! Kaiser use hyper beam! Buster use fire blast! Tough Boy use hyper beam! Mr. Invincible use strength! Shout use hyper beam! Hatred Chaos use hyper beam!”, Kamui ordered as his Pokémon sent their respective attacks.
“Assista Eevee use dazzling gleam! Amaterasu use dazzling gleam! Tom use dazzling gleam! Guardian use flash cannon! Sakuya use moonblast! Coco use dazzling gleam!”, Misaki ordered as her Pokémon sent their respective attacks.
Misaki definitely seemed to be doing the most damage to Grimmsnarl out of the three due to her super effective attacks. However, she had nothing on Overlord who sent a flood of fire at Grimmsnarl. Grimmsnarl sent dark energy at Overlord mostly focusing on it.
Aichi rode on Soul Saver brandishing Alfred as his Pokémon sent out their attacks. Ahmes sent waves of psychic energy. Gancelot and Wingal sent sharp rocks at Grimmsnarl. And Llew sent a storm of ice. Grimmsnarl was completely unaffected by dragon moves so Soul Saver wasn’t an option. The only thing she could do is be Aichi’s mount so he could avoid danger though, she was happy to be protecting her mommy. Aichi wielded Alfred for when he needed him.
They noticed the Dragonite in the distance flying over to them wondering what it’s about. Aichi rode over towards the others on Soul Saver as the Dragonite landed. The Dragonite sent down a case and held out a monitor. On the screen appeared Esuka much to their shock.
“It’s been awhile, but we don’t have time for that. I am giving these to you so you can improve your Pokémon’s power further. I don’t know when you will get these, but hopefully it’s fast.”, Esuka said on the screen before it cut off.
Misaki opened the box to reveal 3 mega rings: one blue, one green, and one orange.
“These are mega rings.”, Misaki said as she handed them to Aichi and Kamui.
“Don’t we need mega stones for these?”, Aichi asked.
“Right here.”, Misaki said, as the other package had 6 mega stones they were for: Gallade, Lucario, Gardevior, Metagross, Tyranitar, and Blazekin.
“Ah!!! If only Kaiser was Tyranitar!”, Kamui said, before he was passed some rare candies from the third package.
“Let’s go!”, Kamui said, giving all the candies to Kaiser.
Kaiser was finally enveloped in the light of evolution. It had become much larger and turned green. It grew arms, legs, and a tail. Also, it had spikes down its back.
Aichi held up the mega bracelet on his wrist a bit nervously having never used one before.
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Vanguard Descends
Chapter 32 The Strongest In Kakusa, The Elite Four! Part 1
Aichi’s current team
Level 67 Ahmes (Gallade) psychic/fighting
Close combat
Solar blade
Swords dance
Future Sight
Level 66 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 65 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 66 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 72 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow claw
Aichi stood before the massive dark building that houses the elite four. If things were different he would be excited about getting here. However, that wasn’t quite the case due to the current circumstances. He had to win or he...no everyone would lose everything. He grabbed his chest feeling a bit of anxiety bubbling up inside him. He had put on a brave face for his friends and family, but he truly was scared. Scared of failing everyone. Scared of what his father would have planned for him if he lost here. Scared of battling Ren. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself. He mustered up his courage and strode forward in spite of his fears.
There was a little healer where he quickly healed his Pokémon all up. He made sure to double check how many ethers, potions, and revives he had: 12, 15, and 6. He wondered if he should stock up more, but he wasn’t sure it was safe to buy from stores run by Team Asteroid. So, he walked before the door that led to the elite four. He went through. The first room that greeted him was a room ablaze with pink stage lights. The middle of the room had a small stage-like platform with a familiar face; Kiriya Bido.
“Long time no see coward.”, Kiriya greeted, as Aichi’s eyes widened in shock.
“Aren’t you a gym leader?”, Aichi questioned, his voice full of confusion.
“I have improved my power since we last met. To the point where Team Asteroid recognized that strength and promoted me. Well, after I dealt with that troublesome dragon.”, Kiriya replied.
“What did you do to Dragonite?!”, Aichi questioned, worried for the Pokémon who helped them.
“The same thing I’m going to do to you. Beat you down into submission before you recognize my power and bow at my feet!”, Kiriya replied as Aichi narrowed his eyes glaring at Kiriya.
“That won’t happen! I’ll defeat Team Asteroid and you! Go, Gancelot!”, Aichi replied, throwing out his Pokémon.
“Go, Mr.Mime! Use psychic”, Kiriya called out.
“Gancelot use meteor mash!”, Aichi ordered.
Gancelot dodged past the psychic blast delivering a powerful steel punch to Mr.Mime sending it straight to the ground with a loud thud. Mr.Mime stumbled up damaged and dazed by the blow.
“Mr.Mime use dazzling gleam!”, Kiriya ordered.
Before Mr.Mime could get the chance it was hit with a hard blow to the gut. It blew the wind out of Mr.Mime and caused it to faint as Kiriya scowled.
“You're not the only one who has gotten stronger.”, Aichi said.
“Heh. It seems so, but it won’t be enough to beat me. Go, Mawile use dazzling gleam!”, Kiriya replied.
As soon as Mawile flew out of the Poké ball in emanated bright pink light. Gancelot jumped back as this happened narrowly escaping the light’s reach.
“Gancelot use focus blast!”, Aichi ordered.
Gancelot put his hands together and shot out a beam of energy at Mawile. The beam hit Mawile directly dispelling the light.
“Now use meteor mash!”, Aichi ordered as Gancelot rushed forward.
“Use dazzling gleam again!”, Kiriya ordered.
Mawile while mid air started emanating pink light again. Gancelot tried to dodge again, but got caught up in the light. Gancelot staggered a bit after being hit with the blast, but was not hurt too bad.
“Damn! That Lucario is half steel type so my attacks aren’t as effective as they’d normally be!”, Kiriya said.
“Gancelot use focus blast.”, Aichi ordered after Mawile had crashed into the wall leaving it no place to run.
Gancelot sent another beam of energy at Mawile causing it to faint.
“Grr! Go, Alolan Ninetails! Use psyshock!”, Kiriya ordered.
Gancelot dodged out of the way of the psychic blasts shot his way. He ran along the arena as he dodged the blasts. The circles he ran around the arena got smaller as he approached Ninetails.
“Gancelot use meteor mash!”, Aichi ordered.
Gancelot delivered a hard punch to Ninetails knocking it back. Aichi noticed Gancelot seemed to be getting a bit tired so the hit wasn’t as strong. Gancelot threw another punch to compensate. He threw one last punch to take down Ninetails.
“I’m gonna have to have him rest up for a bit.”, Aichi thought as he recalled Gancelot.
“Go, Slyveon!”, Kiriya called out.
“Go, Soul Saver!”, Aichi called out before Kiriya laughed.
“Are you stupid? You're really throwing out a dragon type against a fairy type? Are you trying to make a fool out of me?!”, Kiriya questioned.
“Haxorus. Haxorus.Haxorus. Haxorus.Haxorus. Haxorus. (Mommy doesn’t need to, you already are one.)”, Soul Saver replied as she laughed and Aichi’s seriousness suddenly broke laughing too.
Kiriya growled at this mockery as Aichi smiled at him under the influence of the link.
“Even his Pokémon is laughing at me!”, Kiriya thought angrily.
“Let’s show him what you can do Soul Saver! Use dragon dance!”, Aichi said.
“Slyveon use moonblast to shut up that annoying dragon!”, Kiriya growled angrily.
Slyveon sent a beam at Soul Saver who dodged while doing dragon dance. The way Soul Saver dances was almost in a mockery way which only further infuriated Kiriya and even Slyveon.
“Haxorus! Haxorus!Haxorus! Haxorus!Haxorus! Haxorus!(Na! Na! Bo! Bo! You can’t catch me stupid fairy!)”, Soul Saver taunted as an angry tick mark appeared on Slyveon’s head.
“Slyveon! Slyveon! Slyveon! Slyveon! Slyveon! Slyveon!(Shut up stupid dragon! Your mince meat to me! I’ll show you!)”, Slyveon growled angrily as Soul Saver continued to laugh with Aichi.
Slyveon in response sent several moonblasts at Soul Saver with even more power than before. Though, due to being blinded by rage Slyveon’s aim was off. Slyveon only continued to grow more frustrated along with Kiriya. Soul Saver continued to do dragon dance including wiggling her but mockingly in the dance.
“Grr! Take this seriously! I won’t allow a coward who relies on others like you to defeat me!”, Kiriya said.
“Oh, really? I don’t think so. It looks like your and your Pokémon are losing way more than your temper.”, Aichi replied mirthfully.
Slyveon panted becoming increasingly exhausted from all the attacks it was launching. Soul Saver got up closer to Slyveon as it growled at her.
“Haxorus! Haxorus!(Come at me bro!)”, Soul Saver taunted.
Slyveon angrily shot another blast at Soul Saver who surprisingly skillfully dodged.
“Soul Saver use iron tail!”, Aichi ordered as Kiriya paled.
With one loud swipe of its tail which sounded metallic as it collided, Slyveon fainted. Soul Saver smirked before laughing and beating her fists against her chest like a monkey and breathing out blue energy. Kiriya’s eye twitched as he felt himself reaching his breaking point as he threw out his last Pokémon. Kiriya Gigantamaxed it not caring about anything else, but shutting up Aichi and Soul Saver.
“Go, Grimmsnarl! Kill them!”, Kiriya ordered.
Grimmsnarl was now huge, reaching up to the tall ceiling in height. Aichi and Soul Saver smiled confidently not being bothered by this at all.
“Let’s do this Soul Saver! End this!”, Aichi said, confidently as Soul Saver roared in agreement.
Kiriya jumped in surprise when Soul Saver’s scales became blue and its underbelly glowed gold as if it was made of energy.
“Haxorus! Haxorus! (Holy charging roar!)”, Soul Saver roared as it’s eyes glowed.
Move: Holy Charging Roar
Type: Psychic
Category: Special
Power: 150
Accuracy: 70%
PP: 5
Priority: 1
Description: This move can only be used when Soul Saver’s scales turn blue. This attack ignores type effectiveness simply dealing neutral damage to any Pokémon it’s used against. Soul Saver lets out a loud roar which temporarily upgrades it’s attack and special attack. She sends a golden dragon shaped blast from her body at the target.
In response Grimmsnarl sent dark energy at Soul Saver. The two attacks clashed as Soul Saver’s blast surprisingly seemed to overwhelm the Gigantamax Pokémon. Kiriya’s jaw dropped in shock when the blast completely overpowered Grimmsnarl’s and enveloped it. Debris fell from the roof as Grimmsnarl was sent flying into the air breaking the ceiling and shaking the whole building.
Ren smirked from within the champion room amused.
“Looks like 003v will actually make this interesting.”, Ren commented.
Soul Saver swiped at the debris with its tail and tusks, destroying and cutting it. Aichi blinked as he looked at the whole in the ceiling, sweat dropping as he snapped out of the link.
“Oh, crap! I hope everyone in the building is alright! We weren’t supposed to use that attack yet! Hopefully Ren didn’t see it!”, Aichi thought as he held his head in panic.
Aichi walked over to the door to check, but he quickly realized it was locked.
“Crap!”, Aichi yelled as Soul Saver walked over to him holding her head down.
“Haxorus. Haxorus. (Sorry mommy.)”, Soul Saver apologized after seeing the destruction.
Aichi rubbed his head, sighing as he closed his eyes.
“You have to be more serious as me and Alfred have been trying to tell you this isn’t a game. We can’t lose here. It’s different outside but...you think you can get this door open so we can check on anyone outside?Just don’t launch that attack again in a building like this. People could have been hurt. ”, Aichi replied in a scolding tone as Soul Saver whined.
“You can’t the door is locked and its sturdiness is being enhanced by master Ren.”, Kiriya replied.
“Then...we’ll just break the wall.”, Aichi said as he looked around for a way out.
“There’s no one out there anyway. The only people in here are Ren and the elite four. That’s why the healer was unattended besides if you leave you forfeit.”, Kiriya replied as Aichi froze.
“Are you positive about that?”, Aichi asked as he balled up his fists.
“Yes! You think anyone besides someone as strong as a elite four would want to be anywhere near master Ren’s firing range?”, Kiriya replied.
“Alright. I guess I’ll go on then.”, Aichi replied as he recalled Soul Saver.
Aichi moves onto the next room a little nervously. He was relieved to see the debris was only in the previous room. However, the room itself had him a bit taken aback. There were pictures of canine Pokémon on the walls. In the middle of the room was a male teen with long silver hair and beady eyes. He wore an Arcanine suit and had a collar like a pet. Aichi sweat dropped, stumbling back a bit in shock.
“Woof! Woof! I am Minami the dog elite four master!”, he introduced.
“O-oh you're the next elite four member?”, Aichi questioned incredulously.
“Yes! Isn’t it obvious?”, Minami replied as Aichi was completely stunned.
“S-sure. It makes perfect sense...even though there’s no dog type…”, Aichi muttered out.
“Don’t underestimate us canines or you’ll get bit!”, Minami replied as Aichi’s eye twitched incredulously.
“Now, face the wrath of my dog army! Go, Manectric!”, Minami called out.
“So, Wingal!”, Aichi called out.
“Ahh!”, Minami screamed as Aichi sweat dropped.
“What’s wrong?”, Aichi asked.
“How dare you use a dog against me you heathen!”, Minami cried as Wingal sweat dropped.
“Lycanroc? Lycanroc?Lycanroc? Lycanroc?Lycanroc? Lycanroc? Lycanroc?! Lycanroc?!(What the hell is this crazy guy on about? What even is a dog?!)”, Wingal questioned.
“I have no idea.”, Aichi replied.
“Lycanroc. Lycanroc. (I think this guy is delusional.)”, Wingal replied.
“Wingal use stealth rock.”, Aichi ordered.
Wingal shit sharp rocks out of his mane which covered the arena.
“Manectric use iron tail!”, Minami ordered.
“Wingal use stone edge!”, Aichi ordered.
As Manectric was mid air Wingal sent a barrage of sharp rocks at it which all cut it. Manectric fell to the ground struggling to get up.
“So, horrible! Horrible! Two doggies being forced to fight!”, Minami commented as Aichi and Wingal have incredulous looks.
“...Lycanroc.Lycanroc. Lycanroc. (...I’ll just put him out of his misery.)”, Wingal replied.
Wingal used crunch on the struggling Manectric biting it down till it fainted. Minami was seething as Aichi and Wingal continued to sweat drop.
“You villainous wretch! Go, Mightyena!”, Minami called out.
Mightyena winced when it’s paws were cut by the rocks.
“Wingal use play rough.”, Aichi ordered as Wingal quickly launched itself at Mightyena.
Before it could counter it was pounced on and beaten down as Minami gasped in horror clutching his head.
“A-are you alright?”, Aichi asked with concern.
“Lycanroc! Lycanroc! Lycanroc! (Of course not! He’s insane!)”, Wingal replied, standing over the fainted Mightyena.
“Ahh! What horror! This is an outrage! Go, Granbull use outrage in this abuser!”, Minami yelled.
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Vanguard Descends
Chapter 27 A New Power! Mega Evolution!
Aichi’s current team
Level 52 Ahmes (Gallade) psychic/fighting
Close combat
Solar blade
Swords dance
Future Sight
Level 49 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Crush Claw
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 48 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 50 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Close combat
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Swords dance
Level 48 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Dragon dance
Dragon pulse
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow claw
Ahmes now had a cape and it’s blades grew longer now lined with red. His upper body was now white and the fin on his head curved.
The black patterns on Gancelot’s face and body changed. He now had a big furry yellow tail and spikes on his legs and an extra set on the back of his paw. All of his paws were now red and the things that flowed out the back of his head were now longer and tipped with red.
Guardian’s legs were now all in front and it continuously floated. It had a spike under its mouth and the x on its face was now longer and golden.
Sakuya now had a second fin on her chest and her hair was shorter. Her dress was now more puffy and her arms were now white.
The spikes on Kaiser’s back were now much longer and parted. It had an extra spike on its head and legs. The thing on its stomach was now red along with its eyes and it’s tail was now longer with spikes.
The fur on the back of Buster’s head now stuck up and it had a spike on its forehead. The pattern on its body had changed and it was black and red. Fire trailed off the sides of its wrists.
They gasped in awe seeing their Pokémon transform once more.
“Haxorus! (That’s so cool!)”, Soul Saver squealed with childish excitement.
“Hehe, I know!”, Aichi replied excitingly.
“Aichi focus.”, Misaki said, sweat dropping at the link activating again.
“Ah. Ah...Yes, we have to defeat Kiriya. L-let’s go guys! Ahmes use solar blade! Gancelot use meteor impact!”, Aichi replied, shaking his head snapping out of it.
The powered up pair charged up at Grimmsnarl. Ahmes slashing at it and Gancelot landing a hard steel punch. The blows caused Grimmsnarl to stumble as the others joined in.
“Guardian use flash cannon! Sakuya use moonblast!”, Misaki ordered as both blasts nailed Grimmsnarl causing it to stumble again.
“Kaiser use hyper beam! Buster use fire blast!”, Kamui ordered as the attacks clashed with Grimmsnarl causing it to stumble once more.
“Now, finish this Ahmes! Gancelot!”, Aichi commanded.
Ahmes and Gancelot jumped up together from a tall building at Grimmsnarl. They both hit Grimmsnarl in the face Ahmes slashing and Gancelot punching. The massive Pokémon finally fell over.
“Ahmes save him!”, Aichi ordered, reading out.
Ahmes stopped Kiriya from falling to his death with his psychic energy.
“How could I lose! To cowards like you!”, Kiriya yelled enraged.
“You're the coward! You actually joined Team Asteroid willingly and gave all the citizens of your town to them!”, Misaki replied, angrily.
“Yeah, were actually trying to fight back against those jerks and you just gave in!”, Kamui added, angrily.
“Seriously, says the guy who lost to Aichi fair and square then threw out a gigantamax Pokémon. Gigantamax is not even allowed in our league.”, Kourin added, with a cold look.
“You!”, Kiriya growled, struggling within the grip of Ahmes powers.
The fairy badge had fallen out while he struggled and Kourin handed it to Aichi.
“Don’t forget you won this.”, Kourin told him.
“Thank you.”, Aichi replied.
“I’ll get my revenge on you cowards! I, the brightest star in Team Asteroid!”, Kiriya threatened.
“Gosh, this guy is really a sore loser.”, Miwa commented as Kiriya fumed.
“I don’t think you’ve looked into a mirror recently, Kiriya.”, Kai replied to Kiriya.
“So, what do we do with him?”, Aichi asked.
“I guess Esuka’s Dragonite can take him.”, Misaki replied.
“Okay. Is that alright?”, Aichi asked Esuka’s Dragonite.
“Dragonite. Dragonite. (It shouldn’t be too tough.)”, Dragonite answered, flying over to Kiriya.
“Thank you.”, Aichi replied as Dragonite picked up Kiriya who continued to struggle.
“Dragonite. Dragonite. Dragonite. Dragonite. (It's no trouble this guy is a lightweight.)”, Dragonite replied.
“I guess we're off to our final destination now, Dai city.”, Miwa said.
“First we should probably heal up our Pokémon there’s probably still a healer in the Pokémon center.”, Misaki replied.
They healed up their Pokémon before setting off again. There weren't any trainers on the way probably due to most people being scared of Team Asteroid. Aichi flinched when he smelled the obnoxious scent of pollution in the distance. He instantly put his fingers on his nose to block the smell.
“What is that?!”, Aichi questioned.
“I know it’s bad, but have you never smelled polluted air before?”, Miwa questioned.
“He’s a country bumpkin he hadn’t even gone to Gold Maine before his adventure.”, Misaki replied.
“Gold Maine didn’t smell bad like this.”, Aichi replied as Kourin handed him and the others masks.
“It’s probably best for you guys to wear these here. The smog here is pretty bad.”, Kourin said.
Aichi wasted no time putting the mask on not being able to stand the smell at all.
“Thank you so much Kourin.”, Aichi replied as he took a breath.
“It’s not a big deal I just have these disposable masks for when I have to perform here.”, Kourin replied.
“Your not even in the city yet.”, Miwa said as they neared it.
There were some officers in the front though they seemed a bit shady. Especially, when they already knew Ren brainwashed all of them. They were a bit conscious as they passed by. When they got in they immediately noticed how crowded and bright the city was. The obnoxious neon lights even pierced through the thick smog in the city. Misaki held Aichi’s hand leading him through the smog as they looked for the gym.
“It’s here!”, Miwa’s called out, finding it.
They followed Miwa to the front of a building that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. It had a glowing neon symbol for the steel type.
“Well, the city may be crappy because of all the pollution, but the gym leader here is actually pretty nice. His name is Mitsusada Kenji.”, Misaki said.
The door to the gym slid open when they stood in front of it and they walked in. Inside of the gym had some rather shady looking individuals. One person stood out , a teen with a long white coat and a black shirt. He had piercings and black hair with purple eyes. Kai narrowed his eyes at them.
“Where’s Kenji?”, Misaki questioned.
“I dunno. But I recognize those shady guys from the underground.”, Miwa replied.
“That’s Mutsuki Jun the king of the underground.”, Kai told them as they gasped in shock.
“It’s been awhile Kai. I was wondering where you went.”, Jun said.
“What are you doing here Jun?”, Kai asked.
“I’m the new gym leader here.”, he said as they gasped in shock.
“When did that happen?!”, Misaki asked.
“After that fool Kenji challenged Ren and lost. He’s been held captive by Team Asteroid for months along with his friends. Apparently the mind control wasn’t working on him or something. Whatever that doesn’t matter to me.”, Jun explained as Misaki growled.
Aichi stood up to Jun as he smirked.
“What? You wanna battle me little boy?”, Jun questioned.
“This kid thinks he can take on Jun!”, one of the thugs laughed before they all started to laugh.
“You have a fierce gaze there kid. I guess I’ll humor you.”, Jun said.
Aichi held out a Poké ball and Jundid too. He no longer needed the mask due to the air inside being much cleaner.
“Beat this jerk bro!”, Kamui yelled, from the sidelines.
“This gym is steel type.”, Misaki told him.
“Go, Gancelot!”, Aichi called out.
“Go, Ferrothorn use stealth rock!”, June called out as spiky rocks covered the battlefield.
“Gancelot use close combat!”, Aichi ordered as Gancelot dashed at it and Jun smirked.
“Watch o-“, Kai was saying before he was cut off.
Gancelot sent a barrage of punches and kicks at Ferrothorn. Aichi looked over, noticing everyone suddenly going quiet. He gasped as it seemed that they were put to sleep by a Hypno.
“What are y-“, Aichi was saying before he was cut off.
“Ferrothorn use explosion.”, Jun ordered as Aichi paled.
Gancelot heard that tried to jump back, but Ferrothorn wrapped its vine-like appendages around him.
“Gancelot!”, Aichi cried out, holding out his hand to Gancelot before they were illuminated in light.
Aichi covered his eyes from the light and heard a loud explosion. Aichi flew back a bit from the force of it. Aichi opened his eyes to see Ferrothorn was gone and Gancelot was severely injured. Aichi hastily ran over to Gancelot without thinking. He was shaking as Gancelot opened his eyes slightly.
“L-Lucario. Lucario. Lucario! (I-It’s fine Aichi. Don’t cry I’ll be ah!)”, Gancelot was saying before crying in pain and fainting.
“G-Gancelot!”, Aichi called out, shaking before he lowered his head and his eyes were shadowed.
“Looks like everything went according to plan. For a kid who’s been such a thorn in Team Asteroid’s side your really gullible.”, Jun said.
“Look at the little baby cry! Has he never lost a Pokémon before!?”, one of the thugs taunted.
They all flinched as the air around them became cold and heavy. They stumbled a bit feeling like they were being choked. Jun looked over to Aichi seeing a dark blue aura flow out of him.
“That’s some impressive stuff. To think just the feeling of power can do this to my guys.”, Jun said.
Aichi didn’t respond to him simply recalling Gancelot. His shaking was completely gone and he stood up with his eyes still shadowed.
“Your going to regret that.”, Aichi said, angrily, his voice becoming deeper and he brought out another Poké ball.
“We’ll see. Go, Steelix!”, Jun called out.
“Go, Soul Saver! You know what to do!”, Aichi called out.
Soul Saver instantly charged as soon as it was brought out. She had a similarly dark blue aura and her eyes glowed. She completely ignored the pain from the stealth rocks.
“Steelix use earthquake!”, Jun ordered.
Soul Saver jumped into the air avoiding the earthquake falling towards Steelix.
“You're such a fool! Steelix use dragon breath!”, Jun ordered.
Steelix shot blue energy from its mouth at Soul Saver. For a split second it’s scales turned blue and it moved out of the way with psychic energy. They all gasped as Soul Saver rammed into Steelix sending the massive Pokémon flying back and stopping the earthquake. Soul Saver charged again as she shot blue energy from her mouth at Steelix as it struggled to get up. Soul Saver swiped at Steelix with its claws and tusks causing it to faint.
“W-what the heck is this kid? Some sort of demon?!”, a thug questioned, shakily as a sinister smile formed on Aichi’s face.
Jun sweated a bit nervously, but kept his cool.
“A demon, don’t be silly. I’m the devil and you are going to regret waking me up!”, 003v said as he pointed towards Jun.
“Your Team Asteroid’s weapon aren’t you? We should be on the same side.”, Jun replied.
“Consider this a punishment from your better for pissing me off!”, 003v replied angrily as the thugs flinched and shook in fear.
“Looks like things won’t be that easy. However, I don’t intend to just sit down and take your punishment. Go, Aggron!”, Jun replied, throwing out his next Pokémon.
“What’s with him? He was completely different before?!”, one of the thugs questioned.
“The true 003v has been awakened from within that kid.”, Jun replied.
Jun flinched as Soul Saver wasted no time pouncing onto Aggron.
“Aggron use blizzard!”, Jun ordered.
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