#kirby fright to the finish
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mintyaquagreen1675 · 3 months ago
We’re back with another crossover edit
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sticker-star4 · 2 months ago
✨The GSA were the friends we made along the way ✨
I love and hate this animation at the same time 😭
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maxwell-grant · 8 months ago
People keep asking you about the Bat-villains, and I figured I might as well do something a bit different. So, I've oft heard it said that the best Rogue's Galleries in Big Two Cape Comics are (in no particular order) Batman, Spider-Man, The Flash, the FF, and Superman. Would you agree with that assessment? Which of the other four would you be interested in discussing?
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Can't find much fault in that statement and I'm honestly down for discussing any of them as well as others (although I'm really not as read on Flash), last thing I'm in shortage of is thoughts regarding villains and rogues galleries. I'd say the one that's been most on my head the past weeks has been the Fantastic Four's rogues, because I recently finished a big readthrough of their major Waid/Millar/Hickman runs and am currently going through Secret Wars, so how these guys click and how they've been used over the years and how weirdly they are structured is something I've been thinking about a bit.
I say weird because the F4 rogues don't exactly lend themselves to the kind of multiple team-ups you see with Spidey and Batman, these guys all developed over the years into weird rulers of their own sub-divisions of the world. Even as far back as the Kirby/Lee era they've always had a pecking order in place, but they've never been too numerous or conductive to forming their own Sinister Sixes or Rogues or Revenge Squads. It's like even by rogues gallery standards, these guys are all freaks too powerful to be underestimated but too anti-social to form team-ups and so they are all kind of operating on different levels. They're not porous and easy-to-transplant like Spidey's villains, and they are not as defined by the biggest and most popular among them as you'd expect, they don't have that kind of monsters vs costumed shmucks dynamic you see more pointedly in Flash, rather they exist more like pieces on a map than a balance, and as a result they have very little overlap compared to the others.
Like, The Wizard may have started, for all intents and purposes, as a small-scale Doctor Doom to do stories you couldn't bring Doom without devaluing him, but The Frightful Four actually had a clutch of fairly impressive victories in the Lee/Kirby run, and The Wizard stuck around carving his own niche in the years since. Of course Doom rules the roost uncontested, but he is a character who's grown big enough to the point he's more of a supporting character/protagonist than the others, and where as Spidey and Batman have a ton of villains that keep losing space to The Joker or the Goblin or the Symbiotes and so on, The Thinker does not exist in the same length as the Puppet Master or the Skrulls, who don't occupy the same kind of alien menace role as the Inhumans or the Kree, neither of which overlaps with Annihilus and the Negative Zone, who is totally different from the other strange master of hidden armies Mole Man, and so on.
It never feels like these guys have to fight for space the way these other rogues do, they have their roles being their own unique kind of roadblocks to the adventure (in fact, when there was a literal war for space in Hickman's Four Cities arc, they called a meeting of the rogues gallery to try and solve the problem of multiversal Reeds pushing civilizations into duking it out, so they could get back to what really mattered: trying to destroy their Reed Richards). Most might not be very flexible characters, but they all have a place in the toolkit. And for the most part they don't really define the stories of the Fantastic Four as much as these others do and I think that works very nicely for them, they are very dependable guys to have around.
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fo-ryourconsideration · 1 year ago
my brother actually has a crush on metaknight. they kiss and stuff. sending on anon so I don’t embarrass him.
I had a crush on him when I was like 8 because I thought he had a cute accent in "Kirby: Fright to the Finish!!"
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rick-the-hamster · 7 years ago
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makerofmadness · 3 years ago
I decided it’d be fun to write quartet lyrics for The Star-Conquering Traveler so guess what I did
I spent ages on this and I’m posting this at midnight after finally finishing it so idk wlkjhbiuiokjnhio
maybe i’ll finally finish up My Friends and the Setting Sun next...
Warning: angst at the end, the gang repeatedly roasts void for being cringe
☮King Dedede
☾Meta Knight
♡Bandana Waddle Dee
(originally color-coded in the google doc i wrote these in but unfortunately tumblr is weird when it comes to text color and i can barely work it so yeah, you get symbols instead)
(unmarked = everyone)
The Star-Conquering Traveler (fanLyrics)
☮‘What in the world is THAT?!’
♡‘Is that… the Dark Lord?!’
☾‘Everyone, prepare yourselves! This won’t be easy…’
☆‘Alright, gang! Let’s move out!!’
(lyrics start: 0:16)
☆The stars spotlight a frightful scene
☆Worse than all that we’ve ever seen
☆The dark destroyer rises from his heart’s vice
☆We’ve gone far past the time to play
☆Let’s haste away, do not delay
☆And let our power fill the husk that’s made of nil dreams
♡A threat to shake the galaxy
♡Born from a cracked mind’s fallacy
♡O world beware, for war we’re forced to declare
♡But if “the end is near” proves true
♡Don’t think we’ll leave from next to you
♡Responsibility for this burden we four carry
♡Our stars arise
☆All through the cosmic cold
☆A terror of the old
☆A past that time forgot (it’s strange…)
☆As its armor starts to crack
☆With each attack
☆I feel something whole from that which is not…(?)
☾Dancing with every shot, we wear down its pride
☾Break off the mask and close your eyes when we reach deep inside
☾Do not look straight into the void
☾Star-crushing pain and soul devoid
☾We’re almost there, I feel tension growing stronger
☮A mindless end, a puppet to another’s schemes
☮Marionette, oh please, let us tear out your astral seams
☮The broken locks cannot prolong
☮But I can feel that there’s something wrong
☮It's not the end, we've still got a lot more ahead of us!
☮Team, stay strong!
☆‘Everyone, jump in!’
(lyrics start: 1:51)
☾The drops of life force fall from the ceiling’s flesh
☾The dark lord’s servants’ thrall, look at their mess
♡Knock out the evil from the core
♡Send the souls crashing to the floor
♡Wake up from this nightmare, we still have way more to go!
☆Pull off the shell
♡A light so blind
☾I can’t tell
☮What we’ll find
☾I warn you all
☾Keep up your guard
(lyrics start: 2:46)
☮Flying as the heavens cheer
☮The winning team shines crystal clear
☮Hard to believe, even harder to perceive
☮Clip those wings off and cease to fly
☮Drop to your doom above the sky
☮We have no need for your dear “services” here, okay?
☾Without a heart or mind to care
☾How does this creature ever fare?
☾Is it shocking, demon, to hear our mocking?
☾Erase yourself from memory
☾Makes no difference to them or me
☾Prepare to fall, we’ll knock you back into the vacuum
☮Doom’s on the horizon
☮Wait to see what lies in next
☾(Let’s hope for the best…)
♡(Let's hope for the best!)
☮Hatred as its sole behest
☮The husk takes flight, a dark star to shill
♡Escalating- that’s all of this conflict seems to do
♡But every time we’ve faced the end we’ve proven it untrue
♡Unholy Spirit, go away
♡You’ve led our friends far too astray
♡Soon you’ll learn why despite all odds our star has stayed whole
☆Though I see nothing when I look into those eyes-
☆…forget it, I’m here for the sake of my allies
☆The friendly hearts from which we’re sent
☆Will put an end to your dull torment
☆The end’s approaching, let’s dive in for our final strike!
☆For Dream Land!
(lyrics start: 4:03)
☆(I still feel drawn in to the core…)
☆(Have I seen these walls before?)
☆(I just don’t know anymore)
☆(But there’s no time to explore!)
☾I never thought I’d face such a shocking sight…
♡What does it mean?! No, it can’t be! There’s no way this is right!
☆(...now I understand…)
☮…Hey, uh, what did you say?
☆(It all makes sense…)
☮Uh, Kirby…? // ☆(Now I see…)
☆Now I know
☆Looking at a face just like my own
☆Where I came from and where I was made
☆They were right
☆Even though I'd try to fight
☆I really WAS the monster they had claimed…
☆And I’m feeling so guilty
☆All those days under the stars, where I always wanted to stay-
☆Would I have snapped and brought it all to an end someday?!
☆I feel the force in my heart, echoing around from the start:
☆“Join your origin stained with negativity”
☆…I’m sorry, everyone who had trusted me
☆Please strike me down before I end up hurting somebody
☆Please throw me straight into the void
☆Until I’m finally destroyed
☆This love was made for miracles, not destroyers of worlds
☆The sweet spring breeze clearly had been mistaken
☆How could a hero be made from a darkness forsaken?
☆My friends, I want what’s best for you
☆I’m hoping you’ll understand this too:
☆Please don’t let me live long enough to become the villain!
☮No, you’re wrong
☮Dream Land will always be where you belong
☮And we have no plans to cast you away
☮Thin and thick
☮Proved your kindness is no trick
☮So just accept that it will be okay…
☮We all have faith in you, kid
☾Throughout every adventure, had the thought ever crossed your head
☾That you wished all those faces would all end up dead?
♡We all know who you are, you’re the Kirby of the Stars
♡Now let’s take this jerk down! Please, wipe off that frown!
☆‘...you’re right!’
O darkest void, please hear us for what it's worth:
You don’t have to become what you were made to be at birth
But if you choose that destiny
Don't think that we’ll show you mercy
That evil eye will be gouged out and exposed for nothing!
Even if all’s reduced to just odds and ends
Still will remain the echo of us four and all our friends
Though your face tries to trick us too
Don't think that our hearts won't remain true
Prepare to fight, or face defeat at the hands of Pop Star’s heroes!
☆Hey Void,
☆If you're reborn again someday
☆I hope we'll be friends
☆If you choose that to be the end
☆The choice is yours...
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maggie-chaos23 · 6 months ago
1. 🎮: What Kirby game or what point in the Kirby series timeline would your OC first appear?
Most likely a couple of months after “Fright to the finish” from Hoshi no kabii.
2. 🤝: Does your OC have any important connections to any canon characters?
when she had first arrived in Dreamland, her and tiff were good friends and as time progressed she made good friends with most of the residents in Cappy Town as well as a few of Kirby’s dream friends! And despite knowing of Meta knight, she had never actually met him until about a year into living in Dreamland.
She’s also really close to Magolor! Treating him like an older brother.
3. 🏠: Where does your OC live?
A little further than the outskirts of Cappy Town/close to Whispy Woods
4. 🪄: Does your OC use magic? If they do, how did they gain their magical abilities?
Yes! She was trained by Magolor in the arts of magic! (Levitation and Telekineses)
5. 🍎: What are some foods that your OC enjoys eating?
Rice and crunchy Peanut-butter😀 (yes, mixed together)
6. 🗣️: If you could cast a voice actor to voice your OC who would you choose?
That’s a pretty difficult question… perhaps Elsie Lovelock? Or Maybe Lizzie Freeman
7. ❤️: What is your OC’s love language (Words of affirmation, Quality time, Physical touch, Receiving gifts, or Acts of service)?
Physical touch and Gift giving🫶🏼✨
8. 🏳️‍🌈: What is your OC’s sexual orientation?
Straight Biological female
9. 🪪: Does your OC go by a nickname? If they do, what is their full name?
After arriving in Dreamland, she couldn’t remember her full name, but she did remember her first name “Maggie” after meeting Magolor, and practically becoming family, she took the middle name “Lor” and the last name “Starcutter”
10. 👑: Is your OC royalty?
No. Girly pop is broke as a joke🚫💰
11. 🗡️: What is your OC’s weapon of choice?
“You can use anything as a weapon if you throw it hard enough” — Maggie
She prefers using swords in close range combat though
12. 💏: Is your OC in a relationship?
Relationship? No. WANTS to be in a Relationship? Yes😌
13. 🙅: Does your OC have any enemies?
Not to her knowledge
14. 🍱: If your OC had a dish themed around them at the Kirby Cafe, what would it be?
Probably some kind of blueberry mango mochi
15. 🧸: If your OC had any merchandise themed around them, what would it be?
Probably acrylic keychains
16. 👶: Does your OC have children? If they don’t have any children, would they like to have some one day?
No, she does not have any children. But she does love kids and would love to have her own someday. As of right now though, she treats Kirby as her Son (This caused her and Meta knight to grow closer)
17. 🎨: What are your OC’s artistic skills? Are they a good artist or is art something that they struggle with?
she’s pretty good at art! But she needs to work on her realism😅
18. 💎: Does your OC like to collect anything?
She likes collecting sparkling water cans and bottles as well as commemorative pins and a other little doodads
19. 🛒: If your OC owned a shop, what would they sell?
Probably crochet items and baked goods🧶🥖
20. 🤫: Does your OC have any secrets?
She may or may not have a teeny tiny little crush on Meta Knight
21. 🃏: Is your OC a good liar, or is it easy for others to tell when they’re not being truthful?
She is the living breathing dictionary definition of a bad liar
22. 🪽: Can your OC fly? If they can fly, how do they do it?
Yes! Maggie was taught levitation by Magolor! She can levitate small distances off the ground! She can’t float any higher than about four-ish feet off the ground
23. 👍: What is your OC most proud of?
Her friends🫶🏼
24. 🥺: What is your OC’s biggest regret?
Not being able to remember what her life was like before Dreamland
25. ⭐️: If your OC got their own spinoff game what would it be about and what would the gameplay be like?
It would probably be an RPG similar to Miitopia where instead of faces being stolen, it was dreams and they would replaced with Nightmares so now all of Dreamland refuses to sleep, causing everything to fall into ruins because nobody can think straight (it’d practically be a mix between Meta knight’s revenge, Kirby’s Adventure, Star allies, and Miitopia)
A Kirby OC Ask Game!
Thought I’d make one of these for people to reblog and send each other asks about their OCs. You can send a number or an emoji, I’ve included both for all of the asks here so people can send whatever is easier for them.
1. 🎮: What Kirby game or what point in the Kirby series timeline would your OC first appear?
2. 🤝: Does your OC have any important connections to any canon characters?
3. 🏠: Where does your OC live?
4. 🪄: Does your OC use magic? If they do, how did they gain their magical abilities?
5. 🍎: What are some foods that your OC enjoys eating?
6. 🗣️: If you could cast a voice actor to voice your OC who would you choose?
7. ❤️: What is your OC’s love language (Words of affirmation, Quality time, Physical touch, Receiving gifts, or Acts of service)?
8. 🏳️‍🌈: What is your OC’s sexual orientation?
9. 🪪: Does your OC go by a nickname? If they do, what is their full name?
10. 👑: Is your OC royalty?
11. 🗡️: What is your OC’s weapon of choice?
12. 💏: Is your OC in a relationship?
13. 🙅: Does your OC have any enemies?
14. 🍱: If your OC had a dish themed around them at the Kirby Cafe, what would it be?
15. 🧸: If your OC had any merchandise themed around them, what would it be?
16. 👶: Does your OC have children? If they don’t have any children, would they like to have some one day?
17. 🎨: What are your OC’s artistic skills? Are they a good artist or is art something that they struggle with?
18. 💎: Does your OC like to collect anything?
19. 🛒: If your OC owned a shop, what would they sell?
20. 🤫: Does your OC have any secrets?
21. 🃏: Is your OC a good liar, or is it easy for others to tell when they’re not being truthful?
22. 🪽: Can your OC fly? If they can fly, how do they do it?
23. 👍: What is your OC most proud of?
24. 🥺: What is your OC’s biggest regret?
25. ⭐️: If your OC got their own spinoff game what would it be about and what would the gameplay be like?
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mintyaquagreen1675 · 7 months ago
Calling all Hello Neighbor, Kirby, Miraculous ladybug, Ducktales, and Disney fans. I bring you a gift into the world. Please comment and share this video with your friends and loved ones. And please tell me if you want a part seven.
Kirby Fright to the Finish Part 6: The Game plan
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sticker-star4 · 4 months ago
I was looking at my old drawings from 2023 and I honestly hated the way I used to draw Knuckle Joe’s hair. Back then I redrew a scene from the Kirby movie (honestly one of the best scenes from the finale). Nearly a year later because how how much my art has improved I re-drew it again
Original scene
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2023 ver:
Why did I draw Knuckle Joe like that??!?! 😭😭
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Current ver:
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This is sm better, and also yes, I gave Knuckle Joe a tail :3
What do you guys like better 2023 or 2024?
Also off topic but HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃
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choiwarukamen · 3 years ago
Aight I'm just gonna get it all out in one message wish me luck:
*I had once watched KRBAY in a car ride since we have fright ti the finish on dvd and I didn't realize it was the Kirby anime until like 2020 when I actually got into Kirby I think. I was like "so that's where the purple snail guy and the penguin man are from"
*younger me had a fixation on the way mind control and stuff like that was used in the Pokemon anime (and tbh I still love mind manipulation tropes for how disturbing they can be and the conflict they can introduce and stuff)
*I was into Yandere Simulator and oblivious to its controversy when I was 12
*I used to watch Power Puff Girls Z on YouTube religiously
*once when I was 10 and we were at my brothers' high school for one of their graduations I rolled down the window and yelled to some unsuspecting guy "YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!" And it's haunted me since (at least that's how I remember it going down)
*when I was in daycare I once took the zebra toy a kid was playing with and tried to hide in the bathroom (evil was apparent from a very young age)
*in my 2nd grade FNAF phase I thought toy golden freddy was a thing because of this one youtuber's Minecraft FNAF videos (I think the YouTuber was called like MangoTango or something?)
*Balloon Boy is one of my favorite characters
*I used to hate the Puppet because of how my second grade phase ended (side confession: yes I'm serious, I didn't know about the dead kids thing until the end of my first FNAF phase, and it ended because that really just scared me that badly. And I thought the Puppet was the one who killed the kids because that's what my friends told me). When I got back into FNAF as a 12 year-old and saw Pizzeria Simulator and thus learned the actual lore she became one of my favorites.
*I was a preteen and really into Steven Universe and played Attack the Light but got stuck in like the second world(?) and quit. Revisited it years later and beat it several times. Never got to play Save the Light tho.
*My YouTube childhood trauma experience was from Sonic Zombie Apocalypse I think but I swear I remember it being creepier.
*I once got in trouble with my parents for watching TAWOG YouTube Poops.
*I think Mangle is bigender
*I once shipped Princess Rosalina with Lord Betrayus and I still don't know why
Those were my confessions I am begging for forgiveness
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pikminapplebloom · 1 month ago
Kirby fright to the finish is technically Kirby movie
Given how Mario, DK, and Pikachu (and to a lesser extent, Yoshi and Jigglypuff) have already hit the big screen, which member of the PAC (Perfect Attendance Crew) should get a movie next--Link, Samus, Kirby, or Fox? (I can't really see an Earthbound or F-Zero movie working, TBH)
I lean towards a Zelda movie tbh. The plot is easy enough to figure out with the reincarnation being a thing, and the gameplay, while definitely enjoyable from game to game, is generic enough that it can be divorced from the medium of video games without issue.
A Kirby movie would also work but it would be more difficult. Mario and Zelda have iconic main antagonists and their major plot beats don’t change much beyond the occasional game or two. Outside of spinoffs, King Dedede hasn’t been a villain since Kirby’s Dreamland, and there are multiple villain “sagas” to choose from (Dark Matter, “Soul” bosses, and Galacta Knight/Morpho Knight). The Dark Matter saga is wrapped up already so that wouldn’t be hard to adapt, but you’d have to make a series out of it.
Unless you were to translate an already existing game to a movie, Metroid would be an issue because both major series are linear which doesn’t make well for a spinoff to be inserted willy nilly. Same story with Star Fox (get ready for Lylat Wars version 4!), but Star Fox hasn’t gotten a new game since Nintendo Online released the canceled Star Fox 2.
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deafeninggardenerpanda · 4 years ago
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Six people met at Daroach’s Café; Daroach, Meta Knight, Magolor, Kirby, President Dedede, and Waddle Dee. Kirby was brought here by Meta Knight's sudden call, and both Kirby and President Dedede, as told by Meta Knight, brought their now unsealed gears. A tag hung on the door of the café reading, "Closed Today," so there was no need to worry about customers coming in. President Dedede glanced at Meta Knight and complained.
"What does this mean? You said your name is Meta Knight? You look like an aristocrat, what’s in it for you?"
"I'll explain everything, but first, the gears you have ... " Meta Knight was saying before Magolor interrupted him.
"The gears, put them in the box!" Magolor presented a box with a lid.
"Why did you prepare a box? For what ...? " Meta Knight asked. 
"The gears are dangerous now that the seals have melted off. The magical power in them will burst out and destroy stuff around us!" Magolor shivered in fright. "I don't know if something will happen if the three gears are gathered in one place, so I brought a box to contain them."
"I see, then let's put the gears we found in the box," Daroach said. He tossed his gear into the box.
"Put your gear in the box, too," Meta Knight told President Dedede.
"What? Don’t be ridiculous." He hugged the gear protectively. "I had a hard time getting this gear, I'm not giving it to anyone!"
"The gear might go haywire if you don’t put it in the box!" Magolor’s expression was serious. President Dedede replied nervously.
"B-but, it’s mine. Magolor, you know how hard it was to get this ... " 
"Ah! Danger!" Magolor shouted. President Dedede jumped up in surprise.  
"Just now, the gear shone brightly! That must be the signal!" 
"Eh!? Eh!? What—!? " President Dedede threw the gear in a panic. Magolor quickly caught the gear with the box.
"Now, put your gear in Magolor’s box as well ... " Meta Knight told Kirby, however, he closed his mouth when he saw Kirby’s face. His eyes were shining, and his mouth was about to drool. 
"All three gears! With these, the deluxe lunches for 100,000 people are ours!"
" ... Put the gear in the box, quickly."
Kirby didn't hear. His head was full of deluxe lunches for 100,000 people. "Chef Kawasaki's deluxe lunch! Has everyone had it!? It's amazing, on a big plate, hamburger steak, fried shrimp, and omelet rice are set, with a huge heap of potato salad ...! "
" ... Kirby, please listen to me ... "
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"Let's eat it together! If everyone can't finish it, I'll finish it! It’s okay, I don’t mind!"
" ..... I'm telling you to put the gear in the box ..... "
"Yeah! 100,000 servings, 100,000 servings~! " Kirby cheerfully tossed the gear into the box. Magolor closed the lid.
"With that, crisis has been averted! The magic has been contained, no need to worry anymore."
"Then, let's move on." Meta Knight put the photo on the table. President Dedede inspected it.  
"What is this? Are these supposed to be characters ...? " 
"They’re ancient characters. It seems to be an explanation of the machine found in the diamond mine." 
"I can’t read it." 
"It's difficult to decipher, but I can understand some of it by looking in this book." Meta Knight placed the thick research book next to the photo.
"What’s it say?" Kirby asked. 
"It’s a warning."
"Warning ...? " 
"The discovered ancient machine is a fearsome thing that brings both wealth and misery simultaneously. It’s terrifying."
" ... Eh?" Kirby, President Dedede, and Waddle Dee were shocked. 
"That’s what it means!?" President Dedede said. "Doesn't the ancient machine make everyone happy? That’s what it said in the newspaper." 
"Only the aristocrats will be happy. The ancient machine has the power to turn stone into expensive treasure, which will make the aristocrats rich, however, on the other hand, a stench will fill the town and eventually cause it to fall to ruin. It holds two opposite powers."
"What did you say ...!? " President Dedede was as pale as a ghost. "That's completely different from what was written! Wasn’t the wizard who stopped the machine evil!?"
"The opposite. It was probably a wise man with the right heart who pulled out the gears. Moreover, I assume he was unable to destroy them due to some sort of special power they have, so he sealed the magical gears and hid them instead. That way, the machine would never move again."
"This is serious ...! " Kirby jumped up and shouted. "We have to tell Mr. Fugo as soon as possible! He can't start the machine!" 
"No, Fugo knows exactly what he’s doing," Meta Knight said. "He should have had an expert in ancient characters on his side and succeeded in deciphering the full text long ago." 
"Huh ...? " Kirby was wide-eyed. 
"In other words, Fugo has been planning to do this from the beginning," President Dedede said, furious. "To make money, he didn’t care about what would happen to anyone other than himself!?"
"He is that kind of person." 
"Unforgivable!" President Dedede yelled and swung his fists.
President Dedede is selfish and self-indulgent, but he has a stronger sense of justice than anyone else. Fugo’s belief that it didn’t matter if other people suffered for his own benefit—he couldn't forgive him at all.
"We have to stop this," Kirby said. "We can't give Mr. Fugo the gears!" 
Meta Knight nodded. "All of you, if you’ll lend me your strength, our hearts will be stronger as one. Let's work to stop Fugo's evil, together."
" ... Together ... huh," President Dedede offhandedly mumbled. Suddenly, his mouth warped into a snarl. He narrowed his eyes and glared at Meta Knight. "That’s funny. Why do you, an aristocrat, want to join hands with us?"
Meta Knight turned to President Dedede. "What do you mean?" 
"If the ancient machine moves again, won’t the aristocrats profit? Doesn’t sound like a bad day for you." Meta Knight’s sharp eyes flickered toward him. "Even so, you’re trying to join hands with us ... Maybe you’re planning something, too? Planning to drive Fugo out of this town instead of yourself, so you can rise up ... "
Crack ...! 
There was a loud noise. President Dedede jumped when Meta Knight hit the floor with his cane. Meta Knight snapped back.
"Don’t look down on me! I am an inhabitant of Diamond Town before I am an aristocrat! Are you going to sit back and watch this town perish in silence!?"
President Dedede recoiled under his intensity. " ... H-huh!  You’re a solid guy, for an aristocrat. You believe in what you say." It was then ...
"A-ah ... um ... Lord Meta Knight ... sir ... " Waddle Dee said quietly.
"Hm? What?" 
While everyone was talking, Waddle Dee has been staring at the photo that's been sitting on top of the table the whole time.
"This photo ... there’s something written on the bottom of it." 
" ... Hm?" Meta Knight brought his face closer to the photo.
"Here, down here." Waddle Dee stretched and pointed.
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Meta Knight looked carefully. "I see. You’re right, that looks to be the case," he said. "There are small characters underneath the sentences I have deciphered."
"What!? Is it a big discovery!?" President Dedede came over and said.
"No, I doubt it." Meta Knight pointed. "Look. There are very few characters and what’s there is distorted, like a scribble. It’s probably just some sort of rough draft." 
"I-I’m sorry, I messed up ... "
Looking at the dejected Waddle Dee, Meta Knight added, "But, it's great you noticed the little characters I overlooked. Let's decipher it, just in case." 
"Decipher? How do you do that?" When Kirby asked, Meta Knight showed the thick research book he brought.
"I'll look it up in this book. I can look at the shapes and arrangements of the characters and look for similar strings." 
President Dedede leaned over the table. "What, that’s so annoying! So much work!" 
"Yeah! It might be a little too difficult for President Dedede," Kirby said cheerfully. "You can rest, I'll decipher it!" 
" ... What!?" President Dedede frowned. "There’s no way the ancient characters are gonna be deciphered by a lil’ brat like you!"
"I'm good at this kind of thing. Are you going to take a nap over there, President Dedede?" 
"Don't be stupid! You won’t be able to do it without me!" President Dedede rolled his arms, motivated.  
"Let’s do our best, everyone!" Magolor was enthusiastic. Daroach looked displeased, but there was no choice but to look into the book. 
Deciphering the ancient characters was difficult. The meaning changed greatly with even the smallest difference. Murmur, murmur, hum, hum. Everyone faced each other and exchanged opinions. 
"Hey, look. This string is ... " 
"It's similar to this. That means this says ... "
"No, wait. The length of the line is different. This one, instead ... " It was an arduous task, but little by little, they began to uncover the meaning. 
... Of course, Kirby and President Dedede were unable to keep up. They grew so tired they fell asleep on the floor. Waddle Dee suddenly raised his voice. 
" ... Ah! Lord Meta Knight, this string is possibly ...! " However, Waddle Dee's discovery was loudly interrupted by Daroach. 
"What are you doing, Magolor!" 
Meta Knight and Waddle Dee both looked up in surprise. Before they knew it, Magolor had slinked away from the table and was approaching the door. He firmly grasped the box containing the gears. Magolor laughed as soon as Daroach noticed him. 
"Bravo, bravo! Thank you all for your hard work, you guys! Thanks for collecting the gears for meeee~! " He quickly opened the door and ran outside. Everyone was frozen in place, too stunned to move by the sudden event.
"W— ... wait a minute!" The first to react was Daroach. 
"Wait! Magolor!" 
Daroach and Meta Knight quickly ran after him. Kirby and President Dedede, who were sleeping comfortably at the time, were trampled. 
"Ow ow ow ow—! " 
"What are you doing, you little—!? " The two jumped up in surprise.  
"There’s an emergency, President Dedede! Kirby!" Waddle Dee shouted. "Magolor ran away with the gears!" 
" ... Eh!?" Kirby and President Dedede looked at each other. 
"What do you mean!?" 
"That guy, he was planning to take the prize money for himself this whole time!?" 
Magolor laughed loudly as he ran. Kirby and the others desperately chased after him, but Magolor was surprisingly quick. Their view of him got smaller and smaller.
"He couldn’t be trusted after all!" Daroach shouted in frustration. "We were fooled, Meta Knight!" 
"Ah, that's right." Meta Knight jumped into the car parked in front of Daroach’s Café. Daroach jumped in as well and took the passenger seat. "Let’s go!" 
"Right! Step on it, Meta Knight!" Daroach shouted and shut his eyes tightly. The steam car accelerated sharply and immediately reached its maximum speed. They thought they could catch up with Magolor in no time, but—— 
"I won't let you! Ha!" Magolor turned around and threw a capsule that broke and spewed out clouds of black smoke. Meta Knight slammed on the brakes. The two coughed as they inhaled the fumes.
"Cough ...! I can’t believe it ...! "
"Magolor ...! " 
When the smoke finally cleared, Magolor was gone. 
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Kirby and President Dedede weren't standing still, of course. 
"The chase is on! My Great King DDD XX, come to me!" President Dedede started running toward the factory where the plane was stored, but Kirby would not be defeated.  
"It’ll be my Warp Star that catches Magolor!" 
"Wait Kirby!" Waddle Dee stopped Kirby before he started to run.
"Ah, Waddle Dee! Come on, let's go together!" 
"Yeah ...! " Waddle Dee was carrying the photo of the ancient characters and the heavy research book with him. Kirby was surprised.
"You’re going to bring that!?"
"Yeah! I'll leave the flying to you, Kirby. I need to decipher this!"
"Waddle Dee ...! " They had to hurry and chase after Magolor. It would take them much longer if they had to carry the heavy book all the way to the plane, but Kirby nodded when he saw Waddle Dee's serious expression. 
" ... All right. Let’s take it!" 
Waddle Dee didn't miss any small details. He could find something important from even the smallest clue. Thanks to that, he had been able to find and repair many machine failures up to now. He would surely notice something important that everyone else overlooked. 
The two carried the heavy book, ran to the apartment, and boarded the Warp Star, together. 
"Let’s go!" With Kirby in the cockpit and Waddle Dee in the seat behind, the Warp Star took off.
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enigmadoodles · 3 years ago
Happy 20th Kirby Animeversary I am now the proud owner of the Fright to the Finish. Don’t let the dusty case fool you, the disc looks immaculate
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cartermarcian · 4 years ago
4Kids Korner - Season 2 - Episode 3
I'm a bit late this week because I got caught up with work and school-related dread, but now I'm back to bring you more 4Kids products! This week we have an epic trifepic: Winx Club Magazine Issue one - the castle, Kirby Right Back at Ya - Ice Kirby (DVDouble-Shot) and Kirby Right Back at Ya - Kirby Comes to Cappy Town!
Let's start by getting the smallest one out of the way. Here's Kirby Right Back at Ya - Ice Kirby (2005)
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There's something I oddly like about DVDouble-Shot. Starting In 2005, the DVDouble-Shot line was introduced featuring two-Episode DVDs of 4Kids most profitable shows as a way of promoting 4Kids TV. As for the consumer, the main selling point is that you could buy them for a low price, collect and possibly trade them with your friends, kind of like Pokémon cards. I like the idea of one kid saying to the other on the playground, "hey, wanna trade your Ninja Turtles for my YuGiOh?" How successful they were, I have no idea, but they're fun and easy to review on this show. Given their small portion size, practically every DVDouble-Shot is the same. This one had the episodes "The Chill Factor" and "DeDeDe's Snow Job," in accordance with the ice theme of the disc. It also features assorted promos for then-current and upcoming 4Kids shows identical to those seen in the 4Kids TV September demo disc (which I will hopefully review some time in the future.) Before we move on, though there's one little thing I want to point out about the box art. You can't see it in the photos I've provided, but the ice monster on the cover is far more pixelated than Kirby, if you look closely at it, so it appears to me that they lifted it right out of the episode and placed it on the cover. I guess that's just what happens when no official art of a character exists for your graphic designers to use...
Now that we have that one out of the way, let's talk about the stars of today's episode, which actually turned out to have much more historical value than most of the other stuff in my collection. So say hello to the Winx Club Magazine Premiere Issue, The Castle (2005)
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This is a very special addition to my collection not only because it's part of what I consider to be 4Kids' absolute peak year, but since the book was presumably printed in January of 2005, it means this was one of the first pieces of of merchandise to feature the now-famous 4Kids TV logo. Heck it might have even been printed before then. As for the book itself, it's quite cute as it features everything an 8-11 year old girl wanting to be a hip and trendy 2000s teenager could want, and contains surprisingly few ads for Winx Club merch. And even more adorable, is the publisher's attempts to fit that description using words like "slammin'" in sentences. I call it a magazine, but it's really more dedicated to the comic included, "The Castle," which I would have read, but I needed to get some sleep the day I read it, so I skimmed the book's numerous activities, instead. But for those still interested, the comic is a retelling of Bloom's enrollment in Alfea, with original art that's pretty accurate to the actual show. But the book's real allure is the activities. Like the free trading card you'll see in the photo above. It even comes with a full-page description of what a trading card game is, making reference to YuGiOh in the process, which I thought was funny since 4Kids owned that, and also because it heavily implies that only boys play YuGiOh when the show itself has many female duelists. After that, you have a faux interview with Bloom taken from the perspective of a fellow Alfea Student. What I remember most clearly about that, is that Bloom says she listens to top 40's, which made me think "man, she's got some trash music taste," even though I, myself have said on multiple occasions off of tumblr that I listen to basically everything. Also included on the magazine are a paper fortune-telling toy, a best friend diary which includes a "secret crush" slot to fill in, a page for writing down predictions about the reader's future, and even a personality test which assigns your traits to a type of flower, as suggested by Flora on the page. The funny thing about this is that one question asks for the reader's favorite kind of movie, and one of the options is "anime everything," which I thought was funny since anime was just starting to get big at that time in America, and the online anime community was just starting to grow. Finally, on the last page, probably the most creative of all, is a step-by-step slumber party plan by Musa, which details inviting everyone over, having them show up dressed as their favorite popstar (like Brittany Spears, for example) and bring their favorite CD from said popstar, then taking turns playing them and talking about them. It sounds quite fun, and it made me smile imagining all the little kids who tried this. That's exactly what I think is awesome about children's entertainment: it makes them happy and builds their imagination. So that's the Winx Club Magazine, a really good buy, but I must admit they used the same art of the girls more than once on a few occasions, and also wrote in a plot hole in the interview with Bloom, where she says she discovered her powers as a child, but in the show she unlocks them at her current age when saving Stella from the first monsters of the series. So it may have a couple flukes, but still quite enjoyable.
And last, but never least, it's time for Kirby Right Back at Ya: Kirby Comes to Dream Land (2002)
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This one is also historically significant for two reasons. One is that it was the very first release of one of the more famous non-Pokémon/YuGiOh shows 4Kids had to offer, but it also played a part in promoting the very launch of the Fox Box, as you'll see on the box art. This disc may only have the first three episodes of the show, but it super makes up for it with a plethora of special features, more than any of the DVDs I currently own, and that they strangely enough don't tell you about on the box. And speaking of the box, though you might not see it, the episode descriptions on the back are written entirely in comic sans. Yeah, it's clear to see 4Kids wasn't quite as sharp as they would be in the next few years... and the DVD menus are also written entirely in this font. But that doesn't take away from the outstanding value. much like the Fright to the Finish DVD, this one's special features are split between two menus. For this one, there's "More Kirby" and "Added Attractions," which is the far superior one, but more on that in a minute. The More Kirby menu features a character gallary telling you about the main cast, set to music from the show. Then there's "Kirbyoke," which is there to teach the kids the words to the theme song. And finally, we have a preview for the next DVD in the series, which at that point hadn't a proper name, so Mike Pollock's voice just refers to it as "Kirby Right Back at Ya Volume 2." Then, in the "Added Attractions" menu, we have a promo for Cubix - Robots for Everyone's first DVD release, a short promo for the newly-launched FoxBox.TV website, and the star of this review by far, "What's Inside The Fox Box?!" This incredible 14 minute long promo (which you can find on Youtube, by the way,) previews every single show in the Fox Box's initial lineup as a way of hyping up the network for it's September 2002 launch. Well, kind of... You see, 4Kids made multi-minute promos for their own productions, complete with plot synopses by Mike Pollock and others and theme songs for the shows. Meanwhile, Stargate Infinity, a third-party show, only got a promo featuring still images of the main cast, a paper-thin explanation of the plot and no opening, all clocking in at under a minute. So, yeah, pretty lame move on 4Kids part, but at least we get to see HD footage of 4Kids lost Ultraman Tiga dub. Ultimately, it's a really fun promo from 4Kids' very beginnings as a dedicated children's entertainment company, even though it uses some uncut clips of guns in Fighting Foodons since the dub wasn't finished at that point. One last thing to point out: the promo for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which hadn't even started production at the time,) features an unused theme song demo for the series which also made it's way onto the illusive Fox Box CD. So there you have it, one of the DVDs that started it all. Thanks for reading about it, as well as my other items this week. I will be back with more next week, so hang in there, and I'll see you all next time. Take care!
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kirby-appreciation · 5 years ago
Kirby vs Freddy (Krueger): fright to the finish, your thoughts?
Well, here’s the thing. Krueger would likely have no reason for killing Kirby as Kirby is six inches tall and non-human, so there’s the potential of maybe friendship? Kirby, on the other hand, gives Keuger the love that he lacked as a young boy and they both become good friends. I’ve never watched a horror movie.
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mariposalass · 5 years ago
Consider Yourself Part of the Fam Bunch (Christmas)
And here we are now! Day 25, the final day of @silentlyfangirlingselfshipper’s  A Very Shippy Christmas event, is here and Merry Christmas to you all. To wrap this whole adventure, I decide to take a stab on the BBC One’s 2011 Christmas ID which has some of the stars at the time singing parts of Oliver the musical’s ‘Consider Yourself’ by having the Fam Bunch singing this along with plenty of changes, lest I want to get a copyright infringement complaint from the BBC themselves. I also have the YouTube video link of the original video linked up above for you to watch. So without further ado, let’s end this party with a big bang!
(Fade in Mari leaning against a fireplace in a spacious living room flanked by 4 vertical lines of Christmas cards and drawings (2 on each side) with a big decorated Christmas tree on the left, a large mustard arm chairs with a standing lamp beside it), and a grand piano in t)
Mari: Consider yourself at home. (walks up to the piano where Philip is playing on it)
Mari & Philip: Consider yourself one of the family.
(Cut to Maui, Gru, and Vinny carrying a huge candy cane on their arms)
Maui, Gru, and Vinny: We've taken to you...
(Then switches to Ron, Hermione, and Harry playing Twister and the two guys are struggling to play it without hurting each other.)
Ron & Hermione: So strong! It’s clear...
(Cut to Sora and Kairi dancing a bit)
Kairi: We're going to get along! (then pushes Sora off for no reason at all)
Philip, Karina, and Issa: (while playing the piano) Consider yourself well in, Consider yourself part of the furniture.
Riku: (Riku’s bobbing up and down while Moana’s shaking up a snowglobe) There isn't a lot to spare. (fake snow then lands on Moana’s left shoulder)
Doctor: (sitting on the armchair with the lamp stand with Kirby on his lap, Haruka messing around with a fake firecracker, the Girls swaying left & right, Marie napping on the left arm rest, and Ahk trying to finish a Soduko puzzle and sitting on the right armrest) Who cares? What-ever we've got, we share! (Ahk accidentally falls from the armrest due to fright from Haruka unwittingly popping the firecracker by mistake)
(Cut to Marina opening up a circular tin of cookies for everyone to share)
Fam Bunch: (Kirby sucks up the cookies in hunger while Marina looks at the now empty tin with concern.) Consider yourself well in, (Gru and Lucy are trying to kiss under the mistletoe when the Iron Giant shows up by the window, dressed as Santa Claus, and greeting them much to Gru’s shock that Lucy falls onto the ground before she could kiss him.) Consider yourself part of the furniture. (Margo, Edith, and Edith dancing about when firecracker favors are then thrown at them for them to catch with Edith getting the biggest one that knocks her onto the floor.) There isn't a lot to spare. (Diana, Michiru, Adam, and Belle then try to navigate a cramped hallway to bring out snacks and food out for everyone.) Who cares? What-ever we've got, we share!
(Cut to Maui, Gru, Vinny, Sora, Kairi and Moana doing the line dance with an out of breath Riku trying to catch up, Harry accidentally falls on Ron’s back during Twister from exhaustio, while Ahk and Karina fight over a huge firecracker in vain to the bells and chimes. Meanwhile, Mari looks around the room before winking back at the audience.)
Fam Bunch: For after some consideration we can state: Consider yourself, consider yourself… One of us!!!
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