#kirby dach fic
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months ago
Passenger Princess
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featuring: arber xhekaj x female reader - numerous canandiens players included
summary: arber and the habs are preparing for the biggest heist they’ve taken on. But in the midst of their preparations, arber encounters his achilles heel that brings everything into perspective
genre: organized crime family au!
note: the name of arber’s gang is “the habs”….Let me know your thoughts on this little intro to the story! Apologies if this sucks or isn’t much, i fully intend on it picking up, just felt like setting context was necessary!
Part 1
The Habs are the last group of people you’d ever want to involve yourself with. Yet here you are.
Montreal’s most notorious organized crime family that run the city's underground import market. Guns, cars, drugs- they do it all. Led by Arber Xhekaj, a man whom no one would dare to cross.
A little over a year ago you found yourself caught up in a heist that went sideways. You were never supposed to be around when Arber and his guys narrowed in on a group of men who had done him dirty. Luckily you weren’t seriously hurt, though Arber insisted you go with him so he could be sure. And from that day on, you’d become the only thing that could turn him soft. Like you were his kryptonite, his one and only weakness.
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Arber had followed in his father’s footsteps the day he’d begun toying with the idea of a future in the Montreal underground import trade. But he’d surpassed his father and then some once he’d become the leader of The Habs. His ability to control the illegal import trade in every category had The Habs labeled as enemy number one for all rival crime groups, which only made his life that much more exciting.
Aside from Arber, there were five other men who helped make up The Habs. Each of them having their own role within the group.
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Florian was Arber’s younger brother and made up one half of the “collectors” of The Habs. If anyone owed Arber any debts, Florian would be assigned to collect. He was fairly soft spoken, definitely kept to himself amongst the group. But would go to the ends of the earth for Arber, and vice versa. Florian was the only other person, aside from you, that Arber had a soft spot for.
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Kirby was the other half of the “collectors”, and probably one of the biggest pests on the planet. If talking shit was a job, he’d be employee of the month year round. His favorite part of his role, interrogating and getting under the skin of clients. Arber oftentimes has to reel Kirby in, his mouth being one of his best attributes, but also a major caveat that got him trouble religiously.
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Cole was honestly the one key to The Habs you still don’t quite understand, but it works. He’s one of the smartest dumb people you’d ever met. He was responsible for all the undercover work that helped gather information for safer heists and collections. He was never someone that would be suspected, and that’s what made him perfect for his role. Able to gain intel that would seem nearly impossible to gather otherwise, but Cole had his ways.
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Juraj was the foreign piece to the puzzle, having connections overseas that helped with getting anything needed from outside of Canada. He played a crucial role in finding partners overseas that could help guarantee continuous flow of imports for all of Arber’s clients. The Habs would be nothing without Juraj’s connections, as they have kept The Habs ahead of anyone else when it comes to what they are able to push. Though he is young, his knowledge exceeds his years when it comes to bringing in guns, cars, and drugs.
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Last but not least, Nick. The sole reason The Habs can do anything successfully. Nick is the brains behind so many drops and heists. His bedroom at Arber’s mansion was filled with more tech equipment than a Best Buy. Always coming up with new security measures for the group, or mapping out the safest escape routes if deals go south. Nick was the main reason you ever felt safe being along for the ride on any of Arber’s drops. He was always two steps ahead, ready for any situation a client or other gang might try to throw at The Habs.
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Your role within The Habs was simple: don’t get caught in the middle of anything. Arber had made it clear once the two of you had started dating that he couldn’t handle anything ever happening to you. The day you’d come into his life had been a lot for him to begin with. And he swore that he’d never let anything bad ever happen to you again. But his line of work almost made that promise seem impossible for him to keep.
Most of the time you went along for the ride when Arber was doing smaller deals, or when it was routine business that posed no threats. Rarely would Arber include you if there was the possibility of weapons being necessary. And the others had come to learn that as much as the drugs and guns were important to protect; you were Arber’s most prized possession.
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lfghughes · 1 year ago
Could you write something with Kirby Dach where the reader is kind of intimidated by him? Like he’s so tall and I just feel like him backing a girl up against a wall in a consensual and flirty/sexual tension filled way would be so attractive
a/n: kinda finally getting over the flu and this was the first time all week that i was able to form an actual fic
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The cat and mouse game was fun in a way and for the past few months that was the game you and Kirby had been playing. You two had first met through your best friend Cole who happened to play on the same hockey team as Kirby. Since that first night you had met the flirting had only grown but neither of you ever broke that line that you were both so carefully tiptoeing on.
“So is Kirby coming to this party tonight?” You asked Cole as you helped him grab some of the drinks he had bought for the night. He looked over at you, raising an eyebrow. “Well most of the guys are and some of my other friends..” Cole took a deep pause as he eyed you carefully. “Why do you care about Kirby specifically?” He asked and then his jaw fell slightly “Wait please tell me you two…no.” immediately you shook your head at him.
“No! We haven’t anything. Just..Pals.” You shrugged and a look of horror grew on Coles face. “I’ll have a chat with him later.” That was even more horrifying of a thought. Even though you both flirted with each other and it was obvious there was an attraction there the last thing you wanted was for Cole to go talk to him about that.
You spent the remainder of setting up trying to convince your best friend otherwise but you had a feeling that he wasn’t going to listen to you. The party itself was fun, there were a few boys you recognized that had been friends with Cole for years and you also recognized a good chunk of his teammates. But your eyes searched for the one person you were looking for, disappointment filling your features when you didn’t see him.
“Looking for me?” A voice came from behind you, low enough to your ear and sending chills down your spine because you knew who it belonged to. You turned around a small smirk on your lips as you tilted your head up at Kirby. “Now why would I look for you? I heard that Coles cute friend from New Jersey is here, maybe I’m looking for him.” You shrugged and you saw an amused look grow on Kirbys face.
You don’t know at what point you both had walked into the corner of the room but you realized there was nowhere for you to go because you were backed up into a wall. Not that you were really complaining right now. Kirbys hand found your hip and if he wasn’t so dang tall you could have easily kissed him with how close he was. “Why are you still playing this game?” He asked and you chewed on your lower lip.
“What game?” You asked, knowing exactly what he was referring to but you wanted him to just say it. “This whole acting like you don’t want me to kiss you right now.” He leaned down just slightly, his lips definitely getting closer to the point where you could kiss him. “Because I know even if you don’t say it that you want to kiss me and not Jersey, wherever he is.” Couldn’t exactly argue with his point there.
“If you’re so sure of it then just kiss me.” You told him and with those words his head leaned down and when his lips were just mere inches from yours you heard a shout from across the room that was directed right at Kirby. “Dach! We need to talk.” You groaned at the sound of Cole’s voice and in his insistence of ruining your night. Kirby pulled away but a small smirk remained on his lips. “This isn’t done. I’m kissing you before the night ends.” And with those words he left, going over to Cole who looked like he was ready to have some serious words with his teammate.
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cixrosie · 1 year ago
Kiss you Forever
Prompt: “I can kiss you forever,” Character B murmurs. “Yeah?” Character A says, laughing a little, only to stop when Character B leans in and presses a kiss against their cheek. “Yeah,” Character B says, “Yeah, I can. You think I’m lying?” with Kirby Dach
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Seeing Kirby get pushed in to Blackhawks bench made you audibly gasp and you knew from the way he fell into it and how when he got up and wasn't putting weight on his right leg it was bad. You also knew it had to be bad with the way Arber, Juraj and Cole looked up at you briefly with saddened faces it was bad.
Usually when Kirby took a bad hit or whenever anything happened and he needed medical attention you immediately followed him to the medical room ,but you were kinda in shock so you didn't move and just waited until someone came and got you or Kirby sent you a text.
The other wags were worried about you, you completely zoned out on the replay they showed. " hey y/n why don't you go and see him" one of them said " I'll just wait until he needs me" you responded with .
Finally you had enough waiting and decided to go and see Kirby, just as you started gathering your belonging you heard the announcer confirm that Kirby wouldn't be returning to the game and you moved faster. The other wags sent you sad smiles.
You arrived to the medical room the door was closed but you immediately heard Kirby moaning in pain on the other side and felt bad for him. Should you have came down sooner to see him. Did he want to see you as he is in the most excruciating pain he's been in. So many thoughts ran through your head.
As you started to zone out again the doors open and you went in to finally see Kirby and you run to him carefully not to hit his leg or put too much force on him while he's in pain.
" Kirb are you ok" you asked " yea baby im ok " he started to say he then looked at his right legs and said " I mean as ok as I can considering" as he motioned towards his leg. " so what they say about your leg ?" " I don't know yet I have to go to the Emergency Room to get X-Rays to see exactly what's wrong , all I know is it hurts like a fucking bitch" he says trying to joke but you can tell he's doing it for show and for your sake .
You see one of the trainers bring Kirby his stuff and say " the cars ready for you man im ready when you are" "ok here I come " Kirby responds . " I gotta go baby we're going to the ER now". " Oh do you want me to-" " No its ok I'll meet you at home Cole will drive me" Kirby says cutting me off. It makes me kind of upset and sad but I shrug it off and remember he's in pain so he probably just wants to be alone and figure out what's going on with his leg and the future of this season and career.
"Ok I love you " I say kissing him with just the right amount of passion that says " im worried about you and I know you're scared but im here" but not so much that it makes the staff around us uncomfortable. " I love you too so much " he responds before handing me his car keys to drive back to our apartment since he drove us to the stadium. " text me updates when you can please" " I will" he responds.
When I got home I sat my things down and sat on the couch for at least an hour and half staring at my phone . Then I got up and distracted myself with a hot shower and ordered from Kirbys favorite pizza place so he can have it when he eventually gets home and if he's hungry.
It's about 4 hours later when I get a text from Kirby saying him and Cole were on the way back home. I was in our living room watching reruns of SpongeBob to get my mind off how long it was taking for any kind of updates . Eventually I hear our garage door open and close and smile and think " finally he's home" . I greet Kirby and Cole at the garage door entrance to our apartment , Kirby is leaning all his weight onto Cole which is a funny sign considering the height difference.
"Wow Cole that's some real hockey strength you've got there" you said as you laughed. "Bullshit" Kirby screamed , you Cole laughed . " Bullshit you say as im holding you up I'll toss you on the ground right here and leave your ass there" You and Cole laughed even harder as Cole helped Kirby to the kitchen . "Are you hungry babe", "starving" Kirby replied. " well lucky for you I ordered your favorite pizza". " Cole you're welcomed to some as well" "Thanks y/n but im good "
Thirty minutes after Cole left and you and Kirby finished eating you guys made your way upstairs to your room with you helping Kirby up the stairs . You also helped him shower and get changed for bed before getting yourself ready for bed as well.
As you turn off all the lights in the bedroom the only light coming from the moon you pull the blankets back on your side and climb in next to Kirby who is looking all snuggly and cuddly .
"Hi" he says with a lovesick look on his face as he looks at you . "Hi you" you respond returning the same look . " I know you don't want to talk about anything right now but just know im here whenever you're ready" .
Kirby just leans in and kisses you with so much passion that you feel his love through the kiss. " I can kiss you forever" he says " Yeah?" you say laughing a little only stopping when Kirby leans in and presses a kiss against your cheek. " Yeah I can . You think im lying " he says.
" I don't know I think I need more evidence " you say . " HA HA HA" he responds while smirking then his face turns serious . " Thank you so much for today baby" " Kirbs I didn't really do anything " " Probably to you but seeing you hold it together kept me sane while figuring things out , and I know it couldn't have been easy seeing me like that so thank you baby I love you so much" " I love you too Kirbs" you say as you kiss him one last time , before he kisses your head as you both fall asleep from the crazy turn of events.
Note: UMMM HII this is my first nhl fic please let me know what you think and request if you want ok bye <3
im tagging some ppl who ive read phenomenal fics and AUs from and mutuals and just overall great ppl. feedback is appreciated but don't feel like you have to ok bye fr this time <3
@kniesylenny @yankstrash @hischierhaze @heavenlyhischier @sweetestdesire @thatintrovertedwriter @starry-hughes @starsandhughes @drewsbuzzcut @bedsyandco @norrisjosh @theywantedplayer @sc0tters @bitchinbarzal @ladylooch @babydollmarauders @nicohischierz @nicohersheys @sunkissed-zegras @uluvjay
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year ago
Western summers ❧
Kirby Dach x reader
Very random edit, it has no plot whatsoever, just wanted to make something for bae!!
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Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by user83 and 3 292 others
Ynofficial EDM —> MTL
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Colecaufield breaking the distance 😚
Ynofficial 🤫
User83 this is so cunty 🤭
Colton.dach 🤨🤨
Ynbestfriend I miss you dearly 😔
User93 okay committed relationship!!
User38 I love how you post him as if none of us know who you’re dating??
Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by Kdach77 and 2 836 others
Ynofficial I 🫶🏻 Alberta summers
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User28 loving this era of you!!
User83 why are you wearing an American flag sweater??
Ynofficial It’s comfortable… I pretend it’s not there
Ynbestfriend you’re living my John Denver dreams 😌
Ynofficial you live 5 minutes away, come join the dream <3
Dylstrome19 ewwww
Ynofficial don’t you have a girl dad things to be doing???
User10 Dylan strome??
Kdach77 just posted!!
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Liked by Jackhughes and 24 922 others
Kdach77 📍Calgary stampede
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Colecaufield save a horse ride a cowboy @ynofficial ??
Kdach77 you’re a dog
User73 back to Chicago 🔜
Canadiensmtl off season king!!
User73 he said “private, not secret”
User28 I love hicks!!
Ynofficial THIGHS 🤤
Ynofficial HOT HOT HOT
Ynofficial that was really slutty of you…
Ynofficial lucky lady 🫣
Liked by @kdach77
Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by canadiensmtl and 4 826 others
Ynofficial it’s a Kirby girl summer 🤭
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User38 I just know she was giggling while picking out the photos…
Ynbestfriend the dog 🥹
Ynofficial IK
Colecaufield I hate (love) this
Kdach77 ❤️❤️
User28 we’ve lost him 😪
User37 plzzz tell me that was a joke!
Canadiensmtl we are all Kirby girls!!
Kdach77 just posted!!
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Liked by _alexturcotte and 20 927 others
Kdach77 off szn memories ☀️
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User83 is that a Taylor reference?
Colton.Dach I would say ew, but I like her more than you…
Ynofficial 3/4 pictures are abt me!? I think you’re in love with me 🤭
Kdach77 🤐🤐
User29 hockey szn soon!!
Colecaufield OMG I MADE THE POST 😚
User20 priorities should be on the rink!!
User93 what 😀
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cuttergauthier · 2 years ago
The Story Of Us
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Kirby Dash x Female Strome Reader
Warning: Trade, Pregnancy, Fluff, Wedding
word count: 2.0k
This insta edit to Follow this pic.
let me know what you guys think🤍
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The One Where He Gets Traded
I am currently in Kirby's home town, Kirby and I have been dating for 2 years now. I'm so glad my brother introduced us when Kirby first arrived in Chicago.
For the past 2 summers I've been coming to Kirby's hometown to spend time with him and his family.
It’s late in the afternoon, I am sitting outside on the porch swing reading a book, while Kirby was inside taking a phone call.
It is a beautiful sunny day. I am enjoying the sun shining on my face.
I heard the door open and closed. I looked up to see Kirby making his way to me. He looked stressed so I put my book down. He sat down next to me and let out a breath. 
I put my hand on his shoulder, looking at him worried.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
“Not really,” he sighed. He was looking at the lake. I put my hands on his cheeks and turned his face to look at me.
“What’s going on Kirby?” I asked. He started to worry me, did something happen? Is he going to break up with me? Is he going to tell me to go home?
I sighed before putting his hand on my right thigh. 
“I just got off the phone with my agent… I got traded” he said. My eyes widened. Oh my god.
“I’m so sorry Kirby… where are you going?” I asked. Is he going to break up with me now? I the aren’t going to be in the same city anymore. Is he going to ask me to go with him?
“Montreal, they’re going to announce it tonight at the draft.” He said
“Oh kirbs, it’s going to be okay” I said, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I laid my head down on his shoulder.
“What’s going to happen to us?” I asked
He sighed before kissing my forehead.
“I was hoping maybe you would come with me? But if you don’t want to i totally understand, we could always do long distance, all i know is i don’t want to break up.” He said, I smiled softly at him before I raised my head and kissed his cheek.
“I would love to go with you Kirby” I said, his eyes widened.
“Of course, i love you, i don’t want us to be living in 2 different countries” i said
“I love you so much,” he said, smiling.
“I love you too, here’s to a new chapter in our lives” I said happily 
“I can’t wait to do it with you,” he said smiling.
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The One Where He Proposes
Kirby and I have been living in Montreal for the past five months, it’s now the all star break. We have been dating for three years. I couldn’t be happier, as much as I miss Chicago, Montreal is amazing.
My brother Dylan is now in Washington, Chicago ended up trading him also.
Thankfully none of my brothers made the all star team so we all decided to go on vacation together to Hawaii. I've always wanted to come here, it’s absolutely beautiful.
Tonight is our last night here so Kirby said he wanted to take me out on a date so I am currently getting ready. 
I decided to wear a beautiful knee length silky pink dress. I curled my hair and put on some mascara, I didn’t feel like doing my full makeup since we are on vacation.
Once I was done getting ready I left the bathroom to see Kirby sitting on the bed scrolling on his phone. When he heard me he looked up and smiled.
“You are absolutely gorgeous,” he said.
“Thank you, you look handsome yourself,” I said.
“Are you ready?” he asked. I nodded. 
He got up, put his phone in his pocket and took my hand. We made our way to the restaurant.
The food was delicious, we talked and laughed the whole time.
When we left the restaurant Kirby looked at me and smiled, the sun was about to set.
“You want to go for a walk and watch the sunset?” He asked.
I smiled.
“I would love to” 
We walked to the beach which was only like 5 minutes. When we got there we took off our shoes and left them on the sand before we started walking by the water to watch the sunset. 
I kept looking at the sky. It was stunning, it took me a few seconds to realize that Kirby wasn’t next to me. 
I turned around to see where he went only to find him down on 1 knee with a ring in his hand. 
“Oh my god” I said shocked, My hands went to my mouth.
Kirby smiled.
“Yn you have made me the happiest man alive, you have been by my side for the past 3 years, i love you more than you’ll ever know, i want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?” He asked. My hands are shaking, and tears are rolling down my cheeks.
I started nodding.
“Yes, yes” I said shakily. 
He put the ring on my finger and pulled me in a kiss.
“I love you so much” i said
“I love you more” he said 
We heard cheering behind us. I turned around to see my brother and their wives along with my 2 nieces.
They all congratulated us.
I couldn’t be happier.
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The One Where She Finds Out They're Pregnant
Kirby and i have been married for 4 months now and we have been trying for a baby for the past 2 months 
We had no luck.
I woke up a little later than usual, Kirby was already gone for morning practice. I got out of bed and put on a hoodie since it was chilly this morning. 
I went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Kirby won’t be back for 2 hours since Morning practice just began.
I started cooking some eggs and the smell made me nauseous so I put it aside, turned off the burner and rushed to the bathroom to vomit.
Once I was done I brushed my teeth. My eyes widened when I thought about what could make me feel like this.
I rushed to grab my phone to check when my last period was. The last time I should have had it was last month when Kirby was on a road trip but I never did. How did I not realize before?
I rushed to our bedroom and changed into leggings and grabbed my purse and jacket before making my way out the door.
I rushed down the street from our apartment building. There was a small pharmacy.
I went in and bought two pregnancy tests. The cashier lady smiled when I paid and told me good luck. I thanked her and made my way back to the apartment.
My mind was going crazy, could I really be pregnant? Or am I just stressed?
I went straight to the bathroom to take both tests. Once I was done I washed my hands and put a timer on my phone for 5 minutes.
Kirby and I really want a kid, so I am really hoping that the test says positive.
When the five minutes were up, I took a deep breath and turned both tests around.
My hands flew to my mouth, tears started rolling down my cheeks. We are having a baby.
I couldn’t believe it.
I didn’t want to wait to tell Kirby I was pregnant but I also wanted to do something cute. Thankfully Emilia Armina  lives next door to us, and she has 1 kid so I thought I could possibly ask her if she still has baby stuff I could borrow just to put in a box and I could give Kirby once he got home. 
I got out and went to knock on her door.
She opened the door and saw I had been crying so she pulled me in a hug.
“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly.
I nodded
“Yes, sorry i didn’t mean to worry you, i um… just found out I’m pregnant, i was wondering if you still have a little onesie and baby skates i could borrow… I want to surprise Kirby as soon as he gets home and he’ll be here in less than an hour so I don't have time to go to the store but I want to do something cute… i’ll give them back afterwards, "I rambled. She smiled big and pulled me in another hug.
“Oh my god, Congrats! I know you guys have been waiting for this” she said.
“Thank you” 
“Come in, I'll go get the stuff, “ she said smiling.
I nodded. We went in and she made her way to another room. She came back with baby skates and a cute little white onesie.
“Here you go, Kirby’s going to be so excited,” she said.
“Thank you so much, I promise I'll bring it back tonight.” I told her.
“No rush, take your time, and congratulations again, you and Kirby are going to be amazing parents, '' she said, giving me one last hug before I made my way back to my place.
I hate an old box in my closet so I took it out and put the onesie and the baby skates in it along with both pregnancy tests. I left the box on the counter so I can give it to him when he gets home. In the meantime I went and cleaned the food i didn’t eat this morning and decided to eat a bowl of fruits instead.
Once I was done eating I went to put the bowl in the sink when I heard the front door open.
Kirby made his way to the kitchen, when he saw me he smiled before making his way to me.
“Hey babe,” he said before kissing my forehead.
“Hey kirbs, how was practice?” I asked.
“ Not too bad,” he said. He made his way to the fridge and got himself a bottle of water.
“ I have something for you,” I said nervously. He looked at me confused.
“You got me something?” He asked. I nodded and gave him the box.
He looked at me then the box.
He put it down on the counter and I went in front so I could see his face.
He slowly opened it. 
When he saw what was in the box he froze. I stood there nervously.
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.
“Are you serious?” He choked out.
I nodded with tears in my eyes.
“Oh my god” he rushed to me and pulled me in a hug
“We’re going to be parents” he said
“You’re going to be a dad” i said
“I love you, and I can't wait for the baby to be here,” he said smiling widely.
“I love you more,” I said before kissing him.
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The One Where They're Baby Girl Is Born
My due date was supposed to be yesterday, but the baby decided he didn’t want to be born yet.
We decided to stay in Montreal for the summer since I was 8 months pregnant once the season ended.
My parents came down from Toronto, Kirby’s parents and brother also decided to come down. My brothers and their wives said they would be here today. Everyone wants to be here to meet our baby girl.
It’s now 5 p.m. and I finally started having contractions but they are far apart so I knew I still had time before we had to go to the hospital. My mom called my Ob to let her know, so she’d be prepared.
At around 7:30 p.m. they were much closer apart so Kirby took me to the hospital. Our parents said they would meet us there.
After what took forever at 10:45 p.m. our baby girl was born, she was precious.
I’m holding her in my arms while Kirby sits next to me on the bed.
“She’s the cutest baby ever” Kirby said in awe and kissed the side of my head.
“I’m so proud of you, thank you for making me a dad” he said with teary eyes.
“Couldn’t have done it without you, i love you both so much” I said
“I love you both, my two beautiful girls,” Kirby said smiling.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 1 year ago
19 dialogue & 30 scenario with Kirby Dach? Something to soothe my sadness with the fact that he’s injured
(my heart is broken thinking about sad and injured Kirby :(((( sir I will give you my ACL)
You hated horror movies. 
Ever since you watched the third paranormal activity at your 12th birthday party and couldn’t sleep for two weeks straight, you had hated horror movies. 
As an adult you tried to ignore the fear, always getting some kind of jab or joke thrown at you when you explained your nerves and fear around the movie genre. 
So, when your best friend of 5 years and boyfriend of 2 asked you to watch one, you hesitated at first but caved seeing his big brown eyes and soft smile on his lips. 
Kirby had been around a lot more recently since his injury that took him out of the habs lineup for the rest of the season. He tried to act tough about it but deep down you knew he was utterly heartbroken at the idea of missing a whole entire season with the team especially after missing half the season last year. And maybe that was part of the reason you said yes when he asked to watch a horror movie. 
You’re curled into Kirby’s side, trying your best not to flinch at the exorcism happening on screen but Kirby notices and slides his arm tighter around you so you’re face is fully hidden in his chest, 
“Do you want me to turn it off?” Kirby murmurs in your ear. 
“No no,” you start to say, lifting your head to look at him but a loud screen causes you to jump and Kirby smiles at you. 
Without a word, he turns off the tv, turning towards you and pulling you until you’re straddling his lap and your chests are flush against each other. 
“Are you okay?” 
“That kind of scared me,” you admit, pushing your face shyly into his neck. 
“Don’t worry,” he says, rubbing his hands up and down your back in a mesmerizing trance. “I’ll protect you.” 
You relax in his arms, trying to push the images of the horror movie from your mind but with no luck. “Come on,” Kirby whispers, nudging you off him and you both stand up. 
He holds up a finger to you, silently telling you to wait and you watch as Kirby carefully starts to move his big luxurious couch around. You suddenly get the idea, rushing towards his bedroom and grabbing all of the blankets and pillows you could carry and bring them out to the living room. 
It takes about 20 minutes but when you’re finished, Kirby has assembled the couch to be a giant bed and you’ve both thrown so many blankets and pillows on top that you can’t even tell where the pillows end and the couch starts. 
Kirby wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you down on the couch with him. You two snuggle up together and he grabs the remote once more, turning the tv back on and playing your favorite disney movie. 
“I love you,” you tell him as the beginning credits start to roll. 
“Love you too baby girl.” 
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uluvjay · 1 month ago
New look- K. Dach
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Kirby Dach x fem! Reader
In which Kirby comes home sporting a new look and you can’t keep your hands to yourself!
Warnings?: SMUT, road head (unsafe but this is fictional!), reader takes off seatbelt (I do not support if you are in a REAL car), oral m receiving, kissing, cursing, hair pulling, sorry if I missed any errors!
You hadn’t thought twice when Kirby gave you a kiss and said he was going for a haircut, you kissed him back and reminded him to be home in time for your dinner reservations.
An hour and a half later you were seated at your vanity when you heard the door open and arms soon wrap around you while Kirby’s head tucked into your neck.
You could feel the tickle of his scruff the trimmed hair leaving a delicious tingle behind as you pulled away to greet him properly.
“Hi bab-your hair, what did you do to it?” You cut yourself off noticing the usually styled and slicked back locks were loosely placed on his forehead and relaxed.
“I trimmed it but he was out of the gel I like so I just said I’d style it at home.” He shrugged.
“Don’t” you rushed out, cheeks heating as he looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Why?” He smirked.
“I-I like it, looks good like that.” You blushed even darker from being put on the spot.
With a shrug and a nod of his head Kirby pulled away placing a kiss to your head before he disappeared into the walk in closet thoughts running through his mind.
You however sat there with a dull throb beginning between your legs, if there was one thing you loved on Kirby it was his messy hair. Something about the way it looked after your fingers were tangled in it all night or how it fell perfectly on lazy days at home when he used no product.
You knew keeping your hands to yourself tonight would be a struggle especially since Kirby always requested a private booth at the restaurant where no prying eyes could be on the two of you.
Soon the both of you were dressed and heading out the door, Kirby’s dark green sweatshirt hugging his toned arms just right.
He made sure to walk behind you on the way to the elevator to grab a sight at the way your ass looked in your skirt, the tight material hugging it in just the right spots.
He couldn’t help himself from slapping the curve of your ass as he opened the door of his G-wagon for you.
“Kirby!” You scolded but the smile on your face showed you didn’t really mind.
“Sorry baby, couldn’t help myself.” He teased before shutting your door and rounding the car to get in on his own side.
The feeling was mutual it took everything in your body not to lock him in the bedroom and say fuck the reservations when he walked out of the closet in that damn sweater, his expensive cologne filling your senses, the watch you bought him for his birthday sitting pretty on his wrist.
You both behaved on the way to the restaurant light conversation filling the car as he told you about all the prep the team had planned before their long road trip coming up.
Once you two got into the restaurant the host was quick to guide you to your usual booth in the far back of the restaurant away from the normal restaurant.
Kirby slid in first and you quickly followed both of you looking over the menu despite already having a good idea of what you wanted.
It was kinda cheesy to some people that you two went to the same restaurant for date nights a lot but it had became a part of your routine and when the foods that good, nothing beats it.
“So Rob thinks I need to dye my beard.” He spoke up.
“Why?” You questioned confused as to why his Barber would suggest that.
“When he was trimming my beard he said the parts around my mouth are lighter than the rest, like they’d been bleached or something.” He smirked.
“Oh my god.” You were positive you were as red as a fire truck, humiliation, embarrassment, but also amusement flowing through your bones.
“He didn’t ask why did he?” You cringed.
“No and I acted clueless, didn’t really wanna tell the guy it’s from eating my girlfriend out a lot.” He laughed.
Your hands flew to cover your face as a soft laugh fell from you as well, “That’s awful Kirby.”
“Hey at least he didn’t know what it was from.” He shrugged.
You looked up at him to find him already staring at your with a look of pure amusement, however the curls on his forehead once again caught your attention.
His polished but messy hair look really doing numbers for you, and that familiar throb was back between your thighs.
“What?” He asked, his own cheeks turning red from your heated stare.
“Nothing, just admiring how handsome you are.” You smiled leaning up to kiss his jaw softly before returning to your menu.
The rest of dinner went teasingly well, Kirby’s hand lingering high on your thigh his thick fingers occasionally slipping under the material of your skirt earning him soft gasps here and there.
But you didn’t let his actions go without consequences as your own hand rested on his thigh, manicured nails scratching against the inside of his denim covered thighs.
Needless to say by the time you two were standing to make it to the car you were praying you didn’t have a wet spot on your skirt and Kirby’s was adjusting his jeans the best he could to hide his bulge.
However your games didn’t end in the car your hand quickly resumed its spot on his thigh however this time it rested right below where he needed you most.
Kirby could feel his breathing hitch every time one of your nails inched a tiny bit higher doing his absolute best not to thrust up into your touch.
“Baby?” He spoke up.
“I need you to move your hand or I’m gonna cum before we even make it home.” He panted.
You looked over at him heat flowing taking over your body at the sight of his flushed face, hands gripping the steering wheel so tight they were white.
Taking false pity on the man you moved your hand down just a bit using the other to unbuckle your seat belt.
“What are you doing?” He questioned.
“Just stay still and pay attention to the road Kirby” you instructed.
You noticed you were about ten minutes from home and that’s exactly what you needed to get what you wanted from him.
Reaching over you unbuttoned his jeans before pulling down the zipper, Kirby lifted his hips out of instinct to help get the material down enough for his cock to spring free.
“Oh fuck” he gasped feeling your cold hand wrap around the base of his cock before you stoked him slowly.
Kirby thought he was going to explode at the feeling of your lips leaving wet open mouthed kisses on the tip of his cock venturing as far down as you could before you returned to the tip.
This time your tongue poked out to slowly circle the tip, moving deliberately slow earning a deep sigh from the man above you.
He drops one of his hands from the steering wheel to tangle in your styled hair and when he pulls on the roots just enough to tell you to knock your shit off your mouth swallows him.
Your movements are hungry and desperate, your hand still wrapped around his cock moving in sync with your mouth squeezing the base just the way he likes.
Kirby was doing his best to keep his eyes open and focus on the road ahead, his chest heaving in and out as his soft grunts of pleasure filled the car.
Thank god for tinted Windows the Canadian thought.
“Fuck baby, getting close” he panted.
He laughed softly as you gave him a thumbs up but it was quickly cut off when he felt your lips back on the head of his cock.
His sounds grow louder as your mouth drops back down, wet mouth moving with hunger as your hand follows right behind with a tight hold.
Kirby doesn’t mean to but he pulls your hair hard enough to guide a moan out of your throat and the simple vibration of your throat is what sends the man over the edge.
“I’m coming.” He chokes out in a warning.
He groans loudly from the pleasure flooding his body his body heaving as you continue to stroke him through his high, only coming back up once you know he’s done coming.
And right as you sit back in your seat he’s pulling into his reserved spot in the parking garage.
“What in the hell was that?” He smiled over at you with a look of shock.
“Couldn’t help myself, you looked too good over there.” You smirked.
He shook his head before moving to tuck himself back into his jeans, getting out of the car he moved to your side and opened the door for you.
Pushing you against the cold doors he dipped his head down he made sure he was eye to eye before speaking up.
“You get a head start, I want you in nothing but your bra and panties when I get up there.” He instructed handing you the keys to the apartment before stepping back.
He laid a swat to your ass and with that you were off and running for the elevator.
Needless to say neither of you got much sleep that night and neither did the neighbors next door.
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withwritersblock · 1 year ago
Requests are open Last Edited: 3/1/25
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Fluff- ❤︎ Angst-★ Dad Fic- ✿ Spicy (Implied Smut or actual Smut)-✖︎
Luke Hughes Masterlist
Cale Makar
Say Isn't it Strange pt. 1 ❤︎ pt. 2 ★ Lover ❤︎ Dog Days are Over ❤︎ just like heaven ❤︎ Castles Crumbling ★✿ Coconut Perfume❤︎
Nathan Mackinnon
The Fall of Home ❤︎✖︎ I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) ❤︎ Colorado (For the First Time)★ ❤︎ Fix You ★ ❤︎ Blessed❤︎ Carry On, Carry On❤︎ Love You, Miss You, Mean It★ ❤︎ This is Home - a series Daylight ❤︎
Cole Caufield
5 foot 9 ❤︎ When He Sees Me ❤︎ Shadow in the Sun ★✖︎ Break up in the End ★ Half as Good as You ★ Until I Come Home ❤︎✖︎ Be My Forever✿❤︎ Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat❤︎ Halloween❤︎
Kirby Dach
Small Talk ❤︎ ✖︎ Your Needs, My Needs ★ Love You Goodbye ★✖︎ Say Love ❤︎ the boy is mine ❤︎ Please Please Please❤︎ Close to You❤︎
Alex Newhook
To Love Someone ❤︎ Heaven ❤︎ Hey ★✖︎
Nico Hischier
Isn't She Lovely ❤︎✿ because i liked a boy★ think later❤︎✖︎ Hard Sometimes❤︎✿ Oh Well, So What❤︎
Jack Hughes
Espresso ✖︎❤︎ F.Y.B.F pt. 1 ✖︎ pt. 2 ❤︎ Do I Wanna Know? ✖︎ Happier Than Ever ★ No Caller ID ❤︎★ Pt. 2 ❤︎ Teenage Dirtbag❤︎ Hold my Hand❤︎ Back to Friends❤︎★✖︎
Ross Colton
Room for Two ❤︎
Quinn Hughes
Oh! Darling - a series Champagne Problems★ Meant To Be ★ Happily ★ What's It To You ❤︎ Feelslikeimfallinginlove ❤︎ Light my Love ★ Kiwi❤︎ Pt.2 ★✖︎ Blowing Smoke❤︎ Springsteen❤︎ Just You and I❤︎
Ethan Edwards
If You Love Her❤︎
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months ago
Wiping Away A Kiss
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Quinn Hughes: He would react with a mix of amusement and affection. He would probably chuckle and playfully swat at your hand, teasingly telling you to stop. At the same time, he would feel a sense of warmth and affection for you, knowing that you are just enjoying your time together. He might even playfully kiss your hand or face to retaliate, just to keep the fun and flirty banter going between you.
Jack Hughes: If you played around and wiped his kisses off with a playful gesture, he would laugh and playfully pretend to be upset. He'd jokingly tell you how it's unfair to mess with his affections and playfully act like he's hurt by the action. He'd probably then laugh about it, pull you close, and give you another big, affectionate kiss.
Luke Hughes: If you playfully wipe off his kisses, he would likely respond by laughing and playfully trying to kiss you again. He may tease you a little bit and act mock offended, then grin and laugh as he playfully tries to lean in for another kiss. He'll playfully joke with you and say something like "What, you don't love my kisses?" or "Am I not the best kisser you've ever had?"
Nico Hischier: When you playfully wipes off his kisses, he'd playfully pout and try to give you more kisses. He might jokingly pretend to be offended, but in reality, he finds it endearing and playful. He'll playfully protest and try to give you more kisses, saying something like, "Hey, you're not allowed to wipe that off! I gave you a kiss, and you're supposed to keep it!"
Timo Meier: If you playfully wiped off his kisses, he would likely respond playfully as well. He might playfully pretend to be hurt and say something like "Oh, you're rejecting my kisses? I see how it is." Or he might try to steal another kiss and say something like "Oh, you thought I didn't see you try to wipe off my love! Well, you underestimated me!" It's all just in good fun and a playful way of showing affection.
Dawson Mercer: If you playfully wiped off his kisses, he might react playfully too, perhaps trying to playfully "steal" another kiss, while smiling and playfully bantering about it. He might tease you a little, or even make a silly pouty face, pretending to be "hurt" or "disappointed" by the gesture. He'll make a lighthearted comment about how he'll have to redouble his efforts to win your heart again.
John Marino: if you playfully wipes off his kisses, he has a good sense of humor and would likely have a big smile on his face. He would find it cute and amusing, and appreciate your playful and affectionate nature. Maybe he would jokingly chase after you and attempt to give you more kisses.
Kirby Dach: He would likely react with a mixture of amusement and affection. He might chuckle and playfully protest, saying something like, "Hey! Don't wipe off my kisses!" He would also appreciate the gesture, finding it sweet and lighthearted. He would likely continue trying to give kisses and playfully bantering with you in a loving and affectionate manner.
Juraj Slafkovsky: If you playfully wipe off his kisses, he would smile and laugh along with you. He would probably playfully pretend to be offended, like pouting or looking sad, even though he knows it's just a joke. Then, he may try to steal another kiss, or playfully tease you about it later
Arber Xhekaj: He would react to you playfully wiping off his kisses with a playful grin and a teasing quip. He would probably say something along the lines of "oh no, you're erasing my kisses! I'll have to give you even more!" He would then playfully chase after you, giving you quick kisses on the cheek or neck as he tries to "retake" his kisses.
Cole Caufield: When you playfully wipes off the kisses he gave you, he can't help but smile and feel a little mischievous. He loves it when you try to tease him like that! It's like a playful game between you. He might even playfully say, "Hey!" or "Don't wipe that off!" in a playful manner. He might even give them a goofy or silly grin, depending on the mood. It's a fun and playful way to show affection and flirt with each other.
Trevor Zegras: When you playfully wipe off his kisses with a cheeky smile, he feels a mix of amusement and affection. He may playfully pout or protest, but deep down, he loves your playful banter. He might even playfully chase after you to plant another kiss, continuing your silly and affectionate moment together.
Jamie Drysdale: Whenever you playfully wipe off his kisses, he usually reacts with a smile and a flirtatious response. He might playfully tease back and ask you why you don't want to be kissed by such a handsome guy, or he might simply lean in again for another kiss and playfully try to make it harder for you to wipe it off.
Matt Rempe: If you playfully wiped off his kisses, he would likely react with amusement and affection. He would probably playfully pretend to be offended, but he would appreciate the playfulness and the affectionate gesture. He might laugh and jokingly try to kiss you again, perhaps getting pretend revenge by grabbing you and kissing you all over your face until you surrender and give in to his affections.
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hrtsdevils · 1 year ago
look at me, i feel homesick. | fall to me au
fall to me au | instagram edit
pairing(s): platonic hughes brothers x family friend!reader
a/n this au is interactive so pretty please feel free to send ideas and feedback!! title is based on right now by gracie, and give me ideas for a nickname for reader!! enjoy<3
october 14, 2023
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, elblue6, and 728 others
yourusername a collection of things i severely miss!!! the boys:( and my moosey!!!! weenie and the lake house (look how silly that throwback is on slide 6 i giggle)
tagged lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes
view all 78 replies
lhughes_06 come to nj i’ll buy u a milkshake!
yourusername @/lhughes_06 bruh i’m lactose intolerant
lhughes_06 @/yourusername I THOUGHT U WERE GLUTEN FREE?????
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i can’t believe this… i’ll take a smoothie tho thx moose
jackhughes that bts photo should’ve never seen the light of day you freak…
yourusername @/jackhughes i’m sorry ☺️ please forgive me 😁
jackhughes @/yourusername i don’t forgive freaks sorry
yourusername @/jackhughes @/_quinnhughes QUINN COME GET HIM
_quinnhughes @/yourusername it is kind of a bad picture y/n 😔
yourusername @/_quinnhughes i can never win in this society…
jackhughes @/yourusername HA
colecaufield u don’t miss me i see… on my hit list
colecaufield also the soft launch is crazy
yourusername @/colecaufield how do you even KNOW what a soft launch is.
user02 who is this girl and why does she know my men…
user38 @/user02 i think she knows them from umich.. leeeeech
yourusername @/yourbff girl i told u yesterday
trevorzegras @/yourbff TELL ME
kdach77 weenie so awesome
yourusername @/kdach77 WE LOVE WEENIE
edwards.73 just give me a chance 😞 i’ll make it worth while
lhughes_06 @/edwards.73 she will never want u man it’s over
user86 the boy is prob one of the hughes like she already is always seen w them 😹
user23 we love the content u give us of the boys 🩷🩷
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paladin--strait · 2 months ago
media girl - cole caufield
this is kinda bad but i wanted to get something out there and the idea seemed kinda cute so...
i take a deep breath, holding the mini mic in my hand as i set it up so all the talking can be heard and recorded. it's my first day as a media girl for the canadiens and i don't think i've ever been this nervous in my whole life. the hallway is silent, except for my racing heartbeat.
i fiddle with the wire that connects the mic to my phone, running it through my nails, but my fidgeting is cut short at the sound of the locker room door creaking open, kirby dach walking into the hallway, putting on his helmet. i see him look up at me as he approaches, he smiles at me, almost like a warm greeting.
i smile softly, holding out my hand in the view of the camera, a tiny, fake baby hand in place of my real one. "nice to meet you..." i say, laughing.
kirby's jaw drops slightly, a laugh escaping his lips as he shakes the fake baby hand. "nice to meet you," he says between laughs, "i'm kirby."
"i'm y/n, new media girl." i say, putting down the hand. he welcomes me to the team and asks me a few more questions, then leaves to go to practice. i take a deep breath, that wasn't so bad. a few minutes later, juraj slafkovsky and nick suzuki walk out together, coming down the hallway.
i wait for them to get to a good distance, smiling nervously. once they make it right in front of me, i poke out the hand, "hi, i'm y/n..."
juraj busts out laughing, immediately shaking the small plastic hand. "juraj." i nod at him, smiling as i move my hand in front of nick.
he takes the plastic hand in his, smiling. "i'm nick, captain for the canadiens."
"nice to meet you both..." i say, putting down the fake hand.
"are you the new media person?" juraj asks, extending a hand to waist height to point at me. i nod and he smiles, "well, welcome to the team. we're happy to have you."
i smile a little wider at his words, saying goodbye as they walk away. barely any time later, out walks kaiden guhle and arber xhekaj, laughing at something. they walk pretty fast down the hallway, and stop when they get to me. arber is the first to speak, "aren't you the new media girl?" he asks, smiling.
i nod, "nice to meet you, i'm y/n." i extend the baby hand, watching as they both laugh and shake the fake hand awkwardly.
kaiden pats my shoulder, a smile on his face. "welcome to the team! how's it going so far?" he asks, buckling his helmet onto his head.
"it's going good, thank you." i smile. "i've already met kirby, juraj, nick, and now you guys." i say, watching as some players walk by us as we talk.
"did they treat you good?" arber asks, raising an eyebrow. "if anyone gives you any trouble, you can come to either of us and we'll handle it." he says, pointing a finger at himself then kaiden, who's nodding.
i nod my head, "everyone seems really nice so far and thank you, i'll remember that." i smile at them, watching as they leave, grabbing their sticks in the next part of the hallway. i wait for a little longer, about to pack up the phone stand when i hear the locker room door open, a cute blond boy walking out, looking down at his helmet as he walks.
he's about halfway down the hallway when he finally looks up, slowing his walk as he makes eye contact with me. he finally makes it to me, a soft smile on his face. "hi, i'm cole, cole caufield." he extends his hand.
i extend the baby hand, smiling. "nice to meet you, cole. i'm y/n, new media girl."
he laughs softly at the baby hand, shaking it with his thumb and pointer finger, smiling. "nice to meet you..." he says, seemingly not being able to stop eye contact with me.
we stand there awkwardly for a bit, making eye contact. "well...i should go to practice now i guess..." he says awkwardly, "i'll talk to you later, y/n?" he starts to walk off backwards, still facing me.
i nod, smiling. but i can't help but laugh when he bumps into the stick rack, knocking them all over with a soft curse. i turn off the camera, putting the baby hand in my pocket and going over to help him, grabbing some sticks and looking at the rack, its organized by player and none of the sticks have names on them. "uhh..."
"it's okay, the other staff can fix those, just set them on the ground." cole laughs softly at my confusion, helping me set them on the ground.
"thanks, cole." i smile up at him. not being able to help myself from looking at the way his hair curls out of his helmet, making me smile a little wider.
"what? is my helmet on weird?" he says, trying to adjust it.
"no, it's perfect." i laugh, "your hair just curls out..." i say, taking a finger and touching the curl, moving my finger with the swoop of the wing of hair coming out from under his helmet.
he laughs, "oh..." he reaches up, feeling to see how bad it is. "is it bad?"
i smile, watching him attempt to fix his hair. the words fly out before i can think, "no, it's cute." and i immediately blush, seeing as his face flushes pink as well.
"uh...thanks..." he smiles at me, "i guess i should really go now...bye y/n!" he waves, turning away and walking out.
"see you around, cole..." i smile and wave, watching at he walks away and out of the hallway. i sigh, looking down at the mess of sticks. i frown, walking away to grab my phone and the rest of the equipment, when i feel a hand on my shoulder.
i turn around, my eyes catching cole's face. "hey...do you maybe want to get coffee after practice?" he asks, taking his hand off my shoulder.
i blush a little, nodding my head with no hesitation. "sure, that sounds great!" i smile. "once i'm done with editing this i'll come and watch you finish up practice, i'll wait for you there."
he smiles, "okay, i'll see you soon!" he says, smiling wide as he jogs down the hallway, leaving me standing there alone in the hallway. i smile wider to myself, what am i getting myself into?
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lfghughes · 1 year ago
Hello luv 💗 May I request a dad!Kirby fic? We all know he is very tall so I think it would be adorable if his wife is on the shorter side and their babygirl gets those genetics. She would almost look comically small when she’s with her father
a/n: to all my kirby peeps, don't worry we got more kirby stuff coming soon
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Seeing Kirby become a father was one of the favorite journeys the two of you had taken. It wasn’t exactly planned but when both of you had found out it hadn’t even mattered because both of you were so excited for this. Throughout the whole pregnancy Kirby was one of the most supportive people and once your baby girl was born it was like it had transformed him into the ultimate girl dad.
Now here you were five years later with a mini me and you meant that quite literally, your daughter was a miniature version of you and even though it was possible she would have a growth spurt in her teenage years and end up as tall as her father it was definitely looking more like she was going to take after you and be on the smaller side. Even compared to kids in her school she seemed smaller but she was extremely adorable especially when she stood next to her father.
Right now you watched your husband walking with your little one, her small hand in his giant one, and step right onto the ice. Of course one thing she loved was similar to her fathers likes which was skating around. But it was always funny watching them because Kirby spent most of his time hunched over so he could be closer to his daughters height. “Okay, you are the reason for my future back problems, kid.” He straightened himself out and at the same time lifted her up in his arms.
“Wanna go super fast?” He asked and she immediately nodded her head at him, giving him the okay. You couldn’t help but smile as you heard her giggles fill the whole rink. After a few minutes both of them got their energy out and made their way over to you. Kirby leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “And you are the second reason for my future back problems, short stuff."
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sc0tters · 1 year ago
Change of Power | Kirby Dach
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summary: when you got a day off you figured it was about time to bring kirby’s fantasies to life.
kinkmas: day ten (bondage)
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, bondage, swearing
word count: 2.21k
authors note: we are back with an underrated favourite in Kirby Dach! This one took me way longer than I want to admit but nevertheless it is here! if you want to see more of kinkmas you can find the playlist here!
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The last couple of days had you feeling guilty with how you hadn’t had time for Kirby.
It was only because you had been busy at work leaving him at home with nothing to do besides for going to his physio sessions as he struggled around the house. But today as you had finished early you decided to bring Kirby a gift early. Cole had let it slip to you when Kirby’s injury came that Kirby wanted you to take control sometime. The American sighted that it was now ‘the perfect opportunity to do so.’
Thus bringing you to today as you stood in your closet with a velvet red robe barely covering your lingerie. Your red lips served as a contrast to your fluffy Christmas hat that sat on your head as you smiled staring at yourself in the mirror “let’s do this.” You hyped yourself up hearing the door to the apartment open up.
The smell of your favourite bath and body works candle traveled through the apartment reminding Kirby that you were home “baby?” He called out dropping his gym bag on the floor as he heard the sound of your heels clicking on the wooden floor.
You smiled as you walked out of the bedroom revealing yourself to him “what’s all this?” Kirby smiled as he motioned to your outfit as he cleared his throat.
His cast was still on his leg as he brushed his hands over your waist “this little thing?” You gave him a twirl showing him the outfit in full swing “thought I’d give you a surprise today.” You shrugged bringing your hands to cup his cheeks as you tilted his head down to kiss his lips.
The kiss was soft as Kirby melted into your touch, allowing him to get carried away in how you felt against him “any particular reason?” The hockey player wriggled his eyebrows smiling down at you.
You shook your head as you grabbed his hand “all will be revealed in the bedroom pretty boy.” Your voice was soft as you tugged him in the direction of the master room.
Kirby had to admit that he was surprised but as he watched your little ass play peekaboo with him from beneath your robe “you look real fucking cute tonight princess.” Kirby blurted out as you turned back to face him shutting your bedroom door behind you as you pushed him against the door “sweet talking won’t get you very far tonight.” You clicked your tongue with a smirk.
He swore he was dreaming by the harshness of your tone “where do you want me?” The question was innocent as Kirby’s eyes sparked with passion as you caught your lip between your teeth.
You thought about it as you tugged at the ends of his shirt “want you on the bed with your shirt off.” You gasped letting your lips hover over his before you pulled away only to be stopped as his hands wrapped around your wrists “take it off f’me.” Kirby shot back in an effort to remind you just who was truly in charge.
It seemed like he knew what you were trying to do and he thought it was cute “understand why Chanty works with you.” You grumbled revealing his toned chest and stomach. There was no secret about your dislike for the teams physio who had all too much of a fond mindset for your boyfriend “know I like you more princess.” Kirby reminded you as he pecked your lips frowning as you stepped back throwing his shirt to the side.
You let the ribbon from your robe go as you shook your head “get on the bed.” You ordered motioning to the bed feeling yourself grow a bit surprised as he listened.
The boy situated himself on the plush mattress like you had asked him to. Kirby smiled watching you dig into your bedside table as you went to find the ribbon “need you to be a good boy for me.” You mumbled pressing your knee into the mattress as it dipped down.
Kirby was like a puppet as he let you move his hands to the top of the bedpost “is this what you needed all of that ribbon for?” His laugh was short lived as you flicked his chest.
You had come home with about all of the red ribbon that the local material shop had when you started Christmas shopping at the start of December “don’t ask me questions right now Kirbs.” You warned bringing tying his hand up as you did a bow in the ribbon.
As you went to do the other arm you straddled his hips “hi pretty girl.” Kirby smiled watching you stretch over him pressing your breasts against his chest “you excited tonight?” You asked making sure that the other bow was tight enough.
He nodded as you sat back straight staring at him “you’re in charge baby.” You felt your cunt clench as you heard him speak. Your lips were plump as you pulled the hat from your head as you placed it on his “don’t you forget it.” You giggled watching him pout his lips as it made you kiss him.
You rolled your hips against his making the boy screw his eyes shut “please let me touch you.” Kirby begged letting a whimper leave his lips as he tugged at the constraints. The idea of not being able to hold you made Kirby feel sick as he wanted to do more than just kiss you.
It made you giggle again as you pulled the robe off of your body revealing your matching orange lingerie set “fuck!” Kirby groaned realising that this was a set that he had seen when he went shopping with you at Victoria Secret on your trip to California over the summer.
The boy had picked this set but you never gave him the chance to see it, until now “you’re so hard.” You mumbled palming his cock through his sweatpants “wonder why.” His voice oozed sarcasm only making your smirk widen.
You stopped your movements as you unclipped your bra letting it drop to the side of the bed as you cupped your breasts tugging at your nipples “you are gonna kill me y/n.” Kirby shook his head tugging at his constraints “but I feel so good.” You let your lips form a pout as you rolled the peaks between your fingers.
Kirby whimpered feeling your hips grind against his rubbing your panties over his boner “please fuck me.” The hockey player begged not longer feeling interested in any type of foreplay “look at the pretty weather outside.” You smiled seeing the snow fall outside of the apartment as the floor to ceiling windows gave you the perfect view.
You chewed at your lower lip as you smiled “shame we aren’t on a lower floor cause I’m sure someone who love to watch me finger myself.” You leaned forward to his ear as you nipped at his ear lobe “you fucking dare.” Kirby warned having enough of the game that you were playing.
It was cruel the way you held this so well over Kirby “you want to watch me do it instead?” Your lips popped as you shifted smiling as you drove your fingers over the visibly wet patch on your panties “y/n I will tie you up the moment you let me go if you don’t fucking behave.” Kirby warned tugging at his constraints once more as he glared at you.
Your heart pounded against your chest at the thought as you gulped “would have loved to see that happen.” You leaned forward placing your hand on his chest as you pecked his lips “but unfortunately I need to fuck you.” Your vulgar words made Kirby grunt.
It didn’t take you long to pull his cock from his boxers as you fluttered your eyelids taking in the sight “take it f’me princess.” Kirby watched as you nodded. Slowly you pumped his cock before you pushed your panties to the side letting the rub against your clit “need you.” He blurted out shuddered as you let yourself sink down on his cock.
You both stayed still letting your foreheads press against each other as you moaned beginning to move your hips against his in the shaky attempt to gain some pleasure from this “fuck you’re so big.” You cooed bringing your hips up and down as you began to fuck yourself on his cock.
Kirby used all of his strength to try to tug the ribbon off of his wrists but it was no use as the actions only ended up forming red marks on his skin “you feeling so wet.” The hockey player noticed that his lack of touch to you actually meant he was noticing other things in a much stronger way “all for you baby.” You mumbled placing your hands on his chest to steady yourself.
Your eyes began to slowly roll back as pleasure shot through your body “even when you think your in charge I still am aren’t I?” Kirby clicked his tongue taking in how you bit your lip “if you’re in charge I want you to touch me.” You knew you were playing a dangerous game as this was a virtual impossible task.
So it was safe to say that it took you by surprise when Kirby dropped his head to your chest catching your breast in his mouth “fuck Kirbs.” You moaned dropping your head back as you shook your head pushing your body even closer to his as you had thought it was an impossible task before.
His tongue swirled around your nipple before he let his teeth graze over the sensitive bud “h-hey!” You stammered clenching your cunt at the sensation “don’t act like you didn’t like it.” Kirby shot back as he smirked up into the point you forced your chest away from him.
Your hand wrapped around his neck softly squeezing as you repositioned your legs practically allowing yourself to bounce on his cock, quickening your pace. Your eyes locked on his as he watched your every movement “I’m in charge Kirby.” You mumbled as his hands went soft deciding to stop tugging at their constraints.
Kirby felt his cock throb between your legs as he pressed his head against the headboard of his bed “don’t stop.” He begged feeling your cunt clench around him “want to watch as I rub my clit?” You knew Kirby loved your sensitive little bud. The way he could get you so responsive from the mere flick of his finger had him ready to come in his pants on most days.
He nodded letting out a gasp “you’re so fucking pretty.” His eyes were glued to your cunt as you dropped your two fingers between your legs as you began strumming at your clit as though it was the strings of a guitar “you’re gonna make me come.” You groaned gripping your hand around his lower leg.
Having to watch you as your eyes screwed shut Kirby felt himself whimper “can’t wait to hold you pretty girl.” He confessed eliciting a moan from you once more “I’m close.” You announced feeling your legs begin to shake as you used all of your energy to keep yourself upright.
Kirby felt the same way as he nodded “keep fucking my cock like that.” He ordered feeling himself go as you let out a cry “s-s-shit!” You groaned beginning to writhe against his touch as your eyes rolled back into your head when the coil in your stomach snapped.
Your orgasm had you crashing down against his chest as your body shivered “princess.” Kirby’s voice was soft as he began to steady his breathing watching you almost come back into your body.
It took the remainder of your energy to look up at him as you nodded “you did so good.” He cooed pecking your lips “so fucking hot.” Kirby added as he kissed your head.
You were still on his cock making him struggle to keep in a groan “need you to untie me though.” The hockey player laughed as he could see you were in need of a warm bath with some probable cuddles heading your way.
A smile formed on your lips as you nodded sliding off of his cock as you reached over to untie his left wrist. When the ribbon fell to the bed Kirby didn’t hesitate to cup your cheek so he could kiss you properly. His tongue swiped across your lower lip before you pulled away “want a bath.” You mumbled with your eyes shut.
Kirby smiled hearing those words leave your lips “do my other arm and you’ve got yourself a deal.” He tapped your waist motioning to his other wrist.
As the secondary ribbon came down Kirby began to think about all the ways he could tie you up next time “you coming?” You asked with a giggle as you stood at door of your bathroom crossing your arms as it pushed your breasts up “yeah yeah.” Kirby nodded getting off of your bed.
For now those ideas of a later night in bed would have to wait.
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drysdalesworld · 1 year ago
masterlist ੈ✩‧₊˚
this is my masterlist for this blog! my first blog is @normspellsman if you want to check out my other works! <3
will include hockey & percy jackson related works
request guidelines! <3 (they’re open!)
♡ = fluff | ☹︎ = angst / no comfort | ✧ = comfort | ♢ = suggestive content | ♠︎ = other | ❦ = requested | ❀ = popular
New Jersey Devils —
Nico Hischier
Social Media:
Luke Hughes
Social Media:
puppy love
Jack Hughes
Social Media:
mister pickles
Philadelphia Flyers —
Jamie Drysdale
(pre-trade) always trust the match maker (jamie’s version), part two — ♡ | ☹︎ (ish) | ✧
jamie drysdale x fem!reader ➡︎ in which trevor zegras is the ultimate match maker and proves it to you after your last failed relationship.
sneak peek! | pt. 2
of puppies & jealousy ( ❦)
in sickness & in health
Social Media:
ducks, ducks, ducks (pre trade)
completely serious
to the moon & back
summer lovin’
beautiful girl
hughes + drysdale = 4ever! — ♡ | others tbd
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader ➡︎ the story of jamie drysdale and (y/n) hughes’ relationship told through imagines, blurbs, and social media posts.
drysdalesworld talks about j.drydale:
trev + the kitchen = hazard zone!
reader loves jamie’s freckles
jamie loving reader wholly & completely
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
Social Media:
Kirby Dach
nothing but trouble — ♡ | ☹︎ | ✧
kirby dach x fem!xhekaj!reader ➡︎ in which arber finds out about you & kirby’s relationship. he isn’t very pleased to say the least.
Social Media:
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
orange peel theory
Social Media:
quinn girlie
San Jose Sharks
Macklin Celebrini
Social Media:
Will Smith
Social Media:
William Eklund
Social Media:
drysdalesworld talks about w. eklund:
him as a dad <3
Luca Fantilli
always trust the match maker (luca’s version) — ♡ | ☹︎ (ish) | ✧
luca fantilli x fem!reader ➡︎ in which rutger mcgroarty is the ultimate match maker and proves it to you after your last failed relationship.
“wait, let me get mark!” ➡︎ luca reacting to the tiktok voicemail prank and somehow getting mark involved.
Social Media:
my lover — ❦
them with a highly energetic child
them with a shy & quiet child — ❦
them with a laboring s/o — ❦
names i think they’d give their children
Percy Jackson Universe
Percy Jackson
the sun & it’s shadow — ♡ | ☹︎
percy jackson x platonic!fem!nike!reader ➡︎ the sun needs a shadow, a protégé to continue it’s legacy within it’s presence. the sun can live without its shadow, but it’s shadow cannot live without its sun.
“why are you hanging halfway out your window?” ( ❦ ) ➡︎ in which percy, thalia, & nico catch reader sneaking out to see their partner.
Social Media:
sixteen candles
Clarisse La Rue
Social Media:
terrorizing & love notes
Luke Castellan
work song — ♡ | ☹︎ | ✧
luke castellan x fem!nike!reader ➡︎ luke gave up his dream of seeking vengeance on the gods for you. but at what cost?
curly q’s — ♡ | ❦
luke castellan x fem!hades!reader ➡︎ reader has curly hair that seems to attract every camper in sight, aweing over how pretty it looks. what happens when one day, she isn’t paying attention to him after a whole day of helping fellow curly haired campers?
Social Media:
Fic Recommendations! <3
you’d know — j. drysdale
author: @ohmyeyesmyeyes
had a smile on my face the entire time i was reading this work. it’s so cute & made me giggle 🎀
hey, i can be your boyfriend! — n. hischier
author: @theemporium
the fake dating trope is my literal weakness & never fails to make go absolutely feral. i loved how nico was super respectful of reader yet didn’t let jackson & his shit slide at all. the scene where nico picks reader up after the football/soccer game literally had me foaming at the mouth. their works never fail to make me feel some type of way i swear 💓
the teacher’s always right — q. hughes
author: @captain-huggy-bear
literally melted when quinn said “hi, baby” to reader in front of her students & then proceeded to publicly say “anything for my girl” 🥹😭 i was actually so sad when i finished reading it bc it was so good i didn’t want to stop reading. this entire fic altered my brain chemistry istg
reader is so fr for wanting to prove her students wrong about her dating quinn. i think i’d actually crash out if my students were that relentless in not believing her & in denying the fact that reader is with quinn 😭
apples — l. castellan
author: @indecisivemuch
i literally could not stop cackling when percy asks if reader & luke are engaged. poor boy seemed so confused when reader said no & genuinely didn’t know the rule of thumb when throwing an apple 😭
specifically these parts: “I guess congratulations are in order?” Percy spoke up as you lined up for food the following day. […] “You’re engaged?” you almost dropped your plate at that and gave the son of Poseidon a questioning look. “You proposed to Luke like a week ago?” […] “Uh, in Ancient Greek culture, it’s considered a marriage proposal if a man throws an apple at a lady. But, I mean, it’s the 21st century, so I guess it can work both ways.”
the way luke just took this as an opportunity & RAN with it is hilarious
the way that luke is so enamored with the reader is so refreshing bc in most fanfics (at least in my opinion) you don’t get that aspect as much
true colours — l. castellan
author: @supercutszns
the way you wrote the reader in this had tugged on my heart strings. i could relate to them so hard & just wanted to give them a hug
child of iris!reader is something i never see so this was also refreshing!
the paint subject/scene was written so beautifully. i liked how you wrote both of their aspects & how reader saw it as something embarrassing while luke saw it as something cute & so uniquely (y/n) that he had a whole thing planned out to tell them it was cute & wipe it off their cheek as he did so
the part where he says he only wants reader after they try to tell them that he has so many other options pining after him so why should he like them, was also written beautifully. my heart warmed at that interaction
simp & lovestruck luke castellan is all i need in my life
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year ago
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Two days apart—
Kirby Dach x Reader
Request: Kirby dach x "Just one more hug before you leave? please?" and if possible can you do it where the reader is a pilot and has to go on a long trip for a while! <3
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“I have to start getting ready to go,” she mumbled against his lips, her hands cupping his cheeks as she pulled away from him to be met with a slight whine. Kirby pulled away, a little pout beginning to form on his lips as his forehead dropped to her shoulder, hands squeezing her hips and he gently bit the soft skin of her neck which elicited a gasp from her, “could I convince you to stay?” “And let me lose my job? No, but I’ll be home in two days,” her voice shaky from the feeling of his breath against her skin as she lifted his face from the crook of her neck to press a gentle kiss to his bearded cheek.
She hopped off of the couch and headed in the direction of their shared room, she dug through her dresser, searching for her trousers as she stripped herself of her sweats and shirt. Kirby walked in behind her, a grin on his face as he watched her slip off her clothes leaving her totally exposed to the room, a grin grew on her face as she found her bra and pants and maneuvered her way around their bed to get to her freshly ironed shirt.
He watched silently, her eyes found his, cheeks heating up as she caught a glimpse of the way his stare raked over her silhouette. he continued admiring the little concentrated frown on her face as she tried tondo up the buttons of her dress shirt.
Her eyes found his again as she failed to do up her shirt, a look of pleading on her expression as he smiled softly and walked over to be face-to-face with her. He admired her a little, gaze raking up and down her figure, smirk growing as his thumb swiped over the swell of her breast, her stare grew from loving to pointed as he laughed and began doing up her shirt before pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Stop being romantic and cute,” she mumbled as he pressed a kiss to her collarbone, continuing to do the buttons up to the top, then pressing a kiss to the apple of her cheek, and then her lips before his hand dipped down to find her ass, “I need to be out the door in twenty," “All I need is five minutes,” he pressed another kiss to her jaw. “You’re a freak,” she laughed and kissed him once again before pulling him in the direction of the bathroom.
He sat on the bathroom countertop and watched as she stared at her own complexion in the mirror, gazing with slight intensity, brows furrowed as she pinned her hair up to the most perfect bun, her eyes wandering over to the man watching with love in his eyes. Kirby watched her with adoration as her fingers made quick for of blending in her makeup, blush adorning her cheeks as she looked to her boyfriend for approval, she was met with a hum and a nod as he reached his hand out to run of thumb over the plump of her bottom lip, leaning forward to kiss her gently
She leaned into his touch, and with a soft sigh, he pulled her closer, their embrace a gentle reminder of the time passing by. In each other's arms, they lingered in that tender embrace, as her cherry balm covered lips pressed into his cheek once again.
she looked at her watch, eyes rolling as she pulled away once again, "I need to leave," she whispered into his chest his his grasp on her grew and then let up for her to make her way to their room to grab her bags and coat.
He watched her as she zipped up her coat, and scarf wrapped around her neck as she searched her pockets for her clearance badge and keys. She glanced up at him again, a small frown on his face as she stood in front of him ready to go, "it's only two days and then I'm back, and we have all weekend together before you have to go," she whispered as he nodded. "Too long, way too long to be away from you," he said as she smiled at his whiney tone.
The departure loomed over them like a shadow as she awkwardly waited in the doorway, not too sure of how to say goodbye. "Just one more hug before you leave? please?" he asked, cheeks heating up as she wrapped her arms around him, face buried in his chest as she squished her against his chest and swayed that back and forth. she pulled away first, her hands finding the sides of his face as she pushed herself up on her tiptoes to press a gentle kiss to his lips, melting into his touch as he pulled away to just hold her for a second longer.
"This feels so dramatic," she mumbled into his chest. "Not dramatic, I'm gonna be so lonely." "It's only two nights," she laughed Kirby couldn't help but chuckle softly at her reassurance, though his heart still ached at the thought of her leaving. "I know, but two nights without you feels like an eternity," he admitted with a sigh, his arms tightening around her as if trying to hold onto her presence just a little while longer.
She smiled tenderly at him, brushing her fingers gently against his cheek as she pulled away and collected her things, "I promise I'll be back before you know it." I'll be counting down the minutes until you return," he murmured, pressing a final kiss to her forehead before she headed into the hallway, a sense of longing filled his chest as the door shut behind her.
Two days, that's all, two days and she would be back in his arms
I've never actually written for Kirby before, I made him a bit softer than he probably is, but I thought this was kind of cute :)))
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cuttergauthier · 2 years ago
The Story Of Us
I hope you love it❤️
(These photos do not belong to me, this is all fanfiction)
Kirby Dach X Female Strome Reader
This is apart of the fic The Story Of Us
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Liked by Ynstrome, Dylanstrome and more
KirbyDach New Chapter in Montreal with my girl, excited to get to work❤️
tagged YnStrome
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Ynstrome i love you, excited to be here by your side❤️
→kirbydach i love you more❤️
Dylanstrome good luck man!
→kirbydach thanks Dylan!
Colecaufield Excited to have you here!!!
Montrealcanadians Welcome you two❤️
Taylorstrome we are going to miss you guys❤️
→ynstrome Miss you guys, i’ll be sure to visit Washington as soon as i can❤️
Ryanstrome take care of my sister!!!
→kirbydach I always do!!
B.gally11 Can’t wait to get started!!!
Connormurphy We miss you guys in Chicago already!!!
→ynstrome we miss you guys too❤️
Nicksuzuki Welcome you two!! 
Coltondach wish you guys could have stayed in Chicago until i get there😭
→ynstrome don’t make me cry😭
Jonathantoews Chicago is going to miss you guys!!
Kirbydach & Ynstrome
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Liked by Dylanstrome, Colecaufield and more
KirbyDach & Ynstrome I love you so much & i can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together🤍 also so happy to have had my family there to celebrate the engagement with us🤍
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Kirbydach I love you so much, i can’t wait to marry you❤️
→ynstrome my forever❤️
Taylorstrome So happy for you two, Happy I was there to celebrate with you both❤️
→Ynstrome love you so much❤️❤️
Dylanstrome no one else I'd want for my sister, congrats again ❤️
→kirbydach thanks man!❤️
→Ynstrome love you dyl❤️
Colecaufield So happy for you two❤️
Mamastrome Love you both, can’t wait to have another son❤️
Coltondach ABOUT TIME!!!!!!
Coltondach I’M SO EXCITED ❤️
→kirbydach Love you bro❤️
→Ynstrome love you colt❤️
Jackhughes Congrats man!
CanadiansMlt Congratulations from the habs family❤️
Christiandvorak Happy for you two!!!
B.gally11 they grow up so fast🥲
EmmaFortin So Happy for you two, I can't wait to celebrate🤍
Connermurphy so happy for you both❤️
Alexdebrincat Congrats baby strome & Kirby❤️❤️
→ynstrome thanks Alex, we miss you and the family so much❤️
Mitchmarner Congrats kid!!!❤️
→ynstrome Thanks mitchy, i miss you and steph so much❤️
→Stephlachance we miss you too, i’m so happy for you❤️
Joshanderson Hell yess!!!!
Byangelaprice Yay, so happy for you two❤️
KirbyDach & YnDach
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Liked by Dylanstrome, Colecaufield and more
KirbyDach & YnDach Mr. & Mrs. Dach
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Coltondach Best wedding ever!!!! Welcome to the family sister❤️
Dylanstrome Couldn’t be happier for you two❤️
Ryanstrome Love you both❤️
Canadiensmtl Congratulations ❤️
TaylorStrome The most beautiful Bride🥰
Kirbydach & Yndach
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Liked by Taylorstrome, Byangelaprice and more
Kirbydach & Yndach everyone meet Y/D/N Dach🤍 Yn and I couldn't be happier🤍
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Yndach I couldn’t be happier❤️
→kirbydach Wouldn’t expect anything else❤️
Dylanstrome Wes is excited to meet her niece!!
Taylorstrome So happy for you guys!!🥹❤️
Ryanstrome another niece, I am so excited for you both❤️
B.gally11 when did the kids become parents?
Colecaufield She’s cuter than you Kirby!
→kirbydach i hate you!
→Colecaufield no you don’t!
Nicksuzuki Thank god she looks like her mon and not you!!
Jonathantoews Weren't you a rookie yesterday? Congrats you two, she's adorable🤍
Byangelaprice Congrats from the Price family, we are so happy for you guys❤️
→Yndach we love you guys❤️
Jackhughes Congrats guys!!!
NHL Welcome to the NHL family Y/D/N❤️
Connormurphy congrats you guys, can’t wait to visit!!!!❤️
Alexdebrincat lynds and i will visit with Archie🤍
→yndach can’t wait for you both to meet her soon❤️
Christiandvorak Congratulations!!!
Mitchmarner Congrats you guys, she’s adorable!!🤍
→stephlachance Yn i’m on my way with gifts!!🥹❤️
→Yndach Thanks you two, can’t wait for you guys to meet her🥹❤️
Mamastrome my baby has a baby🤍
→yndach love you mom❤️
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