ectogeo-art · 11 days
gaslight gatekeep girlboss (250 words, rated E) - Ziyal/Kira/Winn. At last, the ship that everyone’s been clamoring for! 😂 Anyways, please enjoy this unhinged fic about microaggressions and retaliation. Kira’s just caught in the middle of Ziyal and Winn’s mutual hatred. <3
Written for the Sapphic Summer ‘24 prompt “taste me when she’s kissing you” and for @startrekfemslashweek Day 7 (free space).
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 months
[Kira/Winn, ~300 words, rated M]
“I’m holding you responsible for this,” Kai Winn huffed haughtily.
Kira restrained herself from rolling her eyes, barely. The Kai had made her own choice to stay on the station after the rest of her Vedek entourage headed back to Bajor by passenger shuttle, to continue chewing Sisko out. It was hardly Kira’s fault that the next shuttle to Bajor had been temporarily grounded for major repairs, nor that all the station runabouts were unavailable too. 
“You’ll be on your way soon,” she said with all the patience in the world.
“That’s not good enough, my child,” Winn condescended. “You know perfectly well that it’s time for someone to tend to me. As the Kai, I must remain an open conduit to the Prophets. Find me a suitable vessel, and all will be well.”
Kira sighed. If Winn didn’t even consider any of the station Ranjens or Prylars suitable, which clearly she did not, then surely she wouldn’t stoop to paying a Dabo girl to fuck her into the rapturous ecstasy that was her duty as Kai to experience regularly. Well, fine. Kira didn’t want to subject anyone else to dealing with Winn’s unpleasantness anyway.
But she did want her Kai to stay open to the Prophets. She’d felt that kind of clarity herself in the throes of her own pleasure, and she knew it was holy…
She stepped forward.
“Am I… suitable?” she asked through gritted teeth. (She found herself half hoping for a no, even though that would entail more work for her.)
Kai Winn glanced her up and down. “You’ll do,” she said, still frowning. She sat down in the nearest chair, then gathered the front hem of her robes and spread her legs apart. 
Kira knelt down, and let the Prophets guide her.
(ao3 link)
(link to my version of the ds9 rarepair ficlet game) (round 2 requests now closed)
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Fic where after Winn goes crawling to Kira for guidance in late S7, she takes her advice and resigns as Kai and tries to find a new way forward for herself
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ectogeo-art · 2 months
not unfaithful, but i’ll stray
[Kira/Winn, triple drabble (300 words), rated T, set during the episode “Strange Bedfellows,” written for @hellostuffedtiger during the Star Trek Femslash Drabbles Exchange 2024]
When the Prophets spoke to Winn plainly for the first time in her life, she’d felt transcendent. The illusion had crumbled quickly, though, and she’d crumbled with it. Pah-Wraiths. Not Prophets.
Broken, lost, she could only think to summon Kira.
Kira: touched by the Prophets, chosen as their vessel in the reckoning that Winn had cut short. If she’d let the battle play out, would Kira have prevailed? Would that have saved her from being tricked by the Pah-Wraiths? (On the other hand, wouldn’t a lesser Kai than her have been deceived sooner?)
Or had she been doomed to stray ever since the Prophet wearing Kira’s body had coldly ignored her?
Kira arrived, interrupting her spiraling thoughts.
In lieu of a greeting, Winn sank to the floor before her, knees cushioned by the layers of her robes. Tear-streaked, she looked up at Kira and clung to her heavily, trying to drag her down. She wanted comfort or, failing that, she wanted to find whatever it was that the Prophets loved about Kira and rip it from her. She was the Kai! She needed it more.
Kira braced herself, keeping her balance. She gazed down at Winn with no malice, only concern. In fact, she used all of her strength to help her back up to her feet, as though she had merely fallen accidentally.
This was too much to bear. How could Kira always be so trusting? It was insulting how effortless she made it seem.
Unsteady but supported, Winn leaned further into her embrace. She kissed her deeply, hoping to drink in some of her holiness and regain the Prophets’ favor.
(Or else to poison the Prophets against Kira by association. Then at least she wouldn’t be forsaken on her own.)
Kira froze… then kissed her like she was worth saving.
[The end! ao3 link]
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ectogeo-art · 1 year
Tomorrow, Winn would storm into Sisko’s office and demand this blasphemous mission be canceled. (Tomorrow, Kira would let her into Ops, avoiding eye contact with everyone.) But for now, Winn just caressed Kira’s delicate ear.
Hey everybody, who wants to read a smutty lil ficlet about Kai Winn and Kira? ^_^
Written for @cardassiangoodreads' prompt for Sapphic Summer '23 and Star Trek Femslash Week 2023 Day 7 (free space)!
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 11 months
fucked up ship bingo, properly this time
Bonus addition: Kirawinn
Thank you!! <3
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They need 2 get weirder with it is like a free space to me, because I always believe this about basically any ship
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 1 year
hopefully this works my wifi is spotty right now
pick whichever ones you like for fucked up ship bingo:
terrible for each other (affectionate) - Siskarak
terrible for each other (derogatory) - kirawinn
they NEED 2 get weirder with it - O’Brien and Sloan (if you’re feeling inspired)
Haha omg I was going to just fill out the chart with my opinions on a ship but I like whatever this is better! I'll just give you some concepts that fit the ships+vibes you've listed, since I think that's what you're getting at <3
terrible for each other (affectionate) - Siskarak
Sisko commanded the computer to delete the personal log. It had been a little bit cathartic confessing to the computer, and he'd certainly had made up his mind about some difficult truths during the course of his ramblings, but he knew that this file couldn't be allowed to persist. It all had to stay between him and Garak. After a few minutes of contemplative silence, he realized that he wasn't quite done talking about it yet though, so he headed for Garak's quarters, hoping it would turn out last contentious than the last time they'd talked.
terrible for each other (derogatory) - kirawinn
Winn seducing Kira to get more insight into the times that the Prophets have spoken to her (not to mention that one time they picked Kira to host one of them in that anime battle against the Pah Wraiths!). Winn jealously craves to hear their voices herself and be their favorite, and instead of learning anything new from hearing about it from Kira she just gets more and more bitter and resentful about not being chosen herself. Maybe she also spitefully tries to convince Kira that all her experiences with the Prophets mean she should have a more spiritual career (we KNOW Kira is a little bit susceptible to this kind of thing from Accession), because she wants her as a Vedek under her thumb and she wants to be able to take credit for any communication Kira has with the Prophets. And maybe it almost works.
they NEED 2 get weirder with it - O’Brien and Sloan (if you’re feeling inspired)
Extreme Measures AU where Sloan can only remember the formula for the changeling disease cure while he's orgasming, but he doesn't manage to say all the instructions for it when he comes at Julian's hands (or whatever he uses...), so it's O'Brien's turn during round 2.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 10 months
for fanfic end of the year asks:
1, 4, 14
Hiii, thanks so much for the ask! <3
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
This is a tough choice but I think my fave from this year is nothing to hide! It's an OMB AU where Garak got downloaded into the program as a holo character too... as a femme fatale character who is Sisko's character's love interest, hehehe. >:3 I also really feel like I outdid myself with the STRUCTURE of the fic - it cuts back and forth between the new version of OMB events and Julian's conversation with Garak later about those events in a really snappy way I think.
4. total number of words you wrote this year
19,236 words posted to ao3 this year! That's about 20-30k less than last year (not as easy to pull the number from my ao3 stats page bc I had two long multichapters that I started before 2022 but finished in 2022 and the words for the whole fic all get counted toward whenever the fic was most recently updated), but I'm trying my damnedest to not let that notable decrease get me too down hahaha. Like, I keep reminding myself that I've def written some absolute bangers this year, so who cares if they were all short?
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Easily, these sordid kinds of things. Genuinely did not expect to ever write Kira/Winn smut lmaoooo. Really glad I did though! I had so much fun exploring the age-old question of "what if we used each other as weapons in a power struggle... and we were both girls? 😳"
(fanfic end of the year asks)
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the-last-dillpickle · 9 months
whump fic where Kai Winn is displeased with/feels disrespected by Kira, and so has her punished...
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KiraWinn Fascination AU
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ectogeo-art · 2 days
Tagged by @nostalgia-tblr
1. What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
T (29), E (27), M (21), G (13).
2. What are your top three fandoms?
DS9 (90). Looks like I anoned my one (1) homestuck fic at some point lmao, so yeah just DS9.
3. What is the top character you write about?
Elim Garak (67).
4. What are your top three pairings?
Garashir (59), Siskarak (9), Sloanshir (5).
5. What are the top three additional tags?
Episode Related (37), Getting Together (23), Fluff (20). I sure do love a fic set during an episode lol
6. Does any of this surprise you?
I was expecting a greater percentage of E-rated fics tbh! (Also, wow, if I just write one more kirawinn fic it could tie with Sloanshir for third place in my most written pairings??? Incredible. Probably it would just be temporary though, bc I have so many sloanshir wips lol.)
Tagging @sapphosewrites @ernmark and anyone who sees this and wants to do it.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 10 months
for fanfic end of the year asks
16. (you can list them all or give me a count total of the # of stories you wrote this year.)
😈. (My own question). All the ships you wrote this year and the number of times you tagged for each.
Hehehe yaaaay, more questions, thank you! ^_^ (fanfic end of the year asks)
[EDITED on Dec 31, 2023 to account for my insane December writing binge]
16. fic(s) you completed this year
31 fics!!! 7 of those were drabbles (that is, exactly 100 words long, which is what drabble means), 3 of them were written for a challenge that strictly limited the length to 250 words, and the other 21 were one-shots of varying length. I'm grouping them like this because the word count limitations def produces a different style of fic than when I can just write as many words as I need in order to tell the story I want to tell. XD Anyway, I've also included brief notes after each fic title about which fic is which, bc I can never remember my own fic titles so how can I expect you to, lmaooo.
wrapped up in books: the mortifying ordeal & hearts on a shelf (Garashir + books)
your move (Garashir + board games)
With a Bow (Garashir + gift giving)
Presence (Garashir pre-slash + The Wire)
waiting in vain (Sloan POV Garashir)
dirty little secret (ITPM Siskarak)
250-word ficlets
intergrown (Kireiko + the trauma of pregnancy)
all the things she said (Kireiko + cheating)
these sordid kinds of things (Kirawinn + power plays)
the rest of my fics
cover your hand with mine (Garashir fake dating to real dating speedrun)
the next thirty (old married Garashir)
on point like a laser (OMB Garashir)
The Inherent Homoeroticism of Citizenship Paperwork (post-canon Garashir + greencard marriage. by me and @sapphosewrites)
Whisper a Dangerous Secret (Garashir + secrets. also by me and sapphose)
home is wherever I'm with you (Garashir + Garak exile angst + Second Skin)
The Chloe Aka Incidents: nothing to hide & only bought this dress so you could take it off (OMB AU feat. holo!Siskarak and Garashir getting together)
save me from the dark (Garashir + mad scientist Julian bringing Garak back to life + The Wire)
the world will never take my heart (Garashir pre-slash + Julian getting beat up by Jem'Hadar + In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light)
uninvited (Sloan vs Garak + Garashir)
sleeping with the enemy (Goran'ashir)
a little less alone (Garak/Odo)
conduit (Kirawinn crack fic + sexual religious ceremonies)
nightmare (Sloanshir + noncon somno)
seat of power (one-sided Disko with Dukat wanting desk sex)
physical (Garashir + infirmary sex)
lose the battle, win the war (Sloanshir + Julian letting Sloan fuck him as part of a plan to bring down s31)
don't rain on my parade (Garashir + OMB + airplane sex + so much cum)
the calm after the storm (Garashir getting together + haircuts + post-IPS/BIL)
expectant (Garashir + pregnancy kink + the episode Cardassians)
😈. (My own question). All the ships you wrote this year and the number of times you tagged for each.
Oooh, I love your question 😈 <3 Here's all the ship tags I used on my fics for the year:
Julian Bashir/Elim Garak (21) Elim Garak/Benjamin Sisko (2) Kira Nerys/Keiko O'Brien (2) Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan (2) Kira Nerys/Winn Adami (2) Dukat/Benjamin Sisko (one-sided) (1) Elim Garak/Odo (1) Julian Bashir/Goran'Agar (1) Elim Garak & Luther Sloan (1) Hippocrates Noah/holo!Elim Garak (1) lowkey unrequited sloanshir (1) (this is the only freeform tag I used this year I'm including, and just because it amuses me ^_^)
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 6 months
Fanfiction first lines game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
Thanks for the tag, @cardassiangoodreads!
sunshine bouquet (Garashir, G, drabble)
Julian collapsed on his couch, arm flung over his face.
not unfaithful, but i'll stray (Kirawinn, T, triple drabble)
When the Prophets spoke to Winn plainly for the first time in her life, she’d felt transcendent.
chirality (Kira/Intendant, E, triple drabble)
The Intendant stood up from the bath, waving away the servants who moved in to wrap her in a towel.
every breath you take (Sloanshir (one-sided) + Garashir, M, 1598 words)
Julian blinked blearily, unimpressed.
going up, going down (Siskarak, E, 923 words)
Sisko’s head fell back against the turbolift wall and his mouth opened in audible pleasure. 
A Professional Interest (Sloanshir + implied Garashir, E, 1834 words)
“What is it this time, Sloan?” his captive groaned upon returning to consciousness. 
Deserted (Garashir, T, 2569 words)
Red lights flashed and consoles blared angry warnings.
touch (Garashir, T, 4769 words)
“Elim will never love you, you know.”
dirty little secret (Siskarak, T, drabble)
Seducing him while they collaborated on the business of luring the Romulans into the war had merely been practical.
expectant (Garashir, M, 465 words)
For all the sex he'd had with Garak, he still didn't know much about Cardassian reproduction.
It seems like I like to open with a description of action, like someone doing something, or something dramatic happening. I also def start a fair amount of fics with stuff that attempts to set up the aspects of characterization or character dynamics I'll be exploring. I do start with dialogue sometimes, but not often. (Also, wow, that last one is kind of a banger huh? Well done, me, lmao.)
I tag @sapphosewrites! I also tag uhhhh anyone who wants to do this. (I genuinely can't remember who else likes these kinds of tag games.)
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 2 months
just wanted to drop in and say i'm loving the kirawinn posting, toxic yuri rules
YES. GOOD. I’m glad you appreciate me flooding your dash with kirawinn posts haha, you clearly have great taste in ships, like me. Toxic yuri is so important and fun. ^_^ <3
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the great thing about KiraWinn is that it could easily both be portrayed as sweet or have a bite depending whatever you’re in the mood for
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the-last-dillpickle · 10 months
Every time I see you reblogged my fever induced KiraWinn I wish to be back in that state to write more
❤️ I wish my fevered mind could produce such art as yours
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