#kiramei blue
tokusongs · 8 months
"Turn Courage Into Music", from Mashin Sentai Kiramager (2020). Performed by Kiramei Band: Kiramei Yellow/Imizu Tametomo (Kihara Ryu) on vocals, Kiramei Red/Atsuta Juru (Komiya Rio) on guitar, Kiramei Green/Hayami Sena (Shinjo Yume) on keyboards, Kiramei Blue/Oshikiri Shiguru (Mizuishi Atomu) on bass, and Kiramei Pink/Oharu Sayo (Kudo Mio) on drums.
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mofffun · 1 year
23/7 Kingohger Summer Stage REPO
11:00 Hero show
11:30 Cast Talk
11:40 Waking the King + OP live
~shake hands with heroes for purchase >2000~
Full cast.
I got here at 10:40am so the queue was already rather long. the paying tickes is numbered up to 1000 but you can watch the event for free as well since it's outdoors. Naturally I was standing further back (even though I didn't queue up yesterday.) Kinda feels like there's more people? but that'd be weird because there were geats-only fans yesterday too. maybe it's the sunday.
Hero show
part 1:
So the first part is Hero Show, but it's more just an interactive session. Act 1 has Red Yellow Blue fighting two foot soliders. Gira got a solo fight and then it's the Yan Hime combo fight. Shipper lens ON. Himeno did a cart wheel holding onto Yanma and Yanma princess carried Himeno for a spin attack while she ojousana-laugh! Yanma complimented on Himeno ("Yarujanika" "arigatou")
part 2:
Then the MOTW aka Bug Host shows up and makes small talk with the audience. He's a lot of fun, questioned if we really like Kingohgers so much and hate the Bugnaroks so bad, then asks again and says bugnarok fans can get presents. He also keeps reminding the crowd to beware of heat stroke and drink water. Even commented that "looks like there're a lot of idling adults at the back" haha.
A boy and a girl, both 4 years old are invtied to play musical chair on stage. The girl cried at the first round when the foot soldier took her seat. So the host pulled the boy aside and give him the "men should be kind to girls talk" while the foot soldier plays peekaboo to cheer her up. But they both sat on the seat in second round anyway. However the gift bag they won is 01 and Kiramei cutlery and stationery 😂 According to host, those are for "leftover stock for adult reasons"
Part 3:
Dango Mushi Jim is the MOTW.
the whole team appears on the stage and did the Kingohger Spell from ep10. Maybe it's just that line but Himeno's audio here sounds like it's cut from the ep. Rita also did the "taskforce" speech so it connects to Gira calling "Ohsama Sentai" and the others responding "Kingohger". Kaguragi gets a solo fight with his ep4 speech.
What I love about Papillon's suit action is they can't always wait for the enemy to come at them in order to fit the "immovable" image. they don't rotate in himeno's sense but they rotate to always face the enemy (himeno's earth versus rita's moon if you will) and always keeps the enemy at sword's length. Both today and G-Rosso's Rita-sama is good at fighting with just one hand and they'd put their other hand holding the cape at the back of their waist and that is so good. love that move where they hit the MOTW in the face with the pommel of the sword.
Blue and Yellow reappears and THE FIRST THING, Himeno runs to ask if Rita is ok. <3 They brought Rita offstage so it's Gira's solo.
the team gathers again and INFERNO plays. Gira ask everyone to do the finisher together but Yanma kicks him. Then they do the finisher together.
This Yanma is the tallest and has the most movement during the dance. Rita's steps the bottom limit of what is consider a step and their legs would not move fro the arm shakes.
Gira in suit is so cute he saw a kid dressed as Gira and excitedly waved and pointed to himself with Rita. who simply nodded. this went on three times.
Rita's wave is your old-man-government-leader wave. 90 degrees elbows/shoulder, palm 90 degrees turn between facing themself and their left.
Cast Talk
matsumoto hiroya hosting.
to be called "Sukapon Tanuki" to my face... shiawase!
声小さい! *crowd cheers* *Yanma turns his back to the crowd but gives thumbs up high in the air*
Kaku introduced himself in Jeramie's voice "Kaguragi Dybowski, lordly king of this country Toufu... tosa."
Jeramie has to repeat now (name/a storytellier behind the times tosa.) so he follows up with the opening narration, than Kagu immediately interrupts him with a "too long!" to which Masahi: "Otto"
Part 1: Movie
Q1: memories about filming
Gira: performing with Sakurai-san (Debonica). the cast knew her from reputation and especially Himeno is jealous-in-a-good-sense about Taisei getting to work with her a lot.
Q2: with Hinagata Akiko (Iroki)
Kaku: (pretty much the same answer as yesterday) She is an approchable person so it seems she's quite different from the character setting before filming starts, but once on the job, there's an evil ruler aura about her.
Q3: RBP with Nakamura Shido (Rainoir)
Taisei said "Aoto and Yuzuyan"
something about his professionalism
one thing that made Aoto very happy is Nakamura's son's fave is Tonbo Ohger.
Erica was great at fanservice! She's always looking off stage and waved and made finger hearts at the crowd. I think as a model she's just really good at locating where the camera is.
Erica spoke of the assets and CG specifically made for the movie that impressed her, then asked the audience to raise their hands if they'll see it in theaters. She interacted with the audience like this again towards the end.
Yuzuki talked about seeing a new side of Rita again (pretty much same as bandai ad). It was fresh for her to film something different than TV's Rita. (I wonder if one'd use 'fresh' to describe it if they're just being their usual self but in front of the camera?)
Yuzuki is not very good at answering questions on the spot so sometimes either she says a lot of filler words or her greeting and answers to promotional questions that have been asked a thousand times sound rehearsed.
Yzy and So are truly close friends. they'd chat off-mic and at one point So pointed at Rita fans in the crowd for Yuzuki.
Part 2: Questions from cast members
Q1: "これからも一緒に頑張ろう 碧斗❤" (Let's keep on working hard together. from Aoto❤) Host reads out the heart too.
Kagu tsukkomi said hey that's not a question, let's hear some questions
Q2: To Kaguragi, why muscles? from Jeramie.
Masahi: 気になる I really want to know that
So: (Jeramie voice) Do you want to come to the world of muscles too? Muscles are good for you ;D 筋肉はいいよ
Q3: みんなへ 好きな季節は? りたっち To everyone, what is your favourite season? Rittachi
(Yuzuki's last ig/cl live mentioned nicknames people called her. Yuzuchi was on the list but at the very last because only close friends from home would call her that. new people she met after entering the proffesion don't usually use it. those that called her Yuzuchi called her that day one they met. IIRC)
So: Summer. Though it's hot, what a nice time to hear sounds of life like cicada.
Host: suddenly became a serious/adult-like conversation?
Yzy:(host made fun of Rittachi) for Rittachi of course it's winter.
Taisei: Girachi is winter
Erica: [Moffun voice] Himechi is spring.
crowd/host doesn't really get moffun at first but yuzuki pointed it out.
[Host asks how to chi-ify Aoto's name] Aochi is summer. Because I get to meet everyone みんなと会いえる + *walks backstage index finger & arm raised*
Q4: 好きなセリフものまね immitate your favourite lines (of another character)
So: Ah I wrote that? Yzy: (tsukkomi) Did you forget?
host: (sth like) you want to do it so bad you did just that haha
So: well then I'll do Gira. "一草一木" line. eh what's next? Taisei follows up to "jakku no ou Gira!"
Erica: Kono Sukapon Tanuki! (i rmb she did the same thing in an interview but i forgot whcih. literally SO adorable my health bar is out)
Aoto repeast the tanuki line
Aoto: O~RE~WA~ JER~RA~MIE.... (make every syllable long like a skipping kindergardtener, got complained doesn't sound like jeramie at all)
Yzy: (in her own voice) ただわがままに 我が道を行く (himeno's catchphrase) (ah... so this is the world where yuzuki's got himeno's role...)
Masahi: (full kabuki face + gestures) Kaguragi Dybowski!
So and Yzy tsukkomi with the usual So Tsukkomi Pose.
Taisei: Then I'll do Onii-chaan! (He said Onii-chan yesterday too [CRY]) Shugoddom's King, Racules Husty. I am the nation. (same as relay interview)
the ep10 cockpit roll call! with jera! (evil king, wise king, queen of beatuy, bounty lord, immovable sovereign, king of the in-betweens)
Music live
original singer of Waking the King. I know he's experienced but he seemef to be quite popular? suddenly a rush of cheers from behind me when he appeared on stage. But his pitch and control was so good though. I like this insert a lot too and the first verse is just his vocals over piano and instantly gave me goosebumps.
he also sang the OP that he described as "a challenge". The cast reappeared after the singer asked us to "called for Kingohgers from your heart!"
The cast came holding their plushies and promote them.
They danced up to before the chorus then walked off-stage to greet the audience. They pretty much went around the whole paid area. Aoto was especially eager to wave at the audience. (It's between his blue hair and Kagu's head that I can spot from the back)
the dance was the energetic version from new op. The suit actors did the in-character dance before them.
When they came back onto stage after greeting, Taisei said something/bumped into Yuzuki and she did her 'clap knees laugh' thing.
Then it's the closing words (your usual "thank you for coming in the heat", "please support us and the film") and a group photo + countdown tiktok with the audience.
Aoto waved back during to the crowd during the photo and Yuzuyan said thank you after taking the tiktok.
there's a kid with a pillbug taxi prop in the front and a kid dressed as Shiokara with his baby brother as Gira. + girls in yellow princess dresses.
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tsunflowers · 22 days
So, incredibly funny/meta follow-up to the submission from a bit ago about the Oshi no Ko anime indirectly causing me to learn that Enstar Arashi's VA (Ryō Kitamura) was also Niram/Kamen Rider Gazer in Geats:
The current arc of the anime, where there character put on a "2.5D Stage Play" adaptation of a manga, is now getting an IRL "2.5D Stage Play" adaptation! And Ryō Kitamura is playing one of the characters!!! (https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-08-28/oshi-no-ko-manga-gets-stage-play-for-2.5d-stage-play-arc/.214883)
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It's also Staring Juuru Kiramei Red as the MC Aqua
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And Ryuji Blue Buster as the in-universe play's writer whose a central focus of the first part of the arc
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I love that the stageplay arc of oshi no ko is getting an irl stageplay. that's so delightfully meta and it seems perfect for oshi no ko
but man I would never in a million years have realized that was juuru kiramaired with both the blond wig AND the aqua contacts
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timetoddddavis · 1 year
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@lunar-gltch ok so you can totally watch any Garo season for sexy monsters*, but I think the best place to start Garo is at the beginning with the first season. The first two seasons (plus a couple movies) are one continuous story, which is then continued in season 4. You can watch seasons 3 and 5 on their own, but those seasons follow their own continuity, which has slightly different rules as to how everything works, and a very different vibe.
However, if you were gonna only ever watch one thing of Garo to get its vibe, I'd point you at the Zero: Black Blood miniseries.
*that specific character is from Makai no Hana, the fourth season. But he (arguably) isn't a monster, he's just wearing armor, because that is a Makai Knight, which are the main characters/heroes of the show. His name is Crow, and he's played by the guy who played Kiramei Blue!
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Juru: Kiramei-king!
Juru: *drawing intensifies*
Juru: *presents his drawing to some blue diamonds*
*The room is filled with piñatas*
Juru: Otanjoube Omedetou!
Kiramagers: Otanjoube Omedetou!
Juru: Saa, now everyone they are filled with candies, destroy them and you get loads and loads of candies.
Chidlren: Yay!
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That's so cute asdfghjkl
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flavored-water · 2 years
I realize it might look like my favorite kiramei is blue. Untrue. It is actually green
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Blue Is Best
↳ Mashin Sentai Kiramager - Shiguru Oshikiri - Kiramai Blue
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sweetieangel300 · 4 years
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What is happening? Why is he crying? I have so many questions. Since the next kiramager episode is Shiguru focused, I'm expecting more Shiguru suffering.
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We won't be getting to Kiramager for a while yet, but I hope that Silver guy knows that I love and support him and whatever the fuck his deal is.
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brokenhardies · 3 years
my top five most skilled rangers;
inspired by a video on clock app
rules are as follows; no doubling up (so one for each season), no repeated colors, sentai is on the table
5. Shigeru Oshikiri/Kiramei Blue - Mashin Sentai Kiramager
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4. Jen Scotts/Time Force Pink - Power Rangers Time Force
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3. Shou Ronpo/RyuViolet - Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
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2. Cam Watanabe/Green Samurai Ranger - Power Rangers Ninja Storm
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honorable mentions;
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tommy oliver/green ranger/white ranger/zeo v red/turbo red i/dino thunder black
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adam park/black ranger ii/zeo iv green/turbo green
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jason lee scott/red ranger i/zeo gold ranger
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gia moran/megaforce yellow/super megaforce yellow
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satoru akashi/boukenred
1. Doggie Cruger/SPD Shadow Ranger - Power Rangers SPD
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radroller · 3 years
Shiguru Kiramei Blue yelling the loudest YAMERO and then looking like he’s gonna burst into tears
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shiguru kiramei blue is exactly how hiiro brave should have been
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bigdrchief · 3 years
Mashin Sentai Kiramager is a hilarious series, that despite its flaws is still a good show to watch.
And considering how most of the team were celebrities, I could not help but think...
What if the Miraculous team were Kiramagers?
Starring Marinette Dupain-Cheng as: “Inspiration Sparkling! Kiramei Red!”
Chloé Bourgeois as: “Precise Speaking! Kiramei Yellow!”
Max Kanté as: “Vigorous Programming! Kiramei Green!”
Adrien Agreste as: “Edge Perfectable! Kiramei Blue!”
Rose Lavillant as: “Singing Incredible! Kiramei Pink!”
“Arriving in a spark! Solving in a flash! Mashin Sentai Kiramager!“
...I just think the idea is neat is all.
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tokupedia · 5 years
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For those asking why Kiramei Pink and Blue have different road sashes compared to the others..
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Some airport runways have long lines on some of its landing strips to help guide pilots....
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While roads for cars have spaced out lines to indicate that a driver can change lanes.
Pink and Blue have aircraft, while Red, Green and Yellow have land vehicles. Its an indicator of what types of vehicles they operate!
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asknarashikari · 4 years
Minific: Ex-aid cast and Shinnosuke meet the kirameigers, (specifically Shinnosuke and Emu meet Juuru)
I’m going to be working off this older prompt that I already did, I hope you don’t mind! I don’t think I’ll be able to fit in Shinnosuke though 😂
Tametomo’s eyes bulged out as he digested what was just relayed to him. “What? M’s here? The Genius Gamer M?! And he challenged me?!”
“Y-Yes?” the organizer of the event replied nervously. “You can turn it down, of course, but-”
“No way!” the gamer protested. “I’m not going to turn down a chance to play against M, of all people! Count me in!”
“O-Okay Sir. We’ll set everything up, and we’ll inform you when it’s ready!” 
The woman hurried away chattering into her headset, while Tametomo turned back to his teammates starry-eyed. “Can you believe it guys? M wants to play against me! Me! The fans are gonna love this!”
“Congratulations, Tametomo,” Sayo said sweetly, as Sena cheered jumping up and down excitedly. Shiguru merely smirked and gave the other a smack on the back to wish him good luck.
“Uh... who is M, anyway?” Juuru asked, innocently confused.
Tametomo turned to him, affronted. “You haven’t heard of Genius Gamer M?” he gasped loudly. “What rock have you been living under?! He’s only the greatest gamer to come out of Japan in the last decade!”
“Even I’ve heard of him,” Shiguru put in. “They say that there isn’t a game he couldn’t beat- but he hasn’t been seen in the professional gaming circuit for a while. Apparently he went to med school and became a doctor.”
“Sounds about right,” said a guy that came up from behind Shiguru, startling him enough that the seemingly stoic man shrieked, collided with him and sent them both to the floor in a heap.
“Ah, I’m so sorry about my friend, he’s-” Tametomo stammered in embarrassment as he and the others helped both of them up. 
“It’s okay. It’s not like I don’t trip on my own feet often enough.” The other man waved off. He was a young man, wearing a bright green shirt with a yellow Wonder Swan print, pink skinny jeans and a pair of mismatched checkered sneakers- one blue and one red. “Hi. I’m Hojo Emu, by the way.”
“Ah. Pleased to meet you-”
“Oi, Genius Gamer M!” A girl wearing platform-heel sneakers stomped up to him and kicked him in the shin, making him double over. “Why did you go and run off without us?”
“Ow, Nico, what the hell...” 
Tametomo, however, had already put two and two together. “Wait! You’re Genius Gamer M?!” he yelled, pointing at Emu.
“Y-Yes?” Emu replied, rubbing the spot where he was kicked at. “You’re Tametomo-kun, right? Pleased to meet you.” Tametomo looked ready to faint.
“Never mind that,” Nico interrupted, grabbing Emu by his arm and pulling him away from the group. “There’s some freakazoid monster things attacking outside!”
“What?” Emu yelled, sounding alarmed and letting himself be dragged out the convention center. He looked back over his shoulder to yell out, “Stay here you guys! We’ll be right back!”
As Emu and Nico disappeared down the hall, the Kirameigers looked at each other and nodded, a wordless agreement, then followed the pair outside. 
Sure enough, there was Bechats crawling in the plaza surrounding the convention hall, harassing terrified fans and destroying the elaborately decorated grounds made to look like scenes from various video games. At the center of the attack was a Jamenshi that looked like an old-school arcade cabinet.
“Let’s go, everyone!” Juuru called, pressing the red button on his Kiramei Changer. 
“Kiramei Change!” the group said in unison.
“Eh?” The Kirameigers questioned, looking around, only to see Emu looking back at them as well, a strange contraption on his waist. 
His eyes widened as he watched them transforming into their sparkling, multi-colored suited forms. Then, it was the Kirameigers’ turn to be surpised as, moments later, Emu transformed into a cartoonish mascot-like suit with big, anime eyes and pink hair. 
The Kirameigers and Emu stared at each other in shock, both parties going silent. Even the Jamenshi and Bechats stopped in their tracks, and looked at them in confusion.
Then, the moment sunk in. “EEEEEEEH? YOU TRANSFORMED?!” all six yelled, pointing at each other.
“Well yeah, I transformed, I’m Ex-Aid-” Emu said. “You guys are so shiny, why are you guys so shiny?!”
“We’re the Kirameigers- wait, why are you asking why we’re shiny, you’re the one who looks like a freaking chibi!” the hotheaded Tametomo demanded. “And is that a game controller on your chest?!”
“Oi,” Nico, who was hiding behind a wide column just behind everyone, hissed loudly at them all. She pointed at the Yodon Army forces still frozen in surprise. “Deal with those things first, then you can ask questions later!”
“...You’re right,” Emu said, shaking himself. “Let’s fight together, Kirameigers!” He offered his (very large and clunky) hand out to Juuru, who shook it after a moment’s hesitation.
“R-Right!” the red warrior called, drawing his sword. Ex-Aid took out his own weapon, a hammer with two buttons on the side. “Let’s go, everyone!” 
*After defeating the Yodon Army and Emu kicking Tametomo’s ass in a game*
Tametomo sulked, sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to his face, still grumbling about his loss to Genius Gamer M, while Sena and Nico poked at him trying to coax him out of his a corner of gloom.
“Eh? You’re only in high school, Juuru-kun?” Emu shrieked, looking somewhat horrified. 
“Y-Yeah...” Juuru laughed nervously. “Everyone’s been helping me so I can fight better... it’s a bit hard, but I’ve been able to manage so far...”
Emu frowned. “Have you been getting enough rest, then? Eating well? And your schoolwork hasn’t suffered?”
“...Huh?” Juuru asked. 
“Juuru-kun, it’s nice to know that someone like you is saving the Earth and all. You’re not even the first person I know who was this young when they were fighting. It’s great that your teammates are helping to train you, but it can’t be at the expense of your well-being.” Emu told him.
“...Ah. There it is...” Nico said, abandoning Tametomo to his corner of woe to watch Emu fuss over Juuru instead. “Mama Emu has finally emerged.”
“...‘Mama Emu’?” Sayo questioned.
“He’s like that with the other Kamen Riders, too. Even his senpai, that’s why they call him their mom friend.” Nico explained, with a slight snicker. “Some of them unironically call him their mom even.” 
She shook her head. “Your friend better beware. Once Emu decides to adopt you, there’s no escaping his nagging.” Nico laughed some more. “And... he may just convince his ‘husband’ to adopt him too.”
“...Emu’s married?” Shiguru tilted his head.
“Nope.” Nico grinned. “Did I mention that he basically co-parents a whole generation Kamen Riders with the one who happens to be a cop?”
Sayo and Shiguru exchanged a look, then glanced back at Emu who was fussing over Juuru, who was getting more and more flustered. 
‘Good luck, Juuru...’ they mentally wished for their youngest member.
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thevvking · 4 years
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Actors with multiple roles in toku: Mizuishi Atomu
Phantom Knight CROW (GARO : The Makai Flower, 2014).
Oshikiri Shiguru/Kiramei Blue (Mashin Sentai Kiramager, 2020-2021).
He also played Sakuma Ryuichi/Another Fourze in Kamen Rider Zi-O.
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